Best of Season 1 | Amazing Science Experiments | Full Episodes | Science Max

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this is science Max experiments at large science [Music] Max fil to Mission Control come in Mission Control uh this is Mission Control Phil uh we read you loud and clear I would oh greet greetings science greetings greetings science Maxim mites welcome to science Max experiments at large my name is Phil mccordic and today we're going to be building an air powerered Rock ET too difficult you say nonsense it's easy it's not like it's rocket science hey it is rocket science cool here's what you need you need a bottle and a cork make sure that the cork fits nicely into the bottle and then you need an air pump cuz you can't have an air powered rocket without air and on this air pump you need a PIN the special kind that you use to inflate basketballs or volleyballs or stuff like that now what you want to do is push the PIN through the cork you might want an adult's help for this push it through until it goes through on the other side and then make sure you get a good seal with the bottle now you're ready to launch your rocket with air pressure but first let's do a few other things take your cork and put it in a tripod launcher you can make this out of pencils or anything you want as long as it stands up nice and solidly and then of course you want to decorate your bottle so it looks like a rocket this is my rocket pretty good right so stick the bottle on the cork like before like that and then you stick the pin in the bottom and what we're going to do is we're going to inflate the bottle with air pressure and then it's going to launch okay here we go you know rocketry really isn't something you should do indoors come [Music] on hey this was supposed to be a feeli what's going why are there oh it's in my shoe oh oh this will do nicely now don't forget to do this with an adult and don't forget your safety glasses now set up the rocket in a nice big open area and make sure it's pointed away from you and then what you do is you pump the air pump and it puts air into the rocket which pushes down on the water which will push down on the cork until eventually so B science Maxim mites and come up with your own rocket design try different amounts of water different fins even a different size bottle try it for yourself and see if you can get one that goes higher than mine just did how did I get in I think it was this [Music] way do you want step-by-step directions on how to build your own airp powerered rocket well don't worry everything you need is on our website all right now it is time to max out our air powerered rocket I've got Adam here hey Adam hey Phil how you doing good how are you good Adam's from Logics Academy Logics Academy and you guys go into schools and talk about science we do fantastic do you guys do a air powerered rocket yes ex does it look like this one look exactly like that oh that's great so how do we Max this out so we want to add more pressure to this bottle to try to get it to lach a little bit higher more air more air great so what do we do so we're going to use one of these ooh it's air compressor right which works a lot like the bike pump right yeah exactly cool so we're going to have compressed air coming from here through this tube into underneath here and out that nozzle there and you're going to put your bottle on top and out the nozzle into the bottle like that yep and now we want to be able to hold it in place we're going to have these little fingers here that are actually going to work to hold it until we want to let it go so we're going to lock it in place oh yeah look at that totally locked exactly and then what how do we launch it you're going to take this cord and go a safe distance way and we are going to pull it and then we will pull it which one do you want to start with I think we should use this one here okay great now we put water in it right yep you're put water why why do we use water so the water is going to act to push the rocket up into the air the air is going to the compressed air in here is going to shoot the water out the back and the water is going to push on the rocket and make it launch it's just to give it a little extra push how do I get it on there without spilling any water so just rest it next to the there yeah just go really fast you go a little and then lock it in place locking it in place there's no air pressure in the hose yet right not yet no first we have to spool out the launch cord so the air compressor has the compressed air in it it's ready to go yep it's all ready to go we just need to connect the hoses Adam I've noticed it's snowing a little bit do you think that's any reason why we should stop I don't think so no the science must go on blast Shields down connecting hoses when we connect the air hose the pressure from the compressor travels down the line and into the bottle you can see the bubbles of air going in those bubbles are carrying more air into the bottle giving it more pressure here we go 3 2 [Music] 1 all right another rocket let's do it again launching get three two one nice success success nice so small bottle worked really well how do we make it bigger I know a bigger nose cone I think a bigger bottle oh a bigger bottle yeah of course that's easy uh how about this empty water bottle that we have now that might work except that the top here is too big and I don't think it'll fit on our launcher oh yeah so what should we use a 2 L pop bottle might work a bit better cuz it'll be about the same size oh that's that's right 2 L Pot bottles have the same opening as as these small small water bottles exactly that's great all right let's uh make a couple Rockets out of 2 L pop bottles awesome pressure happens when you squeeze something or compress it solids do not compress very well I will demonstrate um solid is it compressing no okay liquids don't compress very well either you can demonstrate this for yourself by getting a plastic water bottle and filling it right to the very top with water and putting on the cap and squeezing you'll find that you can't really squeeze the bottle very much but if you empty out half of the water no don't pour it on the floor and then put the cap back on the bottle and try to squeeze it you'll find that you can squeeze it a lot more that's because gases compress much easier than solids or liquids here's what's going on say this container is well any container and these magnets are air molecules now I'm going to put the magnets in pole to pole so they repel each other and want to stay a certain distance apart just like air molecules do there we go a container at normal gas pressure now watch what happens when I add more gas molecules they they start to get squeezed together and if I add more the amount of space that each one gets is less and less now this container is under a lot of pressure these molecules really want to escape through the top of the container but they can't because I'm holding them down if I took something like this plunger and I pushed them down even more now they're really Under Pressure they want to get out but they can't because I'm holding them in now watch what happens when I let them go W they all pop out the top and the container has returned to normal gas pressure that's what happens when we put gas in a container like this one these containers that hold compressed gas are made out of solid steel because you need something really strong or it might explode if you put too much gas pressure in it that's why these are only filled up by professionals who know exactly how much pressure it can take that is the power of pressure our air powerered rocket was working pretty well but there's always room to Max it out in order to do that we need to understand how it works first we fill the bottle almost halfway with water then we add air to the bottle the air pressure builds up and the air presses down on the water the rocket takes off when we pull on the release valve which was blocking the opening of the bottle once that happens the air pushes out the water it's the water that gives us our thrust so the water is very important once all the water is gone the air escapes and the bottle returns to normal air pressure but by that time it's high in the sky now the plan is to use two liter bottles instead of regular water bottles to see if they work better now we've made a few more Rockets out of 2 L bottles and I'm going to fill this one up with water and we're going to fire it oh fire it again and see what happens now the idea is that these will work better because they have more volume and more volume means we could possibly put more air pressure in it's hard to know until you try it of course but the other reason why it might work better it's 2 L bottles generally hold carbonated beverages which means they already have to be made a little stronger than regular water bottles because they have to hold in the carbonation which is just like air pressure all right ready to go okay here we go you ready Adam y okay BL shield down pressurize 3 2 1 let's do another one and three two one who wow this is the superhero design rocket which I'm very excited about all right Adam it's going really well but before we fire this next one how can we make it bigger better and more awesome get more pressure more pressure how do we do that well we're firing at about 90 PSI right now PSI pounds per square inch of pressure right y so we could increase it we could increase it so how we're at 90 now how high does the tank go go to about 120 120 PSI let's see what happens all right let's do here we go 90 110 20 should we fire it let's fire it let's fire it here we go three two [Music] one all right hey actually it worked okay there's just a piece missing here but I think the bottle is still okay yeah so 2 L Bott bottle full pressure I think we can still make something even better even more maxed out um what if we used an even bigger bottle you know the five lit ones that you see on water cooler yeah you think we can use one of those definitely I think we could use that we need to change the mouthpiece size yes to fit our launchers well let's do it do [Music] it mini ma help I'm being crushed by all this pressure a whole kilogram is being push down on every Square centimeter of my body 103 kilop paticles actually 1 kgr for every Square centimeter on your body is the exact kind of pressure that you and I are under at all times every day we don't notice it because we're used to it but it sounds like a lot doesn't it well it is here's an experiment you can do with a plastic bottle say at room temperature there are 10 million air molecules in here doesn't really matter how many but we'll say there's 10 million in at normal room temperature what happens if I heat up the air inside this bottle this is warm water what I'm trying to do is heat up the air inside the bottle because the air molecules when they get hotter move faster and need more room so the 10 million air molecules are starting to escape out the mouth of the bottle and reducing the number of air molecules inside and now I take the bottle out and cap it because the air molecules heated up and speeded up they needed more room now there's less of them in the bottle there's about 4 million air molecules inside this bottle but they're all hot air molecules and they have a higher pressure and you don't notice it because the air out here isn't crushing the bottle but watch what happens if I cool the air inside the bottle this is ice water so what's happening now is the molecules are slowing down and they need less space so they need less room and they're being crushed cred by the pressure on the outside of the bottle it has been crushed because the colder air molecules don't need the same kind of room as the hot air molecules the room temperature air has crushed the bottle the air inside has a lower pressure than the air outside pretty amazing even more amazing when we Max it [Music] out this is a steel drone what we've done is we put some water in it and we're heating it up to Boiling so there's nothing but hot air inside the drum this is an airtight cap which we use to seal the drum and now we cool the drum off hey Trevor give me a hand ready 1 2 3 he [Music] lift that's good this pool is filled with ice what we're doing now is cooling off the steel drum which will cool off the air inside it which means eventually the air inside the steel drum will be much lower pressure than the air outside the steel drum because this steel drum has a lot more volume than a 2 L pop bottle it takes a lot longer for the air to cool down the other thing to think about is that it's a steel drum I could stand on it and it wouldn't even Dent but sure enough after a few minutes who check it out the barrel has totally crushed the low pressure air inside the barrel wasn't enough to withstand the force of the regular air pressure that you and I walk through every day the air pressure all around us is enough to crush a steel drum how cool is that our air powerered Rockets have been working really well but we still want to go further since the 2 L bottle worked better than the water bottle we think increasing the size again might make it more awesome so now the plan is to switch our 2 L bottle with a 20 L water cooler jug and make a rocket out of that because the launcher nozzle which holds the bottle in place till we're ready to launch it isn't going to fit the opening of this bigger jug we've decided to use the C that came with the jug if we screw the cap on it'll work sort of like the cork the air pressure will press down on the water and keep pushing against the cap until the cap has a catastrophic failure which is a very cool way of saying that eventually the cap will break and the bottle will shoot into the sky 20 L water cooler jug filled with some water this is the cap that will work sort of like the cork we put the air pressure in there the cap can't take it anymore pops off and the thing flies hopefully let's find out okay that looks good there let's do this go for pressure uh-oh [Laughter] uhoh hilarious that worked pretty well it's uh it sort of does that I wonder if it's aerodynamic no no so how do we what else can we do to make it even more maxed out I think we Ed the 2 L bottles that work really well the 2 lit bottles are the best right I think so so what do we do we probably stack them we stack them on top of each other yeah work I like that so we put a whole bunch of them together yeah tell you what I'll do you one better why don't we use three stacks awesome we'll use three stacks three launchers three times of thrust and we'll make a giant rocket at a 2 L bottle yeah great idea high fives here we go gas molecules get further apart when you warm them up and closer together when you cool them down so what happens if you keep cooling them down well they turn into this this is liquid nitrogen nitrogen makes up 78% of the air we breathe but when you cool it down to -196° C it turns into a liquid it's boiling right now because at room temperature nitrogen wants to be a gas so the liquid nitrogen is turning into gaseous nitrogen and all of the extra molecules are escaping through the top of the bottle so what happens if I put a cap on the bottle right now the liquid nitrogen is turning back into a gas but because there's a cap on the bottle the gas has nowhere to go so the pressure is just going to keep building and building until the plastic bottle can't contain it anymore and and and and it pops like a balloon science our Rockets have gone from small to bigger to even bigger now the plan is to use three 2 L bottles and create Columns of them into a giant rocket we pressurize them just like we did before but with more thrust it might work even better even if it doesn't work better I'm pretty excited about this new plan giant [Laughter] rocket giant rocket you ready I'm ready okay blast Shields down connecting hose dialing up pressure pressure is rising it's bubbling bubbling 100 BSI okay stand by the fire 3 2 1 [Music] wa awesome yeah let's go check it out well there you have it rocket science Max experiments at large well done nicely nicely done you think we could fire it again yeah it looks like it needs some repairs though greetings science maximiz I'm Phil mccordic I think I overdid it with the fog machine this is science Max experiments at large can you even see me let's let's go over here today we're talking about states of matter now there are three main states of matter solid like this table liquid like the water in the speaker and gas yes thank you and we're also going to be looking at the things that kind of go in between things that are sometimes solid sometimes liquid like corn starch mud which is very easy to make all you need is water and cornstarch which you can get at the grocery store mix it up however much you want just remember two parts cornstarch to one part water twice as much of this than you have of that very easy mix it up and you get cornstarch mud which sort of seems like a liquid unless you hit it and then it becomes solid but if I pour it it's a liquid even if I hold it in my hand and I hit it really fast it turns into a ball and it will stay in a ball as long as I keep hitting it or squeezing it but soon as I stop it turns into a liquid again now we're going to Max this out we'll go through the portal and learn more about solids liquids and gases right that's why I'm going to the Center for skills development and training and oh no wait that's the code for the fog machine wait uh stop stop it seems to be stuck oh never mind never mind I'll fix it later [Music] right hey Judy how are you hi Phil how are you good Judy is going for her PhD in chemistry right yes fantastic because that