Titus 2 Woman Series|Workers at Home

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Hey ladies we are continuing with our Titus 2 woman series and today we're covering working at home if you're new to my channel my name is Alana and my channel is all about marriage home making healthy living and homeschooling and I would love for you to subscribe so the older women are to be teaching us younger women how to work at home and it's kind of interesting I have heard many women say that they need help learning how to run a household how to clean certain rooms how to clean certain things how to schedule your meals or plan your meals how to grocery shop under a budget but still providing good nutritious food for your family how to do laundry how to get stains out how to iron how to fold fitted sheets I mean those things are just a big clump mess in my closet I don't know about you but I don't know how to fold those things and I think that to the world this sounds so ridiculous I would even go to the extent of saying to the world this sounds pathetic that a woman would care about these things but not to God all work can be done heartily unto the Lord and cheerful work is a blessing and an honor to our Lord so whatever work you're doing whatever you do you can do it heartily unto the Lord and the Lord is honored in that because what he is looking at is now what the world looks at it's the heart right so as we fold sheets and iron our husband's shirts and clean the floor for the 800th time prepare a meal for the one millionth time we are honoring the Lord when we work with a cheerful heart there are more than just the practical things of working on your home our hearts our mindset about it finding worth in it knowing that the Lord says it is a high calling and it is a good thing and that we can honor him through it we should delight in serving others and so remembering that you are setting an atmosphere for your family of cleanliness and order and things being available to them provided for them should be such a pleasure and a delight because we are creating a home life that they will enjoy and remember for the rest of their life we're blessing our family with a beautiful refuge a wonderful place to come home to it's more than just the tidiness and the neatness it is a home so much love goes into the tidiness the neatness the order the routine the atmosphere the food there's love that goes into that and that's what makes a house a home and that is what we need to learn that it's not just cleaning a window there is a deep profound beauty to it all and our family gets to reap the benefits of our diligent and hard and faithful work in proverbs 31 we see the ideal woman and she is a worker at home she is diligent she makes sure that her family's needs are met in verse 11 it says the heart of her husband trusts her he leaves home and she's there and he trusts that she is handling things well she seeks woolen flax and works with willing hands we're not gonna be seeking wool and flax we're gonna be seeking other things and if we work willing with our hands that is an honor to the Lord she brings her food from afar the grocery store you guys she Rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens she is up early getting ready to work making sure everybody's got everything they need she dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong I'm pretty sure those arms are strong from scrubbing pots and pans wiping windows I mean that's a shoulder workout right depending on how big the window is cleaning up the chicken coop scrubbing those bathtubs oh my goodness all of that brakes are so wet you need some elbow grease for that stuff arm just a wrong right her lamp does not go out at night does that mean we have to work late into the night no of course not I think it's just giving us the message that she is a hard worker making sure that that nians of her household are met thankfully this was you know written at a time where technology was not as advanced as it is today we have a lot of things that help us I am so happy that I have a KitchenAid an electrical stove and a food processor and I'm lender and an electrical flour mill and a toaster I mean seriously you guys a refrigerator a freezer we are blessed with the technology that we have it makes our job as homemakers so much easier than the ladies back in this these times she is not afraid for snow for her household for all her household are clothed and scarlet if it's gonna be a snowy weekend I don't know about you guys I am at the grocery store days before making sure we are stocked up and we have everything we need so then we're stuck at home we got food and that's just the way we're wired right we want to make sure we got everything we need we look more Nestor's we would need to make sure our nest is ready to take care of the family and the Lord has designed us that way that is not a bad thing that's a beautiful thing men are not like that we are the piece of that puzzle and he has designed it that way it is so beautiful she makes linen garments and sells them she delivers sashes to the merchants strength and dignity are her clothing so she's not just doing housework but she's helping with the income by making things using her time at home to also make things to sell and provide a little income for the family but she's still at home while doing that she looks well to the ways of her household she does not eat the bread of idleness she is not just sitting around wasting time on Facebook and Pinterest and Instagram watching TV during the day she is hard at work being productive getting things accomplished taking her job seriously her children rise up and call her blessed her husband also and he praises her many women have done only but you surpassed them all our children might not rise up and call us bless when they're really little but ladies if you are a cheerful joyful loving mother that is eager to bless and serve her family and makes your home a place of refuge encouragement peace love for your family your children will one day acknowledge this right now they're little they acknowledge it in their own little ways they'll say mama you're the best they're little they can't articulate everything they feel but when they're older I will get to hear what it has meant to them for me to be home and sacrifice these years joyfully to serve them and raise them and see to it that they have a place that they can call home and find peace