Every Super Mario Bros. Movie Easter Egg

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we found over 300 Easter eggs in the Super Mario Brothers movie let's get to it the movie begins like a Mario Kart race complete with burnout Bowser emerges from the Flames like in the intro to Super Smash Brothers Malay cic has the same classic sound along with magical colored Sparkles like in the games the Mario Brothers Plum this rap song is ripped directly from the Super Mario Brothers Super Show the logo for the Bros Plumbing business uses the same font as the classic Super Mario Brothers logo and the 2D Mario is in the same style as the artwork for those classic games this store is called gyro market and has a robot head for a logo which is a direct reference to rob the robot and his NES game gyromite Luigi does the Luigi's Mansion face they're wearing The Capes from Super Mario World this map is packed full of secrets including two roads called luck card Street and hona Fooda Avenue both of which reference Nintendo's history of making playing cards and right next door we have 1889 Street which is a Direction shout out to the year that Nintendo was founded then we have link Street possibly referencing Zelda and then there's also a place called mushroom Planet which might be a little on the nose finally we have punch out which is short for Punch Out Pizzeria which just so happens to be where Mario and Luigi are watching this ad from and that name might explain why there's a ton of boxers from Punch Out Wei plastered all over the walls including glass Joe piston Hondo bald bow Bear Hugger Don Flamingo Von Kaiser Aaron Ryan King Hippo Super Macho Man doc Lewis including in the form of the bike scene from the original game and last but not least Little Mac along with his shorts and gloves hung separately but it's not just punch out referenced here as duck hunt can be found here too along with a model of a flag pull from Super Mario Brothers and did you catch the 77 on the flag portion that's a reference to the birth year of one of the movie's directors being Michael galenic born in 1977 the news ticker on the TV here reveals two Nintendo related stories first that stol and vegetables were recovered by the Ice Climbers and second that police are responding to a disturbance near Hogan's alley and then there's a Donkey Kong sorry Jumpman arcade machine in the back only with a Yeti replacing DK a remodeled Damsel in Distress and a retooled protagonist replacing Mario speaking of which the man playing it looks suspiciously like the original Mario or Jumpman in this case from Donkey Kong including the same classic color scheme and handlebar mustache and that man or jump man I should say is voiced by none other than the voice of Mario in the games himself Charles Martine which adds a cute extra layer when he compliments the brother's thick Italian Accents in the commercial just before striking that classic Mario post to much it's perfect wo okay I'm going to trust you it's Spike spike you know from Wrecking Crew and no I don't just mean the company he clearly works for now but the actual NES game of the same name which is where this guy first appeared before going Mia for a few decades the black and white tiles here might be a reference to the famous floor pattern from Super Mario Brothers 3 Luigi's ringtone is the GameCube startup [Music] sound the unknown caller has a mi icon for their profile Mario has an M symbol on his key ring the three manual gears here are reminiscent of a countdown of Mario Kart the Sunshine Travel Agency is a clear reference to Super Mario Sunshine including the identical font dolphins in the shape of Al doino and even the sun icon in the corner the custom license plate reads Mario Bro only with a few numbers in the place of letters the logo ver City bike here is in the same style as exite bike on the NES even their mascot is a character from the game the sticker reads we love pixel and the Mario games have historically been made of them this isn't exactly a reference but I have to point out that the newspaper here reads the mustache is back who knew Mario Luigi weree to the latest fashion trends there's a Game and Watch character on that grocery truck and another on the caution sign right after did you catch that this entire 2D sequence is a loose Recreation of level 1-1 from the original Super Mario Brothers the blocks here match up up perfectly with those at the start of the level including a green pipe afterward which itself is followed by a gap filling in for the bottomless pit then as in the game Mario jumps up a couple of raised platforms with that second platform looking a lot like the gerder from Donkey