Garfield's adventures โšก๏ธ - Full Episode HD

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[Music] so [Music] so liz how did you and heather enjoy your trip to egypt it was great the two of us had so much fun i've brought a couple of snapshots from the trip you grew that a couple there are fewer photos on the internet garfield did you know that in ancient egypt cats were worshiped like gods some of them were even embalmed and buried in their master sarcophagus buried you call that worship oh and john i brought you a little souvenir from cairo the old man who sold it to me at the market said it was an ancient artifact but i'm sure it's just a copy wow thank you liz how cool is that the man's excited by an old mirror hey put some of that gratitude in feeding us all wow me especially garfield's right i'd better go get dinner on the table okay if i help [Music] how about we play hide and seek how about if you hide and we don't seek one two [Music] i'll consider hiding when she hits 80 or so [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] garfield i'm gonna find you now where do they disappear too [Music] as if i didn't have enough problems already [Music] i have a feeling we're not in kansas anymore odie or anywhere else [Music] hey would you be careful with those things i like my further way it is on a living body we are your humble servants master this way your excellence [Music] ah this is more like it [Music] i more grapes please and uh would you mind peeling him as you wish great leader ahem a long time ago cats were not just worshipped by ancient egyptians cats ruled over them men were merely our slaves building but one day thousands of years ago the men dared to rebel against us defeated we were banished into another dimension through a magic mirror uh could you skip to the end i never liked educational programs [Music] according to an ancient prophecy an orange cat and his pet jackal will appear one day jackal oh you mean odie [Music] is that supposed to be me the orange cat shall become our new pharaoh and we will worship him for 2 000 years you want to worship me and feed me who am i to deny my adoring public you shall have all you wish for as soon as we're done with the crowning ceremony good can we get it over with in time for lunch [Music] hey not so tight you want to stop my breathing no that will come soon enough [Music] [Applause] keep it down odie you're gonna ruin my big moment of fame i never kitty high priestess of the goddess crown you pharaoh my lord i present you with those two symbols of your immortal dominion [Applause] [Applause] that's enough grapes to last someone a lifetime for me about an hour in the sarcophagus an hour will be your lifetime you never mentioned anything about putting me into that over-decorated phone booth didn't i oh must have slipped off my mind see our previous pharaoh was getting a little um [Music] hey thanks for inviting me to be pharaoh but i just remembered a previous engagement to not have my life in if you need me i'll be in here hail to our new pharaoh that we shall worship and adore for the next 2 000 years the least you could have done was give me the grapes thanks be silent there's no talking in a sarcophagus oh sorry it's dark in here and i couldn't read the sign the day of our new pharaoh shall be the day of our new freedom and ascendancy you are rattling the temple with your snoring whoops guess i didn't tell you i'm a loud sleeper did i people in the next stage sometimes call and complain about the noise didn't you hear what i said be silent that suits you way better oh why you guys don't let him get away all right fasten your seatbelt never kitty [Music] this is gonna be one bumpy ride [Music] this way [Music] catch them [Music] [Music] this way that's our accident quick [Music] [Applause] pupster how did you open it try to remember use your brain [Applause] [Music] so the prophecy was right the day we crowned our new pharaoh was indeed the day of our freedom i shall gather all my troops we shall cross through the magic gate and wage a war that will enslave mankind and grant us full world domination but we already have full world domination what others do you mean modern day cats already rule humans they feed us and pet us and buy us annoying kitty toys and let us sleep just about anywhere we want to and all day hey we want to sleep all day and we did it in such a clever and subtle way that the humans still haven't figured out that they're our slaves you want to mess with that and have someone serve us freshly baked lasagna wait if this is true take me to your world so i can see it for myself this way your highness uh but i'd lose the egyptian suit if i were you just to uh keep a low profile that's it i'm free i'm free john where did this beautiful cat come from never saw her before maybe she belongs to one of the neighbors huh i don't see any identification tattoo or collar oh unhand me filthy mortal oh what a beautiful kitty can i hold her sure can i keep her auntie liz can i can i i've always wanted a kitty oh if no neighbor comes looking for her sure why not [Music] high priestess is that you no point in letting them go away just being on the safe side we wouldn't want any conquests of mankind oh we're gonna be such great friends i'll name you buzz button [Music] hey that's how it is sometimes one day you're the high priestess of the planet the next day your fuzz button [Music] do [Music] you come back here with that garfield we were supposed to share that pizza don't