Cave & Farm Upgrades in Minecraft Survival!

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what is up everyone it is your boy here's another we are back with another Minecraft Survival episode this is episode five and let's get straight into it one thing I noticed right away is like how do you grow a tree bro is this not oh you need a sapling isn't that it why the hell did I why did I put the bark I left all the leaves at The Acacia thing so I don't have a sapling I guess this is stupid on me now I think about it this is not how you plant a tree you don't cut the bark of a tree and expect that to grow oh that was stupid oh my gosh I'm gonna leave that as a reminder to go back to Acacia to get the saplings but yo good morning melon how are you doing my boy let me hold up what a nice ass boy man look at this man look at this guy oh yeah you better look at me you bowling pin looking ass okay first things first I need proper fools I'm gonna put some beef in the shirt I'll put some chicken too you know what I should I've never thought about doing this but you know what I should do I should have like a chest near the the furnace which is kind of like my queuing trust so things that I do want to use on the first I can put there because I was thinking right now it'd be nice to have like storage in the furnace where I can just make a chest and do that so let me let me do that right now that's why I do this can I put a chest of grain from a furnace with it uh would it allow me I just put it right here that might be kind of stupid because of how oh maybe I'll break the furnace after making fit this way but like because I want to put chicken next so I'll put that there's that's like the queue and I'll take that for now cool okay that's nice some functionality upgraded I want to build a melon was that melon that made that noise that sounded like a freaking salivary do I want to make a a cage or something for melon after I don't know if they have like bird cages in Minecraft but I'll see I'll think of something he likely won't go on adventures with me that's too risky for a bird but if I do find a dog they'll definitely go on adventures because oops wait okay I actually hear a mob bro that's not that's not in my imagination is it my cave can I meet this first that's not my bird that made that noise that's clearly like a freaking zombie or some let me just like tuck the perimeter could be stuck in years and then okay and also here let's check the cave entrance maybe I could hear from there no not here either I don't know also one thing I also want to do is I clean up the cave inside here at least because uh the Minecraft videos I do I do watch them on one time just to kind of like honestly I find them kind of entertaining and it's just um nice seeing if there's any issues or like something that I could have done better so let me just make this oh yeah so pretty much my plan for this video is I mentioned last video before I kind of got lost that I wanted to spruce up my place in terms of like this area maybe make a proper path to the cave maybe make a bridge so I'm gonna do that but also I'm gonna have a side quest of when it becomes night I'm just I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing but hopefully a spider will come and I can steal its string to build a bow because I was only able to get two string in the last episode which isn't enough for a bowl so that's something I want to do too and Loki I kind of want to make my cave like more functional and Visually appealing too like what I mean is like let me show you for example there will be some sections actually I'm not gonna go too deep but there'll be some sections where there's like a bridge or stairs and like to me maybe I'll make the stairs more cleaner make it like more wider add some railings on the side just so like that's visually appealing results more functional so you don't fall off and like so it's easier to see so I'm probably gonna be doing that stuff too I honestly like this in front of my cave looks cool gives it more of a natural Vibe they're probably gonna keep that there but yes I'm also going to I realized all the bones I'm Gonna Keep on me in case I just find a dog I sort of gotta should have a lot more than two bones I killed a lot of skeletons last time they're all I have I got no bones last time because these are like from like the start wow I got like a ton of skeleton though okay whatever okay let me put let me keep some dirt let me put away the bamboos I needed iron pickaxe I guess I'll keep on me I kind of want to keep seat on me too now that I know birds are a thing or like another no Siege of a birds I don't even want me because I have a portable bed iron I guess I'll keep in case now that I PTC I'm not having iron when I need it paper Compass will keep out planks uh I'll keep with me signs or keep I think that should be good is my torch in my torches in my hand okay my shrinking case I do need a spot I could make a ball in the spot but what is that is that okay I thought that was a super long shoot game but uh that should be good for now so oh actually one more thing I want to do I keep thinking of things I need to do I also want to just make an iron sword because I feel like I feel like using your better minerals for a sword is the most useful because like you just get immediate Advantage about killing it from killing enemies quicker like you like when I got Diamond usually I feel like I make a diamond pickaxe first but I think I might might make a sword first this time because diamond pickaxe isn't like that useful I know you do use it for obsidian but like can you get like everything with iron pickaxe like gold and stuff if I'm thinking right maybe not but like even gold isn't really that useful here so let me let me kill that chicken and I feel like I have enough iron where even if my iron sword did break