The Tonight Show- December 9, 1986

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from Hollywood the tonight's show starring Johnny Carson this is Ed P with Doc serson and the NBC offer inviting you to join Johnny and his guest Don rickle and our 13th annual singing dog contest and Now ladies and gentlemen here here's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Johnny [Music] [Applause] look I refuse to answer on the grounds that it might tend to incriminate me where have you picked up that phrase Ladi he gu that's very nice of you we have a surprise for you later on we're going to have this audience busted by Hera Rivero live did you see haru's later show he did a live followed a drug bust they busted an innocent woman she was sleeping overnight or something and in come the cops and Har says we have no control over this we got to get some control over Heraldo quickly anyway Heraldo has a warm Christmas special coming up in which he makes as sad as elves fill specimen thimbles Herald will break into a good school of Journalism soon and find something anyway look at you tonight you like this yeah I got it in Chicago what off a dead gangster araldo founded anyway I'm not worried about this monologue tonight I borrowed Tom Landry's bulletproof vest what's going on yeah what's going on in this country well let's check out and see what's new at the White House or is this known Heartbreak Ridge you know what the H Christmas item in Washington this season is it's a new Appliance from GE Mr Shredder I'll tell you this is is great for material you you just hope something blows up in Washington occasionally so you have something to talk about uh now you've all seen a wonderful Christmas classic It's a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart right all right the sequel is set in Washington in which an angel comes down from heaven and um shows Admiral Poindexter what the White House would look like if he'd never been born and it looks pretty good secretary said did you watch Schultz on the hearings our Secretary of States George Schultz says he was shocked shocked to find out about the Iran arms deal our secretary of state but don't go by George he was also shocked to hear that Joan Collins got a divorce things yes things are a little hectic at the White House there are only 16 arm shipping days I guess left till Christmas I'll tell you our president hangs in here doesn't he he hangs tough he says he's trying to lessen the damage Reagan said yesterday well yes the Pentagon did send Iran $2 billion in Parts but that only comes to a coffee maker and three toilet seats if you if you check into it the ayatolla Apparently is getting all sorts of goodies in the United States today he was seen wearing a solar powered turban from the LL Bean catalog I knew you'd like [Applause] that I'm having a wonderful time I president went Christmas shopping yesterday he got confused he sent a Rambo doll to Nicaragua and a stinger missile to his grandson now I don't know if you've been following this whole thing going on in Washington Robert McFarland you know who he is the former head of the National Security Council said President Reagan knew Reagan says he didn't know Schulz says he didn't know Reagan says he wasn't inform Chief of Staff Don ran says he wasn't there Bush said he was out getting coffee in Danish Nancy's maid is the only one without an alibi [Applause] we'll keep you up to date from night tonight of what's going on it's it's very confusing I guess the money that went to money that went to the contest I guess left there today vacationing at Club Mid is crazy now saw picture picked up the paper today USA Today and there in the from Washington right was your picture of of Ed McMahon playing Santa Claus at the White House right right yes the surprise Santa a surprise yes no one who you surprise for the Press Corp did you surprise the president that comes as no surprise did you surprise him I knew nothing about it they didn't tell me S at the White House right aren't you folks happy to know that your tax dollars went to enlarging the white house [Music] chimney I couldn't resist you have slimmed down yes but I you you haven't you haven't lived you heard the sign of sound of Clydesdales on the roof well before you get all puffed up yeah I have an invitation next Easter I play the Easter Bunny you can talk you tell us about that will you is that interesting how you were chosen or did you volunteer or did I'll explain oh I'm just interested they didn't call me to come and play Santa because you're a little more portly they after a man loses 25 pounds you call him portly I'm a large person the ayatola is a bad guy Mother Mother Teresa's nice Hitler was bad am I doing I'm got Rickles on I'm starting to work like Rickles well Joan Collins like another Hollywood marriage yeah Joan's been married so many times you know she's got a velcro weding gown I guess I could say I got a velcro tuxedo too right no California lottery or Lotto I guess it is started about eight weeks ago did you read the latest winner yeah it's bad news for Tom celic the winner is a 53-year-old balding shirt salesman from Oceanside and he's