The True Scale of the Universe - SpaceEngine

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space it's big how big is it let's find out together okay here is the Earth this is where we all live we're gonna start here and today we're gonna go further and further out to see how big space really is so we're starting here on Earth let's go land on Earth to start our journey our Interstellar interplanetary Intergalactic Journey okay so here's the ocean on earth we are under this is very thin ocean are you sure that it's not deeper than that space engine okay so this is a little the green rocks this is where we're starting on Earth you can see it's a pretty beautiful landscape we got clouds and there's our beautiful star the Sun up in the sky okay okay so here we are on Earth We're Going 251 kilometers every second so that's pretty fast you can see how fast we move across the surface let's go back to that speed okay 251 and if we fly straight up like backwards this is how fast that pulls away from Earth that looks so realistic you could say that's a that's a picture of Earth but like the International Space Station or something okay so we're still flying at that speed so where's the moon right there so if I try flying towards the moon at this speed it's going to take a long time together where's our distance look how far away it is this would take a long time to get there okay but then if we go a lot faster okay this is about 21 the speed of light and this is still how long it takes to get to the moon and we just ran into it or did we go through it what just happened oh we're on the Dark Side of the Moon that's what's up here's the moon okay so we saw earth now we saw the moon so if you want to see something that might blow your mind the speed of light is the fastest thing in the universe you cannot go faster than light so let's set our speed to the speed of light that's about the speed of light and fly away that's it that is the speed of light I mean yeah that was fast but like where's the Earth okay there's the Earth speed of light go from the earth to the moon this is how long light itself takes to get from one to the other it's pretty far hey now same thing with the Sun so if we set our speed to the speed of light this is fastest light goes and fly towards the sun we're going I'm flying right now click on the Sun so you can see distance on the top left right there 0.98au 0.97 we're still flying so now if we set it to okay this is 50 times the speed of light we're flying 50 times faster than light itself can go and this is still how long it takes to get to the Sun so that should put into scale how big the Sun or how big space really is this is just in our solar system let's line up all the planets how do we do that this is a size comparison a mini size comparison there's earth compared to the size of the whole sun the sun is massive especially like okay okay here's Earth so if Earth takes up about so this is like as big as my hand on the monitor how big is Jupiter compared to that if we just go right over to Jupiter oh it's big it's very very large okay there's Saturn with its rings that's beautiful oh you can rotate I'm actually not really looked in this size comparison menu that we can look in that is pretty cool so there's our solar system but we can fly out of the solar system there's okay we're going to a you a sec so you can see all those little dots those are actually the planets if you turn on the orbits yeah so here's the whole solar system in this little view this is it this is everything we all of our planets that are even close to us at all and then the closest star is Proxima Centauri so let's go to that Proxima Centauri so the closest star to us that besides the sun the sun is in our the the sun's the closest star this way we're gonna fly towards it oh we flew right past it it's this little tiny Dot and here that is this is the closest star besides the Sun to Earth this even has some planets too let's do that weird browser thing again these are its planets that's pretty cool now let's zoom out till we can start to see the Stars moving so how fast do we need to be going to see stars moving okay we're starting to see stars moving at 2.8 light years every second okay that I think is the Orion Nebula right here so we're gonna fly towards that we gotta go pretty quick this is a 143 light years every second that we travel this is so much faster than you could possibly ever go and here's the Orion Nebula so here's a real picture of the Orion Nebula and this is what space engine does with it let's see if we can find a cool planet inside the Orion Nebula we need a star that's in it oh here we go this has tons of planets okay so here's a planet that would be really close to the Orion Nebula that's a cool looking Planet yeah realistic lighting this is what our planet's gonna look like wow okay let's go right here I think we'll be able to see it there it is whoa okay so if you're on this planet and this is like sunset time yeah you can still see the Sun and you look up in your night sky whoa there it is okay realistically and it's gonna look more like this because I Sun's still up so let's wait for the sun to go down and see if we can see it at night it's super dim but yes you can see it it's right there if we turn the exposure up really high you can see even the whole Milky Way that's cool so that super far distance that we traveled that is still in our galaxy we have not even close to seeing the full Scale of the Universe so we're still in the Milky Way easily so now we're gonna go and look okay we gotta go so fast so this is starting to see the scale of our galaxy now so we're going a whopping 13 000 light years every second so if I hold W for one second I travel 13 000 light years you can see all the stars that are whizzing by us what's also cool is we're never gonna hit a star even flying like through this cluster because space is 99.9 empty space you see the light from these stars but no matter what you're not gonna hit one which is so crazy okay that's back in the Orion Nebula I think okay so let's go to one of our neighboring galaxies you see it in the background there this is Andromeda this is one of the brightest galaxies that you can see from Earth you can see there's the Milky Way right there so this is a whole galaxy over and you could see how many stars are in here so let's find a Planet in here a cool planet so we can just click on these planets and hit F2 oh look at that nebula can we find a a planet that's really close to this nebula oh there's a star cluster inside it okay let's see if there's a planet yes okay so this object is planet so most of these stars have planets on it which is crazy and you just saw like flying around how many stars we saw so could you imagine being here and your night sky is literally an entire nebula that is amazing and you can start to see that line there is the Andromeda galaxy in the background so what's a nice guy really gonna look like pretty dark we gotta wait for the exposure to go up whoa okay so this is like a realistic night sky you can see how dark the ground is and how bright our night sky is with tons of stars you can zoom in in any direction and there's just so many more stars and each one of those Stars most likely has planets on it and those planets can have moons so the chances that we are alone in the universe is so small there's so many different planets that could develop life it's insane okay so that is a view from Andromeda so now I'm gonna blow your mind I think that is two galaxies and each galaxy has billions of stars and now if we zoom out okay so you might think oh that's a lot of stars these are not Stars these are all galaxies turn up the brightness every single one of these dots is a whole galaxy and we can go fastest speed possible this is 326 million light years every second flying through and pick any one of these and it's an entire galaxy with billions of stars I just clicked on a random one we're gonna go to it boom here's the Galaxy and you can fly in the galaxy each galaxy has tons of stars each star most likely has some amount of planets on it we just clicked on a random one what's crazy about space Engine 2 is every single person is in the same universe so someone could go to these exact coordinates right here and go to this same planet crazy so that is the scale of the universe and if we zoom out as far as we can let's go to our universe map this is the scale of that system we were just in we can zoom out to go to the entire galaxy that was the Galaxy we were just in go to near galaxies this will show all of the dots all those dots are galaxies around the one we were just in and zoom out even more all of those dots are galaxies this is the entire universe and you can zoom in into one Galaxy zoom in into one star one system one planet and find one planet just like that and zoom out and see the entire that is just the Galaxy those are all stars and then all of these dots that you're about to see are other galaxies so yeah the universe is pretty big thank you guys so much for watching this video if you want to see more of space engine content like this leave a like on the video so I know put suggestions for things to look for or cool things you found in the comments below for space engine you guys are awesome I'll see you next time
Channel: Space Chip
Views: 179,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space chip, space, space facts, outer space, SC, astro chip
Id: PTYl-d9j_qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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