The Thompson Submachinegun

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Anyone have a list for his outfit? I love the interwar adventurer look.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ares12893 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
ron jeremy fled in more ways than he could ever consider including through time one year before mankind plunged into the second world war renowned archaeologist dr jones discovered evidence of ron jeremy's great temporal league ron jeremy's ultimate goal ensure the soviet union would accelerate their lust for power and spread communism across the globe task 469 members were immediately dispatched through time to stop cubby's gone so so where is ron they screamed gone he said with a chuckle the 1980s and with a final gasp the dying man gave up the ghost the hunt continues if you've ever put french fries on your hamburger go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment the comment section is out of control if you guys are looking to support the channel the biggest supporter of the channel right now is big daddy unlimited big daddy loans like costco the gun world 99 cents for the first month after that price goes up is it worth it are you worth it if you guys are looking to support the channel in other ways we have a couple other great sponsors we have d-bag definitely recommended it's just basically like a gift box you know you guys have used them before but they support the channel go check them out they have great stuff it's a great little weird gift for somebody that you don't know what to get for them for christmas or something like that we of course have safe life defense with their body armor and finally mirror defense with their gas masks go check them out ladies gentlemen my often forgotten but most certainly not by me cult monitors welcome to the channel today we're going to be talking about a very cool submachine gun and that is going to be the 1928 a1 so i'll go ahead and have my buddy sean come on sean come on in here you've been on the channel a couple times at this point man yep um do you want to go ahead and introduce yourself to everybody again uh yeah uh sean uh again served 10 years in the army currently still active uh all infantry gross just kidding manchester that's pretty cool about it you had a cool career man it's been all right so uh also great indiana jones cosplayer as well yeah that matters that's what matters to me so dude um today we're gonna be talking a little bit about the 1928 a1 i know you have a lot of time researching this um yes you love this submachine gun so i thought we'd just take a second to talk a little bit about it and some of the kind of a little bit of the history behind it because i think it's a it's a very interesting kind of piece in the history of submachine guns and now to be clear before we get into it a lot of people mistake the thompson submachine gun is the first submachine gun ever made it was not the first submachine gun ever made but in many ways it paved the way for design influences and general looks for many submachine guns to come um so i mean before we get into it you want to talk a little bit about the history of it man yeah so basically you got to hold it i'm going to so basically the thought process on the design of this was actually derivative of trench warfare so you know they wanted this trench broom this sweeping weapon that uh the troops could drop down in take control of the trench and sweep literally through the trench with these guns so i mean fun you know little things like it was originally designed to not have a buttstock so it was tucked in and used as more of like a broom style weapon system so given that uh it went into a period of time where we weren't in war anymore right world war one ended there was not really a market so now this weapon system has been created they're trying to sell it to the military but there's not a need for it so then we start going into you know the actual cost of production yeah being one of the most expensive weapons that we as the united states military actually purchased at that time at 205 dollars a unit uh for you know 1939 prices that's insane i think it was uh 2 300 like roughly today time that's very specific but so right around there you know so as as they went through like anything the army tries to find a cheaper way to do it and you know so these models were seen uh and sold to great britain they were sold in uh france during the resistance uh but when they got to the military they started taking off the uh the you know the classic tommy gun look adding over this uh they started taking the fins out of the barrel took the cuts compensator uh cuts got a dollar for every compensator sold so you know a lot of money back in the time yeah so they like take that off these rear sights that range out to 500 for 45 were kind of useless so they went to i would love to see somebody make a 500 yard 45 calibers yeah i don't think it's happening mortars but yeah so you know then they started moving over it's a really interesting design uh from actually just at all that they put the charging handle on the top and then thought we'll just cut it open so you can see through it it's really odd that it took the army to say hey put it on the side it is very odd yeah it is and then of course we can talk about the operating system being the blish lock uh for sure and being that it is a blowback operator and all that so blishlok for those that don't understand there is a brass piece inside of here that the thought process was that brass under pressure when you fire would lock the chamber shut so that the gas could then cycle the bolt so the thought process this is coming from artillery this is naval