The Full Story of the Quincy Ruins & Quincy Massacre - Fallout 4 Lore

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the Quincy Massacre is one of the most infamous events in recent history in the Commonwealth it's the event that destroyed the Minutemen and completely discredited them it's the event that devastated the town of Quincy where dozens of innocent settlers were slaughtered by Gunners we first hear about the Quincy Massacre from Preston Garvey himself what was the Quincy Massacre I thought everyone in the Commonwealth knew about that by now where the men and men betrayed each other and the people they were supposed to protect I was with Colonel hollis's group a mercenary group called The Gunners was attacking quiny the people there called for the minman to help we were the only ones that came the other groups they just turned their backs on us and the folks in Quincy only a few of us got out alive Colonel Hollis was dead so I ended up in charge of the survivors we gave the Gunners a hell of a fight who but we never really stood a chance there were just too many of them and too few of us his failure and the failure of the Minutemen at Quincy has haunted Preston ever since but news of the min's failure has reached far and wide throughout the Commonwealth settlers are quick to remind you about the minutemen's failure at Quincy whenever you come to their aid you're with the Minutemen I didn't really think you fellas still existed most people don't put much stock in the Minutemen these days after Quincy bad business that but there's much more to the town of Quincy and exploring it gives us an opportunity to redeem the minimen to give Preston the Vengeance that he has long sought and to bring the Gunners to Justice Quincy is one of the most difficult Encounters in the entire game it's a sprawling town with crisscrossing Alleyways and dozens of buildings there are walkways made of plywood connecting the rooftops of all of the buildings giving the Gunners a place from which to snipe you behind the town of Quincy is a ruined overpass from which the Gunners will also snipe at you there are three main Gunner bosses here at Quincy the first is Lieutenant Clint Clint is a former Minuteman who betrayed the minemen to the Gunners he and he alone is responsible for the failure of the minemen at Quincy if it weren't for him the Minuteman might have been able to defend the town of Quincy forever he stands in a tiny little Shack on top of the ruined overpass he wears a partial suit of t-51 power armor and he wields a unique laser rifle called good intentions next in command is Baker he wears a yaka hat and wields a missile launcher from a top the ruin church he also wields a fat man this makes your invasion of Quincy even more difficult because as you near the church you often hear the whistle of mini nukes raining down above you the church itself has been turned into a bit of a power armor garage inside we find a power armor station and we find Sturges terminal Sturges Mama Murphy and the Longs were some of the settlers whom Preston and the Minutemen tried to defend when Gunners attacked Quincy and third in command is Tessa Tessa hangs out in the Quincy police station next to the super duper Mart she wears a partial suit of power armor but carries the unique power armor piece called Tessa's fist she's a former Raider and she has a lot of impetuous Raider instincts this becomes a cause of conflict for the Gunners later Southwest of the church is a ruined apartment building the top floor of this apartment building was mama Murphy's home we find a stash of Mama Murphy's chem on a balcony just outside her bed and it's here that we find Mama Murphy's note in the bottom floor of Mama Murphy's apartment was a former gun shop it also sold ammunition clothing and scrap in the southern portion of the same building we find a small Diner which can only seat three people as there are only three stools just outside the gun shop was an inn with rooms for rent in the courtyard outside the Inn was Fenton's food stuffs a small outdoor food Marketplace east of Fenton's was mayor Jackson's home Jackson was in charge of the town of Quincy when the Gunners attacked it's he who called for the help of the minimen and when the minimen arrived he was so grateful that he put the minen up in his own home for the duration of The Siege south of Jackson's home is one of the many entrances to Quincy here we find a sign that says all are welcome next to a large gate south of the gate is a side entrance into the town this is a locked door that you may use to sneak into the town it comes out right next to the liquor shop inside the liquor shop is one nonfunctioning terminal as well as a safe that you can loot Southwest of the liquor shop is the Long's Pharmacy this was owned and operated by June and Marcy long as well as their young boy Kyle we find their bedroom on the floor above the pharmacy on the cabinet next to their bed are a bunch of cigars looks like June was a former cigar smoker and then in Kyle's bedroom we find