Kong and it ends with a staircase leading to a literal Castle or Castle burger in this case shaped just like the castle from the games with its Marquee sign standing in for the flag pole and it comes complete to that classic sound although these people may be rich there's no denying they have a refined sense of when it comes to gaming taste and that starts with the music playing during this scene which is actually the first Overworld theme from Super Mario Brothers 3 Francis holds on to the gold bone just like polter pup does in the Luigi's Mansion games only we think Francis wants Luigi dead instead revived speaking of dogs that's not a piece of abstract art it's actually a modern rendition of the Laughing Dog from Duck Hunt unfortunately we never get a great look at it but here's my reconstruction of it based on the few times you do see it the book He's reading is called Galaxy in reference to Mario Galaxy even the cover's planet looks like a straight from the game the glass sculpture here is a hidden Pikmin and while we're here we couldn't help but notice with modern lights look as that they're based on bricks from a Mario game Mario's dad looks suspiciously like Talon from The Legend of Zelda aquarina of time though this may be coincidental as Mario's family was reportedly based on unused designs that Nintendo had in their archives furthermore Mario's dad is also voiced by Charles Martine which is a cute way of paying homage to the original voice actor being literally the f of Mario hidden among the many family photos in the Bros household is one of Mario playing tennis in the exact same pose as in Mario Tennis Aces pay attention to this exchange yeah but what's with the outfits plumbers wearing white gloves that's right you got to have a trademark got to stand out Mario's explanation is the exact reason why he wears gloves in the games too so that movements stand out the left side of the cordless phone dock looks suspiciously like a blue joyc con there's a little mac flag on the wall behind the dinner table on the Shelf you'll find some someand rare wearing sheet from Super Mario Odyssey okay now we can't say for sure these next few are actual references but some of the textures in this house feel very Mario like such as the pixel likee patterns on the flatware that look a bit like floating blocks and staircases made out of bricks in the Mario games and then there's this design on the rug which looks a bit like Green Hills and red bricks and then in the center of it is a large white oval with a red outline you know a bit like Nintendo's own logo Mario has a baseball and a tennis racket likely in reference to games where he plays baseball and Tennis speaking of games Mario is apparently a fan of the Nintendo Classics not only is he playing kidicarus on an actual NES but there's a ton of Nintendo merchandise scattered around the room too like this arwing model from Star Fox along with a ton of pictures and posters based on various things such as NES golf NES tennis Kung Fu on the NES pro wrestling on the NES the polar bear from Ice Climbers and fzero on the Super Nintendo yeah Mario clearly has some good taste which is probably why he also has a calendar themed to excite bike NES furthermore Mario has a book called The Odyssey which of course is a reference to Super Mario Odyssey that news icon is the same as Mario Kart TVs from Mario Kart 8 it's mayor Pauline and we know she's the mayor because of a news headline that appeared earlier stating she won re-election in a landslide Victory speaking of which we've got more news ticker updates for you first up NASA detects signal from star system FS 176 which if you're a huge nerd like us you might recognize as being a Metroid reference specifically to a star in the Talon system which also means that Metroid takes place in the same universe could there be a Mario and Samus crossover someday next up Rami wins Wave Race Championship despite average stats which of course is a reference to riota Hami from wav R 64 who indeed had pretty average stats all around the next report stated that local authorities investigating reports of underground crab sightings which is a reference to the Mario Brothers arcade game where Mario and Luigi fought off various creatures including crabs in the sewers finally we have a story that we can just barely see the start of being vwa Championship which based on the vwa acronym which stands for video wrestling Association we know is also a reference to pro wrestling on the NES once again the duck from Duck Hunt is this restaurant's logo is this place run by that Laughing Dog here's a crazy one the hole in the brick wall is in the same shape as eight bit Mario's