The Titus 2 Woman: A Practical Guide

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hey guys it's raining here in my little domestic church I am coming to you guys today to do a video all about the Titus to woman I had someone a couple of people actually request this over the last I'll know a couple of months and I just haven't gotten around to doing it I did do a video about the proverbs 31 woman so I will put that down in the description box there is going to be two parts to this first kind of like when we are seeking instruction and we are seeking out a Titus 2 woman and then also kind of going along with that how we can be a Titus 2 woman to other women first I have my Bible here and I suggest if you can to get tabs like this they have been so helpful it is a little time consuming putting them in but it's so worth it in the long run I love it so Titus is like a super short book of the Bible it's actually a letter and literally it's like here's the beginning it's so thin I'm like skipping the page and that's it that's like it it's like really short but it's filled with lots of interesting information on how in which to help every Christian in any aspect of their life how to live as a Christian I think sometimes we take that for granted because we live in a time period where we have so many choices but during this time period and even now in the world in some places people have very little choices and this is just where their state in life is and one thing I love so much about Jesus is yes he would have loved to come and just make everything perfect but at the same time he wanted to come and bring everything all his message to everyone wherever they were and he wasn't gonna leave anyone out because of whatever state of life they were in and I think that's that's like really great I mean that's the best way I can explain that being a convert and becoming a Christian um you know later in my life I was really amazed with that because I thought that was pretty pretty awesome anyway I'm not doing a good job explain that okay so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna read to you the part that has to do with what we're talking about today which is the tightest to women when you first start off it's basically the section called teaching the Christian life there's what they says Christian behavior they talk about husbands I talk about wives younger men they talk about people that are in the life of slavery and then there's a transformation of life it's just it's a really good letter in the Bible or look at the Bible so I highly recommend you go ahead and read it yourself but I'm gonna go and read it here okay so Titus to woman it starts off with Titus 2 chapter 2 verse 3 this is what verse 3 says it goes from verse 3 to verse 5 similarily y'all excuse me older women should be reverent and their behavior not slanderers not addicted to drink teaching what is good verse 4 so that they may train younger women to live to love their husbands and children verse 5 to be self-controlled chaste good homemakers under the control of their husbands so that the Word of God may not be discredited it's like a lot of gems right there guys so what I did was I broke it up because I like things to be practical I broke it up by verse and then by each thing that is spoken about here so the first thing I did was I took Titus 2 chapter 2 verse 3 okay similarily older women should be reverent in their behavior not slanderers not addicted to drink and teaching what is good now like I said there's two parts this there's one if you're looking for a Titus two women in your life to help you to instruct what to instruct your life in pardon me guys I am almost in my third trimester of this pregnancy so I continually get out of breath so that's what that is so yes if you're looking for a Titus two women your life this is gonna help you to kind of identify the woman that you're looking for women that you're looking for to help you and stuff to instruct you and your Christian walk as a young Christian woman and likewise if you're at a stage in your life where I feel like I'm actually starting to enter into that I'm just turning 34 but I'm having my sixth baby and I've been married since I was 18 and we've done so much in our lives and worked hard the church and moved all over and I just feel like I'm getting to a place in my life where I can feel this crossover happening it's really important if you feel like that crossover is happening that you learn what it means to be a Titus to woman so you can help instruct a younger woman in your walk now obviously I'm still looking for women to instruct me that are you know 10 20 30 years plus farther in their Christian walk than I am but I'm just saying if you can feel yourself like in this what I mean if all of a sudden you start feeling like younger women are asking you for instruction the Christian walk I was like kind of surprised by that I kind of like why are you asking me like and I felt like you know but then I started to realize that I had walked a walk that they hadn't walked yet and they were looking for instruction in that so it's good to prepare ourselves because God might be calling you to this sooner than you realize so those the two parts that I wanted to say that everything discuss okay so verse three four things are spoken about being reverent not being slanderers not addicted to drink and teaching good okay so I'm gonna read it to you again verse 3 similarly older women should be reverent in their behavior not slanderers not addicted to drink and teaching what is good so what I did was I broke all those down starting