Learn to read & count | 3 hours of Alphablocks & Numberblocks Level 5 | @LearningBlocks

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foreign [Music] [Applause] take your seats it's our turn to do a show for you oh I think we may have started something Once Upon a Time one little fell from the sky I am one this is fun oh that's me a magic mirror hello hello I'm another one one two I am here pleased to meet hey where'd they go it's both of us can be the colors of the square [Applause] [Music] they're not going in order they're missing out some very important numbers [Music] [Laughter] [Music] one two one two three four equals eight now to fill in the gaps [Music] seven eight nine ten put your hands together [Music] three and two equals five see how we balance I'd really like to try that game money presents triangle triangle triangle triangle triangle triangle triangle triangle triangle how many blogs is that yes what an amazing show with so many new ideas there's more there's more there's so much more to explore I think we started something big oh a rainbow no it must be nice being so many different colors I'm just gray gray cheer up nine you never know when you're lucky oh [Music] I heard a noise oh a Wizards Den wow this must be your lucky day nine draw a number in the air that many colors you will share draw a number you can draw me if you like I think it means draw a number like these our numberlings and to number one is one straight line going down one color oh we're all red one color isn't very exciting let's try three make a curve just like me then one more and you've got three what colorful stripes oh that's funny three colors each so who's next I'm the largest here that means the most colors a loop and then a downward line that's the way to make a nine oh nine colors beat that oh that looks like fun can I have a go round in a loop like an empty hoop make zero zero colors oh whoops where's everyone gone [Music] oh that's better oh I'm sorry the one turned us all zero colors and itself too the wand where is it is it I don't know someone bumped into me and I dropped it oh maybe there's a counter spell in here you'll stay invisible until you draw your number with this my number's easy to remember round in a loop like an empty hoop make zero nothing to see here my turn one line down like a stick makes a run that was quick over to you too I can't remember how my number looks I'll be invisible forever we could copy our numbers from the bookcase quick okay our numbers let's Trace them together round in a look like an empty hoop make zero one line down like a stick makes a one that was quick one curve down is what you do then straight across to make a two make a curve just like me then one more and you've got three down and right off once more cross the line that's a four it's working it's working [Music] down and around then a line up high high five start with a curve round with a swish that's the way to make a six a line in the sky and down to the ground That's How Lucky Sevens found and as to start looking great look back up and there's your eight [Music] a loop and then a downward line that's the way to make a nine and what fine figures we all make [Music] welcome to 10's top 10 where we play the top songs of today from one to ten let's start with a quick look back at one to five who can forget the stirring sounds of one with I'm only one little book for this Timeless classic and of course the number Vision sensation [Music] [Applause] and singing star five with here are five ways to make five my friend now for our first new entry straight in at number six it's number bonds to six we're running five or five and one together we play games for fun six four three and three we make a pair we play games with extra players another new entry now lucky number seven at seven with ride the rainbow way we're one six at seven today's our lucky day we're six and one still seven together we can ride the rainbow away two and five or five and two three and four or four and three win numbers [Music] [Music] eight is eight with octoblocks assembled you're the one and a seven or a seven and a one with a number one [Music] and a six or a six [Music] one and seven seven and one two and six six and two three and five five and three four and four will tell you straight [Music] and now it's Number Block nines chance to shine pick a one hand with an eight and eight pair with a one a two bed with a seven and a seven pair what could the next pair be that's right three with a six six [Music] sure one and eight eight and one two and seven seven and two three three six three four and five five and four this is a chance to shine [Music] like two and guess who's made it to the Big Ten spots [Music] thank you thank you thank you welcome to what's my number the game show where we don't count on our team look quick can you see it should be as easy as [Music] [Applause] start the phone with round one knock who's there I know that's five let's see if you're right oh yes high five [Applause] two stars on the board to win you'll need ten Fizz on buzzers Let's Play It Again [Applause] [Music] five on one I I see six I can't fool you with my tricks [Music] one more time who's there [Music] I can work this out it's one two three out oh uh help I don't know here's another way to win how many squares are not filled in one oh I see it now one less than ten is nine [Music] oh thank you [Applause] that's the end of the round let's see what you've scored six stars and now round two mystery visit there's a home on the screen but whose home is it oh time's up what did you see I saw two rows of four pictures buy crates with three more on top and four pairs of chairs so it must be oh wait auto correct one two three four five six seven eight correct you win four shining stars my friends 10 out of ten a perfect score now you're in with a chance to win prizes Galore it's time for the same [Music] [Applause] thank you some objects will pass you of all shapes and sizes just tell me how many to win our star prizes one cuddly toy is the first in the line Dancy red apples hey that was mine now three Rubber Ducks four frogs going hot three paper cups with two more on top that's five all together what's that coming now two rows of three Bulls weight that you argue three doubled is six what's coming next a big stack of bricks five on the left two on the right Seven's the answer I saw at First Sight now four bowler Huts four more close behind why has an eight just popped into my mind eight is correct and with lightning fast timing by the way have you noticed they've all started rhyming a bunch of balloons arranged in a line now a three by three Square so that must be nice and here's the last item 10 stars in a frame that's it final answer you've won today's game now choose your own prize from the end of the line a balloon the star prize this one is mine that's all we've got time for but next time you see a small group of things then repeat after me don't count [Music] [Applause] foreign x marks the spot but where is ah only my reflection follow me [Music] that's it x marks the spot [Laughter] where [Music] I'll leap into the unknown great welcome are you fabled table right first time let's go come with me and you will see I like ones and ones like me you'll discover what I do that's no X but it may be a clue you may look but never find a label but you can see I'm one of a kind a table oh wow I've never seen a table that could fly before well that's because I'm No Ordinary table [Music] I'm the fun times one times table in a Wonderful World Of Wands when it comes to fun I'm the one who has tons so sing along if you're able but fun times we're the one times table at a time please [Music] one one is one two ones are two three ones are three four ones are four five ones are five six one's a six and seven ones are seven eight ones are eight nine ones are nine and ten ones [Music] one one is one two ones are two three ones are three four ones are four five one is a five six one's a six and seven ones are seven eight ones are eight nine ones are nine and ten of ones are ten sideways one one is one two ones are two three ones are three four ones are four five ones are five six one's a six and seven ones are seven [Music] are ten we're the ones you can make any number block now is it not clever if you just add one or a bunch of ones you can go on forever [Applause] I'm the fun times one times table in a wonderful world of ones when it comes to fun I'm the one who has tons so sing along if you're able for fun times with the one times table hats [Music] ones [Music] [Music] [Applause] and it seems there's a 10 vaulting progress as we speak [Applause] there's the vault [Music] there's nine and four getting into shape nice and tall foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that's the number block who takes you up to 10 yes that's right come on out here little buddy hi Dad this is your 8-10 friend is two and I'm told we can see a bit of this morning's tan friend training session on the beat find your 10 friends go go go that's it make those tens ten friends nine and one eight and two seven and three six and four five and five friends ten ten friends so once you know your ten friend you can go ten vaulting that's right the trick is to find your ten friend on the way come on six let's show them how it's done [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] equals fourteen extreme let's see that once