HOW TO BE THANKFUL in all circumstances | by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle

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give thanks always and for everything always and for everything but he adds in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father don't give thanks according to your criteria and norms topic Tallulah anomaly kunkka Ellen mark Pappas anima seguro mass Merriman reg'lar Casa pass a llama you [Music] my dear brothers and sisters in Christ as we said at the beginning of the mass we truly give thanks to God for having gathered us as one community as one family of faith as one Archdiocese as one church and we thank God for the calling that we have received not just individually but as one community to witness to his gospel to serve his name in our neighbor and to be the sign that God truly reigns there is much to thank the Lord for as we sang at the beginning of mass by young teen Awad na ma ke s uu Cristo just that already deserves our gratitude and Thanksgiving to be called by the Father in Jesus Christ to be one body one people the people of God the body of Christ the living temple of the Holy Spirit but what does it mean to give thanks don't get offended ha phonetic nan : I hope Aaron wong hindi naman octopus a lama dear I am magma Hana major and but what what really does it mean to give thanks we are those are some of the earth first words that we learn as children Salameh thank you thanks but what does it mean especially if we have readings like those that we have today from the second book of Samuel David succeeding to Saul as the king and the tribes of Hebron really begged him be our King but then the people of Jerusalem sent word to David you cannot enter here but David still took the city of Zion and he became more powerful steadily coming from Jerusalem the holy city the message of rejection Kushina bianca vamos Abajo salamat Oh Yahoo Makita amo Salaam ha anong ginagawa mo dito nya's Santa Marta what does it mean to give thanks then in the gospel from Jerusalem again wan-koo bottom Jerusalem later in the first reading from Jerusalem came the message to David you cannot enter in the gospel from Jerusalem the scribes said of Jesus he is possessed by the Prince of demons yeah you see him performing miracles driving out demons why can he do it because he is possessed by the Prince of demons so when Jesus opens his mouth the demons obey their boss who has taken over Jesus they did not want to believe that Jesus was the vessel of the Holy Spirit instead they interpreted his miraculous actions liberating people from the clutches of the evil one as a sign he is a collaborator of the demons at Sanga lingyun subscribes from Jerusalem o Jerusalem Jerusalem a holy city yet also ambivalent the place of the temple yet also the place where profits are maligned and killed Oh Jerusalem the place where sacrifices are offered to God yet also the place where people are sacrificed because of ambition greed rigidity Oh Jerusalem but in all of this King David gives thanks and takes over Jerusalem Jesus will give thanks even with the rejection by Jerusalem what does it mean to give thanks nog researcher who non-community as Yahoo miss Morland Econoline in behind and abba eban sabina Mokpo Salama deepika battle again mohammed what what generates that sense of gratitude welling up to Thanksgiving in the first letter of st. Paul to the Thessalonians he says admonish the idle cheer the faint-hearted support the weak be patient with all see that no one returns evil for evil rather always seek what is good for each other and for all rejoice always pray without ceasing in all circumstances give thanks for that is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus you want to scratch your head in all circumstances give thanks for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus so for st. Paul it is not just give thanks but give thanks in Christ Jesus give thanks through Christ Jesus then we will learn the true meaning of Thanksgiving then we understand why st. Paul can say in the midst of your mission admonished the idle make--can cabin and idle in the minutiae bohemian serbian mo italian here the faint-hearted you maluma support the weak be patient with all that's enough to stop giving thanks but give thanks in Christ Jesus who admonished the idol who cheered the faint-hearted who support the weak and who was patient with all who never returned evil for evil even when he was misjudged and he prayed without ceasing it is by doing what Jesus does or did that we might understand what Thanksgiving means in the letter to the Ephesians st. Paul says be filled with the Holy Spirit give thanks always and for everything always and for everything but he adds in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father don't give thanks according to your criteria and norms capital an anomaly punkah Ilana Papa Salama seguro mas maraming wreck llama paisa pozzolana pero on Sabini san pablo Mokpo salaamed son me esos Hindi supernal oniton a comes upon a linear sauce ma Papa Salama lodging at para saga hard yeah cause a massive Thanksgiving it to hear the letter to the Colossians Sabini San Pablo whatever you do in word or deed do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus a unanimous in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him this is a beautiful line when we do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus whether in world or indeed it is an occasion to give thanks to the Father through him giving thanks it is recognizing God who is good whose mercy endures forever give thanks to the Lord for he is good his mercy endures forever to the Lord for he is good his mercy endures forever we don't give thanks because I got this I got that we don't give thanks because I won the lottery I warned the bingo I don't give thanks because my enemy vada pav booting ha ha ha the object of Thanksgiving is I behold the Lord who is good who is always good the God that we may not always understand but in faith we know God is good God's designs are not our designs sometimes God's designs disrupt our plans but we say I believe God is good we fall we falter him we are disappointed with ourselves but we know God is good and His mercy endures forever that's the reason for Thanksgiving God and what can we give to God as an act of Thanksgiving st. Paul says do everything in the name of Christ it is not just saying Salameh thank you but it is living our lives doing everything in word and deed in the name of Christ that is Thanksgiving to God the Eucharist the word Eucharist means thanks giving how did Jesus give thanks to the father this is my body for you this is my blood for you the moment of death was the moment of supreme Thanksgiving Thanksgiving in the darkness of of the horror of death but the conviction God is good his mercy endures forever so I will give my body I will give my blood as a living pleasing sacrifice an act of thanks giving my dear brothers and sisters in the Archdiocese of Manila let that be our daily Thanksgiving to the Lord in whatever we do in world indeed do it with Jesus in the name of Jesus let every action be Eucharistic this is me this is my body for you God and for you my neighbors that is Thanksgiving in the way and the name of Jesus and I want to thank all of you for such a witness of that giving of self to the Archdiocese in all circumstances whether plea Pleasant or not you have always been there our fellow priests the religious the laypeople our collaborators it is a never-ending Eucharist in the way of Jesus Here I am to serve this is my body this is my blood thanks giving give thanks to the Lord for he is good his mercy endures forever you
Channel: Faith Watch
Views: 55,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cardinal Chito Tagle, Cardinal Tagle, How to be thankful, be thankful, cardinal luis antonio tagle, luis antonio tagle, philippines, manila
Id: _VvhMUdK_Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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