head W when under round Mario Luigi passed by a sign that reads level 1-2 which doubles as a clever reference to the underground stage in the original Super Mario Brothers and just when it pops up on screen you also hear the classic notes from the same underground tune the war pipe sequence is similar to the opening of Super Mario 3D World completed Mario gang spit out onto the grass in the end and then the yellow butterflies fly away just like in the ending to Mario Galaxy these small white birds are the same ones featured in Super Mario 3D Land and numerous games since that's a class classic Super Mario Brothers style castle in the background and there's another up on the hill where we can see it has a flag pole too it's toad or actually Captain Toad as he clearly has the same backpack and sleeping bag combo we can even hear the captain Toad themed play a few seconds [Music] later the pins found in Toad's backpack are references to three levels in Super Mario Odyssey including the Mushroom Kingdom which is where we're at now the sand Kingdom toas Arina and falo falls and yes that's a classic stomp sound it was falling through a pipe between the flashlight crooked trees and how Luigi calls her Mario here Mario Mario this is basically Luigi's Mansion in the movie bats from Super Mario Galaxy dry bones and they make the same xoph like sand when knocked down a large Fortress surrounded by lava complet with Bowser Flags kind of like you'd expect to find at the end of a Mario game those are Mario World style mountains and these are bell-shaped trees like the ones in Super Mario 3D World the windows in these Toad Houses make it look like they have eyes you know like almost everything in the Mario games and that's a pretty sick Fountain featuring cheap cheap statues these Coin Block ATM machines look awfully similar to the coin blocks found in Super Paper Mario of course makes a classic coin sound too and that Treasure Chest icon on top is straight from Super Mario Brothers 3 this sign post has a fireflower icon on it and next to it are blocks with icons with a super Leaf mushroom and fireflower too with a bonus second fire flower behind it that's the crazy cap shop from Super Mario Odyssey including some of the hats there's a raccoon tail in the sign for some reason to thats on this poster and that's not all because the fancy frame that surrounds it is the same one for the tile screen as Super Mario Brothers 2 okay this antique store here is packed to the Gils of Nintendo goods for sale so let's go for our lightning round Super Mario World Dragon coin pee Wings retro style Keys retro style super Bells retro style P switches retro style Hammer music box from Super Mario Brothers 3 a boomerang flower a Yoshi egg in a glass case retro style lacu clouds exclamation blocks pea balloons trampolines the anchor item from Mario 3 a potion from Super Mario Brothers 2 the axe from the castles and Super Mario Brothers another Mario 3 style treasure chest and then if you listen close yes what you just have to blow into it that's an NES game the clerk's talking about there's also a sign here listing additional items including a Tanuki suit a super mushroom and a super leaf and over here we can see the icon for a Cape Feather and then there's a sandwich board for the antique shop itself on which we can see the iconic Hills from Super Mario Brothers and we're not done yet because the open sign for this shop is in the style of the original Super Mario Brothers title screen and just behind it is a picture of a fortress from that same game and then in the very back is a classic picture of Princess Peach from Super Mario Brothers 3 back when she had red hair wait a second are you telling me she's not a natural blonde talk about the lore woo so that's it for the antique shop so let's move on these construction toads are dressed just like in Super Mario Maker 2 speaking of which the hammer icon here is actually the super Hammer from that same game the map here is in the style of the world map from Super Mario Brothers 3 and the second map over here is based on Super Mario world's world map the way Mario jogs here is straight from Super Mario 3D World and that's where this clear pipe is from too the cutouts and the railing are mushroom shaped and these gold mushrooms with crayons that decorate the nearby p ERS might be based on Mario Kart's golden mushroom Peach's castle specifically being modeled after the one in Super Mario Odyssey it could be a coincidence but between the blue yellow and red toads here that covers every toad found in New Super Mario Brothers Wii okay I hate to ruin a good joke but our younger viewers might need the help our princess