"The Truth Is Unbelievable!"

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foreign brothers and sisters happy new day I trusted you guys are doing absolutely wonderful today thank you for being with me we've come together and assembled ourselves to celebrate and fellowship another online Sunday in Gia Fellowship of the African village and Cultural Center I'm Ray Higgins your brother your teacher your friend Chief Elder of the African village founder of the African village and we're going to get right into our program today so let's lift our voices together and sing one more time one more time God allowed us to come together one what happened to the music there you go okay she's always something right this this iPod has been acting kind of strange here ah well nonetheless Wallace is resetting I'm asking you guys to send me your positive energy today okay because um for the last couple of days I really haven't been feeling the best um I think it's really from sleep deprivation I haven't been sleeping too well the last couple of days okay so um let's try this again and uh see if we can do this without it [Music] oh yeah I think we got it that time come on lift your voice with me everybody one more time one more time God allowed us to come together one more time one more time one more time God allowed us to come together one more time together one more one more time one more time God allowed us come together one more time one more time one more time God allowed us to come together [Music] come together [Music] [Music] [Music] sing our song to sing our songs come together [Music] sing a song to sing our songs [Music] talk about us yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] to come together [Music] [Music] everybody say one more time just one more time God allowed us yes he did to come together one more time one more time [Music] we're coming together [Music] not alive come together one more time one more time God allowed us to come together one more time brothers and sisters I trust that you guys don't take that for granted okay I mean you know hey here we are we owe the most high Thanksgiving and praise for being so good in our lives okay and allowing us to see another day we've never seen before we'll never see it again come on blacker than a thousand midnights African ancestors it is oh abscesses we call upon you and I welcome you in this place African ancestors Let Your Presence fill in this place oh ancestors let me purpose be excluded from the history books so that the world but might not know about your greatness our African ancestors who give civilization to the world our African ancestors who gave the hearts to the world who gave music to the world our African ancestors who gave mathematics to the world our African ancestors who gave medicine to the world are African ancestors who gave the literature to the world a African ancestors who gave philosophies of the world to the world or ancestors we thank you for devoting your life your children grandchildren and great grandsons now stand with us strengthen us guide us teach us and protect us and let our enemies be scattered and give us the wisdom and the boldness and those who are hinder The Liberation and empowerment of our people right local African ancestors and we will not fail to honor you we will not fail to respect you we will have failed to hear you and we will not betray you ashamed and now brothers and sisters we want to take the time to honor just a few of the great Africans who have gone ahead of us we call forth their great African names and honor them to Pharaoh's Norma zozer sneferu kufu kafri venkare and the great vizier and physician and multi-genius Imhotep we say hey yeah Queen the tokens Queen oh my goodness queen queen Almost nefertari Queen King have ships Nefertiti Queen T and queen nefertari the second we say ashay and the great African warrior Shaka Zulu we say to all of the kings queens priests and warriors while set Ethiopia the Congo Tanzania oh my God Yeah the more than 600 million Africans whose lives were lost in the European invasions of Africa and in the Middle Passage we say ashay to the more than 300 million who have since lost their lives to racism and hate crimes we say to Harriet Tubman Frederick douglasses Booker T Washington Dr Charles Drew Noble Drew Ali Benjamin Banneker hey George Washington Carver Bishop Richard Allen Bishop Charles Harris The Honorable Marcus Messiah God you say Benjamin e made Dr Martin Luther King J Malcolm that have made their ancestral transition to their life Deeds Legacy and contributions we say hey again we say hey again we say oh yes oh yeah yeah [Music] oh man oh my God the English translation of these words God is great and he's worthy to be brave [Music] I say hallelujah God is great and he's worthy to be brave I say hallelujah [Music] we all should be one and then the unability all should be one will come say you are with oh God make us one yes we all should be one [Music] they will say you are with us yet oh man Allah all brothers and sisters it is so wonderful when we come together as we are to Fellowship even though it's online okay I think we're getting kind of used to fellowshipping with each other in this manner you know I see the many of you who have logged on into the chat room our members from St Louis members from here and Atlanta area up in New York I see guys oh man it's just so good to have you guys with me today and I think the most high for each of you and as I said I'm not feeling the best today so we're gonna move right along I solicit your prayers send me that positive energy okay um as I said I I haven't been sleeping for the last couple of days and sleep deprivation ain't no joke I'm sure many of you probably know that Okay so we're going to get right into the mess well before I do that let me honor those who have made it possible for us to continue doing what we're doing and that is you okay those of you who be with us every week I honor you I thank you I thank you so very much oh yeah thank you so much very much um you know you could be anywhere else you could but you've chosen to spend your time with me right now and I appreciate it to the highest you know so uh to the brothers and sisters of the African village of St Louis I honor you today and I greet You by saying my auto tip to the brothers and sisters of the African village of Youngstown Ohio I honor you today and I greet You by saying Maro tip so the brothers and sisters of the African village of Chicago in Detroit I honor you today and I say model tip to you as well uh