🌈Colourful Maths 🌈| 3 hours of Numberblocks full episodes | Maths for Kids | Learn to Count

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[Music] oh what is that only the most incredible invention of all time a time machine it can send you back to the moment you woke up this morning or your last holiday or any time you can imagine could he send me back to when I had three scoops of ice cream it could once my assistant brings me the time regulator the machine won't work properly without it he should be here any minute now who is he [Music] 158 that's only two minutes to two I have to get to the Clock Tower oh nearly forgot the time regulator [Music] does anyone want to play seesaw sounds like a storm is coming from dude [Music] foreign I should have left more time [Music] honey it's going to I got the time regulator [Music] come on where did 64 go when did she go more like 64 has fallen through time [Music] it's just like before I've traveled back in time that gives me a second chance to get this to 64. before the lightning strikes does anyone want to play oh yeah sounds like a storm is coming yes I knew I need to get to the clock tower first can I borrow your skateboard go for it dude [Music] sorry 13. [Music] Chevy good job squares oh excuse me [Music] 64. look out I've got the toy regulator [Applause] [Music] where did 64 go she's fallen through time again I blew my second chance [Music] but here's a second second chance here I go again octoblock Sprint [Music] nicely balanced sounds like a storm is coming yes I know could I borrow your skateboard go for it octoblock speed one two actually OCTA block jump thanks eight no problem 13. [Music] whoa up coming through [Music] 64. stop I have the time regulator catch [Music] where did 64 go oh eight seven six five four three two one [Music] but still not fast enough already or not here I come [Music] again again looks like fun no no time to lose oh sounds like a storm yes skateboard please thank you [Music] four by four find out square coming through oh a square made of squares hey you've never said 13. it's heavy good job squares are strong I know right [Music] now I'm a square in the Town Square where the clock strikes too abort of lightning will hit the tower you need to fit the time regulator now great where is it [Music] um funny story I forgot to pick it up [Music] what's up where did 64 go dude to get the regulator and don't forget the regulator [Music] double time double quick jump right back gotcha up up and away yes there's a storm coming may I borrow your skateboard thank you best seesaw ever him [Music] lightning is gonna hit when the clock strikes too trust me I've seen it several times quickly fed the time regulator [Music] [Applause] [Music] where did 64 go there's only one person who can answer that [Music] 64. Great Scott there's not a moment to lose what are you doing here how long have you got two in back in time meaning there are two twos that made four and then [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you can do it sometimes I talk too much but at least I can stop myself doubling back delivery for 64. right on time for me but I didn't order anything [Music] 64. but how simple The Time Machine sent me back to yesterday and I arranged to have myself delivered here at precisely two o'clock today [Music] and now that regulator's fitted we can go anywhere and any when we like come on too [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's cream [Music] here it is time to make some friends one and another one is two that's what magic mirrors do they make another one of you two and another one is three mirror magic as you see makes another you and me I thought magic mirrors do they make another one of you with magic mirrors making friends the magic never ends [Music] a brand new friend to take the floor four and another one is five [Music] five and another one is six one more number in the mix a pal to join in all our tricks with magic mirrors making friends the magic never ends with magic mirrors making friends with magic mirrors making friends the magic never ends with two magic mirrors you can make friends twice as fast if you think that's impressive yeah allow me Square power if two mirrors are twice as fast three mirrors will be even faster if we use this mirror to copy that mirror we'll have three mirrors I thought magic mirrors only copied number blocks [Music] um maybe we should stop throw the dice and let them spin if you don't try you'll never win [Music] going oh what happened [Music] look at that it's really weird the whole inside bit disappeared hello hello nothing happened I think they're broken it's no one's fault but we should try and fix them perhaps we could um actually I have no idea does anyone know how magic mirrors work or even where they come from 21. if anyone knows about magic mirrors it's the greatest number Explorer of them all kind of need to see I was exploring the coast when there was a strange noise and a flash of light was there really three we broke these magic mirrors here's the thing we need to fix this Cube should not be made of sticks I have seen that before all magic mirrors come from a mysterious Place known as hexagon Island The Hiding Place of that rascally pirate Captain hex beard pirate Legend says the island is the hiding place of Captain hex spirit's treasure treasure you say six Keys waiting to be one six pieces turning into one the first to come shall claim the praise hex marks the spot where treasure lies oh we have to go to hexagon Island if magic mirrors come from there we might find out how to fix them oh that's why we have to go there well that's on the treasure pirate treasure try and stop me do you rest the treasure goes to who's there first never mind who gets there first how do we get there at all [Music] I think I can help with that oh we hold the hexagallian captain hexbeard's pirate ship remember a ship needs a good crew you need to work together stay together oh look what I found is it treasure even better costumes oh wait for me 21 I hope I'll make us good an Explorer as you one day who knows maybe today is one day come on one seal the hexagon accident [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] Island you scurvy Rogues Oh Captain hexbid after my fabulous treasure are you then waste to the top of Cube mountain where hex marks the spot so exciting now I warn you though you'll need to find a key to claim it maybe we can mount the mirrors after I we find the treasure I've hidden six keys in all enough for everyone the first to come shall claim the prize so what are you waiting for get hunting Treasure Trail a thrilling race I think I'm gonna light this place Captain experts Mark is in the middle of the map so I should go Inland but first I need to find a key first to the challenge eh I well if a key you'd win of me make it whole again make wart hole again oh easy oh there I don't think that's right but why not ah should be on the same side that's not quite right we're calling a red square thanks reflection there two halves make a whole Cube no make it whole again again right let's see there's half a circle on this piece and a quarter of a circle here and another quarter here [Music] point all the white bits are in the middle one half and one quarter and one quarter make a hole you're so slimy but so am I now show me a cube but how how that's not fair [Laughter] [Music] hello anyone looks like it's just me oh well best foot forward [Music] oh I see it spins around the middle so if I stay in the middle whoa easy peasy [Music] I can't go around it maybe I can jump it yes but I'll never jump all that oh I have to go left all right but whichever way I go the bridge won't be balanced if only I could go both ways at once well I can't go both ways perfectly balanced out again and forwards and out again and forwards come on forwards wait I can't go forwards there's a gap I could jump it but if I jump I'll fall into that Gap over there hmm we can both move inwards towards the center then we'll still be balanced now we carry on together thanks friends I'll take you from Ranger step oh no no no no it's impossible [Laughter] [Music] why do I get the swamp come on three you can do this you don't need anyone's help huh show me a cube that's too tall and too wide and also too deep two blocks on each side well there's a cube but it's not very tall how big is too tall oh I see you mean two blocks tall