Beating Geometry Dash in the LEAST Clicks Possible

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how many clicks does it take to complete Geometry Dash well I went on a quest to find out and trust me some of the strategies people use to achieve these are insane so let's dive into this we begin our journey with stereo Madness the first set of 21 levels the first click is surprisingly brutal and here frame perfect even fortunately though the rest of the pre-drop wouldn't be too hard allowing us to reach the drop where we would get one of the best moves for this challenge the ship the ship normally is very versatile and this challenge is no different you can either do this or this since this is the Mode's first introduction Rob was generous to make it very open allowing us to pass this section in only four clicks which is absurd but our luck wouldn't last that long though as the level's difficulty was only getting started this red section was brutal as it constantly plays around with your muscle memory click 18 is I see it would be brutal for this you have to land on a very specific point on this block and pray that you get the second coin if you don't you head off to spike Central it doesn't help that the next look is also brutal having little to no room for error once you complete this very fragile feeling part you reach the Finish Line at 24 clicks let's see how difficult back on track will be back on track is commonly regarded as the easiest level even more so than Stereo Madness this even holds up for this challenge as the level feels a lot more open in fact the ship part would be significantly easier than the one in Stereo Madness only taking a few clicks the level likely would have taken less clicks if not for the ending you see in this part there are these odd looking walls that force you to immediately go down while you can still jump on the ledge it's difficult in Saving a click like that is rare causing it to eat up quite a few clicks finishing off for 33 while it did take more the level does doesn't really have any choke points and sales is a lot smoother than Stereo Madness with 57 total Clicks in our pool let's see how long it will take to reach 100. apparently not that long the appeal of poltergeists are the new Jump Rings which allow you to jump mid-air while they are very exciting feature they become less exciting when you realize you can't hold which had been the main strategy thus far even with the level being more open than the previous this downside with the jumpings prevented tons of Click saves fortunately though this part barely requires any clicks as you can tell allowing us to reach the final cube with 29 clicks is it possible that we can beat polargeist in under 33 well no dining brings back the jump rings and larger quantities this time and even brings back those walls from back on track that prevented you holding even with all these optimizations polar guys don't end up taking over 62 clicks double that of back on track our total pool of clicks is now 119. imagine what it'll be like when we reach the demon levels as helpless as a jump ring situation was dry out was the line at the end of the tunnel the level only has two jump Rings compared to the near 30 and polargeist despite the beginning being a lot tighter this time around I was able to use this coin route to save a few clicks leading me to the draw the appeal of this level is that the player can now be upside down and fortunately Rob linked into holding for this section allowing me to pass this huge portion of the level and only eight clicks clicks like 22 and 20 especially up lower the amount of clicks needed to adjust 42. significantly less than polargeist will this be a new direction of levels requiring significantly less clicks or was this just an outlier in a sea of jump Rings there's something I forgot to mention you see when you die in Geometry Dash most things get reset including your Clicks in that attempt so if you die and don't let go then you can get an input for free while this isn't useful in every level it certainly isn't Base After Base which is a brutal pre-draw on click six for example you have to awkwardly hit this jump ring after jumping at the last second this gives you significantly more momentum with this jump pad allowing you to skip a few jumps including this triple and as you can see the cube barely makes it here these very awkward jump ring Shenanigans would continue until the drop now fortunately it's very similar to dry out straw where you hold for most of the inputs unless you're a psychopath who clicks on every jump I was even able to cut this coin that saved a couple clicks normally these coins in base after base are very boring as often the main path is harder but in this challenge it's a lifesaver what would it be a lifesaver however it would be these stupid wall structures from back on track who would really make an unexpected appearance shaving off a couple clicks I could have potentially skipped these are the new hero Brian after this excruciating ending I was able to finish with 41 total clicks all this was less than dry out or polargeist this was likely the hardest one yet with us breaking the 200 click barrier I wonder how many OBS when I approach finger Dash unfortunately the jump Rings would finally make a comeback as Rob finally