Tesla Model Y: What I Learned After 50k Miles of Ownership | Review & Impressions

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I'm absolutely thrilled to be with you today because I'm going to be sharing an update on our 2021 Tesla Model y this car now has 50 000 miles on it and there's a lot to cover on this I'm going to share with you cost of ownership the wear on the battery where on the car itself autopilot full self-driving beta the pros the cons the good and the bad and I'm going to share all of that with you in today's video now this is actually our second Tesla Model Y and our first one was one of the first 3 000 built it was a 2020 Tesla Model Y and once the seven passenger seat was available that's when we decided to upgrade we have seven seat configuration in this car and yes we do actually use that and I have a lot of good information on that for you so make sure you stick around to the end because there's a lot to unpack here before we dive into too much detail I do want to thank today's video sponsor mag back I'm about to do the dumbest thing I have ever done to my car I'm going to intentionally curb the wheels on my car now I do have the in case from mag back so hopefully this thing works as it's supposed to [Music] oh look at that man that's a lot of damage not to worry though because you can't remove all the damaged pieces and replace them with new ones when you order your set you do have the option to get an extra set just for this so that way you can fix damaged pieces so whether you're looking to prevent this from happening in the first place or cover up existing damage make sure to check out mag back's Rim case and use code btg15 for 15 off your order thanks again to magmac for sponsoring this video so looking at this car we got this car in June of 2021 and since then we've put over 50 000 miles on it and for a cost piece on this I want to put some disclaimers out there I'm doing my best to estimate because I have free supercharging and that kind of makes it difficult to figure out exactly how much it costs to operate this vehicle so I've estimated for all of my supercharging costs and I've used my actual cost for at home charging over that 50 000 miles I have consumed 15 000 904 kilowatt hours averaging 318 watt hour per mile and for most of you that's probably a pretty high consumption rate and the reason is this car lives on the highway this thing goes on a ton of road trips and even on a day-to-day basis it's usually on the highway going to and from work for my wife when she uses it as well the consumption there has been broken up between 52 supercharging 48 at home I'm estimating 26 cents per kilowatt hour average on supercharging and 13 cents at home so for supercharging I estimate we would have spent 2179 we have spent 977 dollars for home charging for a total of 3157 so that's great but how do you compare that to a gas vehicle well I think a Toyota RAV4 is a really good car to compare this to because size wise they're very similar and even though the RAV4 May sit a little bit higher the actual space you can actually get more in this model wide than the RAV4 so we're going to use that as our base to compare this to so at 29 miles per gallon combined with average gas prices by month since May of 2021 we're talking six thousand four hundred five dollars or thirty two hundred dollars more basically two times the cost to pay for gas in the RAV4 versus electricity in this model Y and that's about half of that being at supercharging rates which is significantly higher than charging at home on top of that there are other costs to consider and these are the maintenance items that you will have to go through throughout the life of this car so over 50 000 miles here's how much we've spent on maintenance We have replaced the wiper blades twice at sixty dollars total replace the washer fluid three times at five dollars a piece or fifteen dollars I've done the cabin air filter twice at about a hundred dollars and the tires had to be replaced at about 35 000 miles 852 dollars so that gives us a total cost to date of a little over a thousand dollars now the estimated cost for a RAV4 or in that same period of time three thousand two hundred dollars or three times the maintenance cost this shouldn't really be a surprise because there's a lot of recurring maintenance on a RAV4 that you won't have on this that brings our grand total for the RAV4 at nine thousand six hundred and six dollars and for the model y four thousand one hundred and eighty four dollars the difference there over that fifty thousand miles a little over fifty four hundred dollars so it is more than twice as expensive to own a very popular Crossover SUV in the RAV4 so how about reliability and maintenance from the very beginning well when we took delivery of this car there were a few things that had to be addressed when we took delivery there was an issue with wheel balance and so that had to be corrected additionally in the second row the cover had to be replaced as well so a couple of minor items that delivery that had to be taken care of that wasn't too bad of course all that was covered under warranty since then I have had no other issues that had to be a addressed from Tesla aside from windshields officially I'm about to replace my third windshield on this car I have never in my life had so many windshields I had to replace I've only ever replaced one other windshield until I started owning these Teslas now I'm not saying it's the Tesla's fault there are a lot of issues in my area but fortunately