worry i'll leave you the crust [Music] come back with that pillow it's my pillow i paid for it yeah but i'm the one who got cat air all over there's a mouse in the kitchen you were supposed to do something to keep mice out i am i'm eating every last piece of cheese we have boy john and garfield haven't been getting along well lately have they and you'd like them to be friends wouldn't you yeah well we got to do something i can't live in a house with so much bickering i'm a sensitive rodent and i think i got an idea wanna help body no okay here's what i need you to do but i got whispers [Music] we're going to watch the music show we're gonna watch the monster movie we're going to watch the music show we're going to watch the master movie we're going to watch the music show we're going to wear some movies and watch the music show we're going to watch some movie shows we're going to watch [Music] if the arguments in your house are getting out of hand maybe you're just what we've been looking for [Music] we have a new reality tv show called pet matchers our mission is to match the right pet and master each week we put one pet owner and one pet through a series of tests calculated to measure if they go together last week this woman came to us with her dog an obvious mismatch after our tests she left with her new perfectly matched path gee that sounds interesting maybe we ought to go on that show they'll get tested they'll realize they're made for each other and no more arguing that is if it works [Music] and now back to pet matchers with your host chuck yanza welcome back we're testing this man john arbankel john arbuckle right john arbeinkel to see if he and his cat garfield are a good match i hope they don't expect me to sing the computer has analyzed your likes here are yours john arbeinkel summer days friendly people walks on the beach a good baseball game yep that's me and here is what the computer has determined as the likes of your pet beef lasagna sausage lasagna spinach lasagna more beef lasagna lasagna smart computer let's see the other ways in which you two are compatible or incompatible favorite way to spend the evening favorite sport [Music] favorite hobby how this testing is making me feel like i need a nap mr yunta have these tests enabled you to determine my personality yes you don't seem to have one but we have determined that you and your cat garfield are [Music] you mean garfield shouldn't be my cat that is correct but don't worry we've determined the ideal new pet for you and the ideal new master for your cat there was someone other than john garfield cat your new honor is freddy applegate age nine we found you kitty cat i want my new skincare candy cane oh my god but garfield and i have always been john arbankel the ideal new pet for you as determined by the computer is this frog [Applause] are you sure the computer didn't make a mistake computers never make mistakes now you go to your homes and we'll have camera crews follow you and report back on next week's show how things are working out i already hate this [Applause] [Music] i'm going to take you home [Music] don't be sad odie our new friend will fit right into our lives and it will all be good there you go boy [Music] i think that's all he does look at the bright side i'll bet garfield's getting along great in his new home [Music] did someone say lunch you did say lunch oh boy i'm gonna like it here for long time having meatloaf with mashed potatoes and green corn plus for dessert i get ice cream with hot fudge on it but what about the cat what about the cat and you get a nice big bowl of kitty crunches [Music] hey if you think this is food you eat it you're my kevin you're gonna do what i tell you we're gonna play rocket tomorrow we are oh i don't think i'm gonna like playing rocket to mars getting to buy something three two one i was right i don't like playing racket tomorrow [Music] [Music] so froggy would you like to go for a walk chase birds do anything how about kicking the puppy off the table my old pet loved kicking the puppy off the table [Music] this is the most boring pet in the world hope that things are more exciting in garfield's new home now he wants to play cops and robbers and i have to be a robber oh where is that bad kitty cat burglar oh no i think you have to arrest him and make sure he receives the ultimate punishment this is the ultimate punishment maybe he's hiding in here somewhere when i catch him he'll be sorry i'm already sorry no i guess he's not in here i'll go search around outside boy am i sorry but not as sorry as i'm gonna be the burger's putting up a struggle he's trying to get away a fine idea he's making a break for his getaway car i am [Music] [Music] [Music] help john never did this to me plus he made me lasagna [Music] i can't move i can't move where's my kitty cat i have another game on him oh yeah i can move [Music] i've got to get garfield back in my life i've got to get john back in my life [Music] garfield you should come back and be my loyal devoted cat again john i should come back and you should be the guy who feeds me again [Music] well that's what our camels recorded i guess this pet match just didn't work but things have all been straightened out garfield and john are together again and freddy has a new pat too we're gonna say rocket to mars hey you come back here get my frog now and meanwhile here's your faithful dog odie glad to see master and pet reunited and to thank you for letting pet matchers try to match your pets we have