Low Spend Year & Moving Away from Fast Fashion

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[Music] hey guys it's rhiannon here at mall domestic church i wanted a video today so it's been nine months since i started my no spend year back in january and i wanted to do kind of an update about how that actually went and um the steps that i've taken and um and all of that so if you're interested please stick around so thanks so much for stopping back again if you guys have been subscribers for a while and if you're new here i'd love for you to subscribe i do videos all about motherhood and faith and family and homeschooling and all that good stuff and in between all that um january 2021 i wanted to do a no spin year so i made a video only in the description box below i had certain guidelines and things i wanted to do well i wouldn't say it was a complete bust but i will say that i definitely spent and i bought things this year um but it did totally change my mindset about how i wanted to my bangs i can't figure out whether i want to grow them out i cut them again i don't know so um basically it changed my mindset because i became a lot more aware of how i wanted what i wanted to bring into the home what i wanted out of the home and all of that so one thing that i really did a lot of this year was give a ton of stuff away we've moved like 10 or 11 times in my husband my marriage with him in the military and then with his working for the church and going to school and so many different things and with all those moves we've accumulated so many things um in the early years we had very little money when he was going back to school after the military while he was working at the parish level and made very little money so i definitely developed a habit of like making a budget and being really cautious with what we bought but i also developed this like unspoken desire of being able to get so many things that we could never have because we didn't have any money so we moved here four years ago we didn't have tons of money but it definitely went up a little bit and um and where we live we were able to afford a large house um in comparison to other places we've lived so in the process of trying to clean out all the stuff that we've developed while moving here and um also while trying to get things that we could never have i mean not like big things i mean like a dress a month or a couple of books or dvds i've always wanted to get for the kids or for home school and things like that um i just started accumulating we also uh we when you have a lot of kids people give you a lot of stuff too which is a real blessing at the same time and just have to kind of sift through and see what we do and don't need over the last nine months i have gone through each of the health of the rooms in the house and have cleaned so much out and given so many things away i've become very intentional about what i buy and what i bring in i have gotten rid of over 10 big bends filled with stuff given the way to goodwill from a homeschool room um just recently i've decided to go ahead and basically sell or give away almost everything in our homeschool room except for our current curriculum so i had to change locations the coloring has completely changed because i'm in my room now um but uh someone needed something and so look at this look at this okay so anyway so i got really intentional about what i bring in what i actually want to get out um and just slowly trying to make the change from i want and what can i get to satisfy what i'd like or also what can i get to make me into a better person like books and stuff to changing my mindset so recently i put a picture up in our room with the scripture verse it's right here isaiah 58 11 and it says the lord will guide you and satisfy your needs all your needs there's more to it about like we will be like a well-watered garden and stuff but i could only get that much in so and i really been working on that i have another one in my homeschool room i mean in our laundry room which is from thessalonians i'll put it here too if you'd like to see it and these verses are ones that i i hold very dear to my heart and i want to focus on very simple intentional joyful living with gratitude and appreciation for what jesus christ has done for my husband and my our lives for our marriage for our family and an appreciation for what the church his church has helped us and guided us through in our lives and um and we're a catholic family and um so anyway so i wanted to share all of that in this video about like what this has done so now that i've given you okay this is kind of what i was going through when i was thinking about my intention so how has it actually practically how is it gone so um i like i said i am cleaning out our our um our homeschool room um here i'll put some little pictures and videos of where i'm at right now i've cleared off like four or five shelves okay so i'll have my apron on i'm about to go clean the kitchen and get lunch ready for the kids so but they went out to go make a picnic blanket set up so i thought i just quickly finished this um before i go do that so my apron's gonna be on anyway um so and my husband just turned on a football game and you you can really hear it okay so anyway so um yeah so here are some little videos of me clearing out our homeschool room okay so this is what it looked like at the very beginning i just had so much accumulated so much it was almost just ridiculous so i wanted to give you guys a view of what it looked like beforehand before i started i'm still working on it but after a little while of work i was able to clear out some this is our other bookshelf oh my goodness all those kids books on the bottom and then my personal um shelf and the kids stuff oh my goodness so much so after a while of cleaning i was able to clean off a couple of shelves move things around like over here and get rid of some of that down here um and then again i was able to clean out even more when i went back i have that one empty now and that one and and kind of glue those binders from there to here and clean out this area with the bins and so yeah and i haven't been here i filled up i built filled up a whole bunch and then down here is empty on the bottom okay so i have done so much work i've gotten rid of so many of my clothes okay so this might not look like a ton but down here used to have that been filled with clothes a bag on top filled with clothes i did a video where i organized my closet and i ended up there were so many things i had gotten it was way too much um so i had to slowly sell things um give away things it's just too much so now i'm down to like i think seven dresses that actually fit me because i had a lot of stuff for my pregnancies were huge so i sold a lot of them a couple of jackets some t-shirts um anyway and then the little boys room we have cleaned out so many times my daughter she took it upon herself and she just like really cleaned out her room um our laundry room i cleaned out organized so i've just been constantly going through and being like do i need