in the State of Florida these windshields are covered under a zero deductible so there was no cost to me but it does lead into what we're going to talk about is one of the cons later on and that is how long you have to wait for service I have replaced a windshield December of 2021 March of 2023 and now August of 2023 I had another windshield broken but of course that windshield is on back order so I'm still waiting for that to come in to be able to replace it unfortunately last year in Tucson Arizona I did have a minor fender bender so I had to replace the trim piece around the wheel and the wheel itself so fortunately I was not at fault so this was on the other person and to replace these through his insurance one of the things I love about the way I configured this car is that white interior it just brightens the space up tremendously it looks so good but a lot of people are so concerned about going this way and taking the leap I have two young kids so I understand the hesitation 50 000 miles later I'll let you be the judge on how well these seats have held up in my opinion these things look great and my maintenance on these seats has been baby wipes so I put a coating on these once a year and that helps to prevent major stains from happening but in between it's usually just a baby wipe to wipe things down now for tougher stains that have maybe been there for a while or if you've never cleaned your seats I thought this product was a gimmick until I tried it and I didn't realize at the time but it's actually made by Tesla for these seats specifically this stuff works incredibly well I actually did a test not that long ago there will be a video coming out on showing you how good this product is there's a link in the description this is a Tesla product and I cannot recommend having this enough all that said there is one issue that I've had with wear and that is in the second row so regardless of if you have the five seat or the seven seat this is probably an issue you're going to face so what ended up happening is over time these seat belts in the back have really rubbed away on the corners of the tops of these seats so I've used a lot of cleaning products to get as much of this cleaned up as I can but really it's just cutting through that top layer of this vinyl so what are we supposed to do about this well I actually highly recommend getting this thing from Spigen this actually helps to elevate those seats belts above the seat so that they're not constantly rubbing against keeps them in place plus it's a little bit more convenient for those sitting in the second row to be able to reach those seat belts you don't have to get it it's not very expensive but it'll help prevent this from happening highly recommend looking into this because this is one of the few areas where the seats have really had some wear now I want to get on to one of the best parts of today's video in particular because not that long ago I did my 25 000 mile update and I was disappointed because at the time the cost of this car the base price was nearly 66 000 and it was hard for me to tell you at that time that I would highly recommend it because it's so expensive well there have been a ton of price changes at Tesla as many of you probably know but I want to go through those numbers and show you how much I paid versus how much it is today so back in May of 2021 I started at 51 490 I paid a thousand dollars for midnight silver metallic a thousand dollars for white interior three thousand dollars for the 7 seat configuration and one thousand dollars for the tow hitch for a total of fifty seven thousand four hundred and ninety dollars now today that same car starts at fifty thousand four ninety plus it's free for this particular paint color a thousand dollars for the white it's now twenty five hundred dollars for the seven seat and still a thousand dollars for tow which gets you fifty four nine ninety the difference of that today though is it's actually qualified now for the tax credit unlike when I purchase so if you qualify for that tax credit and if you want to know more about that tax credit make sure to check out this video up here but if you do it's seventy five hundred dollars meaning this same vehicle today minus that seventy five hundred dollars you're talking forty seven thousand four ninety and that includes all the options that I added so that's pretty awesome that's a great price for this car especially considering starting in January this is going to be a point of sale tax credit so you're gonna be able to take this off at the time you purchase this vehicle meaning that's what you'll Finance not wait till tax time so this is actually really awesome and this is something I stand firm on this is a fantastic value you're talking about forty three thousand dollars before delivery fee and taxes for this car in base configuration when you look across all other EVS out there there are very few of them in this category that have over 300 miles and of that there's only two of them that qualify for some or all of the tax credit and that's the Mustang Mach e which gets half and the id4 which gets the full credit now of course that can change over time but my point is there are very few cars that are going to stack up against this just looking at price and range and speaking of range we're going to talk about degradation on the battery over that 50 000 miles now there's a few ways to look at this and you can just look at the estimated range at a hundred percent on the car itself or you can do like I do which