The Torchlighters: The William Tyndale Story (2005) | Episode 2 | Russell Boulter

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The year was 1525. There was one official church. All religious writings and ceremonies were in Latin, a language not understood by most of the people. The translation and distribution of the Bible in English had been outlawed; a crime punishable by death. Driven by the idea that God meant all people to understand His word plainly, some men risked their lives and worked tirelessly to translate the Bible into the common language. Such a man was... William Tyndale. William! We are discovered! What? How? I've made arrangements for the next ship! We must leave! The Old Testament translations! Not one note must be left behind! Make haste! Follow me! I want anyone caught in possession of these books to be arrested and tried... for heresy! Burn every book, every page, every piece of paper that has so much as a remnant of it! William Tyndale... I shall have my way with you... wherever you might be! ta npobata ta elia...! And I recognize... No! Not recognize. And I - Yes! My sheep... voice... Finished! Good! Our dinner guest will be here shortly... and Lady Ann and I would like you to join us. Sir John! Come in, come in! I see our children's tutor is hard at work during his spare time. Now, tell me...what did you finish during these hours? A Gospel? Would that were the case!, I just finished translating one more sentence. I see! It is Scripture. It must be done just right! "My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me." Surely, Sir John... we are to understand as well as hear! Surely the common people... I know - "They must have the Scriptures!" Yes! ln English and not just Latin. I suppose you will tell me to be cautious. I admire your courage, William... and your knowledge which is why I have asked you to tutor my children. But you must not forget that teaching the Scriptures in English among the people is against the law. You are a scholar and as a study in languages, this translation is acceptable- but...outside of this room... well - these are most uncertain times. You will recall what happened in Coventry... ...and so rains came... and the waves rose<i>....</i> high, high, high... but the wise man's house stood strong! But the foolish man did not do as Jesus told him... and so when the storm blew, the foolish man's house came down... PLUNK!!! Tell us another, father! Oh...please! Just more! Oh...mother says it's off to bed with you! Now...let's gather round and ask God's blessing. Peter, head bowed! Good boy! Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, May Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, upon this earth as it is in... Your activities have been reported! By the authority of the holy mother church you are hereby arrested for the offense of reciting and teaching the Lord's Prayer in the English language and for this crime... you shall be punished by death... No! John! and burned at the stake. Father!... Leave him alone!... Stop! Richard- no! No! John! So it is with anyone caught circulating the Scriptures in English - trial by fire! And so light must be brought by one means or another, Sir John. The word of God is a light unto our path. It is for all the people to understand and not for the church only. Come now...our dinner guest is waiting. I repeat... I repeat... it is the church which has the authority to interpret Sacred Scriptures, and not the commoners! Yet Christ saw fit to teach the common people, your Grace. True! He has a point! A point which will prick him. And?... And Christ said, the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, He will teach you all things. And so He does... through the church and its interpretation! You're a scholar. An expert in... five languages? Eight! Precisely! Think of the preparation you have had to understand Scripture- To translate it. The Holy Spirit helps each person to understand it in a way that helps him to follow God. Andrew! Sir? "non te deseram neque derelinquam" I...beg your pardon, sir? Did you know that Jesus said: "I will always be with you; I will never leave you!" Really, sir? That's wonderful! I shall remember that, when I miss my father. For heaven's sake! He's a child! You know very well that Christ spoke in parables difficult to understand... not in common, plain talk! "Woe to you, teachers of the law, for you shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to." How plain a Word is that? William! Forgive me, Lady Ann but it is important to remember that the New Testament was written in the Greek language, the "Koine"- the language of the common people... I cannot see how we can take it upon ourselves to withhold something that God has so freely and intentionally given to us all. Regardless of whether we judge anyone to be a simpleton or not. Every person is the object of Christ's affection and sacrifice. I - I believe our lively discussion has... Ended! You may think yourself a