means you can explain cornstarch mud to me now is this a solid or is it a liquid well it kind of has properties of both it's called a non- neonian fluid so that makes it a liquid a liquid well I mean it pours like liquid but when you hit it it's a solid so why does it turn solid when you hit it so when you're pouring it the particles are still far part so they can't interact with each other and so they stay a liquid but when you're hitting it you're jamming the particles together and they line up to become a solid now does it still work the same way if we have a lot more of it uh it should great because I've got this 20 kg bag of corn starch and I have 34 more of them wow that's a lot uh but I think you'll need a much bigger container much bigger container great um I got some wood over there I want don't you go and I'll follow you all right I'll follow you I got I'm coming I'm coming yeah thanks Ramona and give me one of them fizzy drinks not too fizzy just sort of medium fizzy thanks a lot hello do you have trouble knowing what is a solid liquid or gas are you confused by Jello I mean which is it is it a solid or is it a liquid water is a liquid but what about when it's ice well you got to know your states of matter there are three main states of matter solid liquid and gas and there are three rules that you need to figure out which one of them is which does it flow does it fit the shape of its container and can you squeeze it rule number one does it flow solid liquid gas here's a Gess does it flow do the particles pour over each other and Cascade down yeah yeah they do does a liquid flow yeah yeah it does does it solid nope rule number two what happens when you put it in a container does it take the shape of the container gases take the shape of the container liquids takes the shape of the container solids do not take the shape of their container I didn't know what you're thinking you're thinking I get the whole pouring and taking the shape of the container but come on liquids and gases they do both of those things well it all comes down to rule number three can you squeeze it now solids you you can't you can't really squeeze them liquids you can't really squeeze them gas is Haha bam you can squeeze them you see gas is compressed liquids and solids They Don't Really compress very well the other difference between gases and liquids is gases will take the shape and the volume of the container they're put in liquids don't do that so there you go solid liquid gas and the rules does it flow does it take the shape of the container and can you squeeze it now you know your states of matter that'll be 650 cash only so what is cornstarch mud and how does it work well cornstarch mud is a non neonian fluid which means it behaves differently than you or Newton would expect here's cornstarch and here's water cornstarch is made up of large blocky molecules like this water is made up of much smaller rounder molecules like this when you put them together it looks something like this it all has to do with how the molecules slide past each other when you put light pressure or slow pressure on the mud the water molecules and corn starch molecules have time to shift out of the way but when you put a sudden pressure on it the water molecules squirt out of the way but the corn starch molecules don't have enough time so you get a section that's nearly all cornstarch which acts as a solid cornstarch mud is a sheer thickening fluid sheer is talking about the force of things sliding around in this case the molecules so when the sheer force is strong the fluid thickens sheer thickening so here's the plan if Judy and I make enough corn starch mud could we run across it let's find out yeah I think mine is just the right consistency how's yours Judy I think I'm ready too this is much harder than I thought yeah it's really hard to get it mixed at the very beginning but uh mine is ready to go okay here we go first batch you ready yep dump it in woo woo H I thought that would be more I thought so too it's really not filling this up very much is it no huh that's a lot of cornstarch this is um this is great but I think we're going to have to go a little faster than this I think we need some sort of mixing device yeah we don't have to do this by hand we can get some sort of machine to help us yeah right on high five oh we shouldn't high five when we have the stuff on our hands yeah good [Music] call mini ma this science is delicious this is rock candy it's basically crystallized sugar and you make it by turning a solid into a liquid and then back to a solid again here's how you can make it at [Applause] home you need a container that you're not going to need for a while and some water some sugar you can use brown or white I like to use Brown and an adult here's why you need an adult you want to dissolve three cups of sugar into every cup of water and you can't do that unless you heat the water so get an adult a saucepan and heat the water up pour the sugar in and keep stirring until it's all dissolved then pour it in your container and let it cool down then you'll need a shish kebab skewer which is something you can get at the grocery store cut it down to the right size so it fits nicely into your container and then dunk it in your sugar and get some crystals coated around the stick these are seed crystals and they get the whole process started and now you have to wait for these to dry otherwise they'll just fall off the stick when you put it in the water so I've got one here that has dried out you'll also want something to keep it from falling in the top of the container so I'm going to use a close pin put it in there and dunk it in the container like that and now for the final step if you want you can add food coloring I like to use red because it reminds me of Science and I'm going to use the stick to actually stir that up a little bit there we go now the dissolved sugar crystals in the water will slowly grow on the crystals that are already attached to the stick and it will eventually grow into a rock candy pop but it takes about a week no I'm just kidding I've already got one that's standing by here we go this one has been growing for about 7 days and there you go raw candy delicious Science Now how could we make this any better I mean it's crystallized sugar it doesn't get any more maxed out than that does it yeah it does come on this is a giant container of sugar water and I've been brewing a massive rock candy crystal in for a while but it's sort of it's sort of getting a little bit too big to fit out the top of the container so um you know what I'm just going to put that back in there and chalk that one up to science because well eating a rock candy crystal that big would definitely not be good for my teeth so yeah so our big experiment is to take a whole lot of corn starch and fill a trough to see if we can run on it but mixing it by hand was going to take forever so Judy and I got a drill with a mixing attachment on the end whoa sorry all right so Judy I'm noticing a bit of a problem here what is it well if I mix at the top everything's fine but soon as I get it a little bit deeper and then it gets really tough and the whole bucket starts to spin and the drill stops yeah I think it's because the drill is trying to mix it too fast when we're mixing it by hand it's slow and you can still let it stay a liquid but now you're just making it solid right cuz it's a sheer thickening fluid so if you hit it really quickly with something like the blades of this spinning really quickly in the thing it'll suddenly turn into a solid and it'll be really hard to mix yep so we go slow going slow going slow suddenly realizing that if we go slow we'll be here forever yep you know what I think we need sorry you know what I think we need we need a different way to mix this yep we need a way to mix more of it and we need a way that it doesn't hit it with blades that suddenly go through it really quickly something that can mix on a large scale but slowly I have just the thing come with me all [Music] right mini m the interesting thing about bubbles is there are gas surrounded by a liquid so get some dish soap and some water and then be science Maxim mites and find things around the house that you can make bubbles out of just about anything that has holes will do or M or I like this one I call it the loud bubble [Music] or now it's time to Max it out I'm here at the Ontario Science Center and this is Anthony hey Anthony hey how's it going good so you are amazing at bubbles I am I've been practicing for a while let's get started you're going to make an oky doie sign like this you're going to dip it right into our bubble solution make come on get right in there right in there make sure you get it all that's that's a little too much well I can make two and then you're going to keep that Okie do sign you're going to blow very gently nice I brought these two giant sticks here and I don't know if you noticed but I've got a smoke machine here right so we'll turn that on and then if you press that green button there you're going to shoot some smoke and we're going to try to catch that smoke in a giant bubble you ready okay I'm going to try to oh that was so close did you see that one you give it a shot nice oh check that out was amazing that was huge try it again let's see if I can get a smoke machine here we go go for it go for it push right towards oh check that out you did it that look at that no smoke and it bounces it bounces on the floor because the floor it doesn't have any oil like our hands do isn't that amazing oh my God that was so cool that was great you know what I think we should do what's that giant bubble tons of smoke done okay here we go let's do it you ready giant bubble tons of smoke go awesome oh my God look at that look at that that's crazy maxed out bubble well there you go giant smoke fil bubbles awesome yeah Judy and I tried mixing the cornstarch mud using a drill with a mixer attachment but it didn't work we should have known better here's the mixer in our cornstarch mud usually a mixer works by going really fast and mixing everything together but remember that corn starch mud is a sheer thickening fluid so when the blades of the mixer tried to go fast through the cornstarch mud it did what it always does turn solid the faster and harder you try to move it the more solid it will become this means the only way to mix it would be if we made the drill go very very slow which wouldn't speed things up at all so with the drill another Lost Cause Judy and I need the biggest thing around that could mix stuff up come back good little bit more perfect h a cement truck a cement truck is the perfect thing to mix because all we have to do is get all the corn starch up in here and it'll mix it and it doesn't move it too fast it goes nice and slow so hopefully a sheer thickening fluid will be fine I'm going to get Judy she's driving the truck hey Judy that's perfect the only problem is we needed to get all of those bags of cornstarch into the hopper of the cement truck I didn't thinking it'd be this messy we needed to call the entire science Max build team to help us out this is possibly the messiest thing I've ever done awesome hey Judy you want to you want to lift up any bags I'm okay thanks that's okay I'm having a lot of fun so I can do them cool oh no oh no oh no I got most of it I got most of it all right I think we're done I think that's enough bags let's start the mixing so what do you think Judy do you think it's going to work I think so because you're mixing at a very large volume but at a very low speed y so throughout the process it'll stay a liquid until we're ready to run across it that sounds exactly like the kind of science I like to see you know what I really like is that every time I move more corn starch comes off it's like it's like I'm a human fog [Music] machine mini this is liquid nitrogen nitrogen makes up most of the air we breathe but if you get it really really cold it turns into a liquid the fun thing is you can use it to make other things really really cold too like this banana I have Frozen this banana solid thanks to the liquid nitrogen and normally a mushy banana would not be able to hammer in a nail but whoo because it's frozen I can Hammer this nail into this block of wood so that got me wondering if I can turn a banana into a hammer using liquid nitrogen could I turn a pumpkin into a sledgehammer let's find out pumpkin Sledgehammer take one no I I think the answer is no you cannot turn a pumpkin into a sledgehammer with liquid nitrogen all you can do is make a really really big mess I'm going to have to clean this up aren't I now we have a cement truck to help us do the mix ing for our cornstarch mud after making a giant mess getting the cornstarch into the cement truck it's time to see if it worked hey Phil how's it going yeah it looks like it's mixing pretty well I'm really glad we are not doing this by hand guys did it take did it take a really long time we've almost got it at the right consistency but it's taking some time but it's getting a little dark out Judy I don't know do do you want to quit and go home no of course not that's not what we do in science oh here we go yeah awesome all right let's see it let's see if it's I like how it comes down in Little Steps and look it's still it's working just like it should I hit it and it's solid but you can see it's pouring like a liquid yeah here comes a big wave wow here it comes and it's totally filling up oh yeah filling up really fast I think we should stop pouring very soon yep we may not have a big enough yep liking it it's good y I think it's time it's not even done pouring but I'm going to try it okay you ready oh you did it who you can't you have to get back onto the sides before you stop moving or else it becomes a liquid all right it's your turn okay here go okay ready okay got you got to hit your feet really fast all right here go yeah actually works because cornstarch mud is a sheer thickening fluid it means it stays a liquid until you hit it suddenly like with your hands or or in this case our feet and then it turns to a solid so as long as Judy and I keep slapping our feet down with enough Force we can walk on top of it one more Dance all right and tell you we'll do one more Dance all right let's do that okay ready all right and and go all right all right there you go we've done it solid liquid gases thanks very much for joining us on science Max experiments at large woo greetings science Max aites welcome to science Max experiments at large my name is Phil and today on science Max we're going to be looking at gravity what goes up must come down today gravity is the force that makes things fall towards the ground but just because it's a force of nature doesn't mean that we have to listen to it no to today on science Max experiments at large we're going to use everything in the power of science to defy gravity ha we are going to be making a hoop glider now hoop gliders may not look like much but they fly just like paper airplanes woohoo and here's how you can make a hoop glider here's how you can make a hoop glider all your own this is what you need index card card s scissors straw ruler pencil and of course science tape which is just like regular tape except you use this kind of tape for science so here's how you do it take your index card and cut it into three equal lengths take two strips and you take your science tape and you tape those two strips and make a hoop out of it and with a small strip you want to make another hoop now what you want to do is take your straw now this straw has a little scoop at the end and that's not very aerodynamic so we're going to get rid of that oo maybe it was kind of aerodynamic all right now that we've got the straw you have to align the hoop and the straw together so here's what I like to do take some science tape and stick it on the straw and then align it so that it's perfectly straight and then stick it on looks straight to me all right the small hoop also has to be perfectly aligned with the first hoop so again put the tape on the Stu first then align them up and then start looking down through it make sure it's aligned there once you have it all taped together you're done your hoop glider and it flies just like a paper airplane awesome so that's what we're going to do today we're we're going to oh yeah I got to clean that up we are going to max out the hoop glider I'm going to go meet Sonia at the Ontario Science Center and and we are going to max out the hoop glider into a giant version we'll probably have to change the materials we use because oh I don't think we can get a straw that big or a cardboard but still we can figure it out all right here I go ah [Music] oh hi B what you help me with experiment pardon I you can help me with experiment you want me to help you with an experiment okay all right a w oh Sonia I came in you came in here I came are you okay are you okay yeah I'm fine come on let me show you okay this is what I would like to max out it was in my pocket when I fell so it it's a hoop glider it was a hoop glider so how do we Max this out first we're going to need a larger tube lar replace the straw exactly and we're going to need two Hoops so we need something that's flexible that will convert into a hoop okay that's great so uh why don't we get started sounds good all right high five min you may recognize this it is uh spring yes good for you but did you know that Springs can defy gravity gravity gravity def gravity look at it Fly defying okay not exactly but what if I was to hold the spring like this and Let It Go what'll happen it'll fall yes it'll fall that's that is true but while it's falling what happens to this end does it stay in one place