and two blocks wide three blocks on each side there your big old face two blocks high and two blocks wide but not two blocks deep your problem is you're too shallow how dare you oh I see I need another four blocks in front but there are no more blocks oh yuck oh nice tunnel a square puzzle for a square pirate how many squares can you see on the store [Music] um God but how many swears can you see now well that's easy as well one two three four four uh one two three four four one two three four four I'm sure that's right four squares just like me but I'm a square made of smaller squares so I can see one two three four four small squares and one big Square so that's five squares all together [Music] how many squares can you see you see oh well I don't know hmm [Music] up there [Music] a treasure key my friends they need help if ye stop to help them someone else may reach the treasure first if I don't help my friends when they need it no one's going to reach the treasure sometimes everybody needs a helping hand sometimes things don't work out quite the way you planned with a friend to help you through there's nothing you can do things can look much better when you put your heads together five plus one equals six when everything seems hopeless and you need a new Direction stop and take a breath a moment for reflection oh a half and a reflection of a half looks like a hole thanks five [Music] is this a key can you see a brand in need you can be a friend indeed things can look much better when you put your heads together five plus two equals you don't have to be alone when you feel you're out of luck if you find yourself a friend they can help you get unstuck thanks five yes things can look much better when we put our hands together need a hand yes please help five plus three equals eight everyone feels bad sometimes and wants to scream and Yelp but never be too proud to tell a friend when you need help Auto Cube Two by Two by Two octo Cube pieces of eight pieces of eight thank you thank you thank you [Music] wait hurry if I were you oh it's too hard five plus four equals nine Todd all day and now you're feeling tired a friendly face can lift you up and help you stay inspired a square like me in every corner there are nine little squares and one big square that makes ten plus four squares like me that makes fourteen hooray I hope that it was worth this song and dance I hope it didn't make you miss your chance I you will find it's always worth it to be kind life is so much better when we put our heads together sometimes everybody needs a helping hand they'll be happy that you help them understand help your friends pull through they'll do the same for you things will look much better when we put our heads together one plus four equals five two plus three equals five [Music] five plus five equals ten climb aboard this rocket and I'll take you to the start with a friend to help you through sometimes everybody Needs A Helping Hands I'm so glad to see you all now we're back together nothing can stop us Army hearties you're close now will you be first to claim my treasure I've climbed the ladder to success and I'm the first one here I guess look treasure must be there hex marks the spot I'm going to have to race you a lot [Music] swim for it [Music] that happened to me does anybody have a key looks as if we have five oh we did it we've beaten Captain hex beard abusing the keys that Captain gave us so why give us Keys obviously Old Stone Face didn't think we'd be smart enough to beat the challenges they were pretty hard some of them seemed impossible but we beat them all when we started helping each other that's why this bridge is not complete there's one more challenge left to bees only way to reach the treasure is for us to work together you've solved my final riddle you all are first to reach the middle is waiting to be won faces turning into one spaces turn into one Cube [Music] one look it's working again the cube looks like a giant one of those in fact this whole lake looks like a giant magic mirror the hexahedron my real treasure the giant Cube that powers every magic mirror in numberland a beautiful sunset I wish I had someone to share it with [Music] it's my lucky day well done Shipmates I take my hat off to you [Music] 21 I knew you'd make a fine exploring team [Laughter] together no no who's ready to set sail for home yay hurry up too if we don't catch the train we might miss the talent show but it's such a lovely day just give me a second a second how long is a second a moment to start a bit of the heart I step on the way second stop for a second the Sun is up high straight up in the sky today is my day we'll ride the train to the edge of the sea where we'll dance together my best friend and me but for now come on we have to go a moment I'll only take a moment today is too fine so I'll take my time for a moment for time is a train on a one-way track and this is a moment I won't get back it's nearly one o'clock we have to catch our train oh no we're too late if I can stop the clock maybe I can stop the train [Music] that's not how it works so we missed the train is there another one we can catch maybe but with the clock broken we can't tell when any train leaves well I broke it so I should fix it but how does a clock work there's these two pointy things and lots of numbers starting at one and going all the way around to 12. did someone call looks like you could use a hand learning how to tell the time after all you can't be on time if you don't know what time it is thanks twelve where do I start well I said you could use a hand in fact you can use two the two hands of the clock these are hands there's a big hand and a little one and as we know little ones can be very important the little hand is called the hour hand it shows you what hour it is like this it starts at full height and moves round to the right like the sun in the sky at midday like the sun it won't stop as it moves Round the Clock and we count every hour on the way and [Music] it really is that easy to do three and a bit three and a bit the hour hand is steady not fast I know it's four and a bit four and a bit the hour is the last big number that you passed [Music] it's a shorthand for telling the time and starting to climb seven and a bit seven and a bit as the day moves on towards night eight and a bit eight and a bit you can tell the time on site all together [Music] [Applause] [Music] and a bit more and we're back to one thanks twelve and twelve you're welcome we could keep this up all day and all night 24 hours a day yeah so the hour hand is seeing that the time now is one and a bit and that bit is the number of minutes which is what the big hand counts hello 60 so the big hand is the minute hand yes and the big thing to remember is that 60 is roll out the big band to explain the big hand look close at the clock and you'll see between every number are five little marks so come along and count them with me one minute two minutes three four five one lot of five is five then here come five more and the big hand arrives at two lots of five ten ten ten minutes as we reach number three it's easy to see three lots of five or fifteen creatures counting in fives that's the key four out of five or Twenty what's the minute hand dots is the minutes advance [Music] [Music] [Music] how these numbers are growing timber [Applause] [Music] at 60 we stop cause we're back to the top then we start again moved on one place and if you put both hands together reading one and then the other you can tell that time [Music] so the little hand the hour hand tells you what hour it is and the big hand the minute hand tells you the minutes of the hour say the hours then the minutes and that's what time it is ah so that big two there for the hour hand means it's two o'clock two and a bit and for the minute hand means it's two lots of five minutes and two fives are ten so this clock says 2 10. we have a winner I can do it I can tell the time yay well done too I'll get this clock back to the right time thank you [Music] and you might like to know there's an Express train on platform 2 leaving at 1 15. an Express train then we can still make it to the talent contest and the time now is 1 10 11 12 13 14 114. I one minute a minute how long is a minute as soon as you begin it is ticking away each tick and each talk is a second the 60 to check on my blocky display fifty it's time to get Nifty we need to move swiftly