a bachelor he won $17 million think he'll be getting some calls hello this John Collins now the holiday season is approaching and it's sweet lovely sentimental time of year they start the commercials too early you watch television I mean have you seen the McDonald's commercial they say this holiday season why not give the gift of chicken McNuggets boy you bet you you keep your Rolex watches you keep your Gucci luggage all I want for Christmas or some dried lumps of processed chicken yummy yummy yum what what a what do you mean it's just a joke well we don't know that it's process chicken do we are you trying to get me off the hook isn't isn't it process checking yes isn't that what it is and it lumps as a lump right yeah they look like lumps right I mean I don't see anything looks like a leg there did you ever get any McNugget say where's the breast it's all little now I know they've made of chicken parts some parts uh but I guess they're good are we off the hook now anyway tonight we got a great show for you we have our I think this is about our 12th or 13th annual singing dog Folly contest uh a gentleman who is Chinese who plays an unusual instrument called the U it's like a a violin or something like a violin isn't it yes sir it is something like a violin what it's something like a viol it's something like a violin here's a man who knows are you a specialist of U music not really but it's something like a yeah it's like a two- string instrument right similar to a violet but you don't hold it under your chin right okay well no other show's got that Don Rickles is here tonight just D just finished taping his Christmas special in which he kicks the crutch out from under Tiny Tim choreograph these jokes anyway you're in a great mood we got a good show for you stay where you are we'll be [Applause] [Music] right thank you [Applause] [Music] la all right folks it's a Big E tonight Showtime I know anyway briefly did you have fun playing sign at the had a great time it was very nice I went to the Kennedy Center Honors the night before and went to a reception at the White House which was spectacular but anyway you're invited it's a secret last year Larry Hagman did it and Mr T has done it and will it Scott I think the first lady started it I'm not sure but anyway did they ask if I was available to play your name didn't come come up in our conversation but um well but anyway it was fun and you go down and you fool the Press cor and they were all there Sam Donaldson even sat on my lap I got to bring that picture in all the Press cor then come sits on Santa's knee all at once no no one at a time and then tell Santa what they want for Christmas good well maybe next year I'll yeah you'll probably go down there Easter Bunny or something anyway we have Don Rickles later we have a Warren Shang I didn't mention his name he plays the U which is like a violin as man says out here man knows nothing about an her all and I went with him he says yes he's speaking it you go along anyway this is something we started this is our 13th year we have done this and Miss Shirley wood handles all this every year we got some good contestants tonight Shirley and we put out the uh the calls some months ago tonight we have six contestants now to show you what winning this contest some people think this is a frivolous contest how could they think that not so no the first dog you're going to see tonight is really not in in the running tonight right but we wanted to show you what can happen when one of the dogs gains a little stardom he won the 10th Annual contest um that would be a couple years ago right and so far he has appeared on radio how could he appear on I guess he sings on radio like Marcel marel on radio he's done PM Magazine uh he's done 36 television shows he's done commercials and he won a medal at the New York Film Festival as nominated for a local Emy Ward now we just want to show you what can happen from an ini what stardom can happen yeah basically that's what I was I thought I was explaining it fairly well but jump in ho ho ho this kind of like your star search for dogs that's right right exactly right that's it okay let's well here we are at the dog presentation area okay now I want you to meet this is the winner of the 10th Annual dog contest not a contestant tonight because former winners cannot come back and and win again would you welcome Chuck Broomfield and dum dum come on dum dum is full of life tonight just couldn't wait to get that is a Sit good boy what kind I'd sit too if you did that now this is what kind of a that's a bassard Hound that's a bassard Hound a bassard Hound they always look so gentle and quiet and nice right mhm well yeah he's he understand now 12 M 12 years old 12 and a half now uhuh has Fame gone to his head at all or nope not at all as you can see he's a show business veteran folks and he's done this so many times that this means nothing to him anymore I remember when he was here a couple years ago he was full of life and now it's just old Havoc well he fell asleep last time too I think he did he did yeah okay tell me Chuck uh what what is dum dum going to do for us tonight well he's going to sing I