though is in another Castle this is a reference to the original Super Mario Brothers where almost every Castle ended with a toad telling you that the princess can be found in another Castle Toad's fondness for cooking is probably based on on these cut scenes from Captain Toad okay make sure you listen up for these next few as we've got some classic sound effects coming right up starting with the sound of a fully charged run meter in Super Mario Brothers 3 then we have the screeching to a stop sound from the same game and finally as a 3D map emerges you can hear the sound of Mario spawning onto the map from Super Mario Brothers 3 the icon below the map is actually the same Sun icon from Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Odyssey despite toadsworth not being in the the movie The Spirit of his fashion sense lives on to this Council of toads as they can be seen wearing a similar buttoned up shirt bow tie and for a couple of them even glasses too back to the map this island is shaped a bit like an N64 controller these decorations are based on the super Crown power up from new Super Mario Brothers U Deluxe this entire training area is basically a 3D version of Super Mario Maker hear that that's a sound of power up makes when it appears in Super Mario World which kind of makes sense seeing as how all of this came from a giant question block listen close whenever Peach wall jumps that's a sound of stomping an enemy from the same game when Peach leaps from the spring we hear the classic Stomps sound effect blink and you'll miss the cloud block complete to the smiley face when Peach lands from a high height here she tucks into a forward roll just like in Super Mario run this wooden cut out of Bowser might have been inspired by the one Super Mario 3D World classic sty leg pull and Stage clear music Peach can float in the air like in the games classic Mario jump sound and pose the falling donut left makes a classic dying sound Mario's forward Ariel from Smash Brothers he runs with his arms extended like in Super Mario Brothers 3 and World triple jump baby like in Mario 64 that Bowser's rave music is straight out Bowser's Fury this Bowser statue pose is straight up from a couple of the games baby Mario and baby Luigi's appearances are faithful to this series the toy flag has the pce symbol on it just like the flag pole in the original Super Mario Brothers That's a classic level clear theme from Super Mario Brothers toad throws and Spins is poor bitty buddy similar to Mario throwing Bowser in Mario 64 or later in the same movie that is definitely babal Battlefield from Mario 64 with the same Cannon Engle bridge and floating island this is straight up those Bridge levels from Super Mario Brothers with the jumping cheap cheps and this is toas Arina from Super Mario Odyssey although now also featuring The Tall statues from new Super Mario Brothers U this Yoshi Stampede is first seen in Smash Brothers Melee that's a Yoshi fruit this lovely view is of rock candy mindes from new Super Mario Brothers U Bowser's piano has ludig von Koopa written on it which could be both a reference to the koing of the same name or the real life ludig von Beethoven Bowser snort straight from the games this uh human where did he come from Yep they're playing the underground theme including coin oneup sound effects princess like him this statue is another classic Bowser pose classic Fireball sound Baby Peach has her same appearance from the games too complet with pink Binky hey it's Luma Lee from Mario Galaxy and it makes the same sound too that hood ornament is rambi the Rhino from Donkey Kong Country this gokart is basically from Mario Kart Double Dash with its rear passenger section and handle bar speaking of Mario Kart a lightning bolt from that game can be found on this gear shift lover furthermore the gorilla also throws a banana peel to create a track Hazard like in the games unfortunately the helpless victim just happens to be Swanky Kong from Donkey Kong Country 2 and three the entire track is held up by Red girder similar to the original Donkey Kong that's the glider for Mario Kart 7 and 8 this entire Temple is clearly based on the golden temple from Donkey on Country Returns complete with the golden palm trees the Kong Army wielding hammers of their main weapon could be a reference to the fact that the hammer also appeared in the original Donkey Kong speaking of which the Platforms in the Coliseum are obviously based on the original Donkey Kong arcade game 2 you can even find multiple blue ladders connecting to different levels just like in the [Applause] [Music] game that is the original DK rap from Donkey Kong 64 composed by the wonderful Grant