The Last Flight of the U.S.S. Constitution - Fallout 4 Lore

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while exploring the ruins east of Bunker Hill you'll come upon a giant wooden ship lodged in the ruins of a large building companions will often comment on the scene how in the hell did a shift get all the way up there as you get close you are approached by a mr. handy robot named lookout steady steady accessing pre-war records record found 109th Infantry Regiment 2nd battalion Oh aye there tis Providence a member of the Congressional armies a lever to us in our hour of need I was in the army but what's the congressional army standing order sir proclamation 3 all members of the US Army are hereby members of the congressional army the captain requests your presence on the bridge the double-quick SAR this lookout has different dialogue depending on whether or not you chose to use the male or female sole survivor if you choose male the lookout mentions your military record if you choose female the lookout mentions your career as a lawyer one of the scientists in advanced systems try to figure out how this boat could have ended up here eventually he just gave laughing scanning accessing pre-war records record found driver's license s 9 1 3 2 8 8 6 2 lawyer oh I their citizen you are hereby conscripted another congressional army you're doing what you don't have the authority to do that we are in desperate times madam Proclamation 22 allows all crew members to conscription essence for the warrant there's no way I'm joining your army under the terms of proclamation 22 your consent is not required we are in a state of emergency so now I'm in the army all right your cooperation is greatly appreciated madam this wrecked building was formerly called the Weatherby Savings and Loan this as a bank inside we find cash registers filled with pre-war money and we have to wind our way through the ruin to reach the top floor once at the top we can admire the large jets that seem to be attached to this ancient ship these almost look like the Rockets that we find in the arc jet systems building during the quest that we did when we met Paladin dance to enter the ship we open the bottom hatch and as we walk the captain of this vessel addresses his crew at length we are approached by a police protectron named first mate identified intruder intruder requesting permission to cute lethal force wait you're going to kill me we're the only ones that will be doing the killing around here affirmative this must be a misunderstanding you invited me aboard why we accepted that invitation is entirely another matter no records found try that and you'll be nothing but scrap metal pal I got no problem shooting robots threat detected awaiting permission to terminate target I captain standing down having survived our encounter with the first mate we can continue to the top floor to find a staircase that leads to the deck here we find the captain of this vessel a sentry bot wearing a stellar hat named Ironsides Oh none of your lip mr. navigator have the crow's nest and two points off the port bow jump to it hi our soldier has arrived I trust the first mate didn't give you too hard a time in too long since we've seen the congressional army are you broken why the hell are you talking like that the queen bull guilty of the common soldier it warms the circuits first ninth congressional army what why are you talking like that this is the pride of our Navy the USS Constitution as a commander it is my privilege to impose a certain measure of the Quorum mongst my crew thanks for calling a marvelous game shows you have the proper number of appendages still so all as well I am captain Ironsides commander of the USS Constitution why are you even here on this ship it's ancient this vessel has more than once been the seat of all great nation's naval power this is not fitting she'd on this mantle again you didn't explain why you're talking like that look around you in these times of great unrest is it not prudent to adopt the manner of a more civilized time that answer is not to your satisfaction I'm afraid you must make your peace with it are you crazy do you even know what year it is do not mistake my genteel manner for derangement sir I am fully aware but it is the year of our Lord 2287 your lookout told me to come up here why I confess we need your assistance you visit this fine vessel in trying times it called these long years on her airy perch damn you Willoughby savings alone I spit at you how did it even get up here now this I have to hear a harrowing tale of that there can be no doubt or I should say I assume it is I came upon her she is top the Sargassum sea of rubble and misfortune you should just abandon the ship I agree I take what I can and then burn the rest it is not in my character sir to retreat simply because the odds aren't great I will persevere that's quite a predicament well at least you've given us something to laugh at for a while a sad state of affairs for such a historic ship frankly I can't believe that hunk of wood is still in one piece oh that's we are in agreement what makes us me most is my inability to assist in the war effort my gun decks have not but more rats in there the whales as targets enough pleasantries the Constitution has systems that need repairs to carry out its mission what war effort against Communist China of course but if