a nice gift for you something edible i hope our computer has calculated what would be the ideal vacation spot for you and we're going to send you there all expenses paid the perfect vacation spot i can't wait [Music] perfect vacation spot i thought the computers didn't make mistakes computers don't make mistakes that's make mysteries [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] can't sleep either huh don't worry i'll take care of it oh garfield i'm trying to clean john i'm trying to sleep i'll vacuum later right now i'll do the laundry [Music] i can't think of anything more annoying than the sound of a vacuum cleaner [Music] just out of something they're doing spring cleaning over where i live so i thought i'd come spend the day with you hmm are you glad to see me [Music] normal i'm so glad to see you i'm gonna roll out the red carpet roll out the red carpet really for me [Music] garfield is this how someone rolls out the red carpet to welcome someone no it's how we roll out the red carpet to get rid of someone [Music] i thought he'd never stop better do garfield's blanket while i'm at it a pookie you stay here i wonder what kind of bleach is good for lasagna stains [Music] oh that wasn't very nice garfield that was kind of the idea normal you don't make a guy feel very welcome you know you should have a place in your home for guests like me we do [Music] the perfect place you know garfield i'm beginning to get the idea i'm not wide around here really i can't imagine why [Music] he'll be sorry one of these days garfield's gonna be nice to me [Music] and i think today's the day i'm time for my pre-afternoon nap nap this is the nap i take to warm up for my afternoon nap [Music] i just washed the blanket in your bed garfield [Music] but now it doesn't smell like lasagna oh well guess i'll just have to spill some more hey something's missing no someone is missing pookie cookie pookie oh pooky oh well he'll turn up it's not like i can't live without him for two minutes yes it is [Applause] [Music] are you in here so that's what happened to my corned beef sandwich i've been at it since 6am but my spring cleaning is all done liz the house is absolutely spotless and i'm wow [Music] but i just i'll call you back liz cookies come out wherever you are what where is the arbuckle fess up what could you be looking for so oh oh i know it's pookie meow hand him over arbuckle if you know what's good for you i took pookie out of your bed so i could wash the blanket and i put pookie right here on the huh hmm that's funny i put him right there i'm waiting oh you know what must have happened i must have accidentally knocked him into cardboard you cad i don't see him anywhere in here but then i emptied this into the trash cans outside don't worry pookie i'm coming to save you where [Music] garfield i'm sorry if i accidentally threw pookie out but there's nothing i can do about it now i can't believe i'll never see my little pookie again i'll never see a smiling face never hear his friendly voice okay so he doesn't say much but he was my pal who could do such a thing who could be so thoroughly rotten as to take my beloved pookie you didn't i did found him in the trash right where you dumped me this calls for diplomacy it calls for intelligent reasoned approach you give me back my poopy you're a millionaire in a box mark please bend folding noodles and you'll never see pookie again [Music] how nice real nice you wouldn't settle for almost nice you'd be real nice to me the rest of the day and i'll show you where i hid pookie girl growl look at this gust you win real nice [Music] all right being nice to normal it's it's so unnatural i need a cookie or two or 37. put that nose of yours to some use and track down whoever it is who took all the cookies it wasn't me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what am i gonna do normal in my bed with a stomach full of my cookies i'll tell you what i'm gonna do hmm garfield please don't shoot me in outer space too good for him garfield please don't let the sharks eat me nah too kind plus it would make the sharks sick let me think garfield please don't make me watch televised golf games yes you're not being nice to me you'll never see pookie again pookie i'll tell you what i'm gonna do to nermalody absolutely nothing huh you know garfield as impossible as it may seem i think i'm getting cuter oh don't you agree yes i truly am the cutest kitty cat in the whole world don't you agree yes nervous you know i want to hear you say it say yes normal you're the cutest kitty cat in the whole world [Music] yes nermal you're the cutest excuse me for just one minute [Applause] yes nermal you are indeed the cutest kitty cat in the whole country world excuse me [Music] whatever thanks garfield hey john's serving lasagna after he finishes recleaning the house think it would be nice if you let me have all yours meow [Music] that's it i can't take any more of this [Music] i didn't want to do it not even the normal but i have to i'm sending an email i'm inviting john's cousin driscilla minerva to come visit [Music] ah now who could that be i just finished cleaning the house again driscilla minerva hi cousin john we came to visit [Music] he's so cute very cute isn't he the cutest kitty you've ever seen absolutely but he can be even cuter we brought our makeup kits let me out of here garfield you've got to save me from them [Music] sorry cute win yeah you're on your own but you promised to be nice to me i'm being nice to you they're the