to everybody uh the African Village of New York City African village of of Memphis Tennessee African village of Charleston South Carolina and the many friends and supporters around the world especially our friends and brothers and sisters who are with us from the motherland you know thank you for being with us I don't know what the time is like where you are but whatever the time is you guys made it your business to be with me now uh and I'm so honored by that you know I really am yeah so let's get to the message today uh let me set the message up first uh one day I was coming out of the bank in St Louis and um this is brother that uh caught my attention you know he's behind me walking behind me I don't know how long he had been observing me but he was walking behind me and he got got my attention and started asking me some questions you know and so you're going to hear that today all right and uh be blessed by this message today all right be blessed by it but I got a message for y'all today you hungry all right as Les Brown said you hungry you gotta be hungry look at somewhere somebody somewhere next to you anywhere the closest person to you and say the truth is unbelievable brother Marlo just said that right I love it when that happens y'all when when when you know I work on a message and come in somebody says something that ties to connects to the subject the truth is on unbelievable I want that to sink in and and usually when we say the word unbelievable it has a different connotation than what I'm going to say in this message okay but the truth is on unbelievable I'd like to begin this message by telling you about and reacting a part of an encounter that I had with a brother who is challenged by some of the things that I said to him he's a Christian brother who's very committed to what he believes what he believes our conversation began with his asking me if I was a preacher and when he asked me that I asked I said why do you ask do I look like one he told me he said man there's something about you but he could see he said and I quote him he said I see the anointing all over you so since he came in such a positive way I said well yes I am I'm a preacher he said I knew it because I can see the power of God on you man I said okay cool then he asked her brother what church do you attend uh oh I said well I mean he already told me he could see the anointing on me he already said he can see the power of God all over me so brother what church do you attend I said I said I'm the Chief Elder and spiritual leader of the African village and brothers and sisters I'm not exaggerating immediately immediately [Music] I mean immediately everything changed his facial expression went from a smile to a frown kind of thing his posture which was very relaxed at first he took on a a defensive kind of posture his tone changed all that man you know he repeated what I said so I know he heard me said the African village where's that at what kind of church is that now before I could even ask answer the second question like where's that at he got the next one out before I could say we're on newstead Avenue one blocks off the Natural Bridge but he's in another mode now and of course an answer to his question what kind of church is that I told him we are an african-centered congregation now mind you all the while I'm monitoring the manifestations of this brother's cognitive dissonance which is causing his stress levels to go higher and you're the pastor yeah remind you just a few minutes ago he looked at me and said you're a preacher I can see the anointing on you now and you're the pastor so in my training of how to defuse a situation A heightened situation I smiled I smiled and said yes I'm the pastor so what do you teach mind you now he's getting deeper and deeper into this thing right do you preach Jesus Christ and him crucified I said no brother no I Don't Preach Jesus and him crucified man now mind you I'm trying to remain calm because see I see him going into Warfare mode here you see what I'm saying no brother I Don't Preach Christ in them crucify and you're the pastor yo I'm sick in a matter of about two minutes we went from one extreme from the how to say it from the extreme right all the way to the extreme left here and you're the pastor so what do you preach then I said brother I'm trying to teach our people how to heal ourselves by reclaiming our ancient African story which was stolen from us copied plagiarized and represented back to us under a European ethnicity resulting in a loss of awareness of ourselves I carefully chose my words got me but brother Sharon he didn't hear nothing that I had just said in that last sentence because see he was in his plead the blood of Jesus mode on me am I making sense y'all now just in case if I go any further there any Christians in here today please don't be offended by how I'm delivering this I'm telling you about on the counter I have [Music] so if you don't preach Jesus what do you believe then now I just broke it down to him but I told you he didn't hear that You Don't Preach Jesus and what do you what do you believe in do you believe in Jesus yeah right these These are this is where it goes y'all can anybody relate to what I'm saying here okay so you've been through this same thing right but it's deep because you didn't meet this brother that I'm talking about maybe you did I don't know but it's something how all of us have encountered the very same response pattern I told him he said he said so do you believe in Jesus I said I said brother listen it's not a matter of belief with me it's a matter of fact what you mean man I told him that Jesus Christ came into existence by a vote of 318 Roman Catholic Bishops and by order of an edict of emperor Constantine in the year 325 A.D at the Nicene Council I said brother that is a fact history tells you what I just told you and you can go check out anything that I just said he said so what you saying foreign I took my time and explained it to him as slow as I'm saying it to you and he said so what you saying he didn't really want to hear the answer that because before I could respond to that question he shouted to me so do you believe that Jesus died for your sins [Music] now it was at this point that I saw the opportunity to assume the offensive I want y'all to follow this message very well because up to this point I had been on the defensive in the conversation you got me but when he asked me do you believe I just told him it's not a matter of belief with me it's a matter of fact then I've been at Target rolling that and