any redcoats or Canadians sail nearby I will give them a good thrashing to be sure to avenge the burning of our nation's capital would be a sweet victory indeed fix the ship yourself I don't take orders from you I insist you do sir it's a court-martial offense to disobey the orders of a superior officer if I helped you I expect part of the payment up front what's a singular request where are you in the Navy I would remind you of your oath but as a soldier I will authorize a performance bonds payable immediately consult with the ship's person consult with the booze in there mr. navigator and kin they will relay your instructions as soon as we are dismissed the ship gets attacked soldier man the cannons kill them only as a last resort a few warning shots usually scare that rattle off scavengers emerge from the ruins and start to attack for robots aboard the ship and you come out to the fence you can activate a nearby circuit which controls the cannons arrayed on the deck this fires the cannons annihilating most of the scavengers you can then pick off the rest of the ranged weapon or hop on down to deal with them personally when done we need to find the purser that Ironsides talked about to get our upfront fee this is the terminal on deck and it's here we learn a little bit of history about this ship the USS Constitution was a museum ship in Boston just like it is in the real world today that's right the USS Constitution is a ship from our own history it was designed by a man named Joshua Humphries who used an unusual design at the time they gave the ship a lung keel and narrow beam he mounted it with very heavy guns and extremely sick planking it gave the ship's hull greater strength than most frigates of the time which came in handy as this ship was used in many fights including the quasi-war of 1798 first Barbary war against the pirates the war of 1812 and it even had a role in the Civil War its most famous encounter was against the French vessel the HMS Garry air the Garry air opened fire upon the USS Constitution but the cannonballs just bounced off this was due to the exceptionally sick hull of Joshua Humphreys design the Constitution defeated the Gary air and became famous everyone nicknamed the ship Old Ironsides since the cannonballs just bounced off this of course is why the century but we find is named Ironsides back to fallout lore we learn from this terminal that Ironsides was a tourist pot his accent and way of speaking was likely programmed to be an amusing attraction however after the great war of 2077 Ironsides found ways to overwrite his programming to release himself as he says from the shackles of his tourist robot programming eventually he developed a mission of becoming captain of this vessel but we don't really know how it became equipped with the rocket boosters or how it got lodged in this building Ironsides tells us that the ship was like this when he got here which doesn't make a lot of sense if he's been here the whole time as a tourist robot maybe he's talking about his new personality his new role in life as captain of this vessel maybe that is when he counts his existence or maybe the Bostonians of the time in this Fallout universe equipped the vessel with these giant rocket boosters so that it could put on amusing shows possibly during the fourth of July at any rate we can collect our fee from this terminal and then head below deck to talk to the bosun your very presence does this humble gift a great honor my programming would find it amiss if I did not also interject blond leave the captain You certainly have her much obliged for the compliment is every robot honest her broken cooking face I may be missing a few parts and it considered standard on my model broken I should say not do you often just interject as you put it indeed I do I exclaimed on except and not because I've been reprogrammed five times that poor heartedly embrace these marvelous turns of phrase and anachronism my little heart burns with a fetus love in a pension for our captain Azhar why were you reprogrammed was the captain in one will confide this only as a cautionary tale the captain requires all crew to speak in the proper idiom we are the inheritors of a sacred tradition there was a time I thought he was well bowling with many programming or seasoned calculable wisdom Alex Marine expedition valiantly returned with much-needed supplies including replacement power cable sir alas we persevere lack of appendages finally self equal to the task of repairing the cables myself to someone else repair firstly this crew is programmed for Fort Marshall pursuits and they are dare I say useless in this endeavor oh we're I hale and hearty but fate is a cruel mistress how do you Your Honor I was stolen from me in their prime with a full to sector effect on their warranty the scavengers come blessed them object isn't they and they defended our sisters when the ship's surgeon still with us the ship had a surgeon what happened to him sadly he is no longer with us another casualty enough for ice gas in war with the scavengers it's passing it's a terrible loss look around the captain's mission brought us here but it was the surgeon will remove the Constitution now it falls to us to carry on his work I'm not a mechanical I would despair but it appears my despairing lead has been forcibly removed so instead I will awake the cables repairs with unbridled