The Tesla Model Y is not a premium car...

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open butthole close butthole this is a wireless mic and it costs a couple of hundred bucks this is also a wireless mic from DJI okay and it costs a lot okay both are wireless mics but the quality of this the solidity the build of this is by far higher than this we all understand this concept right same goes to cars same goes to phones same goes to laptops right it's the same with chargers as well okay I have seen a lot of charger Brands out of nowhere wherever they're from you know I can go to China now and create my own Bobby charger for a couple of hundred bucks and import it here and sell it to you or I can give it a fantastic name you know like Eco electric or something you know just do branding and all that the thing is I see so many affordable cheap charges now AC charges and I just want to show you guys this that one of the best in fact actually I think there are only a handful of the best charges uh AC charger Brands out there and I just want to show you guys one that I think you all should consider it costs double that of what those cheaper China made Chargers in the 2000 3000 Ringgit this one is six thousand all right but it is the best is from a big Italian Power Solutions company called inelx you know they are a 1.5 billion Revenue company with five six thousand employees and this charger is now officially in Malaysia this charger is called juice box and it's from oh it's from Inno X okay this company you can go Google email X all right so this charger is brought in the soul distributor is called my EV Mart this is the one that I wanted for myself okay I bought this from them I haven't had an EV now but I'm getting more and more EV cars to review so I did my own research as well and this is the one that I think I wanted okay so I'm waiting for my condo to get the approval letter it is the most expensive charger in the market but I think it's worth it because even the most expensive one is only 6 000 Ringgit and you're using this for five years six years don't tell me you buy a Porsche icon and then you want a cheap charger at home you want a affordable ones from China from some unknown manufacturer and then slap on a branding right Bobby on charger everything is different from an expensive charger like this and a cheap charger like those and if you think about it right you buy an EV car it's Gonna Last you you're gonna use it for five years six years seven years this is a one-time cost it is a one-time course and it costs less than your iPhone so I do not understand people who say wow it's 6K I can buy that for 2K bro it's your charger for your car which costs 300 250 000 so I do not understand why because the phone that I'm recording this on people change phone almost every two years right so check this out I'm gonna do a video on uh you know access Juice Box all right let's continue the video cheers I've driven Teslas I've driven the model S P85 many years ago at sapang going against an nsxr and I had a bit of fun on that day now that's aside this it starts from 199 000 and apart from that everything else is optional all right so the 199 I believe very few people will transact at 199.99 is just to catch the attention because with 199 you come with a base white paint you come with these instead of a key and you don't get all the autopilot Advanced driving features all right but if you buy the car you take a loan you should dump things in the paint the red one is 10K the blue or black is 5K the wheels these are 19 inch you get up to 20 if you want to for stylistic purposes and pay more for tires probably but you can also pay for that you want an actual key you can pay you want enhanced autopilot you can pay you want the full suit of self-driving you can pay as well basically this car here is about 220 plus you can pay up to 230 240 based on the options which I think is right because a lot of car makers try to pre-spect their cars in and then try to Market it to justify the price whereas Tesla does the complete opposite right this is the car this is the price you want you pay you want you pay which is fair all right I'm in the interior of the Tesla Model y apart from the door card you know having a door open button and a Windows button the entire Dash has two buttons yeah but they are multi-directional so say for example I hold this button it activates the cam the camera but after they show this I can also okay I need to hold it again to come in here and I can choose to open or close the camera but I can also push to the left to go to menu and select if I want to fix this button as steering wheel heater brightness of the screen fan speed temperature or whatever but it sort of fix it so let's say open glove box and I will open the glove box but I have also by pressing that and opening the glove box I have also preset this button as opening the glove box so if I close it back now and I wanted to use this button to go in there to do something else I press it boom the glove box will open first and then I click menu and then go up to camera which I think should be uh something that is more important than opening the glove box and there we go now I close back the glove box and if I hold this okay let's close this all right if I'm driving driving I saw a stupid Aston Martin out here and I'm worried so I pull this and boom I have the camera but uh this variant doesn't have a front camera yeah it only has the sides and the rear which which is logic in a way but you get you get the drill now when Elon Musk came up with this dashboard architecture or Tesla I said that in a very very early article in my magazine back then I said they are very very smart because back then 10 years ago everybody's screens are like this this big or this you know Max and when they show such a huge screen in the model S everybody was like Wow but I I said it by increasing the screen size to such a big extent and let you do everything from here perception wise they increase the value of the car but in actual terms in manufacturing Tesla was able to eliminate a lot of costs and Tesla is a masters at eliminating costs even Toyota