The HK53 (556 MP5)

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Does anyone know what shirt is he wearing in this vid? It looks to me like a first spear merino hoodie, but I'm not sure

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/grunnermann28 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Sooo sexy.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/c6cycling 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] if you've ever gotten thicker from working out of the gym go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment give a story of getting thicker keep the comments somewhat normal please don't get me banned from youtube we don't want that to happen there's not really a great other platform that i can uh you know get my message out on so please don't get me back from youtube keep the comments so much simple if you guys are looking to support the channel the biggest support of the channel right now is big daddy unlimited big daddy unlimited is like the costco the gun world 99 cents for the first month is it worth it well are you worth it okay we have other sponsors of this particular video we of course have safe line defense great company link right below and of course acre gold if your gold uh what is it 100 5 grams of gold right now go ahead and check them out big shout out to vertex of course discount code grantham 20 off or maybe it's 25 somewhere right around there check them out ladies gentlemen and my most often forgotten but most certainly not by me gpu 54s welcome to the channel today we're going to be talking about a very very cool rifle and that is the thick p5 just kidding hk53 so the hk53 is one of my favorite rifles for a variety of reasons but before we get into that full disclosure what is my relationship with hk who provided this weapon how is this review even getting done great questions this weapon was provided for by hurricane butterfly for this particular review big thank you to them they are a weapon importer definitely check them out a lot of very interesting things that they that they import so definitely check them out now my relationship with h k uh nothing well actually forgot i have done reviews on the sp5 and soon to be the sp 5k so understand that there is a relationship they have provided those firearms in the past for a review so that should be noted now as far as a relationship with this particular video absolutely nothing uh any issues provided for by big daddy unlimited big thank you to them so without further ado let's get into this particular video so what we're gonna do is we're gonna describe the hk 53 as best we can going back in time not forgotten weapons and i won't try to do an entire video on it but the history of the 53 and the 33 are very interesting so in the past we have hk with the g3 the og right so it was a roller delayed system from that roller delayed system many various firearms were designed uh chief amongst them of course the mp5 let me go ahead and pull that out for you guys so the mp5 of course being perhaps one of the most prolific roller delayed weapons along with the g3 but along with that the hk33 um 33k 53 93 all those were developed that were in 223 caliber now these weren't nearly as commercially successful for a variety of reasons i'm not really going to get into that but i think that the 53 is perhaps one of the most interesting of the rifles that they design for a variety of reasons so that is why we're doing this particular review on the 53 as opposed to 33 we will touch on the 33 later but the best way to describe the 53 beyond that is to imagine for a moment that you have a girlfriend in high school and you know she's good-looking but you're an idiot and you're kind of stupid so you break up with her you both go off to college separate colleges um you know you know you graduate college you're after graduating college you're walking down the street and you see her and she didn't go to college and drink and gain 15 pounds what she did is she went to college joined the track team ate a lot of chicken breasts and squatted her butt off and she begot thick in all the right places meanwhile you look to your right with your current girlfriend you realize you made a terrible mistake of course this isn't real because you probably don't have a girlfriend in any case the um the 53 has always cracked me up because of how closely it resembles the mp5 just thick with three c's it's it they are very similar in size the hand guard of course is a is longer as is the receiver on the on the 53 but overall they are very close weapons to each other to each other so i've always found it um kind of interesting they have a lot of that kind of same aesthetic and i've always found the 53 to be a very beautiful weapon but that's enough insulting you guys for right now so we'll go ahead and do what the marines do when they're underway at the navy we'll go tip to butt and we'll talk about this particular firearm they're waiting for the hate mail to come in so starting off we have the flash hider so you have an 8.3 inch barrel in 5.56 that is ridiculously short because of that you needed a flash hider that can deal with all that flash the four prong is or three prong is a great way to deal with that flash hk made great choices and putting a four prong on this particular weapon now what's really interesting about this particular firearm as well again try trying to stay away from history but weapons are history the 53 is really interesting because at the time it was designed there weren't a lot of very short 556 weapons that you could readily get your hands on because the ar-15 system doesn't really do that well as you get the barrel shorter and shorter it's only more recently that we've gotten the mark 18 you know the 10 3-inch barrel ar-15 to be a reliable weapon so to get even shorter that in the case of the 53 is at the time pretty incredible so if you wanted a short compact bullet hose the 53 was kind of your guy at the time and for a long time after because the roller delayed system that it uses does very very well with a short barrel because of that you have a very reliable just wonderful little submachine gun sized bullet hose so that is kind of one of the interesting things about the 53 and probably something that contributed to its success until newer developments came along in any case that leads us right into the barrel the barrel is 8.3 inches that is very very short for 5.56 you are losing a ton of velocity but depending on what you're trying to do with the rifle your job the type of environment that you're in a 8.3 inch barrel might not be that big of a deal especially because you're getting essentially 556 firepower in this little mp5 package and to be honest the recoil is fairly so i've seen a couple videos where people have said that the hk53 is a viciously recoiling weapon that it thumps hard