to catch that Express let's hurry come on and let's go in I'm starting to worry we'll have no success 60 seconds in a minute 60 minutes in an hour 12 hours from midday to midnight 12 from Midnight to midday halfway a minute how long is a minute or eat a small peach or as soon as yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] just in time for the two o'clock Talent contest what shall we sing hmm [Music] ons oh my God [Applause] who plus who equals woohoo not a real sum folks the atmosphere here at numberland stadium is electric get ready for a Roller King Rumble the first ever Knox vs blocks obstacle relay race I reckon it's time to reveal our Runners starting with a classic lineup for the home team one two three four five member blocks [Music] ready to meet their Rivals give a rosing roar but the Alphablocks teammates [Applause] [Music] ah Matt come exercise [Music] they certainly have some unusual abilities but will this team of friends whatever you call thems be able to beat the odds or rather the odd even odd even odds okay it's race time Runners ready ah a block in the starting blocks ready one one block in the starting blocks ready then what are we waiting for oh yes for me to say start the countdown [Music] did we miss anything no bud Let's Race through the rules the obstacle relay race has five stages reach the next stage and a new Runner joins your team one runner in the first round two runners in the second round three runners in the hell you get the idea one reaches a relay point and is reunited with two let's hope they're not phased by this crazy maze maze he says um [Music] is ticking agreed accelerate one two one two ah you know I think these teams need to work out there the teamwork oh if only I could see over here friend hop up no you for goodness sake I'll do it it's that way ah annoying another dead end let's try teamwork take my hand ah Act [Music] aha the arrow shows where we're at terrific turn left then turn left Tip Top the alpha blocks are on the right track but the number blocks remain The Front Runners [Music] don't stop now oh game on up the ladders down the snakes let's hope I can avoid mistakes rolling a six right off the bat the rules require each team to reach the other side of the board let's hope the alpha blocks land on some lucky ladders here they go sit over here excellent e eager to get on let's take a timeout what are they doing e t [Music] what are you doing doing taking tea there's always time for tea refreshing but risky their Rivals are racing ahead with a really long ladder in reach roller two and I'll climb to the top but a one or a three and downward tail drop I've teamed up once and twos and threes the twos should find this roller Breeze not that no good that's better Third Time Lucky that was lovely but it looks to me like you're out of the race take another look e eat yeah well I told you there was time for tea the rules say reach the other side of the board but they don't say how sneaky a bold move from the alpha blocks means the teams are neck and neckering into stage four [Music] hmm magnificent munching teammates uh parties prepare to face that robotic Rascal locked you better watch out she's a wild one time frog four plus three plus two plus one equals ten Up and Away with Rocket Power high five very high five [Music] you're too tricky maybe we can make something ah what can we do you to calm down an angry octopus excuse me the number blocks reach the final stretch surely they'll romp home now poor alpha blocks I almost wish we could lend them a hand yes we won oh wait wait wait wait they ran in Reverse giving their Rivals a chance to Rally but octopus is proving hard to control which who's this on the pitch I recognize him it's magic e get ready for a long vowel hey hmm tickle tickle game maybe you can help us make it across the lake amazing okay it seems hopeless but we can't just stop we should seek a solution steam that's it if they can travel by rocket power we could try e Steam [Music] steam power [Music] both teams running for the finish line but the alpha blocks are running on Rails [Music] teams [Music] remarkable both teams are now riding the train [Music] it's a dead hit [Music] incredible I don't think anyone could possibly have predicted that result blocks and member blocks are remarkable and they work together as teams but it's loads more fun when they all come together as mates [Applause] it's tough being a detective in a big city when nobody needs your help with no big cases to crack I've been feeling a little gray detective one's office a missing blocks case you see a big one I'll be right there [Music] she came [Music] two four yum eight ten I should have known big Tom the friendly monster who loves popping blocks into his big snuggly tummy yum yum who's in my tum let me see this is an even tops Expedition that's right we're all even numbers yum standing in a line too bigger every time so the missing number is two more than four and two less than eight whichever way you look at it sex is in your tongue yum yum well done oh you're welcome sex yum yum what's going on [Music] big Tom is going to Alpha land quick after him [Music] hmm my mate has gone missing detective one on the case tell me everything it was only moments ago [Music] I declare my magnificent new munching room open Welcome to the foreign terrific this looks like a capital spot for a big cup of tea [Music] new blocks Yum Yum [Music] Yum Yum who's in my tongue it was in your tongue yummy well done hot tremendously toasty in there come on big Tom let's get you back too oh Catch Me If You Can yum yum he's got someone quick what happened both of us bolted down this back alley and then someone ran into us coming the other way who ran into you I don't know I had my eyes closed they grabbed my hand I grabbed B we all called out and yum yum who's in my tongue we need to work out who's gone missing look for Clues is there anything strange or unusual here [Music] so this stinky bin was not here an instant ago a bin appeared from nowhere alpha blocks can make things appear when they hold hands and say their letter sounds that's it if we can work out which letter sounds make bin we can work out who's missing let's try it say the word bin say each sound bin starts with a B that's my letter sound then which is my sound and the final sound is um is the missing letter sound n makes the sound so n is in Big Tom's Tom Yum Yum well done nice Catch Me If You Can hump yum yum here we go again it looks to me yes of another three letter word was made b g what are your letter sounds what sounds like oh get away you buzzing bug bug the missing sound is ah that means you is in Big Tom's Tom yuck yuck you're stuck unlucky it must be a vowel though a e i o u a makes an a sound that would be [Music] my bag of apples annoying not a e makes an e sound beg your pardon very excited to be here at Capital Tower not e you get any big Ideas I am not inside that hairy tum not a not e not I not you so how about oh oh makes an o sound uh a bog is a sort of Swampy Marsh like this one oh isn't Big Tom's Tom Yum Yum well done we solve Big Tom's riddles and saved all the alpha blocks brilliant incredible great big yum yum yum this case keeps getting bigger [Music] big big tongues Tom is empty [Music] oh oh no big big tongue [Music] ten step s stop big big Tom 10 is in your tub worth a try but he's too high up to hear you oh no [Music] oh [Music] 10. great thinking oh that's a whole new way to make ten oh [Music] big ten Big Ten I'm still 10 blocks but I'm 10 very big blocks I have an idea t n can you swap places please [Music] net big net hmm got him but I can't take either of them home at this size [Music] big not big [Music] yum yum thanks to your quick thinking detective oh oh [Music] and so capital city was saved tiny Tom grew back into Big Town once we got to numberland and his new friends gave him a present to remember them by being a detective is such fun superhero team up you've all been waiting for the incredible octoblock and the exciting X together at last in crossover in the numberland stadium 11 prepares to take a penalty oh but at that very moment somewhere in alphaland oh he shoots suddenly [Music] [Applause] he scores oh what what alpha blocks and number blocks switching places there's only one hero who can sort this out be exciting autoblock all right then there are only two Heroes who can sort this out [Music] an alpha block