has to learn from Tesla when when it comes to learning how to efficiently employ where your money's worth at whereabouts of the car another thing is that when you look at a car's interior like this it is so different from usual cars we do not draw a direct comparison remember in the early days people were complaining about Tesla build qualities let's see how they are less sound than a C-Class and the standard tunnel doesn't move this is leather wrap very nice this is okay that's a very deep cubby hole carpeted this cup holders nothing special very big space efficient use of space and have two wireless chargers here yeah what else do you need on daily Drive yes the screen doesn't rotate you know like view IDs but yeah I've driven the model S I haven't driven the model y but they generally handle pretty well okay now I wish I wish I can just push left you see it does nothing now it should activate the manual let's say if I hold it it still doesn't do anything if I hold it and it goes into manual that's better right now I have to hold it and then go to menu and go up to fan speed and then increase the fan speed so I think software wise this can be enhanced but it's already way better than a lot of other cars and of course there is a lot of stuff that you can play with just like just imagine you have a phone you have you have your iPad or your Samsung Tab and you're playing around with it that's roughly how it is okay now in a lot of uh EVS or phevs when you open the door they should they cut off the aircon blah blah blah Tesla has a camp mode you know this one allows the car to still run its icon to condition the interior even when you're away you know stepping out what not basically these are all software and I believe other car makers can also improve in time all right um other than that is there anything to to scream about on this car oh yeah yeah this this oh there are no blinds okay and on a day like this in Malaysia uh what 35 degrees now yep it's 35 degrees you can see that okay and if you touch this glass it's like touching your hot water bottle you know little boy your boiler it's hot all right your babies will cry they touch their heads um yep Tesla made it clear it's tinted that's about it but I do like cars with a huge glass and it's tinted so at least by a lot of Malaysians will be like whoa you know and I wouldn't want to know um your windscreen insurance and all that how was the coverage and all that now how big is the car the car is about the size it's about that of an X1 when it comes to interior it's definitely smaller than an X3 or or a GLC um yeah it's about that with the Audi Q3 and all that all right they call it an SUV but uh judging from the car at best I would call it a crossover uh it is definitely smaller than your Tiguan and the likes it's bigger than the cx-30 though it is bigger than that and there are some wood stuffs over here the Plastics are decent these are soft touch poly injection modes on polyurethane right these are hard surfaces with a with a soft touch on top the wood is nice the build is okay right so we know there are they should be the ones built in China because everybody says the China built Tesla as a better build than the American ones where the keys for the Tesla yeah the keys are here it's an NFC key you can touch your phone and then use your phone to unlock the car and all that okay this one can be used for Zoom call so there's a Zoom app that we can I know yeah don't you're driving provided you stop halfway you know you're stopped at some place and then oh it detects my car anyway let's go for a drive now this one does the century Sprint in 6.9 it has the single pedal operation all right 6.9 seconds isn't fast but that's what I think EV cars should do there's no reason to to have an explosion of power and use up your charges your your precious charges for momentary fun steering is steering is very much like the weighting of uh BMW is heavy and the car drives well I don't like the the single pedal operation but it's one of them it's one of the most mild ones out there okay it's one of the Maldo ones basically when I lift off the paddle of course you can adjust how strong you want it to be I believe that's the case but that's the thing it's a screen you need to touch the screen to adjust the aircon flows and all that more and more cars are doing this all right um visibility is good the side mirrors are mounted on the doors but there is a gap in between except that from here I wouldn't be able to see the gap the windscreen is it's tall enough but not regular SUV kind of tall windscreen real estate the drive is good I mean I've driven Teslas Teslas are they're all nice to drive right they they attracted the top talents of Industries and then yeah they make great cars okay signal and then the camera is activated so I can see my blind spot you see all these things are what makes electric cars so interesting because fundamentally they are different from our regular cars they are so so so many things that you can integrate into the car by means of software upgrade and something like this they go over the air and you get some new features without you knowing it ah I have this feature you know it's nice whereas our older cars the previous generation called previous Century kind of cars can't really have that I want my EV cars to accelerate like this not boom you know slam my head into the headrest you see we are just beginning to see the onslaught of EV cars that's why a lot of car makers like to show that wow look at the acceleration blah blah blah the sustainability you know oh our company needs to do something that shows that we are sustainable let's get an EV car here do a show we're still like that but in the more mature markets like China they no longer Market on or how fast is my EV versus your petrol combustion car you know they are like Tesla of course is the is the harbinger of all this right it's about how good they are in in using whatever electric charge they have to give you an accurate mileage all that they are competing on that they're no longer doing the acceleration stunts anymore the other thing is there are consumers also understand that