and encouragement and a refuge in it works so beautifully for the mother to be home with the children it works so beautifully for the helper to be home it's sad to see the crazy frazzled blur of a life that some women lead where they're both up early getting the kids ready getting the kids to school mom going to work dad going to work the house is left in utter chaos because there's absolutely no way to do everything in the morning long full day at work everybody get home then whatever your evening consists of sports or homework and whatever everybody has to work as a team because there's no rolls because everybody has a full-time job so now we're tag-teaming laundry we're tag-teaming dishes we're tag-teaming cleaning we're tag-teaming everything or the wife is taking on the all of domestic and her full-time job responsibilities which is exhausting I can't even even imagine and then your weekends and your evenings you're like trying your heart is to soak up the little time that you have with your children because you're away from them all day every day that is the way many people live you know it isn't sinful but it's not the Lord's ideal design the Lord desires us to look at his word for guidance on how we should be living our lives and if he lays out this beautiful model of what the family functions at its best us then why why would we be not why would we not be doing everything in our power to adopt that model into our lives and into our homes so something I fear is slowly being lost is women's desire to be home and I think a lot of it has to do with men not grasping the beautiful calling for a woman in this and so instead of encouraging their wives to be home they say whatever you want to do if you want to work go for it if a man understood the beautiful design that God has laid out in the scriptures for us he would probably encourage his wife to be home also the older women teaching the younger women passing on this beautiful design from generation to generation explaining to a women why it is so wonderful to desire to be home and to work at home and then of course the world's lies the world is constantly bombarding us with you have these skills you have these talents you are not using them because you're stuck in the house you're what you're doing is not fulfilling what you're doing is not worth anything that is lies from the world and that is not what God is saying God is saying this is a high calling this is a great worth we have a special role we impact our children so so strongly when we are consistently in their life fulfilling our biblical role as the helpmate when we devote our lives to serving our family there's so much value to this to this role and that's what god says well we hear the world so much louder than what God says because what God says is not being shared we need to share this with the younger women we need the older woman to share this with us to remind us I don't know if you've seen the movie moms day out I like that movie it's very funny there's definitely a theological bill in there but the beginning of the movie it's the best part and then there's a scene close to the beginning of the movie where she's talking to her husband and she's just sharing her heart like she's doing everything she's ever wanted but why am i so unhappy and you know the women I went to watch that movie with were able to relate to that I wasn't it just made me sad and disappointed if and of course the movie is a movie the husband should have at that point encouraged her in the word but since it's a movie he didn't but it just broke my heart that all these women could relate to that I'm like we're not hearing the truth enough we're not hearing the truth often enough to debunk that mentality so let's remember that we're doing everything we ever wanted to do and we should be so thankful for it and yes we're gonna have hard moments we're gonna have hard days we're gonna have failure moments that's all comes with like weather whatever you're doing so the lies of the enemy are always gonna be attacking no matter what you're doing with your life and the remedy for that is the same no matter what you're doing the word is the weapon truth debunks lies truth is how you fight lies so what's the truth the truth is if you are staying at home and you are working at home and you are raising your children from home and that is all you're doing you are following the beautiful pattern that God has laid out in Scripture for the wife and that it is a high calling and it is a blessing to your family and so take joy and delight in that and don't feel like you're not investing in anyone you're investing in the next generation you are investing in your children probably the most important thing so don't forget the truth and don't buy the lie the world will always look down on stay-at-home moms and think we're wasting our lives God looks down and says my precious daughter you are fulfilling a high calling so I hope that this is encouraging to you if you stay home if you do not stay home do not feel like I am saying this is the only way or you're sinning I'm saying this is what God shows us in Scripture and it's ideal there are many people that cannot that legitimately cannot stay home there are many people that say they can't stay home but yes they can they're just not willing to give certain things up to do it and that's between you and God between you and your husband that has nothing to do with me I'm just saying this is God's ideal if you're not living it out you are not sinning do not feel judged you are not being judged in any way you can still honor and serve your family and the Lord if you have a full-time job outside of the home and of course there's situations where moms wouldn't be able to stay home even if they wanted to single moms etc other situations so in those cases you know it's just one of the unfortunate things of this fallen broken cursed world nothing can be perfect we're living in a cursed world and we have eternity to look forward to and God is still good and loves us and is gracious to us and can still work through us and in our lives so I hope this is encouraging to you have a wonderful day and look forward to next week please subscribe
Channel: Alana L
Views: 6,498
Rating: 4.964602 out of 5
Keywords: Titus, Woman, Series, Workers, At, Home, Alana l
Id: WRdoxcYMusk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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