THE TRUTH... My Crush Does My Makeup

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Never trust anyone with two first names.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 196 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cfedey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m a minute and 50 seconds in and can’t do it anymore. He’s cringe in general but the fact the other dude is basically uncomfortable the entire time and even straight up says he’s a straight man to try and get James to back off is rough πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 214 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thefoxyghost πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anything James Charles does is cringe

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 132 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

what in the fuck is this garbage.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 97 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tcrowl18 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I literally can't look at that dude, ever. There's something really unsettling about him to me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ikea_Man πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Unwatchable weirdo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Koovies πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

how did I last 5:35?

Edit: I’m high as fuck

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Even in the thumbnail he looks like he’s trying to get away from him..

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RubixMarvel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

God damn that dude is incredibly attractive.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/N9nee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi sisters James Charles here and welcome back with my youtube channel as you guys can see I have a very very special guest for today's a new video and what did we do in here what's the title of this video job perks today's video if you guys saw my video a few weeks ago with the vlog squad Jeff was there and made a cute little cameo moment and after our little collab but pretty much every single comment on the video was about our relation David stupid haircut oh I really yeah yeah okay yeah it's true my whole life has become James Charles my entire tag photos has all been taken over by the sisters jumping us it's pretty cool it's really good force us into a relationship and now we're here for this video today yeah clear this show cuz I got a lot of hate at one point you broke down crying in a hotel room I did or something and then everybody says it's Jeff first of all we met one time doing video I'm the guy that broke your heart John did well Binda one it was not job I'm getting backlash top Jeff would it canceled or nothing I mean you could have been there for me but I just as a straight man business tremens mystery man but we're good friends now yes this is sure to share your Valentine's Day texting you something I was gonna break that off later on in the video mode you can just what I say tell me right now what did I say yeah say it you talk to me late at all times it's that how the college is a beautiful oh well let's just need me a friendly uh I said that to David oh my friends in prison yeah of course yeah first today's video Donnie Jeff is here and we're teaming up because Jeff is going to do my makeup and I pulled a bunch of questions from the boyfriend tag and we're going to ask each other the questions and figure out if maybe one day we would be compatible okay deal but whatever I don't know how to cut hair and I make videos on cutting hair so yeah that's my favorite part okay let's jump into it okay are you ready for this I learned in the video your first one you rub some primer on yes do I rub that on your face yes please is that what you do professionally yes you don't tell them you put this on No okay that you just rub this on yeah please touch me all over okay just two dudes doing each other's makeup okay that's on there pretty good now what do I do with the hands just lotion later you're the one that in the last video requested lotion for a full body massage okay you're right I did you did it I got a dry sense of humor come off very sarcastic you don't know what I'm joking or not neither do I do you want to give me a little like walk through yeah yeah so your next time is gonna be foundation shots okay this is the horn this way you can put on like the back of your hand okay the back yeah teach me those little tricks like that that's good okay copy this we basically just rub all over your face right you pulse it on start on the forehead right sure oh man this is like paint is you're an artiste today thank you like a French girl why didn't you just ask me to give you a haircut much better at haircuts than make up hotels in two days for not gonna have a botched haircut for Coachella I would never bought your hair I never have in my life I've never met somebody here that's a total lie you have video documentation on your YouTube channel you know what I'm gonna take those down because those are jokes and it's affecting my business yeah clearly and I had like my ex be like oh you flirted with that video I know how you flirt you used to flirt with me you did fire your love video I'm just being sarcastic no no I mean like yeah I'm being nice and like I'm like joking around but I don't want to mess with anybody's heads here you know this is true I called you on Valentine's Day after you said about today how do