kirco this Kong is a DK branded Bongo that looks just like a barrel from Donkey Kong Country that's Diddy Kong Dixie Kong and the rarely seen Chunky Kong which is a somewhat deep cut to this point the camera moves between Fighters like the beginning of a Smash Brothers match speaking of which Mario launches himself at DK in the exact same way as artwork in this trailer for smash BRS ultimate this ape holds up a blanket with a classic DK Sprite on it from the Donkey Kong arcade game also the ape shirt down here has a street sign on it with a number 64 which of course is a reference to Nintendo 64 and possibly Mario Kart 64 more specifically it is on like Donkey Kong he said the thing this is actually a reference to the final boss from Donkey Kong 94 on the Game Boy where he even tried to pound Mario with his fist in a similar way DK does a barrel role just like in the Donkey Kong Country games and then he throws a barrel down at Mario just like in the classic arcade game Donkey Kong blows out the fireflower just like how he can blow when Donkey Kong Country Returns DK claps Mario's head like a sid Smash and Super Smash Brothers it's for me now he said the thing okay we're not going to break them all down here but a ton of these animations that cad Mario uses are straight from Super Mario 3D World the music here not even close it's a starting music for the original Donkey Kong arcade game Diddy plays the Bongos just like in Donkey kongga this Hut along with all the others like it are inspired by the ones from Donkey Kong Country Returns that rocking chair is probably cranky Kong's in reference to his first appearance in Donkey Kong Country we've seen that rugs design before such as Super Nintendo world's entry portal to the upcoming Donkey Kong Country expansion and that map is in the same style as Super Mario worlds and that includes icons for the Cape Feather and three up moon from the same game but in addition we also have the locked door for Mario 3 along with a spade icon from the toadhouse card game in Mario 3 acting as the simple for North which is pretty clever also did you catch the giant eel here we'll have more on him soon and that might not be the only seed Beast portrayed on the map as this might be Nessie or Dory from Mario 64 and Mario Odyssey now just above the map is a lovely image of a silhouetted DK against the sunset backdrop you know like in Donkey Kong Country Returns and that's totally a picture of Funky Kong okay we've got a ton of Mario Kart Easter eggs coming up so I'm going to hand it off to our resident Mario Kart expert Tris to take it from here as soon as the scene cuts from Cranky Kong to the large Temple turned auto garage we can hear the Mario Kart 8 menu theme kick in the very same one you'd hear when choosing your character vehicle and more and we can see the roads down below are styled just like a starting line in Mario Kart with the different markings on the ground for Lanes as well as positions for cards to start in as well this Kong has a pauldron with 64 written on it and just past him this Kong's coveralls has the Banana Cup symbol on it pretty fitting if you ask me when Mario Peach and Toad walk up to choose their carts there's this interesting picture above them two hands holding a box with a circle in it and we can't help but be reminded of the Wii U gam pad with the steering wheel and horn in it from the original release of Mario Kart 8 anyway when the trios start building their cards it's the same menu from Mario Kart 8 complete with an a button to confirm but these roulettes have quite a few options in them for cards we see the standard bike the blue bitty buggy the red pipe frame the red bitty buggy and a teal pipe frame for Wheels we see the Cyber Slick Slim the standard Wheels slim with green instead of red in the center the standard Wheels with the blue Center instead blue slick Wheels with the yellow Center and standard Wheels with the red Center as for gliders we don't see as many of them but we do see the parachute a generic blue paroil and the standard glider and of course as they're spinning these roulettes to choose their carts we can hear the item roulette sound effect from Mario Kart 8 when we finally get a look at their Vehicles we can see that Mario and Peach both have their actual in-game emblems and Mario's cart seems to be a fusion of the pipe frame and the standard cart taking a short break from Mario Kart to focus on Bowser preparing for his wedding we see him wearing the same top hat from his wedding outfit in Super Mario Odyssey complete with the bouquet of piranha plants that he gives to Peach in the same game and seeing Kik dress as Princess Peach has happened