Paladins Season 7 Item Tier List! (Opinion)

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hey what's going on guys this is Andrew chicken and welcome back to another video at the end of season 6 I made an item tier list ranking each of the items in order of their effectiveness and little did I know that an item sore rework would be right around the corner and I'd have to completely remake this tier list in a few months but the time has come for us to finally crack on with making an item store tier list for season 7 with all the brand new items a lot of things have changed but some things remain the same so let's just get started but before we rank any of the items of course we do have to go through a few disclaimers and also explain how the list works it's a very straightforward list sa a b c d d tier is for items that you pretty much never want to pick up they're kind of just a waste of space and they desperately need Buffs C tier is for the items that are very Niche they can be helpful but they're just rarely ever picked up and they're not generically super useful B tier is for the items that are pretty average they're decent in some situations good on some characters bad on others and well yeah they're average nothing more to say a tier is for the items that are really really good you pick them up a lot of the time but they're not Universal they're not omnipresent and there are still some situations where you wouldn't necessarily want to pick these items up but when you do pick them up they're very powerful very good and you want to buy these a lot and then s tier is for the items that are dominating The Meta and are just really really good options for pretty much every character there's almost no situation where you wouldn't want to pick this up and in a lot of cases it is a mandatory item for a lot of characters in this game so s tier is the cream of the crop best of the best now before we actually place the items as well I want to say that this is just an opinion tier list of course and just like with all my opinion tier lists it's absolutely fine if you disagree I would love to hear your respectful criticism in the comment section down below but of course I ask that you please keep it civil there's always one or two people that always take the tier lists a little bit too seriously and they get really heated in the comments please don't be that guy but with all that being said let's get started so up first we have one of the reworked items and that is arcane warding which is kind of a tricky one to start off the tier list with because it's a very powerful item but it's also very Niche it scales very very high giving you 30% damage reduction versus ability damage but the thing about the damage split in this game between abilities and weapons is that most damage comes from the weapons so you rarely ever actually pick this up when you buy it it's super super helpful very effective and of course you can stack it with armor plating if you're up against a team that you just want to be really really tanky against and I mean it's just disgusting so I think to start things off we'll probably put this in B tier although it may be subject to change later on in the list once we get a few more items placed on here but I think B is a decent place to put it because yes it is very very powerful in the right situation it's just not that often that you want to pick it up might possibly have a case for going down to see but we'll just leave it here for now and we'll move on to the exact opposite of uh Arcane warding armor plating which is the exact opposite both in terms of that it affects the opposite thing it affects weapon damage but also because it's one of the easiest items to place on the entire tier list EAS s tier for armor plating armor plating is basically Old Haven and Old Haven was let me double check my list yeah it was the number one item in the old item store in season 6 and uh it just got stronger pretty much in season 7 they buffed its Effectiveness they really buffed its price and well yeah it only affects weapon damage so some abilities are left unaffected but the vast vast majority of damage in this game comes from weapon damage especially from characters like Leon or mave or sha Lin who do pretty much all of their damage with their weapon attacks so this makes you really really tanky versus all those characters and still generally very tanky even if you're up against someone like immani or Drogo who does have a better ability damage split so Haven was an S tier armor plating easy easy s tier and it'll probably remain at the top of s tier for the entire rest of the list and now it must be opposite day or something because the next item is the total opposite of armor plating bloodbath formerly known as kill to heal is the probably the only deter item that I'll be putting on this list used to be Guardian it was Guardian in the last list but that item got buffed bloodbath is absolutely tragic in the season 7 item shop it is not good at all it basically is like a modified version of the old version of kill to heal if you remember the old old version of kill to heal the one that scaled at 900 but was still affected by ciz that's basically what this item does it scales up to 900 Health uh every time you get a kill it's affected by cauterize so unlike the other version which was 600 healing but unaffected by cauterize right lot of versions to keep track of in your head but the added effect of bloodbath is that if you get an elimination an assist right not a killing blow you will heal the person who got the killing blow for the same amount so let's say I'm playing genos I heal Victor Victor goes into get AEL my blood bath will heal him for a burst