with what it means to be reverent I kind of looked it up I knew what the word meant like with what I've learned but I wanted to have it like more of like I think I look up like Bible hub or something like that to get a description it's a godly fear taking hold of what God calls is good okay this is really important this was a huge part of my walk when I really started to walk the Christian walk the Christian Way of life was that I recognized that my mind and my heart were so secular I don't mean in a bad way I mean so of the world like whatever the world was teaching that's what I was thinking that's where my heart was now am i spoke speaking ill of people I want to go ahead and preface this right now no I'm not I'm not trying to say that someone who is secular living in the world doesn't have anything to offer I think that's insane that's crazy because every human being has been made by God and they all have their own game and they all have their own strengths and they all bring something you know to the world into the community but since I'm speaking about Titus two that you know is pointing to the fact that you probably are a Christian woman or you're curious about what this is but what a young Christian woman looking towards an older Christian woman for this walk so though we can definitely learn wonderful things from older women who are you know not Christian maybe they're offering us other things that are fantastic if we are specifically looking for a Titus two woman that means we are looking for a Christian woman that has walked the Christian walk for a while and their minds and their hearts and everything has been transformed by the Word of God in Mayas church and so that's what I'm talking about here I just want to make sure to say that because I think that's important to say but okay so reverent godly fear taking hold of what God calls us good so in my beginning of my Christian walk I had to work so hard on kind of that inner work prayer reading the Bible pouring myself into Scripture really seeking out Titus two women because I literally did not know what it meant to be a god-fearing woman I didn't know what that looked like I didn't know how to act I didn't know how to behave I really when my husband was completely based on worldly advice and so there was definitely a lack there where you know trying to figure out how to be a wife how to be you know all these things so for me this is a big one the part that says taking hold of what God calls is good now what the world calls it you know it's good what God does what does the Bible say about the goodness of God you know what is church teachings say about the goodness of God and learning about it and letting it become part of who we are so that when we're making decisions it's not based on something the world has told us is a good or what is okay we want to know what is good and pleasing to God yeah the second part of this verse 3 I think is a big one for women it really could be a real challenge sometimes for women but it says not slanderers okay so when you're seeking out someone to help you with instruction the Christian walk or your you know encouraging being a young woman this is important misses important regardless as a Christian to not be a slender so I looked up the word slander just in case if someone needed a definition and I wrote down some words that were similar to it so spreading rumors malicious false detraction detractions case if someone doesn't know what that is that is um it's a sin and it's basically knowing the sinful behavior of another person when you have no business knowing like when you're at the supermarket grocery store and you see those magazines with all the stuff going on with famous people and it's Memphis always sinful that's kind of detraction because their sins are none of our business that's not our business distraction and this is also I wrote this down this is important this is against the eighth commandment so thou shalt not bear witness false witness bear false witness against thy neighbor that's a commandment ok like we are not supposed to be gossiping ruining someone's reputation is a big deal and even if something is true that's where detraction comes in if it's not our business to know or if we're not like specifically helping out this person there's no reason to talk about it so when you're when you're when you're seeking out instruction from an older woman and you find that every time you're with her you feel like there's lots of gossiping going on and you feel like you're finding out you know sinful behaviors of other people that you really have no business of knowing that's a good indication that maybe that aspect of a relationship the instructional part of course maybe that's not part your relationship maybe your relationship is gonna be something different maybe you have a visit from time to time and have some tea or like you know maybe you guys do some type of crafting together and that's fine but maybe this isn't that Titus 2 instruction you're searching for it and again I want to be clear I'm not trying to say to end relationships if they're not perfect or ideal I just mean if you're looking specifically for a Titus 2 woman it says that the woman is to not slander others okay so that's just important and it's important for us to remember as Christian women I mean I think any money but gossiping and ruining other people's like reputation is just terrible like it's not good to do that I remember being gossiped about horribly when I was younger and just the feeling was terrible because nothing you said mattered once these rumors are spread it's