gunfire uh type stuff so 45 didn't really need it it didn't it uh it went away it phased out so if i'm not mistaken in modern kind of recreations when they've actually modeled out they realized that the bushlock really had very little to do with the function of the weapon it was really truly a superfluous uh addition to the mechanism yeah and it was actually i mean a lot of people kind of think about it you know it was a patented design that uh the guy blish got money for it yeah so you know he contacted you know and uh was like this is only gonna work if you use this system and there's no really argument there so no there's not much you can do about it yeah so i mean there's we can talk for hours and hours about you know some of the little things but i think the most interesting thing honestly is that blish lock the idea that uh you needed four different moving parts to make just a blowback weapon work for sure i agree i think it's really interesting and again one of the reasons we have shaun is for our grunt perspective which is going to be our segment right here but uh if you want to come in here we'll kind of take a closer look at this weapon right here we're going to start as we always do just like the navy likes tip to bite oh so yeah i know classic but if you want to come here and take a really close look at the cuts compensator uh it is a very interesting design it is very well made this is something that i've always loved about older weapons is just the amount of like style that goes into the finishing work i know you can see it it's incredible it looks it's just a very evocative design in my opinion i just love the way they look so a very cool design and actually pretty effective so the cool thing about doing some of our videos on the range that we can just go ahead and show you some of that stuff so i'm going to grab my ipro right here which are covered in rain and we'll take a couple shots with this just to show you guys how well that system works so as you can see this weapon climbs very very little um for the rate of fire and everything else and that comes down to a couple things the cuts compensator for sure but also the weight yeah absolutely this thing is absolutely ridiculously heavy for for how small you know you think about it's about the same size as a 10-inch m4 yeah uh it is about four times as heavy uh it is so heavy insane so yeah the recoil um i can't imagine carrying this around as a guy and in fact i have one of the um pouches that they would have worn to carry the 30 round six mags supposed to carry five in there with the five it's it's crazy swinging around it's a lot like that a lot of the world war two and i mean even earlier one a lot of it was like how do we carry more yeah and then comfortability and actually you know usability later was like maybe that stuff didn't work maybe that wasn't such a good idea it's very you know yeah just stick five of those in a pouch it'll be sick you know it's super hard it's super super difficult to carry but another cool thing about this you want to come here and take a look is look at the look at the the heat fins right there just look at the amount of machining that went into it just a very very beautiful design so again if you're not familiar with what these are made for it's uh barrels heat up they get very hot these add surface area so that the barrels can cool off faster therefore you don't get uh problems that happen as barrels heat up uh you know barrel wear and drift of zero as the barrel droops and that type of thing so those heat fins really help with that to be clear there are multiple different types of hand guards that we can have on our thompson's this is more of an m1a1 type style yeah this was so this is an interesting model just because uh being that this is a 1928 uh a1 uh it's it's in the middle of transferring from a civilian made because there wasn't a military market yet uh they figured you know we need a sling point so they added these instead of having a pistol grip style uh added a sling mount back here and then as it kind of evolved you know these things that we're talking about that we like so much you know like even down to this you know thompson engraved in the cuts compensator and it just all kind of went away you got to think mass production world war ii they're they're stamping these out of factors across america uh the fins were lost you know they were like well screw that cuts compensator that's a dollar yeah these sites you know hey we'll just give a folded piece of metal and uh put a hole in it and call it a day so you know that's that's really where this gun went is how do we make it cheaper so these older ones uh the earlier models are just you know beautiful it's yeah it is just something different now if we come over to here um you can see the magazine mechanism so you know when you think of magazines today you think about how easy it is to load a magazine with the thompson it's very interesting as you can see here on the magazine we have these little ribs right here and they insert directly onto there so it kind of rides along those rails right there to then lock into place so magazine changes aren't great and what's funny is these are later war magazines right here they're 30 rounders originally we had 20 rounders and even before the 20 rounders we had these giant drums now these drums are very interesting for a variety of reasons so they hold 50 rounds and they are difficult to load difficult to maintain and extremely difficult to actually insert into the magazine so yeah well as we found out it turns into a two-person kind of job where if if you're really not knowing what you're doing you're kind of like hey buddy like load me up so uh what's interesting