think uhhuh I I I'm sure he will all right you need any uh uh no just if you want to have him sing with you no come on D hey uh D okay all right all you got to do is ask him if he wants to go to the beach I sit down oh sure go ahead all righty dum dum you want to go to the beach dum you want to go to the beach Dum you want to sing Dum sing wanna want to go to the beach sing Dum want to go to the beach sing want to go by sing want to go to the beach [Music] D he's got a great V if you choke him I mean you that's a nice looking dog oh thanks has dumb dog made made you a few dollars well it's it's over kid dum dum it's all over honey it's all over yeah he's he's made us some money he's we just wanted to bring we just wanted to bring dumdum out and show uh what can happen to a to a confession on it hasn't gone to his head at all really what are you doing there broce uh well he likes it yeah Okie doie yeah anyway thank you for being here tonight okay good luck and we'll see you soon okay on what a frisky animal all right now our first real contestant tonight would you welcome Pauline Bagon and dog Peter hello PA this is my son Dino Dino is that right how are you obviously you're going to fish some accompaniment now the dog's name is the poodle obviously is it a miniature he's a toy a toy P yeah he's Peter I see how old how old is Peter he's 2 years old and how long as he been exercising his vocal uh oh since he was about two months old how did it start just uh my husband plays the same instrument and one day he was playing it he just started to sing is just like a little concertina is that what they call it's a harmonica it's an Italian instrument from M I understand you are opening a restaurant yes I've raised six children yeah and now I decided in my old age I'm going to open a restaurant with my son here I'm opening a restaurant for you will uh Peter be there in yeah the Ron's going to be called el picolino el picolino am I allowed to say that sure I said it I said it did that'll be $88,000 I'll take it from my paycheck we'll take it right out of your your Hefty check tonight okay is Peter all ready to uh I hope so you must understand sometimes the dogs get nervous and they're a little slow to start so don't applaud right away it might set the dog talk what has the dog selected he selected a tune called Carnival of Venice my favorite come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on [Music] this is real show business all right would you welcome ad oppenheim and dog Chester how are you thank you dog this is Chester this is Chester sit down and Jo you are says the producer of the play Strange snow which is here at the coast playhous right that's correct Thursday through Sunday yeah good all right is your uh is the dog in the show at all he's on the mantle he's on the mantle this is a now this is what kind of dog is this fox darer foxer yeah that's a nice dog and how long uh how long has he been singing oh about 5 years how did it start uh I was cleaning the house one day watching some old jolon movie and he joined in is he going to do a impression he his his best his best well okay that's all we can ask for join uh does he need any accompaniment or well they're welcome to join in we're going to do sunny boy sunny boy ready Chester climb up on my knees sunny boy you are only three Sunny Bo you KN [Music] way there all winners tonight in my heart we have to take a break in the uh contest here um we have a commercial to do right okay and then we'll be we'll return with more of the show after this message of Interest the dark can be frightening it's different it's mysterious and a [Music] little n all right folks continuing if you just join here's our third contestant in our 13th annual dog singing contest Mike Craft and Noel how are you Mike nice to meet you I about a good sized animal this is a briard this a a what a briard friend sheep dog beautiful beautiful I don't believe I'm familiar with that breed how old the dog is uh is Noel four years old nice time of year to have a dog named Noel isn't it how long has Noel been singing since uh we got her when she was 6 weeks old uhhuh how'd she start singing well we got her from uh Boston she came in uh in a crate in the animal crate my wife reached into this crate and looked around couldn't find anything brought out this little ball of fuzz yeah little baby just shaking uh so Jenny just picked her up and sang to her and pretty soon this little place goes w w wo that was it okay kind of a sweet story okay sweet dogs are we all set oh we're all set all right well being this is a French dog we have to play the marcier now we're going to set back Franco American relations and we're going to the Musicians are going to hate me you ready to you ready to sing song [Music] no you [Music] ready [Music] thank you thank you mik thank you we'll see you later there was a distinct French accent in that de you might not have heard it at home but you could hear it very closely here all right Bill Lumis and Penny how are you Bill fine fine this is Penny this is Penny and what kind of a breed is Penny well she's a peekaboo combination peekaboo panes and a poodle all right right a