ones who aren't being nice to you [Music] but i haven't been myself since pookie disappeared he's in the hollow tree in the backyard and witness i am turquoise [Music] there you are my friend [Music] i'll help nermal after pookie and i get reacquainted don't bother well odie i got pookie back and i never have to be nice to normal again everything worked out fine there's another kid no please [Music] save me [Music] do so [Music] you guys mind if i stop at the market and buy a few things mine as long as they're edible where should we mine i think i'll take a nap while odie sticks his head out the window and lets his tongue flap in the breeze okay for a dog that's heavyweight intellectual activity oh dream about some edible things boy it's a beautiful night a clear sky and all those stars it's the kind of night that makes you wonder if there are people out there people on other worlds are from other times visiting us [Music] i'll be home in 90 nanoseconds miriam cheese puffs i got you a 500 year supply of those just 300 years ago [Music] all right all right i'll pick up some before i get home i'm going to have to stop off on earth in the 21st century [Music] okay okay get your jelly donut too you'll have to wait just outside the door odie garfield are you coming i can't answer you in addition to the fact that i can't talk i'm also asleep we'll be back soon [Music] okay a 500 year supply of cheese puffs and a jelly donut i guess that's a balanced diet [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh spider i know what you're thinking it's just a little harmless spider not hurting anyone and you're right of course so you know what i'm going to do i'm going to sweat that spider now okay this time for sure okay then this time okay this is it spider you're toast you're an ex-spider you're gonna be flatter than one of john's souffles [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh oh my where am i and why do i have the feeling i really don't want to know john odie anybody i know i'll even settle for nermal hello somebody i don't know where i am but i have the feeling they like cheese here ah at last someone i know hey sqweak boy you are so nutsqueak sorry i just remembered to make an appointment to not be here now we're here i don't suppose it would do any good to mention that i never chase mike guys give me a break i haven't eaten and it's dinner time [Music] that's right dinner time hey i think they're taking me to dinner this is great this is not good [Applause] oh no ketchup oh no lettuce and tomato [Music] hey would you please hold the onion thank you i think the sandwich had better be to go [Music] [Music] one of these must start it or turn on the cd player or something [Music] i don't like hairy sandwiches anyway [Music] there must be some instructions in here somewhere on how to fly this thing huh an instruction manual i'm saved i'm saved i'm saved okay how to steer craft see page 19 pigeon d face ah here it is page 19. to stare craft grab hold of the bling and rotate it into the zirman position for five freebs i'm not safe i'm not safe i'm not saved [Music] another weird world who or what lives on it it's probably some horrible monster even worse than those mice people something's coming one of those horrible monsters i know here it comes it's gonna be the ugliest most hideous thing in the universe i just know it oh hey who are you i'm gonna feel the cat you can't be girl feel that garfield oh yeah if you're garfield then answer me this what do you do all day i sleep eat and annoy small puppies what do you do all day i sleep eat an annoy puppy hey maybe you are garfield but if you're garfield then who am i i know who you are you're garfield isn't there anything different about us well there is this one thing every so often i turn into one of these what a horrifying awful experience and he was so cute up until the near end i wonder where i'm gonna wind up now [Music] hey i know this house this is our house this is where i live i'm home i'm home it's almost time for lunch and i'm home that smell i can tell john's cooking up something wonderful garfield what good timing i have lunch ready you look shocked didn't you know we're all spider people on this planet aren't we yodi and i cooked you a nice fly lasagna no no and after we finish our flies we're going to indulge in our favorite pastime after him swat him the way he always swatted us no stop i like spiders i always like spiders and never hurt a spider see i'll even stoop to lying please no don't swipe the cat all done shopping odie i hope garfield wasn't too bored waiting in the car you okay in there garfield garfield garfield's missing [Music] hey mister have you seen an orange cat my cat is missing he's what did you buy a 500 year supply of cheese puffs why oh never mind that my cat is missing let me put these in my vehicle and i'll help you look for your cat hey not only is your cat gone but so is my vehicle maybe whoever took your vehicle took my cat we need to call the police no you don't need the police i have this remote homing device to bring my vehicle back when i lose it or leave it somewhere [Music] my only chance is to get back to that spaceship thingy car oh no it's taking off without me oh this is a waste of time i'm calling the police to look for my cat and i'm telling you relax [Applause] [Music] garfield garfield it's okay you're back and you're safe okay doki you got your cat back i gotta get home [Music] i know i don't know what happened either garfield and i have