My Wife Guesses the Price of My EDC Gear

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welcome back welcome i can't do the whole armspan thing welcome back everybody my name is taylor martin and this is alex this is my wife you guys have you ever been on this channel no sorry no you haven't wanted to be that's fine she does not really care for edc gear so uh yeah this is alex and today i wanted to do something a little fun you are going to guess the price of my carry the current carry that i have and then we'll have like a lightning round at the end but there's a wager right yes there's a wager that's the most important part that's the only reason i'm here we came up with the deal which i think is a little unfair but you came up with it uh if she gets six items within 10 of their msrp value correct then i'll pay for her to have her eyebrows microbladed i feel like six is a lot out of ten i mean let's knock it down a little bit should we five 50 50 if you get half of them right within 10 of their their msrp i like that better okay anyway she's gonna guess the price of my carry let's do the damn thing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to start i think there are several things that you're going to know we're going to get this one out of the way because if you i say that you've not really paid attention to me i don't normally when you right because it just all drones together so we'll start with the knife because i've been carrying this all month the grimsmo norseman you guys know all about endorsement uh but the question is how much have you paid attention i've paid attention to you going by flicking it constantly and i know the value of it no real seriously you said it was one of the cheaper ones i uploaded a video to the channel you don't watch your videos i don't watch your videos oh watch your videos that had the the value of this knife in the title of the video and no you can't look that up um you said it was once you're doomed you're not going to get your iceberg you said it was one of the cheaper ones didn't you because i remember i remember when you had the vote for you were not happy that this was the one that was chosen wow you were you were fun okay so maybe it's not one of the can you even open it i don't know yeah question is can you close it you always hand them back to me to close i don't want to cut myself uh cheap would say i would say affordable affordable is is anywhere between like 25 and maybe 50 60 bucks oh okay i don't i wouldn't put this in that range okay it's a good start um i'm thinking mid-tier would go from like i don't know 100 to three hundred and fifty dollars and then you've got hyannis this is a high end okay i don't know is it i wanna just throw out a number don't look at me throw out a number um 375. you're you wanna know the value of this can i guess one more time how's that gonna work sure go ahead you're so far off that doesn't matter i was really far off on that one yeah okay 1200 no okay this uh i think i paid 9.90 for this okay but that's that's not msrp is that what yeah that you paid yeah that was that was straight from grimsby i had a buyer's choice so i built this the way i wanted it so 990 okay well is that that's i guess that is not one yeah not within one down one for me grimm's moon horseman let's go with this one next this is gonna throw you off this is the okluma dc-0 flashlight i carry probably 85-90 of the time what do you think i know it's a flashlight it is a flashlight um good job it is the one that makes your hands stink no it's titanium she really hates copper and brass i don't like i like the look of it they just make your hands smell bad should i go with my magic number again 250 250. you're closer well i mean i know i know i was you're not within 10 it's 400 and then the uh oklahoma dc one is 450 so 400 that out of here you're o for two i know it's not looking good i only have to hit 50 okay this is gonna be easier i think i would hope so i'm going to preface this with this is a prototype and it does not have an actual msrp yet but joe and i are going to sell these and i have a pretty good idea of what they're going to sell for okay [Music] so he made this leather wallet [Music] you're really good at guessing what things are i mean we could have played that game um my magic number's just calling to me again what magic number my 250 number oh my god no okay okay okay okay see she really does not pay attention when i talk what exactly 75. pretty close but i think we're gonna hit about 50 bucks oh so you'd have to be within five dollars you have other leather wallets you've bought for like a hundred dollars don't you are they all they're all about 50 60 bucks maybe 45. [Music] should i so this is this is the rest of this it's so gross this is a proof on the internet that you do not listen when i talk at all all right this is one of my own products i lost this is part of our livelihood i remember seeing this on your nightstand and i find it in the couch when it falls out of your pocket but i don't know how much it is so it's a swiss army knife um with custom scales i know what skills are i don't even know what these normally go for um 110 50 bucks next one you've got to be able to guess this one is that a oh it's a pen yeah it looks