of 900 however this item is the most expensive item in the item shop at 300 credits which is insane for what it does that is ridiculously expensive and I believe the price is like that to lock it so you know the entire team can't just all buy blood bath and then be healing each other like crazy but the fact of the matter is right now the way this item works it is just not worth it most characters aren't incentivized to buy this because a lot of characters want to get the killing blows and if they get the killing blows they're only going to be healing themselves they're not going to be healing their teammates and it's not worth it to spend 300 credits just for an item that's basically like the old crappy version of kill to heal and for the characters that it's theoretically good on it's only a very minor bonus to their healing for such a massive credit sync that it's also just not worth it so please do not buy blood bath it's a terrible item and it desperately needs a buff I just realized cauterizes here oops next up we have bulldozer and this item has not been changed at all so its position is going to remain exactly the same in C tier the reason why this is a c tier item is because it is very helpful it's just very very very very Niche because most of the time you don't need help destroying deployables there are very few characters that have deployables and most of them are irrelevant they're not worth shooting and in the rare case that you do have a bunch of deployables you want to shoot it is helpful but it's only helpful on certain characters because it's a damage buff to your weapon and some characters just don't have weapons that are cut out for shooting deployables usually you want to buy it on someone who can clear them out very quickly like a blaster but other characters who have low damage output probably aren't good enough to pick up bulldozer on so it's very very Niche it's not bad enough to be in D tier because it does scale well it's very cheap it's just not a super common item because deployables are simply usually decently weak in this game you don't really need help destroying them next up we have Kronos and this is another item that remains exactly the same and because it's exactly the same it's going to go in the same spot right behind armor plating in s tier Kronos is an S tier item for obvious reasons almost every single character in the game benefits tremendously from this item it's mandatory on most supports Furia Grover Gro malamba you name it right and it's also very very good on a lot of tank play Styles a lot of Tanks want to pick it up like Aon or tval or half shell mobo right so this is just an excellent item for both of those classes but it can even be helpful on flanks and damage Champions some flanks like Vora Wormhole Eevee they like Kronos some damage Champions like dros like Kronos you almost can't go wrong picking up this item the only real downside is that it's the most expensive item in the item store tied with bloodbath but unlike bloodbath this actually provides a major boost to your Effectiveness in the match so nothing more to say s TI it goes next up we have de hands and de hands got a little bit cheaper in the season 7 item store it scales exactly the same because there's no need to buff the scaling the cap is 60% so you can't go higher than de H 3 but de hands in my last tier list was in B tier and I think it'll remain in B tier but it'll probably move up a little bit in B tier compared to some of the other items because de hands uh yeah it's cheaper now it's more affordable on a lot of characters and on some characters it does feel really good characters that have to reload a lot with long reload animations like bomb King and dxus they enjoy it pip is really good with de hands CU he needs to shoot his teammates to heal them and so there are cases where you do want to pick up de hands and if you already have some of your items uh your core items that you need like armor plating de hands being cheaper makes it a lot safer you have an option to pick up and it is a boost to your uh damage output and it can also help save you in a duel with someone if you get caught needing to reload in the middle of a fight having a faster reload definitely helps it's not attainable for everybody because some characters straight up don't need to reload and uh it's not always your number one choice to go to but it is a good choice it's there uh just not a priority item and now we have Guardian guardian got one of the biggest Buffs in the season 7 item store this is the previous holder of the D tier mud Crown it used to be the item in D tier it is definitely not going in D tier though Guardian is ultimately still going to be a very Niche item so it's not going to move up too much because it can only be purchased on characters who have really worthwhile Shields to buy it on technically every character can buy it now because Tech technically every character can get a shield with sensel but is only good on tanks maybe Vivian if you're a weirdo but uh yeah it's it's usually picked up on a character like toal or Fernando who have really beefy Shields and a lot of emphasis on Shield based gameplay due to its scaling buff it now is much more worthwhile even though rer does counter it it will help make your Shields a lot tankier and it's also a lot cheaper it's actually cheaper than rer now which is also very good so I'm kind of debating whether or not I want to throw it in C tier or B tier because it is a very Niche but on those characters it can be good so I think I will put it in C tier but I think I'll put it above bulldozer and C tier because I think it needes a bit more gameplay and a bit more value than bulldozer it's just super super