more in slow motion eight Plus six [Music] oh there's two eights ten friend they've made the ten hello ten fans two came from six to leave four tummy tuck Square floor [Music] 14 extreme that's much clearer just in time for the target round where our vultures need to make exactly 17. that's a big Target what it's accuracy that counts you need to pick your partner carefully good thing we train for that too come on eight that's it those first two get you to ten now keep going plus three equals eleven plus four equals twelve plus five equals thirteen now go for the band lost nine equals seventeen so to make 17 you need to partner with nine yes taking my 10 friend two away from nine will leave the seven I need or as we professional Temple to say find the ten see what's spare slide it down and pop it there that's a work of art eight better to award the trophy than 10. um where is Tim and where's eight uh they're right here you just need to put yourself in the picture [Music] thank you but this trophy is not just for me it's for 10 volters everywhere [Music] and back to ten again wow you really know your ten friends ten I wish I knew all my 20 friends well I know someone who can help step this way I've gains a plenty to teach you who adds up to 20. that's how you play and find your friends along the way I can't go up up up if I can't get in in these doors are heavy no problem for a big strong Square you'll need help from your 20 friends look you can work them out from 10 10 can make a square four and a six but I'm 10 more than ten so that means I can make 14 and six or sixteen and four [Music] two squares are better than one thanks friends oh [Music] two rays and two Riders wanted what would ten do oh two can ride two rays of course and two's ten friend is eight another even number and I'm 10 more than ten so I can be [Music] eighteen and two two five nine two rays and away [Music] me neither if ten can be eight and two then I can be eighteen and two oh twelve and eight switch four by three write the raise up and away [Music] find four dice inside this cup will fall Force then climb on up four fours I'd need to be the luckiest number in numberland that's it I need a seven if ten can be seven and three then I can be Seventeen and three four [Music] don't say it I think this is more your sort of thing seven pretend I'm not here foreign [Applause] [Music] that was lucky oh let's see a hand scanner must mean five so if ten can be five and five then I can be [Music] fifteen and five Hush Hush steps must be taken high five [Music] Tip Top two high up buttons to tap and I know the pair to do it if 10 can make nine and one then I can make eleven and nine Give Me Your Best Shot will do five floors dog one more to guess but can you see the pattern yet I can I can I'm 10 and 10. so my 20 friends are the same as tens ten friends plus another ten eleven and nine or one and nineteen twelve and eight or two and eighteen thirteen and seven or three and Seventeen Fourteen and six or four and sixteen and fifteen and five either way around if I'm 10 more than 10 I can also make two tens last one [Music] oh it feels like a long time ago I fell from the sky all on my own what was it like being the first I sometimes wonder what if I'd been the first number block now that's an interesting question what if two was the first number block imagine that foreign [Music] [Music] another falling too that's two of us two twos a four two twos make a square another two and now I'm six two land must be playing tricks two four six only even numbers how odd I mean how even I like this game I think it's great bye bye six and hello eight hmm it's raining tools activate defenses auto block umbrella two four six eight ten can some two please tell me what's going on you're in two land my friend where every number is two more than the number before eight ten twelve and I am a super rectangle two by six this is where I'm meant to be for I am extreme 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14. foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] did you miss me to raise and away [Music] let me change into something faster sweat Sweat by super speeding two four six eight impossible to count number of rays and away you'll never catch me my name's not 20. oh dear the rain's getting heavier [Music] four six eight ten twelve fourteen sixteen eighteen twenty all made of twos and we can keep on adding twos forever or at least until it stops raining [Music] wow oh oh now here's an interesting question what if it rained once what if it rained once imagine that how odds [Music] I saw it all in the whatever to land was incredible there was one important thing missing oh no my shoes have lost their Sparkle where will I get a new pair of magic dancing shoes oh oh a magical shoe shop that's where welcome do you like shoes uh-huh well I like twos I'm the two times table and we both like to dance [Music] I like things that come in twos I like ears and elbows and knees like pairs of gloves and turtle doves are like wings and Wellies and water skis When you're counting slippers or Flippers or shoes this is the method you'll need to use a table for twos [Music] score four twos are eight five twos are ten six twos are twelve are you ready for more seven twos or fourteen eight Tunes are sixteen nine two lower eighteen that might be plenty but why should we stop now reach for the top now ten two it's [Music] Showtime work boots and Wellies flip-flops and jellies slip-ons and Sliders strength shoes with spikes shiny black tap shoes bubble and strap shoes slip-ons for riders or super fast bikes velcro a lace-up let's keep the pace up and count all the shoes and twos one pair is two two pairs are four three pairs are six now let's take to the floor four pairs are eight five pairs are ten six pairs are twelve you can guess what's in store seven pairs are fourteen eight pairs are sixteen nine pairs or 18 that might be plenty but we can still do more why not have two more than two [Music] are twenty two tens can Tango and do the Fandango 20 Unstoppable swappable blocks ten twos can line up and shine up their shoes where there are shoes there are usually socks strappy and spotty diamond and Dot T yellow and red socks with holes in the toes long socks and short socks School socks and sports socks one will leave bed socks which grandma once chose silky and snazzy jolly and Jazzy let's count them all good call one pair is two two pairs are four three pairs are six now let's open the drawer and four pairs are eight five pairs are ten six pairs are twelve socks you cannot ignore seven pairs or fourteen eight pairs are sixteen ninth favorite team that might be plenty let's have some new socks orange and blue socks and pairs are twenty sideways one two is two two twos are four three twos are six are you keeping the score four twos are eight five twos are ten six twos are twelve are you ready for more [Music] eighteen that might be twenty but why shouldn't we stop now reach for the top now ten two Jesus are 20. [Music] Evans [Music] thank you you're welcome foreign [Music] even [Music] made of twos ten bum humans 12 14 16 18 20 Evans even tops [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] odd blocks [Music] [Music] odds humans [Music] even what's even is even even plus even there's even add even to even and you'll get even [Music] all [Music] oh first up Square next on next art Square next door even odd even Arts [Music] us [Music] [Music] [Music] I wonder if we'll ever figure ourselves out like q22 oh can I help I love exploring numbers and I know just the place Prime positions wide and tall and more switch turn switch turn Hello friends welcome to the rectangle Retreat seeing what rectangles a number can make really helps figure them out totally when I found out I make a 2 by 11 rectangle I knew it once I was a thing of two halves results well twelve you can make lots of rectangles I'm a super rectangle I can make different rectangles all day long and it takes all day at that rate some of the super rectangles like to go a little more speedily how rectangly is that sponsor you're looking for is very rectangular indeedly do you think you can help 23 and 24 find their rectangles we'd love to all we need is some butts and a couple of blank Scrolls let's do this thing first find your Prime positions that's as wide then as tall as you can go stretch out wide as you can a really wide one now reach up touch the sky one by twenty four a tall thin rectangle that's two so far can I make more let's find out bend over and touch your toes do you make a rectangle when you're two blocks wide oh I can I'm two by twelve I can't never mind it's lots of fun now try three blocks wide then four then five until you're back at your Prime position again very wide rectangle forward rectangle five wide oh I was doing so well I wouldn't worry about it 24. I've not made any rectangles apart from my Prime positions keep going you haven't lived until you've tried dad Six Wide no oh yes six by four so many rectangles already now seven wide eight no no no no yes yes again eight by three there's now stopping you no no don't give up 24 keep going yes 12 by two and twenty four by one my white Prime position so many rectangles oh yeah that's even more than we can make sis we might need to find a bigger name than super rectangle that's it I figured myself out I'm 24 and I'm a super duper rectangle check out my array display turn switch turn switch