The Torchlighters: The Harriet Tubman Story (2018) | Full Episode | Tanasha Friar | Alfrelyn Roberts

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Mama, papa! Harriet! I got the old man wagon from the field! Just like you asked me to. They never use it. Quick, then! We ain't got much time. There they are! Get down! Git! I'll get you! We alright. Ah! To the horse! Harriet Tubman! I'm gonna get you! My name is Harriet Tubman and from the time I's born, I's property of Master Anthony Thompson- 'same as my brothers and sisters and Mama and Papa. 'Can't say how old I am 'cause birth of a slave just considered like birth of horse or mule. Masters don't really care when we born.... ... they just happy t' have another slave do work for free or be sold in market for good money. Wish I could say we be few, but we not... there be slaves all over this country. We had no choice, y'see... but I knew it wasn't right. I knew it wasn't God's plan. I knew it, even when I's a very lil' girl. Mama! Mama!! Please don't send us away! PLEASE! Hush now! Stop all the fussin'! Oh, I so dislike it when they make such a fuss! They'll be part of the chain gang headin' south. Get going! Yes, boss! Mama! Soph! Lynah! Oh, Lord Jesus. Not my little ones. Lynah! Please don't take my children, master. Please! No. Lynah! - Please, Master Thompson. Hush now, Mama... C'mon now mama- ain't nothin' we can do... ... she'll be fine in a few minutes, sir... I should hope so! We don't want supper to be late. WHY? -HARRIET! They couldn't even say g'bye! Harriet, you hush up now! Why!? 'Cause they fetch a good price, that's why! Now get back to work! But it wrong! It wrong.... Harriet you come here! Now you've gotten the mistress upset! Ben, you better keep your brood under control if you don't want a whipping! Very sorry sir and I do hope mistress feels better. Come now, Harriet, let's help mama to the kitchen. Harriet... One o' these days Papa- I promise I's gonna be outta here... One o' these days- I gonna be free! All of us are! And how you expect to do that? I don't know how or when... But I's gonna pray and pray. And you expect God to listen to a slave girl? He heard slaves 'n Egypt... sent 'em Moses, didn't He? Well, 'till Moses shows up Pharaoh's whip's gonna keep all of you slaves in your place! Listen to me child. You pay him no mind.... and you put your trust in the Lord... just as I's taught you Just put your trust in Him. Time passed and Spencer, the supervisor, he kept his promise... But me... I also kept mine. I prayed. And I prayed, and I prayed, and I prayed... Well, Lord here I am. Still pickin' tobacco on Master Thompson's fields while he sittin' pretty watchin' us slaves do all the work! And Lord... I'm comin' t'you again saying... Please! Let Master pick his own tobacco and set us free! Still a'prayin', sister? 'Good Book say, 'pray without ceasin'- God forbid there come an hour in heav'n when 'n angel don't come to the Lord'n say: Lord Jesus- It's Harriet again! I'm hopin' He'll just get tired o' hearin' me and set me free! Well, I hope that day come real soon! Real soon. Amen to that! Lord Jesus - Harriet again asking for the same thing... ...And the feisty one... Harriet. How is she working out? She's strong and keeps up- except for those fainting spells. Which would not be a problem if you hadn't hit her on the head. Well, I was aiming for that runaway slave- serves her right for steppin' in to protect him. Anyhow, she'll still fetch you a good price. Good, because she and two of her brothers are getting sold South... ... in a matter of days. Guess God didn't answer yer prayers after all. Auuughhh.... There she goes faintin' again! My dear girl! Are thou unwell? I-I-I's sorry, ma'am... I get back to work right away! But thou has fainted! And- what is that scar on thy head? It nothin' ma'am... Girl! I's fine! I get back to- Listen to me, if thou ever has need of a friend- or... or a ticket on the underground railroad... Get back to work! - The underground railroad? I said- I live down the road, white house, green shutters... ...get back to work! Thou will remember? Oh! 'This slave bothering you, ma'am? Bothering? Why no... I- Then you best be on your way. She's got work to do. Yes, well... I shall go! God bless thee! God bless thee both! Huh! Must be one of those crazy Quakers. And you- Master Spencer! This'll help her... to get back to work. Fine. You ain't restin' till the job's done. Hear me? Faintin' or no faintin'! That woman... 'said if I ever needed help to come t'her. Then maybe your prayers are being answered. Why you say that? 