Niche so we're going to leave it here now we have horde the first brand new item in the item store and this is a bit of a weird one because it's an item that causes you to spend credits in order to make credits and it's another very Niche item in fact I'm just going to drop it here and then explain why I think it's such a niche item first of all you only can buy horde in a long match where you know you're going to get a return on your investment because well it is a credit sync and if the match doesn't last long enough for you to earn those credits back then horde was just a waste you didn't make any credits and you spent those credits on something that didn't actually end up helping you buy more items so it has to be a longer match you can pretty much only buy in The Siege game mode and even then you can only buy it if you know you're not going to get stomped plus if you buy it at the start of the match there's a risk that because you bought this item instead of buying something like armor plating you might lose the early game lose out on that 300 Bon uh bonus credits from capturing the objective and possibly get snowballed by the enemy team so it's a very risky item to buy and also you have to plan ahead in terms of your play style you have to be going for the most expensive items in the item store for horde to be worth it because if you buy a bunch of cheap items and then you've bought horde right eventually you're going to max out all your items and then you're going to have nothing to spend those credits on and horde will be taking up an item slot that you otherwise could have put something more useful in such as I don't know D hands right so horde is very very very limited in its capacity as an item to be picked up in today's meta now do I think it should be buffed I mean I don't know it's such a risky item to really mess around with in terms of buffing it because you don't want to make it meta cuz that would be just silly it's it's a very weird item I think it definitely will probably just stay at the bottom of C tier here for me because it's so Niche it can work for certain strategies but those strategies aren't super common it's just it's rare to actually need this item I think now we move on to another item that has been massively buffed in season 7 and that is life RIP just like Guardian this received a very very massive buff to scaling it straight up got doubled in it its scaling however it is slightly more expensive now in the previous item Shop I actually put it at the bottom of uh C tier in the last item tier list I think this time I'll probably end up putting it in B tier now the question is where in B tier do we put it I have actually picked up a decent amount of Life rip recently and I've been enjoying the experience I mean it does actually really benefit some characters with high damage output including characters like bomb King I've been playing a lot recently and it really really helps when you don't have a good healer on your team or you're playing very independently from your healer and you're not really able to get as many resources from them as you otherwise would like to and so it's very beneficial for that however it does still have the problems that life R has always had which is that life steal is one of the least consistent uh forms of healing in the game because yes you can heal just from shooting enemies and that's great but whenever you shoot the enemies they shoot back applying ceriz and making it so that your life steal is way less effective which is why it's not going to go up into a tier uh but yeah I think we can still afford to put it uh probably in B tier I might I think this is probably a comfortable spot for it cuz another thing to consider with life rip is uh I might be wrong about this but I think there are fewer characters that benefit from Life rip than de hands because life rip is only good on characters who have high damage output if you buy Life rip on Fernando you're throwing don't buy it on a character like that if they have low DPS it's not worth your time so yeah I think I'll just leave it here we might move it a little bit later on next up we have Master riding this item is almost exactly the same as it was except it also got cheaper I'm so happy that a lot of items got cheaper really made them a lot more attainable last time I put it ahead of De hands in B tier and uh I might leave it here we could put it in I don't know I feel like my opinion on Master riding has kind of shifted up a little bit because I enjoy playing aggressively and especially on tanks it's very good for helping you get in Faster uh and of course it's also very good on maps like ice mines which are really long and you need to get back into the fight faster and especially if you lose the zoning having a fast amount is really really helpful so uh I might just leave it at the top of B tier for now might be another one we have to come back to but uh yeah it was middle of B tier last time and now I think I'll put it higher in B tier now we have meditation and I think I'm going to put this one at the top of C tier and the reason for that is this item scales very very well it at level three will heal 30% of your max Health every second which is really awesome and uh it scales super super well on tanks who have high Health pools like yaroth it also really benefits certain Niche play styles again like yaroth she can roll in disrupt enemies and then roll out and heal up regardless of where her healer is as long as she can catch a moment out of combat and once you start healing up it is super super fast it is a lot faster than regular outof combat healing and it's also again another item that's really good when you have a crappy healer or in