here before i load this up and look [ __ ] doing it uh no problem so they don't use that word anymore i'm sorry i'm just kidding oh jesus they use it on me all the time so uh what's interesting about the magazine mechanism here is that it was designed for two different ones so you have this locking mechanism for the hole in the back of the magazine right here but then the drum does not use that at all it uses uh this slot back here on this arm so it's not a button it's actually a little bit more yes you can see it so it's a lever instead of a button that everything on almost every weapon system we're used to yeah is now so you know going in it's lining up the t-slot and going in of course that one worked that one worked right now it was really surprising yeah but going in like that but then again the kind of removing it we're used to doing things with the firing hand trying to get this button and you just really can't it's kind of like a come in here and then rotate it and pull it out it's just it's not it's not it's not a speed reload type of system here but the the biggest problem with these magazines they're loud and they're heavy constant noise so that was a big complaint with these magazines when they were used in combat situations was how much noise they made when these guys were running with these imagine three of these in a pouch imagine one of these on your gun as you're moving imagine trying to sneak up on somebody and this is just moving around every time you move even the slightest compare that to like the 20 rounders a little bit of juggle 30 rounders almost none so it's for that reason as well that they went away from the drums and eventually the m1a1 couldn't even accept a drum magazine it was just termed not useful at all and that was again uh that was the army you know cutting their corners and figuring how do we mill out this piece of metal and make less cuts and that's a cut that doesn't need to be made anymore so it just doesn't accept them oh absolutely you know we have to get to my favorite part right here because i'm gonna have to go set trigger right now so we're gonna feel this trigger so as you can tell it is an open bolt design that means when i pull the trigger it releases a sear both slams forward fires cycles all that kind of stuff so that is how the thompson works it is not a closed bolt design so let's go and put a little unchained melody let's try that together so feeling into it very little play getting into it about a nine pound trigger getting backed into it let's try that one more time about nine pound let's go ahead and cycle that see the reset there is no reset because it's full auto so it's always a good time with the thompson the trigger isn't terrible it does have very little it does have very little play it is a nine pound trigger that's very common for military type weapons so overall as far as military triggers go it's very nice now here's what's okay actually i was going to say it actually feels almost the same as a 240. it does really does you're right every part of it when you when you're pulling that bolt back and this this whole seer system if you take it apart it is almost identical like things have not changed and uh you can really feel it when you're firing it you get that nice you know yeah you do you get that you get that very nice like positive you're shooting this gun and that is the thing about shooting long range we have a couple videos right here of me shooting long range with it but when you're shooting past 50 meters um when you pull that trigger that bolt rides forward and so you always have a tendency to kind of dip down with it so that is a problem with firing long range it's definitely doable you just kind of have to really focus on yourself and think about yourself and believe in yourself but if you want to come in right here and take a look let's take a look at the controls they're very interesting very different from what we're used to with from modern weapons so as you can see right here we have our fire and our safe so fire with the lever forward and then of course whoops let's go and lock that back and then of course safe when we have it locked back so we have those two and then we have full auto and single and that is separate from fire and safe which is very interesting in my opinion it's not very easy to rotate these um it's kind of counter-intuitive in my opinion it is they're backwards from what we're used to now precisely so it was an interesting design again you have to remember they didn't really have anything to go off of this is one of the very early automatic weapons it's like oh how do we make this automatic this is what they came up with obviously this didn't end up kind of sticking but it's still a very interesting kind of piece of history in the design and when we come to the grip uh i do like the grip quite a bit it's kind of thick it's it's chunky it's chalky she feels good she feels good but it's interesting to me because you know with the thompson when it was fielded people weren't as big as they are now no and that is actually interesting i thought about that as we're shooting it right well height wise you know i'm about right for what a soldier would have been in world war ii but i mean i'm probably 80 pounds heavier than the standard grunt at that time just being the fact that you know we were talking about nutrition and just overall genetics at that time that is a huge grip for that time and the length of pull is extremely long yeah and that kind of kind of brings us over to the stock which we kind of talked about but that stock because we have a that stock that drops it dude it's not it's not great but yeah it's it's not it has a ten the thompson definitely has a tendency to