Halloween A to Z | Learn to Read | Learn Phonics | @officialalphablocks

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oh oh [Music] run oh oh oh oh oh oh fun [Music] oh oh oh good good oh [Music] good grateful you've gone all green oh oh oh gosh oh great [Music] oh groovy red and orange and yellow green and blue indigo and violet two red and orange and yellow green and blue indigo and violet two [Music] goodness it's glittering and golden let's go and see what it is cool [Music] oh oh oh no no no no no no no no no no found you brilliant cool lovely hooray Jumping Jelly blocks got to get across who's going to help dog [Music] go get it dog go again oh good oh funny let's fly across oh good grief let's go definitely red and orange and yellow green and blue [Music] glittery oh oh [Music] dazzling oh oh oh [Music] red and orange and yellow green and blue indigo [Music] this is [Music] greetings are you guys going to the party ER this is the party me hearty what what 22 minutes 12 tedious seconds ago this is it good grief hey guys why so down in the dumps Sun party see let's get this party started [Music] I'll soon sort this out don't despair dee can do it ah the shot we need someone who could get this party going someone exciting definitely [Music] did somebody say exciting the exciting X fear not Alpha Mortals I'll fix this ax sex [Music] there's no problem I can't fix I'm X when I'm thrown into the mix I'm the superhero X so just watch my muscles Flex I'm stronger than an ox more cunning than a box I'm X I'm extremely extraordinary and extra exciting IXL at exercising I'm X X strikes again excellent thing wait time to use my x-ray vision sorry X fans but I'm needed elsewhere time for a quick and said t h t h okay Steve thanks [Music] you look thoroughly upset [Music] got his football I've got nothing to do not a single thing nothing to do nothing we will make something for you [Music] boom thing nice but what is it it's uh well it's a it must be a thing don't you know what a thing is no then we'll show you you can ring which reduces [Music] the best [Music] it can do this or we can do ah or it can be flat it will have to beat sin to get it through there but if it won't fit you can feel it [Music] nothing is [Music] [Music] to the east [Music] I've got to get one me too and I have a thing that's the thing though there's only one thing what does this button do thank you no watch that noise [Music] [Music] what are you doing I'm guarding the world against things oh what things they're everywhere every time we hold hands zap a thing appears then zap another thing we must stop them we must stay alert what if the things come we better stand guard while Zed's asleep follow me [Music] oh rub stop oh stop oh oh we've got to put it back before Zed wakes up no problem oh Posh paint pots perfect this is great fun oh oh oh oh oh yeah disaster what have you done nothing we can't try to put right [Music] oh terrific let's do some decorating see you soon [Music] Cindy we help super ah cans [Music] cans what can we do with cats beautiful nice work eh fabulous fun follow us yes foreign ly artistic bullseye splat splash split ah oh try to be careful oh beautiful zooming zebras I fell asleep have I missed anything oh nothing much bit boring really no things [Music] just zero things here good work alpha blocks oh yeah Mel let's check over there oh present and correct hmm was this like that before zooming zebras what have you done it's it's amazing he's got zip it's got zip it's got Zing it's got Zoom top marks alpha blocks [Music] I think you Mr spoke [Music] this is the hill this is the net this is the bog the bog is wet Coke this is the Cog we need to get the cook the Cog the Cog yes the Cog this is the Cog we need to get can we get it no not yet but we can if we get a pet frog this is a frog the frog can hold the Frog will hop across the bog to get the Cog oh [Music] really the Frog fell into the bog [Music] oh good dog woof this is the dog the dog can dig the Frog can hold Frog Hop On Top ribbon the Frog on the dog will dig under the fog to get the Kong [Music] the Frog on the dog dug into the bog [Music] this is the hog a hog is a pig the pig can take the dog can dig frog dog the frog and the dog and the hog will jig across the Bob to get the Cog good cheek s the Frog on the dog on The Hog hit the net and fell into the fog [Music] look this is the look The Look is Big the hug is a pig the pig [Music] oink the Frog on the dock on the Hog on the log will cross the bulb to get the Cog one two three go [Music] oink no oh no the Frog on the dog on The Hog on the log will not go [Music] can fix it the frog and the dog on The Hog will jog on a log across the board to get the fog Chuck rabbits box [Music] a box tops [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] if there is the matter I so