The Truth about Discord's Loading Image Hack / Scam!

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it's happening again there's a new scam going around that is deadly if you get a message saying that your face has leaked and it has an image that won't load be careful clicking this loaded image will allow the scammers to steal your account is a message that a lot of people receive if they've been on discord my favorite discord server is the peter griffin fortnite fanfiction server but regardless admins will always send this message and not really do their due diligence because it's actually as it stands now impossible to get hacked on discord by just clicking on an image however i am going to show you a scam that does involve a fake image that will steal your account but there's a lot more steps required and it's not as uh oh you click the image you're hacked it's not that deadly so what will happen is that you will receive a message from a friend or someone on a mutual server that has been hacked and they said wow you did not just send me a photo of your jean serpent and your face oh wonder what a jean serpent is and you'll just see that it's just a loading image and you'll wait it'd be like why isn't it showing up so your natural curiosity will get you to click on the image and it's still not loading so what you're going to do is you're going to click open original then it'll say oh hold up it'll take you to some place you'll click on yep and then oh a discord login page and you'll decide to log in you messed up royally you very much messed up what's actually going on here if i peel back the curtains is that this image in itself is not actually a discord loading image it's not an image loading it's actually just a gif and what's happening here is that a scammer will make a website where they have this as their embed you know how if you paste in that tenor gif that i just closed if i paste that into discord you'll notice that it just shows the image and if i click on it and click open original it will take me to that tenor website what these scammers do is they actually have it so that this is part of their website so you click on the image and when you click open original you're going to be redirected to their website now their fake website can have literally any url in this case i just made it a really long url because chances are people will skim over this and not read it and pay attention to it however the link could be something short like oh login and what will happen is that when you actually go on that website it will redirect you to a different website which will be the fake discord login page so what happens from here is basically you are logging into the scammers owned website they are fishing your account credentials now in some discord phishing websites they will have both the email and phone number and password and a qr code you can log into or they might just have the qr code that you need to scan now once again i just want to make it clear never ever scan a qr code it's very easy to get hacked i highly suggest just using your username and password because a qr code bypasses two-factor authentication regardless if you scan the qr code or if you enter in your username and password then the scammers will have access to your account and from there they can spam all your friends with that you know fake message or they can just buy nitro on your account this is just like the qr code scam now if you fall in for a scam like this and you're sending all these messages to your friends you do need to go to your user settings you need to change your password you need to if you have two-factor authentication enabled make sure you delete all of your two-factor authentication backup keys also go to your authorized apps and just de-authorize everything just as a safety measure in case they have some fake application that got authorized it's just it's a very good way of making sure your account's secure and finally if you did log in using your username and password and you use the same password for everything then you need to change your password for every single account that's why i highly suggest you having a different password for every single account so what are some ways to actually prevent this from happening it's extremely straightforward first off what you can do is you can actually just go to your user settings go to privacy and safety and just turn off allow direct messages from server members and that will make it so that you know some random guy on some server that you're on won't message you this garbage that's the easiest way of not getting scammed on discord and now regardless let's say your friend sends you this message what's another way that you can tell this is a scam well first off you need to be critical about this have you ever taken a photo of you with your jean serpent and your face in it have you ever sent a photo like that on discord probably not so chances are they just don't have this photo it's just not possible regardless let's say you do fall for this and you decide to click on the image and click open original discord does give you a warning saying hold up this will take you to a website are you sure you want to go there generally speaking i would just not go on the website if you have to open up a website with an image make sure it's a website you can trust something like cdn.fake discord app or discord spelt incorrectly for example this link here if you're just skimming over it's very hard to tell that this is not the legitimate discord website you'll notice that it says cdn.dl scored app this is not the real discord website and if you still click on the link because you you just didn't notice that it was dl scored and non-discord and you end up on a login page make sure to look at the url you'll notice that this is fake this is not the real discord and once again it doesn't have to be fake discord it could just be oh discord with an l and that's really hard to tell that this is fake discord so anyways that's some tips to kind of avoid the scam generally speaking you just need to be critical about things and just keep your eyes open and be skeptical so that was a lot of serious stuff and i just want to expose the funny side of the scam and the whole reason why it keeps on popping up and it's because there's actually scammers who are scamming the scammers i know it's pretty deep but what will happen is that there will be fake applications that will pretend to have the functionality where if you click on an image you get instantly token logged and these guys will advertise it on i don't know youtube or whatever and of course every single one of these skid youtube videos they're hilarious i love them it's always european rap music with some sort of image logger and they'll have some like application and they'll show it quote-unquote working but they've just video edited it or did some trickery to make it look like it works and what they'll do is they'll just either sell a broken application for money and just scam scammers so hey give me fifty dollars for something that just doesn't work you know what are they gonna do oh i was trying to scam someone can i get a refund on your scamming tool that scammed me i don't know it's silly but what some scammers will actually do is they'll just uh i don't know release it for free or something you'll be thinking ah i just want to scam some kids so of course you'll go on github and be the script kitty you are and just oh i'd love to copy this tool this tool specifically says a simple discord image logger when your victim clicks on an image their token the wrong there by the way is sent to a web hook now the unfortunate thing about this specific github repo is that it doesn't actually have the exe file that they're trying to use but basically if there was an exe file they would say how to use all you need to do is upload any image to discord get the link run this converter exe hold on let me zoom in let's run converter exe some random application on our computer that uh is trying to scam people of course let me run it on my computer and they're totally not gonna try and scam me of course i mean running some random exe that you find on the internet is stupid especially if it's around the scam community but regardless i just think it's hilarious that you know the scammers are scamming the scammers i guess it's some sort of a karma system or something regardless if an admin sends this goofia message saying that you can get hacked by clicking on an image maybe send them the video because of course they kind of need to know that you can't really get hacked by clicking on an image however there are a couple of ways that are pretty stinking close anyways if you like the scam stuff let me know and i'm trying to go over every single discord scam and my goodness it's a journey so if you want to follow it click the subscribe button thing you youtuber stuff you know it's so awkward oh my gosh anyways i'm gonna go call my mom i love you guys
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 193,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord scams, discord image scam, discord image virus, new discord scams, discord hacks, discord safety, discord wick bot, discord try my game scam, discord phishing links, hacked discord account, stolen discord account, stay safe on discord, discord scams 2022, scams on discord, discord scams explained, discord scams are getting worse, discord loading image scam, discord loading image hack, how to avoid discord scams, discord fraud, discord account hacked
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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