The True Story Behind "The Amityville Horror" - The House, Funeral & Graves of the DeFeo Family 4K

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how about yourself for today's Grim Adventure we find ourselves in Amityville New York today we're going to be visiting one of the most famous houses when it comes to horror movies and even true crime the house that inspired the story The Haunting The Amityville Horror house the comedies who bought the house have packed up and left driven Away by an onslaught of tourists and pranksters who still continue to come and gork not fooled by the now changed address out in front and why did you come by tonight to look at this house see what that book was all about and everything about the house the way it looked and all the things that people say about it oh we just wanted to see what it was like I guess we just specifically came from Chicago to see it but do you believe all the stories yeah I do they're kind of creepy they gave me the creeps that why do you believe it when the present owners say there's no truth to it at all they've been living here for almost two years oh I didn't know they had present owners I thought it was deserted a man who said he was a friend of the crime and he's also came by but insisted he not be photographed you say a friend of yours lives here and you've been in the house is there any truth to all these stories that it's haunted and their weird smells and slime and all those other things nothing at all uh it's all a bunch of Lies well how do you feel about all these tourists coming by in the movie opening and all of this what do you think of that well I live right down the road in this pain in the neck because you can't even get down the block but when we started rolling the cameras I had no idea just how much of a pain in the neck it was for the man now temporarily living in the house as Frank Birch and another man came to the porch I walked up the driveway to talk to him he refused and demanded I leave I thought I did so fairly quickly but apparently not quickly enough within minutes A police car arrived then another Birch came out and told the police he was pressing charges my crime trespassing I begged for mercy none was forthcoming I was shown into a police car and driven to the Amityville police station the first place we're going to visit is the house where the murders took place on November 13 1974 where 23 year old Ronald defeo Jr murdered his entire family his mother and father and his four siblings now when it comes to the movie The Amityville Horror we're all pretty familiar with it and you probably already know this if not it was based on real events that happened here on Long Island in the town of Amityville in 1974. and right now we're walking up the sidewalk to the house now November 13 1974 around 3 15 in the morning 3 15 a.m is believed that Ronald defeo Jr went into this house and while his family was asleep while his mother and father were sleeping in his four siblings he shot each of them with a rifle his mother and father shot him twice I do believe while they slept in bed and then his two brothers and his two sisters shot them once in the back while they slept today police come to the fails handsome three-story house for Clues while divers explored the backyard swimming pool for the still unfound murder weapon police have been questioning the son Ronald and now say he is being quote safeguarded what about Ronald defeo of the Sun the surviving son Ronald is being safeguarded by the south Suffolk County Police at this time because the six members of the family dead and we don't know why and he's the sole remaining member the author of suspect he's not a suspect at this time and just like the 1979 movie the next family to move into the house was the Lutz family and if I'm not mistaken they only lived in this house for maybe a month or a little bit more before they moved out claiming that the house was haunted another time here they said they experienced swarms of flies in the house they saw walls that oozed slime they heard spectral voices and the family reported sightings of a demon Pig we're in the movie I'm not mistaken that pig's name was Jody now that house is right there in the middle of your screen six people were killed in a an awful mass murder that knows it's got to be awful in a small town on Long Island the town is called Amityville the murders took place in this house one year later George and Kathleen Lutz bought the house and they moved into it with their three children after living there for 28 days they were convinced the house was possessed by some kind of of evil force and they left their belongings and they fled and they were really terrified the events that supposedly took place there during those 28 days have been have been put down the best-selling book it's called The Amityville Horror and there is now a movie out or about to come out of the book George and Kathleen Lutz are with us this morning to talk about what happened during those 28 days in Amityville the book in the movie depict all these kind of weird strange things that happened in the house during those 28 days when you were there kind of things George happened physically what were some of the things that happened that scared you well at first just moving into the house was fine it's a lovely house and we enjoyed moving in uh within a week Kathy's hand had been touched by something that we discussed and couldn't explain it was just something unseen okay we also had hordes of flies that would appear within two rooms and no matter how many times we would kill them they would reappear right now flies can be a real problem in this part of the country in the summer in any house you know but if you have two or three or four within one room that could be commonplace but when you're talking over a hundred I just was the winner and you're talking about how many over 100 or 100 one time and then you'd go around and kill them they'd be lying on the floor you'd come back an hour later and they would be there more okay there's something about green slime what was that on the wall in the movie this green slime comes out of the walls as the movie did it not exactly no yeah more of a gelatin kind