The Treasures of Jamaica Plain: Betrayal, Corruption, and Death - Fallout 4 Lore

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one day while exploring you may get attacked by a whole mess of mole rat that's not unusual mole rats are all over the place but the difference here is that these mole rats had just killed someone nearby we find the corpse of a man in combat armor named Hadrian he is stuck in a life ring and on his body are two notes the first is the Jamaica Plain Flyer the treasure of Jamaica Plain October 17th through the 23rd 2077 come see the fabulous treasures of Jamaica Plain this stunning exhibit will be on display for one week only before these priceless items are sealed away never to be seen again bring the entire family to this once-in-a-lifetime event the other note on his corpse is hedron's invitation Hadrian scar got a job you might be interested you know about to make a plane right place where they hid all that treasure before the war no one's ever found it account of all the cool Sall putting together a rain tea we still need a sniper even split it alone you are for it so you'll know where to find well it's clear that Hadrian never met Karl and never joined sales team we can find these Jamaica Plain flyers in other places too there's one inside the ruins of the Boston Airport in the terminal on a magazine rack we can find a fishing tournament ad this takes us to Lake Quanah poet I already did a video on that and a flyer for the treasures of Jamaica Plain there's also one in the market place of Samuel Hall heading downstairs we find a magazine rack where we find flyers advertising easy city downs I did a video on that already and also Jamaica Plain so a treasure at Jamaica Plain according to the note it was only going to be on display for one week and then it was going to be sealed away never to be seen again this makes me think of a time capsule of sorts let's head to Jamaica Plain to see if we can find it as soon as we arrive we get attacked by feral ghouls we were warned of this on the holotape they predict the treasure may still be there because it's been guarded all of these years by feral ghouls near the road that leads into Jamaica Plain we find a large billboard that still has an advertisement promoting the treasures of Jamaica Plain this must have been a big local event the town was going out of their way to promote it I wonder why the town is in utter shambles every house is absolutely destroyed and we find skeletons littering the ground propped up at dinner tables stuffed under cars there are skeletons around every corner in one of the houses we see a whole bunch of dead feral ghouls and blood on the ground Melissa strange we haven't been here yet how did all of these ghouls die heading upstairs would see more dead feral ghouls and they lead us to a broken room with two corpses stacked in the corner these two corpses are headless presumably the ghouls have eaten their heads but in previous games I've played their heads still existed and they were blue telling me that these people had been recently killed their bodies were just in the beginning stages of decomposition these are the corpses of Tanya and Ken Standish on Tanya's corpse we find a Jamaica Plain Flyer and a torn journal page the Jamaica Plain flyer is identical to the one we found on Adrian's corpse this leads me to believe that they may have been part of the same party possibly part of that treasure hunting party that Carl was putting together we can then read the torn journal page it was written on October 6th it's almost over as soon as we get the treasure I can finally do away with that damn woman and her leering looks at my Ken can't wait to wipe the smirk off that stupid face well they were clearly after the Jamaica plains treasure Ken and Tanya must be married they shared the same last name and she's apparently really possessive over him who was the quote damn woman who was leering after her Ken on Ken's corpse we found the Jamaica Plain archives key and a holotape Ken's invitation I can't call you do still looking for a score I got a lead for you you know Sal it's gonna she's after the treasures of Jamaica Plain biggest hall in the Commonwealth if you can get back the ghoul I know you died you have the skills this could be big you in it's from our good friend Karl so we sent a holotape invitation to both Hadrian and Kenan Tania Standish he again refers to sell but refers to her as a she ad mentions that she's a former gunner looks like Sal is going to be the leader of this ragtag band of treasure hunters not Carl Carl is just organizing them getting them together now that we know Sal is a woman Tanya's torn note makes a little bit more sense maybe Sal had eyes for her husband Ken maybe that's what was making Tanya jealous and maybe after she and Ken looted the treasure she had plans to betray Sal and kill her back outside the house and continuing along the road we find another trail of feral ghoul corpses these again were not done by me I wonder who killed them well as we explore this scene we can walk around some concrete barricades to find the decaying corpse of Carl Everett Carl's head is still here in this one and his face and hands are blue his corpse has been here for a while on his body we find the Jamaica Plain Town Hall key as well as Carl's log the first entry on Carl's log is Jamaica Plain raid team and here we get a list of everyone who was part of this raid team our suspicions are confirmed Sal is the lead she specializes in heavy weapons and then we hear of a man named Luke silver hand he's a gearhead that he's good at tech and Intel we haven't found him yet then we