She made one of the worst decisions ever

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there are two elements of today's story that are bound to shock you the first is just how could anyone allow this to happen it's so awful how could you do that and then the second is just the severity of the punishment that was handed down for it but before we get into today's story if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format then you come to the right place because that's all we do and we upload once or twice every week if that's of interest to you please hold the like button at gunpoint and force them to walk through puddles in their socks also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads alright let's get into today's story [Music] in 2001 greg biggs was a 37 year old self-employed bricklayer who was living in a homeless shelter in fort worth texas he was also the father of one child he had an 18 year old son named brandon who lived with greg's ex-wife despite not living with his son while his son grew up greg had always made a point of spending lots of time with brandon and so over the years they had become quite close but besides his son greg really struggled to build meaningful long-term relationships with other people it was like no matter how friendly and outgoing he was people would just come into greg's life and would leave very very quickly this made greg who always had struggled with his mental health feel very isolated and lonely and desperate for human interaction and so on the rare occasion where people did come into greg's life a new friend or a new love interest he was always so excited to try to please them and keep them around that he would often go overboard with his generosity and his willingness to do things for these people to the point where he really set himself up for being taken advantage of case in point two years earlier a woman had kind of suddenly come into greg's life and greg very quickly fell in love with her and early on in their relationship this woman tells greg that she's struggling financially and without any hesitation greg started giving her all of his money now greg was not a wealthy man not by a long shot and so before long he had literally given this woman all of his money to the point where greg could no longer make truck payments he couldn't make house payments and so his vehicle and his home were repossessed and then after he's suddenly homeless and destitute this woman who he's given all his money to she also disappears but despite being in this horrible situation of sudden homelessness greg made the best of it anytime greg was not working he would be trying to make plans with his son brandon to go walk around the mall downtown or go see a cheap afternoon movie times were definitely tough for greg but greg stayed positive he was a forever optimist and he did this by focusing on the future he was certain if he could just land a few more good paying gigs he could make that extra cash and finally buy a home again and buy a vehicle again and finally kind of get his life back together but unfortunately he would never get that chance on the morning of october 27 2001 two men called the fort worth police department to report having seen something suspicious on a park bench inside of cop park cobb park is this big public park with playgrounds and walking trails and fields and at the time cobb park was not considered a very safe place to be especially after hours there was lots of shady people in the park so when the fort worth police department gets a call about something shady happening in cop park they aren't surprised and so they dispatch a single detective to go over to the park and meet these two guys and see whatever suspicious thing is on this park bench and so this detective he goes over to the gates of cop park he meets these two guys and they kind of explain what they saw they give him directions to this bench and then he thanks them he hops back in his cruiser he drives through the gates and he starts driving down the trail and then he pulls off and parks his cruiser knowing that the bench in question is right around the corner maybe two or three hundred feet away so he parks his cruiser he gets out and he starts walking on the cement path and as he's walking he can't see the bench yet but as he's walking he sees there are deep tire tracks in the grass and mud off to the right side of the walking path so he's mentally kind of taking note that somebody had been driving inside the park fairly recently off the trail and so he keeps on walking and he begins to make that turn and he sees up ahead the bench in question and he can clearly see these deep tire tracks go right up to the bench and then as he begins to make that turn and he's maybe 30 or 40 feet away he can actually see what's on this bench and you can see this big lump that's kind of wrapped up in what looks like a rug or a blanket and then as he gets closer and closer he can finally see that very clearly there is a person inside of this blanket that's kind of laying out on this bench and when he's about 10 or 15 feet away he can see it's a man and this man is clearly deceased so this detective he walks right over to the bench and he's looking down at this body and you can see the right arm on the sky is very badly broken and his right leg is also very badly broken and then his left leg is not only broken but it's been partially amputated in fact the left leg is barely hanging on and so this detective he's looking at this guy thinking okay this person must have gotten wrapped up in these shady criminal dealings that are known to take place in cop park and