like a flashlight for a second i was really concerned um is this the um there's two different brands i'm thinking that this could be it's not going to be a brand you know oh this was a kickstarter and i don't even know if they've shipped yet so that's like earlier he is really screwing me over on this well uh it's in the ballpark of all the other ones price range so what do the other ones cost really that's a dead giveaway but to any of us megan probably knows hey you got one yes one it's 107. i have to get the conversion there's only i'm already halfway through and i've already got to get all the rest of them you got one for five yeah so this is the silex jet pin for those of you interested uh really cool little compact pen you know what this is this is a pry bar it is yeah eleanor picked up one of these off your nightstand this morning and she said this is not dangerous i said it is if you if you hit somebody with it but um it's lightweight titanium just titanium titanium is usually more expensive right if you can tell me what that material is that's looks like like a a resin of some sort but it's ultim i don't know anyway um eighty dollars i'm pretty sure they're they're 125. uh i didn't i think if i saw it listed at 80 i'd be like that's not unreasonable i mean i wouldn't spend my 80. that's not true that's not what's interesting so the titanium pry bars about two years ago we're going for about 80 bucks that's c that was the last time i paid attention to you thanks thanks but no but i'm not 130 i knew kind of what i was thinking so you're at the point now where you have to get everyone right from here on okay all right so you're you're one for six you gotta get the next one you have to get the next four okay just all right so we're gonna i'm actually leaving off this thing because i forgot i had it on me oh is that just like a glow that's a tritium glow fob so we're not talking about that we're talking about this little flashlight keychain light from oh lights that is the i102 pro i1r2 pro you know i used to do the post on your website where i would link all these things for you and i would have to put the prices in there okay yeah they didn't change the price i would have to put the prices in there for these it was two years ago that's why i knew kind of what that was going to be i don't remember these though 60 80 just forget i said that we're going to try again 45 49.99 22. um i'm not counting this this is cool i'm going to say it's 55 oh you got one uh so arizona i should just go with what comes in my head originally the jrw tough clip i think they're 45 but this was my version which we and i knew that did you i did because look you paid attention a little bit uh i think we sold these for 50 or 55. so regardless you got that one cool so you're two for eight right yeah no i think she's uh two for four two for eight move on uh moving on so the next one this one is gonna be i think hard you thought all the other you didn't even you had to look this one up i did because i didn't buy it what is it is like a fidget thing that is called the billet spin gambit and it is a is like a fidget coin right so what do you do with that some of them have a little ball in the back and can be stimulus tops but it's really just kind of a little fidgety thing so you can swap these out well i know that these ridiculous things have been selling for way more than you would imagine something like this would sell for but i don't want to overshoot it again i'm probably gonna um this is a zirconium outer so zirconium gambit with a uh tymascus coin on the inside so it's a little a little soupy little bouge i guess 1.99 boom you almost nailed that one i believe so i i'm pretty sure this is 130 and this is 60 which would pull it up to 190 it counts it counts i told you three for nine so you're you're close yeah three for nine right you needed to get to five to ten so you still can't win we'll just add something else to the i just need five all right there we go okay this is a watch so damascus dc 58 i can tell you approximately when i bought it okay i got it around my birthday last year no it would have been my birthday last year the year before it would have been 2020 april 2020 is when i bought that okay so you wouldn't have spent an exorb what's that word that i'm absorbing absorbent amount on it um fourteen hundred dollars no is that high or low that is low oh that is almost my most expensive watch this one well you should have prefaced with that um that's giving too many details 4 200. no you have no 35 no 27 and 2 500 20 i just said 2 700 guess four yeah yeah so you are uh three for ten does your phone count you know what i bought my phone for i know put it on the table it's a carry bring it out all right you know what it is twelve hundred dollars i won no i did oh thank you four four eleven you're still not even 50 okay all right so i'll give you one more shot this is like all or nothing type of thing yeah so we're gonna do a lightning round okay i i have i feel like i've worked my way into this this groove a little bit now and i can um i'm gonna get this pick up three items don't guess them individually pick up three items that you think you can guess the price of i don't okay i'm just gonna have to pick up random items because