turn switch I can make rectangles all day and all night too how did you get on 23 just my Prime positions that's all are you sure all those blocks no other rectangles anywhere how remarkable It Feels Right somehow some numbers are very rectangular and some are not very rectangly and that's okay I figured myself out I'm 23 and I'm happy being me and at the end of the day you can't say fairer than that [Music] come on oh today feels like a good day for figuring out some numbers oh and art is an excellent way of expressing yourself oh I like this sculpture personally I prefer this painting art is all about finding different ways of looking at things take my new exhibit for example the pattern wall [Music] oh whatever shape you make with your blocks the pattern wall will copy oh not bad may I help yourself [Music] a surprised cow but now let's loosen up those blocks and make some crazy shapes [Music] now let's find a clean bit of wall and see what we can do octoblock Pressly one two three four five six seven eight tessellate oh let's give it a try Square cross Square cross Square cross Square cross right let's explore some patterns you're both making at tens and ones pattern at the moment like this yes ten ten one that's a good first step it helps you see where you fit in the pattern of counting numbers oh yes I'm between 26 and 28 and I'm underneath eight and eighteen now I see what shapes your blocks can make rectangles are the simplest look my 21 blocks can make seven lots of three see me so I fit the pattern of the family of Threes between 18 and 24. oh I can fit that pattern too I'm three more than 24. well I'm part of the family of twos fours sevens and four teams too oh lots of rectangles now me I'm part of the family of squares maybe we're squares 27. nope guess not although I can make three Square nines and each nine is three threes where are the three three threes [Applause] oh there are lots of patterns to explore like my favorite step shape one two three four five six oh let me try yes I'm seven blocks bigger than you 21 so I can make a step shape too one two three four five six and lucky rainbow seven so many patterns to play with oh I figured myself out I'm 28 and I'm a pattern Pioneer Square with a hole Chucky cross Tower with Windows get in hello 27 looking for something yes I'm just not sure what there's something I'm missing art is all about exploring new directions New Directions That's it [Music] three lots of three threes can make three Square nines and if you put us together in a new direction we make a cube I figured myself out I'm 27 and I'm a cute making patterns is so much fun whichever way you look at it calling all number blocks 15 here on the lookout for hidden talents are you hiding a table of jugglers or even a team of musicians shows What You're Made Of [Music] [Applause] [Music] the five five you can do this 26. look deep inside yourself um I can make a team of ones how about a dance number can you make a team of twos I think so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen of them that's a lot to remember that was fun good luck out there team twos 13 twos and 26 and I can make whoops what was it again oh yes don't say it two thirteen [Music] well I liked it that's my chair two tens two threes mix 26. thank you [Music] hello 21 are you there maybe she took the lift wait a moment agent 15 here you may be just the number I've been looking for follow me [Music] talent show is just a cover the real work goes on down here oh in our top secret number base at mi-15 our maths investigation agents are always on the hunt of hidden numbers I'm looking for bonds number bonds oh there are all sorts of ways to find smaller numbers inside bigger ones once you start looking some of our larger agents can carry teams of smaller numbers where they're needed jugglers an Explorer in need of a triple dose of luck or if you need a complete set of one to six steps can be taken [Music] 21. how did you get down here I took the stairs actually I am the stairs [Music] I'd like to work I've been looking for a number like you 26. step this way oh [Music] I'd like you to meet my top agent agent 13. excels at breaking bigger numbers into smaller numbers pull yourself together I'm happy being and on the problem is if anyone says 13. then agent 13. goes to pieces I get it someone to carry around 13. and not just one thirteen but a team of two thirteens hey I figured myself out I'm agent 26 and I'm double that day well well it seems that agent 26. we'll be greater numbers [Music] for another exciting game there's only one rule to Team tag if you tag someone team of twos and they can make a team of you they join your team big numbers first to give them a chance to run and hide see how many different number blocks can tag 24. the lower 20s next here come the teams there's 12 the first of the Chasers looking to tag 24 that needs to stay away from two three four and six yay smaller numbers starting to oh looking for an early tab on 20. and wow team of tens no [Applause] 10 gets a 10 second freeze and 20 seat for now oh no team of fives [Music] [Applause] off to a fantastic start there they only need 15 to complete the set hush and if five is here six and seven are already in lucky lucky and here comes four but uh oh look how many number blocks these two Champions can catch and with no one chasing them you've got to fancy their chances team of sevens lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky oh I'm lucky for some hello oh as fast as you can you can't catch me on a team of nines [Applause] oh I am 16's in trouble octo trouble team of fours oh 24 still going strong she could be the last rectangle standing I can do this all day right teams of teams [Music] oh well played you've got me team of twelves [Applause] team of sixes team of sixes three juices that sound means its last rectangle standing only one player remains who can be split into teams but who is it is there are you sure there's a rectangle left team um high five came over and what a game it was let's find out who won as the team's lineup only the not very rectangle number blocks are left and the winners are [Applause] there and what is prime time Team tag [Applause] so 18 ready to race all day and all night believe it my supersonic speed will keep me in the lead it's nearly done Racers to the Rays it's a two lap race at a high-speed Pace let's get this party started [Music] [Applause] nine by two two rays and Away twelve by two super duper [Music] five race I can't ride five rays but I can go on three yeah but the one rare track is actually shorter one Ray no way we raise a greater than one six five three three raise and away righto which track you can take the three Ray or the one ring 24 the one Ray actually looks shorter thanks for the tip-off 24x1 and three by six four by six better get my skates on see you later alligator our team Focus take the two-way oopsie foreign [Music] such fun right hey trays I can't make an eight tall rectangle but I can write three Rays four by three three five eight that's a big jump but I could give it a try oh I'm going to make it I'm going to make it I'm not going to make it thank you whoever finishes last one first gets a special power up for lap two hurry away here they come off the block power up Twinkle Toes 20 takes to the stage for a night on the race [Music] five race thanks to my power up I can make this lead four by five sure [Music] foreign by four ten by two oh I can't ride a six Ray lose the fours twenty oh [Music] two by six three [Music] by four [Music] what took you so long six by two and he's back in the race speed is what I need six by three [Music] I'll have to take the jump it's the only way to catch up you didn't make it last time so I'll try again three by eight oh super dupa here they come they're blocking block who will win is it going to finish [Applause] oh that was fun time tomorrow oh count on it champ [Music] I feel like being naughty extra naughty octonauty time to activate the dimensionator by two by two Octor naughty cube with my new three-dimensional Powers nothing can stop me now fool my turn to roll no my turn I win and you do square power two by two three by three naughty me [Music] not so fast Dr naughty what are you doing taking you for a spin oh octonauty now in 3D you'll never escape from my dimensionator [Music] signaling octo flop hmm what is that is that someone needs a big Cube like me coming did somebody wanna Cube what's this who are you I am 27 and I am [Music] bit of a mess I'm the only Cube allowed around here the rest of you will be wonky shapes forever now let's have no more distractions [Music] [Music] as I was saying I am 27 and I am a super job three by three by three try the power of three die Mansions [Music] the three nines super sneeze [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] the three three smile please aha [Music] the dimensionator will make me a super powerful Cube again [Music] by the power of three dimensions [Music] roll up roll up for the circus of Threes with your ring Master me [Music] the three times table one three is three with a juggling act two from the show two streets are six with one roll of the dicey excitement will grow three three sub nine he might get to the Top If he's a twelve a rectangular Marvel she floats with the greatest of these High freezer 15 a secretive type her Antics are mostly mysterious six three zero eighteen a month [Music] a Fearless