decided to spice up levels gameplay how dare him anyway this pre-drop was brutal but at least I was able to use this copy face to dry out cornrow save a couple of clicks leading us to the drop now unlike the previous levels this drop was horrible throughout it or plastered long unavoidable jump ring segments I eat up tons of clicks by the time we reach the part we're already at 40. which is where biggest After Base would have ended it didn't help that the second drop would be even less open and despite me taking an automatic coin route I would still finish this elbow in a Troublesome 71 clicks I guess Can't Let Go can like go fold it I'm sorry remember how a base after base we had her die in order to save an input while that strategy would finally make a comeback and jumper now despite being called jumper there were many places you could jump besides the main path like can't let go I would be able to save some Clicks in the ship section as by landing on the ledges of these blocks I would be able to rest even if it was for a split second while this did make the part infinitely more difficult I was able to snatch the secret coin so I'm not complaining well they say clicks from the ship I would finish the final part in only 68 clicks significantly less than can't let goes time machine would be the Calm before the storm while this was the first ever level included after the game's release the appeal of the level the mirror portal fortunately wouldn't change much sparing me my sanity for now at least time machine ended up being very similar to can't let go because the level feels very claustrophobic at times it also ended up buying this jumping chain which while making the gameplay more interesting would also hinder the amount of potential click saves I was also beginning to notice how difficult ship parts were getting previously it might have been the occasional structure here and there with some spikes on the ceiling but now we had to come this due to the ship's nature it doesn't need the clicks but makes you want to go into a time machine and never play the subwo again after completing this extremely awkward ship ending we would get a total of 71 clicks Ty can let go of inputs and also driving people insane with our total click on our breaking the 300 click barrier I knew things were only just getting started the gravity ball would be introduced in Cycles which has to be one of the worst features for this challenge you can't hold with the ball so no matter how hard you'll try to save a few clicks you'll only be able to skip one or two this will make the level the easiest to perform but also the least optimized and while I would save a few clicks here and there it wouldn't prevent my painful total of 79. the most out of any so far let's hope xdap isn't as bad except when introduce the blue jump ring which had me worried usually when an update has a feature Rob showcases it throughout the whole level where surprisingly there are only five of them in this insignificant ballpark at the end of the level the only reason it could really give as to why he did this was because he added them later to development as for example there are parts of finger Dash that use little color triggers right next to the updated color triggers this isn't any ground to complain on however as it saves tons of clicks anyway the level would start off similar to psychos until you approach the ship part which is brutal but if you thought this part was awkward you haven't seen anything yet the drop would feature these blue pad structures that normally players avoid while they don't instantly kill you they can easily mess up your line of sight fortunately I would use them to my advantage as by awkwardly targeting a few of them you're able to save hundreds of clicks I was even able to collect every single coin into this level which is something I hadn't been able to do since Base After Base but still after collecting these coins abusing these pads and skip these jump rings I would still beat this in over 85 clicks the highest so far let's see if things continue to worsen when I opened Carter phone guy immediately noticed that Rob can't let go of this dumb jump ring team that I thought disappeared since time machine anyway the level would introduce size portals which weren't much to worry about besides the drop the climax of a level would be a ballpark which is clearly troubling for many reasons and unlike levels like Cycles there weren't any skips so a player who isn't even doing this challenge would complete the part in the same amount of clicks as this how absurd the ship wouldn't get any better as it was structured in a way that didn't let you hold up and down forcing you to awkwardly resort to hitting these staircases but if you thought this mess of a level was over you were far from correct Rob was really liking this claustrophobic field that had appeared in many levels prior like time machine and Cycles disabling me from shaving off lots of clicks I was even forced to take this Infamous third coin that was more inconsistent than 2.2's release date this was easily the worst level for this challenge yet as there was no room for error finishing with 103 clicks the jump ring chains the ballparks the infamously typed quarters all led up to this quantity was this how all future levels would be