does it go up or does it go down let's find out I'll bring this in so you can really see it okay ready watch close did you see did you no okay tell you what we'll watch it again this time in slow motion see the bottom doesn't move and here's why when the top of the spring is released gravity and the tension of the spring are pulling on it the bottom of the spring is being pulled down by gravity and up by the tension of the spring these forces cancel out stopping the bottom of the spring from falling until the top reaches it until there's no more tension and then the top passes the bottom and the whole thing that is how it works but here is the real question will it happen differently with a longer spring huh well I just happen to have a longer spring let's Max it out don't tangle it so now that I'm up high on this fire escape Let's test it out okay 3 2 1 go a longer spring still has the same forces working on it the tension of the Spring Pulling it up and gravity pulling it down no matter what size of spring these forces cancel out for the bottom of of the spring until the top meets up with it so there you go an almost gravity defying spring uh hey there's no door handle on this door I guess I have to take the stairs [Music] W Sony and I are maxing out the hoop glider out of bigger and better materials this is the largest tube I have right a giant ABS pipe and some bendable metal to make into Hoops then we attach them all together and okay big hoop is done and little hoop is also done awesome not bad not bad at all super solid and that's the thing we have pretty heavy material so it might not fly as well as we'd like but something heavy can always be good right oh no that's what I'm talking about see how solid it is pretty no damage whatsoever you want to test it I think we should okay I'm excited we take our plastic and metal hoop glider outside to test it and ready ready 1 2 two 3 huh it didn't really fly did it Sonia and I made a very solid design but the problem with it became pretty obvious yeah it's just too heavy well that's what science is back to the drawing board mini here's something fun you can do if you ever get your hands on a helium balloon now helium balloons float up not because they defy gravity but because they're lighter than air it's because the heavier air around it actually falls past the balloon and that ends up pushing the balloon up but what if this helium balloon wasn't lighter than air or heavier than air it was exactly the same this is what I like to do just take a helium balloon with a long ribbon and a bunch of paper clips and adding a little bit of weight every time and what we want to do is make this balloon neutrally buoyant that means it won't go up or down but it will be neutral you want to check it every once in a while let's see three paper clips is clearly not enough five paper clips is oo five paper clips is pretty close it's still might float down so you want to take off just a little bit of weight maybe about there watch this you just take the balloon and you put it somewhere and it stays it stays put it doesn't go up it doesn't go down it's attached to nothing now let's Max it out huh I had a big balloon and it was a would had how to oh there a giant balloon and look it's a great paper towel delivery device say did you want some paper towel here you go science yeah don't worry about Ramona just put him up high put him up yeah higher good hey yby Gra gravity makes things fall but where do they fall they fall down oh towards the center of the [Music] earth it fell didn't it so the Earth causes gravity right well yes gravity oh come on everything that has mass has gravity gravity but the Earth has so much mess that the gravity produced by everything else is like nothing I mean forget about it but let's say I was in space with uh with this chicken I would have gravity and I could exert a gravitational force on this chicken and if I get my angles right I might be able to get the chicken to orbit me like like a moon behold my chicken Moon huh grab gravity but let's get serious what causes gravity we don't know what what we don't know is that without gravity there would be no universe as we know it no you no me no chicken Moon i' miss my chicken Moon chicken Moon you want gravity like it or not the universe wouldn't exist without it you like the sign I'll give you a good deal uh half [Music] off back to our hoop glider which was too heavy here's what I don't get this is heavy but I can still pick it up and throw it yeah an airplane is way heavier I could never pick up an airplane but that can fly and that's because airplanes have engin so it has a constant source of thrust when we throw it we just have an initial source of thrust so we're throwing it eventually loses it energy therefore it falls to the ground I so we need something that's light light and something that's strong and strong okay well let's see what we can find all right Sony and I try a plastic tube and some heavyduty paper we make hoops and attach them with some duct tape and run outside to try it out hoop glider [Music] dance okay three 2 1 that's pretty good that was amazing let's try that again here we go I throw the hoop glider and although it doesn't keep flying forever it goes much further than our first version and also further than I could have just thrown the pipe by itself pretty good so we've done a good job of making something that flies why don't we make a couple different kinds out of different materials and we'll see if we can get one that flies even better than this I think that's a good idea yeah okay let's do it Sony and I have created a pretty good maxed out hoop glider but we wanted to see if different materials would make an even better one Sonia made a much lighter version this time I used cardboard and I I made this made a slightly heavier one let's do it okay three two 1 go not bad my turn here we go okay that didn't really go very far I'll get it no okay so now we can measure it against the one that we threw before to see and that went pretty far this went pretty far to see if we've got a better design here here we go right wow awesome so heavy one no light one no interesting no this design seems to be the best one I keep thinking about how you were talking about thrust yeah all the thrust that we can put in is just what we can put in in with one throw yeah what if we could give it more thrust than that how can we do that um I don't know like some sort of uh slingshot or something like it' have to be a pretty big slingshot a pretty big slingshot but I think that sounds great though I think can make a big slingshot for this why not okay high five let's do [Music] it this is an egg eggs do not like to be dropped oh fortunately we can use the power of science to design something that'll keep the egg safe as it falls behold my egg drop Contraptions the thing I really like about this experiment is there's no wrong way to do this you can come up with any design you want and see if it works this one here is a bunch of helium balloons this structure is just to keep the helium balloons on so the egg can touch down very gently here it goes oh and and the egg is unharmed miraculously sound that one worked really well success this is a giant helium balloon that I think will work pretty much the same way because I think this balloon will drop just slowly enough that the egg can actually just touch and nothing will happen um so that didn't work and then there's this one which has no slowing at all it's all designed to just absorb the impact and the idea is that the cone will crumple and absorb the force when it hits the bottom oh no oh no I think it would have worked if it hadn't turned in the air but it did and well I guess the egg is completely broken so I'd call that one a fail this one is the parachute you see the egg has been nestled into this foam container and this is a parachute that will hopefully slow the egg down wooo uh-oh whoa over over good and that one seem to work well yep the egg is totally fine the parachute works all right egg drop experiment totally fun experiment to do but the question is how do we Max it out and the answer is pumpkin drop same thing except with a pumpkin instead of an egg come on okay all right pumpkin drop with everything attached all at once okay here we go ready one two [Music] three so what we've learned from this is the heavier something is the more force is acting on it from Gravity which means the harder it is to slow down when it's falling okay fair enough you win this one gravity but I'll beat you next time I'm I'm going to get a broom being a chef is my absolute passion and cooking up science recipes is my specialty I'm busta and this is cooking with science oh hello welcome to cooking with science I'm Busta delicious nothing is more important to have fresh than your Seafood it's what makes the difference between a fresh fish ah and one that isn't so [Music] fresh if you live by the ocean you probably know that the water gets high tide and low tide look closely it's the same location amazing but did you know that this is caused by the gravity of the moon and the sun say this cookie is the Earth and this little happy fellow is me hello and this string represents the water around the earth if we didn't have gravity to worry about the water would all be equally deep around the earth But Here Comes the moon this mushroom now the moon has gravity and that pulls the oceans towards it a little bit like this that creates high tide there and low tide here and a little bump of high tide on the other side of the earth and as the Earth rotates and I'm on it I experience low tide and high tide and low tide and high tide very interesting but there's another Factor the Sun or this lemon Now The Sun Also affects the tides but not as much as the moon now the sun does not affect the tid as much as the moon because it's much further away but it still has an effect if the sun was here then the tides would be pulled away a little bit like that and the tides would be less severe but if the moon and the sun line up like over here you'd get a very very high tide and very very low tide so there you are that's how the tides are affected by the gravity of the Moon and the Sun M delicious I'm Bosa and thank you for joining me on cooking with [Applause] [Music] science our maxed out hoop glider was working pretty well that was amazing here we go but we could only give it so much thrust by throwing it so we came up with the perfect science Max solution our giant slck shot right we pull the bungee cord back and hook it onto our hoop glider I am ready to fire count me down three two launch [Applause] it very nice our slingshot Is Amazing by giving the glider more thrust that is more energy at the beginning so it's going faster when we launch it the glider Soares through the air and flies along way that was great so there you go giant hoop glider yeah science Max experiments at large nicely done what more can you ask for well my hey see you next time greetings science Max inites and welcome to science Max experiments at large my name is Phil and today on science Max experiments at large we're going to be looking at vibration vibration is when things go back and forth back and forth and back and forth all kinds of things vibrate like pendulums pendulums wait wait and pendulum pendulums are designed to swing back and forth stop that also metronomes me metronomes are used by people when they're when they're practicing music to keep accurate time yeah okay putting it back and okay we're going to be building okay we're going to be building this little guy this is a viot and he vibrates and he skitters around on the paper and if we take the Caps off the markers he makes interesting patterns on the paper Okay so let's get started let's build a Vibra bot oh yeah you know what maybe it's time to take off the ski boots huh there we go that's better so today like I said we're going to be making a VI robot and here are all the materials you need to make your own plastic cup three markers an electric motor just make sure you ask an adult first a battery a plastic drink bot cap a toothpick scissors this kind of tape is called electrical tape science tape which is the same as invisible tape but of course I use this tape only for Science and some modeling clay and these are two bendy straws that I've taped googly eyes to these are not necessary I just like them for decoration now remember if I'm going too fast here which I probably will be you can get all of the steps on how to make your very own viot on our website okay so here's how you get started first you're going to make the feet for your vibro Bot I attach some science tape to the markers and then I put the marker on the bottom of the cup and then I do that again to the next marker and then the third balance it like that there next thing you want to do is take your plastic drink bottle cap and make a hole with a toothpick you want to make it off to the side right about there just like that that's so when it turns it will be off center that's what's going to give us our vibration so once you've made that hole take some modeling clay and stick it in the cap to give it some weight when you've done that stick it onto the shaft of your motor like this see how it's off center there now we just need to attach it to the viot I just put it right here on the top and I like to attach the battery to the back of the cup and now finally we're going to attach the eyes we take some science tape and we put the straws over here I fiot I am here to vibrate take me to your leader so then you attach your tape with the wire to the top of the battery there and then the other wire to the bottom of the battery just like that and let your viot make some art now if the battery is new your viot might be jumping up and down quite a bit so you can do what I like to do and add some more weight and then you make better lines with with your viot and your viot makes art how long will he last probably till lunch and there you go viot art art made by a robot how cool is that so that's what we're going to do today I'm going to meet Chris from logic's Academy and he's going to help me max out the vi bot plus we're going to learn a little bit more about vibration come on oh hey Chris oh uh oh hey Phil thanks for coming my pleasure okay here's your science Max lab coat thank you so you guys at logixs Academy you also build a viot right that's right we do this is mine and it works pretty well that's awesome so I want to Max this out cool so I thought we would start with instead of this motor we would start with this motor wow it used to be a round circle but I cut it off so that it's off center perfect I've also got this is our battery fantastic that's as far as I've gotten so far well it looks like we need a frame next right something to be the cup that's right so we just need some sort of larger cup ooh how about that metal shelf over there oh this thing yeah this is just something I keep my parts on it's perfect really yep the shelves will house everything that we need and it looks like it'll be strong enough to hold everything together now the vi robot had markers on the bottom of it that's to make a little pattern should we try that with this because we're going bigger what if we use paint and paint brushes instead okay sure we could attach paint brushes to the legs pass me one all right so now all we need to do is get some paint and some paper that's right and uh and we can fire it up okay let's let's move it over this [Music] way vibration and frequency what's the difference they're all connected taada now wo vibration is things going back and forth back and forth and back and forth It's a cycle cycle 25 bucks oh yeah it's a wrong kind of cycle never mind well if that's vibration then what's frequency well frequency is a measure of how fast or slow how frequent those vibrations happen look at this bowling ball it is swinging back and forth but not very fast you could say it has a low frequency we measure all kinds of things by the frequency this thing is terrifying when you turn the dial on your radio you're tuning in to different frequencies of radio waves hey look at this punching balloon it's going very fast you could say it has a high frequency so now now you know vibration is something going back and forth and frequency is how quickly it does it remot that the bowling ball keeps coming through everything how do you turn it [Music] off okay back to our main experiment Chris and I are taking a viot and maxing it out we have a large motor and a battery and we're taping it all to some shelving just like our small vibrobot our motor needs something to make it un balanced when it spins that's what will cause the vibrations it's just taped I haven't attached it in any other way do you think that's okay as an engineer I have Superior faith in duct tape okay well that that's good to know we're also adding an onoff switch and some paint brushes on the bottoms of the legs so our maxed out fiber bot can make art just like the small one the final step dipping the brushes in paint and setting it on a big piece of paper we fire it up and it immediately shakes everything off the shelf oh it totally spilled on the step of the shelves the motor shakes the viot a lot but there's a problem all that shaking is starting to take its toll on the shelves the wheels come off the screws come out and finally W wo it totally shook itself apart destroyed itself the shelving unit just completely falls apart when it's being shaken vibration is really hard on the structure of an object we need something more sturdy something that can that can take weight steps maybe yeah okay hold on okay okay yeah this looks much better okay great so we build a new V