wish I could be a superhero like X or super fast like V I'm not special I'm just an ordinary letter ah special s pop pop have you ever seen a spinning top have you ever made it oh sure see what you can do just by being you you made a difference [Music] have you ever painted with a pot have you ever tried a sip oh salt you made a work of art just by taking part you made a difference you don't have to be a winner or a superstar you can change the world just by being who you are [Music] something wrong can't understand why I'm even a letter I make the same sound as my brother [Music] ah love can you place your hands upon your lap raise them in the air and ah clap [Music] you can make a noise it's one of life's great Joys to make a difference you don't have to be a winner or a superstar you can change the world just by being Who You Are foreign [Music] [Music] every single one of us has a pot to play flip no matter what they say [Music] man have you ever ridden on a ram I prefer to take that um just by being me I made a difference [Music] [Music] right then Hill here I come hey oh um [Music] hello I'm having a hard time getting to the top perhaps we can help I'll help I'll help I'll get you up the hill I know I can terrific team talk I tell me what's the plan I I don't know team bucket are you running it I I don't think that's going to help [Applause] going up the hip hang on a minute hey how about that fit H I am going to get you up that hill because I am the greatest trainer ever I am going to make you the strongest the toughest the fittest Alpha Block in the world hooray you can do it yes you will I can do it yes I will when you fit your climate Hill when I'm fatal climb that Hill the blocks are big and strong powerful blocks are big and strong we like training all day long we like training all day long Stand Tall arms out hold hands go oh lift let's knock into the air lift that block into the air he's quite cheap but you don't care he's quite big but we don't care flip see that letter flying horse oh slip [Music] don't you worry I'm okay we're not worried she's okay I know I'm ringing I'm just talking he's not singing she's just talking me in L out move round shout out [Music] no one knows [Music] hey I feel fantastic fitter than I've ever been thanks everyone right then Hill here I come [Music] hooray I knew she could do it I I can tell you see I taught her everything I know I'm so fit I didn't stop she's hoping she didn't so I climbed that hill right to the top [Music] Tom foreign hello to you too I just popped in terrific time for you know what oh [Music] Tip Top I didn't even talk pretty [Music] good day good day it's a terrific day [Music] tag terrific let's play tag ah tag you're it uh gotcha take my hand oh brilliant oh [Music] tremendous a bathtub oh toodle pip so what have you been up to tea a top tag a tub the best day ever tell you what why don't you try it super tally oh good try it oh shut up oh sorry tell you what let's play tag s stung you're it you're right you're it sorry try again let's have a soak in the tub s oh stop what does stub mean terrible I stubbed my toe sorry oh tub stub sorry tag stag sorry top stop sorry today had better get a lot better oh I'll just slot in here oh lost [Music] terrific nothing happened my teapot you've lost it I was having the best day ever the best the best thing would be if I could start this whole day again [Music] wait a minute where's my teapot I just pull in sorry sorry puts my teapot a hundred teapots thank you s this has been the best day ever let's see ticket toothbrush teapot tea cup 10 tea bags Tip Top I'm ready for the trip I love holidays they're so relaxing are we nearly there yet [Music] oh and we haven't even laughed ready to raise anchor Shipmates I am I am is anyone missing one two three four hey take cover I do wish you wouldn't do that eh it's not funny hey hey that was painful right time to hit the road run sport I forgot to arrange transport are we nearly there yet no not to worry we'll just have to make something er a railway tremendous tracks will be on the trail in no time according to the timetable it won't be here for another two hours 12 minutes and 22 tedious seconds can't wait that long we'll have to try again a rain what a pain are we nearly there yet no hooray [Music] of rain try this ER [Music] All Aboard Shipmates terrific now this is the way to travel [Music] on the trip of a lifetime hey wait whoops are we nearly no I was only asking tell you what take my seat we hoped we'd catch you want to drive all aboard the train has come and stopped come back looks like we're not going anywhere cheer up chances are we can help hey nice work fabulous a train I'll change fantastic I'm at the front whoops [Music] [Applause] engine has failed that's it this trip is terminated oh [Music] we'll soon sort this