blood splatter on the wall next to his bed and on the floor beneath his bed we also find a handprint on the floor we know this is his bedroom because his toys are all laid out including his baseball cap in my game I rescued his baseball cap from Quincy and I gave it back to June in the middle of the road Southwest of the long Family Pharmacy are the ashes of a bonfire this is how the Gunners disposed of the bodies of the settlers and Minutemen they killed here in Quincy west of the bonfire is a flatbed truck with three cages on Top This is where the Gunners imprisoned the settlers and the minen who surrendered before executing them and disposing of their bodies on the bonfire in the southwest corner of the town we find the graveyard here alone Gunner stands watch from a guard Tower perched above the fence in the Far Western portion of the town we find another gate this one connects the red rocket truck stop and the Quincy quaries to the town of Quincy on the Eastern side of the town we find the metro station here we find a Stairway that leads down to the road below but it's been filled in this is something that Sturges and the Minutemen did before the Gunners arrived just east of that staircase is the Quincy station itself this leads to a broken train that has been booby trapped with a missile launcher and two laser trip wires the broken train leads down outside of the town this is one of the best ways to enter the town using stealth this puts you into the town just north of the church and from the church you can climb to the bell tower to reach the overpass on the eastern part of the town we find another gate leading out into the Commonwealth from here we can see the wreck of the FMS Northern Star and Poseidon energy off in the distance that's the lay of the town now let me piece together what actually happened here in chronological order one day a traitor arrived at Quincy this Traer was carrying a whole lot of chems and of course Mama Murphy got happy she bought a bunch of chems from the Traer and then locked herself up in her room she took chims all night until at the end of the evening the chims triggered a vision in her vision she saw the town of Quincy burning Gunners had taken over the town and the bodies of the town's residents lie burning in the streets the vision terrified her and so she went to Mayor Jackson to urge him to call for the Minutemen now mayor Jackson really liked Mama Murphy he was concerned about her chem use both he and Sturges had repeatedly told her to lay off the chims but Mama Murphy feels that it's her duty to take Kims because she's the only one that has access to the site with the site she can prevent a atrocities from coming like the atrocity that's about to hit their own town she pleads with mayor Jackson call the menman now June and Marcy of Long's Pharmacy heard of Mama Murphy's vision and they were incredulous June says I can't believe that mayor Jackson is actually trying to get the minimen out here based on Mama Murphy's drug crazed hallucinations Marcy tried to explain to Mayor Jackson that Mama Murphy was just an old loon and that they should ignore her Sturgis on the other hand believes her in his terminal he says it sounds crazy but she's been right about things before with sturge help Mama Murphy convinces mayor Jackson to call for the Minutemen to help a few days go by and the Minutemen have not yet arrived but the residents of Quincy decided to take matters into their own hands they began to work on defense fortifications two of the residents a man named Sloan and a woman named Irma were making repairs to the wall of Quincy when they saw some Gunners sneaking around by the nearby gray tortoise cigarette Warehouse the residents tried to scare the Gunners off but they didn't budge the Gunners marched around to the monreal side of the town and began to climb the stairs and just as they were about to enter the town the Minutemen showed up led by a man named Colonel Hollis the Minutemen pushed back the Gunners killing many of them Colonel Hollis tells us in his terminal that they killed about a third of the entire Gunner Force but at least a dozen of the Gunners managed to escape Hollis says that mayor Jackson was practically in tears when the Minutemen arrived he was so grateful when the Minutemen showed up that he gave the minuten access to his private home to use as a Barracks until this whole situation was over with the Gunner Force repelled the Minutemen got straight to work Preston Garvey worked with the residents to set up better walls Hollis worked with Sturges on some of the power armor Sturges has a lot of friends over at the atam cats garage and so he worked with the atam cats to try and repair some of the suits of power armor that he had inside the church Fenton the guy who ran the Fenton eats shop is the one that helped Sturges get the power armor up from the Adam cat's garage and into the church apparently Fenton really liked to drink Sturges is going to help pay some of Fenton's tab for his help with the power armor but they're having