he turned around and said Do You Believe so at this point I assume the offensive and I asked him I said brother tell me something why do you have a need to believe that Jesus existed I think that's really the first time I really asked somebody that question with such intensity because see we were there y'all we I mean we were we were right here and I said brother why and I said it slow so he could die see when when a person is at that point they're not digesting what you're saying so I said it slow I said in a way that I knew he could absorb every word of my question I said brother why do you have a need believe that Jesus existed what you mean you see that you see his response to my question he didn't answer my question he asked me a question what you mean I I wanted to say I I had to really discipline myself I wanted to say at that point stupid what word did you understand but I didn't want to offend him because I see especially being a psychotherapist I understand what's happening and I'm gonna break it down to you what happens in the mind of an individual when this happens what you mean so I repeated the question again brother why do you have a need to believe that Jesus existed because he's not hope man notice that I mean he now all stocks are pulled out no restraints at this point I mean if I had not handled myself properly at this point we could have really got into an all-out physical confrontation because he's our hope man at this point now he's like this y'all grabbing what I'm saying I mean he's pacing man he went on to say without him we're lost then he said it again lost man now I know it seems funny but brothers and sisters that was a very tragic moment for that brother and understanding where he was at some that was the point y'all where it's like right now I can take and give him a death blow boom but that ain't what it's about when he started pacing and said come here without him we lost man and then he said it again realize lost it was all in his body man you know what I said I said brother I understand man I understand what you're saying then he said again lost man I said I hear you bro I said man listen I gotta go I gotta run and this brother went back to his car and I went to mine and I'm broken in pain for his dedicated ignorance he's on his way back to his car wired shaking breathing [Music] that's why the title of today's message is the truth is on unbelievable oh boy talking to another listener from wblr Brother by the name Brother Gary Holland out of Indianapolis and we talked about this situation about the truth being unbelievable and actually I got those words from him because he he said brother the truth is unbelievable and I said man that's Happy I said can I use that I said man correct I said that's gonna be my message brother the Sunday the truth is unbelievable you see brothers and sisters repeat this after me the truth is that which is consistent with fact and reality that's the definition of truth that's not Webster's definition definition that's not dictionary.com definition as Ray hagin's definition I got the right to Define y'all I got their documents that say I can do that right so here's my definition of the word truth once again the truth is that which is consistent with fact and reality the truth is not something that you believe do it the truth is something that you know even in their Bible in John 4 24 it says and you shall know the truth not believe the truth this is a new shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free because you know it not cause you believe it in other words y'all the truth cannot be believed [Music] the truth is something that must be known grab that y'all I just got something there believe the word lie is after the word Beast so in order to believe the LIE has to be [Music] did that make sense to believe you have to believe the lie that be good um the major reason why we don't know the truth let me calm down because I feel myself going there now [Music] but I'm feeling this thing that the major reason why we don't know the truth and don't want to know the truth is because we were raised to live in a Land of Make-Believe we were raised y'all we grew up living in the Land of Make Believe think back to your earliest memories how many times have you said let's make believe that when children play house they make believe [Music] they said let's play house you make believe that you Mommy I'm Gonna Make Believe I'm daddy y'all make believe y'all are the children they go out and play up on the tree let's let's make believe this is our house am I making sense here y'all when children play superhero they make believe I remember as a little boy I used to take a towel a big bath towel throw it behind me and tie it around my neck and make bleed I was Superman I'm Superman friend of mine I grew up with name was Bazemore John Bazemore he was ran tracking School you always could run real fast so we used to make bleed he was Flash cartoon characters Let's Make Believe when little girls play with their doll babies and their doll houses [Music] they make believe that this is a real baby they make believe that the baby went to the bathroom they make believe that are a hair stylist and they're doing the hair of the little dog they make bleed they gonna cook dinner y'all grabbing this when little boys play their war games they make believe they shot and killed the enemy now I shot you [Music] no you didn't either you missed no man I shot you man some D stuff because the other person gotta make bleed that they got killed this is what we used to so you we you may bleed you shot me now I gotta go oh I'm dead cause I'm there's some deep stuff y'all I mean can y'all see what's really happening to our young people here with this make-believe stuff don't let them be getting ready to go somewhere because they do it they get some chairs put two chairs up here two chairs behind it right right let's make believe this our car [Music] so they get in their car and when I'm making believe he's driving now it's really deep is when the passenger is so into this make-believe that they say to the brother who's making believe he's driving watch that car wash their car and the person make him believe they driving I see it I see it we really be into that stuff don't we man oh man y'all grabbing this so what's really awesome here is the Elation The Joy the excitement the Jubilation the Delight the euphoria the exaltation all of these emotions that they feel from making bleed environment is enough to fulfill their delusion and keep them in the Land of Make-Believe