out a uh [Music] now that is the way to travel set a course for sun Sea and Sand are we nearly there yet good morning alphaland what a fantastic day I'm so happy to be alive that I could just burst hahaha e that feels better hello double A bye just popped in e beep beep I've never seen one of those beep puzzling it's got a big button off hey it's talking brilliant he says his name's Miss beep beep beep beep he says he can't see a thing can't see e c [Music] beep beef e seed s it's a seed it can grow into something bigger of course you can have it before flying Tip Top day team isn't it what's that beep you wish you could move around too feet [Music] [Music] she's singing you can sing beep everyone can sing these are hands for holding things and feeling things thank you what what [Applause] beep beep beep Beep Beep don't be sad beep please don't be sad what's the matter babe he says he can't drum and he can't fly and he can't sing and he can't even cry says what can he do what's he for I just popped in e EP beeping you're crying look beep look at the seed wait beep beep look what you did you're amazing you can juggle yes babe it is a fantastic day oh foreign [Music] goodness what's that it's a rope edible I love skipping I'm so incredible I am I I'm so important I I I I I I my girl I'll take that bye I I I did my name did I I let's jump high oh you can say I I i g h i I am I say I total Tom Foolery time for T times two I I tight too tight that's not very tired that's tight it's a tight rope we're on a tightrope hi no way what's everyone doing up there no hmm net tense [Music] [Applause] [Music] but how I ah hi hi [Music] [Applause] too high we want to get down R and friends to the rescue who wants to rescue them first I right I hi hi we're lovely and Light [Applause] that wasn't right we're still stuck on the tightrope next rescuer um I at night typical who turned the lights off hi foreign [Music] try again we must get it right right to the Rescue Me hearties I right we have to get it right this time but what's the right thing to do right that must be right we got it right Alphablocks a round of applause for i g h [Applause] uh everyone one more trick all right ready me hearties ER I fright oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ah oh [Music] oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh definitely um teacup typical [Music] pot terrible hat Toto tomfoolery hmm [Music] oh don't you dare stop eating everything em time for you know what oh toad magnificent mine my teacup my teapot don't you dare [Music] goodness what's that noise that's a funny frog a lovely toad not a frog cracking croak good grief toad has a terrible tongue time for you know what come on t oh God marvelous look at me more magic quick try oh oh cool M don't eat coal foreign go oh go [Music] Teddy hoe oh don't good grief my turn oh [Music] my oh my God oh [Music] super that smells scrumptious tomfoolery try this oh toast um [Music] time for tea and toast where's my teapot foreign [Applause] [Music] I can't sleep I wish someone would tell me a bedtime story okay oh [Music] oh dog B that's me but what is a book oh be careful it's tea [Music] time for tea this is fun being silly will do [Music] once upon a time there was a little girl called Little Red Riding hey what have you done with the last word it must have dropped out disaster to do something to put it back oh good try this oh and riding food yes that's right well done Little Red Riding Hood was never ever bad in fact she was always hum [Music] oh cool cool are you sure okay it's your story one day Little Red Riding Hood decided to visit her grandmother who lived on the other side of a deep dark [Music] Moon Moon don't you think wood might be better we like Moon Justin from behind a tree Out jumped a big bed oh woof woof woof it's supposed to be Wolf the wolf was called The Big Bad Wolf because he was very big and very oh good good so the big good woof keeps Little Red Riding Hood safe as they walked to her grandmother's [Music] oh Boat Boat of course what else when the Woof saw Grandma he began to lick his lips yummy yummy yum growls the Woof I'm very very hungry but the Woof was a very good woof and it is very good [Music] oh cook he went into the kitchen and made them all lots of delicious oh food food and they all lived happily ever after the end that was fun let's play again why does that always happen [Music] say we have a super special something for you now the Alphablocks animal sings song and oh sorry everyone silly me I didn't say what to sing simple hands and sing what you see so art ah cat [Music] the doctor [Music] silly cat silly dog start again so art [Music] oh God remember me [Music] up goodness someone sort this dish out you know what to do jump to it Jay oh good joke I'll fix it then oh jig meow meow [Music] s you my account