which would take a while like I can make another one at that point oh the octopus died damn okay sad life I was thinking of killing it before but I didn't want to know because I could be nice to have it um I don't want because it might be nice to have it kind of like as a pet you get that bro get that but I guess it killed itself [Music] you don't you know what I should try to when I'm done like just checking this area out maybe I should take all my eggs and see if I can spawn a chicken at my place and create a mini chicken farm I was gonna make that a long-term thing because you need seeds to bring chickens and this is kind of annoying to do but like if I can just like use the eggs to spawn some in my place might as well one thing I have to be careful of like I remember I believe this happened I can't remember for sure if it happened in the natural games uh Minecraft Survival series but like I think Acorn was like spawning chickens and he just made too much we started lagging it might have been in the last player it might have been in our old personal world that we used to have there man I miss a PlayStation Minecraft world those are the best me and Akron made like the sickest neighborhood we just built it around a lake and like we just had like so many houses and waterfalls and look cool as well so it's already getting dark which is good because I do want some spiders so for now I guess we can just try the the chicken idea real quick I don't know where I'd put it because like I don't want to put it near my house because I do want to spend my house at some point so I want to put it kind of off to the side let me see maybe like somewhere here if I kind of clear it at all bye right now it's gonna be like super small like I might just get like one chicken so like I'll make it like super small so I need fences obviously I'll make some wooden fences how do you make fences I don't know so we will see uh uh I believe you need I don't have planks do I like I don't really have wood I have jungle I kind of want to use normal wood maybe Birch how much playing on let me see is it like something like this nope sticks Maybe I can't remember for at all I think I should like cover wood just so like I don't have to be so careful but I'll make some fences I'll make some gates then we can make the chicken farm like right here actually this is jungle wood let me go to the other area there will probably probably be more mobs in that area too so might as well damn it's super dark I should really like torch up my area what oh okay at least for now I just put torches everywhere just look like I could see for part two one thing I also want to do at some point is um extend my tower not only extend it to the max height but have a lot of torches because when I got lost yesterday the thing I was able to see from this this was the Torchlight of the tower it wasn't really the tower itself so if I make like a tall tower and have torches I could say every 10 blocks I'll clearly see that from like far away as long as my draw distance can catch it so I'll try that so let's cut some trees fam this is you know it's not the most fun stuff but you know you ought to cut trees once in a while you already have some Resource Management so we'll cut some trees we'll make the fences then we'll try hatching eggs and if we meet a spider on the way they'll be dope well like I said last episode two I don't know why spiders are so rare for me I hear a skeleton I see his feet okay I'm gonna try to sneak up to him but I can't really I think this tool okay let me just keep moving around so I don't get shot okay I'll be honest I thought uh an iron sword would be stronger I might die everyone everyone let me hide no no push the I'm right here so it doesn't really matter oh God damn it okay let me go back to his ass okay so the main thing I'm noticing is why I'm weak and fighting is I'm not letting the sword meter get full so I gotta I gotta get better at that the thing is once you're gonna fight you just kind of forget about that but like I'm just so used to Classic Minecraft for like you just Spam the out of your sword did dude already leave I hear him right there he senses me five four five okay cool killed his ass there's so many skeletons but like no spiders so I'll just continue so yeah this pretty this was my goal I just want to like do my normal stuff at night and if I get attacked on this fight what our enemy it is and hopefully it's a spider so for now that means cutting trees I'll get some birds too might as well so after getting a decent amount of each wood then we'll go back make the fences get the chicken farm and then maybe I can start doing the aesthetic stuff to my house I think first plan would be my cave area like that like maybe make a path to it maybe that'd be nice but yeah we'll see I don't know if I'll do the bridge in this episode because then I want to make like a proper bridge to give you guys saw the bridge I made in the nutshell game Survival series I like I really like that bridge did I make that one out of Acacia planks because I remember it being like red but there's no red planks okay she's like very like bright orange I think I might have been that I really like the red look kind of gives like a Japanese vibe like all right let us break this okay iron sword is doing pretty good too after that fighting which is nice I don't want to break that quickly okay I want to get more normal it's the only thing I will always be scared of nice that's that's the only reason I kind of don't want to be near my house at night because like if a creeper comes and blows my up you know I'm done I'm throwing hands I'm becoming evil I'm tired of being good anymore because that is just annoying if you gotta really build up because that's one of those things like the way I think about it that's one of those things like you just literally have to