here in numberland hmm they must have used the magic home mirror to travel here but where is it magic home mirror not detected but I am dead the three cheese cool few confusing someone is switching number blocks with alpha blocks this feels like the work of octonauty but that naughty number is no longer in numberland and now I've stolen the magic home mirror I'm in charge who can travel between alphaland and numberland time for our uh crap typical huh [Music] rip whoa we need help extremely quickly [Music] how did you get here I haven't a clue I was racing 24 on the race track and zap here I am and I think I saw T disappear you've been exchanged 20 and T but why because it's funny of course ugh Why is X so serious I'll take it from here you look a little cross maybe you should cross over [Music] to numberland friend hello Chums lovely racing weather I can keep this up all day [Music] so naughty to naughty auto block war one two three four five six seven eight draw [Music] this is octo-naughty you're right extremely sorry octonauty tricked me he's using the magic home mirror to switch alpha blocks with number blocks as I suspected 3 and C 11 and K 20 and T and now 24 and X but why those numbers with those letters there must be an explanation what say we team up and save the day I like your style to the auto cave let's see if we can spot a pattern in these crossovers 11 and K both like football but what has t got in common with 20. we're missing something we're missing out lots of numbers for a start maybe it will help if we add them in so many blank spaces we'll never work it out have patience my excellent friend I expect when we get the explanation it will be as obvious as ABC [Music] e c c is the third letter of the alphabet and C swapped with three what about k k swapped with a level is is K the 11th letter a one B two c three D four e five F six g seven H eight I nine J ten k 11 T 20 x 24 they all match up octonauty is swapping alpha blocks with the number block whose number is their position in the alphabet sir you've cracked my little code well I don't care I'm safe here in alphaland and without the magical mirror you two do-gooders are stuck in numberland new superheroes means nobody to stop me this looks extremely bad he's right without me there are no superheroes in alphaland but there is another superhero in numberland [Music] 27. she's a super Cube like me octoblock Cube Two by Two by Two 27 is three by three by three her Cube Powers ah exceptional so if we can trick octonauty into taking 27 to alphaland she will soon end his game octo computer what's the 27th letter of the alphabet era there are only 26 letters in the alphabet exclamation mark he's one step ahead of us again one step ahead of 26. there are 26 alpha blocks but 26 plus one is 27. we need to get a message to a and said the the auto signal [Music] wake up my friends there's a message for you a signal what does that say zoom in zebras Z plus a it must be from octoblock and X they want the two of you to go after octonauty we can't be their first choice so we must be their last chance I'm going to have so much fun with no superheroes to stop me [Music] allow us to introduce ourselves we're A to Z and we're coming to get you Z [Music] is that the best you can do bye no one in the world can stop me now no one we might have something to add to that 26. what equals no 27 Give It Up to naughty never if I can bring you here I can send you back you're forgetting there's no 27th letter for me to switch with oh time for a swift get a world I don't like the look of that by the power of three toys we've got you surrounded not quite anywhere's better than here excellent work Cube Crusader and with the magic home mirror back to normal Alpha land and numberland were soon put back in order as for octonadi nobody was sure where he ended up only that it was somewhere he couldn't get up to Mischief again until the next time Alpha Block Stone chorus from the other oh oh perfectly pitched please play on congratulations [Applause] too loud too high I can go higher [Applause] top [Applause] terrific view excellent Echo I like singing high notes but this isn't what I imagined at least we're as high up as we can possibly get oh up [Music] I wanted to be highest one one sky one one Galaxy and stars star and one me and coming this is one Speaking I've come so far I've seen so many wonderful things what I'd really like is someone to share them with [Music] hello [Music] a new friend um shouldn't a have come down by now heads up everyone who are you good question I am one one block I can see that but who are you that's my name I'm one I was traveling through space forever so long and then I saw someone [Music] yes that's her so I came down to say hello excellent let me welcome you to alphaland we're alpha blocks alpha blocks how funny I'm a number block nice to meet you and it are all right letter what letter it's right there I know an eye when I see one oh no this is my eye this is my numberling it represents how many blocks I am one one I don't recognize those symbols though are they your numbers these are letters they tell you what our sounds are I'm e my sound is e I'm T and I like T well I like things there are one of one one teacup tell me if you're One Number Block are there more number blocks you could say that would you like to meet some more oh are they up there not up there over here one moment I'm not sure I like her interrupting my singing like that to try to be inviting I she came an amazingly long way alone me hello you oh you can make copies too yes if we need to make our sounds longer [Music] you do this this one one equals two I am T how do you do yes I'd like to know too how do you do that and where are those ones that they pop off no no they're both still here I'm two I'm one two two blocks that's what my numbering stands for two blocks are two lots of one see oh oh my my what happened terribly sorry D for two I can explain if we hold hands and sound our letters out sometimes things [Music] oh if our letter sounds make a word magic happens that's incredible it isn't as incredible as this mirror it didn't work magic mirrors only work on number blocks like this and this tremendous tripling one two three did someone call one two three me amazing to intend intend to impress well yes actually unblocks need to learn a few manners it's called adding numbers can add together to make bigger ones like this one plus three equals four hello oh you're huge is that any better I think that's better I like being Square you can change shape of course I can whatever order I put my blocks in as long as there's one two three four of them then it's me four and you're one plus three I certainly can be let's see or I'm two twos you choose or even four ones it's the same amount oh my God oh my God my eyes it happens with alpha blocks what would happen if you got on top of you I imagine I'd fall off oh utterly undignified perhaps I could perch upon you I that's no way to make a number be rational it was three 3 that started it with her impact ideas three please we've only just got here did you intend to stay long I I don't know I've been traveling on my own for so long I just wanted to make friends what do you say Alphablocks in number blocks can we be friends I don't know we we're so very different [Music] you sure have a way with words oh you understood that he just said oh a lot you get used to it he said if we don't have a lot in common that only means we should try harder oh well I suppose but we really are quite different you know we're alpha blocks we are number blocks we're number blocks different as one two three [Music] we all have symbols on our heads but they mean different things alpha blocks have letters numbers numblings all letters represent us how you hear this sound when I've around my number link is my amount that's how many blocks you'll count one two three could be that we are not the same at all we're Alphablocks we are number blocks we're number blocks we're really not the same we say our names to count things till we complete the set one two three three letters [Music] snap our order is important [Music] together you make more numbers [Music] [Music] we both like singing [Music] [Laughter] alpha blocks we're nearly there they can't wait to meet you everybody keep up these blocks sound brilliant but how many did you say there were there were six sort of but as soon as you look