Explorer with talent to spare a 3s are 24 blazing a trail all right you're 27 three sets of three threes on the flying trapeze ten threes are thirty two three [Music] is Coming to Town [Music] threes at the head of the big parade she likes to play to the crowd given the choice she prefers her voice and a voice is really quite loud look at me [Music] she's here at the top of the game with six in the mix you'll be glad you came next is 90s on the trip is be careful three six nine next up is twelve she's the fourth in line her actual surprise and Astound with her as she displays amazing eraser she flows with her feet off the ground Dean is next with a Vanishing act she goes when no one else dares her secretive Squad may look slightly odd but they're handy for going upstairs 18 is racing around the ring so Speedy is right off the chart he goes past in a blur and causes the stairway to make it breaks 12 15 18 21 never loses 24 will Delight you with the light her rays will shine all day and all night 27 can do a neat trick three sets or three threes in one place what you will see is three threes and 3D cute with a nine knots face 21 24 27 one three is three two threes are six [Music] and now the moment you've all been waiting for ten three hits [Music] the Christmas trees is complete a fabulous group a talented troop the finest performers you'll ever meet so please [Music] drumroll please for the circus [Applause] if there's one thing better than picnic it's a square Club picnic he won see what the outlooks picnic I'll be there soon Club picnic day is a busy day for me tell me about it we both got the step squads picnic later U2 21 see you there three wow I've never seen so many clubs it's Club Picnic Day 29 finding your clubs helps you discover what you have in common with other number blocks for example do you fit in with the odd blocks or the even tops come and find out the rule is when you stand two blocks wide if you've got an odd block on top you're in the odd blocks I did it I fit the rule I fit in with the odd blocks I thought you might you end in a nine you see and any number that ends in a nine is odd like me and me welcome to the club 29. I like the helmet it's nice having something to show on a member are there any more clubs I can join let's go and explore everyone knows Square Club oh hello there I thought it might be fun to start up a cube club and since I'm in both clubs this saves me some running about block cake you can join Square Club if you can make a square and be as tall as you are wide don't think so to be in Cube Club you need to be able to make a cube like this no but you said this was a new club does that mean that anyone can make up a new club I suppose so you just need a rule about who gets to be in it like the nine Enders the club for numbers who end in a nine I like the sound of a a chill [Music] and meet you squares with holes in oh how about a squares with holes in club for 8 and 12 and 16 and anyone else who can make a square with a hole in why not anything to do with squares sounds fun to me there are so many new clubs I could come up with oh I figured myself out I'm 29 and I love clubs being in them and making up new ones like square with a hole in club you need something to show your all members like badges Club Badgers there square with a hole [Music] and how about Square badges for a squirrel Club oh thank you 29. hey I'm only just getting started super rectangles club step Squad League of 11. sweet um can you make lots of rectangles quite the opposite I'm a not very rectangular number who can only make prime positions and no others that's a bit of a mouthful how about prime Club whoa whereas you're even more rectangular cargo club for you Square Club oh you're in the undercover 13s Club 26. um falling apart Club Cube Club oh rainbow seven and my new club the nine Enders I've got one more club for you the Roaring Twenties all together now [Music] three you're early I mean you can't come in but it's the three club meeting yes but such a lovely day why don't you get bird watching first I love bird watching great see you later oh oops forgot my trinoculars [Music] try not Killers oh some sort of party 15. she told me not to come in better not let her see me two threes are six thank you six you're early yep just me definitely not three hush remember whatever you do don't let three in Authority how exciting but we're not supposed to be here let's go before it's six quick hide oh three threes are nine hello nine what this looks fine you haven't seen three have you just me myself and I good mustache but I'll be back in a Flash oh nice hat oh that was close let's go before 12. funny I thought I heard three it's just you and me good remember don't let three eat you come back here you [Music] I've got a plan we make one more three and then we can just walk out the door disguised as five three are fifteen what about us I know five threes are fifteen you can't be fifteen rare 50 mean the party's in here come on everyone it's 15 . everybody hide 18. there you are everyone find a place to hide when certi arrives with three we'll all jump out and say surprise got it um oh 18. I thought you were here already um no 21. Oh no just turn me back here oh the next morning what a good place tide hope I'm not late everyone and one more three years I mean it's me and 24. gosh is three here yet it's me nine threes I mean the 27 ah here we are is that all of us here I whoops did you say three had gone bird watching 15. I couldn't find her anywhere we can hardly have a surprise party for three without three the party is you're the founding member of three Club everyone in three Club is there'd be no three club without you the one and only three surprise [Music] presenting the six step plan for exploring numbers and figuring them out step one tens and ones figure it out for yourself this is where you sign up figure it out for yourself where do you fit in this lineup how many tens and how many ones can you count to three tens and one three tens and two that's how you find out what you amount to 31 32 then you get to figure it out that's what this is all about step two rectangles now let's see how rectangularly you can be [Music] find your arrays make your displays Master the power of rectangle red ring positions super rectangle some can make lots and some can make two that's one way to learn who you are and what you can do step three look inside figure it out for yourself what are you afraid of figure it out for yourself show all of us What You're Made Of how many teams and how many parts are you hiding [Music] what do you look like when you're dividing buns number of buns teams lots of teams then you get to figure it out that's what this is all about [Music] step four play with patterns figure it out for yourself what shapes can you throw me figure it out for yourself what kind of patterns can you show me a square with a hole or maybe a cross on the wall there foreign [Music] whatever this is funny cross square with four holes or a donut great and still two steps to go [Music] step five join a club figure it out for yourself which clubs are you here for figure it out for yourself how many clubs will you cheer for one for the odds and one for the squads in the tree house the family of Threes can call it a three house odd blocks Prime Club even Jobs super rectangle Club then you get to figure it out that's what this is all about [Music] or to explore it's time to go out and explore the world to find out what Clues it may hold it may take a day or a week or a month to see what Adventures unfold this month has 31 days I figured myself out I am 31 and I love calendars double double I figured myself out I'm 32 and I'm a Doubler now you know who you are I know that you'll go far the world of numbers only gets bigger and bigger so go figure [Music] snow day [Music] double the fun missed [Music] oh [Music] my God [Music] bigger skating double figure skating [Music] four eights alter block dance spin one two three four five six seven eight dance spin [Music] four eights eight fours points [Music] eight fours sixty inches may we have this dance [Music] [Applause] [Music] eight fours four eights two sixteens 132. 