want to climb yeah absolutely like uh it it's just the way it is if the stock was more inline it would definitely be easier to control that as it is being this much lower and all that cycling mass i think that one of the other things too that's interesting is if this stock was just you know an inch two inches shorter oh it would make it better because i mean again you've got longer arms than i do but i mean i am struggling to get this up i would not shoot this like this i would all day little little little short i would yeah it's it's i wouldn't do it oh for sure so sure and of course tactics and and procedures were different back then what people typically did but it is kind of an interesting piece of history um the final thing we'll talk about are the sites um with the sites that we have right here these are the more expensive sites like sean was talking about um you had something interesting to say about the sites actually didn't you so uh being well yeah being that this was actually one of the most expensive parts of the gun uh they're supposed to range out all the way to 500 or or further uh and like we talked about being the fact that it's 45 you're not shooting it that far so uh these were scrapped really early on to this folded piece of metal uh peep site with a notch on top for uh i believe it was a hundred and two hundred yeah and that's what we just left it at um and the later models they got kind of a protective that distinct you know we know how much was it for the site to make them believe they were ten dollars a piece that's ridiculous for the amount that it costs you know i mean thinking about all the mechanisms and all the just if you're trying to mass-produce these and it's just not it's just not there no it doesn't need to be not the war time well definitely a really cool piece of technology um something i've always loved the thompsons and you know comparing it to the m1a1 which i've shot quite a bit as well um i would definitely consider this more controllable both due to the cyclic rate which is faster than the m1a1 and also due to the compensator it definitely helps you very easy to uh blishlock as well yeah you know it's different it's like we want a different it doesn't work because everything says it shouldn't yeah but then as you said you shot one that doesn't have it and it's a different system it's a different firing gun the 1928 um it just has a little bit of magic juju to it and it just feels good i love the 1928 it's definitely one of my favorite weapons and i i hate to say it but what was it medal of honor pacific assault as a kid they had this gun i [ __ ] loved it i loved it i love video games and guns yeah and so um i've always loved the look specifically of the uh 28a1 because of the ribbed barrel and everything it has characters honestly if you think about it again it's you know you get further into the war things it's a stamp right it's a stamp it get it off the line as fast as possible this was sold to the civilian market first just had a little bit of it's it just looked good yeah you know it just definitely looked good so what we'll do here is i'm gonna go and empty out a 20 round magazine because i gotta and we gotta do it god i love that gun very cool well guys thank you for joining us um this is a very very cool little piece of history thank you sean for coming on man of course anytime dude um so i mean here's the thing with any of this um if you can get your hands on one of these you absolutely should but like everything if you don't train you're not gonna be good you can be you can be very good at this you can make maybe 500 meter shots if you train maybe so get out there and train guys uh tons of great guys out there um i know you work with a group that does a lot of training out here in the pacific northwest absolutely yeah epsilon northwest cool we again it's just a group of guys that uh we're just trying to give back yeah it's not that we're trying to give certificates out and make people you know i want to certify i want a certificate i'll make one thank you but uh given that it's just we want people to come out and just shoot have fun build a community and and have some structure behind it without just going to the range and shooting for shooting for sure man that's awesome you know if you guys are in an area where you're not near here or something definitely go create one of those communities and you know get some good stuff going so get out there get training guys thank you so much for watching porno shoot of shooting is a look cool and this definitely makes you look cool absolutely take care gentlemen uh last thing that advice all right oh man all right we got one more thing for you yeah i know that advice so sean you've been on before you're a dad i am little dad advice for my people uh dad advice for today uh you're never you know the best person in a room or you shouldn't be so surround yourself with people that can make you better and that you aspire to be like so that would be my dad advice for today love it man love it thanks for coming on man guys you know if you've made it this far that we're going to finally rep survival dispatch survival dispatch is like a repository of survival information get in there file information is vital to have so get in there big thank you to them and of course my patreon people love you guys stay safe stay cool talk to you next time you
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 276,802
Rating: 4.9743757 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, thompson smg, tommy gun, 1928a1, thompson submachinegun, thompson review, tommy gun review
Id: yY76AeZ9kyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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