and I'll see what I can do about your cable offer you mind sorry emulators like they buy the microsecond once you have resolved this matter I beseech you to return to me to accept undying gratitude so he wants us to repair the power cables on this vessel we find big yellow cable boxes and if our intelligence is higher than 3 we can jerry-rig these ourselves otherwise we can find the necessary cables in a big metal box right next to the first yellow cable box with those in hand we can go to the three yellow cable boxes on the ship and repair the wiring we can then head back to the bosun to tell them of the good news listen o course is the Constitution signed again systems conserved regatta night a hearty congratulations Wow whoever they just brought to light further filters in a power grid the power relay from our Shan previously complained about is fluctuating wildly why are you ashamed of that the Morrell sir there were dark times but I mean all manner of baseless complaint against again the manner in which the ship is run and the possibility of our sacred mission but now I see the error of my ways the door help perhaps I can atone can't you fix anything yourself your criticism squarely hits the mark sir I fear the British builders many of fine mr. handy on its face I trick you to aid us once more don't worry I guess you have been running too late for you sir our relay coils are common enough time might I recommend checking the local shop case sir they would be some assistance fair winds and following seas on the wall we find a fuse box but now in this ship it's called a power relay box we need to find power relay coils and these are actually easy to find they drop off of machine-gun turrets all the time if we don't have any handy we can use an intelligence of 5 or greater to repair them otherwise we need to go and find some once repaired we can go back to the bosun our clothes and steady I would applaud you the last who cannot due to my lack of clamping instruments but the salsa bazaar please tell me we're done indeed we are so no more problems with the power area one it flows like a veritable torrent through our cables if I may say so the surgeon would be proud well you're very welcome both intuitive kind I require no further assistance but I'll miss the navigator it's also be sent by troubles scuttle buddies a guidance system is on our last legs if you've not already speak to it there Z well next up it's the navigator we find him topside from mr. navigator we can learn more about these scavenger attacks hi soldier scavenger threat eliminated damage assessment will commence after this unit has completed scheduled duties why did the scavengers attack scavengers have a dead ship 17 times destroyed 30% of ship's systems stole 5% of ships store logic error captain's orders authorized scavenger termination only if necessary to preserve the ship if they've attacked you 17 times why don't you fight back unit suggest captain's Cole processes in need of extensive maintenance I didn't know helping you guys would turn me into a target owning redundant entire Commonwealth region is classified as extremely dangerous you robots do a good job of defending a ship Proclamation what defend the Constitution by any means necessary guidance system offline multiple arrows diagnosed first error guidance chip stolen this unit requires its returned who stole your guidance chip guidance chip is one entry on the list of stolen items refrain ship at scavengers forward recon station captain has approved a bounty or a Twitter this boss is prohibited unless absolutely after pinging a lot and available for your use sir so the scavengers stole the ship's guidance chip and we need to find a way to get it back well there's a dinghy in the very back of the ship and the robots have turned it into a little elevator we can take the dinghy elevator down to the ground and then head west to top with the scavengers now I wanted to talk with these guys during the day so I found a bench and waited at daybreak even though it was raining I managed to find the scavengers in their headquarters they are led by a scavenger named Mandy Stiles oh shoot those didn't look at the ship on our orders they weren't trying to frag yeah anyhow they just wanted to kill the frickin robots so some of your guys almost got me killed we told those crazy not to attack it's not our fault alright so they were scavengers but not with you well they were kind of with us we're not really used to working together it's not like anyone is in charge but we do have an agreement everyone works together gets an equal share when you balls to board the ship those just kind of lost it they broke our agreement and paid for it how did you get aboard anyway we thought you were going to get cratered for sure does it really matter how I got a board fine don't tell me how I got a board is my business not yours alright forgive me for asking he knew I was an Army veteran zone he let me on the ship army isn't that some old-world mumbo-jumbo whatever get got the city inside huh all that Salvage the real mother lode just waiting to be stripped and sold he's all the junk inside really that valuable well yeah we could keep diamond City in parts for months with all them gizmos we never have to scrounge in the gutter and care so it all boils down to greed like it always does hey if we sell those gizmos I don't know they