find Ken and Tanya Standish the two headless corpses we just explored ken was a scout specializing in locks traps and stealth Tanya was good at small arms and close quarters combat Hadrian was a sniper but Carl never got a response from him we know why he was killed by mole rats and last on the raid team is Carl Everett who's getting the hell out of here why did he want to leave the raid team the next item are the auguste log entries we learned that carl has made some enemies one of his enemies has put a bounty out on his head Sal an unscrupulous former gunner has confronted Carl and threatened to turn Carl in for the bounty unless Carl pays her she gives him 10 days to come up with the money before she turns him in and so Carl frantically starts looking for work but he's coming up with nothing he says all of the short-term gigs our firm mercs and gearheads no one needs a fixer Carl is a fixer what's a fixer well a fixer is a slang term for somebody who has good connections typically connections with other criminals a fixer uses his relationships with other people to put together jobs gigs teams teams like this treasure hunting team even though he has connections nobody's hiring a fixer and he needs to come up with the money on August 31st Carl comes up with the idea of trying to get so interested in the treasure of Jamaica Plain he says it's an old rumor but if I spin it right maybe I can convince Sal that I'm worth more than the price on my head and we learned that it worked he spun it well she bought it he managed to convince her that the treasures of Jamaica Plain were the greatest prize in the Commonwealth the big score that no one's ever pulled off she agrees not to turn him in for the bounty or to kill him herself but instead she wants him to work as a fixer and put together a team and so he calls in every favor he has sending out the message we heard to Hadrian sending out the message we heard to Ken and Tanya in the final entry we learned that he does believe there's something down there in Jamaica Plain something big he says the security sounds like it's insane turrets robots locks but no one's ever gotten that far because they can't get past the ghouls 200 years and no one's even come close what's the process and though is despite all the security none of the old papers really even mention it all we hear about the treasures of Jamaica Plain or the billboards and the Flyers the marketing material that this town put out themselves they're talking a lot about their own treasures but no one else really is Carl says that that sounds fishy to him he doesn't know why it's fishy and he hopes that Sal doesn't find out until he is far away the final entry is on Carl's lager from October and there are only two the first is about Hadrian the man in the life ring whom we found he says that he hasn't gotten any word from Hadrian but the others are all here he says that Tania Ken's wife is good for muscle and helps keep Ken in line but in his final note he's really upset he says that Sal insists that he goes along but Carl is just a fixer he doesn't have any special skills in combat or picking locks he just organizes people he uses his connections but sal is still insisting that he goes along Carl thinks it's because he knows too much he thinks that once Sal gets the treasure she's going to gut all of them he ends by saying that he doesn't think he's going to get out of there alive well he didn't but not because Sal murdered him but because he got overwhelmed by ghouls well if they were a team why are they so separated it seems odd to me that they would go to all the trouble to organize this team only to separate once they got attacked by ghouls of course once they separated the ghouls could pick them off one by one which so far is what we've seen but there were two more names on that list let's see if we can find them continuing down the road from this barricade we find a large church with a red door chain on the other side but the front door is chained from the other side we need to find a way inside right next to this is a stairway leading up to a house in a mailbox we find a note that says Help Wanted this Help Wanted note is advertising the Hallucigenia remember Hallucigenia find volunteers to be experimented on I covered the hallucinatory in my video on the topic which you can watch here heading on into the building we find more feral ghouls and we hear them walking around above us heading upstairs we find them and we can kill them but we hear more walking around where could they be well there's a third floor to this building heading up to the third floor we find it totally collapsed but a small path has been made with plywood leading to the church killing the ghouls in our path we can walk across the plywood to the roof of the church since I was in my jetpack I was able to jump on up to the bell tower and head down that way in this upper portion of the church we find an open safe with some Kim's and loot inside a duffel bag and a trap a tripwire connected to a short pipe rifle after you saw me them for the experience we can head on down and we'll see a cooking stove in the corner of this room sitting on a bench next to the cooking stove is luke silver hand one of the final members of the treasure hunting team like all the others on his corpse we find a Jamaica Plain Flyer and also silver hands note Luke's silver hand managed to find a manifest detailing the defences of the vault securing the treasure of Jamaica Plain he says that it was protected by a type 5 laser defense grid practically military-grade he says whatever's down there the security is the real deal and then we learned that he