someone tripped over a fish [Music] hey stop stop sorry [Music] someone sweep the stage hmm oh no once again oh [Music] no no no no no hmm Moon my oh my no way we'll soon sort this out I just popped in spoon Alphablocks quick much oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] what terrific time for the next turn in the Alphablocks talent show hey [Music] tell us what you're going to do eh I haven't got an act haven't will help ah hat a hat and a wand what can I do with these [Applause] ah a magic act but I'll need an assistant abracadabra oh oh abracadabra a peck of cards who wants to take part not me you're a star now pick a card any card look at the card look at it long and hard we will now find your card not likely [Music] oh is that your card no oh cop is this your card that carp is a fish we knew that r Doc is this your card I can't see it's too dark oh God oh then this must be your card no pardon no are you sure not ah God is this your card no oh God this one nope this is a truly terrible trick time for our next ACT wait we've hardly started we have a trick that will charm you [Music] uh tart a turret foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] r fun the heart of tart in a jar in a car on a cart is on a barn the portrait of tartan in a jar in a car on a cart on a barn is not far on that store with your cards hey that is my card oh I'm faster than you oh oh oh oh [Music] a race great idea oh Let's Race to the end [Music] what an end I don't know let's find it oh right let's pick teams [Music] oh great idea Jumping Jelly blocks what a jolly sound no it hasn't Joy join oh no who's going to win oy oh you are racing to the end to the end cool is the end it's a surprise [Music] oh what's a cork [Music] oh [Applause] someone needs help fantastic [Music] totally terrific serving dudes try ah turf truly terrible we've hit the turf [Music] come on don't give up [Music] again [Music] oh um it's popcorn that hurt s I forgot to get to the end but where's the end or oi [Music] I'm sorry to disturb you have you seen the end uh don't think so and where are you end [Music] up oh no hello cow moo stop how will now sing [Music] Le eyebrows how How cow moo moo brown hair moo moo true [Music] oh oh oh no brown cow moo moo oh oh oh God [Music] [Music] will now sing [Music] brown cow needs to look good beautiful oh god [Music] [Applause] oh no brown cow bling [Music] no oh no brown cow bang bang bang [Music] [Music] [Music] needs to be done down [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] hearty what a great day [Music] your birthday pull the other one oh really it is your birthday shiver me timbers I knew that that's why I got you a present oh oh oh oh [Music] I've got you some herb some um oh lots of air all around us oh oh air oh a fun fair what fun that's right I have a fun day of our own birthday oh oh yes for you oh [Music] nothing to sit on don't despair air chair oh [Music] I just popped in air oh [Music] we are sure you will find this ride [Music] [Applause] [Music] not feeling well we'll make sure that you feel better yeah cure oh roll up roll up for the Hall of Mirrors [Music] big oh bigger [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh here here oh [Music] yeah happy birthday happy birthday [Music] one two three on drums no only three allowed one two three and the drummer makes four and four three's enough no more I don't think so [Music] oh [Music] you've been waiting for a bus and now you're on your way if it ends up oh splashed it might spoil your holiday now the dutch bus still start to rush you need a new way to explore you can do much you whoa [Music] win if you're hoping for a win in a sailing race you're gonna need something you could end up in first place with the wind in your sails you know it never fails you can race from Shore to Shore you can do much more terrific excellent [Music] foreign [Music] you need to get it right but when you picture it's somewhere safe to sleep at night you're safe in your tent you know it's heaven sent you'll be warm and dry for sure you can do much more [Music] ah Ram there's a ram that's trying to wrap us through the camp we could send him safely on his way if we can build ourselves [Music] for save the day another band can play a friendship is worth more and do much more with four we can do much more before [Music] you know you might get uh oh lost perhaps it's time to go on home can't find your way we'll get you home today so make your way down to the shore you can do much more before [Music] when a problem makes you Gulp and you're stranded on the sand you can get a little help as soon you'll be back on dry land Jewish company [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] want to play pop disappointing we'll play our music then and you play yours no no yeah we can have a bottle of