could help orphans and stuff us humans could use it a lot more than those robots so you talked with a tin can what do you have to say what do you think he said no frickin clue the only talking we ever did to that rust bucket was him yelling at us about chill hauling crap like that while his robots tried a murderer we talked about a lot of things let me guess he wants his computer chip back right well too bad it's our Salvage now you know what he needs it for his rocks the huge goddamn rock that's on the side of his boat he's nuts rockets why is he building rockets who knows maybe a bomb maybe I'll launch himself into space who cares it's valuable as hell that's what matters he didn't tell me that of course she didn't because he's off his damned rocker I'm sure there's a good reason he needs them you seriously want to help that idiot bolts for brains so he wants to build a rocket you can't seriously be alright with that screw that robot and come work with us there's dozens more of us nearby it's only a matter of time before we come out on top I'm not splitting my share with him you holding out on us Davies you got some magical way in there this guy's got a free ticket aboard so shut up help us destroy that freakin tin pan once and for are all what's in it for me never thought I'd say this but those robots are so daft I'd help this lad for free what do you think the tin cans gonna pay you maybe in some freaking doubloons stick with us and you'll be rolling in capped so you in or out now we can respond to this entreaty a number of ways we can simply say no no deal I'm with Ironsides you're siding with that Daffy robot then screw you you're lucky we don't gun you down if we choose this option we still have to get the guidance chip which is found inside a filing cabinet inside the building there's a guard posted at the door and he's watching us but after a while he will walk away if we wait till we're hidden we can loot it but the still alerts the scavengers they all opened fire on you forcing you to kill them it was one of it you meant with another option is to say that we need some time to think about this I need to think about this you kiddin what's there to think about that robot is daft as a brush don't take too long a real crack the constant you should open ourself then you'll get nothing this puts them off their guard we can go to that back room wait until we're no longer detected and steal the guidance chip then we can unchain and sneak out the back door but we have to be careful because we find fragmentation mines on the ground we have to disarm these before we leave the third way to avoid bloodshed is to simply agree to the plan we could be honest we really want to side with them or we could be lying we don't have to make that choice yet yeah I'm in what's the plan thank God I almost thought you were buying into the whole pirate thing that's the right call I've been working this claim for months like hell I'm letting this greenhorn take any of my calves we got no choice we need him Davies we need to sabotage those Rockets if they blow up that will put those frigging cannons offline so if you find rocket parts for the tin can given to me first and Davies will make some special improvements I repaired the ship's power systems is that going to be a problem power systems that won't do nothing closest we ever got to screwing him over is grabbing their guidance chip and if we kink her with that then who knows where the simple land if it takes off we need to sabotage the rocket itself they're super complicated easy to break he's got to be missing some parts you better not double-cross me Trust is a two-way street the guidance chip is in one of the filing cabinets inside you better not renege on our deal if we choose this option they tell us that we can retrieve the guidance chip freely now everything inside this house is no longer set to owned we can let the guidance chip and everything else if we want so we should take advantage of that opportunity now with the guidance chip in hand we can go back to the USS Constitution and find the yellow guidance dish on the deck nearby there's a little controller where we can place the chip and then we can talk to the navigator hey soldier chip recovered dispensing boundary Diagnostics robot one error remaining guidance radars transmitter is not functional requires replacement what's wrong with the transmission diagnostic inconclusive no functioning mr. handy is available for detailed analysis and this is the part where I bail you out again soldiers statement effectually valid acquire Poseidon radar transmitter at specified map coordinates further bounty will be displaced upon completion our next mission is to get a Poseidon radar transmitter if our intelligence is greater than 9 we can repair it without having to go hunting otherwise we are sent to one of two Poseidon energy locations the first is the poseidon energy turbine number 18s in the big end of dungeon chest inside the turbine or as I was wee may be sent to the poseidon energy reservoir this place is infested with ghouls and it may take you some time but like at the turbine we find the radar transmitter in an end of dungeon chests at the bottom of the reservoir back at the USS Constitution we can then go to the guidance dish and install the radar transmitter once done we can again talk to mr. navigator hi soldier guidance system fully