you're not posturing yourself to be a Greta Thunder or an environmentalist when you buy an EV no it's for the tangible benefits of driving an EV you look at petrol combustion cars that's a luxury SUV there that's a Cayenne right in the petrol combustion world the more we pay the more we get what smoothness quietness acceleration and comfort right we are paying our way there there was a Rolls Royce behind us just now and that's like the ultimate right and in order to achieve smoothness the ultimate smoothness in engine you want to have two inline six together to reduce the vibrations and you end up with a V12 right that's just to achieve smoothness okay and then uh for comfort and all that you basically everything that the petrol combustion cars has been trying to achieve are the prerequisites of what an Eevee is right as quiet as a Rolls-Royce is EVs do it easier with lesser materials with lesser soundproofing to achieve that level so I I don't think we we need to argue on this anymore it's not about oh I'm an environmentalist oh I'm help saving the world nah none of that is for the tangible benefits of arriving home in your car plugging it in every morning waking up with a full battery of juice and then with clever systems like Teslas you actually drive and then plan your destination and then the car is able to tell you where to charge divert you there and with their supercharger Network you can drive this like what 500 km of wltp range and then by the time you did 500 km you need to rest you need your coffee you need your toilet session right while you're doing all that your car is charged up to 80 or 90 from that and then you continue on your journey so this is what makes them possible as actual viable EVS that you can really use even for long distance see the thing is this humans have a limitation to how far we can drive in a day we need to rest anyhow and cars like these negates that worry in a way but on on the basis that we have enough charges right that's that's most important I remember when Tesla first arrived Malaysia they installed the charges in in Pavilion there's a nice there's a big sticker that Tesla only then I was like wait I thought our government wants to have 10 000 charges public charges all over the country by 2025 and if Tesla if Tesla's charges are Tesla only how do you contribute towards that then I saw a statement from Tesla that a certain percentage reserved for Tesla owners the rest will be open which is good the second thing is I think charges in public spaces should all be DC all right because fast charging all right that's another thing of course there are people who go to work Park their cars and get a charge right they can use AC a few hours done 22 kilowatt AC charges three four hours in your office and then you're done right um what I think Tesla is doing with their in-house charges is they are able to plan their charger deployment with their sales numbers and when you have these two figures these two data you can plan it properly so that your owners likely won't face a big issue of fighting over charges and all that results are unplanned deployment um yeah so I think what we need now in Malaysia is for government to say all you EV charger deployment companies out there scrap your app use our my sujatara which we have spent so much money on having everybody's data GPS location blah blah blah everything use our mystery and every charger should be on board together so you don't even need to develop your own software you want to invest in the charger you just buy a charger and then invest in your own shop fronts and then tap into the network and you're done then our deployment will speed up all right so yeah it's a nice car comfortable reasonably spacious and uh I shall go to the rear seats now oh something nice this is the button the electric release but this is the mechanical release the mechanical release is just here very nice let's go to the rear seats this beats whatever glb X1 Q3 and all that okay look at that I have size 11 and a half feet and the distance between my feet from the base of the rear seats to the starting of the Rails look at how high it is mounted solely for this purpose and for middle passenger look at that see that's what EVs are supposed to do when you design your EV from the ground up to be an Eevee you should you should have stops like that whereas a lot of German car makers and are still not optimizing space like these okay comfortable I have a lot of hit room one of the rare kind of cars where the rear passenger actually sits lower than the front passenger usually rear passenger sits higher this is lower I get some Pockets here nothing much so it's not a luxury car but it's an honest product this is a very honest product all right even though we heard news of how Tesla is very good in cost optimizations all these are acceptable acceptable quality build quality is nice it's an honest product and you can feel it from the product itself it's not fancy it doesn't try to woo you with some silly features you know doesn't you know take you around the roundabout and just trying to oh look at that and it falls flat very nice this one Folds it's magnetic yeah it's magnetic magnetically latched so it's a very honest product it's a good product okay plasticky yes but at least it's not cheaply it's cheaply it's designed to save you money doesn't mean it's a cheap product yeah I like honest cars like these and look at the boot oh there are no mechanical release in the rear seats because you have it in the front anyway foreign that's a huge latch this one I suppose is also magnetically released oh oh oh yeah it folds like that not the most intuitive on first try but if you know you know for the rest of your life all right hi Rachel I think she fits in here yeah you can go in and then I can close the latch this one as well hidden storage so the boot is huge all right very honest product I like it you can lie down yep and as for this one AC DC okay cheers
Channel: Bobby Ang
Views: 144,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iqxzdFPbhqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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