The Truth Hurts: 33-Year-Old Paternity Doubt Breaks Woman's Heart (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> St. James v. Esaw.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. ALL: Good day. Ms. St. James, you claim for the first 33 years of your life you were a daddy's girl <i> from early childhood, all the way through</i> <i> your dad walking you down the aisle.</i> But just six months ago, after an argument, your father dropped a bomb on you and said, "You are not my daughter." You and your brother have opened a case to prove paternity today. Is that correct? Yes... Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Esaw, you state you have always believed Ms. St. James was not your biological daughter, but could never find the right time to tell her the truth. You state this 33-year-old secret has been haunting you for way too long. And you are ready for the truth to set you free. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Ms. St. James. Yes, Your Honor. Tell the court what happened six months ago. I wrote my dad a letter. Um, right before Christmas, couple weeks before Christmas. I just told him how I felt about him not being in his grandchildren's lives, and how he's not been the father that we need since we lost our mother at a young age. <i> And that was his response. "The reason why I haven't been in your life</i> "is because... The reason why..." He didn't answer any of my questions. That is not true. JAZMINE: He didn't answer my questions. He basically responded three days later with "The reasons why you went through the things you did as a child "is because you're not my daughter." That was his response. That is not what I... So that was the first time you had ever heard of a paternity question, anything. JAZMINE: Ever. You just wrote your dad a letter. And this is the father you've known your whole life. JAZMINE:<i> My whole life.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> What happened, Mr. Esaw? How did this all start?</i> It's something that I've always wanted to talk to her about and tell her, you know. And it just never was the right time. Is it your testimony that for 33 years you have known that Ms. St. James was not your biological daughter? Correct. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: What did her mother tell you? She just, basically, told me she was pregnant. This was not something you knew for certain? No, it wasn't 100%. And that's why he should have never said anything. That's why he shouldn't have did this to me. Timelines... I've been through so much stress and anxiety because of what has happened. KENNETH: Based on the doctor... JAZMINE: You don't do that. I went to his house every summer, Christmas. You couldn't have me swabbed? You couldn't do anything? All these years? I'm 33 years old. It seems... I mean, I understand your stress, Ms. St. James. I can see it in your eyes, and it truly is palpable. It breaks my heart. Tell the court, what has this six months been like? (SOBBING) I've been throwing up every day. I have anxiety, I have stress. I have an autistic son that I'm trying to raise. I mean, just... Ever since, I can't eat. I'm losing weight. I'm just torn apart. He's just trying to kill me, I guess. I don't know. I feel like I'm going to die... JUDGE LAKE: Oh, honey. Of heartbreak. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, honey. So this has completely rocked you to the cores? JAZMINE: Yes, it has. Because you felt like whether the relationship was good or bad <i> you knew that families go through ups and down,</i> <i> but you believe you had your daddy</i> <i> and you knew who he was.</i> JAZMINE:<i> And my dad... The letter that I wrote him</i> had nothing to do with my childhood. He kept texting me, "I'm gonna write to you and tell you about..." I said, "Why do you want to tell me about my childhood? "I'm grown now, what are you talking about my childhood? "I'm asking you why you're not in our lives today." And he says to me, "I'm gonna call you in a few and let you know why." And he did. "I'm not your dad." JUDGE LAKE: Let me be clear. Did you say to your daughter "I am not your biological father," or did you say "I may not be." He said, "I'm not." I'm not, and I explained to her why. It wasn't in a mean way. And he also offered two more men... Two more men that could possibly be my father. And, Mr. Esaw, I want to be clear. Ms. St. James' mother, she's always talked to you about you being the father. Correct. And she never wavered on the fact that you were the biological father. KENNETH:<i> Correct.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> What was your relationship with her mother? Can you take us back?</i> Um, from the beginning? Uh, she transferred into the school that I was going to. I'd seen her that morning, and, you know, she looked good, so everybody is kinda like, "Wow! Who's that?" And I asked her if she wanted to go to the party, and she said, "Yes." Picked her up and we, uh... You know, that's when we first had sex. And it just kind of went on from there. And so, you started a relationship? Yes. (STAMMERS) JUDGE LAKE: Okay. So take me to the pregnancy. When her mom found out she was pregnant, were you told? KENNETH: She told me, yes. So, take me back to that time. Basically, she told me she was pregnant and I was like, "Okay." Um, you know, you're 18. You're like, "Okay." I was like, "Wow!" You don't know how to really react, but I was like, "Okay, wow. She's pregnant." And it wasn't until the doctor told her how far along she was, and doing the math, it was, you know, before me. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) And... You know, so it wasn't like she was cheating on me, 'cause we had just started. She was already pregnant prior to us meeting. So he said. That's what you believe at the outset. As soon as she told you she was pregnant, you did the math in your mind and said, "She must have been pregnant before she met me." Not right away, I mean, that's not something you think of right away. She's telling you she's pregnant, so there's other emotions going on. If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. But at some point, Mr. Esaw, you continue a relationship with her mother because you all end up having her brother KJ. Right. Later on, yes. They got married after I was born. He... He named me. How huge could the doubt have been if you ended up continuing a relationship, getting married, having another child? What's happening here? One of the things is, I was also talking to my mom. And she explained the time frames, okay? She sat down and talked to me and was like, "Okay. "When did this happen? When did that happen? When did this happen?" And he probably told her whatever she needed to hear. KENNETH: And what the doctor said. JUDGE LAKE: All right. And your mother is here? I would like to hear from you, ma'am. Please stand. Step up to the podium. And state your name for the court. Helene Reese. Ms. Reese, thank you for joining us today. I would like to know how is it that you determined that there was truly a doubt surrounding the paternity of Ms. St. James? And what did you convey to your son about that doubt? She and her mom came to my house with this piece of paper that had, uh, terminations could be done through 24 weeks in California, and through 20 weeks or something like that in Colorado. So, when I looked at this piece of paper and when I talked with him later, I asked him when was he first intimate with her. And what did your son tell you? He told me that it was right before Valentine's Day. And based on what he told me, I said, "Okay. "This should not be 20 weeks." So, you asked your son "When did you meet this young woman?" Right. "And what date did you become intimate?" Your son gave you the date, and you determined through the paperwork the window of conception was before when your son claimed he even met Ms. St. James's mother? So then, for the past 33 years you've been grandmother. You've been that. Yes. And once your son married Ms. St. James's mother, they went on to have a family, another son. You're the grandmother. Yes. Mr. Esaw, KJ, I want to hear from you because I know this is difficult testimony and your sister is very emotional, and we understand why. This is not easy. Your entire life, were you ever told anything different? That your father was not your sister's biological father? Uh... Through my whole life I thought that Jazmine was my sister. We were the only ones that came from our mom and him, so... So that's all I've known, him being my father. So to get this news, um, like this is just, you know... Hurting. It's hurting. As far as, you know, the allegations put upon my mother... JUDGE LAKE: Yes. You know, it's just like... Why now? You had so many other opportunities, you know. And it just feels like this is out of spite. Um, it feels like this is out of anger because of the words that she said to him, you know, bothered him. And so you believe that, truly, your father doesn't have any reason to doubt your sister. You believe this is maybe out of anger because she challenged him <i> about his level of involvement in the family.</i> And basically said, "I need you to do better." Definitely. And he didn't take that very well. JUDGE LAKE: You have never heard anybody say that Mr. Esaw, you father is not your sister's biological father? Well, my dad did call me one time, in 2009. Um, he had a little liquor in him. And he was crying. And he said that Jazmine might not be his. And what did you say? I said, "What? What are you talking about? "What are you talking about?" And then he called him back and told him, "I was drunk," and he didn't mean what he said. JUDGE LAKE: Did you call back the next day, Mr. Esaw, and say, "I'm sorry, I was drunk. I didn't mean what I said." I did. I was in my emotions. You know, there's those moments where they say a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts. And that says to me that whether you have a reason to doubt or not, why 33 years? I mean, we are now... We've progressed so much in the realm of paternity and all of these things. Why is it just now... My daddy was in the Air Force. He lived a nice life, you know. He had money, he could have got a test done any summer, any Christmas that he had us, when I was a child. I wanna understand that from you. What happened? How does life just keep happening? It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. It's hard. I mean, it's never the right time. I always had... I'll take full responsibility for that 'cause I should have. And I've told her that many times, "Yes, I should have." Uh, "Your mom should have. "Your mom was gone, it was my responsibility. "Yeah, and I should have." But there's never the right time. You know, like I said, I always made excuses <i> 'cause it was so hard to do.