I got to do this slope I don't want y'all to miss this y'all grab what I'm saying they have so much fun with Make-Believe that they want to stay in that land it didn't have fun they wouldn't do it again so the next time they see each other guess what all right look today let's make believe we that's because they had so much fun making believe yesterday brothers and sisters make believe is really more than Child's Play make believe is actually a crucial element in the development of something called creativity the Land of Make-Believe is vital to Children Learning empathy learning problem solving skills the land to make believe in the mind of a child is very important as far as helping them to learn communication skills so please don't think for one moment that I got a problem with make-believe in children and children make believe is healthy in children you see in the Land of Make-Believe children children are able to conquer their fears in the Land of Make-Believe children are able to explore their hopes in the Land of Make-Believe children are able to achieve their dreams children in other words the land to make believe is really a safe place for children to express themselves many times in the Land of Make we as as psychotherapists and dealing with children who have gone through trauma we go into the Land of Make-Believe to find out what it is they really want to say to us so they would never get to say it in the real world in one of my case studies there was a little girl whose parents told her that she was about to have a little sister grab how deep this goes her parents told us she was gonna have a little baby sister so in the space of about 90 seconds she went into her the little girl went into her world of Make-Believe and she slid down off the couch and she went and grabbed her dog baby and threw it on the floor and stopped it and then she picked it up and threw it across the room and turned around and looked at her parents and said no more baby y'all grabbing out his verse in other words she had to escape into her Land of Make-Believe to express her true feelings about getting ready to have a little baby sister to see what she wanted to say but didn't know how to say is I'm getting ready to be replaced you ain't gonna love me no more y'all grabbing what I'm saying here so important she couldn't say what she wanted to say and it's really deepest because throughout her mother's pregnancy she prepared herself for her little sister that was coming by living in the Land of Make-Believe because she knew that Mommy was gonna have this baby so what did she do to prepare herself for it she would put diapers on her little dog she would actually even wear her mother's shoes and play the role of being mommy she actually would take her little baby doll and stick it up under her dress this was her way in her little Land of Make-Believe of saying I'm getting ready up here in my mind for what's coming for real so the Land of Make-Believe is healthy for children but what happens when a child never outgrows the Land of Make-Believe you keep growing you grow into adulthood [Music] but you have not learned how to come out of your Land of Make Believe now they're an adult and in the field of mental science what was once cute because you were a child what was once safe which was once healthy as a child now as a as an adult you have what we call a psychosis y'all grabbing this now now listen I want y'all to get something out to write with because I'm gonna give y'all some some word definitions that we use as psychiatrists psychologists mental health professionals and I want y'all to start using this to help y'all deal with people better what is a psychosis write this down a psychosis is a condition of the Mind involving a loss of contact with reality now again I told you it's all right for that to happen in a child it's healthy for a child that's how they deal with things but when an adult chooses to take on a state of mind whereas they live with a loss of contact with reality that ain't healthy y'all with me everybody repeat this after me people say it to his people experiencing a psychosis may have delusional beliefs not only may they have delusional beliefs family they may exhibit personality changes now let's go back to the encounter that I had with this brother I want y'all to see again as a psychotherapist I saw what was happening I saw him approach me very relaxed very friendly very warm are you a preacher what a smile or do I look like one yeah I knew it I can see the anointing all over you very relaxed behavioral changes and you the pastor nose blow it up speech with tremors in it nervous y'all got what I'm saying because a person experiencing a psychosis May exhibit personality changes and what we call thought write this down thought disorder it's very important to understand this thought disorder or what we call disorganized thinking I'm gonna break down that to you in a minute because what happens a person going through a psychosis experiences what we call thought disorder when they meet a challenge I want you guys you know for the sake of the movement I want y'all to understand this because you need to understand this and know how to use this when trying to communicate to people and they go through with you what this brother went through with me you need to know how to analyze what's going on what happens when a personal is having a psychosis they may find it difficult to interact with other people under pressure as much as they might love you as much as they care about you and they they really want to see the best for you right now they are having a psychosis but the problem is they don't know the problem is with them they think it's with you everybody write this down delusions let me Define what that is for you what is a delusion because as I told you a psychosis may involve delusional beliefs and what's really deep about it is when a delusional belief becomes paranoid in nature now I'll break it I'll break down what I'm saying for you and if you guys can bear with some of you might have heard on this past Wednesday night on Black Liberation radio I spent one whole hour talking to two people because one lady called in and she said pastor I know this is right because I've been checking out what you're saying I've been doing my homework and everything keep coming back to almond Rob I know this is right but I'm worried about my soul [Music] this is called paranoia paranoia is when you become afraid of something and don't even have a substantial basis for your fear other than belief or the