this am i actually going to use this could this bless somebody else more than i is blessing us in this house and so i just keep going through that process and it is a constant work like i just cleaned our room i just cleaned our dresser i did so much stuff around the house and like the next day it can be messy again so um it's just a constant effort but i always say it's hard work with raising a family but it's good work and i feel like it's the same thing with with creating a home not just living in a house it's it's hard work but it's really good work so anyway so my no spend year i feel has been really successful in the sense that maybe it wasn't a no spend year but it was a bring awareness to your spending year and i still have like you know um three more months of this year so i plan on being just as intentional continually you know cleaning out um and really making sure that our areas are focused like like focused and intentional about the space as well so one channel that i really love for this type of um topic is joy forney's channel uh her husband is a missionary pilot in uganda and she has so much like so many wonderful things on her channel great content about simple living loving the lord um with your life and so i also put her channel in the description box below if you head over there i would love for you to subscribe she is wonderful and let her know you came from my channel um she's just a sweetheart i think so anyway and like anyone who would watch her channel so um but yeah so basically that's how the no spend year or the bringing attention to spending here um has gone so far and it's just going to keep getting better and better as it goes my my goal is to not continue to buy so many dresses i would like to have my dresses reserved more for mass and then start to slowly collect a couple of items i'm i'm considering doing the whole capsule wardrobe idea i don't know i don't know if i to do that for sure but i'm just con considering buying a certain like few pieces that i can wear like i really love jean skirts i know they're not for everybody i love long jean skirts so like thinking about getting you know one or two jean skirts um and a couple of uh like blouses like i'm 36 i feel like i'm ready in my life to like move into a new stage where the kind of tops i wear are a little bit more like grown up i know that sounds really funny um and so i'm considering getting a couple of nice well-made like blouses and then um having some clothing for working out like going on walks but i've been doing gardening um things like that so i'm not really a fancy person even if i try to be i am just not um and so just simple items that make sense for my life okay so and while we're on this topic before i close out this video i do want to talk about something that i have had on my heart and that i have been praying about for a while now so for a long time i have um been buying dresses off of amazon for really decent prices like pretty cheap and they've been pretty good quality i felt called to make sure to move away from what is called like fast fashion i do know that i am a woman wife and mother and i want as best that i can with a little money that i have to try to help and support other women wives and mothers to be able to have like decent livelihood a safe home for their family um being able to be pro-life and um have good functioning work environments in order to provide for their families whether that's with their husbands or if they are single mothers or women who don't have children just i want all people to have good work environments i can't change the world but i can make the best decisions i can with where i'm at will i mess up i'm sure i will um i'm never going to say i'm going to do things perfectly but i will say this i felt very called to step away from the whole idea of fast fashion and start to try to honor um this area of my life with moving to things like second-hand shops buying from industrious women and their etsy shops um local people that i know that are making things so i wasn't i didn't want to do it at first because i felt like where am i going to find anything um you know i am definitely a plus-sized woman and i find it's really hard to sometimes find things like that at second-hand places um but i just i just am stepping out in faith in the lord that i with the lord that i am able to find what i need for me and my family um in this way so we used to shop second hand because that's all we could afford and i was really fine with it and then when i found new dresses from amazon i was really excited so i have gotten many of them and i'm not saying i'll never ever buy something like that again but i want to be more intentional with my spending for clothing and try to be supportive of people having better work environments and so on and so forth so from this point on i'm going to try my very best to purchase my clothing personally my clothing from second hand stores from um industrious women with their own shops companies that support like really good healthy functional work environment work environments for their workers and so on and so forth so um just wanted to share that on this video if you've made it this far in this video um that i will definitely be doing that and hopefully making even cheers and share some videos on good finds i did do a marion modesty video where uh i showed how you could take twenty dollars go to goodwill and find some modest items secondhand maybe i can do some more videos like that in the future that'd be super fun so instead of taking 20 and going and buying a dress on amazon i haven't shipped to my house take 20 and look around for items at our local goodwill or salvation army and things like that okay so anyway i'd love to hear from you guys if you guys are trying to live or you ladies and gentlemen someone had corrected me and said please stop saying guys anyway um if you all like uh if you are on an a journey of trying to not spend as much if you're trying to um just really be intentional with your spending about what comes into your home if you have tips if you have great channels with good content please let all of us who's watching this know in the comments below be very helpful and so yeah so i hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you're new here i'd love for you to subscribe and again if you're if you've come back thank you so much this channel has hit 3 500 subscribers which is crazy to me because i've always said i would be happy if i helped one person and watching the channel grow has been so beautiful i have met seriously some of like my best friends in my life from this channel like people that have connected um like some of you i talk literally on a daily basis now um on like different social media outlets and uh so i just love the community here anyway so i hope you guys all have a beautiful and blessed day god bless
Channel: My Little Domestic Church
Views: 230
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: PH9kt4-VukE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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