around there's [Music] oh hello be right back would have only painted you 16 times there that's more my style it's getting increasingly out of hand they've been looking in that mirror question who wants around the world race answer did you really need to ask the question six rays and Away these must be your friends I'm one you must be B and behind me is where's C crumbs crikey excuse me asking but how many of you are there it's kind of hard to say can I borrow that hello hello straight now why that would be me nice Planet you've got here he's big all right but did biggest right now yes you see the thing about numbers is there is no biggest number because if you take the biggest number you can think of hello and add one more you get an even bigger number every time 21 number Explorer so pleased to be here I have so many questions you're not the only one but there be no biggest no no it's hard to get your head around this way it's like space I traveled ever so far leaving my Planet far far behind that for all the distance I've come I no closer to the edge of space because space doesn't have any edges it keeps going on and on forever you can't ever reach the end of it because it's infinite it goes on forever and so do we you can keep adding all the blocks you like you'll never reach infinity infinity you mean you might make an infinite number of number blocks with that magic mirror well it would take an infinitely long time but what enough about us how many of you are there ah actually I can't say we make up the alphabet but we've never really counted it well let's change that number of blocks are boring to count line yourselves up and let's get exploring a one B two counting things is what we do see three D four and E5 everybody time to dive g seven eight eight I nine J ten hey eleven kick it l 12 and 13 10 and three is what you mean sixteen the party queen Seventeen eighteen racing through we're really keen f-17 and team makes twenty D for two times ten is plenty Twenty-One B 22 23. w x is twenty four hooray X is here to save the day 25 Z 26 8 times 13. a b c d e f g h i j k l and m halfway there the same again n o p q r s t u v w x y z how many letters in the alphabet 26. 6 10 13s it was fun absolutely I think all 26 of us enjoyed that I thought there might be more of us 26 is much less than infinity no no no no that won't do you should focus on what you can do not what you can't what can we do you tell me well I can show you one trick okay okay and I'll see can I be on your team okay that's clever two letters together making one sand let's see what you can make now oh not quite what I had in mind oh oh B join the line oh hey oh still not quite right but we're getting close hmm that ice made my legs quite numb I see what you're trying to say we need an n and you you hmm maybe another B we need an ER sound [Music] uh oh number blocks hello world incredible I I mean we made number blocks and if you can make these two you can make more and more which means you can make exactly as many number blocks as we can make and not just blocks you can make locks and clocks and socks and docks and frogs and and anything you can name you may be 26 little letters but if you work together you can make anything awesome you know we may have our differences but there's one thing we're both good at making I think I know where this is going so do I we're both good at making friends [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] oh hi Ron I'd like to invite you all to stay if you'd like q and I'm so glad we came but seeing you all happy here it makes me miss my home it's so far away easily fixed with the help of magic Eve magic e i can team up with other letters without even touching them see oh ha oh um is that a portal um I had no numberland anywhere wow it's one welcome home the party's on our planet [Laughter] we're alpha blocks we're number blocks that's how this story ends yeah [Music] one [Music] two three four five six seven eight nine ten [Music] 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 17. 18 19. 20. [Music] 21. 22 23. 24. 25 26 27 28 29. 30. 30 [Music] 31. 32. 33. 34. 35 6. 37. 38. 39. 40. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46 47. 48. 49. 50 [Music] 51. 52. 53 54. 55. 56 57 58. 59. Steve 60. [Music] 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67 68. 69. 70. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75 76 77. 78. 79 18. 80 81. 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 9 90. 90. 91. 92. 93 94 95 96 97. 98 99 100 thank you 100 [Music] that's three five four three two one time for some number five oh I'm so excited for a Christmas concert I hope I get it right on the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me a partridge and a pear tree what a funny thing to send hey one over here I made a friend look twins come on come on come on you don't want to be late you mean you don't want to be late [Music] [Laughter] this is the season to be square there you are little star you'll soon be flying high places everyone backstage now the audience will be here soon octo block one two three four five six seven eight [Music] one up and shake out oh that is one big theater feeling nervous a little there are such a lot of different gifts to remember the 12 Days of Christmas is easy the numbers go up by one each time you just need to count up to 12. that's me and I'll be backstage making sure the show runs like clockwork you'll see come on team the match I mean the show is about to start get ready for kickoff [Music] no worries one you'll be fine Cyril what are you doing here letting everyone in of course can't have a show with no audience [Music] zero zero doors oh sorry this seat's taken whoops okay okay it's starting [Music] hey on the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me one one Partridge and a pear tree [Music] on the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me two turtle doves one two cool [Music] on the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me Three French Hens two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree on the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me four calling Birds what's happening so much for 12 burning things like clockwork Maybe from the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me everybody [Music] on the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent to me wait stop don't don't excuse are laying here's where they're staying [Music] oh twelve there's wow one you meant to be on stage [Music] Sorry Seven come back twelve something's going wrong what do you mean everything's running like clockwork there goes straight six train seven is on stage seven swans are swimming lovely and here comes straight eight ready to loads [Music] [Applause] that was lucky I'm sending out the right number of gifts I'm sure of it but too many are turning up first but now [Music] right let's try and work this out on the eighth day of Christmas my true love sent to me eight maids are milking oh there's [Music] and six six more geese [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stay here one I'll cover for you I want it out that's right the number of gifts is right it's the tree that's real what do you mean well on a nice day you get nine new gifts nine ladies dancing hoping to square dance [Music] oh we'll also get another eight maids and seven swans calling birds and three heads and two dogs [Music] yeah that's a whole tree full of extra gifts every day [Music] so at the end of the day it's a whole new tree exactly I'll get a score [Music] bugs using your head too it wears one got to um [Music] [Music] wow [Music] and a part which fell off our tree [Applause] that's the best 12 Days of Christmas you you're very kind and there is more if you want it yes there's still one more verse to sing [Applause] moment to get ready so we can do it properly [Applause] [Music] on the first day of Christmas the second day of Christmas and the fifth day of Christmas Day of Christmas on the 12th day of Christmas my true love sent to me laying [Music] [Applause] [Music] doves [Music] Christmas trees [Music] there's nothing like a little Christmas magic Merry Christmas one merry Christmas everybody [Applause] [Music] one two what shall we do one two what should we do want to see a trick yes tap me boom two are you okay [Music] [Laughter] your turn I can hop [Music] two last one equals three I am three look at me [Music] juggling