some cases no healer at all however it's a little bit harder to get value out of than life rip because with life rip all you have to do is shoot enemies but with this you do have to find a way to get out of combat and sometimes that's just not feasible and uh again the play style variety with meditation is a lot more limited than with life rip so I think the top of C tier is a nice place for it because it's really really good when you want it like it's a it's a great item to have in the item shop it's just not something you want all the time right so that's kind of the definition of c tier isn't it next we have morale boost and this item stayed exactly the same so let's put it in exactly the same spot at the top of a tier actually the middle of a tier was where it was last time but uh I don't know it might end up in the middle of a tier again uh this item yeah increases your ultimate charge rate which is really really good on a lot of characters especially characters with good ultimates or ultimate based play Styles right it's really good on KH it's really good on makoa with Leviathan if you want to be really silly uh but a more practic iCal example it's really good on snow globe Eevee there are a lot of characters who really benefit from this and uh so it I think makes sense as an a tier item because it's great but you don't necessarily pick it up for everybody in every situation there are you know priorities and usually the priority goes to the items in s tier but it's still really beneficial and yeah that's just kind of what a tier's for next we have Nimble another item that I placed in a tier on my last tier list and I think I'll place it in a tier again it got a price boost Bo and I think I'll actually put it above morale boost this time just for that reason alone because Nimble is now the cheapest item I think in Paladin's history and that makes it super super accessible for all characters you can really Max this out super quickly and then you just move faster which is super beneficial for characters that don't have movement abilities and it also pairs well with some characters who do have movement abilities like bomb king or ma with her prowl so yeah it's super nice it's super cheap and it just helps you push the enemies better helps you reposition better Retreat better it it's just it's nice to have movement speed in this game so I think ahead of Maro and a tier is a good spot to leave this item next up we have lethality and in my last tier list I put this at the top of C tier uh but since then it's gotten a nice price buff it's actually just 200 credits now which makes it cheaper than life rip surprisingly uh however unlike a lot of the new items in this game uh this one doesn't share the same duration items like trigger scent and Sentinel will last for I believe it's 5 seconds but this one only lasts for I want to say three off the top of the head regardless it's shorter and I think it really needs that buff to just be in line with these other items to really just be in a nice perfect spot uh I think for now I don't know I I'm not really sure if I want to keep it at the top of C tier or if I want to move it up to the very bottom of B tier to tell you the truth I don't see this item that much apart from people just trying to have fun uh it can help snowball but it's not as useful for anything other than that and it's not as reliable as Nimble obviously because it's a very temporary buff so I think I'll put it at the bottom of C tier and once they well I say once they buff it hopefully if they buff it to a 5-second duration then I'd probably put it at the bottom of B tier cuz I think that 5-second duration would just be The Sweet Spot and that actually be a really nice amount of time to have that 60% movement speed bonus but uh until then I guess we'll just leave it at the top of C tier I didn't realize I'd be putting so many items into C tier here but I guess we do just have more items now so that's another reason why now we have rejuvenate and this is an item that actually got nerfed in the season 7 item shop update one of the rare Nerfs actually uh but it's still a very very good item and I think I will leave it in a tier where it was on the last tier list um I think yeah we'll still probably put it above Nimble and morale boost uh cuz yeah rejuvenate if you didn't know rejuvenate is one of the best ways to actively counter cauterize in late game because rejuvenate Buffs right increased healing Buffs sack against cauterize the anti-healing right so if I have 90% cauterize and then I have 30% from rejuvenate it basically chops 30% off of that cauterize and turns it into just 60% cauterize and what that means is your healing in late game is quadrupled from 10% to 40% so that is a really just massive massive Boon to your healing output and on top of that when you're not under the effects of cise you just get 30% more healing which is still really really nice yes it is more expensive but it's still very much attainable and uh it's really good as well because a lot of healers in this game are super powerful right you buy it with Ying you buy it with IO you buy it with a solar blessing Furia and you just get so much healing it's definitely worth the cost and so yeah I think a tier is a really good place to put it cuz yeah it's not quite as universal as an item like Kronos or armor plating some characters don't necessarily want to buy it right like if you're playing a flank and you don't have a good flank healer on your team or of course if you a support you don't get increased healing from your own healing so you don't want to buy rejuvenate so it's not quite as universal as that but it is still really really good for a lot of characters and so a tier