remember how in base after base you had or die in order to save an input well this would make a comeback once again in theory of everything after everything I had gone through this level seemed to be a resting Point sure there were jump Rings everywhere but it couldn't get any worse right the UFO eats up tons of inputs despite being an Airborne vehicle and it wasn't as bad as the gravity ball as there was still somewhat in control of how many inputs it would take to clear some sections but barely the UFO was everywhere in the shovel but what if I told you that despite there being a huge portion of the level left I would still save more inputs than click 18 from serial Madness you see after collecting his out copycat of a coin we would approach this set of slabs normally you're supposed to boost yourself with this jump Pad but instead you can opt to do badly squares in between these saws and falling to the ground you think that there'd at least be spikes at the bottom to prevent you from skipping the level but no it's empty allowing us to pass in only 83 clicks it's possible that the level would have tied clutterfunk if not for the secret way but I guess I'll never know electroman Adventures is commonly regarded as a combo for the storm unfortunately Rob decided to put these Spike pillars everywhere preventing me from holding anywhere this level felt really similar to Cycles as there were many places you could save clicks the biggest skip I was able to do was with this third coin where the route is easier than the main path I really don't understand why these kinds of coins exist but I'm not complaining the level would take 96 clicks but it would be nothing compared to our first demon Level Club stat Club 7 be another level to utilize the dying mechanic to save an input something that was definitely needed for the SAS pool when you enter the map hundreds of jump rings are shoved in your face that are completely unavoidable even this cornrow couldn't save me from my demise the only section of the level that had any Breathing Room would be this memory section that unfortunately lasted at most a few seconds the rest of the level would be relentless having no room for error whatsoever especially with sections like this UFO there isn't even a part I can put for being harder than everything else due to them all being brutal if you don't believe me just look at this section I don't even have to say anything I searched everywhere for possible skips but I found barely any and by the time the player would touch the Finish Line they had already spent 115 clicks the total pool of clicks was now nearing 1000 with every level one-upping each other it's insane that we went from 30 and back on track to over a hundred and Club staff well we wouldn't get a demon for a few more Levels by the time we did things would get insane electrodynamics would be another level to use a dime mechanic followed by one of the most awkward pre-drops imaginable it's finally lasting a couple seconds after the drop hits were introduced to two times speed which greatly affects the challenge making previously impossible saves possible this doesn't make this any easier however as setups like you going above the saw on the ship to save an input causes the level to be very consistent I seriously think that no one on earth has ever done this swag route after grinding away Clicks in this UFO part we approach the second drop being the worst one thus far even without this challenge this section is brutal but what they it's near impossible you can't tell me that barely avoiding these spikes on the ground and ceiling can never get consistent and Upon finishing this excruciating part we reached the Finish Line with 91 clicks significantly less sudden levels like cluttered Funk and clubstack is it possible that we could use these speed portals to our advantage while hexagon force would introduce duels the more important feature are slopes which save tons of inputs instead of barely gliding on these blocky Cliffs we're gonna set up to rest on them that applies to the ship section at the start which is one of the best official level Parts seriously it's just so enjoyable to fly through unfortunately though that would all be ruined with this cute part normally this section is very fun to play as you can buffer nearly every click with these jump Rings that's awful for this challenge though so instead we have to use these very convenient spy kit boxes to touch the tip of the slope this saves a few clicks and even allows us to skip this slow speed portal on this UFO section which feels so cursed out of this whole challenge this part was the hardest to do consistently even harder than any section in club step or electrodynamics however it doesn't end there in in this dual ship you can barely squeeze to this guy to skip a size portal allowing us to glide on these slopes way more than we could have normally since we're many we're also able to land this otherwise impossible secret way shaving off hundreds of potential clicks seriously without the ending of hexagon force is it's possible that we could have gone into hundreds if not for the secret way along as the Finish was 76 clicks could this be a Redemption Arc blast processing would finally introduce the wave one of the best game modes for this challenge the previous Ada