no luck with the power armor even when they put a fresh Fusion core in the power armor it won't start up Colonel Hollis is really hopeful that Sturgis can get the power armor working because he can foresee it becoming invaluable if the Gunners ever decide to come back in greater numbers June and Marcy are shocked that Mama Murphy was actually right they don't go far enough to actually apologize to Mama Murphy but they at least admit that she was right their son Kyle is completely a struck by the Minutemen seeing the Minutemen charge into battle and defeat the Gunners and protect the town young Kyle has been following the minen around like a puppy Kyle says that he's going to join the minen one day which is an idea that his father June is not terribly fond of June really doesn't have a lot of faith in the Minutemen he says that one day he's going to have to break it to his son that the Minutemen are not everything that he's heard of in the stories and Marcy has been complaining about the number of menmen who actually showed up yes they repelled the Gunner advance but once the Gunners come back with more forces they could probably easily overpower the minuten who are here she is extremely vocal about her concerns but Colonel Hollis assured the residents of Quincy that more Minutemen were coming Colonel Hollis sent out word to the Minutemen requesting more forces he's hoping that at least Colonel Marbury will be able to show up and help but the days go by their defenses are looking good but every day the Gunners attack defending the town is becoming a daily chore for the Minutemen they filled in the stairwell next to the monal with rubble that's the entrance that the Gunners used the first time to gain access to the town and they patched all the holes in the walls that they could locking as many doors and Gates as possible it was Colonel Hollis that had stur just put a bunch of walkways connecting all the rooftops in the town it was his idea that if any of the Gunners breached the walls the mamen would be able to climb on top of the roofs quickly to organize a Counterattack even though the Gunners are attacking the town daily at this point Colonel Hollis has faith that he can hold out he said says we've got plenty of food and supplies we can wait them out but he's really disappointed that even though he called for reinforcements no reinforcements have arrived not a single person has showed up he said to make matters worse young Kyle got injured Kyle has been in love with the minimen ever since they arrived and he's been following them around on their patrols but during one of their patrols Kyle caught a stray bullet in the leg his father June is terribly upset the bullet nicked the bone it didn't sever any major arteries but June says that his son is is going to be having trouble walking from now on he and his wife are back to complaining this time because the minimen reinforcements that Colonel Hollis had promised have not shown up yet a few days later a minute man arrived at the gates at first the town was thrilled Marcy and June said in their terminal could this be the Minutemen reinforcements that we had been promised Colonel Hollis went to the gate and there he found a 10-year veteran of the Minutemen named Clint he had hoped that Clint was leading the miniman reinforcements but he was quickly disappointed instead Clint informed him that he has changed sides Clint is the man in charge of the very group of Gunners that are attacking Quincy he came to the gate to give the minimen one chance to surrender the town of course Colonel holl said that there wasn't a chance in hell that was happening and sent Clint on his way that night the Gunners attack somehow in the dead of the night the Gunners destroyed the mman support on the freeway they occupied the freeway first and from there they were able to pick off the Minutemen like rats Preston Garvey was one of the few Minutemen with his wits about him after the Gunners clearly gained the upper hand he rounded up as many settlers as he could and he led them out of the Town it wasn't until they had already gone and the rest of the minimen had been destroyed that the Gunners realized what Garvey had done after the dust had settled in the town Clint sent a Detachment of Gunners off after Preston Garvey but he ordered the Gunners to keep Colonel Hollis alive he wanted to use this opportunity to prove to the Gunners that he really had changed sides he stood over the kneeling Colonel Hollis and and placed the barrel of his gun against Colonel hollis's head and this is where Clint displays the difference of his world Philosophy from that of the Minuteman Clint wants order he doesn't care about peace he doesn't care about property rights Liberty individual Freedom or the lives of Innocents he likes order he says if you want to bring order out of the chaos you need strength to do it the Minutemen don't have strength anymore the Gunners do to the very end Colonel Hollis refused to accept the worldview that Clint had embraced he was not naive enough to