is just a nice place to put it next up we have Sentinel which is a really weird item cuz this item reduces the effect of knockbacks and slows and it also provides you a shield after you get an elimination for 5 seconds kind of like old kill to heal however it's more expensive than old kill to heal the shield only scales up to 450 and also you don't really need to buy this against a lot of knockbacks and slows it's simply not worth it so yeah it's it provides a lot of benefits but at the same time those benefits just aren't usually worth it for a lot of players I suppose there are some cases where you'd want to buy it like again I don't know a jolt bomb king or maybe multiple characters who have slows and knockbacks or I don't know maybe you want kill to heal but it just doesn't scale as well as old kill to heal is kind of a weird item I hate to be putting so many items in the seat tier especially since a lot of them got buffed but uh yeah this is an item that just doesn't really Jive that well I don't think uh I think we'll probably put it behind Guardian yeah that sounds about right cuz I think it's still a little bit more beneficial than bulldozer cuz sometimes you do just want to stop those knockbacks right uh but it's very rare that you do pick this up uh I think maybe if they reduce the price or maybe buff the Skilling of The Shield to 600 then you might have more of a reason to pick up this item the actual crowd control resistance isn't the issue apart from the fact that normally you just don't really need as much resistance to those types of knockbacks right uh but yeah it's just it's kind of a weird item anyways let's move on to trigger Senter which is an item that Buffs your weapon damage after getting an elimination so it's a very inconsistent but very powerful weapon damage buff and it can kind of in some ways be a way to mitigate the effects of damage reduction by thus increasing your damage right uh and it is also one of those items that's not going to be super useful all the time just for the sheer fact that like life rip a lot of characters don't benefit as much from weapon damage Buffs because they just have low weapon damage to begin with and so why would you want to give it a percent based buff especially one that only scales up to 18% so it's not going to go in a tier however I think I might end up putting it low B tier because a damage bonus is really nice it can help you snowball very well and again it helps you cut back versus those damage reduction uh items right uh and extra damage is generally just really nice to have considering how long the time to kill is in this game and how slow some kills tend to happen once the enemies really start to build up their sustain with the right comp with the right items so yeah I think uh I'll probably put it I might put it above I don't know I might put it above our Arcane warding and just kind of leave it right next to life rip uh but under life R because it is less consistent than life rip because you do have to get an elimination first and sometimes getting that first elimination can be difficult so uh yeah I think I'll just put it here uh for now and let's move on we've got three more it items left and up next is Unbound which is an item in the previous tier list that I put in a tier at the very top of a tier and I think once again we'll have to put it there because it's basically resilience but without the crowd control reduction versus knockbacks and slows because that honor goes to Sentinel but it does still have the major benefits intact it reduces the duration of stuns silences fears all the really hard crowd control that ends up getting you killed so this is just an excellent item to buy in most circumstances where the enemies have one two or three characters that have just a lot of hard CC right characters like malamba tal Atlas especially you want to buy this item for however it can't go into s tier because some matches just don't have crowd control I know it's rare but sometimes you just don't need this item you have like one stun on the enemy team and you don't care it's like a grumpy bomb you don't need Unbound for that so yeah it's not able to go into s tier for that reason alone but if CC were omnipresent in this game then Unbound would go up to S tier but yeah that's just kind of the way CC Works in this game not everyone has it so yeah eight tier it goes next we have veteran I don't know why I said it like that this is an item that increases your max health and it just got straight up buffed just like armor plating for the most part this item yeah just scales higher than it did last time and I believe it's also cheaper if I recall correctly uh so yeah uh it used to be on my old tier list at the top of B tier and I think I might adjust it up to low a tier because it scales higher and also because it's cheaper and also armor plating is cheaper you can stack these two items on top of each other and you can just become a Beefcake and the more Health you have the better this item scales and the better armor plating scales so yeah it's just it's really nice to kind of combine those two items and make them work very very well uh so yeah they really did buff these two items didn't they they were already in pretty good spots on the previous two list especially this one and then they just buffed it yeah that's great great job oh gosh finally we have wrecker and this item I put in low a tier and I think I'll also just leave it there I'll probably put it uh I'll probably put it about veteran yeah I'll put it above veteran but still leave it below these two items like it was last time because Recker got price buff it's slightly cheaper now and that's it otherwise it's exactly the same as it