peekaboo mhm all right that's a very very sweet looking dog she seems a little nervous he's just yeah she tring a littleit no more than I am but she is well it's all right okay you're you're retired you're a house fixer right yeah that's what I've been doing yeah okay and okay yeah I'm not making an answer yeah penny is your companion as a she well she sleeps with me every night she's she's a good friend she's a good friend yes okay are you all set yeah I think so okay would you like to sing a little song huh come on want to sing a little bit can't think of the song no it's all right jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what f is to R in one slay hey come on let's sing come on jingle bells jingle bells [Music] jingle Bill very good thank Ed Sullivan I I wish Ed Sullivan was alive I like those dogs okay uh we've got two more contesters we have to do this we're getting a little behind time we're coming right back and then we'll have the your votes folks W up all right [Applause] now hope you folks at home have been marking your ballots coming to the end here have two more contestants and then you the audience will select number three number two and number one would you welcome Cheryl nap and Elizabeth looks like a a cocker spaniel that's right and you're Cheryl hi what do you do Cheryl I work for an opthalmologist I'm an Athol technician yeah understand your husband's a medical student medical student good for you and how long has Elizabeth been singing she's been singing for about 2 and a half years okay is this your company with here right she sings to the theme song from St Elsewhere Jesus was she watching TV one night and heard it and started it yes all right singing to the theme from St Elsewhere [Music] take thank you thank you our last contestant is Diane Charters and Samson okay hello Diane how are you great nice to meet you what do you do Diane I'm a legal secretary for Leah Van Arsdale legal secretary and this is Samson yes uh what kind of dog is Samson Afghan an Afghan all right how long uh in the business he's been doing this 4 and a/2 years 4 and a/2 years okay and uh any what song are you going to come there tape recorder a tape recorder sure all right what what is the selection tonight it's his favorite notes on the organ oh okay okay sit sit stay Sing Sing Sing come on sing sing pretty sing pretty for Johnny Carson Sing Sing come on sing [Music] pretty good you okay now we're going to bring out all of the contestants line them up I will hold my hand over we will show you a brief tape excerpt and you will applaud only for the dog of your choice now of course remember the second runner up is very important for any reason the winner excuse me not any dog shall be disqualified if we found out they've been putting steroids in their Alpo so may we have the other contestants and their dogs come out please and line up here and uh there we are are if you just line up along here now we can start from any any end I guess D we'll start down here at the end this isn't the order in which they appeared all right that's Pauline right uhhuh all right folks applaud only for the dog you really believe should be a winner Peter all right number two dog Chester we don't have the got to get we got to get the tape up there there we [Applause] are okay this is Mike Craft and [Applause] Noel all right this is we have is it uh I think I'm out of order here who do I have now Lumis Lumis okay and the dog's name is Penny Penny all [Applause] right now we have Cheryl nap right Cheryl and the dog's name is Elizabeth Elizabeth all right we're over here now folks [Music] all right and our last contestant was Diane and the dog Samson all right okay now I have to get the Judgment from the booth number three is thank you number three in the booth Samson Samson number three over here number two Bob Noel Noel and and the winner is Penny Penny there you are Penny thank you very very much all of thank you thank you very much thank you ladies and gentlemen for everybody and we'll be back in a moment the show goes on and on and on thank [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right now the most uh for most performers they would not like to follow a spot like that you know that crazy except this gentleman who's a good old friend and a funny gentleman who's going to be performing at the sah Hotel in Las Vegas January 8th through the 18th then Don will be at Resorts International Atlantic City the 23rd of January through the 24th and next march he's going to start appearing at the Golden Nugget he is uh would you welcome please Mr Don [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Rickles [Applause] thank you couldn't you have checked with me I'm wearing a gray slax blue blazer you work a whole career and you wind up in a kennel I want to thank you for this wonderful opportunity in Freddy toov K thank you so much for this opportunity really good spot I hope your dog gets the runs they're wonderful animals it's just a big treat for me to sit backstage I know two broads came over next to me went you have a dog pardon me yeah mared what what is it anyway uh oh you're never sore her you were you ever with her you