The TRUE and TRAGIC History Behind the Lorax

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did you know that the movie The Lorax In Search Of The Lost truffala was inspired by a diary containing tragic accounts have you ever heard of the evil version of The Lorax true wax The Lorax meme has become quite famous [Music] and perhaps you have no idea but the story behind The Lorax is much sadder and crueler than you can imagine let's now uncover all the mystery behind the tragic and real story that may have inspired this animated film when someone says there are only Disney and DreamWorks in the world of Animation illumination looks and laughs yeah folks for quite some time now the studio that created the minions and company has been making a strong presence in cinemas just as Super Mario Brothers the movie and today we're going to talk about one of the coolest animations from the studio The Lorax in search of the lost truffalo the film was released in 2012. makes me very nostalgic for the good old day so quite a few Summers have passed since then but recently the film has been gaining a lot of prominence again mainly because of the message it conveys [Applause] creepy so if you've already watched this movie rest assured that we're gonna tell you many things you had no idea about and if you haven't watched it yet you're going to learn the origin of everything that inspired the whole story before we delve into the real origin of the lorax's story we need to know that the film was the third one released by illumination following Despicable Me and hop the film performed well at the box office and managed to convey to some extent the message of the book that inspired the movie did you chop down this tree uh new really I think he did it the book with the same name was released in 1970 and tells a somewhat different story from what we see in the film it was written by Dr Seuss an author of children's books in fact Dr Seuss was a pseudonym a fake name he used to write his books as his real name was Theodore Geisel some claim he did this because big and powerful corporations hated Seuss's books and he took precautions to avoid personal problems now you might be wondering why those corporations hated his children's books so much if you've watched The Lorax or know its story you must know that it heavily criticizes the big industries that will do anything to make more and more money just like onceler the man responsible for completely destroying the Truffle of forest and that's one of the changes between the book and the film in the book onceler is the only villain in the story there is no O'Hare the other villain and in the book he is truly just evil and greedy not a poor boy who is rejected by his family and only and nothing is going to stop me that's just one of the many differences between the original book and the story depicted in the movie so The Lorax is kind of a messenger from Mother Nature who can hear the trees cries of pain when they are cut down and tries to convince onceler to stop his greedy actions that were affecting the entire nature what are you doing here happy yet you fill that hole deep down inside you or do you still need more including animals like the barbalutes a bear species that fed on truffle of fruits as well as birds and fish that inhabited the area however all in vain as onceler doesn't stop until he cuts down the last Truffula Tree which becomes the final Cry of pain heard by the now lonely Lorax so as you've noticed The Lorax contains strong criticisms and is entirely focused on environmentalism and nature preservation now that you know the story that inspired the movie you can learn the story that inspired the book just as illuminations softened the story from the book Dr Seuss also softened the real story to publish his book for children and that's why we're gonna tell you now in 2021 a series of diary Pages was discovered on the internet found under a pile of rocks and due to the terms used in it there is a strong possibility that it served as the basis for The Lorax and was written by Dr Seuss it vividly describes day after day the process in which an industry called oncelers arrived and started clear-cutting an entire Forest I'll read some strong and exclusive excerpts here just for you but first if you're enjoying the video comment down below hashtag Lorax so we know you're enjoying the video or love the movie The Diary begins day one today I was called out of my Borough when I heard the Cry of a truffle a tree I confronted the young man who was cutting down the tree he said he was going to make a multi-purpose garment with its Tufts day seven dozens of people showed up and started cutting down the trees today I can't believe how fast they are the barbalutes and I embrace the trees but there are so many truffles that the workers simply cut down others day 12 they killed barbala one of the barbaloots he was tampering with a machine's engine when a security guard shot him onceler took barbala's body we will always remember your sacrifice barbala the diary goes on for days and at the end there is a list with 578 names presumed to be those who died during the deforestation process it also mentions that truffle seeds take 10 months to start growing 10 years to become trees and another 10 years to bear fruit just like in Dr Seuss's book thus this diary explains that truffle trees were definitively extinct from nature preventing any confirmation of the diary's authenticity in some way it is believed that Dr Seuss had access to this material which inspired him to write his book eventually becoming this illumination movie theorists believe this happened when he spent a few days in Africa in the same location where recently some scientists discovered some evidence that may have inspired The Lorax book and we're going to tell you what they are Dr Seuss was an environmentalist who enjoyed traveling to Exotic locations and discovering new types of animals and plants he and his wife visited a Wildlife Reserve in Kenya Africa in the same year The Lorax was written but before its publication during the their visit they certainly encountered a species called the POTUS monkey this monkey is completely distinct from any other primate take a look at their unique facial fur which forms a mustache-like pattern and their vibrant orange color don't you think they resemble someone coincidence I think not Dr Seuss was undoubtedly inspired by this animal when creating The Lorax as they share striking resemblances and inhabit the location he visited prior to writing his book what's even more fascinating is that the POTUS monkey relies heavily on a tree called Acacia drapanilobium which produces small wine colored fruits similar to those consumed by the barbalutes before the onceler depleted all the Truffula trees this connection makes perfect sense since both in the book and in the movie The Lorax speaks for the trees this aligns with the inspiration drawn from the POTUS monkey which depends on trees for survival therefore The Lorax is not a forest caretaker but a member of its eco system which is quite remarkable Dr Seuss undoubtedly Drew inspiration from real animals and trees to write his story as for the diary its authenticity cannot be verified remaining an enigma however its narrative perfectly aligns with the names of the characters and the details observed in The Lorax one notable aspect is the fact that the name onceler found in the diary is the same given to the villain in The Lorax similarly there is an undeniable resemblance between the POTUS monkey and the character of The Lorax as illustrated by Dr Seuss another undeniable fact is that companies and industries of that era made Relentless efforts to suppress the children's book failing to do so they created their own children's tale a bizarre opposite version of The Lorax called Truax the story of Truex is bizarre and quite strange and there won't be enough time to tell it here in this video but it certainly exists so tell us would you like us to make a video telling the subs third and bizarre version of The Lorax called Truax leave a comment below in both the movie and the book onceler was left completely alone in his abandoned Factory since the trees were gone the animals either died or went somewhere else and even The Lorax himself while pulling his tail ascended to a small and solitary patch of blue sky that could still be seen only one last seed remained which onceler gave to the boy so he could plant and take care of it at the same time he finally understands the words that The Lorax left behind on a pile of stones which read unless onceler realizes that it means unless someone cares cares a whole awful lot nothing is going to get better by speaking these words to the boy and uttering this phrase onceler shows his remorse but also demonstrates that the harm done can only be fixed by those who come after just like that boy who could do so by planting the last truffle seed and who knows creating a neutral Buffalo Forest over the years many years that was the tragic story that many believe served as inspiration for the creation of The Lorax the book and subsequently the movie tell us what did you think of all this have you watched The Lorax are you interested in watching it don't forget to like this video And subscribe to our channel so you don't miss our upcoming videos until next time bye bye
Channel: The Movies
Views: 865,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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