The Tools I Carry...EVERYWHERE! EDC Tools!

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today i want to talk to you about the tools i carry in my pocket some people call them edc or everyday carry tools i don't guess i really use that term too often but i've been working a lot over the last year year and a half trying to optimize the not only the tools i carry but the method with with which i carry them how how i store them so i want to share that with you today let's get started now i think the best way to start is to talk about the earliest memory i have of any pocket carry tools and that's my dad he always carried a pair of these pliers these are diamond pliers they were made in the usa you can't buy them new anymore probably the best slip joint pliers you could buy they just they were really really tight and compact lightweight strong it's no telling how many millions of these things were made and sold probably up until the late 80s 90s i'm not sure when they stopped making them i can say that you can find them on ebay that's how i bought these i bought two different sizes they're called diamond pliers i think this is the seven inch size or six and a half inch size dad always carried these and he also carried a screwdriver now this screwdriver is not exactly what he would carry it's it's it's different in that he always wanted a straight blade but he liked a fairly long screwdriver and a fairly narrow handle a a small diameter handle probably not this long but it's the closest i had to what my dad would want to carry he found it harder to find these the screwdriver is just the shape he wanted in in his later years so he had to go with a thicker one here but you know it still worked okay so that's where i first got the memory of seeing how valuable pocket carry tools are my dad could could solve almost anything with these two tools now my dad carried one other tool and i don't have one so i can't show it to you he had a an open end wrench that had a half inch wrench on one end and a 9 16 on the other it was amazing when he came to adjust things on tractors attachments how many times that either the 9 16 or the half inch was the right size wrench i don't think we see that quite as much anymore because we don't see the the bolt used to to adjust things quite as much as as we did maybe in the 70s and 80s but still uh you know that's an interesting option now when i was a kid of course i wanted to be different than dad but i really wanted to be just like dad right he had the half inch and 9 16 pliers the screwdriver roll i i got the pliers but i decided that i would carry a small adjustable wrench now this one's a six inch and that's about the size i had and so i carried an adjustable wrench i thought well you know i'll have this wrench and then when dad needs it and doesn't it doesn't fit the 9 16 or half inch you'll say tim can i borrow your adjustable can i borrow your adjustable that happened probably a half a dozen times in my entire memory before i lost the adjustable wrench we'll get to that more in a minute but an adjustable just didn't turn out for me to be as helpful as i thought it would it was nice to have it but it just it wasn't as helpful as i thought it would be randall's trying that again now i just talked to him randall's my nephew we just talked about this last weekend and he said he's trying an adjustable wrench if there's a lot of interest in this topic maybe he can comment below or we can follow up with another episode just to kind of see what his experience has been with the adjustable wrench next up this is an addition by tom my brother tom rather than using a standard screwdriver he carries this now i think these sometimes are on sale at menards or lowe's or wherever for 1.99 i mean they're they're very inexpensive um they have two different size hex tools on them i think it's quarter and 5 16 and then phillips and straight screwdrivers in both ends or maybe this one's got yeah phillips and straighten both ends and so it's kind of a multi-purpose tool it's still about the same size as a regular screwdriver and so i copied this one from my brother tom this is a tool that i carry one more now these are my all-time favorite pocket tool um they look like just an old-fashioned pair of water pump pliers i've shown them on this channel several times i have them on the amazon store they're nip x or i don't know how it's supposed to be pronounced it says cobra on here i may not be pronouncing nip x right it seems like no matter how i pronounce it somebody tries to correct me but the adjustment here is much more fine too the teeth here is much more fine tooth and it stays in those teeth just perfectly the jaws are made such that they'll fit on a hex head nut they also have you know the rougher teeth that you can use for regular pliers so you can run them in here for regular pliers you can run them out larger and even up to an inch or a larger nut you can actually work with this tool so it sort of serves like an adjustable wrench and a pair of pliers all in once these are not cheap they're about thirty dollars at least if you order them online you may be able to find them cheaper elsewhere again there's a link in the to my amazon store shop slash tractor time with tim there's two or three sizes there listed under in the tools section these are the sevens i believe and i think there's a 10 and a 12. i'm not trying to sell these things i'm just saying i've had good luck with them and a lot of times that's helpful to you so my two favorite tools are the screwdriver this multi-purpose screwdriver the nip x pliers but i think it wouldn't be complete because i've actually put more effort in trying to figure out how to carry these efficiently and effective than i have in actually selecting the tools so i'm going to show you a few options i've come through okay so to give you a hint of where we're going to end up on the best way and most efficient way to carry my tools my dad always wore bib overalls i'm not interested in wearing bib overalls because i find them too hot okay i just i just find it too hot here and on my back so i i've i grew out of the stage of wanting to wear bib overalls i know randall still does um but i just i got to where i just felt like they were so hot i couldn't wear them so what i tried to do was a bunch of different approaches my brother tom uses an approach like this this is a leather holster this one actually came from john deere i don't know someone gave it to me somewhere at a i don't know some dealer event or something that that i was at as a customer and they so it fits on your belt so if you were using a standard pair of pliers you can stick those in there and over time the leather will will mold itself to the tool you want to put in there and so that works pretty good for standard pliers but it doesn't work so good with my angle pliers i couldn't get them to ever fit this appropriately tom uses one of these with his standard pliers and his screwdriver now his is not exactly the same brand as this i'll put a link in the description below to the brand that tom uses and maybe put it on my amazon store as well in case you like this style but i find it hard to get the pliers that i want to carry as well as a screwdriver inside this style one of the negatives of this screwdriver is that after they wear a little bit the bit wants to come out there's a little ball here and it gets it gets loose gets worn so i ordered two more pouches i might have even