not realize what was going on he understood that Clint had betrayed him that Clint had changed sides but he refused to give up his Minuteman principles he refused the Gunner Outlook of the world because strength isn't everything strength is fleeting just like weak old men were once strong young men weak factions were often once strong the minimen for example used to be very WR strong it was the minman who defended Diamond City from super mutants it was the mmen who even recently were strong enough to repel the Gunners from Quincy the Gunners may be strong now which is why Clint switched sides but that doesn't mean that they'll be strong forever and when the Gunners stop being strong when the Gunners become weak what will be left well there will still be people who crave the freedom to live their simple lives there will still be people who will defend each other from Raiders and lutters the difference between Clint and Colonel Hollis is that Clint has a shortterm view of the world he hates chaos he wants to create order he thinks the best way to create order is through Brute Force Colonel Hollis has a long-term view of the world he's more concerned with civilization building than creating order and civilization building takes time building a civilization comes with a lot of failures civilizations are inherently messy after sending the Detachment after Preston Garvey in the minim and after killing Colonel Hollis the Gunners piled the corpses of the settlers and Minutemen in the middle of the street and set them on fire they likely used this pile to burn further refu as the days went on when we arrive we find the fresh corpse of both a Raider and another settler on the pile now we know from talking with Jun and Marcy that at some point either during the attack at Quincy or during their Retreat towards Jamaica plane Marcy and June lost their son Kyle I believe that he like likely died in Quincy because we find the smeared Blood on the wall and the floor in his bedroom complete with his hand print on the ground if that's the case what happened to his body well there are really only two options and I covered these in my video dedicated to the long family and their sad story called The Long Walk from Quincy which you can see here the first option is that the Gunners picked up the body of the boy and threw it on the burn pile where they incinerated it could young Kyle's body be here the other option is that maybe the boy died from blood loss before the Gunners even arrived if that's the case then his body may be in the only freshly dug grave that we find in the graveyard in the graveyard we find one new Grave with a mound of fresh dirt and a flower lying on top of it could this be the grave of Kyle I can't imagine the Gunners burying their own dead they don't seem to be the sentimental type and the settlers couldn't have buried their own dead after the attack because they fled under cover of Darkness now this grave must have been dug before the Gunners finally attacked and the only one whom we know was injured before the Gunners attacked was young Kyle himself I think the most likely explanation is that Kyle died from either infection or blood loss after getting shot in the leg and that Jun and Marcy buried him here the rest of the town mayor Jackson Sloan Irma Fenton and Colonel Hollis are all smoking in the middle of town now after the Gunners successfully sacked Quincy Clint continued to have problems with his subordinates particularly Tessa they placed their main camp on top of the freeway overpass so that they didn't suffer the same fate as the Minutemen had the Minutemen been occupying the overpass things might have turned out quite differently Clint then established contact with GNN this is Gunner's Plaza then he made sure that Captain Wes at Gunner's Plaza had a long talk with Baker and Tessa to remind them that they are to report directly to Lieutenant Clint it's then we learn that his rank was his reward for delivering the town to the Gunners Clint must have abandoned the Minuteman and then gone directly to Captain West at Gunner's Plaza Captain West likely expressed his frustration that the Gunners had been unable to take Quincy and Clint a former Minuteman and knowing how the Minutemen operate volunteered to take the town to prove his worth Captain West likely awarded him the rank of lieutenant and command of that Gunner Force if he was successful it's also interesting to note here that in his terminal Clint talked about having to check in with a gunner medic to get his blood type checked he says the Gunners are going to tattoo my blood type on my forehead it seems unnecessary but if the gesture will convince the rest of the Gunners then it's probably worth a bit of pain now Baker fell in line really quickly nothing convinces a soldier more than success and the success of Lieutenant Clint's strategy at Quincy greatly impressed Baker but if anything after talking with Captain Wes Tessa has become even more subordinate part of it has to do with jealousy Lieutenant Clint is a new Gunner he's