Investigating Discord's Fake Verify QR Code SCAM!

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so recently there's this big discord scam going around and i already made a video informing people on you know spreading awareness and also how to get their accounts back but in this video i actually wanted to investigate the scam even further and answer some questions about discord's fake qr code scam so just as a recap people have been receiving this message from their friends or from random people on discord that say oh you sent illicit photos to someone and you've been exposed on the server they're using social engineering and fear to make someone join the server when you join the server you'll actually get some bot saying that you need to verify now this bot could actually be impersonating wic or dyno or any other bot but the main thing is that they tell you to verify so you can see the channels so you click on verify me and it'll say are you a human let's find out and it'll tell you to scan this qr code on your discord mobile application or let's say you were engineered to scan a qr code in a different way like hey you've been gifted nitro scan this qr code so my first question what happens when the code is scanned well when you scan this code you get token logged and basically the scanner will get your token which is kind of like the keys to your discord account when you have someone's discord token you don't need their username their password or their two authentication to log in now what these scammers do is they automatically harvest your email your phone number whether or not you have two-factor authentication enabled if you have nitro when your nitro expires another thing they can figure out is they can actually figure out your home address your first name your last name your phone number and some parts your credit card or your paypal email but how do they get your billing information well it's actually readily available on discord if you click on settings then you go to billing then you'll see your paypal or your credit card if you have one on file and if you just click on it you'll notice that it drops down and you now have your address showing your first name your last name your phone number all this really fun stuff the scammer can use they'll actually just buy discord nitro gifs slowly on the account which is just kind of draining your credit card and send it to different accounts or they'll sell it to people on some sort of black market and make money and finally the last thing that these scammers do is they actually just want to reach out to more people they want to spread it like a virus so what they'll do is they'll actually direct message your friends and anyone with the same message that you got and believe it or not it's actually really easy to set up because it's just a setting in an application you can turn it off you can send it to all current users dms everyone's friends or their current dms and friends and you can have your own custom message so if people don't believe oh you sent illicit photos it could say your discord account is going to be disabled you need to join the server and verify your account and that's how the scam spreads now my second question is who's behind this scam well i can't specifically say oh yes tommy's behind this specific scam and billy is behind this specific scam because that's just hard information to find out however there is one thing that i did figure out the people that are using this scam didn't code it themselves they actually used a publicly available repository now let me start off by saying that if you use this discord bot to scam people you're a piece of garbage it's that straightforward there's no debating that regardless this guy made this fake verification bot that basically creates a verification qr code they scan the qr code and you get their token and their information now scrolling down one thing really caught my eye with this github project and that this bot was made for educational purposes and this project was created only for good purposes and personal use i'm no rocket scientist i'm no ethics expert but i can confidently say that stealing money from people through a scam and feeling that you're entitled to other people's hard earned money is not a good purpose what a revolutionary mindset that i have here and i personally think once again this is opinion i personally think that the person who developed this bot is also using their own bot to scam people you'd have to be an idiot to assume that they're not using this to scam people especially if they're releasing this for free this is publicly available anyone can get this and scam people so my next question is what is discord doing about this is the scam over well no basically this scam here the one that i showed in the video it has been banned but the scam's not over because once again there's many other servers and specifically if you do get your server banned i'm going to show you how quick it is to restart the bot and make a new bot and make a new server so let's say my server got banned my band server all i need to do is just create a new server and i can use a scamming server template that i have somewhere so all this process gets automated so once i make my fancy new scam server i need to make my fancy new scamming bot so all i need to do is just go to my developer portal i need to create a new application this is scam bot v 2.1.3 whatever and then click create very straightforward name then what i'm going to do is i am going to go to bot click add bot yes do it oh that's my bot anyways i'm going to turn on a couple things i mean pretty straightforward click save changes go to oauth you are generator go to bot application commands administrator copy this link then all i need to do is just paste this bot in oh oh my scan bot v2 just add it to uh it's one of these servers man i should have just figured out which one it is and not