lie that be y'all following what I'm saying there are two types of delusional activity everybody say primary and secondary now y'all all right yeah you know I'd like to educate y'all so y'all y'all okay yeah I want y'all don't let me lose you now because this is important you need this you need to understand the difference between primary delusional Behavior or activity and secondary delusional activity listen y'all if you gonna interact with the world around you you better learn something about how the mind works the only way to know I ain't gonna lie to y'all I'm gonna be honest with you I have to I have to confess and tell y'all there is no way in the world I could have lasted as a pastor if I didn't have the training I had as a psychologist it helped because because some stuff that some people do if I didn't have the training I had I'd say you feel crazy just straight up crazy but now I see I understand and now I'm trying to get you to understand why people do the things they do that's so important if you really love your people because if you don't have an understanding what will happen sometimes you'll say sure I ain't got time for that I got time can't even talk to that person not understanding that there's a reason why you're having a problem communicating primary delusional activity write it down is behavior that arises suddenly and it's not comprehensible in terms of the normal mental process how many times you know I remember um and I I have to be honest with you this was earlier earlier on in my when I wasn't as experienced in counseling as I am now had a lady that came in and she was sharing with me the stuff she was going through and her husband had left her and Dad and she was just going on and on and on and on and I made the mistakes I made the mistakes I shouldn't have I should not have said what I said but I wasn't as experienced as I am now I made the mistake of saying to her I understand why your husband left you [Music] I was looking at everything I thought I said I understand why your husband left you [Music] know really I could see why her husband left her I mean just the way she was talking I tried to make up for it I said sister Brothers want peace that's what brothers want Brothers want peace that didn't work when I said I can see why your husband left you now she had what we call primary delusional response pattern got me in other words family she had a sudden outburst in her behavior that really was incomprehensible to me because I didn't know what it's what I did only thing I said is I see why your husband left you I was only responding to what she said to me [Music] and and my husband I said now I see why your husband left you you don't know nothing about me how dare you say something like that who you think you are well at least having understood what primary delusional response pattern is it made me back down and when I back down after about two minutes she starts slowing down get the picture it's really deep because the Bible says it this way a soft answer turneth away Wrath see yeah the second type of delusional activity is secondary secondary delusional activity check this out man this is where most of us are dealing with this is what I dealt with with this brother it's called secondary delusional activity this is behavior that is influence a person's background or their current situation in other words based on their ethnic environment they have certain response patterns based on their sexual orientation they have certain response patterns I remember uh I got a phone call one day and I try to be mindful of this now I gotta I got a phone call one day from one of my listeners in wblr and they told me straight up and said Dr Higgins I'm a faithful and loyal listener of yours and I love everything you're saying but uh I am hurt and I said why what what did you What did I because you said got me that was what we call secondary delusional response pattern because his sexual orientation is that of a homosexual am I making sense and he was very offended by the fact that I said and I've tried since then to stop saying it so much because I don't want people to go through that I don't succeed all the time but I tried not to use that description because it causes secondary delusional response powder am I making sense people hope you guys are learning another area that invokes secondary delusional response pattern is something called religious beliefs for example so what church you go to the African village what what where is that at what kind of church is that secondary delusional response pattern y'all got this why because the African village does not fit into the Paradigm of most people's religious beliefs then the next thing you want to know is so what y'all what y'all teach over there now they didn't stutter before you got me see this actually affects a person's speech this type of paranoia actually gets to the point man where it affects their body language to as their standing calm but now you don't told him you don't believe in Jesus You Don't Preach Jesus and now foreign what you mean man as though I just injected you with a poison people that suffer from secondary delusional response pattern are people who are disturbed because they feel that you have something to do with their present condition I know a person right now who's going through a deep psychosis because they feel that the that police officers treated them unfairly when actually police officers had what we call quote everybody say reason to believe right police officers had reason to believe a certain thing So based on that they responded to a situation and found something they shouldn't have found and now this person thinks every cop in the world is bad because and this is again called what secondary delusional response pattern in other words I'm in this condition that I'm in because of what they did some people go through that in relationships oh let me help you here you heard him and you're going through secondary delusional response pattern because you are hurting because this person did this to you look at somebody next and said no they didn't look back at them say that you did it to yourself we do things to ourselves by placing expectations on people that they didn't give us the right to place on them y'all can say I'll say you see what happens in secondary let me let me break it down some more I I told you all to write down thought disorder right okay let's deal with that now break it down thought disorder check this out in a thought disorder is an underlying disturbance of conscious thought what