and all that type of stuff you know i really don't think that's the case and let me explain it a little bit so the recoil tends to be pretty much in line with your shoulder the muzzle device directs all the flames outwards which puts the recoil just kind of in a linear fashion right back into you i found it to be in my opinion softer recoiling than many 10-3 ar-15s that i fired in my time so i think that is a very controllable package and not to mention beyond that that is 8.3 inches in barrel length compared to 10 3 that we're seeing with most ar so i think that is a very controllable weapon i don't think that it has horrific recoil i think that it is um it's pretty tame it's pretty easy to fire if you were to put some type of you know brake on there or something and probably be even better so i definitely find it to be very manageable as far as the barrel is concerned um you do lose a lot of velocity so of course your range with 556 is going to be pretty limited i'm not i'm not really going to recommend taking this thing anywhere out past like 150. you're probably not going to see very good ballistics do i want to be shot with it at 300 of course not still a [ __ ] 556 but that being said if you're looking to gauge at longer distances a 10 or a 12 inch barrel are probably going to do a lot better like the hk33k which has a 12 something i believe it's a a 12.5 inch barrel it's probably a better option for you but in any case you lose a lot of velocity but it is still a very accurate weapon because despite having short a short barrel uh the five has the 556 round is mostly stabilized because of that you see good accuracy again it's been fairly easy to make good consistent hits at about 120 at this weapon which is about the edge of the range i'd probably engage somebody with this particular firearm one of the coolest things about these is definitely the forearm i've always loved the forearms and the hand guards on the mp5 the kind of the hk styled weapons especially the older ones and the only thing that could make this any more aesthetic would be the hangar the light on it i wasn't able to get in time for this review but this is a very uh good looking gun the handguard of course is not a deal it doesn't allow for any flashlight mounting options you're going to have to kind of go old school and tape it on to here if you're going to need to do that so it's not the great the the greatest but if you're looking for a kind of a no-frills rifle you're not looking to mount anything then the handguard is absolutely fine of course you can upgrade it to anything that you need it's very easy to pop it off you just pop out this pin right here and then you can simply take that handguard right off so it is very easy to swap those out as necessary it's very quick just in case you're wondering about that if you're thinking about getting one of these in the near future from there the sights the front sight post and the rear sight posts are your classic hk sights they are awesome you have a rear drum with very resistances on the peep sights i've always loved hnk sights they are incredible no complaints there hooded front sight for durability all that type stuff i find them very precise very accurate they're awesome the charging handle is very interesting i was talking to a guy back in the day and he said that one of the reasons that they didn't use the 53 or the 33 or all those was because it's very easy for the charging handle to get bumped to unlock and kind of put the weapon out of battery where it didn't work so from what i've seen again i haven't used this weapon for a long time i haven't seen that happen i can understand this front latch getting caught on branches and that type of thing but to be clear there is a little notch right there that keeps the weapon so if you're trying to push it straight back it does keep it from unlocking so to unlock it is a folding charging handle you have to pop the charging handle out once you put it to that position it pops out and then you can do whatever you need to do with it so i can't substantiate those claims i have no doubt that that's probably happened in the past and it's one of the reasons that several people have cited that they did not use the 53 that extensively and they chose to use the slightly longer ar-15 or car 15 variant in any case there's no doubt in my mind that the reloads on the 53 91 g3 all those are definitely slower than many modern weapons in order to reload the weapon you have two options you can either lock the charging handle back eject the magazine put the new magazine in give this thing a hearty slap and then you are loaded conversely depending on the type of magazine that you're using whether it be downloaded or something along those lines you can simply pop out the old mag put in the new mag and then charge the weapon the problem with that is you might not know if you're using a buddy's weapon that might have a full mag and it might mess up your reload the big thing is consistency for me personally i tend to lock the weapon back grab the new mag rip out the old one new one and then drop it so i tend not to slap it there are multiple ways to reload hk weapons and i'm sure you'll have people popping in here talking about all the different ways that they've done it but in any case the charging handle is nice and functional and my favorite part is of course doing that thick meaty hk slap it just feels awesome on this particular gun for mounting a sling we have our hk style hook right there that we can put right there we have our sling mount right there of course this can all be changed moving back from there as i said before this is a roller delayed weapon um you're not seeing as much recoil mitigation as you saw in like the nine millimeter versions you know when it comes to some machine guns i don't think there's anything as refined or as soft shooting as the mp5 when it comes to two two three there are softer shooting guns there are harder shooting guns the roller delayed in my mind is only good because it allows this weapon to function extremely reliably with a short barrel so it's still a cool system now these weapons do lack forward assist but if for whatever reason the bolt doesn't go into battery there's this little portion you can put place your thumb in order to push it back into place not as refined as a ford assist at the same time still very useful still very easy to use and it should be noted that in further versions of the 556 variants of this weapon they did later include a forward assist on this so just a little interesting note from there we have our claw optic mounts they are great very reliable very repeatable tons of people have used them throughout time in history and tons of people have killed people through time in history utilizing that particular amount so i have no issues with those mounts of course newer amounts