balls one two three thank you thank you thank you where do they go where's my audience one two [Music] three I like what I see take it away three plus one equals two my audience that's better ready one two three four one two three everybody look at me I'm here to entertain you with this funky Melody I'll juggle three balls in the air and everyone everywhere everything's gonna be all right now number three is here I'm in tic-tac-toe I'm in Ready Steady go you're gonna have to count to three to get three in a row you'll find me hiding everywhere you look at a fairy tale or a picture book one two three can't you see I'm in Three Blind Mice three wishes would be nice you should try and try and try again that's my advice Goldilocks came across Three Bears one two three three balls three chairs three beds upstairs I'm here I'm there I'm everywhere one two three everybody look at me I'm here to entertain you with this funky Melody I'll pull three rabbits from a hat and make them disappear everything's gonna be all right now number three is here three meals a day three sections in a play beginning middle and end that's the only way everybody better give three kids Three Little Pigs Three Musketeers one two three I can keep three balls up in the air one two three times they get stuck up there one two three the jungling balls can be your guys one two three to make a shape that's got three sides one two three do you know what it is bingo it's a triangle one two three everybody look at me I'm here to entertain you with this funky Melody we do with jokes and jigs are throwing shapes I take it off again oh no I've broken three everything's gonna be all right I'm three and I'm still here and if you want to dance with me you'll have to learn to count to three two three one two three one two three one two three can't you see it's foreign [Music] everything's gonna be all right now number three is here I can do more exercises are we all here um well how can we tell I know just the thing Ready Steady sing one two three four five last one's right what should we do today walk in the sunshine run through the forest climb to the top of a tree pretend to be Pirates discover A Whole New World let's have an adventure [Music] everybody ready off we go off we go on the big adventure [Music] one two three four five that sounds right and off we go again [Music] wait too short can't see [Music] that doesn't sound right in the wrong order I know what to do smallest that way biggest this way go I'm bigger than you I'm smarter than you diddly diddly do I'm bigger than you I'm smaller than you did you do I'm bigger than you I'm smaller than you diddly diddly do are we all in order did we all do the right thing Ready Steady sing one two three four five that sounds right [Music] [Music] someone's missing who can it be let's see I'm one start with me I'm two I come after one I'm four I come after three three missing where is three oh look at me I'm number three three you know what to do I'm better than you I'm smaller than you deadly deadly Doom oh I'm bigger than you I'm smarter than you diddly do I'm smaller than stop are we all here now did we all do the right thing one two three four five [Music] look one two two sailing boats we can be Pirates [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm bigger than you I'm smarter than you are we all in order did we all do the right thing Ready Steady [Music] girls [Music] [Music] one two three four five [Music] one two and again one two your turn can't do it what was that that way come on wait [Music] looks familiar [Music] full are we playing musical statues a pig I knew that but what's that [Music] welcome welcome welcome to my new sampling Park don't you mean trampoline you know look [Music] oh that was fun oh is that you of course it is one two three four four blocks see [Music] whatever way round I go I'm still far look at me I'm still three [Music] oh not bad you think that's amazing you should see five I did so the more block shaft the more shapes you can make oh my turn [Music] not bad too of course they're not really different shapes are they it's the same shape one going up and one going across oh it's still it's still better than me look that's all one sheep very exciting compared to all of you [Music] you're forgetting something one two three [Music] one plus one plus one plus one equals four every big shape is made up of lots of little ones so lots of little ones can make every big shape look what I can do [Music] you made all of us well done and just in time for the grand finale what better way to celebrate opening my new park than with fireworks May I present the sky oh [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] you see one when we all work together the sky's the limit [Applause] hello nine what's the matter one smaller I always get one smaller every time I sneeze I get one smaller oh [Music] see why can't I ever get one bigger [Music] nine plus one equals ten I am ten again I am 10. watch this ten minus one equals nine you're amazing one bigger you're one bigger why do you have a one on top [Music] if you're wondering why there's a one on top you'll know the answer when you realize I'm one big block I'm one big perfect pen I'm a ten block I'm a ten block you might think we're different think again we're more alike than you suppose you're one one and I'm ten ones which means one two three four five six seven eight nine ten two is made of two blocks I'll always be your friend three will entertain you on what you can depend on two once and I'm three ones which means one two three four five six seven eight nine ten four is made of four blocks I love to be a square five is made of five blocks high five there I'm there I'm for once and I'm five ones and I'm ten one switch means 10. one two three four five six seven eight nine [Music] but that round thing next year one bro I need my zero hovering in space [Music] is made of six blocks I like to roll the dice servants made of seven in a rainbow that looks nice I'm six ones I'm seven ones and I'm ten one switch means one two three four five six seven eight nine ten it is made of octoblock and if you add one more nine is made of nine blocks on the bigger Square than four I'm eight ones and I'm nine ones and nine ten one switch means one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I can be two lots of five or five lots of two in other words five pairs I can be one and two and three and four when you need to go upstairs you might think we're different think again they're all just made of counting blocks you're one one and your ten ones which means sometimes [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten times [Music] marvelous Moon one day I'll go into space you'll never get to the Moon that way one just count down from ten to one ready ten nine eight seven six five four three two one last one number 10 up on the moon and my friends will be here soon ten equals nine [Music] we're on the moon nine and one that was easy this is fun one two three four five six seven eight nine nine aliens [Music] of course nine pills ten number ten back on the moon two more friends will be here soon ten equals eight plus two we're on the moon how did we get here haven't a clue one two three four five six seven eight eight aliens all heading home oh no there's no room for those two never fear octoblock is here octoblock Bill one two three four five six seven eight films two slime saucers good work [Music] oh come back it's not starting hello eight plus two equals ten Here I Am Number ten time to make some friends again ten equals seven plus three we're on the moon seven and three we're so lucky look at me look at that there's the on button that was lucky [Music] Ready Steady blast off [Music] oh it's too heavy seven plus three equals ten it's time again wait and see who my next two friends will be ten equals six plus four we're on the moon we really couldn't ask for more play a game roll the dice that was so cool too heavy six plus four equals ten quick before our visit ends we've just got time for two more friends [Music] on the moon five and five it sure feels great to be alive let's give them a hand five come on five plus five equals ten the number blocks from one to ten went to the moon and home again [Music] one two three Block cakes one for me and one less than three is one two two Block cakes one for me and one less than two is one what cake one for