did I say I didn't say a disturbance of conscious thought I said an underlying disturbance of conscious thought disorder is manifested in a person's speech and their body language people who experience thought disorder usually manifests three main characteristics and please write them down so that when you encounter people if you see this you'll know how to identify it so you can properly minister to the other person the three main characteristics of thought disorder or disorganized thinking is one pressure of speech write that down you ever be talking to somebody and all of a sudden their speech the the the the the the pitch of their voice just about two octaves higher yeah now normally you're talking to them they're like this here you know and everything's cool and and you know but now you don't upset them now their verses up here [Music] not only is the tune change but the rate of speech the pace of their speech increases that's when they start rattling on them you know five minutes ago they were talking nice and calm and then the other Deep thing about it is another character characteristic of thought disorder is the speech becomes incessant what did I mean they don't stop talking they keep going on and on and on and on and on and then when two people start going with through thought disorder at each other thank you I had a situation where I was trying to mediate a situation between two sisters and they was going through thought disorder so guess what I did y'all I had the phone up to my ear I just put it down I just put it down and I picked the phone back up I said can y'all understand each other and they hopped both of them hollered at me yes we can understand each other I said okay thank you because they were going through thought disorder speech heightened pace of speech goals pitch increases because of secondary delusional response pattern the second thing second characteristic everybody write this down is discussion derailment write that down discussion derailment when you tell somebody that Jesus ain't real that you don't that you don't believe you're going to see these qualities take place man discussion direct what is discussion derailment Brother Ray discussion derailment is when we're trying to talk about this right here right in the middle of you you asked me a question well what do you teach and I start telling you what it is that I do teach and right in the middle of me telling you what I do teach you derail the discussion and say well do you believe in the Bible am I making sense here can y'all relate to what I'm saying right in the middle of talking about a particular point they derail the conversation to go to something else but that is characteristic of a person who is suffering what secondary thank you delusional response pattern the third characteristic of thought disorder and write this down is something called thought blocking thought blocking y'all know what that is exactly what it says that's when they tune you out all together thought blocking is they no longer hear what it is that you are saying brothers and sisters in this movement of trying to reach people who who believe you are messing with their Land of Make Believe how many times have you seen people come sit up in here and they say oh man I I really enjoy being here I'll be back next week right next week they show up okay maybe they show up that third week all right but not likely that fourth week it you know why because in the African village there is no place for the land of Make-Believe you can't do it over here people have lived there entire life in the Land of Make-Believe and now you're gonna present some facts to me to take away the lie that be [Music] I am where I am today because of my Land of Make-Believe I know that I ain't got no money [Music] but I'm making bleed that is pressed down shaken together running over [Applause] I know that I'm sick in my body that I got cancer but the preacher The Wizard of Oz told me that I could make believe that I'm Healed y'all grabbing this y'all see this now y'all grabbing what I'm saying I know that things ain't going for me like they should there's a lot of stuff in my past that that needs to be dealt with but in my Land of Make Believe I've been told that if any man be in Christ I can make believe but I'm a new creature old things are passed away and I can make believe that all things have become new in My Land of Make-Believe I can make believe he's coming back from me like he said he would in my land of Make-Believe I got a crown of gold waiting for me in my in my world of Make-Believe I've got streets of gold that I'm gonna walk on one day in my Land of Make-Believe in my life are y'all getting this so This movement is not for everybody because most of us live in the Land of Make Believe and if you hang around here too long y'all getting this thing cause I've been praying about this man I'm saying God what is it what is what why isn't people and that's what it is man the Land of Make Believe I'm taking away people's hope I'm taking away the excitement of making believe that's gonna be all right one day you can't tell me don't you dare tell me I ain't gonna see my mama again that's my land to make believe don't you mess with that I'm not looking to see Eileen Gilmore again I'm no better and don't you think for one moment that I don't even give more is waiting for me understand what I'm saying now Ally Gilmore is on her next assignment how selfish of me to want to make her exist out in space somewhere waiting for me to come along God didn't do that for her to wait for me God got more work for her to do so she's probably now in her next Earth walk am I making sense y'all and I want you to understand something as much as I love y'all and whatever love you might have for me when I close my eyes I ain't waiting for you and don't you look to see me so when I step out of here I'm getting ready for my next assignment in the dsmv4 a delusion is defined as a fixed false belief that is either false check this out now everybody say fanciful that means you like it or derived from misinformation wow when I asked the brother why do you need for Jesus to have existed he didn't even know I knew it because I'm a trained professional and I want y'all to understand what I understand in dealing with people whose mind is in a fixed false belief do y'all am I making sense to y'all but he did not even understand that his Psychopathology had taken charge of him I remember the day that I a brother first said to me the RE the original version born Christ child was horse of ancient