they all look the same to me look at them literally that like i know these are knives and flashlights and pens but they all look the freaking same tell me what every one of your life okay i'll let you guys go in on this right okay you you and me how do you know the pouch all right i got the pouch i do is this a tpt slide or a rubber slide okay so it's a tv slide no it doesn't no it's just it's oh it's his seat i thought you said it says to be okay we'll do that one right we know no okay um i feel like i kind of might know this one okay because i've heard you talk about it a lot we'll have a throwaway in there somewhere too um all three we'll pick four and we'll do you know three out of four um [Laughter] this is the custom brassworks swiss army knife i know that because i it's one of my favorite things was with the was it copper bronze or whatever skills that he had remember it's one of my favorite looking things that you've but you know the value of it no and he's still thinking i don't it's not gonna all right wait give me a pen this is a this is this i know that one i mean i know what it is i think this one that is my pen like do i have to guess with your customized added on junk [Music] okay that's four things i said pick three i'm trying to help you out here but i just feel like this is not going to go your way i mean the watch i'm pretty sure i have a good idea which one the garment well you did you oh you worked oh let's just uh plop that right then right down here on the table okay all right let's see how good we can do with these you got five i said pick three now how many do i have to get right three out of five that works this away all right megan i'm not going to start with this i'll come back to you for this one you might want to start with this okay what is this it's 49.99 49.99 yes this is your tpt slide it is now there's a lot of numbers going through my head right now because when you made these i remember you talking about a lot of numbers and i don't remember which numbers they actually were um i want to say this is not my final answer okay okay i want to guess that this is somewhere around like 90 or something like that okay i'm pretty sure we sell those for 85 right okay i was thinking 80 to 90 but i feel like that was on the lower end for the custom customization the customized one i think mine's 85. if it's right then it is my final answer if it's not right it's not my final that's your final answer uh oh no no no see i told you it wasn't i thought it was 95. oh but i was still right 90. yeah okay so you're two two for two so far all right megan back to you with the garmin solar solar it's very important apparently affects the price yeah it does affect the price but i would say it's not important um i need to double check this one too gps solar which one is it six pro solar phoenix six pro solar i'm gonna go i'm gonna go i'm 7.99 i'm gonna go with 7.45 800 we were both yeah wow that was good that was good okay you've already got three others you already have three you got three for three right there no we're fine put these away we won [Music] the microphone since you picked them all right might as well try and get whatever all right this one see if you can redeem yourself i don't even remember i don't even know if i can remember this one i just know that i liked the the designs and the patterns all right so that was your friend john that made these right um i'm just gonna have to throw a random number out there 145. i think they were 250 or 275. um this one i know they're in the 250 right is this no this is um what's the name of that damn company you work with them all the time the best media carry commission the one that made this um there's two companies like i said earlier with the other pen there's two there's tactile turn makes pens is that what this is yes okay tactile terrain and that's damn edc carry commission and and oh the other company it was a three-way collab oh who made them textile turn made the pin who customized them oh wow you guys really don't pay attention i do it's your feud it's rich i know it was rick i could not think of the name of his company zero feud i'm sorry rick i love you i do i promise um this one is gonna go four i'm gonna say 150. i was thinking something around there 150 bucks that's what we sold them for god damn we're good we are really good are you we're like the most or the most unlikely edc team you and me just because i want to see where you fall on these okay this is just like yeah off the cuff no thinking about it just what my first my very first impression of how much it would be yup my my favorite knife i think ever period christopher nimzon i know you've heard me talk about it i've heard that name a thousand times because it's a weird ass name what does it cost um 745 no 450. can you even open it probably not i don't like opening knives it's this one megan can it scares me no i can't do it okay uh probably the most expensive knife i have sure gorov f95rt hundred dollars yeah nailed it is this the nirvana it is the nirvana look at this you know the only reason i know that is that well i know it's a spyderco yes because and i used to have i used to use a spyderco knife when i worked on the boats yep um because i just know that that hole right there