robot out of this so more paint brushes bigger motor more paint More Everything more everything all right good this is a pendulum it's just a weight suspended on a line and anchored from above pretty simple pendulums were used for hundreds of years for all kinds of reasons but most famously in clocks why were pendulums used in clocks well here's why let's mark every time the pendulum hits the bottom of the Swing right here okay watch all right now here here's the question how fast will the beeps be if I swing it from much higher up let's find out no matter how high the pendulum swings it keeps the same frequency that's why they were used in clocks because it could swing for a long while and even though it would lose energy it would still keep perfect time the frequency of a pendulum doesn't change no matter how high it swings or how much weight is on the bottom the frequency comes from how long the line is now this is a pendulum wave because each bowling ball has a line that's a different length they have a slightly different frequency they start Out Swinging together but soon they start to make interesting patterns remember each pendulum is keeping its own perfect time even if it's slowing down it's only the length of the line that gives each pendulum a different frequency and now we're going to Max it out with with um well I guess these are already bowling balls so this is already pretty maxed out I'm just going to just going to leave that there these are balloons this is a laser and these are awesome laser safety glasses now lasers are made of light and light has a frequency in fact each color of light has a different frequency this is a red laser check it out yeah cool this is also a very powerful laser I can pop the blue balloon with the red laser because the blue absorb the red light from the laser and then it heated up and the balloon popped but here's the cool thing I cannot pop a red balloon with a red laser because the red balloon reflects the red light from the red laser and I can't pop it if I wanted to pop a balloon with a red laser I need to use a darker balloon one that absorbs the red light like like a Black Balloon H so there you go lasers frequencies of light I'm going to I'm going to keep this red balloon because it's always nice to have a [Music] balloon Chris and I are maxing out the viot but our last version shook it itself apart now the plan is to start with something more solid and try again we found some very solid steps and added an even bigger motor an even bigger battery and attach to half circle wheel to make the vibrations when the motor spins we add some paint brushes and fire it up here go come on go viot it wants to move is it moving at all H H so it's still not working it's already of getting caught in the paper and it's on the paintbrushes yeah the paint brushes seem to be absorbing too much vibration and then the paper's stopping as well so why don't we remove the paint brushes yeah and we might as well remove the paper if we don't have any more paint brushes yes and we'll see what happens we'll see what happens okay no paint brushes no paper okay now let's try it three 2 1 go yeah aha it's moving not bad the shaking is good but I don't know if the shaking is enough so what do we do well we could add another battery another battery which would give it more power that's right okay let's try that okay okay so it wasn't working before not enough power and now we've got a second battery here that's right we've wire them up so that one power feeds into the other so we've got twice as much juice as we so it's just a matter of clipping this onto there that's right but hold yeah safety glasses cuz now we don't know what's going to happen anymore ready 3 2 1 the extra battery makes a big difference the new Viber bot shakes around and only shakes itself apart a little all right that was amazing okay so all we needed was more power that's right I think it didn't have enough power to to vibrate up and down and that's why it wasn't moving every time hit the ground so I think if we're going to use this much power I think we need to build it again okay build it even stronger and with a bigger motor yeah and more power and then maybe I ride it you think we can build that of course of course okay let's do [Music] it you want to see something cool I can make this water levitate defy gravity using the power of science you want to see behold gravity defying water I can even make the water go very slowly or I can make the water go back up into the hose or I can make the water completely stop you know what's interesting the water does not seem to be stopped for me you see stopped water because you are looking at it through a TV Camera see real life TV Camera real life TV Camera you see movie cameras and TV cameras take a whole bunch of still photos and then run them together really really fast 24 times a second for our TV cameras I have created a device that drops water at 24 time a second and what happens is everything lines up so it looks like the water drops aren't moving but watch this I grab the hose and it's fine but I let it go and the hoses vibrating back and forth at exactly the same time the camera shutter is going back and forth and everything looks like it's stopped the power of frequency has defied gravity okay so not really it's kind of a camera trick but I prefer to call it science here's a fun way to play with things going back and forth this is Oiler disc and it's designed to spin like this what's going on is friction and gravity are slowing that down and pulling it towards the earth now you don't need a fancy disc like this to do this at home all you need is a pot lid check it out when the pot lid spins friction and gravity start to slow it down which means each spin gets lower and lower and the frequency gets higher and higher but the difference between a pot LD and Oiler disc is Oiler disc is made to go for as long as possible the heavy Puck has a slightly rounded Edge and sits on a glass surface that is slightly concave like a bowl all of this is designed to make Oiler disc last a really long time which is which is quite a while but eventually friction and gravity pull the disc down and finally it stops pretty amazing right well wait till we Max it out this is Trevor head of the science Max build team hey thanks for setting this up Trevor so what is this this is a giant side of a spool big Hydro spool okay so this is the largest disc that we could totally find and we've got it all hooked up here we lift it up we spin it and then you pull the thing and it will drop down and and spin like a coin cuz it's the only way we can do that that with something this heavy yeah ready I'm ready okay Trevor and I hoist it up and get it suspended above the ground then I start to wind it up ready when it's going fast enough and go Trevor Trevor pulls the release and it turns out at 200 kg spinning disc works exactly the same as it spins and rolls gravity and friction work on it and the frequency speeds up as it gets closer to the ground until it stops giant Oiler disc nicely done Trevor that was awesome that was great let's do it again all right our VI robot was working well so that means it's time to make it way bigger we started with a big metal table and added a huge motor one 20 times as powerful as the last one instead of batteries giving us 12 volts of power we're going to use a plug which is 10 times more power we've added an off-center wheel for vibration bolted the motor to the frame and added a protective cage all around to prevent anything from flying off it even has a seat for me to ride okay okay you ready ready we go we fire it up and it's very shaky oh wow wow that was really uncomfortable it was like very bangy even with the even with the seat yeah I'm can I I'm going to try standing on all right when I try standing on it the viot lives up to its name it vibrates all around the lab oh wow my legs are numb to to the knee I'm not surprised bye robots all right yeah that worked really well that was awesome I can't I really can't feel my feet right now and it held together which is impressive that's right the more power and the stronger structure paid off yeah the only thing I regret is not getting a chance to wait a minute wait a minute come with me okay so I achieved my dream of riding the viot you did but we never got a chance to make art so we've dipped a whole bunch of nuts and bolts and heavy things in paint and now we're going to turn on the viot and see if we can make some art let's see how it looks oh wow taada viot art viot has been a huge success and we' got some art to keep high fives well done science Max experiments at large who gets to keep the art uh rock paper scissors okay one two three okay tie one two three tie one two three one two three wow 1 2 3 ah TI 1 two 3 man welcome to science Max experiments at large I'm Phil mtic and today we're going to be building one of the most devastating one of the most powerful machines known to Medieval man using a plastic spoon among other things we're going to be building a catapult catapults were used throughout history for all kinds of reasons to throw all kinds of things but mostly big stone blocks at castle walls in order to knock them down here's what you need in order to build your own catapult you need elastics uh pencils um unsharpened is fine plastic spoons like I said and Popsicle sticks Popsicle Popsicle sticks Popsicle sticks um I'm going to go wash my hand so here's the science behind what we're doing today it's all about elastic Force elasticity is a property of solid materials like this elastic and how much they tend to return to their original shape when deformed like when I pull pull on it elastics are called elastics because they're great at doing just that you can pull on it and pull on it and pull on it and it'll ow ow ow always returned to its original shape so we are using the power of elastic force today ow now it's time for a science Max quiz elasticity is the ability for a material to return to its original shape when deformed like this or this which of these materials have elasticity a rubber band a pencil or a rock haha this is a trick question the answer is all three most solid materials have elasticity nearly everything will deform a little and still be able to return to its original shape it all depends on how much this is a steel bar this is an elastic band and this is an ice cream Sunday we're not talking about ice cream Sundays now though so get that out of here good now a steel bar and an elastic band both have elasticity a steel bar can be stretched to 1% of its length and still spring back a rubber band can be stretched 300% or more the difference between the two is why we make balls out of rubber and buildings out of steel because the other way around wouldn't be good for balls or buildings this has been a science Max quiz all right let's build our catapult the first step take four pencils and stick your Popsicle stick in between so you have two on the top and two on the bottom and then use your elastic to go around and around and around that's why I like building things with elastics because it makes it very fast to tie things together because once you go around and you have it nice and tight you just pop it over the end and voila it stays together and that is how you start making your frame put more pencils on that side and another popsicle stick on the other end held on at the corners with more elastics then take even more elastics and put them right around the middle until you get this I've added a few more elastics around the middle here and that is where we're going to get all of our elastic Force I think think I have six the more you use the better it's going to work take your Popsicle stick stick in between the elastics and then start spinning it around here's the reason I use pencils and popsicle sticks is because the pencils are a little bit longer which allows you to twist the popsicle stick around in the middle and build up the elastic Force now because I'm twisting the elastic Force we're using here is called torsion or twisting force when you feel you have enough torsion pull pull your Popsicle stick down a little bit so it won't unwind on you and you'll see that you have all kinds of elastic energy then take your spoon and stick it on the popsicle stick and you can also break off the popsicle stick if you want to make sure it's the right length and it works like that to make the frame you just need more pencils and elastics the trick is to make a triangle with two pencils attached to your frame they should stick up right where your catapult arm would be fully upright then take a final pencil and put it across the top don't forget to pull the arm back before you put the pencil across otherwise it'll end up on the wrong side now this is very complicated and I went pretty fast so if you want the step-by-step instructions on exactly how to build this go to our website and there you go a catapult of your very own that you can use to knock down very small castle walls I've also built a larger Castle catapult using all of the same principles pretty good huh it's got a longer arm which means I can throw marshmallows even further whoa or I can throw larger marshmallows or I can throw very large marshmallows now I know what you're thinking you're thinking Phil is that the largest catapult you're going to make well of course not this is science Max experiments at large I'm headed to the Center for skills development and training and we're going to max out the Catapult so that it's big enough to throw one of [Music] these hey Zach hey Phil how you doing all right this is Zach he's a mechanical engineer and you build machines for a living right that's right great cuz I need help building a catapult okay but what's with the pumpkin the pumpkin is what I want to throw out of the Catapult um see I figure we just take the small design and we just make it so that we can throw one of these what do you think you're going to need need a really big catapult yeah and I'm also going to need some really big elastics where do you get those well in medieval times they used rope to make large catapults oh okay well rope is a lot easier to get and that would be fine and I want to make this arm uh as long as this piece of wood here this is going to be a huge catapult it's a huge catapult I guess you should build it outside though huh let's do it okay it's over that way I'll follow you sure do you want a hand with that no no I'm fine you go ahead and I'll I'll just maybe if you hold the door open for me I could just hold no you know what you go and I I'll meet you you sure you're good our full-size catapult is going to look a lot like the popsicle stick version we start with a four-sided frame and add some legs on the bottom our spoon is going to be replaced by a long throwing arm with a basket on the end then we need a really strong cross brace at the top to stop the arm just like in the small version using a triangle shape is the best because triangles are very strong finally we need something to wind around and around which is going to give us our elastic Force instead of elastics we're going to be using rope for our catapult because rope has just the right amount of elasticity but unlike Medieval Times we're going to be catapulting pumpkins once Zach and I got it all put together it looked like this okay we have built a catapult check it out it's pretty solid and I think it's pretty amazing and just like in the small catapult we have our elastic Force but this time we're using rope right Zach yes okay and rope will work as well as the elastic did in the small one yeah all right great so what do we do it's really loose now we need to line this up so we put some tension into it Go the reason a catapult works is because the Rope is Twisted the elasticity in the Rope wants to unwind which gives the Catapult its power just like the small catapults the more you wind it the better it works usually in medieval days they had a whole teams of people doing this job but it's just me and Zach now how you doing Zach all right okay and then we clamp it on here so the thing doesn't unwind right yeah good all right now we have our pumpkin and we're going to fire our pumpkin in our castle wall which is made out of cardboard boxes over there pumpkin all right here we go pull on the arm back oh that elastic force is pretty strong okay how do you think we you think that pumpkin's a good size oh it's pretty big you think little too big it's to it's too big for our basket smaller pumpkin smaller pumpkin I'll hold this no rush stack no rush okay Rush stack can't hold oh yeah can't hold arm okay ready one 2 3 it didn't work that well um that well yeah so it went and it flew and it landed here which is a little farther away from the wall than I'd like it to be oneir of the way to the wall I don't know if that's enough what do we do to make it better well the way we're throwing it right now we just have the pumpkin in a you know at the end of the arm if we make make some kind of a sling so that we fling it as we're bringing it up we make a sling yes all right I don't know how to make a sling but you know how sure all right we'll make it and then you can explain how it works yeah all right good let's put the pumpkin over here we'll put it we'll recycle it later Max historica good tomorrow to you I Am Lord Billington II and welcome to my medieval castle throughout history Lords and kings have built castles and walls to keep people out I built my castle to protect my prize collection of snow globes I have so very many and they're all mine oh hello you down there you can't come in this is my castle and through our history there have been people who've been wanting to get into those