has plans to betray his entire team he says that it should be easy enough to let the others in then reactivate the defense system and let the turrets do the rest no need to get my hands dirty but Luca never had the opportunity to betray his teammates the ghouls got to him first near to his body we can loot a stash of caps and then unchain the door from this side to open it now we just have to find sound and of course the treasure near to the church we find an abandoned supermarket inside are two charging police protect Ron's this can be great news to those coming to make a plane at lower levels turning them into companions can be quite handy when attacked by all these schools west of this point we find a broken building with a workshop inside activating this workshop gives you access to this broken house as a settlement for your minim and settlers I've already completely built up this settlement I'm pretty pleased with the final result if you're interested you can watch my Jamaica Plain settlement build by clicking here but this is the edge of Jamaica Plain so heading back east we can open a pawlowski preservation shelter to loot a couple of radix and then the final building has a large rusted statues standing outside heading inside there are one or two ghouls to dispatch we can loot some of the containers and then take the steps upstairs upstairs we turn left to walk through a northern door and as we do a ghoul climbs over and overturned desk behind this desk we find the corpse of Sal on her body is the Jamaica Plain mayor's password and sells holotape worthless tattered scattered like Brad roaches and moments solid for school I've spent much prepping for this off there's no way I'm backing out now and treasure will be mine even if I have to dig it up with my bare hands and that's why they all failed they scattered as soon as they saw the ghouls because each of them were in it for themselves Tania planned to betray Sal because she was jealous of Sal looking at her husband according to Carl Sal was planning to betray them all to keep the treasure for herself Luke was planning to betray them all to turn the defense grid against them to keep the treasure for himself the only two who didn't have any plans of treachery were Carl and Hadrian Carl because he thought something sounded fishy about the treasure of Jamaica Plain he just wanted to get out of there and Hadrian because he got killed before he could even make plans to join them had they simply stuck together they might have survived here we can loot an end of Dungeons steamer trunk and then the police protect Ron's that I hacked got attacked by some ghouls I hopped on down to defend them and noticed a picnic area just outside this building with the large American flag erected outside this is a harrowing scene we find half a dozen skeletons out here all sitting at these picnic tables the tables are laid out with silverware and food looks like some large meal was going on here when the bombs dropped back inside and turning left we can go through a broken wall to find what looks like the mayor's office we see a wall safe with a red wire leading to a terminal on a desk this was the mayor's terminal and we can use the mayor's password that we found on Sal's body to activate it on the terminal we find the mayor's treasures exhibit speech this exhibit was all about the treasures of this small community the exhibit was about history culture memory and as we suspected they were planning on turning this into a time capsule they're going to commit these memories to the earth so that future generations may look back and remember where they came from was an invocation by a pastor then there was the sealing ceremony sealing off the vault and then a potluck dinner at the South Lawn this must be that large meal the remains of which we just saw the next note is called budget statement and this tells us a little bit more about the financials of the town of Jamaica Plain and we find a bit of a scandal for the 2077 fiscal year the town had 562 million dollars in revenue but their expenses were 574 million their expenses exceeded their revenue by well over 10 million dollars the scandalous part of this is that the biggest expense they have is salaries and benefits nearly 300 million dollars alone being dedicated to salaries and benefits everyone has to make a living even governmental employees but what constitutes a benefit this is a small town how many people shared three hundred million dollars as part of their salary or benefits the salaries exceed the town's operating expenses by over one hundred million dollars it's more expensive to pay the mayor and the other bureaucrats working for the town than to actually operate the town but the thing that really pushed them over was the treasurer's exhibit they spent nearly 40 million dollars on the treasurer's exhibit which is tiny compared to all of the others but had they not spent that they would have been cashflow positive the town would have made around 20 million dollars more than they spent from this terminal we can unlock the wall safe which has some caps and some ammunition and then we can use the Jamaica Plain Town Hall key to open the door leading down to the basement but of course this is unnecessary because the walls are broken we can just walk around the wall heading downstairs we find a door to the basement which we can unlock using the Town Hall key down the stairs to the basement we arrive in a lobby area lit by a single hanging fluorescent light there are two doors here going through the smaller broken brown wooden one leads to the maintenance room this room has a bunch of consoles inside and