you get into the hair you just kind of blend it it's blended yeah what are three qualities that you would look for in a long-term relationship this is a good question you gotta have a good sense of humor yeah that's the most important you tell me I'm funny every single day my son do yeah okay second one you have to be a woman you just gotta have some sort of ambition yeah life you know like you're my son you do I'm famous you got two out of three it's pretty good yeah I watched the first video what we don't want your eyebrows back this ha just take it a sharpie I know there are bad what's your three qualities you look for in a partner I would say my link biggest one is also sense of humor I did save my number two would be like understanding is a huge thing for me yeah just because like the life that I live is strange and like I need someone who like not gets it but consoling common sense yeah and then my third would be like it'll be a hot barber oh okay it's just like a haircut all the time you know I know one year barber Sophie okay taste of my own medicine yeah ethnic that's next concealer okay concealer you just claw blonde yes mix it around there good give it a shake Jeff where do we first meet question - yeah right we met on FaceTime we did meet on facing for the first time yeah no we met here in this room yeah we did but all the magic we've never left is he's had me chained up in here please help if you see this smash like two million likes and they'll release me okay blend it back in yeah I think I fit into your genomes for the first time no it's not true yeah did you find out sure I am damned you first on January 19th at 119 p.m. and said can you marry me cut my hair every other week dad what did I say you said of course hey we throw teams I mean yeah I don't know my favorite lime for less mm well I see I'm doing said while you're so hot and I remind you again you said it while you look so good you said oMG so do I said I said oMFG so do you okay I sent back the gasp emoji and he said lol within the cute little I'm not good at taking compliments no I can tell and you asked me what I was doing I said just Photoshop makeup set you a selfie and you said can you do my makeup and I'll give you a haircut I said he I gasp I said I hate putting hot guys and makeup yeah which is Cheryl smart I wouldn't want to be in it but I was just trying to make conversation then you said favor light here we go here we go ello I probably wouldn't like it but I'll try anything once haha almost everything I love trying lots of things one of my favorite pastimes Thanks have you ever looked up with a girl yes yeah yeah like made out but like it was this before that you realized that you yeah before and after I'll see you went back for fun yeah Wow have you ever hooked up with a guy before no oh my kid that I said I just thought it only flirting with straight guys who are and trust that and he said no you're doing great so after all this I didn't know much about you at this point I'm just joking around and stuff but you told me that you have turned out straight guys it elaborate on that because you are famous celebrity and you do you do live in Hollywood yes where there's a lot of guys that will be clout chasers is the new term yeah they were using so you think it was somebody that was maybe looking for something to return from you yeah okay cool yeah let's talk about it in science in regards like LGBTQ people there's what's called the Kinsey scale so the get this goes for like zero to sex zero being like completely straight yeah and six being like completely gay okay and I truly believe that the amount of people that are a flat-out zero or a flat-out six is like very very small I think that most people are very close to the ends but there's a huge percentage in the middle too if I had to put myself on it I would put myself at like a 5.5 so you're not even full gay I mean know there have been girls in the past that I if I thought were really really beautiful there's also been like trans guys in the pasta too that I would like really early into for a moment in time especially living in LA where everybody's like a lot more open-minded I think that honestly like the majority of guys are like wanting to experiment I used to hear rumors like that all the time I like big big celebrities that growing up already is like what really that's crazy because I grew up in Staten Island where it was like and I'm and you know couple years older than you so my group of friends growing up everybody was going for that same like tough guy yeah straight guy image and I didn't have any gay friends so it wasn't until I moved out that like I finally started meeting gay guys and working with them and like barber shops or salons I'm just like really having a relationship or like you get to talk to them about more than just the same [ __ ] yeah so like for me for example like I am a guy identify as a guy but I still call myself a woman all the time yeah as a joke and stuff but like I do try everyone said well I have full nails I have a hair on occasionally yeah so it's like for a lot of people like those the--my as someone who's just pretty as opposed to mimic a man which is fine like that's how I like to see myself as to is just someone who's like a pretty human person yeah so like a lot of people are willing to look past and experiment and see like if they'd be into it to choose a song that they either always wondered or they're into me as a person and I that's super super cool and unfortunately that a lot of times leads to a hookup or like making out or hanging out and then the next day