multiple times in the Mario games including in New Super Mario Mar BR Wii and Mario and Luigi Dream Team but back to Mario Kart though we can see that Toad's cart also has his emblem on the front and at the end of this long road the ramp is designed like a dash panel only it seems to be more for aesthetic rather than actual boosting use but this of course leads us to Rainbow Road which is even introduced with the SNES Rainbow Road music and taking a look at this whole Army of drivers behind Mario we can see two possible funky Kongs one over here and one on the very left with the big red bandan and large sunglasses there's also a possible Kitty Kong just in front of him during the scene Mario also drifts to Blue Sparks the first tier the battle on Rainbow Road begins with green shell items in classic Mario Kart fashion only rather than being thrown they're being launched out of a cannon where where we can see even more of them are stored but what is thrown like a proper item or is nearly thrown at least is this bomb this Barrel turret is launching a variety items for the back of a cart and we can't help but think of Mario Kart Double Dash or even the fusion cart from Mario Kart arcade GP DX and we see another Cannon launching bananas similar to the banana Cannon item from Mario Kart tour one of these bikes looks like a Bullet Bill pretty similar to the bullet bike from Mario Kart Wii after splitting up we see Mario drifting to all three tiers going from Blue to Orange to purple Sparks even making the sound effects from drifting on rainbow road and in fact Mario isn't just drifting he may actually be snaking since he's going back and forth between them now this may be a deep cut but jumping to a lower path on Rainbow Road could be a reference to the shortcut from all the way back in Mario Kart 64's Rainbow Road of course the anti-gravity turns on when Mario enters the loop keeping him on the road these bullet bills being launched like missiles makes them pretty similar to a Bullet Bill frenzy in Mario Kart tour and as Mario takes out these Koopa chupas you can hear the Classic Shell kick sound effects taking a closer look at Peach's bike we can see buttons on the screen for a banana mushroom and a shell Mario takes part in using items too as he throws a banana peel just like in the actual games and we need to mention Mario riding with Donkey Kong Double Dash style the Koopa General transforms into the dreaded spiny shell I mean blue shell it's definitely official now Nintendo specifically the winged version from Mario Kart Double Dash DS and Wii and it even makes the same chasing sound effect from Mario Kart 8 as it swirls over Mario and DK and finally to close out this entire Mario Kart section the Kong Army are captured by Koopa clown cars when Peach and Toad arrive back in the Mushroom Kingdom we get a whole new look at the town here there's an aquarium shop on the left here featuring an urchin cheap chep spiny cheep a blooper and a jelly beam further left is some sort of green toad house that looks like a bank featuring a barrel decoration with a pow block on it and what looks like a coin bag specifically the kind found in the Mario Party series back inside Peach's castle we can see there are some Cloud designs in the windows similar to back in Super Mario Odyssey and Mario 64 where there were Cloud designs on the walls and through the panic of toet toown we can see this tool shop has Boomerang flowers and pow blocks for sale in Bowser's Castle this is the only moment of the film where kamik rides on his broomstick something we see fairly often in the games as Mario and Donkey Kong escaped from the giant eel enemy from Mario Mario 64 and Mario Odyssey They Ride the rocket Barrel just like in Donkey Kong Country Returns it even starts to sputter out just like in the game this cake topper is straight out of Super Mario Odyssey we've got King babom taking a seat and making a green shell start bouncing back and forth even making the combo counter sound effect from Super Mario Brothers and Seed elsewhere at the wedding is King Buu there's a shy guy bringing the Yoshi egg to the gift table Peach is specifically in a more pink version of her wedding dress from Super Mario Odyssey and Bowser is also in his full suit all righty and I'm going to toss it back to Andre for the rest of these Easter eggs okay so so far we've covered a ton of things in Mario's past but what if I told you we may have a reference to a future Mario game here because when Peach absorbs the ice flowers power this is actually the first time we've ever seen that as it's only ever been used by Mario Luigi and the toads in the games so when it eventually does happen in