a strange feeling we never will [Music] oh god found it [Music] i forgot miriam's jelly donut [Music] wow [Music] dinner's just about ready garfield [Music] it's lasagna wow lasagna i haven't had any of that since uh about four o'clock come on pookie suppertime [Music] don't worry if you don't want yours i'll eat it one piping hot lasagna i got it i got it [Music] you got it boy i thought you couldn't look any cuter but add marinara sauce melted cheese to anything and it looks better sorry garfield i got your toy dirty pookie is not a toy pookie is a best friend who just happens to be made of mostly cloth here you got it messy you clean he better be as fluffy and adorable as always he'll be done any minute now he's done here he is what have you done to him he looks like a porcupine watching a horror movie relax garfield he just needs to be dried overnight [Music] tomorrow morning he'll be his old self again tomorrow morning you're a big cat garfield you can sleep without pookie for one night nah [Music] he's right i can do without pookie for one night [Music] boy i hope he's okay out there [Music] oh that's right he's out of the back on the clothesline i'm sure he's all right what am i worried about he's fine [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] come on oster let's bring pookie in so he can have breakfast with us what he's gone pookie's gone pookie where are you cookies where are you don't worry cookie i'll find you [Music] cookies not in there [Music] spooky's not in here [Music] cookie's not down there [Music] [Music] i'm sorry pookie disappeared garfield well you ought to be when i saw he was missing i ran out and bought you a new little friend i hope you like him not as cute as pookie i thought you might not like that one so i also got this one yeah looks too much like normal [Music] one more it's the latest thing the teddytron 2000 a fully robotic state-of-the-art digital teddy bear it's not as cute as pookie you can make it say whatever you want just by speaking into this microphone hello garfield i want to be your friend hello garfield i want to be your friend and there are all sorts of other commands on the controller here let's see what happens when i press walk [Music] still not as cute as pookie let's see what happens when i press dance [Music] nope maybe this button that says cuddle hey let me go [Music] what are you doing one of these commands has got to be uncuddled [Music] stop stop go back to cuddles this one says stop oh wow pookie never did that to me [Music] oh you're back like i didn't have enough bad news what's that boy you found pookie well don't just stand there slobbering take me to him [Music] in here that that that pookie napper that mud took my best friend okay one of my best friends then i'm gonna get him back you that's my pookie you've got there i demand that you return him id man did you stay out of my yard pookie is mine now mine [Music] if that mutt thinks i'm giving up pookie without a fight he's got another thing coming [Music] this is called fishing for pookie [Music] i got a bite not a real [Music] feels like cookies putting on a little weight there you are pooky [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] got out of that one okay all right i'm trying something else maybe the old phony bush trick [Music] [Music] how much do you get for gardening work okay i'm through being mr nice cat i know how to get pookie back i need to find an old dress [Music] [Music] where is my baby where is my child pookie i want to find my baby who has him there you are cookie what are you doing with that mangy dog you should be with that nice garfield where you belong you're his mother of course i'm his mother don't you see the family resemblance i can get away with this because as you may have noticed dogs aren't too bright let me take you back to garfield's little cookie i'm sorry i didn't know he was your kid lady i just wanted a friend i never had one i'm supposed to be this real tough dog scaring everyone away well that's the trouble i scare everyone away huh so long pookie it was nice having a friend for a little while even if i did have to steal you [Music] you heard it too huh yep real sad so i i think we're gonna have to find him a friend yeah it's great having you around i never had anybody to talk to before boy i used to not have one friend and now i got three [Music] well that worked out well can someone be friends with a useless creature they can't even think hey you and i are pals aren't we uh-huh come on pookie let's go home and see if john has lunch ready and if you don't want yours i'll eat it [Music] solutions [Music] oh it's you normal i thought it might be somebody just thought you'd like to know i'm being entered in the big pet show contest not particularly oh don't be jealous garfield it's not your fault that i'm adorable and you're not you don't even know any tricks sure i know a trick want to see a trick [Music] it's called the hurled the obnoxious kitten out of the yard and have him land in the trash dumpster trick do not do it well all right garfield just for that i'm not sharing the lasagna with you lasagna what lasagna where's lasagna first prize in the pet show is 100 pounds of vito's lasagna a whole three-day supply of veto's lasagna where do i sign up no chance garfield you're not cute enough to even be entered into the pet show all the judges will just laugh at you oh yeah we'll see about that [Music] [Laughter] where do i hate it when nermal's right [Music] didn't make it