been part of the Gunners for a short period of time and he already outranks Tessa and part of it is practical she's worried that Clint will betray them in the same way that he betrayed the minimen she continues to her rang Lieutenant Clint about allowing Preston Garvey and the settlers to escape in Jamaica plane she was the one who insisted that they send a Detachment after Preston Garvey and Baker is very glad that Clint obliged but Clint says Tessa's continuing to think like a Raider yes it would have been nice to kill Garvey and all of the women and children that he saved but they're no no longer a threat to us as Gunners we should be focusing on the real threats not a bunch of harmless Women and Children of course the irony is that if you side with the minimen and you come back and destroy him then it means that Tessa was right leaving Preston alive seals his own eventual fate but for the moment Tessa is making his life miserable and so he's going to make her life miserable he figures that if he can keep Tessa busy then she just won't have any time to continue to complain so he sends her to the parking garage of the nearby super superm Mar to clear it of all of the rad scorpions well Baker doesn't want to lose Tessa they've been in the Gunners together for quite some time and so he sends her a friendly holotape warning her look Tessa the orders come down straight from Captain West Clint has the command here and that's just how it is if you keep running your mouth off he's going to make an example of you to show that he's still in charge and what do you think he picked you to deal with those scorps down at super duper Mart now maybe you got away with that [ __ ] back when you were running with Raiders the Gunners stick to the chain of command besides we wouldn't have been able to take quiny without him and you wouldn't have that sweet power armor so get over it bake her out that's why we find Tessa by the Quincy police station this is right next to the super duper Mart parking garage and Tessa is really annoyed she complains in her terminal that every time they kill those scorpions more just seem to arrive so instead she rigged up a bunch of explosives at the parking garage to hopefully clear them out that way we also learned that she has feelings for Baker she was about to tell him how she felt about him until the Detachment that Lieutenant Clint had sent after Preston Garvey and the settlers came back once she learned that they had failed that they had only managed to pick off a few at Jama plane she says that she quote kind of lost the mood but not even Baker's holotape to her could change her mind she is still spewing Venom at Lieutenant Clint and in her holotape she responds angrily to Baker [ __ ] you B it's been over 3 years since I was in the gang and I've been working my ass off same as you and this Minuteman [ __ ] just turns traitor and Captain West gives him command of the unit it's [ __ ] and you know it you can't tell me you trust this guy I may have been a Raider but I never roll to my people the way Clint did he's keeping us separated so that when he puts a gun at the back of your head I won't be there to help you watch your back Baker Tessa out and that is the full story of the Quincy ruins it's the sight of the Min men's greatest failure and the Gunner's greatest Victory and potentially the sight of the min's greatest Redemption and where the Gunners received Justice it all depends on the choices that you make as general of the minimen will you put an end to Tessa's Petty drama and will you teach Clint that betraying the minimen does not pay now it's true that the reputation of the Minutemen suffered greatly after the Quincy Massacre but even during the course of your own gameplay you can improve that reputation you start the game with people completely faithless in the Minuteman but as you defend more settlements as you strengthen the Minuteman network of settlements as your faction becomes more powerful people notice it and people begin to appreciate it and after a while the memory of the Quincy Massacre Fades and the reality of the strong Minuteman that protects the Commonwealth from Raiders and Gunners alike takes precedence and in some cases they come up to you and they thank you hey you must be with the Minutemen well I really appreciate everything you guys do thanks for saying that keep up the good work here I want you to have this I hope you can find a use for it we've nearly completed our tour of Gunner controlled places in Fallout 4 have you been enjoying this series or do you have any more questions about the Gunners let me know in the comments section below I read all of your comments and I use them as inspiration for my future 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Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 990,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn, fallout 4, quincy ruins, quincy massacre
Id: 9IwCaGywpxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2017
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