The TRUE Story of the SNIFFER...

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the sniffer Minecraft slow-moving floral enthusiasts who roamed the world during ancient times players are discovering their eggs and underwater ruins and using them to revive the extinct species but why are the eggs underwater and what caused the sniffers to go extinct in the first place come dive into the lore with us as we delve into the true story of the sniffer The Humble origins of this Majestic species start a long time before their current Revival at the hands of enthusiastic players large fossils indicate that these furry beasts have existed since prehistoric times when giant mobs ruled the world but how did these gentle creatures survive in such a Savage and Primal time period archaeologists have discovered that sniffers of that time however mostly the same had some key differences from the docile variants of the modern era sniffers of that period would have been much much larger than they were today fossils suggests they were even comparable in size to famous mobs such as Colonia and megadipties not only that but they would have been and more aggressive as well with their sturdy structure sniffers would have faced Predators head on snapping at them with their turtle-like jaws and body slamming into them with a dizzying amount of force sniffers did face their fair share of danger though their natural Predators the ignacies hunted them fiercely the fiery destruction brought forth by The Flaming Giants proved detrimental to the sniffers who sported natural grassy moss on their backs and the sniffer's defensive body slams proved ineffective against the mountain-like bodies of their predators however it was not all hopeless sniffers had one significant advantage over the other Giants of the era they were a pack mob as such they were often able to find safety in numbers traveling in groups of two to three dozen the Hefty footballs of a single pack would cause the ground to shake up to Miles Away sniffers would hatch and raise their young as a community eggs were carried on their backs during massive migrations and baby sniffers were born with sturdy legs allowing them to travel with the pack on the same day is being hatched sniffers Protected Their young fiercely from predators having them travel in the middle of the herd surrounded by adults not all mobs lived in dissonance with the sniffers though on the contrary the ancient cave villagers depicted the roaming mobs as gentle Giants there were many benefits that came from befriending the sniffers having the huge herbivores around proved a valuable way to ward off larger Predators we feed they protect following the migrating herds also proved a great way to find Lush lands the sniffers used their powerful sense of smell to travel around the world from food source to Food Source it was theorized they were able to sniff out food and water even in arid deserts however it was the Ancient Forest full of towering trees and Flora though where the sniffer's preferred habitats with their unique abilities the sniffer species weathered the chaotic era surviving even the creeposaur but if they didn't go extinct in the prehistoric period when did they you'll just have to wait to find out ages passed the world changed and with it so too did the sniffers they became smaller and more passive as the other Giants one by one disappeared or evolved in their own ways however this new era would provide the sniffers with their deadliest foe one that would ultimately lead to their near destruction but more on that later this was the age of the first villagers as we know them the villagers like their predecessors were respectful to the sniffers they were capable of helping the villagers with farming able to sniff out seeds and bring them to the villagers if trained they also could be wonderful companions if made into Pence since they were gentle protective and great for snuggling with their soft fur however the nomadic nature of the fur-covered creatures persisted from their prehistoric days and the extra work to domesticate them wasn't worth it to most villagers instead they would just enjoy the occasional company of these grass-covered beasts owls are clearly the superior farm animal ah I guess but look how cute the sniffers are sniffers were able to thrive for a time in this new era but it's never that easy in a world of survival of the fittest a natural predator arose for the sniffers during this period as well the wolf sniffers had to face the terrifying reality of being hunted by an entire pack of predators the Wolves were cunning I would strike the weak when unprotected they would relentlessly chase their prey through the force and over large distances to bring down just one of the sniffers the Hefty sturdy sniffers made for a meal worth the effort on this particular evening a young sniffer was cut away from its pack trying with all its might to flee the faster Predators it still couldn't prevent itself from being surrounded as the Wolves moved closer to their meal adult sniffers burst into the scene to protect their young with furious body slams they sent the hungry wolves fleeing to simplify the sniffers living in their own packs kept their losses to a minimum much more Troublesome for the sniffers were the zombies that came at night the unfeeling monsters would attack the eggs of sniffers unprovoked just as they would turtle eggs protecting their clutch sniffers would often engage in battle against the undead attackers Over time however sniffers began to develop an unlikely defense against the zombie by digging their heads into the ground the