one janitor's terminal inside the terminal we learned that the electrics are on the fritz the place is running on emergency mode only that the HVAC is non-functional which is why we see all of that flammable gas floating around down here but the treasures exhibit is operating normally only because it's stuck unreserved power here we find the janitors facility logs and these go back many months to July 2077 the janitor is glad to hear that the City Council finally approved renovations to the basement is mainly concerned about fixing these leaky old pipes and maybe replacing the AC it's interesting to note that they agreed to renovate the basement only now and this poor janitor has had to fix leaking pipes and flaky air conditionings by himself while the mayor and her staff pulled nearly 300 million dollars each year in salaries and bonuses but in the next note we learned that at least these governmental employees appreciate the janitor the janitor was called up to fix the light in the break room only to have the entire staff standing there to celebrate his 25th anniversary working for the city they had a cake for him and everything he says it's hard to believe I've spent all these years down here in the basement he is really glad the renovation is going to be done because it's going to make this place a whole lot nicer but then things start to go downhill all of the money that was supposed to go into the renovations of this building the renovations that were so desperately needed to fix the leaky pipes to fix the air conditioning to fix the building's electric have been diverted to the mayor's pet project the ridiculous treasurer's thing he says the city ripped out his storage room and started laying in marble floors he says this is the craziest thing I've ever seen what's the mayor going to keep down here gold bars and the next note he says it's hard enough to keep the place running as it is when the city got the first cold day of fall the heating system completely shorted out there were lots of complaints but what's he supposed to do the money that was supposed to go into renovations are now being used on this treasures exhibit he says give it a month or two and everyone will wish they'd spent some of that money on maintenance this raises another scandal and lot of the finances we read on the mayor's terminal only thirty eight million dollars or so were slated for the treasures exhibit but from this janitors terminal we learn that many that was supposed to be spent on renovations which I believe was found in the maintenance section which was 75 million dollars was siphoned away and used instead for the treasures exhibit if that's the case then the mayor stole money from the city to spend on the pet project making it even more expensive than what it was supposed to be and leaving the city without the renovations that it paid for that it allocated funds for and after all of that despite all the money they're spending on this project they're still using this poor janitor to do most of the legwork they had him set up the protect Ron's then they had him set up what he calls a highfalutin laser security system the damn thing near killed me he says they've taken over half the basement with this fool thing but they can't be bothered to shore up the ceiling or fix the damn plumbing he can't believe the council is going along with this what a waste of taxpayer dollars to make things worse on October 18th after the exhibit had already opened it only got three visitors that day the janitor was surprised there were that many he thinks part of the reason may be that the security screenings are keeping everyone away the mayor still tried to put a good face on things but there's only so much she can do the janitor says that the city's wasted so much money on this boondoggle he'd be amazed if they don't impeach the mayor and her entire staff but the janitor is not a political man he's a simple man he's going to stay focused on keeping the pipes patched up and the tourists out of his office the final load comes the day the bombs dropped October 23rd 2077 he says I heard it it's bad outside now real bad kind of puts everything in perspective Don it there won't be as ceremony tonight mayor's probably already dead I'm going to close up the treasures then try and get out of here still the damnedest thing I've ever seen but maybe it'll mean something to someone someday now we already know from elsewhere that the bombs dropped on October 23rd 2077 they hit New York City in Pennsylvania at 9:42 a.m. and they hit Boston and Washington DC at 9:47 a.m. now I said earlier that the bombs must have dropped after they had the ceremony after they closed the vault and while the potluck dinner was going on because we found all those skeletons eating food outside at those picnic tables but here the janitor says that there's not going to be any ceremony tonight that would make sense because the bombs dropped in the morning his plan was to go close up the exhibit and then to leave which makes me wonder why so many people were sitting at picnic tables outside the mayor's office in Jamaica Plain eating a big dinner at 9:47 in the morning it seems like an odd time it's too late for breakfast but too early for lunch at any rate back out of the janitors room we then opened the large door with the giant wooden seal above it which leads to a presentation hall we see the lawn chairs still out there next to a podium and a microphone where the mayor was to give her speech just before closing the vault but of course that never happened because before she could the bombs dropped using the archives key which we found on one of the bodies we