10 AMAZINGLY Bad Tools You Probably Own

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welcome back friends to the shop so it's monday morning today is the day we take possession of the new homestead so as i was packing things in the shop making the hard decisions what to keep or what not to keep i came up with a video idea of sharing 10 tools that i have kept and drug around that have that have plagued me that i absolutely detest and asking myself why do i continue to suffer these things so i pulled out my 10 most hated tools that i will not be taking with me i've got yield garbage can right here they're going right i'm gonna share it with you now maybe some of these i may not be using them right but that's my personal experience so i'm gonna go through one one through ten uh and explain to you why i detest them so much first one any sort of a wrench that doesn't have an offset now what's an offset an offset if we look at this excellent snap-on wrench right here you can see that it has a little bit of a bend on the box end well why is that important well when you are trying to get something a bolt or a nut that's flush when you put it down on a flat surface that little offset gives you room for your knuckles and you can get in there and you can tighten it or you can or loosen it right well some of these wrenches that i have like this crescent gear wrench has zero offset and i find myself you don't have room to get your hand in there and you and you got your fingertips on there which you have no strength and you can't get anything done they're miserable terrible things why someone would make a wrench without an offset is beyond me so number one any box wrench without an offset number two milwaukee tape measures i have always been a stanley fan stanley is the gold standard when it comes to carpenters tape measures the fat max brand the 25-footer i think is as good as it can get now they were the only game in town for years you know that was really there was lufkin of course you know some specific type of tape measures for engineers and such but for carpenters stanley was the go-to right well now everyone else has jumped on board and you don't just learn something overnight right you you learn how to make something over decades of experience and that's what you sometimes you don't see in a product well i i needed a tape measure and i was at home depot and there was a two pack it was like buy one get one free and i thought well milwaukee's a good brand i'll have that there's really no difference right wrong this is the this is the worst tape measure ever first off it's got a magnet on the end now that's may sound good and if you're a steel stud framer that's probably a good thing but for those of us who just work with wood every time you put this in your nail pouch when you pull it out what's it have stuck on the end of it a whole bunch of screws or nails you have to clear off and it gathers things and there's always some little goober or some little piece of metal or something on there and how many times have i ran this out to try to get an accurate measurement because there was some goober on the end of it i cut the the board wrong furthermore the ends don't hold up right here on the end of the tape you can see there is a serrated knife razor edge on both of them that i own it's some sort of a design flaw i don't know if it when it comes in or what causes it but i've cut my fingers multiple times on this it is a hateful and terrible thing and i won't suffer it a moment longer number three spray foam spray i have spent hundreds of dollars on spray foam it's always kind of the um it's kind of always the refuge of the uh of the hat carpenter oh it doesn't quite fit right i'll just fill it with spray foam i have got i have ruined more pair of pants and shirts and clothing and gloves have you ever tried to get spray foam dried spray foam off of an article of clothing there's nothing tougher than this stuff the messes and the and the and the unsightly you know here's the problem you know a lot of this is user error because you spray it into a crack right and it and you know it's going to expand but you're never prepared for how much it's going to expand and you come back the next day and you've got this horrible looking spray foam that's squished out all over the place that you have to go and try to scrape off nothing looks worse it's a very terrible color it makes a terrible mess you you inevitably it'll follow on fall on the ground and then you'll trot on it and you track it into your house now it's in your carpet it is miserable stuff no more spray foam for me the next is the is the mechanics crow's foot i bought these things i'll bet i've drugged these things around in multiple toolboxes for decades never once have i ever used this and i know someone's going to come in the comments oh i use my crows for it every day okay we're good for you i'm not putting them in my toolbox anymore i've never found a use for them i've never ever once used them and there's a whole bunch of them i got a whole metric set the whole standard set and i'm always messing with them they take up a bunch of a bunch of room in the toolbox i'm done with it i'm not packing them up all of them are gone next is a jitterbug sander now yes i get it back in the day there was a couple options if you wanted to use an electric sander right you had a belt sander which of course is a great tool and for smaller work you had a jitter jitter bug sander that jitterbugs back and forth i have never experienced a more useless tool than a jitterbug stander by the time you fool with it and get the cord and mess with it you could have just hand sanded for the most part and i think why these are so ineffective now to me in my particular the way i work now this is just towards the way i work you know you may you're you may have a different experience but the orbital sanders are so much more efficient they don't just move back and forth on two planes they they move and they spin and the whole thing and they're so much more efficient a jitterbug sander uh for me is just i've never found a use for it i've never found it to be useful i've never found that it really was worth the time and space and effort to own it and on if i was to add to that anything made from bosch anymore is pretty much not worth anything in worth throwing in the garbage the next are these cheap home depot caulking guns they are so janky and so crummy and so poorly made they and most of them this one's a little bit different most of them the new ones that i've seen don't have the little um the little plunger i even had one not too long ago that the plunger wasn't long enough to go in and to poke the membrane so here you get a tube of caulking and you you've got this lame cutter on there which won't cut it cleanly so you get that thing cut off there and then you go and it's got no wire on there so you can't plunge it so you're running around looking for a