they're like we're adding and never talking to me guys or there's internalized homophobia that has been built up so long that led to them wanting to experiment in the first place but then once they do it they're like eh Oh gross and then I'll start getting all sorts of death threats and angry messages from them the next day after you guys monster it'll be or it'll be like a repetitive thing where it's like hey let's keep doing this on the DL and it's a very very strange we're all but it's like you know what you're kind of getting into when you're behind the scenes but I truly do feel like there's like a spectrum and everybody falls on it at some point and like especially right now - like in the world I feel like there's a major emphasis on like labels and for me personally like I do think labels are really really important because it obviously spreads awareness people can be educated and also like young kids that don't feel welcome can be a part of something and can label themselves but at the same time - I also think like putting a label on something especially yes there is a sexuality before you're fully understanding what it is can be really really toxic come fix your the memes that are gonna be made from the soup into me like what am I thinking in my head I'm taking it yeah I get it and that's like that's you can like you should be able to experiment and like test out different things and talk to different people as like long as there's some sort of instruction that whether it be to their personality to their image even D is actually - and link doesn't necessarily feels like that you have to put a label on how do you deal with homophobic comments I don't care you don't start this and you never did know did you like girl out of that oh is this the one where I brush on the highway no this is where you contour my face okay this is where the video I didn't get to see the rest of it did you get 42 minutes in there long video video so this goes around the bones yeah like right like wrap it here make it look nice and chest hold okay I want to I want a little overboard on that side pounce at him have it in yeah yeah I have a question for you job speaking and like relation to what you just asked me yeah because like after our video that we did together there are a lot of people come to me like wow James and Jeff's like interaction was so cool Jeffersonian Earth himself public I knew we were straight obviously believe looking back yeah it was really cool to watch and like it was funny too because I think a lot of kites aren't comfortable enough with themselves to be able to make those type of jokes how was that reaction for you the fan reaction was mostly positive sometimes in person people will come to me that I don't know and they joke around with my sense of humor and they'll come up to me and be like Oh where's your boyfriend at or something like that I'm like what the hell you're talking about it first but then I get it they're your fans and stuff like that they just know that I grew up around a lot yeah they want to make that first impression memorable yeah yes I was interesting I'm getting used to it but I'm always growing him and trying to learn as a person but I did see on Twitter some really positive tweets and that was really cool to see that people could kind of move past that toxic masculinity if I could have my audience and and kind of do do something positive yeah then I think that'd be pretty cool that we have that effect on you on Twitter yeah at least you know we're gonna do how are you - yes let's keep it up nice I think we're pretty good on this stuff I'm ready to move to the next step oh hi I think you just gonna pull out a sharpie No okay so kind of what happens in barber and you stretch the skin up yeah with this - yeah I'm a natural here's something mister start my own makeup channel oh wow look at this this available right now it is sisters - apparel calm do I choose the iconic James Charles like morphe palette oh wow yeah about time a James Charles product comes out here it's the only one I have is it yes how come every time I hear somebody talking about James Charles they're like all these things sold out in minutes cousin yes but this is what it is this is the James stroke all like this thing alright now I'm looking at this I have no idea what's going on there's so many different colors this is harder than I thought no it's not let's do last year's Coachella look okay what was her first impression of me very funny and like good at delegating responsibility to everybody and kind of organizing a shoe thank you buddy and organized for two great qualities do me know what was your first appreciated my first impression was that you were insanely hot people know me for making like jokes at hot guys and stuff but I was not ready for you to start making them back at me so I would like I was shocked that was nothing about the head the next question is could you tell that your significant other liked you I mean yeah what is your favorite thing your significant other has ever said to you I mean probably just that like you thought my videos are funny because like you give me the compliments about like being good-looking I don't know how to take those what was your favorite thing I've ever said to you I can't I can't I can't do this man it was a joke and welcome to joke it was just a friendly text I send it to all my guy friends I don't think you dad you're right next question so I'm gonna teach you guys a little trick you guys at home this I learned from barbering but it could also work for a situation like whenever you go into a job on a