32. [Music] 60s dates Force yeah Chase [Laughter] Do You Want to Build a Snowman yay [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh okay [Music] wait there [Music] someone's missing everyone jump along hahaha [Music] snow days are double the phone steps yay squares is everyone ready for the annual steps versus Square's treasure hunt whoever brings back the most trophy pieces wins you can use any tricks and skills you like oh sounds like fun don't mind me I am 36 and I am a big fan of Tricks then stick around and watch anything goes in this contest including starting before I say go looks like we're one step ahead hey come on squares after them [Music] there it is the next trophy piece I have a perfect seven step plan got one one find a helicopter and fly it over the beach step two lower a rope towards the cage step three tie a gigantic magnet to the house you snooze you lose you oh after them step shape detected all clear foreign there it is how do we grab it without being spotted shame we're not step shaped quick hide four on the floor [Music] oh dear alert non-step shape detected a perfect camouflage thank you step shapes detected all clear look at this squares can make up and down steps so we can very tricky oh oh [Music] oh [Music] got it quick before [Music] intruder alert tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle run for it it's not fair those strong squares could break this ice like oh I got you and look what we can do two-step shapes can make a square we can beat them at their own game oh hey step squads are the best no squares are Tara what happened there then welcome back let's count your pieces and see who's won [Music] ugh don't look at me [Music] I gave mine to um wait who did I give it to I'm so glad you asked you gave me a trophy piece 28 when I was step-shaped and you gave me the second piece 16 when I was square wait are you a step squad or a square yes exactly I mean I both I'm a square and a step Squad so who do I like tricks I am Puzzle Master 36 but who won steps or squares that's easy you both did because 36 was on both teams [Music] hello everyone did 36 ask you to come here too yes but there's nothing up here except this magic mirror oh when each of you is here look and I'll appear I can't see him oh so Ripple when we're all here and we all look in the mirror and guess who appears 36 great work puzzle Pals who's up for more puzzles then follow me to puzzle Square [Music] if you're going to puzzle Square we can help you enter there you can open up the locks by filling them with number blocks turn us any way you please we're a living set of keys how do we get in it won't budge oh the six sixes said they were living Keys maybe this is one of the locks and we open it with number blocks ah oh yes yes yes you three would you mind shuffling that way and you three come to meet them please [Applause] congratulations one locked on two more locks and your love one six Keys each one shaped the same but he is a new twist in the game make us fit it's up to you remember we can turn around too that's a bit trickier but it won't stop us trying let's start with what worked last time please can you three sixes move that way six more blocks can fit in here oh that's not the right shape I fear you're doing great you've got a full row across look and almost a full column oh that could be a corner that might help can you all move up a rule please they said they could turn around remember well if you turn the other way up [Music] it's the same shape look you three turn upside down please now you can make the same shape as these three but upside down repeated patterns in formation also known as tessellation now the trickiness increases all of us are different pieces yes that sucks remember you can't lose and always check are there more clues this looks really hard what if we get it wrong then we just try again they said we can't lose oh they also said check for more clues look there are two areas marked the first two pieces that one matches that six could you jump up there please this strange shape looks a bit like you [Music] oh don't make the same mistake all day try turning me a different way a different way of course [Music] [Applause] that corner space is Step shaped and there's only one step-shaped piece off you go and we need four blocks in a square to fit there and a couple more which means you what can fit in there oh no oh no this bit matches the whole piece matches that's lucky one left oh wait turn around please oh there you've cracked it puzzle Pals welcome to puzzle Square there are so many puzzles waiting to be played with so dive are right in [Music] I am the four times table calling all fours all fours to the dance floor four on the floor and one more fall than the four before that's what fours are for to get funky on the dance floor or on the floor and one more four that's 24 28 and 32 now one more four is Here to Make You Dance get down get in the glue with 36 be there be square when all the phones are on the floor is 40. 40. ten fours a 40. one four is four two fours are eight three fours are twelve we know how to tell it straight four four is a sixteen five four is a twenty six fours a twenty four seven fours are twenty eight eight fours of thirty two nine fours at 36 and we'll hold the fours are in the mix ten four foreign [Music] switch turn switch switch turns [Music] five balls a 20. Big Dog's number tap tap tap tap tap six fours [Music] Twitter double dance [Music] [Music] great big rectangle come on one four is four two fours are eight three fours are twelve we know how to tell it straight four fours are sixteen five four is a twenty six fours are twenty four seven fours and 28 eight balls of thirty two nine fours are thirty six and went all the boys are in the mix [Music] that's what floors are for to get funky on the dance floor or on the floor and one more four that's 24 28 and 32 now one more four is Here to Make You Dance get down get in the glue with 36 be there holder on the floor is 40. 40. ten fours a forty whoa [Music] [Music] four and four and one more four and one more four and one more four then four before four and four and one more four and one more four and one more for them for the four cyclists one four is four two fours are eight three fours are twelve we know how to celebrate four fours are sixteen five four is a twenty six fours and twenty four seven fours are twenty eight eight fours are thirty two nine four is a thirty six and when all the fours are in the mix ten poles of 40. [Applause] wow that's here that's a real the Tower of Rock foreign but am I good enough yes of course of course you are huh You've Got Talent you've got drive and you never give up it runs in the family the family the family advice high five let's rock crack can plug in the cable [Applause] I'm the one and only five times table zero [Music] one five is five two fives are ten three fives are fifteen trust me you'll go far four five or twenty five fives I'm twenty five six five or Thirty you know who you are eight fives or forty five forty five and here's the next big Superstar ten by the fifteen Take It To The Top [Music] high five two fives can take a trip they can make a rocket ship [Applause] [Music] stop me up and we'll go up in five three fives are slightly odd they're a secret special Squad 15. [Music] [Music] the greatest show in number land 35 . [Music] eight fives we'll get them bigger they make an impressive [Music] nine five step out the face and take you to a higher Place fortified ten thighs with a gold guitar ten five make a superstar one five is five two fives of ten three fives are fifteen trust me you go far four fives or twenty five fives or twenty five six miles 14. [Music] guitar solo [Music] sideways one five is five two five or ten three fives are fifteen trust me you'll go far four by the twenty five fives on twenty five six five the Thirteen you know who we are now one more time let's take it to the top here's the star of the snow and vibes [Music] I hope the 10 gets back here soon I want to fly up to the Moon Ten's rocket rides are really wait for it taking off [Music] we flew to planet seven where the skies are made of rainbows thanks ten I'm lucky to have a friend like you it's my pleasure seven so who's next um um but only if you're not too tired what if we all go at once then it's only one trip I suppose I can give it a try oh Blaster sorry I need a rest no more rocket rides for a while this feels like a job for Ted scored 10 with a four-step plan to reach the Stars [Music] ten have a nice set down step two build more rocket Towers step three build more Rockets step four blast off to the Stars hooray great plan leave the towers to me octoblock build one two three four five six seven eight build oh dear friend that should be plenty now let's make rockets what one plus two plus three plus four is ten five you're next five plus six leaves one block out the frame I'll slide it down and start again one me next one plus seven is eight plus eight is Much Too Tall whoa you've got six blocks sticky at the top slide them down for the next rocket six plus nine is ten plus five my turn I'm feeling much better for that rest yeah five plus ten is ten and five would you look at that five rockets with five blocks left over together what have you got ten twenty Thirty forty fifty fifty five the Starship Explorer my 10-step mission to step boldly where no number block has stepped before how lucky is that we all happen to add up to a step Squad um well actually think about it start out with one add up in a line you'll get step squads every time the next number is the next step once you spot the pattern you can see each step is one bigger than the step before you don't have to count you know it will be excellent work crew and now let's do it by the numbers one plus two is three plus three is six plus four is ten plus five is fifteen plus six is twenty one just seven is twenty eight plus eight is thirty-six plus nine is forty five plus ten is fifty-five crew stand by for countdown ten nine eight seven six five four three two one [Music] crew standby for spacewalk [Music] nine eight seven six five four three two one see [Music] this is one small step for numbers one giant step squad for number kind engage [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] this is the ten times table rocket Rescuers come as soon as you are able ten twenty Thirty fourteen fifty sixty seventy eighteen nineteen 100 yeah zeros [Music] [Music] zeros [Music] alternate the original she'll get us underway look at it when she has a double boost he can dance all day it's a terrestrial Tango [Music] You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet the greatest