somebody beat him to death or they beat him and then shot him to death but as he's looking at the body despite these extensive injuries the bruising on his body was not consistent with someone who had been beaten to death and in terms of potentially being shot to death he began looking at the body and from where he was standing he could not see an entrance or an exit wound of a bullet and so stumped the detective steps back and is just kind of pondering what he's looking at when he realizes there's very little blood anywhere near the bench or on the body and considering the left leg has been nearly amputated you would think there would be lots and lots of blood but there wasn't and so that indicated to the detective that his injuries had to have been sustained elsewhere and so this detective he calls in back up and more detectives show up and they're all kind of looking at the scene and the working theory became okay this guy got killed outside of the park we don't know how he got killed it looks like some sort of blunt force trauma but somehow he gets killed outside of the park and then his killers they drive him into cobb park which is why you have those deep tire tracks on the right side of the path and they dump him on this bench later that day the medical examiner would come out and positively identify the body as belonging to greg biggs the same day that greg was found the police went out and began their investigation and they started by interviewing people that had been in comp park either that day or in recent days and they also interviewed known criminals that they knew went into cobb park and they reviewed cctv footage both in the park and outside of the park but no one knew anything about what happened to craig and the footage didn't show them anything interesting and so very quickly greg's case began to languish and no one knew what to make of it then in february of 2002 so roughly four months after greg was found the fort worth police department received a phone call it was from this young woman named miranda daniel and she said i know what happened to the man in cobb park and the story she would tell them at first was so hard to believe that the fort worth police department weren't sure if this was a prank or not but when they followed up on her lead and they went to a very specific address that she had mentioned they realized she was telling the truth this is the unbelievable true story of what happened to greg biggs on the evening of october 25th 2001 so 36 hours before greg was found in cobb park 25 year old nurse's assistant shantae mallard arrived at her friend's apartment in fort worth texas her friend was named titilisi rice she went by t fry shantae was from a very loving and stable household in fort worth texas her parents had raised her to be kind to other people and to always work hard and to stay out of trouble and by and large shantae acted accordingly but in her late teens and early 20s shantae began to secretly rebel against her parents on the surface when she was around her parents and her family she was the goody two shoes that always followed the rules but when she was away from her family specifically when she was with t fry she would let her wild rebellious side out the two friends had met in 1999 at a nursing home where they both worked as nursing assistants t fry had just gotten out of this very toxic marriage and so when she met shantae she was actively looking for someone to go out and party with and go be free and meet other new people and shantae when she's meeting t fry she didn't necessarily know she wanted to do those things but being around t fry it was like this whole other side of life was opened up to her and suddenly all she wanted was to go cut loose with t fry and so very quickly these two women really connected over their mutual desire to go have fun at any cost and before long they were not only drinking and doing drugs and partying on the weekends but they were also getting high before work which meant they were treating patients high so with that in mind fast forward back to october 25th and shantae has just arrived at tea fry's apartment and so shantae she goes up to tea fry's apartment and the two start drinking some alcohol and they start smoking some weed and they split an ecstasy pill ecstasy is a big party drug it's kind of like a cross between being a stimulant and a psychedelic and so after these two women are fairly buzzed on these different substances and they're feeling ready to go they leave t fry's apartment they go down and they climb into shantae's car and shantae drives the two of them to a local club called joe's big bamboo and so the plan was they were going to meet this guy named clete jackson who was shantae's love interest and the plan was they would hang out at the club with cleat and then at the end of the night they would all leave and shantae and clete were going to spend the night together and so shantae and t fry they arrive in the parking lot of joe's big bamboo they park their car they get out and they meet up with cleet who was outside of the club and the trio kind of sneak off from the rest of the people trying to get into the club and they smoke some more marijuana and then the trio they go into the club and they start having drinks and they're partying and they're dancing they're having this great time and then at some point in the night cleat kind of abandons shantae and t fry and he goes off with another woman he met that night in the club and he would actually leave the club with this other woman and he would vanish for the night and so around 2 a.m when the club is getting ready to close shantae