</i> <i> I've always... Like she said, she's a daddy's girl.</i> <i>It was... That was one of the hardest things I've had to ever do in my life.</i> I always made excuses. Well, it's her birthday coming up. Uh, here's a holiday coming up. And I always made excuses 'cause it was hard for me to do. I didn't know how to do it. So, Ms. St. James, what are your hopes for today? Your father, he's walked you down the aisle. He's... You said you're a daddy's girl. This has been... He better not be my daddy. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) The last six months have been hell. Hell on earth for me. Since December 8th or whatever date it was that you decided to say you're not my daddy no more. If you don't want to be my daddy, you don't have to be. Jazmine, tell the truth about how I told you. You make it sound like I just came and said, "I'm not your daddy." You said, "I'm not your father," just like that. On the phone. I picked up the phone and said "You're not my father"? You said, "I have something to tell you. "I'm not your daddy." And I said, "You're lying. "We look just alike. We both have booty chins." You said, "I'm not the only person with a booty chin. <i> "The other guys have got booty chins, too."</i> <i> I went looking for both of the men.</i> <i> That is not how I told you.</i> <i> I found one of them</i> and he said that my mom and dad, uh, told him that he didn't need to worry about it because I was his child. So you actually went to find one of the other potential fathers? I found one of them. And that man told you... No, his son told me, 'cause I didn't talk to him, I talked to his son. Okay. So you talked to the son, and the son of this man said "My father was told years ago "that he didn't have anything to worry about. "Mr. Esaw was your biological father." Yeah. That's what that man told his son. Which then reaffirmed what you had been told. Yep. So, the truth is nobody really knows. There has been a paternity secret brewing for over three decades, and nobody really knows the truth. And nobody can even understand how I feel and what I've been through, Like, I don't have enough stress. I lost my mother when I was 18 years old. <i>I'm raising a son with autism.</i> And me... Whether he's my father or not had nothing to do with the letter that I wrote. So, why are you telling me this? Answer the questions in the letter. Ms. St. James. KENNETH: And I did. JAZMINE: No, you did not. Ms. St. James. Have you prepared yourself for these results? Yes, I have. I'm ready. You're ready? I'm ready. Because I have the truth for you. I need the truth. JUDGE LAKE: As you stand here in this moment do you still believe Mr. Esaw is your biological father? I do. You do. Jerome, let's get the truth. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> St. James v. Esaw...</i> When it comes to 33-year-old Jazmine St. James, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Esaw... Yes, Your Honor. You... Are not the father. Can I give her a hug? That's better. I can accept it. I'm sorry I waited so long. It's my... I'll always take responsibility of not telling her. It was her right to know. And she should have been told a long time ago, and not when she's 33 years old. Plus, you never understand how hard that is. It truly is why we do this, because we want people to have the truth. Can you tell the court in this moment, just, what are you feeling? What are you thinking? What do you need? I need my mama. I need my mama. I need my mama. That's all I need. I can't get no answers without her. Only she knows who she slept with. Only she knows who she was with. I appreciate him for raising me and being my daddy, but I'm still hurt. Somebody should have told me the truth. And, listen, we're here now, and I want you to understand your dad has said he had two additional names. If these gentlemen are still alive, we are here for you, because that's what we do here. JAZMINE: Thank you. Okay? So, I don't want you to think all is lost, because you still have your family, and now, you got me and my staff. Do you understand? So, this is not over. HELENE: And I've told Jazmine, no matter what comes out in this court she's always going to be my first grandchild. And I'm still her grandmother. All right. I'm gonna send you off to Dr. Jeff, and I wish you all the very best. Continue to stand by your sister. She needs you even more now. All right? I wish you all the very best. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 6, season 6 full episodes, tv full episodes
Id: lu6XLZgfY8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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