'Cause we being sold in a few days! What about Mama and Papa? You don't think my heart's breakin' leavin' 'em? But they can't walk that far! Anyhow... we being sold! - We being sent away from 'em anyway. Well what if it's a trap? What if that Quaker woman means us no good? You know what they do to runaway slaves if they be caught. IF they be caught! Now come on! We can help each other get to freedom! Come on now... What you waitin' for? I... I can't. Ben! Me neither. It's too dangerous! Let's go back. Harriet! I just can't go back to that. Harriet... please. Harriet! Why?... Why, Lord? Why anybody need to chose between family and freedom? Why anybody need to chose? Help me come back for my family when the time is right, Lord! Please! I-I... needs ticket... to the Underground Railroad Dear child- thou has fled, praise God! And now... -thou must go! There is no time to lose. Where is it?... Is it under the house? Under the house? The train... to take me North. Oh dear, dear child... There is no train! No train!???... Oh no! Then I gotta go back! My child! Be calm. I have not tricked thee. The Underground Railroad, is a route... a way- from friendly house to friendly house and following it will take thee to freedom! But thou must go... for thou will need to travel under the cover of darkness and you have a very long ways to go! It's a good thing Papa taught me that moss grows only on the north side o'trees... It's so dark I can hardly see! A river! ... Quaker woman say hounds can't track scent in the water... Lord... sun's coming up... Please help me find a place to hide. For goodness sake woman, stop your shakin' and answer. Where's Harriet? We... we don't know. We as surprised as you are. Honest. They're lying, but I can get 'em to talk. No. I know my slaves and this one, he's never lied to me. You're wasting precious time, Spencer. Well, what are you waiting for? You heard Master. Saddle up our horses! And Ben... Sir? When you finish that... Fetch the hounds. Oh, Lord Jesus! Protect Harriet! Protect m'child! You're sure you haven't seen her? I told you - I have not! Now, my supper is waiting and in case you haven't noticed- IT'S RAINING! We've been riding all day, boss. Even the hounds is tired! We'll camp for the night. Go! Thank you for sparing me, Lord. Thank you! Some food. God be with you! Thank you, ma'am! I must've said that thank-you prayer 'hundred times 'cause so many good people of the Underground Railroad risked their necks f'me... ... and helped me through that long, hard journey. Just stay real quiet and we'll get you through the town. For me? Get some rest. You have one more night of travel. And tomorrow morning you'll reach Pennsylvania, and freedom. Now Lord,- you know I ain't never learned to read- but that Quaker woman said when I see a sign like that--- it mean freedom. And that looks like a match t'me! Praise God! I's free! I'S FREE! For so long I wonder'd what'd happen when I's free an' I looked at m'hands to see if I's any different. No... same ol' worn hands. Same ol' tired feet. Same ol'... A smile on my face... Oh, Lord Jesus... I has a smile on my face 'n tears o' joy. I has tears... o'joy! And I wished that moment on every slave in the world. I wished that freedom on everyone! Here's our pay for this week! Now let's be off quick! My,my, my... first time I ever got paid t'wash dishes! Freedom's good! Where you say we going again? We free slaves meet with William Still, he be a part of the Underground Railroad and helps us once we here in the North. He say he got news for us all. Let's just hope is good news! I'm afraid it's not. The Government has just passed the Fugitive Act which means that any slave who has escaped to the North can be arrested and sent back. Sent back? Why? Because the government says slaves are property of their masters and by escaping, the slaves are stealing... from their own masters. The safest thing now is to leave the United States and go to Canada but its going to take us weeks to extend the railroad all the way there. Canada? That's over 300 miles away! Harriet. I'm afraid I have even more bad news. We hear your brothers are being sold further south. Oh, Lord! I'm sorry... I need to leave 'soon as possible. Of course but like I said, it'll take us a few weeks to get everyone to Canada- Canada? No! I ain't going to Canada! I's goin' back for my brothers. For your-? Harriet, with the new law, bounty hunters will be out full force. You're risking your freedom by going back. I know! But God blessed me with freedom. and now my brothers, they need it too, and in my heart I hear God sayin' "Go to them, Harriet." And so... I am. God's love make us do some scary things sometimes and goin' back got me almost captured more'n once. But the Good Lord helped me just like before- though I was in for a bit of a surprise. Harriet!! You got my message! We need to go- Who're these? They heard about you comin'. And they want a ticket on the Railroad. We need help! Capable people that can conduct others in the Underground Railroad, but we just don't have- Yes? Uh.. It's Harriet. She- -was captured? Is she alive? Oh, very much so. And in fact- Harriet, you made it back! By the grace o'God!- And you brought your brothers with you! Yes... along with a few others. But... They heard I was comin'... I couldn't leave 'em behind. Now... did I hear you say you need help rescuing more slaves? 