the Buns bun done so who wants to be in our band jump over let me join hmm [Music] this isn't going to work fear not I'll make the band fabulous ah we're [Music] so five we're five five [Music] [Music] [Music] greetings ex-fans I can fix this but I'm going to need some help I'm in fantastic hey fixed hold out your hand hold out your hand you'll soon see who's the best band six brother it's us we're the best [Music] Dion drums we need a singer definitely [Music] and what are you doing nothing so what was that noise not me it's what's behind your back a banjo no a didgeridoo no bagpipes guitar no guitar beautiful do you want to join my our band no oh uh is that a yes yes yeah it can be lead guitar nice but we still need a singer ah [Music] hey we're the bind the what the bind we're looking for a singer who wants to join us oh oh no way ah so unfair oh how utterly embarrassing excuse me everyone don't you stand there do something oh ah banned [Music] foreign [Music] very fast I'm very fast it's a very nice day for a race and they will room to Victory on your marks it's it go [Music] the cup cup Follow That V IG down we go literally Jaybird I Can Fly I Can Fly [Music] traveling room [Music] [Music] oh um [Music] hold tight Alpha friends this will be exciting okay oh you'll never catch me [Music] everyone ready ER where's pee V is for vroom V is for victory [Music] foreign but I'm very fast I'm very very very fast raise your back oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh um [Music] what's a moon no we're on the moon no way oh [Music] no don't cheat the Moon oh anyone for tea [Music] lovely but how will we get home [Music] food [Music] funny smell truly terrible tootsies try again hoot oh foreign what are you doing I promised three tired letters I would sing them a lullaby When the Sun Goes Down but look I can sing ah don't be upset eyes this is different I like it look we haven't got time to wait what happens if we do this snail hey this is painfully slow hey look look who's this hello I was just taking some friends for a swim super you cannot come and listen to my lullabies oh hey now we're in trouble we needed that nail looks like I'm not going to get there after all of course we will We mustn't fail what can we do the Sun is setting hey hail let's think of something else hey hey perfect land [Music] hooray look there they are oh Lala lullaby [Music] foreign [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] please [Music] thank you I want to come in can I can I go I feel ill look do we have spots I do I do just what I need after I run oh hey [Music] oh oh darling my dog oh don't want Dolly to get wet foreign [Music] [Music] it should be super to have someone to Splash with laughs foreign excuse me everyone I'd better tidy that up mess [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] boom alert and the tap off funny there is no tap oh oh oh [Music] what happened terrific [Music] [Music] I'm very very fast very sorry jay didn't see you there that's because I was Flying V I'm a j a jolly J bird I Can Fly that's not flying can you help me fly and not me ah fun pooping juggernauts is that a flying machine it's a fan that will take us on a trip to find someone who can help you fly Jumping Jelly blocks I'm going to fly coming in no way never not me hey Jay we're on our way Jay everything's gonna be okay Jay come on mate we're gonna help you fly we don't know how we're gonna do it but we can do it if we try we're gonna find a way for you to fly oh is it g can you help me fly oh oh jug jug jug jug I'm a jolly J back foreign [Music] you help me fly Jake Jake Jake Jake [Music] look at me [Music] is it you can you help me fly oh [Music] who turned the lights off look at me when will we find someone to help me fly very very soon I don't know how I'm gonna do it but I can do it if I try I'm gonna find a way a jade of light time for tea is it me is it t I'll never find someone to help me fly wait Jay oh lit I am a vet I'm very good at helping animals especially jaybirds let me check your wings now close your eyes jet pink jumbos is it a flying machine your very own jet jump aboard everyone are you coming V oh cute [Music] hey Jay you're on your way Jay to the moon and the Milky Way Jay what a day you found a way to fly you didn't think that we could do it and now you're soaring away [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] woof [Music] worry not wonder what will save you oh save us but we don't need saving web oh whoops brilliant oh now we really do need saving I wasn't expecting that oh did somebody say thanks Fox hold tight Alpha Mortals I'll have you free in two shakes of an ox's tail you saved us X we couldn't have escaped without your help all in a day's work now if you'll excuse me I must make my exit oh what a hero [Music] oh oh [Music] oh someone wants