like and so reputation is really important and I think it's important to respect other people's relationships excuse me their reputation as well okay so and the next part is addicted to drink now this one I think can translate even farther than just drink like an alcohol because we can be addicted to a lot of things now I don't necessarily know if they're talking about addiction as in the word that we understand it today like if someone has an addiction to something it can be really hard to break and I think some people you know that are really trying you know they go to AAA or they go to different you know trying to seek different types of help and they're really trying to have self control and work through it but addiction is really really hard so I'm I want to be clear I'm not like putting down any person that has an addiction because it is a real challenge but what they're talking about addicted to drink I think of what they're talking about of their understanding back then it's just someone who's gonna be drinking you know kind of just enjoying things that are a little too much eating too much drinking too much finding our peace of mind and something other than God other than the good work and the vocation he's called us to and so I think it's important as that that as well that like when you're seeking out instruction or when you're helping and giving instruction to make sure as always and this goes for everybody to just try our best to whenever I find myself feeling like I got to pick up my phone I got to pick up my phone I gotta check something I'm like whoa I don't got new nothing I got to put that down you know like if I'm feeling I'm starting to like gain an addiction to something like I'm really wanting to read this book or I'm really want like it's because surpassing just I'm enjoying this then I really try to check myself and try to work through that because those little things especially in our day and age is so easy to get that quick addiction to things and so I think you know it's important that you know we want to find someone who is trying constantly to seek out God's will for their life someone who's um and by the way guys this you know biblical standard sometimes when you read it really man this sounds like really really hard like it's really hard to find someone that's living just perfectly and I know it says Matthew 5:48 to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect and we are called to this but on our own it's impossible it's only by God's grace so we pray for it we ask for his help we ask for his mercy we ask poor your grace out on us so we can become better every day so you know if you're trying to live up to this as being a Titus to women it is hard you know but we call on him we ask him for his help in His grace and if we're seeking out women that are trying to live a holy life and trying to serve God are they gonna be absolutely perfect probably not but if they're striving to live like the Lord and ask him him for His grace I mean that's pretty darn awesome and that leaves the next thing about teaching what is good I remember my tightest two woman I knew her years ago and I still have kind of you know we still talk sometimes but I remember always recognizing that she was teaching good and holy instruction to her children whenever I would come to her with an issue she would always direct me back to the Lord she was always instructing and goodness and holiness and truth and that is amazing so basically that kind of wraps up verse three it's really funny because when you first look in a tie so you're like this video is gonna be like two minutes long cuz it's so short but y'all it's not there is so much here in these three verses so that's verse three okay guys so verse four it's beautiful okay so we we continue it says similarily older women should be reverent and their behavior not slanderers not addicted to drink teaching what is good now we're beginning verse four so that they may train younger women to love their husbands and children so again it seems very short but there are so much there as well to love your husband and this day and age I feel can be very hard because I feel like the chips are stacked up against us a lot of us and maybe you don't feel this way but I know a lot of women and clean myself I grew up in the 90s basically and it was just this constant attack on I felt my femininity and also really women trying older women having good intentions but trying to make sure that I never end up in an abusive relationship but in that process it makes you extremely weary of men and anything to do with their what it means to be a man I feel like there are men who are very abusive and then there are men that just have very manly qualities and they're manly qualities have been almost like attacked as abusive qualities when they're not I want to be clear about this if a woman is in an abusive relationship if she is being physically harmed or terribly emotionally harmed I am NOT suggesting that she just sit there and take it because she's a good Christian woman I do not mean that because when we take it that saying that's like enabling their sin and we don't want to do that so even if you have to get the heck out of there that sounds you know you are loving them more by walking away from them so they cannot continue to sin and you're loving yourself in that way at the same time I know it's very hard to leave those type relationships sometimes so I'm not you know putting down any woman who is having a hard time with that either and I know guys I say a lot of this and that but I'm just trying to be clear because