nail which of course you'll never find when you need it and this the gankiness and the jankiness and the sound of them and how um nothing works and they they're just terrible if you want a good caulking gun get this one right here i got this one at sherwin-williams it's the ets 2000 this thing is like butter i i was uh we were doing some caulking getting the house ready the other day and i asked giraite if you could grab the caulking gun for me and this this hateful thing was still in the box and he brought this out and i just i sneered at it i'm like no i don't want that one i want the yellow one after using this one this one i'll never suffer that thing again next off the makita worm drive skill saw when we bought our first house i didn't have a skill saw and and we went through and i bought several tools i bought a miter saw and a skill saw and and i was looking at the mag the skill skill is my favorite the mag 77 that's the ones my dad always bought the ones i was raised with this one for some reason i think it was on sale or it was a little bit cheaper and i grabbed it instead of the mag 77 this is a terrible saw it's got two huge flaws first off it has way too much torque so when you pull the trigger it almost jerks it out of your hand i mean it's almost frightening it's just it's over torqued but the worst part of it is the fence or is the table the table is the bottom form this platform right here instead of being a nice flat piece of magnesium with nice square clean edges on it it's got this crummy rolled steel edge which is difficult to use it's it just doesn't feel good i've never been able to cut well with it so if you combine the problem the over torquing problem with um this crummy punched table on it it's it's a it's terrible it's a terrible saw it's one of those things every time i look at it i just sneer at it no more it's gone next off channel locks now i have a lot of channel locks and that's always been a staple in my toolbox and i didn't really know any different something my old auto shop teacher used to call them bolt rounders after using the nypex pliers if you don't own the nypex cobras and you're still suffering these terrible things it's time to move on give them away sell them at the garage sale round file them whatever and get yourself a set of eight inch cobras you won't believe it the way just the design of the jaws and the fine nose on it and this and the quality of the steel and the way the serrations cut and just the way that they adjust are so much easier and so much handier and they're just so much more precise precise i don't know what it is about it here's this perfect example if you put these in there in their closed position right let's say you need to grab a piece of thin sheet metal or something look at the spread on the handles you have a lot of spread right there where you can get some good some good pressure on them look at these the handle actually comes together you can't squeeze anything they're terrible there's just no comparison if you haven't used the cobras you need to go with them get rid of the old crummy channel locks they're just not worth having garbage next thing that i've never liked is any sort of a bow saw now this is a fold-up survival style but they're all basically the same thing right so here's the problem with these things and i know everyone seems to love these right you buy them and you're like yeah man i'm if i ever get stranded in the wood all woods i'll take my bows on i'll build myself a cabin i've never had any good luck with them they're miserable thing to cut with because they just won't seem to cut straight if you get something of any size like let's say three or four inches and you want to buck something in half with this my experience with these things is they turn they turn and they turn and they turn so you end up cutting the wood one and a half times so instead of taking the shortest line through a log or piece of wood and cutting straight through these things they turn and turn and then they bind and you're pushing and they're just miserable things most of them you can't tighten them you know they they don't i don't know what it is about them but i've never liked them i've never had a good experience with them i think that they're terrible i i would almost rather have no saw when you compare these to like a silky saw um or um ichiba samurai saw you know the japanese style there is no comparison i will never buy another one of these i've not found them to be useful and they're just awful to use i do not like them finally this is going to rub a lot of folks the wrong way any sort of a tomahawk i have i have received so many suggestions from people you need to get this particular tomahawk or you need this particular tomahawk and there's this idea out there for survival or even general work that a tomahawk is a better tool than an axe it is not the tomahawk i don't think that it's good for anything other than just killing i think it's probably was designed for an implement of war maybe general purpose but when you compare it to an ax it just it doesn't do anything very well first off the design of them is too thin so they're terrible splitters the other thing that they often don't have is is a pole on the back and having a pole on the axe that's 50 percent of of its usefulness because an axe gives you two tools not only is it a cutting and splitting tool but it's also a pounding tool for pounding tent stakes and all and that sort of thing this is a hybrid this is a rare exception this is one of the spyderco tomahawk which is one of the worst tools that i've ever done i'll include the full test review on this if you guys like to watch it at the end of the video but this did not do well it doesn't split um it doesn't when you do tr try to split it it um it doesn't have enough spread on it to pop the wood apart they don't have a pull they don't have enough weight in them to really do anything so apart from splitting skulls i've never liked them i've never found them to be useful do not like tomahawks that's it i'll probably come across some more stuff most of this stuff you know i have been over the last year kind of moving in this direction and i've been pairing things out so a lot of these things and i should wish i kind of saved them now that i packed around are long since gone but these are the few that remain that are just more of a hindrance to me than anything else and i won't suffer them any longer so thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed the video keep us in your prayers may god bless you and your families and we'll see you guys over on the new homestead [Music] you
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 705,420
Rating: 4.2529488 out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, youtube, top 10, tools, top 10 tools, modern homesteading
Id: wcs2elc0LsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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