functioning LT dispensed it is required you commence dialogue with the captain sir captain iron sacks you've been of service to our noble vessel I am pleased you recover the guidance chip without bloodshed though the scavengers have cost us Rivas injury our goals must be nobler than based revenge why did you want to spare the scavengers like invest they are a blight upon my existence those scalawags killed many of my Marines went down to a skeleton crew due to that fit but they are citizens of the Commonwealth citizens we're pledged to protect against foreign incursion which is not without its Byerly the scavengers tried to convince me to blow up your rocket they seek to impugn the honor of the military truly there's no debt they will not think to I find I must reward your considerable efforts with the final labour we stand but a hair's breadth away from embarking on our sacred mission so now can you tell me what going on complete this task and I will gladly relate our mission until then silence vigilance the ship requires terrible pop bearings from a nearby Factory it will undoubtedly be a dangerous mission but I have faith you will succeed I thought I was finally done with this we are defined by the calibre of challenges we choose to undertake so attack adversity is Gaston I'm always happy to help I would expect nothing less now we've got to find some turbo pump bearings sadly no amount of intelligence allows us to bypass this step the game will randomly pick one of three locations either the core Vega assembly plant fort Hagen or the General Atomics Factory I got the core Vega assembly plant off to Lexington we go inside the plant we deal with the Raiders and then inside one of the Raider pods were the bosses we find the turbopump bearings in the end of dungeon chests now that we have these bearings we have a choice to make do we side with the scavengers and give it to them so that they can sabotage it or do we bring it to Ironsides and install it ourselves I will show you both outcomes but first let's help out Old Ironsides now Ironsides gave us a key to his personal captain's quarters inside we find a hatch open this is the turbo pump with the correct part in hand we can install the FLL free turbo pump bearings to complete this portion of the quest also while we're here we can loot a copy of the u.s. covert operations manual urban camouflage sitting on a table inside the captain's quarters it makes you permanently more difficult to detect while sneaking once done we can report our success to captain Ironsides and at last he tells us his plan Jim the tower on the starboard bow steady as she goes mr. navigator look missing at long last we'll set sail at our hero of the hours - think you've earned a double share sir well done set sail you'll need a hell of a lot more than lot to do that--don't is reasonable on the eve of our voyage the need for secrecy is long past our twin NX 42 rockets will alight and then Morris when this dreaded savings-and-loan the constitution will launch into the heavens and after gently land in the ocean then we take our rightful place as defenders of the Atlantic you're going to what thing of brilliance is it not you're gonna blow the whole damn ship up oh ye of little faith there is a spent 14% chance of that that's ambitious as they say nothing ventured nothing gained mr. navigator put her through her paces we need to those motherless curl prepare to broadside defend the Constitution until our last breath the scavengers attack like the last time we must fight them either ranged or jump down to engage in closed quarters combat these scavengers are more highly armed than the ones we met previously they even use missile launchers at you once they are dealt with we can go back to Ironsides to see if he really does intend to put this thing in the air both be good the scavenger assault has been broken not one of them scallywag stick put on our vessel All Hands prepare for launch they're still going through with this even tired the scavengers will regroup maybe now or never this is a horrible idea well me if I fail I'll be going then there is one thing we need power from the auxiliary generators commence our voyage I fear I must call upon you one last time I'm getting tired of doing your errands there is nothing left to be done victory more bitter defeat is all that remains I've come this far I recognize that without your considerable efforts you would not be here where's the generator on the top deck of the Royal Arms Apartments scavengers may yet remain so have a care consider it done I admire your pluck here is your amply deserved reward Godspeed you sir as a reward we get the broadside err this is a unique heavy weapon that takes cannon balls as ammunition it does a lot of damage but you only get one shot at a time and it's so slow to reload you can upgrade it at a weapons workbench but the upgrades are okay they're not stellar in my game I don't think I would replace my Gatling laser with it but it sure is a fun weapon to use now one may be concerned with lack of cannon balls as ammunition but you can always use an iPod pod from the automatron dlc to go find more stacks of cannon balls if you do you'll find stacks of cannon balls in 30 or 40 balls which does make this a viable weapon for everyday use but back to the task at hand we need to turn on the generator at the Royal Arms Apartments the apartments