sometimes when it comes to Christian instruction especially for women if we are not clear it can become confusing like we don't want to just say you just stay for any reason like some things we have to be clear about so when it comes to abuse but at the same time I think that that word abuse has been thrown around a little too much sometimes with the behavior of of some men like if a man is just emotionally distant and he doesn't know how to communicate very well and then someone says well he's emotionally abusing me he might not be he might just not know how to communicate very well so I don't want to stay on that topic too much and if you want we can go into further depth of that and but I just I just wanted to say that because I feel like it's stacked up against us as Christian women if we were not especially raised with a Christian mindset or maybe any way that we have these these ideas of like for a few gosh if you love romantic movies which I don't I've never liked them I like action anyway but um I think that's where romance right there he's like dying for but um but romantic movies it gives you this false idea of a lot of times what most men are like some men are like that but most men aren't so anyway that's a long spiel but trained under women to love their husbands and their children so for husbands this is what I'm saying I wrote down gift of self that's what love is like we are giving of ourselves to our spouse helping them to get to heaven that's our primary goal if your vocation is marriage it's helping your spouse get to heaven serving them not seeking a reward this was huge for me I thought the whole point basically of a relationship was that I do something good and then I get like affirming because that's part of my love languages to be affirmed but I had to really work hard for years to literally serve love do everything without ever expecting any type of affirming back and that might sound extreme to some people but for me it was almost freeing because I had to let that go the dishes need to be washed because they need to walk be washed the floor needs to be swept because it needs to be swept not because I'm gonna sweep it and then wait and then my husband will say wow you did a great job the floor needs to be swept beds needs to be made things need to be done regardless if I'm gonna say or get someone to say great job to me so for me that was a big struggle and for other woman are probably like that sounds so silly lady like these things just need to be done but maybe your love language or your way of hoping for your spouse to recognize you is different and I just think it's important at least for me I felt that's one of things that I learned from my titus to woman was to do good work because it's good work to walk my vocation because it's my vocation not because I'm constantly asking myself well what am I gonna get out of it where's my reward you know what are you doing for me but let those words go to go to the side and worry about my good work and how I'm gonna do what I need to do to then in turn do good for this other person so for for that that was important and then for children for the good of the child that they may really know God y'all it's like kind of warm in this homeschool room and I'm getting that red glow just getting warm it's like snow outside and then it's so warm in here okay so this might be different for everyone but the best I can do is just to give my own feel on this for the good of the child I really feel strongly as a Christian mother as any mother that for me okay that I feel that when I'm raising my children I'm doing the good for them I'm not expecting anything in return I can ask and I could be you know this is what would be nice you know but I don't do things the beginning I kind of did a little bit but um I don't do things for anything in return when I change my baby's diaper or get them dressed or bathe em I do it for it they're good because they need these things when I you know I mean like it's for their good when I instruct them with their homeschooling like it's for their good I think it's a fine line between doing something good for your child because it's good for them and then doing it because you want you know to have good results out in public or you want people to think a certain way about you as a woman or a mother but really in the end that kind of has to be pushed away and be what is it good for the child and that's one thing I recognized in the Titus two women around me was they really did good for their children for the good of their child or children and loved them and like I always say you know are we all perfect no of course not but I think that's an important thing is to to be instructed and loving our children for their own sake let's know my response to loving them for their own sake and not with what we're going to get in return I mean hey it's wonderful says in the Bible you know that you know they will rise up and call her blessed that's awesome that's wonderful but that can't be I feel personally the goal of my mothering my mothering is to pour out my love into them and help them and to encourage them for their own sake and for their good their own good and if they rise up and call me blessed that's wonderful but that cannot be my main focus and so I feel like when we you know around a Titus two woman we're going to see that within her family we're going to see that within her children's heart now part of that is that our children may really know God you know when I'm when I'm teaching them about our Lord um depending on what I'm using kind of curriculum kind of guide I'm