realizes that cleat the guy she was gonna go home with he's gone now and so she's very frustrated but she doesn't really have any recourse and so she instead just goes and finds t fry and says hey let's just leave and t fry she's ready to leave too and so the two women they leave the club and they get out to shantae's car and both women are clearly under the influence they're both definitely inebriated but t fry believed she was less inebriated than shantae was and so she should drive and so she told shantae get in the passenger seat i'm gonna drive shantae gets into the passenger seat t fry gets in the driver's seat and she leaves the club and she drives all the way back to her apartment when she parks at her apartment she gets out and says to shantae hey i don't mind getting in my car and kind of trailing you as you drive back to your home to make sure you get home safe kind of like an escort and shantae she just gets out of the passenger side and walks right around and confidently sits in the driver's seat of her car and tells t fry nope i'm fine i'm gonna drive myself i'll see you later and then shantae drove away about an hour later at 3 30 in the morning t fry is in bed in her apartment when she gets this very frantic phone call from shantae who's totally hysterical she's beside herself and she's not really making any sense but she's trying to get t fry to come over to her house now t fry did attempt to figure out what was going on but she just could not cut through the hysteria on the other side of the phone and so eventually t fry just thought you know what clearly it's something serious i'm gonna go see what's going on and so t fry she leaves her apartment she gets in her car and she drives over to shantae's house and when she gets there she goes up to the front door she opens it up she walks inside and she finds shantae in the kitchen straight ahead she's totally hysterical she's crying and she's telling t fry that she didn't mean to do it she's so sorry and t fry's telling her hey calm down what's going on and shantae says look in the garage and so t fry she walks straight ahead through the kitchen to the door in the kitchen that leads into shantae's garage and she opens the door up she turns the light on and in the middle of the garage is shantae's car it had been parked nose in and lodged headfirst in the windshield on the passenger side of this car was greg biggs when shantae had left t fry's house an hour earlier saying she was fine to drive on her drive home she had barreled into greg who was on the sidewalk of some street and the impact was so hard that greg went flying through the windshield and got lodged halfway inside of her car but the impact didn't kill him it did almost cut his left leg off and breaks several bones in his body but it didn't kill him in fact there was blood spatter inside of the car on the passenger side that indicated greg was totally conscious and was trying to pull himself back into the car there were these handprints on the inside of the passenger side door indicating greg had been pulling on them there was also these very small droplets of blood all over the seat indicating that greg had been spitting up blood as he was trying to talk to shantae or as he was trying to plead for help but shantae instead of stopping her car and getting this guy help she just kept on driving home with greg lodged in her front windshield now keep in mind where she hit him she was less than a half mile from the fire station where her brother her older brother was currently on duty as a fireman he was medically trained he could have saved greg's life also the other firemen at the firehouse that she knew that shantae knew they could have saved greg's life also less than six miles away from the point of impact was the local hospital where of course they could have saved craig's life and then on her drive all the way back to her house with greg halfway in her windshield she would have passed by nine pay phones where if you don't know anything about pay phones you can dial 9-1-1 so emergency services and it doesn't charge you anything so shantae at any one of these pay phones could have called medical personnel who could have saved greg also let's not forget shantae was medically trained she was a nurse's assistant and understood basic life saving but she did not use any of those resources instead she just drove home and when she got to her home she drove her car with greg in it into her garage she shut the garage door she gets out and as greg is literally moaning and probably pleading for help at this point she just says i'm sorry and then walks up to the door that leads into the kitchen of her home she turns off the light in the garage walks into her kitchen and shuts the door behind her trapping greg in the garage in total darkness by himself then after an hour of shantae just being in her house with greg slowly dying in the garage she calls t fry t fry comes over she looks in the garage she sees greg and t fry's reaction is she just totally loses it she panics and she's screaming at shantae call 9-1-1 call paramedics call the police but shantae refused she didn't really give a reason but she just said no i can't and then shockingly t fry also does not call anyone the two of them just turn off the garage light again and shut the door and leave greg and they hop into t fry's car and they drive to t fry's apartment where they sleep for several hours and then when they get up that morning they go back over to shantae's house and they check on greg who's now motionless and at this point shantae she calls clete jackson the guy who she was supposed to go home with at the club