Showman hello forty is a rectangle with an oblong pit you know what their zeros for three tens four tens and nothing more [Music] [Music] Galactic came over [Applause] 70 has luck times ten launching from the dark space rainbow hello hey she needs no luck at all I'm [Music] now let's meet 100 the greatest hero with two zeros nine tens ten tens Heroes with zeros 100 hey [Music] you can count to 10. then you know that ten times table you just need an extra zero so make your favorite hero one ten is ten two tens are twenty three tens are thirty four tens are fifty six tens are sixty seven tenses zeros [Music] [Applause] fellow squares ever since one of us fell from the sky we had been bold explorers discovering new lands seeking out new friends dealing with round things round things well I say it's time to tackle the ultimate round thing the moon let's solve the puzzle of how to put a square on the moon without using Rockets Square power only why because it's fun to try [Music] I'll be test pilot but how do we get you all the way sorry all the way up there we call in some friends some big Square friends [Music] commencing rainbow test flight all systems checking out 7x7 wish me luck oh wow yowzer didn't get that high but I did just invent the square rainbow guess you've got to give it a go to get lucky oh there you are this way I've got so much to show you I am 64. and I can be a strong square a chessboard a super rectangle eight octoblocks or even us super Cube but today I want to show you a little trick I call binary boosters using the power of doubles to send any number flying first I split into 32 and 16 and eight and four and two and one and one more to press the big red button then you choose who's going up one of me and none of me and one of me and one of me and none of me and one of me 45 way up high amazing that not a square wait and see we're two squares the edge of space nearly there [Music] [Applause] amazing we sent a square to the edge of space without Rockets we just need a little more power what was that sound why that would be me of course I'm I'm feeling a tiny bit [Music] that's one Mega sneeze you think that's impressive hold on to your blocks you're going to love this prepare for launch enough [Music] primary launch stage completed engaging secondary stick we've reached space second stage complete [Music] entering Luna orbit launching lunar lander ah the square has landed we did it the only thing left now is to plant the square Club flag numberland we have a problem I forgot the flag don't worry little one I'll take care of this and I promise no Rockets Square power only [Music] hello I'm looking for this [Music] one big adventure The Greatest Adventure of all how exciting better check that everyone's ready [Music] oh I'm going dancing on other planets somewhere up there are triangles I've never even dreamed of I've Pat everyone a square meal and space you you really have to know where your sandwiches are the starry skies are thrilling place we'll see we're so lucky to be going together I'm not just ready I'm octo ready [Music] this Rocket's ready to be part of a gigantic Starship as soon as everyone's ready speaking of which remember wait for the signal number explorers it's time to get out there Amazing Adventures a week with so many new numbers to meet are we ready Freddy sandwiches sandwiches rose with zeros oh Rockets ready check sandwiches Jake Bridge squares prepare for Mega sneeze everyone's ready I think I mean if you are ready to explore the Stars why I'm always ready [Music] I'll miss you you don't have to I'm taking you with me I'm taking everyone with me see and what about you little one one are you ready I'm nervous it's such a long way to go it's okay to be nervous but I know how Brave you can be and how much you can do and we'll be coming with you too after all you can make any number if you keep adding one one Wonderful World [Music] and one amazing Universe to explore [Music] let's go let's go the signal the snow ten nine eight seven six five four three two one zero master [Music] Starship Explorer 55 first interplanetary mission underway engage laughs [Music] right my turn all you need is one and a magic mirror [Music] by numberland I'll be back [Applause] oh almost forgot [Music] a bit hungry actually oh hello welcome your turn remember the last time we were here one yes yes I asked what if under whatever appeared and wait wait wait what's a whatever now that's an interesting question what is a whatever the best way to find out is to ask me a question what sort of question the question like this what if you kept on Counting forever it would earn the admiration of your friends might make it to a million in a fortnight but how high could you get if forever never ends what if you kept writing zeros at the one it's the same as if you multiply by ten pretty soon you'd reach a million again what then what then what if you start with a single grain of rice then double it double it double it every day in a week you'd have no more than a handful in a month you'd be giving it away please stop the rice they were stopped interesting question ask me another what if one could be divided into pieces smaller parts like the slices of a cake you could cut it into four or eight or sixteen but is there any end to the fractions you could make [Music] what if we tried to build a tower to the Moon would it take a hundred years to reach the top [Music] might not want to think about the drop oh don't stop don't stop what if the number blocks each had a different name the amount you'd have to count would be no difference you'd have to learn new words for everyone plus fling plus pop equals fun what if three was the highest you could count to it's a question that could tie you up in nuts counting sheep to get to sleep could be quite tricky one two three painting Penny locks what if the number blocks all disappeared one day with one and two and three still equal six you could count it using Pebbles blobs or bricks or sticks good fix what if there could be a number less than zero you could draw it on a line to understand or imagine there's a lift that keeps on going negative one negative two negative three how low could you go on the number line [Music] everything was yellow what if everything was flat what tv7 found a heptagon and wore it like a hat what if one was made of jelly water two was made of cheese what if beds were made of bubbles what if screw on trees which if one was really massive what a ten was really small what if number land was upside down which way would we fall what if you could spend forever in a world it never ends on a wonderful adventure with your favorite number friends there are many other questions you will find so say whatever pops into your mind there are many other Mysteries that still unknown but if you thought of some questions of your own [Applause] what a funny noise where are you going just in time this tea party is terribly tiresome could you try to liven things up [Music] alphabet what is this why is it doing that where is it going it's the alphabet but where is the rest of it chy what is G doing here where is d what about that I think they want us to collect them whatever for only one way to find out [Music] we're so we'll always get for along phew that means a wine but this bag is getting heavier and heavier let's see if we can make things a bit easier elephant [Applause] [Music] with an elephant to help us we can get the entire alphabet whoa [Music] oh this is going to take forever what can we do to go faster Wheels on wheels [Music] come on let's see where did that come from surfing is such fun what are we going to do now we can't swim out to see this could be a catastrophe unless the lettuce can help us dolphin cats up here whoosh [Music] thank you tally ho Travelers how many letters did you get did you find the whole alphabet 24 25 we're one letter short too bad I hoped it would make this tea party a bit more too tapping which letter is missing oh witch which letter said we've got the whole alphabet in one bag every word Under the Sun [Music] now that's what I call a tea party my name is inky pinky dinky excellent my name is Edward elephant yes and my name is hello Amanda Panda ah hello Ariella Bella giraffe hello apple tree that's not my name my name is ah hello [Music] my name is hello you've got hiccups you know what to do stem your head look at yourself backwards in the mirror quick everyone emergency a has hiccups I think you've done it e my name is [Music] what is my name [Music] who am I I can't say it seems to have slipped my mind but maybe with Help from My Friends here today I'll leave all my troubles behind excuse me I think we can help you say your name hey [Music] hey hey hey when I'm with Y we make a pride here hey when I'm with Y there's always time to uh [Music] stay by me soon [Music] what is my name hey hey hey hey hey [Music] I'm happy with I like a puppy that's wagging it [Music] I'm sticking with I and soon [Music] [Music] don't do it [Music] and when magic e does his magic on me and we play a little hey [Music] I can bake a cake [Music] my name is a yippee thank you friends I couldn't have done it without you when I'm with Y we say a when I'm when I was saying and when magic he does his magic on me [Music] you're on the 18. and with you by my side I'm gonna be okay [Music] Watch Me Fly and hear me sing hello Jay hey Maji yes you're a j no I'm a j bird ah I can fly in the sky