Snickers became indistinguishable from a regular grass block to the unintelligent monsters hunting Mountain using this to their advantage sniffers would sleep in a perimeter around their eggs to form a barrier of blocks to keep out unwanted assailants at night with this the sniffers overcame another hardship but what was the foe they would encounter that proved too deadly it was none other than the ancient Builders these early Builders not sharing the villagers views on the sniffers hunted them down this act proved to be only the beginning of the sniffer's hardships as you might have already guessed this time period was also the era of the rise of the ancient Builders during this time the builders banded together under strong leadership allowing them to grow in power and fortunately this ended up spelling disaster for our large snouted mobs after the first Builder had brought back a sniffer from their hunt the hungry citizens cautiously made a dinner out of it the sniffer meat would overnight become recognized as a delicacy to the builders the meat of the sniffers was unparalleled in taste a demand for more sniffer meat spread through Builder settlements like wildfire and opportunistic Hunters saw the chance to rank and money the likes of which they had never seen the ability to make food wasn't the only reason they were hunted so eagerly sniffer pelts were sturdy soft and warm tanned they would make superb leather armor and treated they could make designer rugs or blankets Additionally the bones of the sniffer were very sturdy weapons and arrows made from them were as strong as steel and crops given sniffer bone powder saw unprecedented yields the bottom line hunting sniffers led to a plethora of benefits for Builders the sniffers proved easy prey for the zealous Hunters slow-moving beasts were easy targets to well-trained Fighters the snapping jaws and body slams were easy to avoid if you knew they were coming the sniffer's numbers didn't help them as Hunters could easily divide and conquer sometimes the hunters would outnumber the sniffer heard regardless this small herd had met the unfortunate fate of becoming the target of hunters pairs of Builders have been tracking the sniffers for a while eagerly picking off a couple at a time in the hopes of a nice paycheck one group observed their prey from a distance as they laid to rest the sniffers having buried their bodies to appear as normal blocks could not fool the hunters we finally caught up to them yeah now comes the fun part suddenly they ambushed the sleeping and unaware sniffers yelling loudly and launching a volley of arrows at their prey the hunter successfully created chaos amongst The Pact some sniffers went to fight the hunters While others began to run away having already been weakened by arrows the hunters were able to draw their blades and dispatched a few sniffers that approached them for the rest they officially handled them from a distance only any one member of the herd survived a young pup hiding behind the bodies of her parents the hunters approached it eager to clean the bodies of the hunting would today be the end of this young sniffer as well shockingly help came from the most unlikely Source other builders swooped in to protect the baby from The Hunters not today these Builders were none other than members of bash or Builders against sniffer hunting Mash was a growing organization founded by Builders motivated to protect these ancient mobs from Reckless Slaughter the group's leader a man by the name of Isaac had fallen in love with the grass-covered beasts and banded together with like-minded individuals bash preached that the excessive hunting of sniffers was cruel and I'm becoming of the Builder's Guild they advocated the benefits of keeping sniffers alive their powerful noses could sniff out rare plants and seeds for farming or be trained to use them as expert trackers even being able to locate elusive warped and Crimson forests in the nether they were also great companions strong and sturdy the sniffers were reliable beasts of burden and any household would be lucky to have these gentle Guardians around for protection this issue created an unprecedented Rift in the Builder Community mash and the Hunter's butted hence not only in the debate halls in town but with weapons on the hunting ground they grew unable to tolerate each other's existence to the point where the Builder leader Steve had to step in and stop the fighting however Steve not wanted to pick a side stayed neutral in the matter and the fighting continued if Steve had known that he would come to rely on the help of these sniffers in the near future maybe he would have acted differently you can see Steve's Endeavors with the newest mobs of Minecraft in the story of giant Steve on this channel so don't forget to subscribe only 6.9 percent of you are currently subscribed so it would be a big help and keep you up to date on the rest of Minecraft's lore years went by and the issues stayed largely unresolved between the two groups even when it became normalized to have sniffers as companion animals the hunting did not stop Isaac as the leader of bash helmed the projects that created large wildlife reserves for the sniffers and Facilities to help injured sniffers recuperate and rejoin the wild despite their efforts the low birth rates of the sniffers caused a steady decline in population over time sniffer eggs took a long time to hatch and the number of eggs that a pack would protect and travel within a year was always limited to one or two on the other hand with the Unstoppable threat the persistent Hunters pose to sniffers the amount of