but had abandoned her for some other girl she calls him and says hey i have this huge problem i need you to come help me and so clete jackson has no idea what he's walking into but he goes to her house and he goes through her kitchen she opens the door and he looks into the garage and he sees greg in the window and he's furious with shantae because now he's gotten involved and he doesn't really know if greg's alive and he doesn't really know what to do because he's on parole and if he gets wrapped up in this he'll go back to jail but he ultimately decides he's just going to help shantae because he believes at this point greg is dead there's nothing they can do to save greg and so that night cleat gets in touch with his cousin tyrone and the two of them they go into the garage and they lay out a carpet next to the car and they both kind of awkwardly apologize to greg who's just stuck in the window still and they yank him out they put him into the carpet they roll him up they put him in the back of one of their cars and they drive to cop park they go through the gates they make their way over to that bench and they'd drop him on the bench there had been some discussion about maybe destroying the body burning the body but cleat felt strongly that they need to put his body out somewhere in public so at least his family can identify him and bury him after his body was placed in the park shantae told klit and tyrone and t fry not to tell anyone and they said they wouldn't and within a week of greg's body being discovered shantae was back at joe's big bamboo partying it up as if nothing had ever happened but eventually t fry would tell a couple of her friends and before long word had gotten out and one person found out about it that was kind of in the network of these people this woman miranda daniels and she really didn't like shantae and so she was the one who actually called the police and turned her in and when the fort worth police followed up on miranda's tip and they went to shantae's house they went into her garage and there was her car with the windshield still obviously busted in from something being smashed through it and there's blood all over the inside of the car and there was some obvious attempts at trying to destroy evidence inside of the car these seats had been taken out some things had been burned but none of the attempts shantae had made had actually destroyed any of the evidence during the trial the medical examiner who had done the autopsy on greg biggs said his injuries would not have killed him right away now he didn't know for sure how long he would have been alive but he believed it could be as long as several hours or maybe even up to a whole day and during that time greg was just trapped inside of this pitch black garage no one's coming to help him despite people coming in over and over again that he's pleading with to help him and he would have been in excruciating pain he's got several significant broken bones his leg has been nearly amputated he's got cuts all over his body and he would have been trying to pull himself out of the windshield and every movement he was making would have been sending the jagged pieces of metal and glass into his body i mean this is a drawn out horrible death and during the trial every single medical professional and every single law enforcement official said had shantae brought greg to get medical attention at any point in the first couple of hours just basic medical care he would have lived and so his death is entirely because of shantae's absolute indifference t fry would ultimately in exchange for full immunity testify against shantae and shantae would ultimately be found guilty of murder of greg biggs and she would be sentenced to 50 years in prison she'll be eligible for parole in 2027. in cause number zero three seven one five two d styled state of texas versus shantae juan mallard verdict form is to count one we the jury having found the defendant shantae shawan mallard guilty of the offense of murder assessor punishment at confinement the institutional division of the texas department of criminal justice for a period of 50 years as for clete jackson and his cousin tyrone they received 10 years and nine years respectively for their role in the crime during the victim impact statement portion of the trial brandon biggs greg's son he took the stand and he very eloquently told shantae that he forgave her and it seemed very genuine and it moved shantae to tears and then brandon looked out at the audience where shantae's family was and he said you know not only do i feel horrible for my family but i feel bad for your family shantae as well because this crime has destroyed all of us so that's going to do it guys if you got something out of today's episode and you haven't done this already please hold the like button at gunpoint and force them to walk through puddles 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Channel: MrBallen
Views: 3,010,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strange, dark, mysterious, true, story, scary, scary story, horror story, disturbing, narration, narrator, storyteller, storytime, storytelling, unsolved mystery, solved mystery, true crime, chante mallard, greg biggs, ft worth, fort worth, texas, Fort Worth texas, car accident, truck accident, hit and run, accident, tragedy, crime, criminal, mystery, bizarre, unbelievable, ecstasy, party, partying, divorce, divorced, tragic, sentence, guilty, trial, court, prison, jail, life sentence, evidence, detective, hoax, wow
Id: DxjVH0HC1Ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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