bright scholar but you are young and you are inexperienced! If your reckless behavior is any indication of what would happen should the Word of God get into the wrong hands... ...then we were better without God's Word than the Church's! And Sir... The Bible states "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever." If God spare my life, I will cause a ploughboy to know more scripture than the average priest! Oh, William! If God spare your life! Tread carefully, Master Tyndale... the fire is never far... from a heretic! Sir John, Lady Ann... your hospitality as usual is most gratifying. Your choice of house guests, I regret, is another matter entirely. Good evening. I fear I have ruined your dinner! Ha! You have ruined his! And I enjoyed every minute of it! Though I do agree with the Archdeacon, William. You should be careful. Should? You must! There must be a way to work out William's vision within the Church and thus avoid danger. Would there be a way- though judging by this evening, I doubt it. Well, I don't. Might I suggest a gentleman known for his love of the Scriptures as well as his good standing within the church... Doctor Latimer is his name and I believe a gentleman of good counsel. I shall be glad to speak to him on your behalf. And so you see my dilemma, Dr. Latimer! In my heart... I know that God wants all people everywhere to hear his words plainly, and to understand them, but the church denies me the right to make it so... yet... oh sir, there seems no way... But there is a way! The King? Perhaps... but...there is yet another step we can take. The Bishop of London! He has the authority to commission a Bible translation? Yes, and sponsor you as you do it! That is, if he is willing! Oh, sir! Lady Ann has contacts in London to make the needed arrangements for your move. Move? but<i>..</i>leave...leave Sir John and Lady Ann? I’m responsible for tutoring their children, I couldn't- And why not? ls not your vision worth the cost? Listen to me William... if you are to pursue this vision of yours, you'd do best to prepare for greater hardships than that! And everyone that has forsaken houses or brethren or lands... for My sake and the Gospel's shall receive a hundredfold... Then London it is! Perhaps God is opening a door! Well...? ...that bad, eh? Now, William... it's not all that bad is it? How say you? I have been here a full month! I finally get an appointment to see My Lord the Bishop and his answer is... No? Oh Will, what is the use! I have knocked on doors, I have begged and pleaded, I have pursued every means to gain the consent of the Church, but every door it seems has been slammed in my face. So then... what will you do? If I cannot do God's work with the Church's permission... then I shall do God's work without it! Sir Monmouth! Aaauuuggghhh! Ah, William! You startled me! For a moment there I thought you were- Oh never mind! It's good to see you! How was your meeting with the Bishop? Not as I had expected. Which is why I have come to see you. Do you suppose we might have a word in private? So that is how the books are brought in! Sermons from Luther in sacks of fruit! Fruit for the stomach and food for the soul! Ha! But no Bibles! No! Not in English, no! And they can't be printed in England! Not with Wolsey's threat of burning! No, no! Then I shall have to go as far from Wolsey's heat as possible. Hmmm? Germany! Germany!? You print and smuggle books in<i>....</i> why can't you smuggle a slightly larger parcel out? You mean y-...? Then you best say goodbye to England forever! You will be a hunted fugitive William - The church will not stand for it... and you know they will persuade the King to help them track you down. It will be a great price to pay. Not any greater than the Lord's sacrifice for us. I am ready! With very little money Tyndale labored tirelessly and continued work on the translation of the 27 books of the New Testament which he had begun earlier. Once in Germany, Tyndale's New Testament was printed in secret and the small pocket-sized books were smuggled into England. I want anyone caught in possession of these books to be arrested and tried... for heresy! The New Testament copies quickly spread causing joy among the people and alarm among the Church leaders who reacted by writing against Tyndale and denouncing his New Testament translation as filled with errors. Reluctantly, William stopped his translation work to reply to his critics and wrote a book entitled "The Obedience of the Christian Man". Burn every book, every page, every piece of paper that has so much as a remnant of it! William Tyndale...I shall have my way with you... wherever you might be! "...And God called to him from within the bush, 'Moses! Moses!' And Moses said, 'Here I am."' A wonderful print job, Herr Peter! We shall soon have a goodly part of the Old Testament completed! And that page will be printed tonight, as usual, but for now... it is best kept hidden and away from prying eyes. We may have certain freedoms here in Germany but there are many still powerful people opposed to these works. Dedrick! Now please! Off you go! You to your writing and I to my printing! Wer A sagt, muss auch sagen! You must finish what you start! God save you and good day, Herr Quentel! Your pardon, sir. After you, please. Good afternoon, Herr Quentel! Good afternoon, Herr Cochlaeus! I will be with you shortly... Hmmmm? Ah! Hmmmm? Excuse me, sir! And how is my work coming along? It is done, Herr Cochlaeus! Wunderbol! Then this calls for a celebration, does it not? Will you join us Herr Quentel? It is nearly your closing time! Not tonight, danke! I uh... have work to attend to. But you go along and enjoy yourselves! Then we shall drink to your good work! ...toast! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... Ahhhh... ha ha ha... That is good beer! Gladdens the heart! And loosens the tongue... Now, then...tell me... About this mysterious book that you are printing... (drunk) Ahhh... you mean... the English Bible... William! We are discovered! What? How? Herr Cochlaeus, one of the printer's clients- a very influential man with strong ties to the Church... somehow he found out! The magistrates' soldier's are at the print shop now. William, it's just a matter of moments before they come here! I've made arrangements for the next ship! We must leave! The Old Testament translations! Not one note must be left behind! This way! A name printer! Give me his name! not sure... your honor! You illegally print the Scriptures in English for someone whose name you do not recall? I...uh... Peter Quentel! You have lost your business... will you also lose your life and burn as a heretic? Give me...a name! Quickly! Thank you! His name is William Tyndale. Aaauuuggghhh! Find Tyndale! Find that heretic! Find William Tyndale! What now? To a safer harbor, my friend... ...and to finish the work that God has set before us... come what may. But for now... a good night's rest! I've had enough excitement for one day. Gone! All the Old Testament manuscripts... the translations... we've lost it all. ...but we are yet alive! The Lord will sustain us! The...Lord...will...! "The Obedience of the Christian Man" - a prohibited book! This is heresy and could very well cost you your life! How did you come about this? I am the one to blame, your Highness. You, Lady Ann? Whew! And what have you to do with a book of this nature, my dear? Having heard so much about it, my lord... I did my very best to obtain a copy. My maid, who reads to me... kept it in her possession... and in a spirit of playfulness her acquaintance... took it from her... only to be caught with it! Ahhh, so you truly are the culprit. Indeed, my lord. Yet I found its reasoning quite remarkable. For instance? "God does not hold kings subservient to the Church for they are a God-appointed office in themselves." Ah... He has his wits about him! The Bishops are indeed a thorn in our flesh and we could use a man that isn't afraid to speak his mind, this...William Tyndale! Then your highness must also offer him pardon, for as his writings are prohibited, it is my understanding that he lives a fugitive... somewhere on the continent, I believe. Then we shall offer him safe conduct and a way to be of use to his king. Bring him to me! Come now... let us walk together. So you finally found him. Yes your majesty. I have found Master Tyndale. Or should I say, he found me? Oh? In Belgium your Majesty. I was led to him just outside the city of Antwerp where he was waiting for me. I put forth your gracious offer of safe conduct and to be part of your court. He, uh...was reluctant, your grace. Reluctant?! Thinking he feared for his life, I assured him of your kind intention my Lord, and of the death of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey... however, it seems I was mistaken to think he was concerned for his own safety. He spoke of a continual persecution of the reformers, and ahhh...He... he handed me a letter for your Majesty. "If it would stand with the king's most gracious pleasure "to grant that only a small portion of scripture "may be distributed among his people, "whosoever's translation it may be, "I will immediately make a faithful promise "not to write more and to return to England, "offering my body to suffer whatever punishment necessary, even death." He refuses our gracious request... and gives us a condition to his return? A condition? This troublemaker? To me? If I allow the Scriptures to be distributed then he will return! It is clear, your majesty that you either , uh... submit to Tyndale and print his ...uh "scriptures" or, as he threatens, he will continue to cause havoc among the people through his writings. He threatens the Church and now... it seems he dares to threaten you! My Lord, I don't think he - He dares to threaten me? Your Majesty...I don't - A threat indeed! I want him found and arrested! Anyone, anyone in possession of his writings will be hanged or burned... without exception! As