you you go on vacation with her in Hawaii and you're in heat and She lays on the bed going and you got to dress up and whip her for a half hour and watch a volcano in the room you did all that stuff and look what happened to you it's not easy I hate when you boo guys wives when you don't know her she's outside now going yeah you got a quarter you see you were married later in life I probably should have waited until I was your age that's a wild guess you were like what you should have waited really I've seen the wives you've been through they're lovely women they really are now you have a lovely girl Alex who I met at one of the restaurants here in town just standing there going you got a minute anyway uh now she's a lovely girl he's got a lovely girlfriend now and you're married to Victoria well that's I'll tell you this now Victoria's great once they're married they ask for a lot of money John dves it out very quietly it's you know very very tough for you cuz you got a lot of expenses really I think you'll be busted another year you're going to walk away the whole staff is saying you're going to retire I'm a friend get out of the business walk away stay at the beach just lay there in your little bikini with the body going oh help me help me help me he got a great body you he works on his body and call somebody anyway uh I mean I'm not thin but you're starting to get harpooned by strangers you were at one time this you used to weigh now let's tell be honest for with me well let's be honest why we in court when you I'm talking to buoi here did Manson really anyway we're just talking there people I've been in court enough so I know how to do these uh when you were back in New York about 20 years ago working you weighed about 200 and I'm guessing 50 or 60 pounds no no not that much I weighed about 210 and then when I met you I went to 260 because you used to watch me in a place called Basin Street East and you used to just sit there and going is a show over and I thought it was sugar shock till I found out that you drank in those days which now you don't touch it that's true but uh no he doesn't he my my wife had a wonderful 50th birthday I was there you invited me of course I invited you we needed a big name and Ed was the only one available so we threw you in anyway uh Ed could Ed couldn't make it he was in his limo going get me out of the chair get me out of the chair I want to be at the party you can get air out of the chair you spend a lot of time I got it you don't have to I pick up real quick I know you're smart as a whip you spend much time at the beach be queried well no I don't have your kind of money you know come on but I have to work John you know like you said what do you think this is a hobby well of course I mean you come in here you have weeks off you have the new Young talented people come on and substitute for you you sit out the beach with your lovely lady and you just sit there going bring me another round and then you show up here you get 60 million and then I hear from Freddy your producer saying is he going to quit is he going to quit who cares who cares if you quit the world the world's in trouble Reagan's in the White House going you hear something anyway who cares if you quit quit get out of your business the world is going to blow up and they're worried of Johnny Carson's booty you told me four times you want to be the host you you help me get S you help me you told me that a simple question are you still at the beach ask the man the course no I'm going to answer you honestly you'll press charge 8 minutes here read the sign that says mommy comes home for Hanah that's right we'll be right back no you're getting on my nose [Music] la [Music] a all right we're back here with Mr War I give you that appalation once Mr warmth didn't I because underneath all of this uh bravado you the one that gave me that time this bravado is kind of a pussycat underneath well sure but you know you be a pussycat you wind up in an alley uh so uh you know I figure being a but you did give me the title Mr war and I and then Burl gave me The Merchant of Venom and then I was uh yeah never thought I'd live in see the day that burough would get a bigger laugh than I would he's great though he's at the actus home just standing by the door going do you have a bed anyway uh I kid we all get older and Milton's still full of life and I'm still full of life and unfortunately Ed you're on your way out it's all over all right how about how do you now how about Christmas did you get you get sentimental and warm and oh yeah well well new heart's you know my best friend you travel don't you every year to Hawaii with a new heart Yeah well yeah you know cuz we don't want new year to be too excited and so uh Bob go down there for the blinking seat yeah Bob just sits in the room with a little horn and go uh uh uh uh uh that's that's that's the new year and uh we give him a cookie and he goes into a coma but we have good times and and and the only difference is we go to his house Christmas night we do deck the halls with tons of matah and we do all the cows and stuff Jewish people unfortunately we don't have uh the tree I don't you