kin I heard would lose each year was more than what was replaced as Generations came and went Builders started to move on and forget about the sniffers most Builders alive had never even seen a sniffer so why would they care the demand for hunting sniffers dwindled open but the desire to capture a now rare species kept the threat alive bash on the other hand disbanded entirely too few members led to the organization's eventual collapse however Isaac never gave up even in his old age he still loved the sniffers as The Magnificent Beast they were I will not let this ancient species disappear due to our own barbarism Isaac was a respected intellectual and Builder Community leader but he could not look past this issue he had decided it was time for him to withdraw from society he wanted to focus on the preservation and study of the sniffers and being away from distractions would help following his passion he set out to find a nice plan of land to settle down in his travels he came across a large grassy field who was close to a forest and the beach so he deemed it the best spot for him to further his plans Isaac built a hut for himself to live and work in and defense didn't Farm to grow his very own herd of sniffers Isaac had brought a small number of sniffers with him including Daisy the young sniffer he had saved all those years ago settled in he got to work on raising a new sniffer pack but it wasn't long after that he made a devastating Discovery Isaac was a studious and curious man even in his old age he enjoyed observing the world and running experiments as his herd of sniffers grew he studied them more closely than ever before with their help he discovered a wide assortment of Forgotten flowers in Flora but it was in a study unrelated to the sniffers that Isaac got a glimpse at an impending Doom based on observations of the oceans and weather as well as his knowledge of History he could tell a great flood was coming shocked Isaac quickly made his findings known to the rest of the builders unfortunately in his absence his reputation worsened to that of an old man with a sniffer Obsession even those who did believe him weren't worried we've had floods before how would this be any different this made Isaac returned to his hunt the builders wouldn't listen to him and honestly the ones that needed his help most were not them but the sniffers it had become clear over the years that Isaac acts of preservation might be the only thing keeping the species alive because of this Isaac devised a final plan before he could see his plan through his small herd of sniffers was confronted by trouble late one evening a knock rang out from Isaac's door as he went to answer it three brutish men forced their way into the hunt they demanded that he hand over the sniffer eggs we don't want to have to hurt you old man so don't get in our way these men wanted to sell them now exotic eggs to collectors for our Fortune with weapons drawn against him Isaac could do nothing to resist the thieves he knew if they messed with his research now that it would be the extinction of the sniffers all hope seemed lost as one of the men started to grab the eggs from inside but suddenly with the defensive Roar Daisy burst into the hunt determined to protect her unborn young she bit at the legs of the man nearly chomping them off the thieves turned their weapons on the old sniffer as Daisy quickly body slammed another one of them Isaac wasted no time while they were distracted to grab his crossbow shooting the third thief in the shoulder injured the thieves ran away without their ill-gotten gains unfortunately the short scuffle proved deadly for Daisy the mother sniffer had sacrificed herself and Isaac was not going to let it be in vain the weather grew progressively worse as Isaac toiled away for days soon the ocean water lapped at the sides of the hunt the remaining sniffer pack had to seek shelter inside Isaac knew they would most likely die just like himself during this catastrophe Isaac final plan he had been working on was to modify the sniffer eggs to be able to withstand being underwater modifying their genetics he worked to make them enter an almost hibernation-like state where if we're introduced to a favorable climate they would hatch even if years had passed ultimately he made it so the sniffer eggs could survive the flood as the Water started pouring into the Huts he finally succeeded or at least he hoped he did unfortunately there was no time to test if it worked getting into a boat he quickly took his remaining eggs and sailed to various bash facilities made years ago already some of them are succumbing to the Raging Waters Isaac stored away the eggs that he could as Lightning crashed and rain fell heavily Isaac could see the great tsunami wave coming swimming up to him were the remnants of his sniffer heard Isaac closed his eyes happy knowing in his death he had saved an entire species from Extinction decades passed and with The Disappearance of the builders so did all knowledge of the sniffers and the flood that wiped them out this was the age of the players on a typical day like any other a player was exploring underwater ruins when he discovered an egg he had never seen before putting it down on the beach it surprisingly began to hatch a large-nosed mob popped out covered in red fur and with a green grassy back word spread amongst the players and soon many were hatching their very own sniffers
Channel: LoreCraft
Views: 1,357,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NGXy87Y-Zr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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