was before Shields are still very strong in this game especially if you stack multiple of them on the same team especially especially if you're up against Fernando or torval right now my goodness they are beasts of uh characters so rer is super super good then and also rer is arguably even more prevalent now due to the buff that Guardian got where if the enemies do decide hey I want to buy a little bit of guardian and increase my shield Health on T Vault now you need recer even more more so yeah one could almost make the case that it should go above morale boost but I don't think I'm going to be quite that silly I think we'll leave it here uh underneath morale boost and then uh oh what the heck we'll put ciz up here ciz is the number one best item in the game everyone has to have it in every single match because it's a passive yeah I really don't know how this item uh got onto this tier list honestly but yeah I think that's going to wrap things up for my tier list here so now that I've actually gone made it I do find it interesting how yeah the meta hasn't really changed as much as you would hope that it would uh considering they did a full item store rework most of this is basically the same in the first two rows here the only difference is now veterans a little bit stronger and so I've decided to bump it up to low a tier but a lot of the new items just don't really work that well uh either due to some issues with like the duration on lethality the scaling on Sentinel guardian's just it's fine but it's just Niche right it's kind of like bulldozer it scales very well it's just not many characters want to buy it but also like horde very Niche meditation very Niche they added a lot of very Niche items they didn't add items that really change up the meta that much and so yeah I have to wonder is that a good thing I do feel like the item meta is a little bit stale right now in terms of armor plating being ubiquitous as like the best item just period like you literally can't go wrong buying this ever because it just scales so gosh darn high and it's so good Chronos I don't have as much of a problem with because it's very expensive and I don't know I like having more abilities I I don't have nearly as much of a problem with this uh and you know it's not like on every character you're rushing to buy this you know a lot of damage Champions and flanks don't necessarily Rush this item but uh yeah I I don't know i' really just I have beef with this item as you guys no armor plating in particular uh but yeah I am glad to see that some items have moved up in the ranks I'm very glad that I can put life rip higher and guardian higher that's really nice to see I like that de hands is easier to buy now same with Nimble same with Master riding a lot of these items are still yeah very good and just easier to buy now and you know I really didn't like for a long time how paladins basically had inflation where they keep they kept making items more and more expensive to buy inflation's not fun in the real world it's not fun in paladins either and so I'm glad they've brought that back down that's one of the I think the best things they've done with the item stores yeah they made these items cheaper and they made items like life R and guardian a lot stronger so you actually have more of a reason to pick them up now I think that bloodbath out of all the items here is in desperate need of some love uh either just a rework or Price decrease or something like that because this item is God awful right now and uh yeah I would also like to see lethality have a buff to its duration to 5 Seconds just to make it nice and clean clean across the board match it up with trigger scent match it up with Sentinel then I'd finally be able to do this and put it in bottom of B tier maybe even right next to trigger scent just keep the two of them right next to each other but trigger sent just lasts longer and also damage is really important right now so I have to put that higher than lethality uh but yeah that's going to do it for the tier list let me know your thoughts of course in the comments section down below do you agree with my list or do you disagree do you think that certain items need Nerfs need Buffs I want to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below and yeah if you enjoyed make sure to drop a like subscribe and turn on notifications so you never miss an upload for me and check out the twitch Channel and the Discord server Linked In the description down below as well and finally if you want to support the channel directly please consider heading on over to my Nexus at nexus. andrewchicken here you can buy crystals the season pass DLC and more and support the channel directly in the process because a portion of the proceeds go directly to me hey that's pretty nice you can buy me a salad or something and yeah it's officially affiliated with evil Mojo so yeah it's legit and I really appreciate it if you would check it out but with all that being said thank you guys for watching I will see you all next time peace out [Music]
Channel: AndrewChicken
Views: 6,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew, chicken, andrewchicken, andrew chicken, paladins, paladins gameplay, paladins update, paladins tier list, paladins item tier list, paladins item store rework, paladins items, paladins trigger scent, paladins hoard, paladins meditation, paladins armor plating, paladins arcane warding, paladins unbound, paladins sentinel, paladins illuminate, paladins bloodbath, paladins 2024, paladins season 7, paladins year 7, paladins item changes, paladins item guide
Id: A5Mw59OwflE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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