know we have to go in the woods and look for trees and so Hanukkah tree or something no no we do some some Jewish people that like to be kind of cool about it have what they call a Hanukkah Bush but it's really a tree with a lot of lights and the big guys on top right and uh we we are my family we don't do that we no no we don't have a tree we just sit in the living room going you got anything and uh the wife and I duel over who's going to give a gift and that's about it because Jewish people we celebrate in a different way it's the same thing we light eight candles sit on the floor and play with a little drel that's a little toy we Dr find out when you become Jewish it's no pain it's a little operation sure just lay out in the table and go isra anyway uh but uh it's great to be a Jewish guy you'll have a score but uh the Gentile guy the Irish guy went you're right I'm tired Mary having a can of beer and drop kicking you which Irish which Irish guy is that that's the Irish guy on the left the guy with the tattoo in a sail out I didn't see him all anyway he's over there and the black gu behind him singing Hallelujah Hallelujah duckhead he's got a spear you anyway uh you can spot those people so quickly immediately I spot them I immed I think that's what our country is made up of what is that uh Ronald Reagan called Wonderbread anyway uh can you I just can't picture Ronald Reagan at night saying to the wife I I I'm going to the bathroom I just can't picture that I mean big stars Ava Gardner well all the great Stars Ava Gardner well yeah why did you pull up that name because she was ill and now she's okay and she was a lovely star when I was a kid you remember when you were a kid you had big stars well you were Jean har Temple Shirley Temple oh you knew her yes you even fooled with Shirley Temple Shirley Temple tap danc with Bill Robinson me how you came up with the name Eva Garder well that's what I grew up with what do you think I grew up with uh Timmy tump tump I grew up with the people that are stars and she was a star my day speaking of stars I saw you the other night with Clint Eastwood on a on a show yeah he's great uh he really is he's a lot of clinty with his night of a good time is going to Palamino Club having a can of beer and going ah that to him is mty Gro time that's did you were in a movie with him right yes I was called U Kelly's hero no no no no no I want to try for the luggage uh you have 10 seconds when you hit a buzzer you win a trip um Kelly Heroes right made in Yugoslavia Yugoslavia and we were there for 6 months and my son was conceived there and in fact he came out of his mother with a beret and a rake ah well there hey there wasn't much there you I mean you just sat around doing D doia and you did a lot of this anyway uh is that the national dance of Yugoslavia is that the na what do you mean pardon me didn't you hear me no no no I didn't turn up the set i'm Johnny Ray's Uncle anyway uh Johnny they don't remember you Johnny Ray was a great singer who has a hearing problem and became a big star but I don't care you people are getting on my nerves and I don't care if you know him or not the guy in a front went who anyway uh Garder and Johnny Ray you've got to update okay well you know these people we the same age you're acting like you're a youngster for GR I'm not a youngster you don't P Vault anymore I mean let's face it once in a while you're well maybe never [Applause] mind so any I can't Ed you you still you still you have a lovely baby and you make love of course you know we all make love anyway I I can see you for the holidays making love with a couple of beers going is that you Victoria here comes the Titanic anyway and you probably lay it knowing you knowing you you probably Circle a bed and get an estimate anyway okay I I got a Jewish wife I she just lays in the bed and goes you start I say no no I'm going to get a paper you thought and I'll be back in an hour I see all right warm holiday sentiments more holiday yeah we'll be right [Applause] the [Music] now [Music] okay in case I don't see you before uh the holidays Happy Hanukkah thank you John I wish you and yours a very happy and all the audience a happy holiday season and it's j it's new heart's birthday tonight tonight happy birthday to you happy birthday de J happy birthday to you we we l a l her and I love you thank you for being here all right little bit Warren Chang who was supposed to be with us tonight will be with us the first week in January we ran a little long tonight because Don kind of drifted off thanks I love China tomorrow night Dolly Barton will be with us no she won't Juan Chang will be back Juan Chang David hor Fitz and Rich hyner comedian thank you have a nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] night
Channel: pannoni 8
Views: 57,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Johnny Carson, 1980s, eighties, 80s, classic, late night, vintage, nostalgia, interview, Singing Dogs, Don Rickles, Ed McMahon
Id: _5zSdpDSwHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 20sec (2960 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2016
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