made it the default name so anyways now the scan bot's actually in my server so then all i need to do is i just need to copy the bot's token which is really straightforward then i just need to go to a configuration file which will look like this and it says bot token all i need to do is just replace the bot token paste that in this log channels id i just need to once again go back to my discord server let's just say this is my logs channel just right click copy id go back to the code paste it in here and that's it yeah it's it's that easy it would took me less than five minutes it would take you know anyone less than five minutes to recover from a banned you know scam server and a banned bot to just make a new server and a new bot it's not that difficult and that's why these scams keep popping up because discord can't knock them down fast enough and the last question i really want to answer is how do we stop this scam and as an individual there's not much we can do we can spread awareness by you know letting our friends know that they should not scan any qr code on discord and you know let people know in servers and stuff and spread awareness and if there is a server that is scamming someone you can go to discord's white page of pain the trust and safety report form and fill it out and send it to discord and this will expedite the process and make these servers get banned quicker and if a whole bunch of people are dedicated to getting these servers banned then it will discourage scammers because you know they'll only have like two or three days where their server's up before it gets banned but in reality stopping the scam is in the hands of discord i personally think that discord should revamp their qr code system they should have a bigger and more clear warning about how qr codes are bad just the shorter the better and also i think discord should have a timer before you can click this button here for example if you have a 10 second timer where people can't click the log me in button it'll encourage people to actually read the warning instead of just completely ignoring it and clicking yes log me in this needs to be more clear more bold bigger very evident that you can be scammed now here comes my more political and not so perfect solutions so these are very opinionated and you might not agree with me but i just want to put it out there this is a very political problem and it requires a very complex solution there is no simple solution the first thing i think discord should do is try to take down these github pages now i don't know how they're gonna do that but just the public availability of these bots is ridiculous you could go on google right now you could find this exact bot and within two and a half hours of struggling through it you could have your own scam server now this is the more radical solution but i think discord should sue big scammers i think they should make the risks more heavy and more life-changing for example if little timmy wanted to scam on discord he can make five thousand dollars every couple days or fifty thousand dollars a month whatever number you wanna keep in mind and what happens when his account gets banned well he just gets banned that's it timmy doesn't lose that money timmy doesn't get sued timmy doesn't go to jail timmy just gets his discord account banned now if i had the opportunity if someone paid me fifty thousand dollars to delete my discord account oh oh i definitely would i mean who wouldn't right there's not a lot of risk to doing this and i think if discord sued someone then it makes the risk a lot more for example there's this one youtuber who is exploiting youtube's copyright system and bungie decided well this is ridiculous people are just abusing the copyright system and they're not getting in trouble for it the only risk was i don't know getting your youtube account banned but bungie big brain this bad boy and sued the one guy who was creating copyright strikes for seven million dollars the risk now is not getting your youtube account banned it's getting sued for seven million dollars it's a very life-changing risk and now people are discouraged from making fake copyright strikes on destiny youtubers the same thing would go with discord if discord sued one of these big scammers for a big amount and made it public and made it widely available and well known that if you scam on discord you are going to get sued for a massive amount of money then little timmy will be thinking hmm i could make five thousand dollars but i could also be sued for seven million dollars i'm not going to scam people anymore just it's just basic common sense there's no risk right now there's no risk and there's so much reward the only thing you have to compete with is your ethics and other scammers it's there's literally no actual tangible risk of scamming people right now as it stands so the power of stopping this scam is in discord's hands and they really need to figure that out quick anyways in essence this is the discord qr code scam uh hopefully it was somewhat insightful or maybe entertaining or just you know enjoyable to watch anyways a little serious towards the end maybe i'm a bit angry i'm gonna go take a walk outside and burn off some steam i love you sweetheart
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 355,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord scam, how to get discord account back, discord tutorial, no text to speech discord, how to avoid discord scams, discord scammer, discord sending virus messages, discord viruses, discord fraud, discord sending random messages, discord getting hacked, discord account hacked, discord hackers, discord hacker stealing my account, discord fake QR code, discord wick scam, discord wick QR code, discord exposed scam, discord exposed my photos, discord leaked photos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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