waste real life time to build back and I just don't like that in games which is why I keep inventory on because like if you think about it if I didn't have keep inventory on all that would happen in these episodes is say I die I would have to spend like 10 minutes or whatever going back getting my stuff and then I'm back to the point where I would have been if I didn't die which is it's not fun for me it's not fun for you guys to watch so like might as well just keep my inventory on that's how I think about it it's just more entertaining and it's just easier for everyone so that's why like whenever me and acorn or Michelle played we always had it on because like it's really not fun to have that off so I have Jesus my freaking inventories over your ass uh where's that where's the wood I said that's a decent amount for 40. I'll get a bit more Birch then I'll call it a day I think is that my place there yeah it is okay I thought like there's more lava there or something I'll jump up here nope still no spiders for some reason if you if there's any people who like play a lot of Minecraft if you guys know if there's like um mob difficulty I know there's difficulty settings of the world like hardcore and stuff like is there like a mob spawn rate like I didn't change any of those settings I feel like I something is low if they like don't come that off oh were there two oh my God okay that's why I'm like what the hell happened I'm barely alive bro oops okay cool but yeah because like yeah the spiders just do not spawn I feel like there would be on trees there's another creeper there you have to creeping another way too many of them that's the only reason I'd be scared of making a bridge because the creep isn't calm is it possible to make like a drawbridge type system in Minecraft I feel like the only way it would be with like Pistons but that's kind of like too hard to do in survival okay I'm back um let me put a lot of this away don't eat feathers um actually let me just put all this away I know like it's kind of nice but I do not need all this uh more chicken oh maybe the beef is done so I can put the chicken yeah I'm gonna put this with the chicken and the queue is there anything else I could put in the queue I don't think so okay open my chest uh after dirt uh let me make the planks now okay after what I do want to do is just like right now clearly there's an organization is like have a chest for resources or planks and stones and stuff will be there have another chest for like random like apples and sapling stuff like that right now it's just not organized I don't know what I'm gonna do that because I kind of don't want to do that on video because that's kind of like boring to watch at the same time I don't want to play when I'm not recording so like I can make a video so we'll see how that goes but oh did I put all my flanks I don't know me to do that I want to keep some for me so how do I make a fence let's see first of all let's make some more sticks is it I swear to God it was like something like this no is it the other way let me just try a bit if I can't figure it out then I'll I don't know what I'm doing at this point uh can you check from here can I just search like fence yeah okay so I've never used this um this system before recipes I gotta say so far it's completely useless like it just doesn't show anything like how do you not have fence in here what's going on clearly I have the materials for it it's like you just have to end up using Google anyway so I guess I'll just use Google give me a second okay I'm back figured out how to do it um yeah I've kind of kind of said that I wish I could just search like stuff in game but clearly like oh wait do you have to be in a certain section I thought this was like the I thought this was like the all section okay that's that still makes Christ that still makes it pretty useless the system I don't I don't want to be in the section to search it this should be an all section wait why does it show up now what did I did I spell fence wrong last time if I spell fan strong I'll be kind of embarrassed because clearly like that would be on me so if I search a gate no there's no way I spelled both of them wrong or was I on this section maybe that's what it was oops or maybe else is on in this section Maybe okay my bad okay so if I wasn't on the dollar section that's not me okay so yeah I already know how to make it now so let me let me do it um it's this this and this make like 15 and on top of that the inverse is the gate I will need two I'm gonna use a double gate system which I like a lot and that is good it's the oh do I see a spider hold on I swear I saw red eyes for like a second oh okay let's go to him it's kind of far but like you know I don't see spider someone run from that's at least a nice thing about spiders because of the red eyes oh shit's turning there you go like see them for far oh come on Scholars are so annoying I die I'm gonna be mad piece of okay let me eat I'll use Merlin because I have good food spider better still be there I want to hear a little bit before I go to him oh where'd he go come on where'd he go he was just right here oh okay let me heal up a bit then I'll beat his ass honest who all is three are you coming to me okay nice okay I got the string I needed but like might as well just like hunt them down bro hello my forendo come here attack me also a few times I'll say if you time your attacks are gonna never touch you I guess my time wasn't that good come on bro come on bro I feel like there should be a way to tame spiders because like if oops if like skeletons and like zombies could ride them why not us do you really only hear when your foods like pretty much full I find that so useless on the healing system so if it drops like one food you're just not here anymore I'm gonna see you okay so drop one food do I just stop healing