and sing Sweet bad song what's that incredible noise the sweet song of a jolly J bird Jolly nonsense this is singing [Music] ah you're a jay bird too you have a lucky Dot and so do I we're the same I'm not a j bird I am I I can see you can't I am straight you have a a curly bit Ah but I can sing listen why are you making that noise I'm not a j bird am I no then what am I let's Jolly well find out ah am I Jam or sweet and smelling of strawberries if I'm not Jam then what am I jaw am I a jaw a job for putting things in where is everybody [Music] good job then what am I a j gee Birds [Music] Lord [Applause] [Music] hey what's up there ah what's up there hey space [Music] somewhere pretty amazing hold Eric I mean space [Music] so hope Miss down there and we're up here Calamity how do we get back saved we're saved it's F fabulous to see you all isn't it fantastic up here I feel so free my fly come back so what do we do now Escape how [Music] [Music] really really somebody do something [Music] e p [Music] I like peas hey please help us [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kraken landed thanks for saving us eight still wondering what's up there uh no I'm just glad to be back home I thought today would never end [Music] what a day for little me At Last I can rest my head forget all my worries and set my mind free take it easy and climb into bed [Music] sleepover [Music] we feel tired we need to rest [Music] it's been a long day we need to go to eat sleep don't want to play we're busy Counting sheep [Music] it's no use I think we might need bow Eep [Music] will you agree to keep quiet go and play somewhere else [Music] he's at last what a treat [Music] when I'm with eight we make a world-class yeah been busy today we're running out talks all we want is to go up to sleep and eat dream [Music] e H it's so hard but since you're awake fancy a kick around are we ever going to get any peace right if you can't beat them join them [Music] but when magic e does his magic on me I can turn into an ah eat at least without a doubt we can wear you out when we make you awk everybody let's have a bed jumping competition Ready set go when I'm with e we say e sheep when I'm with a we say e dream and when magic e does his magic on me we say e e now you're on the Dream Team so let off some steam team we won't make a beep and soon we'll be fast asleep foreign [Music] [Music] don't you know today is a special day what what today is my pineapple look what we made for teeth what what ER Ahoy there mates are you ready for the water ah what am I on time for the surprise surprise I've had three already ER up what's a trap yes you found the Trap ER surprise total tomfoolery do you even know what today is uh fall in a whole day how about get out of the whole day come on come on ER ah rat terrific come on little rat dig us out of here dig ratty dig Ah that's a very very small hole try again ah tremendous we can all have a nice cup of tea no teeth try again art art good terrific terrific better than that tip top hello [Music] yes close your eyes tea ready [Music] what good day hello I'm so excited I am having a dance party excellent who's going to come to my party I will I will I will I will it's my party who else is coming oh [Music] um did you just call yourselves I you can't say I it's my name see mine only I could say I I'm simply the best I found you'll never do it so don't even try I don't need you others around [Music] My Party by myself I don't need friends who wants to dance I do I'll go first right [Music] [Music] with igh you're gonna see now I right [Music] here cause tonight is [Music] [Music] did you say I we all did only I can say [Music] when I'm with e it's as easy as making up I pie [Music] I go with e like a clown with a trick boat I tie cross my heart we'd never tell her I lie I am a bright blue butterfly I made a sticky don't need friends I mean nobody likes me somebody likes me we all do you our friend it's true I like you and I like you too [Music] [Music] and the magic e does his magic on me then it's time for me to shh I shine I'm staying alive I Will Survive and together we'll be fine I feel fine this is fun I like sharing my name everybody [Music] when I'm with e we say I and when magic e does his magic on me we say I I I yes you can be my friends no word of a lie friends and with you by my side we're gonna be flying [Music] laughs one two three four what's he doing I don't know [Music] I died who are we hiding from I don't know eh hello eh hello where is he as a pair we can look everywhere [Music] what's the first we're playing hide and seek bet you can't find us we'll count to six one two three four five six eek chic they've disappeared let's find them coming ready or not [Music] where is everyone [Music] why [Music] seek seek I get right whoa shall I see if I can spot them from the sky someone think what's happening we're seeking perhaps I can help e Peak what can you see [Music] in harmony please why why are you here why not sorry this group is vowels only sorry one more time then vowels can't I be more like you I I I I just don't know what to do oh what to say but I'm much too shy to even try yes I'm okay at the start of yellow yo-yo or yacht but I'd like to be hug at the end of a word am I trying to be something that yeah yeah why bye little why don't let your dreams pass you by all you have to do [Music] we need a vowel vowel needed ah you called oh I don't think so all you have to do is try bye what did you say hi all you have to do is try [Music] hear it I'm not too shy I'm so happy I could cry I feel like I Can Fly up into the eye I get the idea stay ah oh oh [Music] oh oh oh oh oh [Music] oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh foreign [Music] oh vote [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh when I'm with oh we can ride on the back of a oh Doe a female deer this Garden's a mess we'll dig it up with a oh just watch out why you don't stop your oh oh [Music] [Music] don't give up hope grab onto the Rope we'll Escape [Music] [Music] time to go oh hello have you had as interesting a day as I have [Music] oh oh oh oh [Music] oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh [Music] oh when I was with me we say oh yes I'm magic e and when o goes with me we say oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] strange tea anyone not for me oh no foreign what is it a note it makes music super oh [Music] smashing oh terrific tune excellent nice noise one two three four five six seven eight nine ten [Music] skipping fantastic [Music] No nasty noise stop ass you're making too many of everything silly me right [Music] yes oh oh super Mitch [Music] tremendously tiring work [Music] lovely lullaby [Music] oh [Music] Tosh nice [Music] stop time for tea one [Music] silence we're going to be late oh oh and where did P get to oh popped out for a second boss oh terrific a bus perfect what are you doing oh somebody think of something sub [Applause] s [Music] somebody stop them [Music] the dish isn't the right way I just popped downstairs and there's no driver oh we're in a tight spot now so know what time for you know what oh post the post has arrived horrific at last my bus pass oh stop foreign [Music] where are we going oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Ox box [Music] boss [Music] dog folks dog folks boats [Music] lazy dog let's jump lazy dog quick quick the quick brown box [Music] [Music] jumps over [Music] the lazy dog jumps over the lazy dog um [Music] Young [Music] crazy dog [Music] [Music] oh oh faster faster foreign tastic oh no no I can't see oh oh oh no no [Music] oh one oh unbelievable turn the lights off [Music] fun fun this is fun [Music] what's going on oh wow [Music] [Music] thank you oh lovely gee great galaxies wonderful make a wish I wish for fun fun fun super Sun [Music] foreign is that you you look at the mess you've made it wasn't my fault I don't believe you tell her e tell her w [Music] oo you oh well what do you say ew we say ooh and we say you oh it was you [Music] why would I tell a lie let me explain in song just hear my story and you will know why I haven't done anything wrong you look unhappy you can we help oh yeah oh you you you you you you you you you you why don't you try something you you oh now that is new [Music] oh when they held hands a Mighty Oak Tree they tried again [Music] it got worse [Music] that is completely true I said to we can you help make me [Music] stick with me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] he played the flute and he saved me a prune mule [Music] you see that's how it happened I believe you [Music] say you and ooh when I'm with you we say you and ooh and we're magic e does his magic on me we say you and now you know it's all true there's no need to feel blue and thanks to my friends there's nothing that you can't do [Music] I can make you go cause I'm magic e I can make you go [Music] I can make you go I can make you go you I can make you go cause whenever I'm around I play a little game my magic will Astound you when I make you say your name when magic is around I can make you make a different sound if you're wearing a cap I'll give you a ape okay if you've got a leaky tap I can get you some ape teeth if you're making a dinner I'll invite you too cause whenever I'm around I can make you make a different sound if you spill all the stuff it'll slide down the slope you're going to need a mop but you better not know we can