are the destroyed building just across the street from where we and the scavengers headquarters climbing all the way to the top we find a circuit breaker next to a radio ironsides will talk to us through this radio once ready we can flip it - ready for our experience our how in the hell that a shift get all the way up there one cow how in that habit of shift get all the way up there one as a navigator white the engines printed seaming the zone shall be more no longer come points to stop with an explosion the USS Constitution roars to life and sails from atop the Wetherby savings-and-loan across the water you hear that then it smashes into a giant skyscraper effectively ending the maiden flight of the USS Constitution century that ship ends up everywhere except the water ironically the building it crashes into is Weatherby investment trust they went from one financial institution to another one this one deeper in downtown Boston now that he's got a new home we can head back to talk to Ironsides to do so we head to the Wetherby investment and trust there's a Slocum's Joe in the basement of it we have to go through a big wrecked bus to find an elevator which leads to the top of the building at the top of the building we find another elevator that brings us to the rooftop here we see rubble has formed a ramp that leads down to the deck of the USS Constitution what a glorious success true the mission is not quite complete but one cannot deny all progress you consider this a successful hearted leader but now you're stuck in a skyscraper you're no better off than you work that is where you are wrong now we commend the high ground and once the Rockets are be built and refueled I wager at this rate we should land in the ocean in one perhaps two more launches my circuits pedal with excitement I'm sure everyone in the Commonwealth could see your maiden voyage to be certain and all rockets gave our enemies much to consider you really are going to launch the ship again if the courage and support of my faithful crew our eventual triumph is assured there's no way this ship will survive another launch ye of little faith I guess it all worked out it did I'm glad I could help what instrumental sir a veritable godsend in recognition of your courageous role in this I hereby promote you to the role of honorary lieutenant and being that I earn well cannot actually fit below decks I hereby give you the captains quarters as well three cheers for our new left hand keep it really hip hip hooray hip hip really nothing like an insane robot with irrational hope I just love Ironsides in all these robots as a reward he gives you a first lieutenant hat which is a handsome looking hat sadly it does not accept ballistic weave unless you have a mod installed but it looks amazing nonetheless many meters of course along the z-axis still assessing expensive damages nothing new course awesome play upon something so magnificent I'm programmed to burst with excitement bizarre the ship's structural integrity is well below recommended levels but peace boss and certain everything will work out so much work to do I'll have to factor in extra time for the lack of appendages now you can use the captain quarters as your private player home if you want there is every crafting work events you could possibly need inside the ship and the bed is yours you do get a well-rested bonus by sleeping in it the only problem is that all of the items in the captain's quarters are still set to owned this has got to be an oversight on Bethesda's part and it effectively makes this player home not really realistic because if you place any of your items in these owned containers suddenly they are now owned by the robots and they will attack if you take them if you play on the PC however you can get around this by using console commands to set the ownership of these boxes and containers to the player then you can take items in and out without entering the wrath of the robots now that's just one way to end this quest there was another option let's go back in time to the point just after we collected the turbopump bearings from the carvaka assembly plant instead of taking these to the Constitution and installing them let's instead take them to Mandi Stiles you got any of the tin cans parts let's see if we can give them a little surprise I have something right here let me see Hey what do we have here Davies Davies yeah Mandy what the hell is this I've never even seen a metal like this that is some high-tech there turbopump bear can't make stuff like that anymore what is a turbo pump rockets need fuel loads of it and fast the turbo pump beads the engine and it'll defect with it you got big problems so is this what we're looking for or not yeah this is it if a turbo pump craps out your Rockets got big problems hand it over after we're done with it iron size is going to get one hell of a surprise when you lights them rockets so if you sabotage the bearing what's going to happen to the ship the Rockets gonna blow that'll take the defense systems down then we storm the ship before they come back online to hand it over already at this point we have a couple of ways to respond we can say we'll hold on to it I think I'll hold on to it what'd you get Nicole feet there's no people on that ship no one's gonna get hurt so give it here now she does make a good point no one's going to get hurt they are after