no I saw healing okay I saw before oh now I stopped healing I think okay so if you're one and a half down you just can't heal that's dumb It's gotta keep eating bro God damn it or maybe because melon isn't good food maybe because of that okay so we got string you know what that means I got a lot of shrimp uh is it like something like this we got a bowl I have some arrows I unfortunately realize you need Flynn to make arrows so I I don't have any of that after they added like the 14 different types of stones in this game Granite it's just like harder to get now which sucks but like yeah so I'll keep this in my inventory okay I'll keep this this what is that for now and yeah and I have the fences now so I can make my chicken farm hopefully let me see [Music] do I can I make it against a wall would that be fine or do I need like a raise up the wall a bit if I if you're [Music] or is that too risky like like if I if I do that's a bit too small let me do that or maybe I should just put fence 360. I'll see hold up let me put more let me put more dirt let me expand this a bit yeah I did I did not think we would get a chicken farm this early on but we'll see uh there's a chance that like mags don't even hatch anything so what I'm saying is if I fence up like this can they escape or like are they not able to I know they can fly a bit so like I don't know if they can fly that high I'm not sure I mean at least I can't escape so that might be that might be kind of nice for oops actually I might as well put some that might be nice for me too so like if I want to enter fast I could just come from up here instead of having to use a double gate so if I break this and put the gate that's not a gate if I break this uh do I have to get on me that's right here if I put the gate here okay and then you put the gate here I believe and you put a fence and a fence no you don't put the gate that close so that makes it useless you gotta put a bit away you put the gate here put offense put a fan so okay so this is the double gate system to make sure no chickens can escape this is obviously a very tiny Farm but like I don't think I'm gonna get that much again so like that's fine so far so good so let me get all the eggs that I have in my inventory and we'll try hatching some chicken I have two on me I have none in here hello melon are you do I only have two I swear to God I used to have worn my inventory what the hell hold up did I just pick up like three at least when I was like killing those chickens damn I guess not maybe eggs are rare than I thought I was making sure I'm not blind I don't have any in here wow I only have two eggs so the chicken farm might not even be a thing today let me get the chicken like my actual chicken it's gonna eat uh how much food did she get was like two or something nice okay so let us go to the chicken farm hopefully these eggs hatch will see okay number one drum roll but nothing number two drum roll nothing okay so no chicken farm I swear to God I had a lot more eggs what happened I swear even right now we got like three to four eggs I'm like I remember I have a few eggs in my chest too but I guess not I'm going crazy ah straight up there's no eggs interesting okay well that that failed okay other than that might as well just so if I want to make a plant now plant a path to my cave first of all what I also need to do is is this how you create stairs no are you quite serious you need damaged planks down okay let me just like on uh okay I want to put some stairs oops stairs like right here and I maybe this is hanging a bit too low okay so that already looks better I I'm I'm debating on whether I should like take this wall and push it back a bit so like it's more Center the door maybe I'll leave it for now because that'll be a ton of work if I'm being honest okay so that looks good in terms of a path you can either put stuff on the ground or you can just like hold the ground honestly I wonder what's easier okay firstly let's break this up the stone here and just put dirt so it'll become grass hey you got free cold air uh might as well just get it right now and then after I'm done that I can make the path which will be nice damn we had a coal vein right under my cave right here very nice but yeah and I think we might be good after the path in terms of this video we'll see I was thinking of doing exploring episode today because we just um made the map last episode not made the map we expanded the map last episode but I I I just finished watching the last episode myself because it went up recently and that entire video was exploration I'm like I don't know about having exploration back to back so I didn't end up doing that to chill at home and try to make the place nicer I didn't really end up doing that either I was just trying to make the chicken farm bowls here hopefully this will make it nicer so that'll be nice in terms of like hoeing the ground can you like first I gotta make a hole but can you do it to any ground does it have to be grass or any more sticks if so if I do this put the cereal but this here nope it's not all okay if I do this oh melon you on the window bro you enjoy the view bro I don't know how you do that yourself you're supposed to be sitting but if I can I hold dirt I can okay maybe I will need to move the doors because this was Santa Claus this Auto torching is kind of annoying because it's a mile fan oh my Lord uh let me start here too oh my God let me move this for now too let me place it a bit farther off and do some of this let me remove the grass my torches stop placing automatically and we're almost aligned oh wait what is that how you make a path how do you make a path that wasn't with the hole I should have got this what I used to do purely not if it's coming back or it's turning back to dirt wait a minute is it not a holy we could pass with or do you have to make like