castles because Lord fingon has been hogging all the snow globes and I well I'd like to look at them but the odd part is figuring out how to get into the castle because our CES come up to the wall and start armoring on it taste the wrath of my water [Music] balloon because because if I get too close to the castle he can get me fortunately there's this thing called a catapult oh Fiddlesticks they have a catapult what you do is you put something heavy in the end here and the Catapult fires it at the walls of the castle knocks them down or from far enough away that the people in the castle can't get to you I Surrender don't knock my walls down it'll take me all week to fix them oh all right all right you can have a snow [Music] globe and that's how catapults were used in history oh so beautiful back to our maxed out catapult our first design through a pumpkin just like it was supposed to except it only threw it onethird of the way to the wall now Zach and I are planning to outfit the Catapult with a sling the sling attaches to the end of the throwing arm and gives the pumpkin a lot more more distance to travel because the pumpkin is traveling a longer distance in the same amount of time it will be going faster which will hopefully get it to the wall or at least a lot farther than before so we built this sling how does this work Zach well we've got one end tied here yeah and then we put the pumpkin in here wait wait okay pulling arm down pulling arm down okay yeah now what now we put the pumpkin in here put the pumpkin in there and we Loop this over the back of the oh remember that as the throwing arm goes up this will slide off the back of the throwing arm and will release the pumpkin all right you're the expert I believe you let's try it out three 2 1 who okay that works really well you know what the problem is though we still don't have enough oomph yeah it needs more power so what do we do I don't know if we can crank that rope anymore I think we're at the limit of our rope power but if we added some more elastic I thought we weren't going to use elastic well we used elastics in our small demo model what if we use some more we have elastics I don't brought some in here just in case what's this it's a surgical tubing it's like a giant elastic mhm well I guess this is elastic Force so do we do we twist it around at the bottom there we just wrap it around the throwing arm like this oh I see so we tie it here yeah we just need a lot more and then and then we pull this and it would be oh yeah that would make a lot more so we just need a lot more of this elastic uh what is what is this again surgical tubing surgical tubing it's like a giant elastic fantastic all right goggles on goggles on yes yes mini ma here's another fun way you can play with elastic Force take a milk carton I prefer science Max Milk because it's the creamiest 2% cream 100% science wrap some elastic bands around it with some popsicle sticks on the bottom sort of like feet then take some clamshell Packaging which wraps just about anything you buy nowadays and cut out a square or a rectangle then wrap some tape around that square with an elastic in it and put the elastic on the feet of your milk carton then wind it around and make sure you go backwards so your Paddle Wheel boat will go forwards when you put it in the [Music] water and there you go a Paddle Wheel boat now it is time to Max it out aoy the SS maxed out elastic Force Paddle Wheel boat mattress I need I need a better name but I've made a giant Paddle Wheel boat that will work on elastic Force because I've got surgical tubing as my elastics and that's an air mattress and then I use some Lumber to hold hold it all together and of course I need a Paddle Wheel and what better thing to use in a pool than a flutter board okay here we go so normally you're not allowed to wear your clothes and your shoes in the pool but I got special permission because of science besides I'm not worried at all so I didn't wear my swimming outfit because I figure I can totally do this entire experiment without even getting wet that is how confident I am man all right now the tricky part we'll be getting on to the mattress okay here we go the SS science hey SS science that's a great name for this look at work great and I managed to say totally dry huh well almost oh you thought I was going to fall in the pool but I didn't uh-oh my flutter board has has stopped moving and I'm I'm in the middle of the pool almost yeah didn't think this through no no no no that's not going to work maybe I'll maybe I'll wait our maxed out catapult was working well with the sling we attached to it but it still didn't make it all the way to the wall Zach's idea is to attach a bunch of surgical tubing to the Cross piece of the Catapult surgical tubing is pretty much big elastics so we'll have two places we're getting elastic force from the Rope and the surgical tubing hopefully this design is enough to help our catapult fling a pumpkin far enough to hit the castle wall all right here we go uh you hold that I get this we got our system down now okay this goes up to there okay okay three two one nope one two [Music] three went too far it went too far we are that's so good oh man okay so all we got to do is move the Catapult back so you get that side I'll get this side and we'll move the Catapult see now our catapult is too good we got to back it away from the castle all right let's go again pumpkin pumpkin pulling arm back pulling arm back grunting loading pumpin hooking rope on arm hooking rope on arm more grunting more grunting pulling back strongly one two three oh oh wow we're inside the castle we're still inside the castle oh man it's an excellent shot though so what do we do move the Catapult back yeah move the Catapult back about here here here we go again pumpkin pumpkin loading arm load in arm all right you ready you think it's going to work we've got we've done every modification we can possibly do so you think it's going to work this time we did it it's going to work okay here we go I'm excited all right ready ready one two three who yeah woohoo high fives well there you have it awesome job now we need to throw fingers to see who gets to rebuild the castle okay one two 3 oh thanks very much for joining us you take a break I'll rebuild the castle you see this is exactly how catapults used to work they'd hit the same part of the wall over and over until they made a big hole and that would weaken the wall fortunately for me it's really easy to fix H just put this right in here oh man greetings science maximite today we're going to be looking at air I know it's it's kind of hard to look at air because it's well it's invisible but we can look at something that uses air to move that's right paper airplanes ha look out woohoo believe it or not you can learn all kinds of of science from paper airplanes so let's build some we are going to do a paper airplane which actually holds the Guinness world record for the longest paper airplane flight pretty cool huh first you fold the paper in half like this but then you open it back up again and then you fold in the corners like this now don't worry if this is really really fast because you have all the instructions on our we website then you can fold the paper down like this make sure it's about 2 cm from the bottom where the point is there and then you fold the corners in just like you did before but these ones are just guide folds we use guide folds to help us fold other folds basically now we fold again using the guide fold lines you just made and I'd like to call this fold the shirt collar fold because it sort of looks like a shirt collar when you fold it now we we fold again on the fold that you made before folds in like that and in like that and now we fold the point down to touch the edges right like that and this is a guide fold so do it very strong unfold it now you fold it in half like this and see that guide fold line that we made there what you're going to do is you're going to take the tip and you're going to fold it in to touch the guide fold line like that and this is also a guide and open it up and here's the trickiest part see how it's bent like that you push it open like this and this is called a pocket fold because you want to make a little pocket and push it up against there fold it flat like this fold this tip down over there like that then fold it around the back side then fold the wings down like this and like this and here's the extra special bit we're going to use some stabilizers on this plane fold up the stabilizers on the ends of the Wings and TDA the Sky King paper airplane fold now as science maximizes you know that there's lots of ways you can learn how to fold paper airplanes get an adult and look up paper airplane designs on the Internet or take a book out of the library on how to fold paper airplanes and of course this isn't science Max experiments at large if we don't Max it out so that's right we're going to make a giant paper airplane I'm going to the Ontario Science Center to do just that uh-oh that's never good W no Phil I'm so sorry you okay yeah I'm okay Justin I never know where the Portal's going to spit me out this is the science center right well that's right in fact you've landed in our paper airplane laboratory this is what happens to me Justin I make a paper airplane I fold it perfectly but then it flies like that or that or it does that and I don't know how to fix it okay well that that will happen but you know what there are really only three ways your paper airplane can fly and I can teach you how to control each and every one of them great let's do it let's do it all right science Max presents how to fly your paper airplane is your paper airplane spinning around and around well that's what you call roll Chum roll is what you call it when any plane moves like this or like this here's how to fix it Bend up the back of one wing to create more lift on one side and it'll balance out Happy Days okay so let me try mine what's that your airplane goes straight up or straight down sounds like you have a problem with pitch sorry pitch pitch is when your airplane moves like this or like this to fix it bend the ends of both Wings up if you pitch down or down if you pitch up adding a weight to the nose also helps if you've got a problem with high pitch sorry high pitch great great you're sure all right here we go is your plane turning this way or that way y y no y yah is when your plane moves like this or like this to fix it bend the back of the plane like the rudder of a boat okay great uh let me try mine not bad you try yours here we go oh yeah that was pretty cool that's what we want you know what are you ready to build a giant paper airplane I think I am fantastic I just need to get one more expert I will be right back cool hey David how you doing hey good good so David's going for his masters of applied science in Aerospace science and engineering so you know all about planes I do great so what does this have to do with planes what is this so this is a water Channel and it allows us to test airplanes in it before we put them in the sky great we'll have my airplane and we'll just put it in here and we'll test it please it's made of paper yeah and in the water it becomes soggy well how do we test our paper airplane if we can't put it in the water well this is a a classic uh air foil shape yes now is that would you call it air foil an air foil yeah so the cross-sectional shape of a wing is called an air foil okay uh and that's what generates the lift fortunately air and water are both fluids so they behave in the same way I can push ink into the water and that's going to allow us to see how the fluid flows over the aircraft so if you tilt its nose up a little bit you'll be able to see that the shape of the air foil is actually pushing the water downwards oh yeah you're right the ink doesn't go straight it goes it follows the wing follows the shape of the wing down and we have a lower pressure on the top of the wing and a higher pressure on the bottom of the wing which pushes it upwards right generating lift that creates lift exactly so do you you guys use this all the time in in Aerospace yeah y That's pretty neat so are you ready to design even bigger plane a giant paper plane I'm I'm confident we can do a good job I am excited about it let's do it right now uh the the big paper's over this way this way okay here's the plan take a giant piece of paper and fold the exact same airplane we did in the last the small one flew the large one should too right well let's find out I believe we are ready to make our giant paper airplane all we need is a giant piece of paper w okay be very careful getting off it all right Let's Fold It uh no on that side okay remember we're folding the exact fold we did in the lab only on a larger scale we have a tape a tape M pum down here but it's a lot harder to do with a giant piece of paper fantastic that's it okay there perfect yeah Giant paper airplane this uh this doesn't look too much like an airplane no it's way way too floppy yeah but I mean what maybe it just like when I throw it maybe it'll catch the winds and then the wings will come up like that uh yep maybe like you know I'll just uh give it a try Phil okay I'm going give it a try give it it a try okay you guys ready yeah go for it here we [Music] [Laughter] go wow what you think oh oh man I think I think we can make some improvements it sort of felt it sort of felt like a bed sheet I feel if I just threw my lab coat it would probably look let me just see okay ready yeah it looks pretty much the same doesn't it yeah yeah so I didn't know this but when you fold paper that big it sort of behaves like fabric yeah very very floppy very floppy what if we supported the plane like we we put struts or something in it like um like this stick if we put it on the wings it'll stop it from being so floppy right and you can tape it on yeah it's great idea we need we need bigger sticks really lightweight light so uh foam Stu and like Hol tubes Hol tubes good so we'll we'll put a whole bunch on there we'll tape them on so that it doesn't flop around we'll try it again yeah yeah okay great let's go all right mini ma Bern's theorem states that faster moving air has lower pressure than slower moving air you can demonstrate this yourself with a pingpong ball and a hair dryer you put with the ping pong ball on the stream of air from the hair dryer and because it's moving quickly it has lower pressure than the air around it so the low pressure air Works sort of like a force field and you can defy gravity with your floating ping pong ball awesome but of course this is science Max experiments at large so we have to Max it out with a giant hair dryer and a giant pingpong ball [Music] I sorry I said science you probably couldn't hear me because of the so our giant paper airplane turned out to be really floppy when paper is that large it doesn't hold together very well what we're going to do is take foam and long sticks and tape it to the large paper airplane wherever we need to give it support so here and here here and a bunch there maybe some over there well it turned out we needed to reinforce in a lot of places put back in there and then that this great look at that it's not even flopping around it stands under its own weight huh there's a there's a whole bunch of stuff on it I don't know if it's going to fly so well oh it's it's going to it's going to be well I mean I have to put the stuff on it so it doesn't it doesn't flop around but it's there's like really a lot of stuff well I needed this foam to reinforce this foam and then I needed the cardboard to reinforce both of those Phil there's a giant hole in the wing well I can fix that just get move your head and then I'll just Phil there's a lot of stuff on here there but like it's really a lot problem solved guys let's just fly it oh okay sure yeah yeah let's do it let's do it all right uh all right here we go maiden voyage of the mark two giant paper airplanes okay here we go one two [Music] three so it went about 3 feet so that didn't work I told you that too much stuff you did he told me that he he he he said that he said that what we need is something that's stiffer uh without as much as much stuff on it but the paper it's too floppy so you have to put the stuff on right how about some cardboard cardboard is nice and stiff and techly paper you're right cardboard let's make it out of cardboard cardboard all right oh it's over [Music] here Mini Max tornadoes are giant weather systems that cause the air to go around and around tornadoes can be pretty dangerous but they don't happen that often here's how you you can make your own small pet tornado you can play with at home because air and water behave similarly we can make a water tornado you spin it around get it going and TAA your very own pet tornado here's how you do it you take two 2 L plastic bottles and fill one with water and some blue food coloring is what I like to do and then tape the mouths of the bottles together you might need an adult to help you with this because you want to make sure the bottles are perfectly aligned then flip it over spin it around to get it going and voila your very own pet tornado awesome and now we're going to Max it out with a giant tornado chamber hey Michaela hey Phil so this is your giant tornado it's amazing so I made one with the plastic bottles and water but this one uses air just like real tornadoes do in the wild that's right so how does this work well um here we have a platform but underneath that there's a fog machine that's pushing the fog up and we've created an updraft because there's a fan at the top that's pushing air out of the top and also we're trying to mimic the intense winds