ordered a third but i can't find it now um i wanted small pouches i looked and looked for small pouches that i still thought could hold two tools and the main way that i wanted it small was was left to right here right so this fastens on your belt it hangs down to your side this one looks like it would hold four tools i tried it for one day just way too big for me okay it would hold my tools it would hold what i needed to do i could put i could put my nip x pliers in here i could put the screwdriver either in here or in here i didn't find that it held the screwdriver down perfectly but i just thought this was too big entirely too big for me to carry next up was this one uh it's a carhartt brand it's meant for one tool okay and it fits the nip x pliers beautifully it's got a little snap on here to make sure you don't lose them if i wanted to carry only the nip x pliers this would be wonderful it works really well in fact in certain situations i do use this pouch with just the pliers because of compromises that that i'll show you in a minute i can't figure out how to carry the screwdriver in it very well i can put the screwdriver in there but i can't snap it and i just i felt like it was too easy to come out so this is my second choice it's just not perfect i don't think i've ever talked about my preferred clothing on this channel none of this is sponsored in fact none of this episode is sponsored but it was a part of the decision that i was going through to try to figure out what i was how i could best carry these tools so i found these for summertime i found these wrangler rigs workwear they're very lightweight okay but still very tough and i liked them because it had a side pocket on them right here see on the side so i tried my pliers and my screwdriver and i thought maybe i could make them work okay but it's just not deep enough so i love these pants because they're so lightweight and i can't find nearly as tough a pants that are still lightweight but i don't find this side carry pocket to to work for me so that's when i have to to use this i need to give a shout out to a viewer here that i worked back and forth with uh for several weeks where he was trying things i was trying things robert doyle i really appreciate your help robert we were really working through several different ideas and this is one of the ideas that i believe we talked about together this is a pair of cargo pants all the rage these days right i think the biggest intent for some of these side pockets on the cargo pants is to carry your phone but i saw this pair from lee yeah this is a pair from lee and in addition to these huge cargo pockets here it had this pocket right here which seemed about the right width for me i could drop my screwdriver and pliers right in this narrow pocket i thought this would be perfect there's a a problem though when i would sit down sideways like on the tractor and start driving it wasn't long until everything was falling out and again thirty dollars i did not want these falling out so that didn't work so i decided to try the larger pocket okay so i put the pliers and the screwdriver down in the larger pocket and i went several days like that now what i'm showing you here it's it's hard for you to see but this is so wide that the pliers go down sideways right so they're actually right here and not only was that annoying when i was walking with them banging on my leg sideways like that i couldn't get them out very easily i had to reach all my entire hand down in there to pull them out i looked for several different styles of cargo pants i just couldn't find exactly what i wanted if you have an answer for that i'm open to hear it now i mentioned earlier that my dad wore bib overalls i tried some several different brands of carpenter jeans because carpenter jeans are essentially bib overalls without the bibs right they have the side pockets on them i tried the dickies in fact that's what i'm wearing here today is an old pair of dickies jeans and i find the denim to be really heavy on them and therefore hot but even though it's heavy it's not very durable it doesn't seem like to me so i didn't intend this to be a lesson on which jeans are the best to wear but i'm just just sharing that much of my experience there now contrast that with these leaves that i found i actually found these when i was visiting heavy hitch way up in minnesota i believe it was a farming fleet way up there and so these are lee riders and they're a car carpenter's jean they have the typical carpenter's pocket on them and i want to show you the feature that makes this work so i'm able to get the pliers and the screwdriver in my pocket but the trick that makes it work is this little ledge right here this little this little crook right when i set down sideways they they sit in there and they don't fall out because of that little hook on that side it keeps them from falling out and so i have found this to be the most effective way for me to carry my pocket tools whatever brand works for you but i found these leaves are very lightweight not quite as lightweight as the uh the the first ones i showed you those rigs or whatever but the the pocket works perfectly now if i could just find a place to buy them around here that would help a lot i put a lot of thinking into this i hope you can kind of realize this i've i've spent several dollars none of these pants are cheap i think they're 35 40 dollars each for for these cargo jeans and the and their rigs maybe about the same price i think for the lees i i really i was trying to find a good solution money was no object at least for one pair or two pair to to try this i'd like to hear what you use um the idea of carrying pocket tools is absolutely amazing for instance we were on vacation this past week both christy and catrio making fun of me because i had my pliers and screwdriver on vacation and was carrying them sure enough we get out in christie's father-in-law's four-wheeler his ranger polaris ranger and it had a rattle well i just reached in my pocket grabbed my tools and was able to make the rattle disappear without going back to the house it it i would just say that pocket carry tools like this make you more efficient and in some cases they actually make you stronger because you can grab something with a pair of pliers and twist it or pull it that you can't with your bare hands so i would encourage you to consider the possibility of carrying pliers these knit backs are great screwdriver i use a little less than the pliers so if i had to choose only one it would be the nip explires leave your comments below i want to hear your ideas hope you found this interesting thanks for watching we'll see you next time on tractor time with tim i was all excited about wearing my rim guard shirt today hey by the way ttwt to find your nearest rimguard dealer but first thing i spilled diesel fuel all over it i think christy thinks diesel fuel is perfume so she's been highly attracted to me all day not really yeah i could see it in your eyes did you see him no he looked outside and then he just turned his head the other direction like no that's not my plan right now it's funny actually
Channel: Tractor Time with Tim
Views: 42,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tractor Time with Tim, compact tractor, John Deere, Kubota, Mahindra, gardening, Kioti, Yanmar, DIY
Id: 6RTMXmv1kXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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