special dirt can you make special dirt in this game hold up I don't think so let me let me search hold up is there like dirt ground soil huh I swear that this is what we used to do like on our old servers though we used to just like pull a path but clearly it doesn't work anymore if it's turning to dirt ah that sucks or maybe I'm missing something maybe something else I used to do damn if not that then I would have to place down planks or something which would take like a lot longer honestly this cardboard deeply looks really good but I don't have that much of it which is a problem ideally maybe I could make like a material but like I don't know I don't wanna furnace a lot of uh cold I mean Cobblestone that took a while okay let me see what I can do maybe have some other choice also what else I can do I kind of want to do already is this let me show you as kind of like an accent piece if I take this and break it let me see how it looks oh I didn't know it would go horizontally okay let me build your Tower first then break this because pretty much what I used to do with acacia wood in my old servers is I used to um how would I do this because I can't put it on something how would I how would I put it vertically can I just place it on top of it okay good I used to build my house out of acacia wood and not playing because I like the gray color a lot I don't have that much so I'll just think if I just put it like in the corners for now that looks decent let me just do that for now just so like it looks kind of just have some Acacia and it'll kind of remind me that I should get more soon but on top of this nope I just said oh cool uh break this hopefully I have a a torch in every corner that's one reason I'm able to put the acacia okay and I'll put one right here okay good at least there's some different different visual in this episode that's at least what I want to do okay that's good let me break this Tower and then it's turning night again and in terms of the path oh wow not only is the turn to turn back to you guys that's sad okay damn I thought I could do that my only other choice is to use planks which do I have enough maybe I could do it with burst planks is it kind of Glide let's see if I cut down like this that's kind of nice I might change these to Birch after two then okay and then if I lead up all the way it'll be till here yeah so I'm just put these right now so I know and let me this also reminds me I'm not gonna do it now but something that I need to do is change the floor of my house clearly the floor of my house is grass which is stupid um I do want to make a planks at some point it just sounds kind of annoying because you gotta break some stuff for that but I will leave that for next time not right now but okay this should work out pretty good now at least it's kind of like an official path to my my cave because yeah usually when I make neighborhoods in my other Minecraft worlds that I used to play I I did try to make like my neighborhood look like an import look nice uh usually what I'll do after is I'll make lamps like Street lamps around just so as a nicer vibe to it we'll see when I get there because this world is advancing a lot faster than I thought like I didn't think I would have a map and stuff by like episode five I I got it earlier I think I like episode three but this already looks pretty good this is where I would make lamps like around the path but since I don't have I'll just like nope it's not what I'm going to do uh how do I how do you use an offhand item like whenever you want I feel like it's kind of random in the offhand torch gets used let me do all my inventory is full bro I found you the spider eye um let's put the torch here I just put it right now put it randomly after like when I want to make lamps I'll put it more uh more prettier but yeah that's the path I think I think that's nice so I'm gonna go to sleep so it's day so I can take a nice thumbnail but I think I'm gonna end the video there so let's see let's just see how it looks in the day [Music] beautiful nice sunrise can I so I got this path to the cave I'll move the doors probably I'll do an elephant uh let's do it real quick let's break the doors let's take some cobblestone put it here do I spacing my doors nope um what do I have that I can throw away right now I don't really have anything let me just take this for now I'll take it back uh doors doors uh pop pop take that back and yeah that looks a lot nicer cool so I will end the video right here maybe I'll just stand right here that sound nice so thank you guys for watching this episode of hazelnut survives in Minecraft hopefully you enjoyed episode 5. if you did please like the video please comment any tips anything you want you could comment in emoji comment whatever you want content likes really helpful videos on YouTube if you didn't know so that'd be very appreciated please let me know if you want to see more of this because the more comments I see of that means I will keep making episodes for the series and if not I probably won't so that's just how the series goes hopefully you guys enjoy it subscribe if you're new I really appreciate it and I will see you guys next time
Channel: NutsPlayLIVE
Views: 346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nutshell, nutshell animations, nutshell studios, nutshell games, nutshell plays, nutshell gaming, acorn, hazel, hazelnut, nutshell games uncut, nutshell games live, ngl, minecraft, minecraft challenge, nutshell minecraft, diamond hunt, nutshell minecraft challenge, nutshell games minecraft challenge, minecraft survival, hazelnut survives minecraft, nutshell games minecraft, minecraft survival series, minecraft survival ep1, minecraft hardcore, nutshell games minecraft series
Id: ZAk_3FVhfjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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