like picatinny just easier because you just they're already there but you can get picatinny mounts that are claw mounts and then you can mount whatever gucci stuff you want on there so no issues there just more money to spend but if you're buying this you probably don't have a problem with money because these are pricey all right my most hated part on hk weapons is both the reload and the magazine release so you do have a magazine release up here what the magazine isn't going to drop free so you can either hit it up there if you have super long boy fingers or conversely you can use a paddle like most normal sane people in any case the reloads aren't the simplest thing the paddle release is reliable and easy to use now the magazines there are multiple magazines out there in this case we have a 40 round magazine because more rounds is better and also looks badass as [ __ ] but there are 30 rounders and 25 rounders which are what was original the 25 rounder being the original magazine for the 33s and the 556 type roller delayed weapons the grip pretty simple nothing there just kind of your standard hk type grip causes all the same problems you've always seen on hk type weapons particularly with the safety where if you have this in a modern kind of stance it is somewhat hard to reach the safety it's for that reason that on most hk guns i do prefer to have an ambidextrous safety i tend to run my thumb same side in order to actuate it more easily because when you're in this position it is almost it's just not very easy i'm not going to say impossible because i'm sure there's people with just gargantuan thumbs out there but it is not the easiest thing to do nothing like an ar-15 was just very easy to engage and disengage that safety the uh hk type guns in this pattern are definitely more difficult to actuate but that is easily changeable that is just me nitpicking so you can easily get a different type of safety and it's very easy to put in all right those things being said we've avoided it for long enough we're gonna go ahead we're gonna go set trigger together so ladies and gentlemen go ahead and put on some unchained melody or i'll put it on very softly in the background so i don't get hit with copyright i'm gonna put your finger right over mine let's feel that trigger together so first off we do have a short amount of mush before we hit our first take up take up his stout pushing into it and we have a pretty short release so that release was at around six to seven pounds standard military trigger reset pretty quick very positive honestly once you hit that first little mush you hit that wall you have about maybe three millimeters to play before your release at around seven six to seven pounds pretty standard military trigger to be honest it feels pretty good for a military trigger um i don't really have a whole lot of complaints when it comes to that could it be better oh hell yeah it could be way better the trigger feels just okay it's not great in any case it is definitely usable so i'm not really going to say a whole lot about it there if you have a st or if you can get a transferable auto pack i would definitely recommend that this gun just begs to be fired full auto finally moving back from there we do have stocks we have a huge variety of stocks anywhere from retractables to our fixed stocks right here just like the mp5 you have so many stock options you can have whatever the hell you want on there i had the fixed stock right now just for aesthetics and that type of thing but anything fits on there find a stock that's going to suit you the best but i love the way these stocks feel on the 53s so that's what i have on there right now obviously there are no issues with the stock the stock has been all over the world and been involved in tons of shootings anything more than i could possibly say about it stock is fine so what does it come down to with the hk53 short barreled a very cool weapon now that being said it is obsolescent so it is past its time however it is still a very functional firearm so of course tons of great shore build weapons out there nowadays that definitely eclipse this in many ways but even still i love the old school looks and durability and ruggedness that comes along with these older roller delayed weapons they'll always kind of have a special place in my heart because of that and i think they should in yours as well so the question is is it worth it for the vast majority of people i'm going to say no this is definitely more of a collector's item and that's just kind of what it comes down to i wish they were more prevalent but you just don't see them that much but they are very cool if you get a chance to shoot them it is a very cool piece of history because it is served throughout a variety of special operation units most notably the brits so big shout out to my british friends over there in any case cool firearm the point is is that as much as you shoot this as cool as it looks nothing is going to matter unless you get training get out there and get training tons of great guys to get training from we have hilly strategic cogworks bear solutions slide attack training tons of great guys check them out ladies and gentlemen thank you for watching i've got nothing else for you final thing for you guys homework assignment read a book i don't care what it's on whether it's fiction or non-fiction some people are reading snobs i am not a reading snob i believe that any reading i believe that most reading is good so find a good fiction book out there fall in love with reading again because there is something that many people have missed by not reading it is intrinsically good for your mind and i'm not talking about reading you know the trash internet comments or anything like that talking about actual reading so get out there or if you just read a book go and comment with the book you just read ladies and gentlemen you know if you've gotten this far that we're going to go ahead and we're going to rep survival dispatch survival dispatch is a repository of survival information subscription base for all survival guy i would definitely recommend it tons of skills that we have missed out on just because we are in a society that centers around technology and it's not that important to know how to make a fire when it's raining but it is an important task and you should be able to accomplish it so get in there and get that knowledge final shout out to my patreon people love you guys you are the wind beneath my wings thank you so much way more coming
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 405,464
Rating: 4.960218 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, hk53, hk33, hk 556, 556 hk, best hk, best 556, hk 223, hk443, mp5 556, mp5 223
Id: kuf2mapPZtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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