Egypt I did the same thing hmm my secondary delusional response pattern was I plead the blood of Jesus Christ on all y'all all y'all agents are the devil in here you follow what I'm saying you see the demand once your Psychopathology Takes Over Now understand how this works y'all once a person's Psychopathology takes over it creates a demand for the existence of Make-Believe did y'all get that the existence of what he was made to believe that's what make believe means make-believe means you made yourself believing the demand for his make-believe world became so strong that he honestly could not imagine what he would do if Jesus didn't exist that's why the brother starts saying man we be lost lost man he could not even entertain the idea of what am I gonna do if Jesus didn't exist are y'all really ever grabbing what I'm saying so when a person is at that point they have to do whatever their psychosis tells them to do to maintain the demand for their make-believe world even if it means telling me a loved one so you see brothers and sisters the truth is unbelievable it really is and when all you know is the world of Make Believe there is no room for truth this is some deep stuff ain't it I mean I want you to be sure y'all really grabbing what I'm saying because this will help us in dealing with others a little easier when all you know is the world of Make-Believe there's no room for truth because truth cannot be believed it has to be known where's your iPod that's why I wrote this song check it out y'all [Music] the truth is unbelievable oh foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] knowledge in our mind the knowledge of the truth will make us free that's how Africans ought to be living every day the power listen I wish I could share all the love that's in my heart I'd remove all those things that keep us apart I wish you could know what it means to be me then you'd see and agree every African should be free knowledge of the truth will make us free that's how Africans ought to be walking every day you went right knowledge in our mind the knowledge of the truth will make us free that's how Africans ought to be living every day in the power listen I wish I could give all I would like to give I wish that I could live how I'm Longing To Live to live I wish I could do all the things that I can do even though it's way overdue I'd be starting a new the knowledge of the truth will make us free y'all know it come on sing it with me walking every day with right knowledge all the knowledge of the truth will that's how Africans listen I wish we could fly like birds in the sky oh how sweet it would be if we found out that we could fly we could soar to the Sun and look down at the sea then we'd sing because we know what it feels like to be free that's how Africans ought to be walking every day with right knowledge in our minds the truth will make us free that's how Africans ought to be living every day I'm gonna say that last verse again listen I wish that we could fly like birds in the sky yeah how sweet it would be if we found out that we could fly we'd soar to the Sun and look down at the sea and then we'd sing because we know what it really likes to be free walking every day with right knowledge in our minds all the knowledge of the truth will that's how Africans ought to be living every day in the power of our might all the knowledge of the truth will yeah yeah yeah walk in every day with bright knowledge all the knowledge of the truth will oh that's how Africans living every day in soccer oh they got the truth will hey walking every day with bright knowledge in our minds the knowledge of the truth will oh yeah yeah living every day living every day is the power knowledge of the truth will oh that's how Africans walking every day repeat after me I gotta be free you and me we must be free Africa and Africans must be free we gotta be free you and me we must be free Africa and Africans must be free we gotta be free [Music] we gotta be free you and me Oh we must be free Africa and Africans must be free we gotta be free you and me oh we must be free Africa and Africans must be yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah poor Africans and Africans must be free oh oh my goodness brothers and sisters Africa and Africans must be free and that's what this is all about we gotta free our African Minds we have to you know we've been so europeanized that and this is really deep about it is we don't know that we have you know uh there's an old adage that says um you know I think I made this up some time ago that if you if the mind how to put that the Mind cannot even relate to what it does not know okay the Mind cannot tap into discuss excuse me Ponder what it doesn't know okay and if all your if all that's in your head is europeanized thought then you are an African with a europeanized mind okay and that can be very very dangerous to the African so that's why we say brothers and sisters it is imperative that you know yourself that's what we have to do we have to return we have to send Kofa we have to return to our past and understand our past so that we can proceed properly into our future I thank you guys for being with me today oh my goodness yeah okay let's see here let's get ready to move up out of here and and put this on the screen so um I encourage you guys to if you haven't done so already uh please subscribe to my YouTube channel okay I'm trying to boost the numbers on my YouTube channel and if you haven't done so please subscribe and also hit that notification Bell so that when I do go live you will receive notice of it okay uh yeah also brothers and sisters I encourage you to log on to our 24 hour a day seven day a week stream it's on our website even though the website is not completed yet the stream is there so you can hear the teaching and that's really why I built the website in the first place so I could have a platform to just put my messages out 24 7. all right you can go to wblr.com or the africanvillage.org because both addresses go to the same location and just click the play arrow and hear me teaching all right and for those of you out there who said man Dr Higgins I want to sit up under your tutelage um log on to wblr and just start making that your diet okay and uh you'll be surprised what it will do as far as changing your life okay also brothers and sisters uh if you want to make your donations to help us today with our work it would be very welcomed if you did and most appreciated okay and as you can see there if you want to make your donation uh please do that if you