bought a lot of clicks either from set pass you need to follow or not being able to go higher very well the wave is similar to the ship where you can go from the bottom and top of the screen in only a single input unfortunately though there are many wave parts as Rob wanted to actually make the gameplay interesting quite unfortunate fortunately the second and third coin would really come in clutch and after a very awkward ending it's possible to beat this in only 90 four clicks while this is significantly more than the previous two rob dabbled into every mode for this level especially the UFO and ball preventing a lot of potential click saves let's see how our second demon level will be with all this new content another level that would use the dive strategy would be Theory of Everything too our second demon level we would instantly be met with tons of jump ring splattered everywhere with clicks 10 through 13 being the worst Defenders there is no way on Earth that this would ever get consistent luckily though in this drop part we're able to easily skip this speed portal by holding as the ship causing this UFO apart to continue being two times speed it also seemed that Rob forgot to play test the ball because there are more skips in this than the impossible game most of the level would be carried by way which is an absolute Lifesaver another Lifesaver would be this iconic third coin that I was able to collect what's with coin routes being easier than the main pass I don't get it we reached Finish Line with over 120 clicks way more than Club set this level definitely required more knowledge of the game and the frequent game mode changes certainly did not help and unlike clap step we would soon have another demon level enter the ring this time being the hardest getting under 2 000 Clicks in our pool would be a miracle by this point geometrical Dominator would begin with a dying strategy a good start after that we would be introduced to the robot which is a lackluster mode while you can occasionally skip a jump ring here and there it's worse than the cube since you can't hold in a way that's useful while I was able to use a coin route here and there to save some clicks it didn't stop me from going over a hundred clicks levels were beginning to use the cube a lot less frequently and stuff like moving objects certainly didn't help the situation deadlocked would be our third and final demon level being the hardest one yet after the iconic death strategy jump rings are shoved in our face with most of them being unavoidable except this green jump ring chain and after sacrificing nearly the entirety of Studio mattis's inputs to the pre-drop we approached the wave and if you thought the wave was already bad enough then you probably wouldn't want to try this the amount of precision needed for this is insane we would then grab this key for the first coin which while being significantly more difficult would save a click or two despite the player not even collecting the coin afterwards after dodging these choppies and collecting a coin we would approach the worst part of the level now when I say the wave was extremely good for this challenge I wasn't lying but I couldn't say the same for your sanity despite only lasting a second or two it's enough to kill any consistency you'd have with the level the player still ends up finishing this part in over 150 clicks significantly more than three of everything two or Club set well you could get this record down to 120 I doubt it's humanly possible with the hardest level out of the way one level remains Finger Death should finally introduce a helpful jump ring the dash ring this ring allows you to skip sizable portions of the level like this section where you can skip this jump this would be completely normal however Rob decided to put an S Block in a Teleport portal meaning Rob knew of the existence of the Escape which is really strange to counteract that however J blocks were also added which wouldn't let you hold after hitting a blue jump ring also Rob decided to span these lasers everywhere with significantly hinders any saves we would also be introduced to the spider which is effectively a ball but a lot more limiting when was the last time you performed an alternative path into level with a spider aside from the similarities with the ball in Cycles the level also fuses claustrophobic acid as well why are these lasers everywhere but going through destruction is easily doable it doesn't make any sense there isn't much to say as this level is still not taking 116 clicks a lot more than level 6 Cycles or time machine bringing your total pool of clicks to 1700 while this was significantly better than 2000 I still feel like a lot of saves should have been achievable but I just weren't I doubt this challenge will ever be completed but a challenge I was able to complete was surviving 100 recent levels go check it out and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Cob
Views: 18,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometrydash, geometry dash, gdcob, challenge, impossible, least clicks, secret way, theory of everything secret way, stereo madness least clicks, stereo madness 24 clicks, least clicks gd
Id: E3mFOtiSY9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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