using sometimes I have to kind of omit things if anything is like you must love God I really want them to understand you know the commandments I want them to understand our walk with our Lord I wanted to understand his his gift to us in his you know death and resurrection but I never want it to be something that is so push that it becomes forced or it becomes just something that I don't know it just shouldn't be it's you know it's hard I guess it's hard to explain that but I just think that that's an important part - is that my Titus to women in my life really showed me that they really they really love their children and they really help their children through their love to see the love of God and I think that's that's really beautiful and really important so that basically sums up verse four so we have one more verse left guys if you're still with me so verse 3 similarly older women should be reverent in their behavior not slanderers not addicted to drink teaching what is good verse 4 so that they may train younger women to love their husbands and children verse 5 or last verse to be self-controlled chaste good homemakers under the control of their husbands so that the Word of God may not be discredited this is the longest one yet we saved the longest one for last ok it's the first thing self-controlled I love that it just starts off with that because that y'all if we do not have self-control so many other things do not make any sense or they're so hard and the same with like humility humility is like the foundation of all virtues but anyway okay so self-control this is what I wrote down I looked up some stuff I got some things for you it says controlling our emotions mmm taking responsibility for our fallenness not eating too much not being scrupulous but not taking her oh okay so I put this not took it so not being scrupulous like if I do not wash those dishes I'm gonna go to hell that's crazy okay that's scrupulous but then the other side of it is talking ourselves out of our good work like we have something to do when were like wow I am really tired or well do I really need to do that I could just put it off for tomorrow like like we that was a big one for me like I had to learn to not talk myself out of my good work so yeah that's a big one I'm not talking ourselves out of our good work but I'm just having self control for me also another big one was taking responsibility for you know my fallenness for things that I have done I had done wrong for the ways in which by my hands I had torn down our house and my home making taking responsibility for those things and stop blaming my spouse or blaming this or blaming that now sometimes you are exhausted or sometimes you really can't have to rest but sometimes you really don't need to sometimes you can get up and do a lot more like I didn't realize how much I was capable of and then I started working harder and you know making a homemaking journal and and planner and putting things together and getting things done and all of a sudden like oh my goodness really doesn't take that much time takes five minutes to pick this up or 10 minutes to do this so just being self controlled in that way and I found that the tightest two women that I was around were not just self controlled and talk or oh we should be this way but they got so much done and so much accomplished one of them was their family homes you know they were home studying and every time I go visit her she always had something going on she was making cheese the guys were butchering chickens around her and she was weighing the me down Packaging it she was crocheting she was always doing something and I remember hearing about that when I was a kid my mom would say that her mother always had something going her hands were always busy and that just really touched my heart and I want it to be that way I wanted to be someone who was always giving as best I could and taking breaks when necessary but only when necessary not just taking a break I remember that my Titus to woman told me what she said you know the shade like when you stand under something that has shade the shade is only enjoyable when you've been walking out in the hot Sun all day so if we haven't been putting in our work our good work then that rest is not as enjoyable and almost can borderline just laziness but if we've worked hard and we sit down we put our feet up we have our coffee or whatever all of a sudden that rest is so much more enjoyable okay and the next one is taste this is really important too because I could put down pure in mind thought and deed or work modesty and holy beauty this is now this might be different for most people but I find that the biggest part of this is if you know having being a Titus to women or being Arana ties to women as a woman who's going to have kind of cleanliness in mind and not making inappropriate jokes not finding impure things funny or tasteful but find them you know distasteful finding chastity beautiful finding um you know pure thoughts and good things like you know good books and good movies and wholesome things like positive and wonderful and at the same time I'm not talking about being like if you have a question about something to do with intimacy and being able to talk about it with them and a healthy and good in a pure way is positive that's something that you're wanting to do but I just wanted to be like you know well if you know if he doesn't then you do it kind of thing like if you find out that you know your spouse is looking at pornography and then you were talking to someone about it and she's like well you know that's no big deal or