persecution mounted in England, William continued to write, encouraging sincere Christians to stand firm for their faith. "Do not fear men that threaten you "but trust God who is able to make good on his promise. "Your cause is the Gospel, "a light that must be fed with the blood of our testimony so that the light of the Gospel will not go out." I will not have these writings stir up confusion and discontent among the people. The man must be stopped. You will not return to this place until you have found and apprehended this open wound, William Tyndale. Your grace. The Poyntz family has been kind enough to support me as I translate. They are truly a godsend and I have no doubt they will welcome you to supper. William! Just in time for supper! And a good one I might add. And I do hope you don't mind but I have brought along a new friend. William, you must be careful. Not to worry, he's an honest gentleman. Thomas Poyntz... Henry Phillips! It is truly a pleasure! ...and so you see, Henry, just as the Apostle Paul clearly expressed himself to the early church in the language of his day so we must have the scriptures in the common language today, else how can the followers heed the leader- I have learned much from you William. And I from you. Ha - would that be true! In any case, it is time I repay you, however humbly! Come! Join me for a meal and let us talk more! Ah! Two things I can never decline! Wonderful... after you! ... and further I might add that Peter said, "As newly born babes, desire the milk of the Word..." The Holy scriptures for babes, for the unlearned - William Tyndale! What? Run Henry! Quickly, Henry. This way! William! Which way? Which- William...William... William! William Tyndale! You are under arrest. Oh! I shall have to have that meal...all by myself. Wha-? Henry? Farewell, William. It's been... shall we say...captivating? William Tyndale you are under arrest. I am commanded to take you henceforth from this place to Vivorde Castle. to Vivorde Castle. You stand accused of heresy- teaching what is against mother church. I have neither written nor taught anything contrary to the Holy Scriptures. You break the laws of our Church. Only when the Church breaks the laws of God! So, you set yourself above the authority of the Church? By God's grace, I am a servant of the Church... insomuch as the Church serves God. By your interpretation. By plain understanding of the holy scriptures. Your writings are smuggled into the hands of the common people- the Holy word of God in common language. If the people seek the Scriptures it is only because their soul is hungry! Recant! Confess your fault! Renounce your writings- perhaps you shall be spared. I cannot but do as my conscience dictates. Admit your guilt! I cannot but do as my conscience dictates!! Then...I...shall...burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! William Tyndale you are charged with heresy... in that you have translated and distributed the Holy Scriptures in the English language which is in direct violation of both state and Church. You have denied the authority of the one true church... and are sentenced to be executed... by burning. May God have mercy on your soul! Lord... feed your sheep! the King of England's eyes! Open the King of England's eyes! William's death seemed like a terrible defeat. But, within two years his dying prayer was wonderfully answered. King Henry ordered that every church in England make a copy of the English Bible available for public reading. Every church, father? Every church! You see, you and I can read God's word now because of the sacrifice that William and others made for us. Others like... Grandfather? Yes...Grandfather and other brave people like them who loved God's word! Grandfather taught me... "Everyone who hears God's words and puts them into practice is like a- " ...Wise man who built his house upon the rock! "The rain came down, the streams rose, "and the winds blew and beat against that house. "Yet, it did not fall "because it had it's foundation at the rock. "But, everyone who hears these words of mine "and does not put them into practice "is like the foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain came down..." "If God spare my life, I will cause a ploughboy to know more scripture than the average priest."
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 456,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Videos, Christian Films, Christian Movies, Religious Movies, Films, Movies, Entertainment, Feature Films, Kids Movies, Kids Videos, Family Movies, Family Friendly Videos, Childrens Movies, Childrens Videos, William Tyndale, Animated, The Torchlighters: The William Tyndale Story Full Episode, 2005, Full Episode, The Torchlighters: The William Tyndale Story, Animation, Short, Christian History Institute, English, USA, The William Tyndale Story, The Torchlighters
Id: 1BYPfTej_og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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