you'd get from a tornado with these pillars that are shooting out air in this direction so it goes around in a circle yeah in real life that tornadoes are pretty rare you need a perfect set of conditions to see them you need warm humid air and cold dry air and as well as some intense winds that you usually get from thunderstorms science mini bag if I was to drop this light basketball and this heavy workout ball at the same time which do you think will hit the ground first let's find out they landed at the same time that's because everything falls at the same rate it doesn't matter how how heavy or how light something is until things are falling fast enough that air friction or drag starts to play a factor soon things reach their top speed this top speed is called terminal velocity it means I can throw this basketball from an airplane and it might not be going any faster than if I threw it from say 10 stories up I'm going to find out what the terminal velocity is for both of these objects when we Max this out ninja science roll here's how terminal velocity Works everything falls at the same rate going faster as gravity pulls it down but when things start going so fast that just pushing through the air at that speed creates as much force as the pull of gravity things reach a top speed and they won't go any faster how heavy something is and how much air it pushes both play a factor in its top speed and that top speed is called terminal velocity how cool is that I'm an iFly Toronto this is a giant wind tunnel and they've got the wind going fast enough that they can't fall any faster it's the terminal velocity for a human being I'm going to take our weighted ball and our basketball and place them both here in the wind chamber this is the control panel which is what they use to control the wind speed inside the chamber and this is Derek who's going to be operating it and that is Mike and Greg and they're inside the chamber all right let's fire it up all right firing it up 35 58 nothing happening yet this number here is the one we're looking at to see how fast the air is moving 86 something starting to happen oh 89 wind speed of basketball 89 km an hour at 89 kmph the wind is going fast enough that the friction of the wind and the pole of gravity balance out making the basketball float this means you could throw a basketball out of an airplane and it would never go any faster than 89 km per hour all right let's keep increasing the speed 106 124 km an hour 14050 oh 166 almost 172 who wind speed of the heavy red ball 173 km an hour because the red ball is heavier than the basketball we need a lot more wind speed to counteract the force of gravity before they cancel out and the ball floats here's something else that's going on that's cool Mike is flying but Greg is not that's because Mike is lying down which means he's catching a lot more wind than Greg is who's standing straight if Mike stays lying down his ter Al velocity is the same as the red ball 173 kmph but Greg's velocity would have to be a lot faster and that's science so the giant paper airplane hasn't been working so well the problem is paper can't hold up its own weight when it's that large cardboard is much stronger than paper so we've decided to rebuild the plane out of cardboard all right Phil hoist it up then we take it to the roof of the Science Center and see if we can get it to fly woo there you go our Mark III model paper airplane now I know it's made out of cardboard but cardboard is technically paper and it's the only thing strong enough to hold a plane of this size together we even had to put some poles in so the wings still wouldn't flap but we're pretty confident this is going to work okay all right Phil we're in position now don't try this at home our roof has a big wall on the edge your roof does not our first attempt didn't go so well looks like we have a bit too much pitch our second attempt still had a bit too much pitch time to add some weight to the nose we added some clips to the front to give it a little bit more weight on the nose which is important although at this point I kind of wish there was less weight okay all right fail that was great woohoo all right W this throw worked best but I know what you're thinking Why didn't it sail through the air like a normal paper airplane does well that's because the other thing heavy planes need to fly is thrust so we could put an engine on our plane but then we'd have to use something stronger than cardboard and well pretty soon we'd have an actual plane but this isn't about making a full-size plane this is largest paper airplane I've ever thrown wo you got a great is great thank you very much for watching science Max experiments at lerge where were the stairs oh never mind I found him greetings race fans and science Max smites I am Phil mccordic and this is science Max experiments at large today we're going to be experimenting with the drag racer huh pretty cool it works like this you pull the string and get the wheels going really fast and then Let It Go and it just drives away on its own the interesting thing is that I don't have to push it it goes by itself it all has to do with Newton's first law of motion which is an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion uh yeah let's get building here is everything you need to build your very own dragster you need some popsicle sticks some straws and some shish kebab skewers I love these you can get these at the grocery store uh let's see some elastics and of course you want wheels and I just cut my wheels out of cardboard so here's a quick explanation of how to build your dragster first use anything round to trace three circles out on your piece of cardboard remember you want two big and one small circle then cut out your wheels then it's time to make the frame of the dragster using popsicle sticks and elastics just put two popsicles sticks together then wrap the elastic band around them to keep them together first you build one side then the other side then add some pieces across the middle to give it support remember not to put any popsicle sticks too near the ends because they'll get in the way of your wheels next cut the straws into small pieces and use an elastic band to tie them to the ends of the popsicle sticks then it's just a matter of sticking the shish kebab skewer in a wheel passing it through the straws and sticking on the other wheel don't forget that the small wheel goes in the middle at the front you can trim the skewers afterward by just breaking it off short if you want stepbystep directions on exactly how to do this you can go to our website it's all right there now the last part is wrap some string around the back axle so you can pull and the wheels will spin let's check it out and see how it works didn't work that well did it that's because we haven't added the secret ingredient plasticine the perfect secret ingredient for all of your dragster needs and also sculpting because that's what it's for remember how I said an object at rest tends to stay at rest that an object in motion tends to stay in motion well the heavier something is the more Force you need to change its direction either get it moving or make it stop that is called inertia it's the tend for an object to resist the change in motion either getting it going or making it stop so the heavier we make the wheels of our dragster the more they will resist a change in motion so what I've done is I've stretched out my plasticine and then you roll the wheels of the dragster around in the plasticine and this will make each wheel way heavier than just the cardboard by itself and it will make it much better in terms of keeping the dragster going because if the wheel has more weight it will have more inertia now I have to wrap the string around the back axle just like that and there we go all right let's try it out all right let's give it a shot and see how it works pull on the string get the wheels going real fast and there it goes now of course this is science Max experiments at large and we are going to do it again and we're going to do it much much bigger that's why I'm going to the Center for skills development and training I thought it was bigger oh right hey Chris hey Phil how you doing Chris is from Logics Academy Logics Academy and he is going to help me max out our dragster now you guys it Logics Academy go into schools and build all kinds of cool stuff with the students that's absolutely right this is our draer over here actually and uh this one has an electric motor which is kind of fun and these gears touch o wheels get going I like that and oh all right see our dragster works on good old human power you pull the string and there it goes now you have a Physics degree right I do which means you know Newton's first law of motion of course an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay he in motion I thought it was going to come from over there yeah come [Music] on all right Chris uh want to make a dragster big enough that we can ride whoa okay uh well it's going to have to be pretty big yeah I think we have enough wood though right yeah oh look I've got some wheels perfect these are bike tires and I filled them full of air so they're bouncy check it out oh okay so yeah we build our frame out of wood yeah attach the tires on then find a way to get them spinning and if the tires are spinning we don't actually have to push the cart because it'll just go on its own that's the idea the inertia should carry in the wheels should carry us down the track so in this case the object in motion is the wheels that's right and it wants to stay in motion which means that when it hits the ground it'll push the cart and hopefully us too and hopefully us too all right let's get building let's do it so Chris and I get to work building the dragster our maxed out version is going to look just like the popsicle stick version a triangular frame with two large wheels at the back and a small one at the front what's more we're going to do the same thing to get the wheel spinning we're going to attach a rope and give it a pull when we drop it down the inertia of the wheels should make the dragster take off all right here we have our dragster this is nice Chris yeah it looks good so um the only thing I don't understand is what are these for right so these are going to help us lift the wheels off the ground like this pull it back and what's going to happen is we going to run real fast with that string and we're going to give a little kick and hopefully it'll take off ah all right I like it so I just run backwards as fast as I can fast as you can all right here we go ready yep Ready okay safety glasses on and oh wait uh did you want to sit on it or oh right um let's wait until we see it working and then we can okay dry run okay dry run ready [Music] go one and go yeah so here's what happened remember the cart has no power of its own it was able to drive away from a stop using the inertia it got from its spinning wheels and a little bit from Chris's kick that worked pretty well that was awesome yeah I think I think we can make it go even better you think so I just think we need a bit more speed yeah all right well let's pull it back to the start okay so what we just the wheels weren't going fast enough yeah I think so I think that you running I mean was great but maybe if we use something motorized well I think I'm using a motor feels like cheating no no no not on the wheels maybe um oh just to get the wheels spinning fast yes that's right but what do we I don't know how that would work well I was thinking a power drill a power drill yeah I don't get it how do we use a drill let me explain so we'll take a drill right and we'll attach it right on this axle here and that'll get the wheel spinning a lot faster than we had before oh I see so you put the drill right here at the end and it it'll spin the wheel that's right that's the idea anyway and once we get it up to speed hopefully a lot faster than before and give it a kick should go a lot farther okay great so that's that's way better than me running all the way back with the Rope I think so all right uh now here's the real question should we just go for it and have someone ride it when we do it with the drill well who gets to ride it oh rock paper scissors okay let's go one two three oh all right uh I will get a drill okay what kind of bit do we need uh hex [Music] bit mini bags here's a fun experiment you can try if you have something heavy like this glass of water and you put it on a piece of paper you can experiment with inertia if you move the paper slowly the glass moves with the paper because the friction between the paper and the glass is enough to overcome the inertia of the glass but if you move the paper quickly the friction is not enough to overcome the inertia and the glass stays put and now let's Max it out okay let's do it all right now you might be tempted to try this at home and you can but please for me promise that you'll let an adult know you're about to do this and don't don't use breakable plates use plastic plates because this will take a couple times of practicing before you get it right put something on the plastic plates because the heavier they are the better it will work all right did I mention not to do this at home unless an adult knows you're doing it I cannot stress that enough okay deal all right deal here we [Music] go and there you go Newton's first law thank you our dragster work pretty well but now we're going to try sitting on it and seeing if the inertia of the wheels is enough to accelerate the Dragster and the human Rider because we're going to need a lot more inertia we're going to make the wheels spin even faster using a drill all right power tools yeah Power Tools woo woooo yeah sorry when I attach the drill to the wheel it works really well yeah that is really going to work all right let's do it for real so uh what do you want Helmet or blast Shield blast Shield blast Shield all right there you go you ready go there you go oh man okay remember the faster the wheels are spinning the more inertia they will have ready ready and well what happened uh so you went you went a foot one foot [Music] so why didn't that work uh nearly as well as the last time we did it well I think my extra weight caused a bit of a problem so the inertia wasn't able to carry us forward but the whole the whole point of this is so that someone can ride the dragster cuz why why build it if we can't ride it that's exactly right I think if we're going to have someone ride it we need heavier Wheels well on the small one we use plasticine yeah to I don't know if that's what we can we should use what if we used car tires car tires how what on this no I think we're going to have to build something bigger so we okay so we build a whole new frame yep what if we got like the axle of like the back axle of a car or something it's a great idea the back axle of a car and then what we use the drill I don't think the drill is going to be enough to move the why you don't think it's going to be enough to move the back axle of a car yeah it's yeah too big so what do we do well what's good at moving the back axle of a car well I mean a car but we would have to take it off the car so we could use another car we could use another we could use we could use another car we could use another car um you'll have to explain how that work Works let's go let's go get the the stuff and you can tell me how we're going to use so how do we use another car to make the first car go okay I'm thinking we jack one car up yeah back our big dragster Newton's laws in 60 seconds Isaac Newton was a super genius and among the many things he did was come up with three laws of motion that describe how everything moves or doesn't move I will demonstrate using myself Newton's First Love and object at rest tends to stay at rest an object in motion tends to stay in motion Newton's third laog is for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction these sandbags weigh as much as I do so when I push them forward I go backward the same distance now Newton's second law is FAL ma Force equals mass time acceleration how hard you push something is equal to its mass or its weight times its acceleration or how much you change its speed I I know that one's a little bit more complicated so we're going to have a whole other segment describing that one coming up meantime let's recap Newton's first law object of rest tends to stay at rest object in motion tends to stay in motion Newton's third law for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction Newton's second Newton's three laws of motion now how do I how do I get down how do I how do I get oh wait I know I know oh no that wasn't that was not a good idea that was now it's time for science so simple a caveman could do it this is a caveman this is a door it is a well-known scientific fact that cavemen do not know how to open doors this is Newton's second law Force equals mass times acceleration our caveman thinks he can open the door if he uses Force well what if he was to walk briskly into the door then the force that he will hit the door with will be equal to his mass or how much he weighs times his acceleration which will be walking speed [Music] to zero it didn't work did it looks like we need more Force if we want to increase the force we need to increase the mass increase the acceleration or both a rock that's perfect if the caveman holds the rock he has a greater mass now we just need to increase the acceleration which means going faster let's try running go on [Music] a little further that's good now the caveman is going to run at the door to get more Force we've increased the mass to a caveman plus a rock and we've increased the acceleration to