help wait there help is on its way [Music] oh somebody save them worry what's yourselves [Music] can't walk I want to help I just make things worse I'm not a superhero I just weakling [Music] this is an extremely busy day box three cheers for the incredible X X six I said three chairs not one two three four five six will save you oh what now [Music] [Applause] [Music] X is in trouble he needs my help this is a job for w what ah what [Applause] extra ordinary you're a hero Wonder just don't you actually I don't I don't call be needing needing that oh so can I have it sure I'm I'm gorgeous I think so incredible energy gosh thanks I I wish I had nice hair like that I'll have that please Google [Music] [Music] it's not working what's so funny foreign [Music] [Music] hey I know what it is it's a wig oh you put it on your head I'll show you oh oh you turn now oh oh [Music] whoops oh wow what can we do I know good plan [Music] interesting great oh fantastic oh brilliant oh dazzling oh oh pretty oh jumping pink G blocks oh you want more hair gosh going to need some help don't despair dee can do hairdos dig oh oh oh oh oh oh Pig already pigtail [Music] I oh [Music] no foreign [Music] I wish I wish oh what you doing G goodness you get off my wish oh good good grief I wish came true I don't understand I wished for someone to play with and and here you are oh I only walked I grew my way oh your turn you make a wish and I'll grow it oh can't just grow a wish G you can try go on give it a go oh oh what should I wish for a fly a flower oh a blue flower oh oh a great big blue flower that looks like you oh go on whisper your wish oh I wish [Music] oh wish grow oh nothing's happening give it time you I'm going to grow my hair up Little Flower up oh unlucky me ah unlikely ah unimaginable unbelievable Jay Jay witness you I grew your wish oh there's no blue flower but there's a green plant gosh where's my watering can up there good grief let's get it back oh someone say help beautiful ah to the rescue oh my God don't despair great let's get my watering can back oh jug [Music] oh let's give it another go oh rug [Music] rescue the watering can unbelievable don't give up tug oh [Music] wishes don't come true they're just ouchy they do you who else wants to go oh bug [Music] let's go oh great got it I'm so unlucky [Music] you got your watering can but I didn't get my wish goodness you open your eyes oh it's gorgeous it's pink people on being believable ah wishes to come true [Music] foreign [Music] I wish I had something to eat hmm snow [Music] more snow no no snow ah still no snow no there's snow hmm I've had a marvelous idea let's see who could make the most massive snowball absolutely no wait for me I'm just the biggest [Music] ah a snowman hmm magnificent it needs a nose nice it's freezing oh I need to do something to warm us up oh fun oh fabulous it's snowing it's snowing our chicks are merrily glowing we'll slip and slide and snowballs we'll start throwing it's snowing it's snowing the hot chocolate is Flowing the world's turned white but that's all right that snowman is super fun oh look out [Music] oh son oh [Music] it's too hot Mr snowman is melting need to get him somewhere cold no ah um fun a fan will keep him cool no it's blowing him away no fun no ah tons no that's not better that's worse [Music] ah [Music] an ice cream man cool very very cool we could get the Snowman Frozen while we drive him somewhere cold we're going where it's showing excitement's quickly growing we can have fun without the Sun [Music] this is much colder no switch it on melted [Music] ah ice cream excellent hmm what's that magnificent it's the Snowman [Music] not snowman snowman laughs extraordinary scenes here today in alphaland excellent crowds for the extra special extreme vowel race vowels are you ready hey I will win I will no you won't expect rules expect spills expect excitement ready steady go to an extremely fast start van wow A's ahead oh bus that's the ticket you oh Bob oh it's off uh right [Music] expect the unexpected extraordinary eyes showing exceptional energy I don't need help you never went on your own [Music] oh mud unbelievable unbelievable what an extraordinary race I can win ah tap oh oh I'm exhausted just watching this I will win I can win I will win can't win I won't win no no no no no no giving up now we can do it um next [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign I will win next wait what about me when [Music] I am a winner I shall win the race hooray [Applause] I'm late hello T you're in a hurry too true H I've been invited to a Tip-Top tea party look do you think I look Tip-Top how about a new one I just dropped in ah how about that a Tip-Top top hat time I was off pip not really time flies off to a tea party [Music] ah I just dropped in again ah fun fantastic amazing it's a