'Cause I's ready to go back for more. How many have you lost? Thirteen, in just the last two months. - Eight. - Ten. They're dissappearin' all over the place. Well somethin' aint right. Of course it ain't right! It's that ex-slave man all the slaves talk about. Their liberator! Ex-slave man? They say he comes back for'em and takes 'em to the Promised Land! Some man they call... Moses! They call what? I said they call him, MOSES! MOSES! Moses ain't no man! I know we got word that more of your family are being sold but you can't go, Harriet! These are everywhere! And it sayin' they looking for- A black woman who can't read. So they won't be lookin' for a man that can. No. God willing, I be back in a few weeks. And God willing, I be bringing back some more slaves to freedom. This is the first time I just don't believe you, Ben. You see... 'seems your Harriet is this Moses person helping slaves to escape from all over the place and you say you ain't laid eyes on her- don't know where she is... That's the truth. Well... We'll see what the court says about that. C-court? Sure! You see, the authorities- they want to question Ben... find out what he knows. 'Course, I... uh... don't know that any slave ever' won a court trial... how 'bout you, Spencer? Not that I recall. Think about it, Ben... court's not due for a week. You think it'll work? Ain't no one Harriet loves more than her parents... soon as word gets out her Pa' could be hung... she'll come around. And we... We'll be ready for 'er... Let's hope so. Yep... I'll be ready for her and that nice reward! What we do now? Only Lord knows, Mama. We best be prayin'... We best put all our trust in Him. He bound to help us. Somethin's wrong! Somethin's happenin' to Mama and Papa! You have all 'em baskets full before sundown! And Ben, you be sure to get a good night sleep! You want to be nice and fresh in the morning for court! I'll be on watch tonight so I'm going to rest. Keep an eye out. Will do! And Emmet... Make sure we've got horses ready and saddled tonight... Moses ain't turned up yet but I'm bettin' she will before this night is over... Saddled... got it. Anything? Nothin'. You sure nothin' happened this afternoon when I left- anythin' out of the ordinary? Nothin'... 'xcept that Quaker woman and her chickens! Quaker woman? The one that lives down the road- she was carrying some chickens... Evenin' 'mam... Bless me! My chickens! MY CHICKENS! Ha ha ha ha... You get'em Quaker woman, you get them chickens, Quaker woman! My chickens! Here ya'are, Ma'am. Why, thank you- I made sure she just kept movin' along. The slaves... they just went back to their business. Singing as they did. When Israel was in Egypt's land. When Israel was in Egypt's land. Let my people go. Oppressed so hard they could not stand. Let my people go. Go down Moses way down in Egypt's land Tell old Pharaoh let my people go Go down Moses way down in Egypt's land Tell old Pharaoh let my people go Moses! To the horses! Mama, Papa! - Harriet! I got the old mare and wagon from the field just as you asked me to- they never use it. Quick then... we ain't got much time! There they are! Get down! Git! I'll get you! We alright! To the horses! ... Harriet Tubman- I'm gonna get you! Git! Git! - if its the last thing I- Auuugghhhh! Augh! I thought you said the horses were saddled! They were! I told Ben to do that right after supper! You told who?! You fool! What happened? Oh, I might've forgotten to tighten the saddles. What's it like, Harriet? You mean the North, mama? Freedom... What's it like? You're gonna find out, mama. Thank the Lord, you're gonna find out real soon. After their narrow getaway, Harriet and her parents escaped to Canada and later, when it was safe, they settled in New York. There, mama and papa tasted freedom the last few years of their lives. Ever willing to risk her own liberty, Harriet continued her secret travels back into the South, and rescued nearly 300 slaves. She remained active in the pursuit of freedom for all slaves and even served as a nurse, laundress, and spy during the Civil War, which eventually brought the end of legal slavery in the United States. Despite her heroism and the recognition she received for her untiring work, Harriet lived the rest of her life in poverty. Her determination and the selfless love she showed for those in slavery continues to be an inspiration to people all over the world.
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 342,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Videos, Christian Films, Christian Movies, Religious Movies, Films, Movies, Entertainment, Feature Films, Harriet Tubman, Torchlighters, animated, kids movies, christian history for kids, Tanasha Friar, Alfrelyn Roberts, Mario Mims, Gregg Scnitzer, Al Raya, Dani Chambers, Torchlighters - The Harriet Tubman Story, The Torchlighters: The Harriet Tubman Story Full Episode, Animation, Short, Christian History Institute, The Harriet Tubman Story, The Torchlighters
Id: BIyMMgsvvCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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