go from running speed to zero and there you have it that's how Newton's Second Law works join us next time for how door knobs work what our inertia power dragster just wasn't maxed out enough so Chris and I built a second dragster the dragster Mark I this one is a welded metal frame and instead of bike tires we're using car tires because they're much heavier than bike tires and to get the tires spinning fast enough we're going to use a car that's right we jack up an actual car and have the tires touch each other then we can get those heavy tires spinning fast enough to get enough inertia to get me going from nothing the science Max build team pulled out all the stops on this one just like the smaller version The Dragster has to be up on Jacks so the wheels don't touch the ground as they get spun up the wheels of the dragster touch the wheels of this working car which is also jacked up that's how going to get them spinning fast enough Chris is over there he's got a rope just like I'm going to have a rope and when we're ready we're going to run forward and pull it off the Jacks and our dragster will go we hope right that's the plan right all right I it's going to work I think we should do it uh ready Chris ready you ready Paul ready fire it up go go go faster faster faster faster faster going after three right one two three go nice pretty good yeah that worked all right I think are we ready for me to be in it I think so all right we're going to do it the helmet's in the in the max van do you have the keys for the max van uh uh keys for the max van Min here's another small experiment you can do with the nurse take a stack of checkers or game pieces like I have here oh or coins coins work really well and a ruler or something else that's flat this is the kind of stick they give you at the hardware store to stir your paint with now you can knock Checkers out of the middle of the stack without the stack falling over if you're very careful you see the friction of the checkers leaving the middle of the stack won't be enough to overcome the inertia of the rest of the checkers ready now let's Max it out oh I have these pizza boxes and they should work the same way you see you get a stack and don't worry I've already eaten all the pizza and I put them on there like that and now I need a ruler and what I've got is this Cricut bat you see it's got a nice flat Edge just like the ruler now if this works right I can hit it hard enough to knock out just one or two pizza boxes and the rest of the stack should stay here we go ready science awesome and there you have it Newton's first law an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion an object in motion tends to stay in motion usually there's a sign that well our inertia power dragster worked really well and now it's time for the final step me riding it to Glory now I I know it probably doesn't need saying but don't try this at home not that I I think you really can try this at home because this is kind of involved but I figured I should probably tell you guys just in case you were tempted to try it at home we know what we're doing we know what we're doing right Chris yes yes yes we know what we're doing all right fire it up keep it going keep it going all the way all the way three two 1 go yeah yeah woo how's that for ntia wow look at that that's amazing cool high FES yeah let's Rec cap the weight of the tires as well as how fast they were going provided enough inertia to accelerate me and the weight of the dragster the objects in motion the wheels wanted to stay in motion so much they moved the dragster all by themselves inertia and Newton's First Love Of Motion thank you for joining us on science Max let's go again your turn yeah my turn okay can you hear me hold greetings science yeah that's much better greetings science Max Andes and welcome to science Max experiments at large today we're going to be talking about sound sound is all around us we use it every day but what is it really sound is energy let's say that this is the that this no stay stay okay that this spring is the sound of my voice when I make noise it travels away from me in a wave one air molecule vibrates the next Air molecule vibrates the next and it looks like a wave and when there's a little bit of energy the wave doesn't move very much science but when there's a lot of energy the wave moves a lot science what do we do what what do we do to make sound louder this is the science Max theme song but it's not very loud because the speaker on my phone isn't designed to make super loud noises so what we're going to do is find ways to make the volume of that song as loud as possible here is one way take a phone playing some music and put it in a glass make sure the glass is empty of course huh and suddenly it's a lot louder wow why this works is one of the things we're going to be looking at today so that's what we're going to do today on science Max experiments at large we're going to learn how to make sound louder as loud as we can but I'm going to need an expert to help me um oh I know Michaela from from the Ontario Science Center she's very smart all I need you to do is go to the Ontario Science Center and see if she's [Music] busy Phil are you okay yeah Michaela it's good to see you nice to see you too that was weird I was wondering if you could give me a hand with an experiment oh I'd love to yeah it's a sound experiment sounds awesome right on okay we'll take the portal we'll go back to science Max headquarters take the portal cool haven't you taken the portal before no don't you remember it wasn't working last time oh well it's is it working fixed this time yeah no it'll be great trust me here we go who what's going on Phil is everything okay usually when I come through the portal I land on something or something falls on me or not today it's your lucky day I guess safe landing safe landing high five all right so let's get started okay this is the experiment I want to max out today Michaela I know pretty impressive right no no hold on so I take my phone and I play some music on my phone and it's louder right check it out well you just made yourself a resonance chamber a resonance chamber a resonance chamber is what we say when we're trying to describe how the sound is Amplified so if the sound's coming in from One Direction it's ing around not really losing energy so when more sound comes in that's Amplified we hear it a lot louder that's cool so that's what I want to do hold on let me turn this off that's what I want to do today I want to max out as much sound as we can get out of the science Max themee song which is so excited totally awesome so what else can we do to do that uh well there's a couple Avenues I'm thinking do you want to try something with electricity or without electricity that's cuz with electricity we're talking speaker systems and and right so why don't we do no electricity for now and then we can jump to electricity when we feel we've we've exhausted everything that's non-electric cool so I was thinking we could try to make a megaphone cuz uh if we have a lot of sound we could you know funnel it in One Direction and then it'll be louder okay yeah so the megaphone is pretty easy to make right we could just use in fact we could use this piece of paper right yeah let's try it what do you think I think it's very me megaphon science taping it up okay ready okay turn it on play it and doesn't send but what if I do this hey there it is and on that song yeah you hear it yeah oh I hear it okay so that worked pretty well so oh yeah it works works well so okay so this is pretty easy right megaphone oh yeah so why don't we Max this out why don't we make a giant megaphone and see if it makes a big difference I think it will sounds good let's get started Woo Min all sound is vibration but it's really hard to it's really hard to learn about that vibration if you can't see it I mean sound is invisible right well here's a way that you can make sound visible all you need is some plastic wrap and salt and a bowl just a regular bowl and an elastic like this so what you do is you take the plastic wrap and cut off a piece just large enough to fit over the bowl and then use the elastic to wrap around the bowl to keep the plastic tight pour some salt on the bowl and then watch this [Music] hello vibrating salt the plastic wrap is stretched tight over the bowl making it like a drum a drum that's very sensitive to sound vibrations your ear works the same way that's why we call it an ear drum the vibrations for my voice make the plastic wrap vibrate and that makes the salt dance but there's more let's Max this out this is a cadney plate and what it is is just a piece of metal on a platform that vibrates up and down to a frequency which I can program with this dial here and when the sound waves vibrate the plate they can interact in ways that make the sand form interesting patterns take a look The Sounds I'm generating vibrate the plate make it move like a wave but when the vibrations reach the edge of the plate they bounce back and interact with the other waves going the other way the way these waves interact at different notes is what causes the sand to make these different shapes so this is great but you know what we can Max it out even more maxing it out even [Music] more okay that's about as much as I can take of that so Michaela and I are on a quest to make the loudest sound we can the first step is to make things louder without using electricity we've looked at a resonance chamber and now we're going to make a large megaphone sounds can be Amplified by bouncing sound waves around in a space when I put my phone into the glass the glass acts as a resonance chamber the sound waves Bounce Around inside the glass and they combine and stack on top of each other this makes the sound louder residence Chambers are used by musical instruments like an acoustic guitar the wooden chamber bounces the sound waves around and the sound waves build on each other to make the sound louder a megaphone bounces sound waves as well instead of going off in all directions a megaphone makes the sound waves all go in One Direction that's one of the reasons why a megaphone makes sounds louder but only when it's pointed at you so will a bigger megaphone work better so we've made a larger megaphone which is exactly the same thing you just take a sheet and you roll it up except our sheet was plexiglass covered in paper and we've taped it together so it stay STS and the idea here oh yeah bigger megaphone we're going to vibrate even more of the air inside of here and hopefully this thing will be louder okay so you're ready to try it with the phone I think first we should try it with our voices though okay hey pH what's your favorite season awesome I can totally hear you that's amazing and it would be fall no summer spring think about it anything but winter so the maxed out megaphone worked but we still had to try it with my phone okay okay yeah oh yeah oh definitely have a now no not so much not so oh yeah no no so that is a great example of non-electrical amplification that's right Amplified The Sounds no electricity okay [Music] byebye come on Make Some [Music] Noise well how do you make noise well to know that you got to know your sound all sound is vibration here take a closer look can you see you got okay let's try this again all sound is vibration the string of this guitar vibrates which vibrates the air around it causing the sound that you hear your vocal cords vibrate in your throat causing you to make a [Music] sound look at this thing look at this thing see how it's shaking back and forth It's VI ating things that make a high sound they vibrate faster vibrating really fast wo things that make a low sound vibrate [Music] slowly high note vibrating fast [Music] fast [Music] fast vibrating SL and now you know your sound everything has a resonance a note that vibrates best at let's say this fish tank is well any container where sound would be vibrating and the waves of water are actually waves of sound now normally sound waves will bounce around inside the container off the walls and go back and forth like that and how fast I move this piece of wood is the frequency or the note that we're playing I could vibrate this wood very fast and make a high note I could move this plank very slow and make a low note and the waves Just Bounce Around inside the container but there's a speed I can move this plank where the waves stop going side to side and suddenly get twice as big the waves bouncing off the sides of the tank are meeting the waves going in the other direction but what we end up seeing is peaks of the Waves not moving side to side just going up and down like you see here this is the resonant frequency of this container so let's Max this out say I have a wine glass and I wet my finger and I rub it around the rim it vibrates at a certain note that note is the resonant frequency of this wine glass so what would happen if we were to play that note back to this wine glass really really loud and yes this is something you should not try at home this note makes the glass vibrate the most finding the perfect note things vibrate best that is great for musical instruments but it's not great for this wine glass the sound waves are causing the the glass to vibrate a lot and because this glass is delicate it can only vibrate so much before it [Music] breaks the vibrations were so strong that the glass literally shook itself to Pieces science sorry science oh wait science [Music] s Michaela and I have tried a residence chamber and a giant megaphone to make sound louder now it's time to move on to the next step of the plan using electricity to help us amplify sound and that means speakers so speakers that you have at home three different speakers here right three different cones yeah there's a lot going on so what's the deal well here at the bottom uh we have a subwoof a sub wait a minute a subwoofer subwoofer so it's a woofer the word is woofer yep and it's okay so it's we dogs right no no some wers is for low notes Here in our speaker at the top here we have a tweeter so it's for Birds it's it Birds dogs so low let me guess low notes tweeters high notes yeah high notes and then we have this guy here in the middle and that's called your mid-range speaker oh that's not nearly a coola name now we have speakers we taking a look at that but why don't we take one apart rightz I've got this one here that I spilled juice on so it doesn't work anymore so I've kind of taken it apart so it's got that's awesome okay so it's got the cover that's cool so what I find interesting is there's there's the speaker and the wires right because it's electrical amplification but check this out this is just a ring to hold that on and the rest is just an empty box we know what that is res chamber that's right so that's why it's an empty box so take this apart too see what's going on so that's just that's the paper cone right so that's the like that's the drum I guess this like eardrum the thing that vibrates yes yeah this whole thing vibrates so this whole for electromagnet when we turn this on the electromagnet goes on and off and uh it's causing this whole thing to vibrate so that's how it works it's the electricity turning the electromagnet on and off exactly and it's on and off and on and off and on and off and on and off and then makes it makes it vibrate at certain speeds right Herz the number of times it vibrates per second is Herz what we could do is we could Max it out with the speaker and plug the phone in the speaker but this step does not feel like science Max to me because anybody can do that right you can just turn up your television right now and that's pretty much the same kind of thing we need electrical amp simplification but Max up Max it up what are you thinking okay so I I I've got a friend and he's got a stereo system that he built put together and what he does is he tours different cities so he said he'd bring it by science Max headquarters going to bring it here we got to go outside missing and it's very loud so we have to go outside when's he coming um right now all right let's go check it out seeing sound vibrations is fun this kind of speaker is a special kind it's called a subwoofer which is designed to give you the low notes the big rumbly bass sounds I tilt the speaker so it's facing up and cover it with big sheets of plastic wrap which I push into the cone then tape it so it's nice and secure then what you need is some cornstarch mud which is two parts cornstarch one part water I've got some yellow corn starch and some blue cornstarch this experiment works the best with low notes I'm playing a tone through the stereo that is very low here's what happens when I turn up the [Applause] volume it's aive you see cornstarch mud is a sheer thickening fluid which means when you impact it it turns solid so the vibrations from the speaker cone are making the cornstarch mud impact and that's turning it into a solid but then it sort of also melts back into a liquid so you get little Columns of cornstarch coming up and falling down again it's like it's dancing wa visual sound waves science science so Michaela and I are going to max out sound to do that we need a maxed out sound system going to be amazing this is going to be super maxed out sound experiment this is James Mich hey James you thanks for coming buddy nice meet you so tell us about your speaker system it looks a lot like a vehicle this is my audio van it's got four 15in subwoofers in the back it's got a whole bunch of power to power it and I'm glad to be here to let you guys hear today awesome so if I have speaker at home the like a little speaker like this how many watts do you think that would be somewhere between 15 and 25 15 