want to make donate through PayPal our PayPal address or go to paypal.com and then make your donation to African village one not the African village one just African village one as you see there on the screen and it excuse me at aol.com okay if you want to make your donation through cash app uh the address is Cash tag Dr Ray Higgins if you want to make your donation through Zell it's my email address rayhagans gmail.com or you can mail in your donation all right to our uh headquarters just make your check or money or payable to the African village and mail it to 35.20 North newstead Avenue St Louis Missouri 63115 okay yeah and we would appreciate whatever support you give okay if it's a dollar a hundred dollars a thousand dollars whatever whatever the most highlights on your heart to give to help us continue this work would be most appreciated okay also brothers and sisters you know I can't leave without talking about this organization right here the the black achievement fund okay and we're doing some wonderful things and of course you know hey I'm sure you've heard about it by now if you haven't I don't know where you've been okay uh but come on and join us if you haven't done so in the black achievement fund only nine dollars a month okay for our economic empowerment uh hey man that's not a lot at all nine dollars a month for our economic empowerment okay so just go ahead and become a member as you can see here we we have a great team of people that's working with us as far as establishing a platform for our economic empowerment you know um I remember when they had this Katrina catastrophe and do you remember what happened to our people how the United States government did not even rush to help us come to our Aid see that's why we need organizations like the black achievement fund if we have our own economic base we don't have to wait for others to come to our Aid you follow what I'm saying so come on and be a part of us all right and I promise man you you you won't regret it go to the website as you see there on the screen baf.solutions okay oh boy yeah again y'all bear with me I'm I'm really laboring today trying to uh talk and because I just haven't been feeling the best for the last couple of days but you know I had to come on the air I had to do this okay this is more important to me than life itself and that it this is my life getting the truth out to our people that is my life man you know okay and I thank God for those of you who've shown that you care um you know through your through your comments to your emails to your text messages you know uh yeah like uh in fact today's program I'm the sister I met very powerful sister in Ministry uh sister Ayana Katura and I want to dedicate Today's Show to her into her Ministry you know um what can I tell you I'm appreciative for all of you guys who have become so much a part of us thank you so very much thank you so very much okay and um hey man come on to the black achievement funding and be a part of us okay go to bff.solutions coming up at the two o'clock hour Eastern Standard Time our president and founder of the black achievement fund brother our key Hodges will be going live okay to tell you about the black achievement fund okay so you know be sure to stand by and and just go to the go to the website at two o'clock and hear his presentation and he will give you the vision because see that you know you ever hear the phrase without a vision the people will perish okay well I I added to that and say without people the vision will perish okay so the black achievement fund is really doing some great things and I'm so honored to be a part of it I really am I'm honored to be a part of this organization of empowerment for our people okay so brothers and sisters come on and be a part of the black achievement fund okay again family thank you for being with me today continue to keep me in your prayers I'm going to spend all this coming week just catching up on my rest rebuilding my body oh yeah okay but right now it's time for us to get out of here okay and uh we're gonna sing a little bit of the African and me love the African and you when we come together ain't nothing we can't do all right and again I want to thank uh brother satek okay uh a beats a tech for his arrangement of the music here and I just love it I like I sing it every day I sing it every day okay so come on family and join me as we sing this and get ready to get out of here the African and me those the African and you when we come together ain't nothing we can't do you know why because you're easy to love come on let's do this [Music] [Music] [Music] together [Music] let's do it again come on together [Music] you're so easy you are so easy yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] God knows you're so easy [Music] when we come together [Music] [Music] you're easy [Music] come together [Music] [Music] Jesus in love you're so easy to love yeah brothers and sisters the African in me love the African and you and we come together ain't nothing we can't do cause you're easy to love I thank you guys for being with me today uh making time out of your schedule to join me oh man it's been wonderful okay and until next week you guys out there continue to stay strong okay and uh coming up at the uh let's see I think I'm gonna do this at the two o'clock hour okay I'm going to air the announcement of the upcoming celebration okay uh for yours truly and I would love for all of you who can be there to be there okay yeah I would really like to meet many of you who I have not met face to face okay I would like to meet my supporters in person okay on that day so if you can be with us please do so so I can shake your hands so I can embrace you and hug you and thank you for your support okay yeah man yeah okay guys we gotta get out of here and I'll see you guys on next week okay in the meantime you guys out there stay strong okay stay aware I don't know why we use the word woke like that's a word okay uh I'm woke you know either you're awake or you're not awake walk is not the proper term but people you know we do stuff because we hear other people doing it all right now say I'm awakened okay that's how I should say that okay family um all of you guys which means in English I love you okay and I'll see you guys on next week
Channel: Dr. Ray Hagins
Views: 24,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f5Xvdw7pDfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 49sec (6229 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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