garfield i'm sorry i guess the judges and i are even i don't think they're so cute either it's okay odie mr arbuckle i'm sorry we had to reject your cat but he's just so uncute well you know miss supermodel yourself fella [Music] is that your dog sure his name is odie this is the cutest dog i've seen in 20 years of judging pet shows you must enter him in the contest [Music] do it odster i'll be your manager and if you win we'll split the prize huh really note i did not say equally my dog seems to want to be in the contest excellent i'll go fill up the paperwork that means we have 83 contestants 83 contestants how's already gonna win all that lasagna for me against 82 other contestants i'll have to do something to kind of narrow the odds a bit hey garfield as soon as i heard first prize was lasagna i knew you'd be in this contest not me not for that lasagna i thought you loved vito's lasagnas not anymore not since vito started making it healthy healthy lasagna ain't that a contradiction yeah makes it out of soy and tofu and then he throws in some tofu and soy whoa sounds awful it's lasagna i won't eat that had to tell you plenty i'm gonna go to the other pet show on the east side of town do you have real delicious lasagna is the price hey if that's where the great prize is that's where i'm going ah one down 81 to go really on the east side of town would i mislead you [Music] oh well you always know where the good lasagna is garfield [Music] 79 80 81 oh i missed one ladies and gentlemen may i have your attention please we seem to have lost most of our contestants i wonder where they all went we only have two odi the dog [Applause] and normal the cat [Music] that's the one i missed our two contestants will compete in several events to determine the winner starting with the cuteness competition i know you're rooting for odie garfield but there's no way anyone's going to beat normal in the cuteness competition yeah we'll see about that first the judges will score odie with regard to cuteness i love a good intellectual competition well let's see how the judges have scored odie [Music] cody gets an eight a nine and a ten for a total of 27 points and now we'll test the cuteness of nermal and now we'll put cotton into odi's ears [Music] here's where i take an early lead i do cute better than anybody [Music] observe what happens when you rub claws on the average blackboard and in the cuteness competition the judges give normal a one a zero and a minus three i can't believe it you're almost as uncute as that fat orange cat that applied earlier in any case odie has won the first event the lasagna prize will be mine well mine annoys but mostly mine we can't possibly lose the next event will be based on intelligence boy can we lose the object of this competition is to find two matching items in the pile oh my normal will go first on your mark get set go [Music] and normal finds one slipper and then its match in seven seconds let's see atop that dog all right boy go select an item from the pile a slipper okay now go pick another slipper out of the pile no that's a baseball mitt we need a slipper oh no that's a flashlight get a slipper no that's an 8x10 glossy of elvis presley we need a slipper a slipper [Music] [Applause] you know that would be the clapman diamond i'm sorry only has brought you every item in the building except the matching slipper normal wins this event tying the score cody why can't you just bring me a slipper even you're not that stupid why can't you understand me the contest will be settled by the final event the obstacle course everyone step outside [Music] the pet who reaches the end of this obstacle course first will win the competition and this piping hot lasagna from the master italian chef vito [Applause] [Music] that's ready on your mark get set go [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] normal's nearing the finish line face it garfield odie's lost i'm not giving up that lasagna without a fight and normal's heading for the finish line looks like this one is just about over folks one more photo my public what's this normal stop just short of the finish line for a photo op just one more uh now smile this way one more photo normal uh yeah you're good now your other good stuff and now what's happening foldy has [Applause] and it looks like it's gonna stay that way oh hey nice job odie you're a champion [Music] enjoy your lasagna prize fellas oh and garfield odie won the contest so divide it up fairly did you think i wouldn't did you think i would cheat someone out of their fair share of lasagna odie gets a piece and i get a piece what could be fairer than that [Music] here's your one piece [Music] and here's my one piece i won't eat it all now i'll eat some now and some in eight minutes nothing will prevent me from enjoying this [Music] there was no pet show on the east side of town what no pets on the east side of town boy we aren't getting my paws on that evil liar who told me that yeah we walked all the way over there and back and now we're hungry what do you have to say to that cure for some lasagna thanks i thought you'd never offer [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Views: 409,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garfield[Drawing Garfield, cat, odie, jon, nermal, cartoon, orange, liz, funny, generic
Id: w9NgWHa6Jq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 3sec (4383 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2022
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