and 25 watts yes and you've got 4,000 yes so that's a lot more yeah quite a bit and subwoofers they play low notes yes so is that better when you have a van like this with a car audio van like this you want to play low notes like your house stereos and that will play anything from 120 to 200 Hertz I'm playing 20 htz to about 35 Max for you guys today so that's like a yeah sort of Rumble of Thunder where you really feel it like a train going past almost oh that's cool so we get our hearing protection on and we try it out I know what you're thinking Phil what's the point of having loud music if you can't really hear it because we've gone from listening to music to feeling it the sound waves are so strong that they have become a physical presence Michaela's hair flies around because the air from the speakers is creating shock waves the sound waves are so powerful they move the air back and forth which makes Michaela's Hair dance all over the place and my hair not so [Music] much I'm totally jealous of your long hair yeah you need to get longer hair okay hold on I okay W science Mac experiments at large super high five okay ready to go again so cool yeah let's do it here we [Music] go [Music] greetings science Maxim mites my name is Phil and it's moving day today on science Max experiments at large let's see where do I put this um this is probably a good spot today we are moving air you probably don't think that moving air will have a huge effect but you'd be surprised what you can do by just moving air but don't worry we're not just going to move the air around in boxes we are going to build a rocket and this rocket uses the science of stomping on something with your foot this is a Stomp Rocket and it works by stomping on this plastic bottle and air shoots through this tube and pushes the rocket up into the sky and here is how you can build one of your very own and remember if I go too fast don't worry all of the steps are on the website so you can follow along at your own speed all you need is a 2 L plastic bottle three kinds of tape electrical tape duct tape and science tape science tape is just the same as invisible tape but I use this kind of tape for science then you want some plumbers tubing and some construction paper to make your actual rocket first you want to take your plumbers tubing and cut it into three lengths and when I say you I mean an adult because you need to use a saw so you saw it up into a long piece piece a short piece and an elbow piece we want to make a long tube at the top and then we also want to make a tube at the bottom so we can attach our 2 L bottle to and there we go TAA ready to go but of course it doesn't stay up so we have to attach it to a base and it will look like this and you see it's been attached with duct tape here and I've used electrical tape and I've wrapped that part around there now building the rocket wrap the paper around the tube and tape it with your science tape tape the top clo so no air escapes then cut a semicircle to make the nose cone and three Hoops for thrusters and tape them to the bottom there you go the rocket fits on the tube just like that and when you stomp on this bottle it launches but here's the most important part the one most important rule of launching Rockets you shoot Rockets outside come on once you get outside to a nice open area and you bring your safety glasses with you all you need to do to make the Stomp Rocket work is of course stomp on it you ready here we go 3 2 1 who you see that that was amazing okay so this is where we're going to start with the Stomp Rocket I'm going to meet Chris from Logics Academy and he's going to help me Max it out in fact he's probably at science Max headquarters already I should get over there okay where's the oh there it is okay how you doing it's good to see you you too Chris is from Logics Academy and you guys do in-class robotics workshops right that's right we do great well I was hoping I could get your expertise to help me max out the Stomp Rocket yeah logic makes one of these I totally think I can help you with that fantastic so it works great I just want to make it bigger better more max them first of off we can start by making this pipe a little bit bigger so a larger pipe more air flow uh bigger launch okay let's do it cool moving air isn't that hard right I mean air is super light how hard can it be to move well here's an experiment you can do that lets you measure how hard it is to move air so what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit the ruler with the broom it's going to go over there I hit it and it moved no problem so we're going to do it again except I'm going to add just a couple pieces of newspaper all right [Music] ready aha the ruler broke because this time I wasn't just moving the ruler I wasn't just moving the ruler and the newspaper I had to move the ruler the newspaper and all of the air that was on top of the newspaper and that resistance was enough to break the ruler pretty good experiment right let's Max it out I've got more tabl space I've got a piece of lumber and instead of a newspaper I have a tarp now the tarp is very light it is not the weight of the tarp that is going to be the difference it is how much air I need to move when I hit this piece of lumber and I've got a science Max Hammer so first of all you're not going to try this at home right deal okay deal no trying this at home okay here we go moving air test [Laughter] 2.0 it broke and it didn't even move did you see that I wonder if we can Max this out even more 2x4 which is much bigger than the piece of wood we used last time and a sledgehammer here we go moving air experiment [Music] [Laughter] 3.0 yeah science so I've joined Chris from logic's Academy and we are maxing out our Stomp Rocket to do that we're going to use larger pipe more air flow bigger launch the theory is that moving a larger volume of air through wider pipes will make our rocket work even better so we get to work this version is built exactly the same we cut and attach the pipes a long piece an elbow and a short piece then secure them all down we attach the plastic water bottle and tape it so it's air tight then the only thing to do is make a new rocket that fits over the larger pipe ready to try it I'm ready to try it all right let's do it let's go one 2 3 go that was amazing in the end though it worked it wasn't much better than the smaller rocket I think we could still do better right oh yeah this is science Max not science medium right okay let's go back to science Max Head ERS mini ma vacuum cealing that's what you call it when you take all of the air out of something often a bag to seal in the freshness of food I will demonstrate using this science Max banana 100% banana but with added science not all bananas contain science here's how you can do it at home put your food in a bag seal it most of the way because we have to take out the air from the bag and we will do that with a straw put a straw inside the bag and then suck the air out of the bag and then seal it at the very last [Music] second there a vacuum sealed banana now I know it's kind of hard to see that it's been vacuum sealed because bananas don't really Crush much when you take the air out so I like to use stuff that has a lot of air in it to begin with in fact there are special bags that are specifically for vacuum ceiling that are supposed to store big and bulky items that have a lot of air in them like this pillow see this nozzle right here it's designed to be used with a vacuum so what you do is you put the vacuum on this nozzle open it up and then you turn the vacuum [Music] on oh the vacuum is bling all the air out of the bag just like we did with the banana but because the pillow is full of air as well it starts to shrink and Shrink then you pull off the vacuum and you tie the seal off and all right and taada a vacuum sealed pillow okay let's Max it up what could possibly be more maxed out than a vacuum sealed pillow vacuum sealed fill okay I put plastic bags against the door and then seal the edges with duct tape and of course I didn't put any plastic over my head because you never put your head in a plastic bag right well let's see if vacuum sealed fill it works who hey it's working the vacuum sucks all the air from the bag which seals the bag and me in it to the wall that means I should be able to knock this milk crate out from under me air pressure or the lack of air pressure is keeping me sealed to the door I'm completely suspended uh-oh I shouldn't have done that no so our larger version of The Stomp Rocket worked but it didn't go as high as the first version and I see how we can improve the design the larger pipe and the larger rocket works really well it does work really well I am afraid though that the larger pipe means that the same amount of air is Flowing slower out the nozzle than it did before Oh so because we're moving only this much air it's not going to go as fast because this is a bigger tube we need a bigger volume over here to match our larger so a bigger bottle that's right I got a bigger bottle right here ha bigger bottle so um hold on that and then all we have to do is tape the bigger bottle I'm not sure that's going to yeah like this still though I'm crazy yeah so then all I need to do is tape it on Chris and I attach a larger bottle to our tube we just need some risers to adjust the height then we tape it on and we're good to go everything else including the rocket stays the same I still don't understand how you're going to step on this one it's just too stiff I have a plan Sledgehammer ready yeah I'm ready okay 1 2 3 it blew the top off the rocket it also blew the bottom looks like it's a bit rigid to uh change its volume so quickly so it's kind of a onetime use thing huh I think so so why don't we try increasing the volume even bigger tube even bigger uh container what's bigger than a that that's the biggest bottle they make what else holds air what about an air mattress do you think we could use an air mattress I think we could yeah a really big air mattress oh totally high five I love that idea mini moving air is a lot of fun especially if you use one of these a Vortex Cannon they're pretty impressive and they use some pretty amazing science I'll show you how to build one it's pretty simple all you need is a plastic cup you want a balloon something round AN elastic scissors or a craft knife and a pen here's what you do take your balloon and cut it just where it gets wide you take the mouth of the cup right there and you have to stretch the balloon over the top and then you want to put an elastic around it keep it in place and this now is a surface on the top and that's that's what you're going to use to pull back and create your burst of air but of course the air is not going to go anywhere until you make a hole in the bottom so here's what you do you take your round thing and draw a circle and take your craft knife or scissors and an adult and get them to help you cut out a hole and when you pull back on the balloon a burst of air comes through the hole but the air has an interesting shape now I know what you're thinking you're thinking Phil air isn't invisible you can't tell what shape it is well I can show you come on this is my maxed out Vortex Cannon it's made out of a garbage can I've got a hole in here and this is a shower curtain with a ball that I can get a grip on and Pull and then it shoots forward like this now it makes a big puff of air but again the air is invisible so we don't know what shape it is but I can help with that because I've got this a fog machine i f the inside of the garbage can so we can see what the air is doing when I fire The Vortex Cannon okay come on over here ready who okay ready check it out the vortex Cannon shapes the air into a ring called a Vortex it makes a ring well actually sort of a donut because of its shape the air in a Vortex can move much farther than air that doesn't have a shape [Applause] Vortex Cannon air that has a shape goes a lot further than air that doesn't have a shape and it's also way more fun woohoo little to the left little to the left rot okay now that's too far left I don't know what you think oh hey I don't suppose you're going on vacation anytime soon well if you haven't decided where may I suggest underwater but don't forget to pack the most important thing when you go hat nah ukulele nah forget about it rubber chicken no sunscreen forget about it Teddy no if you're going underwater the most important thing you got to pack is air you see human beings have been coming up with ways to go underwater for a long time but the thing is you got to bring air with you because you know breathing is is [Music] good check this out it's a diving bell one of the first ways humans used to be able to take air with them when they W underwater you see it's a big heavy Bell and it's lowered from a ship above on a rope and when it gets lower it into the water it traps a bubble of air underneath so you can swim around underwater but then when you need to breathe again you don't have to go all the way back up you just pop under the bell and take another breath Bells like this were actually much bigger when they used to use them for diving to hold more air huh ring a ding ding what do you think you want this no uh it's okay I got something else hold on check this out it's an old timey d suit air is pumped in through these hoses here which means the diver has a constant supply of air which means he can stay underwater longer what do you think yeah like no okay hold on I got something else I got something else um uh yeah this is it the ultimate in bringing air with you the scuba suit this tank holds compressed air which means it can carry a lot of air with you which means you can stay underwater for longer so I'll tell you what I'll wrap up all three things what do you say yeah you'll take them okay great let me just wrap them up for you come on Teddy let's go find the bag so our large Stomp Rocket hasn't worked perfectly a small bottle didn't move enough air but our larger bottle was too rigid to Stomp and when I used to Sledgehammer it was so sudden the bottle broke and also blew apart the rocket Chris and I need a large container of air that is soft enough to change its shape easily so here's the current plan an even larger pipe an even larger rocket and we use an air mattress we make two holes in the air mattress one to fill it up with a leaf blower and the other hole to go out the tube to the rocket since an air mattress holds lots of air and is very easy to change the shape by jumping on it we figure it'll be a great way to get lots of air through the tube to launch our rocket okay let's do it let's do it all right we're going to go one two three jump right one two three being a chef is my absolute passion and cooking up science recipes is my speciality I'm busta and this is cooking with science oh hello welcome to cooking with science I'm Buster Bea whenever friends come over I like like to make my famous potato chip recipe and look at this bag of potato chips quite large there must be a lot of potato chips in here right well let's open it what this potato chip bag is mostly air why do potato chip bags have so much air well to tell you the answer to that I have to tell you the story of two bags of potato chips here they are this one full of air and this bag of potato chips there's not much air in it at all why don't they make them like this well let's find out first thing that happens is the potato chip bags come off the conveyor belt at the potato chip factory where they get packed into a crate here's a crate here so let's really stuff them in and then the crate gets boxed up and shipped off to the store oh it's a bumpy ride to the store today now we're at the store and then you come along ah B of potato chips what else should I buy today oh I know how about a cantaloupe very nice some apples yes and take it home walk along and you get to the kitchen you have a choice this bag of potato chips where all the potato chips are light and fluffy or this bag of potato chips which is not exciting at all and that's why potato chip bags have so much air to protect the potato chips from getting crushed speaking of potato chips chips time to get back to my recipe what is it it's potato chips soup well I'm masterer and thanks for joining me on cooking with science perhaps a little bit more [Laughter] [Music] cooking okay so where were we all right our maxed out rocket a much larger pipe a large air mattress and the largest rocket yet let's see how it goes 1 2 3 jump 1 2 [Music] 3 yeah there you go all right let's do it again one 2 3 it works amazingly well the large volume of air Chris and I can move by both jumping on the air mattress gets transferred through the large pipe and even though it's a giant rocket it sails higher than any other version that was great that was amazing all right there you go science Max experim at large moving a lot of air that has to be the biggest Stomp Rocket ever biggest Stomp Rocket ever let's do it again okay okay
Channel: 9 Story Fun
Views: 9,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science max, best of season 1, sscience for kids, best of science max, science max experiments at large, science max full episodes, science experiments, elasticity, easy science experiments, learning, educational, lab, did you know, facts, interesting facts, knowledge, 9 story fun, 9 story, kids video, science max catapult, season 1, best moments, experiment, experiments, science experiment, science experiments for kids, kids science experiments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 33sec (11133 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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