of substance that we thought the children had somehow mixed something up and and Spilled it around the house the next time it happened the kids were at school and there was just no way to explain how it got there this is how the house looked back in 1974 at the time of the murders and today in 2023 this is how the house looks right now as you can see some things have changed and I'm sure you know the stories they got rid of those Half Moon Windows when put the square ones in to try to deter people from coming and checking out the house here's a shot from directly across the street with the house right there in the center now there's another crime scene photo that was taken from right about here where you can see that they have it roped off so nobody can get on the grass I think this is as close as we're going to get to the angle of that photo today if you look closely at the picture you can actually see both houses well at least parts of the houses on either side of the house it feels really weird saying that I have a favorite crime scene photo from the murders that took place in 1974. but there's a picture that was taken from right about here of a detective with a metal detector in the front yard and in this picture you can see the house from about this angle you can see those pine trees to the left of it if you look way down there you can see the the garage there are other crime scene photos that were taken and a few of them you can actually see the officers carrying the bodies out of the house and body bags I'm not going to show you any of those but he would have seen cars in the driveway here and then right over here as we turn the corner you're going to see the front of the house it's actually the middle of the house but it's the front that's where you would have seen all those pictures being taken at to be completely honest both Jessica and I were a little nervous about coming here and visiting this house today mainly because the town of Amityville and the people that lived near this house don't really like people coming by and taking pictures and visiting it they kind of to this day still want to forget what happened I mean it is a very dark history in fact the last time that I was here and I stood out front and pointed a camera at it people driving by started yelling and throwing things at me right now we're about two blocks down Ocean Avenue we're gonna be visiting a bar We're not gonna go inside the bar but we're going to stand out front and talk about a piece of the Amityville Horror Story that not many people talk about now this little Plaza right here there's a place called The BNB fishing clown bar it's like a slash restaurant if you will and it's right over here towards the end of the plaza now November 13th 1974 after Ronnie defeo nicknamed Butch killed his family he came down here and he went inside this bar and he had a drink something he's done countless nights now here's the story with this place that night Ronnie defeo he walks in there and he tells his friends people that he's seen almost every single night that somebody murdered his family his entire family has been murdered and he at first he blames it on a mod hit he says that you know Mobsters came in and killed his entire family now the people here they actually called 9-1-1 to report it he came he opened the door and he was screaming come on help me somebody shot my mother and father and everyone ran out of the bar and that was it no I had to stay I was 10 anymore they all jumped in his constable it's just a quick stop when it comes to telling the story but it's a rather important stop especially if you want the full picture again this is about two blocks away from the actual house where the murders took place from here we're going to the church where the family's funeral was held foreign [Music] [Music] T that far from where the family lived and where they were murdered and this is where all six family members had their funerals all at the same exact time I remember reading of something like 800 mourners were inside the building and 300 people out here waiting watching mourning the loss of the defeo family now we were actually able to get permission to get inside this church to see where the funeral was held it's really quiet this is it [Music] [Music] I'm actually a little surprised that I remembered where the defeo family is buried inside the cemetery well the general area it was Jessica who was able to pinpoint exactly where they are and that's right over here by this tree [Music] it's a rather small but beautiful stone with all six of the family members names on it a little bunny rabbit is that a bunny or is that a it's a puppy and there it is the final resting place of the defeo family all six of them Louise Don Allison Ronald senior Mark and John all death dates in 1974. and then Rocco and Antoinette on the far right that was Ronald senior's parents a little quote that says Saint Joseph pray for us now here's the thing if you find yourself in Amityville New York and you want to visit the crime scene the house that inspired the Amityville Horror do it just be respectful and this is as blunt as blunt can be the town the neighbors they do not want you there so don't trespass be respectful be kind especially whenever they drive by and they yell at you or if they choose to throw something at you do your thing and leave come here pay your respects to the defeo family with that being said thank you for joining us on another Grim Adventure until next time happy Halloween
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 216,237
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Keywords: The Amityville Horror, Amityville Horror, Amityville, Amityville Eminem, Amityville Horror Trailer, Amityville The Awakening, Amityville Horror Full Movie, Amityville Horror Theme, Amityville Uprising Trailer, Amityville Horror House, Amityville True Crime, True Crime, True Crime Documentary, True Crime Stories, True Crime Daily, True Crime Podcast, True Crime Recaps, Amityville 1974 Murders, Ronald DeFeo Jr., Amityville Crime Scene Photos, New York City, NYC, Long Island NY
Id: jtipAiyiuu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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