the games we can probably expect Peach to look something like this only you know without a wedding dress and the same thing is true here too for Donkey Kong and the fireflower I really need fire DEC in the games now it only took an hour and 10 minutes but Mario finally Stomps the glomba not just one but several of them in fact and it of course makes the same classic squish noise Mario runs with his arms behind them just like in the new Super Mario Brothers games Mario does the sliding kick from Mario 64 and speaking of which we can see Mario do a whirlwind jump as first seen in that same game game hey it's the Mario 3 treasure chest again but back to Mario 64 because he shell surfs just like in that game meanwhile DK does a spinning Kong move from Smash Brothers Mario hits a block to defeat an enemy we probably saw them earlier but I just noticed these blocks are straight from Super Mario 3D World Mario kicks a Koopa Shell through multiple enemies before it rebounds back at him which I'm sure is something we've all had happen to us multiple times in the games when Mario has the Tanuki suit he pulls off the famous Tail Spin Attack Mario and Donkey Kong use an Anchor's chain to climb up to the Airship again like in the 2D games that was another Bowser sound sample straight from the games huh a giant bullet build targeting Peach's castle where have I seen that before oh right Smash Brothers back in New York there's even more classic Nintendo game references to come like how the Car Wash's mascot is Balloon Man from balloon fight or how the ice cream shop here blizzard pop has the polar bear from Ice Climbers as its mascot and then just across the street we have a doctor's office that has a pills from Dr Mario in its logo and then this computer repair shop is called discon which is named after the mascot used for the famcom or NES in Japan you can even see him right there that ad is another reference to Nintendo's history as a playing card company that billboard way back there says Pinsky as in soda Pinsky from punchout we can actually see a neon sign for it right here too Bowser's Tail Spin Attack is right out of Mario Odyssey that Roar is also straight from the games that barber shop is styled after the card game from Mario 3 specifically the allstar version including the colorful border and the Spade icon again the Superstar theme baby and they're glowing like how Mario does when he gets a rainbow star in Mario Galaxy Mario Twirls in the air like when he has a superstar in Mario 3 it's hard to see but the card shop here might have a fuzzy as its mascot it's the tail throw from Super Mario 64 which coincidentally was also seen in the original Mario Brothers movie know not the live action 93 one but the anime called Super Mario Brothers the great mission to rescue Princess Peach Mario Luigi landed a meteor attack from Smash Brothers on Bowser tiny Bowser was also seen in the ending to Mario Galaxy 2 and putting him in a bottle is straight from Super Mario 3D World Mario and Luigi make their iconic jumping [Applause] poses hello that's the toad voice from the games you know it's pretty fitting that our final Easter egg involves an egg because this entire sequence of finding an egg in the rubble right as attaching is a direct reference to the ending of Godzilla 1998 who saw that one coming y yeah I should have guessed that woo we finally made it to the end of the video I can't believe we covered 344 references in Easter eggs I'm pretty sure we got all of them or at least most of them so I got to know the comments which one is your favorite so that I at least know I didn't waste my time here completely but hey I hope you had a great time I know I did I can't imagine ending this video in a better way so I'm going to log off now and I'll catch you guys later who's this guy that's a happy ending yeah or is it I thought it was because everything's over now and all that's left is you and the infinite void kind of makes you want to play saxophone huh yeah play some saxophone I needed that all right everyone we'll catch you later bye [Music] oh
Channel: GameXplain
Views: 485,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GameXplain, mario, mario movie, mario good, review, easter egg, hidden details, secrets, references, reference, homage, zelda, luigi, peach, daisy, bowser, toad, illumination, gaming, gamer, video game, movie, cinema, film, yoshi, Every Super Mario Bros. Movie Easter Egg, metroid, all easter eggs, mario movie secrets, mario movie easter eggs, the super mario bros movie secrets, chris pratt, jack black
Id: WKxrcbbZ4PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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