i mean spyderco so how'd you know it was a nirvana because the pattern on here i remember yeah i remember i don't know if they all look like that but well the spyderco nirvana yes okay but the nirvana by peter asanti no is there more than one i guess there is um i just remember you showing me this a long time ago and it was called it was my braille i had to look for them because they were discontinued so i do remember how much this one i don't know how much it is i paid msrp for it which was really nice okay um 4.25 400 bucks that's what i paid okay 100 okay i told you i had to get into like the groove of this and then i'd and then last thing we're gonna do be better at it last thing we're gonna do i want you to arrange these in order of cheapest most expensive this is pure guessing this is a timex i'm going to assume it's less expensive because i see them in like you know like walmart do i see timex's in walmart yep um the oris i remember you talking a lot about this one i think this one's the most expensive so we'll do that that is actually correct this is correct could you guess the pricing on them this one is 175 no 279 okay 279 so this one is 550. closer but no i think i paid seven for it but i think they go for like nine hundred dollars okay it's a quartz watch too it's not even that doesn't mean anything to me and this one is 9.75 oh okay this one is four thousand dollars no no no that was the one you remember i said this was the one that i bought for flynn not for flame but before flynn was born and i wore it and like that'll be his when he's 18. that was my eleanor gets a pen and flynn gets away well i said we'd figure it out we'll get her something but he signed the he signed the birth certificate huh well we obviously know the favorite he looks just like you i mean he signed the birth certificate with one of these nice pens and he said oh eleanor is going to have this pen that i signed her birth certificate with when she turns 18. and he's like i take notes in college i mean like who the knows and then they'll be like hey and then flynn's gonna get uh what how much is this two thousand dollar twenty six hundred twenty six hundred dollars poor eleanor she she'll get some nice stuff i'm just it was it was a nice gesture i needed a way to convince you that it was okay for me to buy a 2600 watch and you didn't even know how much you spent so you don't have to convince me i know because you just do it without telling me and then you tell me after the fact and then all right that's past the point of even carrying it so so after like seven attempts you got a couple things right in a row a one sort of you kind of rigged it in your favor and i was kind of rooting for you so it's okay we're gonna we're gonna get your eyebrows microbladed um thanks for coming on and doing this uh don't kill me because of how much stuff i have this is not even like a tenth of what you have like i know i don't listen to you when you talk but i do kind of listen to you when you talk i know you have a lot of i do so thanks for not killing me already you're welcome thanks thanks guys uh i hope you guys enjoyed this i'm glad you came on it was fun we'll do something else in the future i got some time away from the kids that's true which i love but i'm with them all the time i'm checking their time because i got to go pick her up from school now but i think next time maybe we'll do a like a whiskey tasting well you did great with the scotch i tried this one and i did not like it i like that moonshine though let's do it let's do a moonshine tasting just one taste just all the the same one and all the different glasses you'll be drunk you'll be done uh all right thank you guys for watching uh if you have an idea for what you should we should drag alex through next because she wants to come back because she wants to win other things like a tattoo i want to win a lot of stuff so if you have an idea for what she should do come on and do next uh let us know in the comments down below and uh if you want you can follow her and watch the wild escapades of eleanor and flynn it's mainly just eleanor and flynn but you're welcome tearing up the house and i don't even remember what my username is now because i changed my last name yeah alex martin dudebro martin thanks for watching guys i hope you enjoyed it uh we'll do something like this again in the future no i was just copying you okay i'll see you next time and until then do you even know how in my videos um carry on wow wow carry on you got it you got it good job [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Best Damn EDC [Taylor Martin]
Views: 287,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EDC, everyday carry, edc gear, edc knife, every day carry, Grimsmo Norseman, Damasko DC58, Rustic Heirloom, Silex Gear, Jet Pen, Okluma DC0, Best Damn EDC, Topo MiniChamp, JRW Tough Clip, Glow Rhino Ember, Billetspin Gambit, Coin, EDC gear, Garage Built Gear, Big Idea Design, Topo TPT Slide, TPT Slide, Tactile Turn, Bolt Action Short, Brasswerx, BSWAK, Chris Reeve, Umnumzaan, Shirogorov F95RT, Oris Divers 65, Marathon TSAR, Timex, Huckberry, Navi XL Arctic, wife guesses
Id: l5nicEz7Vsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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