me no and one less than one is is one less than one only one way to find out how many blocks are in this ten one ready minus one one equals hello who are you I am zero the hero one less than one where are your blocks I haven't got any silly zero blocks here here ten kids in the bay you've got zero we know the beds have up and Blown Away you can't see around when you've eaten all the cupcakes when you drink cup for the milkshake he's got no cakes no shakes he got zero we know the sweets have banished from the jar you've got zero we know the wheels [Applause] [Music] you got no hats [Music] I'm the number for nothing I'm one less than one when there's nothing or something oh I'm the number for none and there's nothing there to count none you see your mouth [Music] when you smell yourself [Music] how many elephants in that tree zero how many unicorns can you see Zero how many frogs are on your head how many squirrels in your bed [Music] I'm the number for nothing I'm one less than one when there's nothing of something I'm the number for none when there's nothing there to count enough you see your mouth you Steven imagine a world where nothing can bring you down now we're messing around no one's starting a riot [Music] nothing imagine a world where everything's peaceful and quiet [Music] zero zero zero months zero zero trees zero zero gravity [Music] zero worlds oops what's this nothing where are we nowhere what do we do now no idea [Music] zero zeros zero was mine my hero [Applause] um [Music] [Music] for none but there's nothing there to count not easy about [Music] now there's something you don't see every day an alien [Music] up up oh is that where you live up up up up Don't Worry fellow space cadet I can rocket you home hold on tight ten nine eight [Music] I think she's building a tower up oh um I think you'll need more blocks than that [Music] let's build a tower my turn that looks like fun [Music] I didn't even know I could make that shape [Music] can I play one two three four five six please make me some building bricks oh [Music] doesn't fit oh this huh oh that try this yay beginner's luck number blocks let's get building all right [Music] this could take forever there's something new the aliens are building too we can meet in the middle back to work everyone space here we come [Music] false alarm [Music] oh no [Music] did somebody say help oh to block to the rescue [Music] octo block build one two three four five six seven eight [Music] Timber [Music] you go up we go down goodbye fellow space cadet [Music] well done crew a successful Mission well mostly successful we helped our friend get back to space but now our Towers all over the place oh that's lucky we get to build something else a rocket a house a rainbow [Music] are we in time that's lucky I wouldn't miss the opening of numberland's first half gallery for the world you [Music] you I like it but where's the art oh I spent so long making sparkly invitations I forgot to get any [Music] can we help I thought you'd never ask are you sure you're a rocket you're full of colors fly through the museum and make art but no stop foreign now there's a surprise [Music] I am 17 and I love to paint they're coming in go go go go don't mind if I do some painters on the 10 portraits Majestic cancer rain I can also paint portraits but I've been 17 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen look at me nice juxtaposition Sean painters like to paint bluebirds in a lovely nature scene why paint only a few words what happened Seventeen ten and Seven Seventeen hmm [Music] some painters like to paint apples in brilliant shades of green I can also paint apples but I paint 17 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen [Music] nice juxtaposition some painter's like to paint Soup cans I like a whole terrine so I paid plenty of Soup cans I paid 17. [Music] nice juxtaposition [Music] some painters paint splatters some painters paint dots my number is what matters 17 is lots and lots of spots oh nice juxtaposition [Music] hold that pause some painters like to paint faces that look like they might scream I can also paint fishes for I page 17. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 18 14 15 16 17. ice cream you scream we all scream for ice cream wait I know what this Gallery needs your art let your imagination play paint what you want Go Your Own Way a piece of paper's purpose is to be a picture one day you could be an artist the best there's ever been but why paint only one of things when you could play seventeen [Music] I'm in position and heading for the block star careful 12 the blockstar's battery's running out you need to change it before the whole thing drops out of the sky and smashes into numberland oh that block is no match for a super rectangle like me all teams report him switched standing by switch switch six days switch I'm going in hold on tight you need to turn off the force field before you can get to the battery can you see a line of towers ahead yes six of them each has two buttons on top you need to press all the buttons together six towers two buttons each array display this calls for switch [Music] [Applause] six things [Music] lucky you've done it twelve now head for that battery there's no time to lose I'm on it switch foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] those block ships have gone Haywire it must be the low battery don't let them slow you down [Music] what a great display I've got just the team [Music] got a great escape technique let's play a game of Hide and Seek switch [Music] yeah [Music] I've got to lose them through that oh I got a bad feeling about this a great display [Music] what battery level almost dead but you're right on top of it you need to open the cover take out the old battery then put in a new one as fast as you can that's three different tasks but I can do them all if I use the fours is it Target approaching one two three three [Music] now witness the power of this fully operational disco Cube [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I love it your turn [Music] nine equals 19. all right then I am 19 and I who am I maybe it's something to do [Music] super rectangle switch switch turn see ya maybe I can make lots of rectangles right let's do this bye how oh silly me one block missing three boy Swan block too many never mind four five again you can do this not a rectangle come on 19. concentrate five boy no one off six bye Swan off oh I can't do it never be a super rectangle I'm silly old I mean elephant I mean like bulbs I mean Monster [Music] I wish I could be like 18 make everyday shapes with neat straight lines but there's always something not quite right so I make crazy shapes that's where 19 shines I can be a cactus in the desert an umbrella when it rains oh I can stretch right out to make heads all giraffe and if you need some building blocks I can make a train then make lots of funny faces to make you laugh because I make crazy shapes [Music] crazy shape appreciate all the things that I do best I can make a table you can eat at or a fish when you're digging I can make a garden Spain when you lost all your directions with an add-on if you wish when it comes to making wacky shapes I've got it cause I make crazy shapes crazy shapes are what I do and watch Emma call it too I can make most anything so put me to the test crazy shapes crazy shapes not the thing that I do best but what else I'm unique as I'm sure that you'll agree on the water what up my Peak no one's better at being me than me come on every on every day cause I make crazy shapes crazy shapes and wash it and watch them are call it too I can make most anything so push me to the test crazy James crazy shapes all the things that I do best crazy shapes crazy shapes or this thing that I do best I am 19 and I am a one-off as [Music] oh two by seven extreme three six nine twelve fifteen eighteen makes the scene you think this is fast follow me for some real [Applause] let's do it again anyone can ride that thing check this out the double Looper has a two Ray mate ease so you can only ride it if you can make a rectangle that's two blocks wide like this two by nine two rays and away one two Land Two by six one two by seven double lucky double seven hey that does look like fun but odd numbers like me can't make a rectangle two blocks wide see don't let that slow you down 15. this next one could be made for you with three with three oh you