can open up a door to the left we'll explore that in just a second instead we'll turn around and go through the opposite door where we finally see the security defenses welcome to the treasures of Jamaica Plain the security system is active please present your identification through a large door we see dozens of laser tripwires now there are a number of ways we can get through this we could try to disarm them notice that we don't get any experience for disarming these tripwires Bethesda didn't want people to use this opportunity as a way to farm experience however we do get fiber-optics crystal and steel this is a useful way to farm for those components alternatively we can go to the nearby console where we find the Jamaica Plain janitors ID card sitting right on top of the card swiper loading the card we can swipe the ID card and that turns off the laser grid identification acknowledged welcome mayor you are clear to proceed some security the ID card was sitting right here but what happens if we don't turn it off well at the very end of this hallway there's a button we can press to reactivate the entire thing walking through trips the security and turns on all the turrets three laser turrets begin to attack [Applause] but if we have the archives key which we do we can skip this entire section by going through that room we unlocked earlier this is the archives room in this room we can find another key to the archives room Ken's lying on the ground lots of containers to loot and an expert locked safe we can go through a broken wall down a tunnel through another broken wall that leads to the vault I believe this can be easily explained by the notes we found on the janitors terminal talking about how this basement needed renovations we're going through a tunnel made from older brick clearly this is an older part of the building and instead of using the money to properly renovate this place they spent it on the vault so 200 years later there are giant holes on the walls and the ceiling is collapsing the security door in the vault led to that room that had all of the laser tripwires here we can push the button to reactivate them which closes the door or push it again to deactivate them which opens the door now there are to protect Ron's charging and protect Ron charging docks each connected to a terminal we could hack these to activate the protect Ron's to then hack and turn into temporary companions but because we have the Jamaica Plain mayor's password these protect Ron's will not turn hostile if we didn't have the mayor's password which we found on Sal's corpse and if we failed to hack this terminal the first time we would inadvertently activate these protect Ron's and we'd be forced to destroy them also notice the skeleton lying against the security door here the newsboy cap lying beneath the skeleton I believe is supposed to tell us that this is the corpse of the janitor remember the last thing he wrote is that he was going to close up this exhibit before trying to leave looks like he successfully closed the exhibit but not before he succumbed to radiation and died with the key in hand we can activate this terminal to open the door the door opens and a light flips on inside the hallway past the janitor skeleton and into the room we can press the big red button where's the gold where's the money where are the weapons where's the treasure on a table directly before us we find a note the note says this is a holiday it then goes on to describe the holotype technology as if we might not know what this technology is on top of this note was the hollow tape the treasures of Jamaica Plain welcome to the treasures of Jamaica Plain within the walls of this time capsule view our descendants will find the items and mementos we treasured in the Year 2077 to you 200 years in the future these relics may seem quaint but we hope that they will remind you of our place in history and your own wood as we lay the foundation for the world in which you live so you too will lay a foundation for future generations may that future be bright on behalf of all of us in 2077 we wish you well this is Mayor Alisa Park speaking for the town of Jamaica Plain there never was any treasure it was all a big marketing ploy this town was running out of money they were spending more money than they were getting so they invented the treasures of Jamaica plain as a way to lure tourists but it didn't work we learn from the janitor that no one really came to the exhibit it ended up being a huge waste of money instead of actual treasures the treasures we find are little mementos that were important to this town they thought that technology would advance over the next 200 years and that by 2277 people might be interested to look back and see what kind of technology they had to suffer with in 2077 but of course this is where technology stopped for the next 200 years everyone has been using the exact same technology that these people put in their time capsule the hollow tapes terminals nothing has advanced and so this time capsule isn't any more interesting to us than any of the ruined abandoned houses we've found in the Commonwealth we find another hollow tape here that shows off the inventory of this exhibit and look at number six Anchorage Veterans flag donated to the exhibit by private McKinney this is none other than the same private McKinney whom we meet in the operation Anchorage simulation I recently published a video showing off that battle where we got to meet the private and apparently he was a real person he wasn't just a nameless soldier invented for the simulation he was real got it makini Jesus you got a death wish he's up