all robots we can use our leverage to negotiate a better deal right now I have leverage so I want to renegotiate our deal you wanna what the greenhorn wants more caps let me shove this good easy Davies if we don't take off those cannons we are nowhere here's 500 caps extra hand it over if we turn up our nose at these 500 caps Mandy does not respond well really 500 caps that's it you son of a David get your wish waste him they attack forcing you to kill them interestingly Mandy's last words are always mother another option is to say that we're not ready yet and to leave with the bearings this is our final chance to change our mind without bloodshed and give the bearings to Ironside you know what enough I'm not getting into it I'm leaving combat once you'll come to your senses or we can be up front with Mandy and say that we've changed our minds I changed my mind I'm not going to work with you you playin us Punk you playin us waste this in which case they attack forcing us to defend ourselves but if you sympathize with the scavengers if you feel like they are right we can go ahead and give the bearings to Mandy fine take it you had me worried there babies how long will it take to sabotage already done just a splash of the old hydrochloric bearings like bees got zero tolerance carry a goal once Ironsides has all of his parts get off the ship we'll meet up and watch the Rockets blow together Davies covers it in hydrochloric acid which apparently is all that needed to be done not sure how that's going to cause an explosion but hey it's fallout physics I'm not going to worry about it from here the quest goes on as normal we install the booby-trapped bearings and then go up to captain Ironsides whereupon he will continue thinking that the ship is ready to fly he asks us to turn on the generator we go back down and we meet Mandy inside the apartment hey over here the Rockets are starting go ahead and give him his power once the Rockets blow then we strike heading up to the top we flip the circuit breaker lid and turn on the generators as normal excellent commencing final countdown but this time as soon as the rockets explode all of the robots on board the ship opened fire we now have to go topside to clear the vessel of all robots and finally put down Ironsides I die as I use the service to this great nation I found it difficult to loot Ironsides but you can't loot him but you do not get the broad cider you only get the broad cider if you end the quest in Ironsides favor instead all we find on his body is his personal hat which looks just like the first lieutenant hat once the robots are dealt with we can go back to Mandy she now stands in the street with a bunch of other scavengers ready to loot the ship Mandy Constitution is all ours you guys did good I'm surprised you survived you're not making this easy see we had a vote and we decided we're not going to split the hall with you from what it's worth I voted against it you voted to backstab me we've been fighting Ironsides for months a lot of people died they say you just can't stroll in at the last minute and get an even share the ship should be mine I did all the work that attitude makes us a little easier surely we can work something out sorry pal I really am it gets worse they also voted to have you dealt with permanently cannot have you disputing our claim later so here's the part where you die you just signed your death warrants I don't respond well to being double-crossed looks like even if we do everything for these scavengers we still have to kill them strangely enough the scavengers like Davey is back at the scavenger HQ whom we do not find in the street don't turn hostile but to complete the quest we still have to kill them this brings us to an ethical dilemma which option is right now clearly one of these options is the most beneficial to the sole survivor if you side with Ironsides you get a unique gun a unique cat plenty of caps and access to a brand new player home but if you side with scavengers you miss out on the unique gun siding with Ironsides is the most practical solution but these are just robots Mandy raised a good point when she said that she wasn't going to be killing anybody they just wanted to destroy the robots to scrap the place who are we to get in their way scavengers are just doing what they do they scavenge for scrap in the wasteland to make a living for themselves and can we really fault them for that now it's true the first time we meet them they do open fire on us unprovoked we didn't know they were there we didn't know they were staking out this claim and yet when we're on the deck of the ship the first time they do attack us now Mandy did say that those goons were not hers really so I'm not sure if we can really hold that against her and these robots are delusional Ironsides even to the point of reprogramming robots to think the way he does remember the bosun tells us that he initially objected to a lot of Ironsides plans instead of listening to those arguments Ironsides reprogrammed the bosun five different times to make him more compatible with his plans now of course if bosun were a human being that would be morally reprehensible you would be violating his free will but bosun isn't human being is just a robot so as what Ironsides did really wrong but also consider the nature of Ironsides yes he is a robot but he has been evolving for 200 years