tempest stop that hat tally ho tricky blowy T too right have you seen my hat I just dropped in bat terrific time for a quick game of cricket ah brilliant sure amazing how's that wait a minute no time for Cricket I've got a hat to catch everything okay T lost my top hat emergency emergency [Music] I just popped in pet horrific a terrier time to teach you some tricks tumble tremendous tickly no time for tricks I've got a hat to catch [Music] the Tea Party no invitation no tea no hat [Music] I just dropped in I just popped in now who's going to help get that pest hat Don't Panic ah [Music] try again ah [Music] all right oh yeah [Music] oh [Music] no tap tap tap tip knocked now a I'm looking for a tap ah tap tap it's you tap tap a tap I keep up t-tapped Tip Top tea party and a tip top top hat nice once upon a time there was a little red n who like to say no every now and then if you asked him or have a go he always answered no his favorite words were no and wait not me not a chance no not today nothing never no not now but everybody loved him anyhow one day and found a seat to sew and needed help to make it grow now little seed up up you go but the tiny little grain said Along Came D and OMG I'm a little red and won't you help me not I said the dog get down he shot no way said and we'll answer that then here I am said good old I I can do it let me try [Music] made it rain Along Came sheet the weeds control now and couldn't see I'm literate and I want to eat who can help me cut this wheat not I said the dog not the eyes of the cat nobody no one fancy that alone can you oh hi That's Mike oh cut we've cut the weight as you can see [Music] who can help pick up this week pick no way now who will help me make a meal oh but the animals pretended to be ill not that I said the dog not I said the cats or I said the pig well fancy that oh um [Music] I'm ready to go who can help me mix that dough not an Irish potato [Music] strikes again I'm here to help the Little Red Inn mix [Music] nice now who will help me bake the bread but all the animals [Music] the bread smelled good now who will help me eat this bread [Music] would have fancied that out came the words no chance not today I'll only share it with my friends and this is where our story ends no not enough to the little red n Betty had an idea let's make it 10. [Music] and that's the story [Music] [Music] did it oh shut up oh [Music] oh how art oh [Music] good good day gosh how odd oh oh what's an old oh [Music] ah oh [Music] oh oh yes yes and a grandma with your magnifying glass look look oh the yuck needs a Zuck yog [Music] a what is that a young a joke a joke how old and it needs a zombie how odd Zug [Music] yo yo jug s jokes jokes tension now for looks the yoga the dog need a socks [Music] extraordinary what is that a yoga a yoga this is how old this oh yucks [Music] exciting news the yoga mazogan the socks need a box on a socks and a socks yes sir you're gonna Zog on a zox how odd rocks rocks looks and they need a box a box yes a box a box I'm very odd um oh folks Volkswagen sucks sucks on a box oh oh [Music] oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh [Music] welcome to the alpha reader for the alpha blocks games our two teams are about ready to go first Up cheer and chant for the reigning Champions ch foreign going up against them s s [Music] alpha blocks are you ready and round one [Music] it's a big event tonight T have sh got the brains to beat the Champs it's too early to tell beef let's see how this first round turns out [Music] oh so terrific technique we'll see H be able to top that [Music] charge [Music] the first round goes to CH time now for round two the trick with dissident is not to look down [Music] breathtaking CH bounced off the board and landed brilliantly foreign [Music] [Music] race alpha blocks ready set foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] and yes it's a tie shed big mistake has this lost it for ch eh shed with nothing to beat the shed wins it for sh a tremendous Victory amazing as the winners you now get to choose your prize show us what you've got em ah mush [Music] mashed potatoes what a dish but we don't want any Mash more for me show us what you've got see ah cash a lovely case some minute that's a shame we don't need any paper tell us what you've got us ah gosh a Winner's sash for the winning team foreign [Music]
Channel: Alphablocks
Views: 2,827,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alphablocks, alpha blocks, learn to read, learn to spell, phonics for kids, cartoons for kids, kids cartoons, letter sounds, alphabet, learn english, reading, kids learning videos, learn the alphabet
Id: SKz3_bPToxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 44sec (8744 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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