need to make a rectangle that's three blocks wide like this three by six three raise and away three by six and again now that I can do bye [Music] you're built for Speed 18. you can ride Loopers and double Loopers and triple Loopers three five four [Music] that's because my brother and I are both super rectangles which means we can make lots of different rectangles so we can make one raise and two race um that's not all we can both make six Rays six by three well yes that's true six by two but why do we need six Rays unless oh no how do we get up there relax let me handle this I am 12. I am a super rectangle Master of the Rays foreign [Music] oh wait can you do that again behold the super Looper go switch one by eighteen one by twelve wow two by nine switch three by four fast works this race on three by six [Music] [Applause] that's you that's fast enough for me but not me here comes the nine Looper [Music] extreme dude are you okay that was refreshing and now to do something else really fast ah have a lie down count your tens one two two tens 20. count your ones one one two one two three one two three four count it out tens and ones 10 20 21 22 23 24. I wonder if we'll ever figure ourselves out like q22 oh can I help I love exploring numbers and I know just the place Prime positions wide and tall and more switch turn switch turn Hello friends welcome to the rectangle Retreat seeing what rectangles a number can make really helps figure them out totally when I found out I make a 2 by 11 rectangle I knew it once I was a thing of two halves results well 12 you can make lots of rectangles I'm a super rectangle I can make different rectangles all day long and it takes all day at that rate some of the super rectangles like to go a little more speedily one by eighteen two by nine three by six six by three nine nine by two eight two by one how rectangly is that the answer you're looking for is very rectangular indeedly do you think you can help 23 and 24 find the rectangles we'd love to all we need is some butts and a couple of blank Scrolls let's do this thing first find your Prime positions that's as wide then as tall as you can go stretch out wide as you can rectangle a really wide one now reach up touch the sky one by twenty four a tall thin rectangle that's two so far can I make more let's find out bend over and touch your toes do you make a rectangle when you're two blocks wide oh I can I'm two by twelve I can't never mind it's lots of fun now try three blocks wide then four then five until you're back at your Prime position again very wide rectangle for a white rectangle five white oh I was doing so well I wouldn't worry about it 24. I've not made any rectangles apart from my Prime positions keep going you haven't lived until you've tried turn six wide no oh yes six by four so many rectangles already now seven wide hey no no yes yes again eight by three ah there's now stopping you no no no don't give up 24 keep going yes 12 by two and twenty four by one my white Prime position so many rectangles oh yeah that's even more than we can make sis we might need to find a bigger name than super rectangle that's it I figured myself out I'm 24 and I'm a super duper rectangle check out my array display turn switch turn switch turn switch I can make rectangles all day and all night too how did you get on 23 just my Prime positions that's all are you sure all those blocks no other rectangles anywhere how remarkable It Feels Right somehow some numbers are very rectangular and some are not very rectangular and that's okay I figured myself out I'm 23 and I'm happy being me and at the end of the day you can't say fairer than that [Music] to play my big new game I'll roll the dice to start my friends this game is called how many tens [Applause] [Music] six times ten equals sixty I am 16 here to play with 60 spots hip hip hooray [Applause] [Music] 60 lots of ten is a new high score I'm six tens or ten sixes game on yeah oh no oh national game guys I'm sure you'll see that dice again this calls for another ten [Music] times [Music] close 70. I am 70. you lucky numbers as luck would have it I'm seven tens so I'm also The Rainbow Connection [Music] yet it's way over there but how can we get it back again luck is in the air tonight here comes another ten hey times ten equals 80. [Music] secretly I'm eight tens but this is a job for 10 8. assembled from octo block forward [Music] smash [Music] what's the biggest hero of all oh there's always someone bigger look up in the sky it's another 10. nine times ten equals 90. I am 90. you won't believe your eyes [Music] are you a square or not I can't tell [Music] grid is ten blocks by 10 blocks but I am one column short oh one row either way I'm not all square and now a Vanishing trick guys now you don't [Music] and what have we got here [Music] 20. 30. 40 50 60. 70. 80 and [Music] 90. [Music] [Applause] 90s got the highest score but I wonder how long for what 100 hello one yes yes little one I'm a big number but I wouldn't be here at all if it weren't for you look how far we've come remember when there was only one then ten ones made one ten we're the one and a zero now we've reached a new place of possibilities a new friend a new face and a brand new kind of hero I'm big I'm really really really big I am gigantic did I mention I was big I'm taller than the tallest tree no one hears a stall as me cause I'm big I really very big you need a quicker way to count if you count ten tens one ten at a time you reach the right amount ten twenty Thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighteen nineteen one hundred each Square oh I'm ten by ten that makes me Square she's impressive [Music] now I've noticed that she squared one four nine sixteen twenty five you'll know when all the squares arrive cause I'm Square one big massive Square [Music] ten times ten as you can see a hundred times the size of me she's great we all think she's the best but I'm still one of you I'm one with you it takes a hundred ones to make one me I won't make fun of you I'm not done with you inside I'm just like anyone you'll see [Applause] [Music] I'm really really somewhat big I'm tremendous tremendous I'm proud that I'm so big you'll see ten tens of Sweet Life ten Rockets shooting through the sky that's big unquestionably big I'm bigger cause I've got three figures my zeros might give you a clue is this the start of something you [Music] I'm big I'm really really really big I'm a landmark can't miss me I'm that big and like the hundred times more fun when you're 99 plus one I'm I'm really really really very big [Music] oh please [Music] this is three [Music] a blues let's say oh unblocked cat see [Music] oops this is thank you this is Super League [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] camera [Music] um before [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] come on [Music] foreign again do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Laughter] [Music] usable [Music] oh foreign [Laughter] [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you oh oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] tap tap tap [Music] don't say [Music] just we go along [Music] thank you yeah [Music] it is [Music] okay [Music] this is [Music] [Music] favor [Music] characters I live still alive [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't say foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] two say s oh devices [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this only says oh excuse me foreign says [Music] sexy [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ha [Music] hey Google [Music] [Laughter] hola [Music] they covered [Music] what's up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he said [Music] dude excuse me oh this is [Music] no okay experience aha I'm just appreciated Ozark foreign [Music] [Music] oh God we still certain persons oh [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 11,412,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, numbers for kids, count to ten, count to five, #12345, kids, numbers, kindergarten, nusery, 3 hours, colourful maths, colourful, 3 hours compilation, numberblocks full episodes, 3 hours of Numberblocks, maths cartoons for kids, cartoons, mths cartoons
Id: zY5HxvfcGWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 46sec (11146 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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