give you a hug but it's going to be huge because whenever I'm around I can make you make up from sound if you've got a little bit I'll take a little bite when you're building a kit I can make you a kite give me a can I'll make you a Cane show me the plan I'll make you a plane cause whenever I'm around I can make you make a different sound I can make you go I can make you go e please I can make you go I can make you go oh no I can make you go you I can make you go [Music] whenever I'm around I play a little game my magic will Astound you when I make you say your name where magic is around I can make you make a different sound [Music] [Music] we're playing cops and robbers it's against the rules oh oh that is against the rules too oh Sun lovely letters let's just hold hands and oh what what is a law a law is a rule that nobody can break if you do I will arrest you because I am in charge of the law and my first law is oh the grass I arrest you in the name of the law oh he's he's on the grass oh he is now I arrest you in the name of the lawn oh I mean law [Music] Outlaw arrest him [Music] he doesn't have any pets aw [Music] oh oh oh I arrest you in the name of the off the ball oh I mean law no bouncy balls no showers on the stairs no pretending to be police oh oh [Music] it's investigate shall we oh bouncy ball oh shower on the stairs hey you in the name of the pineapples perfect presents for Pals who pick play fights and nothing that begins with peace lovely letters let's hold hands oh oh hello everybody my name is Paul p a u l ING with p p no I don't after them unicorns no Jelly Monsters oh hunt I am haunting you I arrest myself for being a ghost no such thing as ghosts to myself no astronauts foreign [Music] [Music] I'm growing my hair for the party [Music] ready everyone it's party time but whose party is it I know let's find out hello hello girl we're having a party a party a parties whose party is it yours but I want lots and lots and lots of friends from my party [Music] hi huh no I need lots and lots more than that hey that's better everybody hold hands foreign [Applause] first we need to make a birthday cake yummy we need eggs flour sugar and butter and a pinch of fairy dust uh then you stir it all up stir stir sugar now for the best bit [Music] to decorate my birthday cake everybody hold hands qua squat squat squat squat squat squirt squirt squirt squeaky squatty mess [Music] I need some new birthday clothes skirt I love my new skirt now it's time for games we need music band let's play musical statue what do we have to do I'll show you when the music plays you have to move about like this and when it stops you freeze ready everyone oh trees it's time for birthday presents have we got a present ah [Music] this is a special cake birthday girl when you blow out the candles you can make a wish a wish happy birthday happy birthday girl you can wish for anything in the world I wish I wish [Music] birthday girl [Music] oh this is the best birthday ever oh oh unbelievable wow yikes oh oh oh what terrible Tom Fuller is this oh typical boy hello what's a boy I am [Music] [Music] wow do it again oh cow boy cowboy howdy I'm a cowboy this here is my horse and this is my home the Thousand cow ranch Cowboy a boy who rounds up cows guess I'm off to round one up yeah howdy you two buckaroos like to help me round up a cow oh is that a yes oh well Partners if you want to be Cowboys you need to look like cowboys and you need to walk like Cowboys watch me [Music] that'll do it now let's go find us a cow howdy [Music] howdy Miss oh loud let's go [Music] watch that sounds like a rattlesnake howdy oh sound gotcha [Music] looks like we got ourselves the sound of a cow let's find us a real one howdy [Music] oh hmm sound I think we finally found ourselves a cow yeah gotcha [Music] good job friends one cow rounded up 999 cows ago 999. yep like I told you it's the Thousand cow ranch I've got one cow but I need a thousand rattlesnake [Music] howdy [Music] oh [Music] well how about that a thousand cows kiwi oh can I borrow you for a second uh busy can't stop I need you oh where I'm going will you eat what have I done I think we've made an it did you hear that ah I said quiet did you hear that oh I think it is something big something unbelievably heavy something [Music] tiny I think it likes you oh so unfair oh that's my sound stop it it I I agree stop it oh I said what quite agree oh listen it's making our sound how cute [Music] that's not cute somebody make it stop quack quack that's quite loud oh squeak [Music] how's it going oh it is so noisy we can't get it to stop I see well we made it so maybe we can help hold it this time we'll try without you oh I a pilot oh yes oh I need you [Laughter] quiet [Music] get it be happy cheesy chewy foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's the way you've got to move it [Music] wave foreign iced cup of tea I don't know Shimmy Shimmy Shake oh shut up oh foreign what's that I didn't say a word oh oh There Shipmates R to the rescue anyone for tea hooray all aboard now that's what I call a workout did you always say ER because I'm a pirate what's a pirate oh yeah why because I do piratey things like what uh I've got a hat and I say er a lot and that's what Pirates do I think so [Music] a treasure map oh we found a treasure map will you lead us to the treasure okay but I'm not a pirate [Music] we need to get to the island who's with me absolutely anyone else try again oh raft flame a board Shipmates herb I mean let's go right [Music] there's no treasure here you're not a pirator a pirate would listen and I'll tell you a pirate wears a black eye patch and reads old match her pleasure a pirate sails across the sea in search of buried treasure a pirate does exciting things and says er a lot a pirate knows just where to look because x marks the spot did somebody say x read this to me uh pirate sings a pirate swings a pirate laughs haha this letter is a pirate this pirate's name is r a 81 82 83 84 85. hey that's my sound stop copying me I'm not fine I'm kicking my football too keep it in the air well can't you make you make different sounds no you can't keep it for yourself 96 97 98 99 crumbs sorry this alphabet isn't big enough for the two of kiss then there's only one way to sort this out you mean correct a contest versus [Music] okay beat this e key oh that's nothing I can make hey cage clearly Mike is the best lovely but could you let us out now lucky I've got the key then so get us out looks like I'm the king of the cause no Keyhole this is not cool to got us into this mess now you can both get us out oh suck oh oh what's that rotten smell worry not mates oh Rock [Music] listen leave this to me oh maybe two cause are better than one hey she catch [Music] welcome my sports fans to the alpha Olympics yes three teams will battle it out to see who will be going home with the alpha cup you all know the rules make as many words as you can before your captain Falls over team one on your marks get set go eat [Music] [Music] eat eat extraordinary [Music] six words that's going to be extremely hard to beat team two on your marks get set go yes oh Jesus requisite oh so embarrassing you scored nothing but an excellent effort so to our final team the score to beat is six on your marks get set go oh rocks [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] oh doors that's six one more to Win It oh we have our winners [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at me my name is e bet you haven't met a better letter yet I'm the busiest letter in the alphabet e that's me makeup [Music] [Music] red [Music] Look at me now Look at me he's another E he's just the same as me we can live together in harmony doubly you and me e e [Music] let's make up e b everybody one two three [Music] one two three sorry one two three [Music] another e a brother e he's the quiet one in the family he doesn't say much he does it silently e number three and with three E's we can make cues [Music] [Applause] we need more ease more ease more ease yes quickly uh [Music] did you ever see so many e's you really never met a better letter yet with the busiest letter in the alphabet a that's me [Music] [Laughter] Alphablocks attention ah nap yep there's no time to know [Music] zoom zoom zoom zoom brilliant [Music] boom stop sleeping start marching fish Geronimo oh [Music] time to March Alpha box 18. actually I could do with a nap room for one more what fun my turn [Music] shoes [Music] ah ah look there's you oh how did you do that I I know it happens when we say our letter names oh I am [Music] look a shooting star oh what a fantastic light show me may I join in absolutely [Music] ah ah fabulous a-u-f-o hey [Music] hey [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Learning Blocks
Views: 14,767,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alphablocks, number blocks, alpha blocks, numberblocks, phonics, phonics for kids, learn to read, learn to count, learn to read for kids, numberblocks full episodes, alphablocks full episodes, numberblocks episodes, alphablocks episodes, cbeebies, phonics song, alphablocks for kids, reading for kids, counting for kids, jolly phonics, numbers for kids, counting for kindergarten, reading for kindergarten, spelling for kindergarten
Id: q5c52bXm2ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 41sec (13241 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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