on that Ridge right over there [ __ ] damn it look it we've got to take out that goddamn sniper we're pinned in here and after he died his family donated the flag that the military gave him during his funeral a flag that was draped on his casket to this exhibit at Jamaica Plain if you want to meet private McKinney you can check out my video on operation Anchorage by clicking here we also learned that the two American flags on display here were gifted by Colonel Nelson Nelson pops up a number of times in Fallout 4 he was the guy working with Hallucigenia and he was the guy who worked with the Wilson automatized company on the scythe project which made munitions for the military specifically land mines looks like he must have lived in Jamaica Plain and here's my favorite tidbit we finally learned the brand name of all of these cigars we find hamdullah J's cigars we know that Kellogg's favorite cigars the San Francisco sunlight we find a few of them but most of the cigars we find are not San Francisco Sun lights Sun lights have the yellow band most of the cigars have a blue band well looks like the brand name of these cigars is hamdullah the exhibit had gifts from robco gifts from the boston bugle we find lab equipment from dr. Damien Hanson which was a gift from Hallucigenia that worked at Hallucigenia and Jamaica Plain we also find donations of surgical equipment and first-aid kits from Milton General Hospital clothing from Fallon's and we learn the names of to pre-war businesses a landscaping company called Burnett and associates and a jewelry company called D Miller & Sons the jewelry company must have been responsible for things like buckets and pocket watches that we find throughout the wasteland now there's only really one important loot item in here in one of the display cases we find the 2076 World Series baseball bat it's a legendary weapon that has a chance to send targets flying it has a distinct model with a unique wrap and a logo I gave this to Kate early on in my game it seemed like a great fit she ran around knocking people into the sky with his baseball bat got a squatter dog work now I looted all of the baseball paraphernalia in this display because we know of a certain baseball freak who operates a shop in diamond city heading back to Diamond City I wanted to talk with him to see if he had anything interesting to say looks like he's not interested in the ball or the glove he's only interested in the baseball bat because sure enough with the bed in my inventory I found a dialogue option to talk with him about it I have this 2076 World Series baseball bat interested what ha that that's an original oh look at that paint I'll give you 200 caps boring on the spot so I take it this bad as valuable now now let me be clear I I want it you bet your socks I do but but I'm a collector anyone else that bats just a piece of wood you'll want her to be in the hands of someone who appreciates what she means to history don't you what do you say we can barter him up to 400 and sell a ton if we do he's very grateful you got a deal he should caps thank you thank you but once we sell it to him it's gone from the world forever if we take a look at his inventory he doesn't have it available which means we can't buy it back I think it's great the Bethesda thought enough about this event to give us the option to solve a bat but it doesn't make any sense to sell this bad it's a unique weapon it's the only weapon in the game that allows you to knock somebody into the sky and it's a lot of fun to give to companions even if you don't use melee just to watch them use the effect would be a shame to sell it to mow and lose it forever but that ladies and gentlemen is the full story of Jamaica Plain home to a secret time capsule that has not seen the light of day for 200 years that has taunted treasure hunters leading them to their doom a treasure that has seduced people in flaming their own greed leading to treachery and death but a treasure that was only important to the people who buried it a treasure with no real value at all what are your thoughts on the treasure of Jamaica Plain were you disappointed when you open those of Ault doors only to find a baseball bat or did you think it was fitting let me know your thoughts in the comment section below I read all of your comments and I use your comments as inspiration for my future videos I publish a new video six days a week on a wide range of fallout topics so if you want to make sure that you don't miss tomorrow's video be sure to subscribe and to click that Bell notification button I've got a t-shirt shop folks that's right if you would like to wear an ox horn or a fallout inspired t-shirt check out my shop I'll link to it in the description below and if you like what I do and you want to support me in a more personal way consider becoming one of my patrons on patreon patreon subscribers can access to a private channel on my discord server as well as a bunch of other cool oxhorn perks but more than anything ladies and gentlemen I'm just so glad you're here watching this video with me today thank you so much for watching and I'll see you tomorrow morning bright and early with a brand new video daiquiri don't walk outside the wall undefended high quality protection for sale shop in safety no sense allowed at the turf plus
Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 1,657,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn, fallout 4, jamaica plain, treasures of jamaica plain
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 35sec (2075 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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