like what that is a big deal it is a big deal and you know and also then not encouraging you as well to to be fine with it look I just came in um so that's kind of to be chaste to kind of help young women to be chaste and to be chaste ourselves and then the next one is good homemakers this is like so near and dear to my heart because I love home making my perfect at it no no you should see our homeschool table or oven right now it's covered in curriculum and books and homeschool DVDs and worksheets with fractions written all over the place like it could look a lot better but I love it because the primary thing with homemaking is creating a home and that is so special finding just the perfect like dishware that you know your family's gonna have every day and they're gonna grow up seeing this really sweet pattern or you know how are those curtains going to to feel in the room where your children feel joyful and our you know master bedroom it's kind of like our oasis like our special place when we walk in you know how can we make it where we feel you want to be in there and it's inviting I'm still working on that one because I need to find a comforter because the last thing I bought like the bedspread we got when we were in Texas and it was so hot and now in the Midwest it's freezing so I didn't get a more comfy comforter personally in my wife has a homemaker it's very important to me to be home centered we homeschool I'm really available to my spouse my husband when he has plans going because we're just working on his time for his work so I'm very home centered I can make you know things happen really quick I'm also it's important to your spouse or to yourself to be a good hostess to have a home that is welcoming to others because like I've said on other videos on here our home is are a part of our ministry so we might not be going out and getting involved in this ministry or that ministry but our home is our ministry having a section for hospitality having coffee in a teapot and tea bags always ready like in our home is something special you can also have like hostess little bags when people come to visit you have a nice little bag with some tea and like something really special to send home with them that might be taking it over a bit if you're like that's too much for me lady but that's a fun idea um I saw someone post on a website on a Facebook group the other day about having quick like dinner ideas for hostessing I thought that was really fantastic so anyway so that's an important thing to also coming up with practical and creative how to look at my thing practical and creative ways of keeping the home running meal planning is so paramount I cannot even stress how important it is to meal plan it will help so much I promise you um and the last thing I want to say on being good homemakers is about keeping the scorecard I had to let that go in the early years of my marriage it was all about well I did this so what are you doing or well it's so much harder like what I'm doing is so much harder what you're doing like that is not a marriage that is like keeping a contract or something I don't know I don't want to say it's not a marriage but it's just not a way to like encourage healthy like a healthy marital relationship by keeping a scorecard I found so I had to let that go and I feel like a Titus to women is being called to encourage you young women to also let that go and to work hard as you can and do your best so the last thing on here I have two more things but one of them is this is kind of a hard one because I think depending on how you read it is kind of how you take it if be kind of comfortable but under their husband's control that can really rub a lot of people the wrong way because we're not called to control each other our husbands aren't called to control us they're called to love us as Christ loved the church what I wrote down is under their husband's authority um I have found that that has really been a blessing in our home is when I really tried to listen to what my husband was saying not what I thought he was saying or letting what he says come through some type of filter that I've learned from the world that maybe men are just you know controlling and carnal and all of these things but really try to evaluate what he's saying by what I know about my husband and then trying to really honor and listen to him I wrote down what are your husband's good god-given gifts in what areas does he show healthy Authority what does he do really well and those different areas if we can really tune into that and really honor our husband especially in those areas then we can really be under his authority in a healthy way as your husband might not have the gifts that your friend's husband has or this guy in this romantic movie has but your husband has his own wonderful god-given gifts and he has good gifts in certain areas are gonna help him you know kind of help authority to come out and a stronger and a healthier way and I just think if we kind of focus in on those things we'll see it like my husband is an excellent leader he has amazing leadership skills and he's very reflective but if I'm not cautious and I don't like study him and learn who he is I had a really hard time the meeting understanding what his gifts were and now that I do understand them basically he's like always right like basically always and since I know that now about my husband I understand like his gifts and his strengths it's so much easier for me as his wife to be under his authority and also it's important I just want to say for us to speak up as wives like when we're having a hard