new person you're a little nervous no matter what I don't care what you say it's like you have that fear of messing off yeah however that you know so what I would do on like a lineup cuz the line if you can't repair so I would keep like one finger on the skin and now if you move or I'm a little shaky my hand moves with your face so you kind of have that like extra stability so I think that'll work for something like this all right put a little extra finger is that okay don't be shy get in on there and use that as as your as your base job that actually looks so good thank you that's funny the that's like the thought swing letter anybody's ever dying now this is really my favorite part about makeup uh I never stood back I never pay attention at any other part oh he could to the other side it's not done yet it's almost how did you do what I literally perfect and you can't get the amount even you know I got overly confident it's not the same at all yeah you're right it is next you want to do the highlighter sorry did I get it right use highlighters to highlight your bone structure yes so we're gonna highlight the areas where the light would hit you yes you want to do a little tap yeah what do you think you're gonna put I think here right if we got married who would win an argument I always let the other significant other wins oh my god yeah I'm winning what a massage yeah I just don't even bother great for rent to me well what's next weird you like to put a lipstick on so you can really taste something I don't like lipstick man Oh easier to make out without it yeah just like this is true it's just like all this stuff on your face and you go to kiss it's just something in the way that's gonna get on me now and I'm not a fan of lipstick never where he loves me describe me like your dream date oh I like I pick yeah the movie theater yeah super fun it's a movie theater out here in LA where you can like it's like lounge chair like you can't like recliners all the way you could fully sleep if you want is a pillow blankets Islanders oh it brings you whatever you want you can order candy from the waiter it's not just regular food yeah that's kind of fun what is your dream date I would say I love a good movie like a good horror movie premiere would be amazing I do love escape rooms that's not the biggest fan of escape rooms really yeah I don't like how they treat you in there it kind of reminds me of I rather yeah favorite things you normally put myself in those observation course of course check it out are you ready for our date job this was it I thought Jeff the swingline are so good thank you all right you guys well I think this is the finished look from the daddy Jeff let me know you dig you hungry from every comment here's so annoying thank you Jeff so much for coming all this time tonight think you might have it's good to be here I've learned a lot and I'm gonna carry this knowledge on for the rest of my life not just about makeup about life and thank you James you taught me so much my mind is open that's good I'm gonna be thinking about this for the whole day I'm definitely open as well if your sisters intro this video today please don't forget to be with Vegas thumbs up down below and leave us a comment let us know how you think Jeff did if you've not ready make sure it's like that big red subscribe button down below as well and come to the sisterhood we are 16 million is sisters strong oh my god you guys we literally just hit it this morning when we were filming this video thank you so so so much like the support continues flowing line I've honestly had a little bit of a rough month the past few weeks and at your guys's constant support constant kind of messages and just everything in general like literally it has kept me going it so so so much so I love you the obstacles in the entire world if you have not already as well click that Melancon so you it can notification every time I upload a brand new video if you want to go check out Jeff that's right I just hit 16 subscribers I'm so grateful for all these 16 people yeah he does have some pretty funny haircut and content I will say oh that's so nice of you I didn't know you're gonna do a shout out for me thank you yeah if they follow me on I make up journey can follow me up in so you want Twitter they're both the same Charles my snapchat for more behind the scenes I set co-stars the next ask after Charles if you like to follow Jeff it's just Jeff yeah if we get a million likes on this video James was talking about release me back into the public taking the chains off of my leg this video is sister shot it goes to and James as a queen at loving the absolute most sister thank you so much for always falling in supporting and if you would like to the next videos sister shadow don't forget to always a retweet my video a something called live on Twitter and turn to my youtube post of a huge by clicking that that icon alright you guys think you saw shocked in this videos today thank you again it's my incredible thank you to full future husband Jeff we love you and we will see you in the next one bye bye bye bye please let me out [Music]
Channel: James Charles
Views: 12,565,930
Rating: 4.6650591 out of 5
Keywords: james, james charles, makeup artist, mua, covergirl, coverboy, cute, jeffree star, manny mua, easy makeup, how-to, reviews, tutorials, funny videos, beauty tips, hacks, beauty, jeff wittek, jeff, my crush does my makeup, boyfriend does my makeup, boyfriend, james charles boyfriend, boyfriend tag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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