kind of like codsworth codsworth is more than just a mr. handy robot he's developed not only a distinct personality but his own morals and ethics in view of the world can we really say that he's not a person maybe codsworth has evolved personhood over these 200 years and if codsworth can do it maybe Ironsides did it maybe by betraying Ironsides we're not just destroying a robot but we're destroying a person Ironsides clearly isn't mad he knows the exact date and time but then again he does still think that were a war with red Communist China so something is clearly off with the robot that said he's got a greater personality than any of the scavengers he values human life more than scavengers do he sees it his moral obligation to protect them as US citizens he likes it if you're able to resolve things without bloodshed that's an admirable human characteristic we don't know that at the time we have to make the decision of course we don't know they're going to betray us but Ironsides clearly values human life he has humanity should that not be enough to make him worthy of preservation you know what in this situation I don't think I can make an ethical call I don't think it's moral to side with iron sights and I don't think it's moral to side with the scavengers I don't think it's ethical to kill the scavengers unless they attack first if they attack first as they do when they betray you then of course one must defend oneself and it's ethical to kill them but until that point they're just scavengers and it would not be ethical to kill them here's what I decided I decided that I'm a scavenger too and I found a way onto the ship I as a scavenger have just as much right to scavenge what I want off that ship as any of the scavengers on the ground it doesn't matter how long they were there it doesn't matter how long they've been quote staking their claim I came upon the ship just like they did I wanted to scrap and salvage and as a scavenger I have just as much right as they if they attack me for scavenging from this ship they have become hostile and it's ethical to defend myself I can then choose to work with these robots for any reason I want maybe I find them funny maybe I think the world would be a better place with a bunch of half-crazed robots killing Raiders and Gunners from atop a ship in the middle of downtown Boston the scavengers certainly weren't going to be making the world a better place by scrapping all of the salvage it was Mandy who mockingly talked about saving the orphans no they were in it for themselves they wanted to make a buck and I wanted to make a buck neither of us are ethical or unethical for wanting to make a buck but Mandy and her goons become unethical when they attack other human beings simply for trying to do what they are doing make a living in this wasteland so I chose to side with Ironsides for the loot and because I think the robots are funny even though I value those scavengers lives more than the robot and even though I would like to have kept them alive I killed them all because they attacked me first now after the USS Constitution finds a new home atop the skyscraper we can go back to Mandy's headquarters and she's still there it was a bunch of other scavengers that attacked not Mandy not Davies they don't talk to us they don't even acknowledge us but they're not hostile and at this point even though we have cited with Ironsides it would still be unethical to kill them we would only kill them if they opened fire first but that's just how I saw things in this quest ladies and gentlemen how did you see things where do you come down on the ethical or unethical line but more importantly did you have fun with us encounter I sure did this was one of my favorite quests in fallout 4 I loved everything about it I wish the player home had been a little bit more practical but thankfully with the use of console commands we can make it so do you use the broadside er in your game in everyday combat is it a practical weapon for you but those two had many more plans for this weapon in the code we find weapon mods and ammunition that didn't make their way into the game that were designed for the broadside er which is a bit of a shame but even as it is it's a fun weapon to use let me know your thoughts in the comment section below I read all of your comments and I use your comments as inspiration for my future videos I've got a t-shirt shop ladies and gentlemen if you'd like to see the oxhorn and fallout theme shirts I've got for sale you can find a link to my shop in the description below and if you like what I do and you want to support me in a more personal way consider becoming one of my patrons on patreon patreon subscribers can access to a private channel on my discord server as well as a bunch of other cool oxhorn perks but more than anything I'm just so glad you're here watching this video with me today thank you so much for watching and I'll see you tomorrow morning bright and early with a brand new video [Music]
Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 2,631,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn, fallout 4, u.s.s. constitution, uss constitution, the last voyage of the u.s.s. constitution
Id: f8SGHApgbAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 45sec (3045 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2017
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