time understanding them in a loving way and asking them to like if they could explain themselves a little bit because we want to really follow what they're saying and honor them and I think that if we asked them in a loving way they'll be more inclined to try to explain themselves better and it will help us to understand their authority even more I hope that makes sense but I think it's a Titus to woman if you feel called to do this it's important to help younger women to really look and seek out their husband's god-given Authority positive traits that they have and good areas of their lives and and in Reverse if we know a Titus two woman and we're or we're hoping this woman's our Titus two woman and you notice that she is so respectful of her husband and he really seems to just like just love her and care for her in a certain type of a way maybe he always fills her gas tank up for her maybe he's always like fixing things around the house I think that we have in our mind that the only way that a husband like really loves his wife in like the world is that if she's the boss and he just does whatever she wants I do not agree with that at all personally I think that you know it's wonderful for a man to love his wife and to treat her with love and respect of course but I don't want that I don't want to be you know the boss and I don't want my husband to just do whatever I say because sometimes I'm wrong a lot of times okay I think the last thing is so that God's Word may not be discredited this is interesting too so what I looked up and I wrote down is saying we're crushing women and then living up to that high calling because ladies it's a high calling if if anyone's ever said to you that the Christian life is easy or if it's like having a crutch or if it's like that dot that is not true the Christian walk is hard I used to my husband I used to go confession with this priest and he had this very thick I don't think he spoke English personally I think he knew a little bit so he hear confessions and he knew what to say but every time you fest with him he would always say he's hard to leave a Christian life every time and we would kind of laugh about it because he would always say it and then as we delve deeper into the Christian walk we would started making a joke ooh things would be really hard and we were like choosing to walk the Christian walk throughout a situation and we would be like look at each other like it is hard to leave the Christian life like it is so hard so anyway so our calling is hot as high up as women if we are a young woman and we're seeking instruction and we are with a woman who you look at and you're like how how does she live this way how does she um you know love the Lord and her family so well and seek God's instruction and on her husband and raise up her children to just love and serve the community in the world and yeah people make mistakes in her home but she has a home where mistakes are allowed or mercy reigns and oh like it's so beautiful about to start crying but I just our call is so beautiful and such a high call as Christian women and I just I hate to see it just be thrown to the wayside like it's something that's not special and wonderful and a high calling and so I wanted to make this video I doubt that very many people are still here with me because it's a long video but it seems like nothing like a tiny bit tiny part of the Bible but it is huge so to find a woman who is your Titus to woman who is get instruct and help you walk in this Christian walk and do it well and then when you feel like God is starting to call you to that side of it where you're gonna start to walk as that Titus to woman to other women it's a it's a high calling and it's not something to be taken lightly and to just say oh it's it'll all work out like you know um to pour ourselves like I always say you know I have my vocation and I have my good work like I don't want to just sit around and take it lightly you know I want to work hard in this life and we don't have very much time here we sometimes we have a lot less than we even think we have and and I just really when people started asking you to make this video I wanted to sit down and really pour over the Word of God and to take my time to piece it together in a way that would either help us to find Titus to women and to kind of identify what that looked like and also to be a Titus to women to other women and that it is a high calling as a Christian woman either way to look for someone to walk this walk or to have been walking it and now you're helping to instruct younger christian women so um if you're new to my channel I'd love you to subscribe I'd love it when you guys give me ideas for videos to do so now it takes me a little while to get it out because I like to plan and prep for y'all but um but yeah so if you like this give it a thumbs up and let me know if you guys have any questions from this or if you would like me to do a further kind of I don't want to say instruction because like I said like I don't know if I'm qualified but as the best of my ability by pouring over Scripture and praying and seeking the world God in His Church like teaching I will do the best I can to do the videos for you guys that you asked for me to do so I hope you guys all have a wonderful day I hope you guys enjoyed this video I know it was a long one but I'll talk to you guys later god bless
Channel: My Little Domestic Church
Views: 1,560
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: -wIOiqb9ONw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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