is I track the actual B EMS reading on the battery so when I got this car brand new here's what it looked like it showed nominal full at 79.2 kilowatt hours at 50 000 miles it's 71.2 kilowatt hours or a 10.1 percent degradation in battery capacity at new it read 329 miles on the screen and it now reads 296 miles so about 33 miles loss or again about 10 percent in the real world at 318 one hour per mile here's what that looks like in actual distance you're going to be able to travel we're talking about 79.2 kilowatt hours 249 miles at 100 percent 71.2 kilowatt hours 223.9 miles so about 25 miles lost in overall real world range in this car that's really not that bad over 50 000 miles we're talking about 10 percent of actual reduction in real world range in this model y over 50 000 miles that's going to be pretty good it's going to be hard to beat across other cars out there now of course if you have an lfp powered car like a model 3 you're not going to have quite this much degradation and you would actually come out even better than these numbers I'm going to take a quick moment to talk about autopilot because Hardware 4 has recently released and Tesla now brings out full self-driving beta in Hardware 4 just recently so those features are now finally unlocked in Hardware 4. now Tesla is focused on Hardware 3 which is what this car is equipped with now I do have the ultrasonic sensors which I'm glad I have however they've removed those as well which is very disappointing because in our model X we do not have ultrasonic sensors it uses Vision only and it's pretty useless at least right now this car is pretty pinpoint accurate and I know exactly where obstacles are around the car so from one perspective Vision only is not exactly the best how however it's gotten so much better even just in the last year since my 25 000 mile review Vision only is substantially better than it was just a year ago and it continues to get better now it still has some pitfalls it still will Phantom break from time to time last year it was basically every single day I would get Phantom breaking if I was using autopilot now it's kind of rare that it happened so it has improved substantially which is great news it still happens from time to time but it is so much better than it was before and beta has improved substantially as well it's not perfect and I still have to take over many times on the drive my most frequent one I had to hit the accelerator three times I had to disengage three times so it still has a lot of work to go depending on where you live I guess if you live in San Francisco it's perfect apparently but everywhere else in the country it's not and it still has a lot of work to go but they're getting there it is making quite an improvement over time now let's talk about the good stuff this space in this car is awesome and it's one of the biggest reasons why to get this over any other electric vehicle including the model 3 the space is great the front the sub trunk all that stuff put together plus the great leg room it's just such a spacious car and you wouldn't believe it but this car actually holds quite a bit more stuff than most SUVs on the road the comfort in this car is amazing and when you consider Camp mode when you're traveling if you like to camp in your car it's pretty amazing now what I have found over time is in Camp mode I use a one and a half to two percent per hour on air conditioning and one to one and a half percent per hour using heat all of course depending on the temperature when I'm using it you cannot talk about a Tesla without talking about the supercharging network which continues to be the best charging Network on the road I have very rarely had issues I think in the entire time I've been driving Teslas for three years I've had three total issues and those issues were resolved by unplugging and moving to a stall next to it so very very very uncommon to have issues with the supercharging network one of the other reasons to really like the model y especially over the model 3 is the ride height the seat height the height in this car is great it sits a little bit higher you have better visibility and it's easier to get in and out of if you have a family having the lift gate on the back is something you're really going to appreciate versus a traditional trunk it's so much easier to get strollers in and out of this thing a lot more space for these big bulky things that we have to take with us everywhere that we go one of the other things that is if seldom talked about is the utility of this vehicle yes this thing can just be a pavement princess but there's a ton of utility in this thing with all-wheel drive and the higher ground clearance plus we're talking about five or seven seat hitch roof rack there is so much you can do with this car and it can really accommodate a big swath of consumers whether you are single whether you're married whether you have kids whether there's many of you whether there's few of you this car can accommodate just about everybody and because it's allowed to add a trailer hitch to the back or a roof rack you can take a lot of your gear with you as well it's kind of a mono y thing because the model X can't say this but this thing is so maintenance free it's unbelievable I have no issues with this car and I do such little maintenance on it you have to replace tires every 30 to 40 000 miles and you're gonna have to replace the washer fluid but that's about it there's really not much else you have to deal with with this car which makes it pretty close to maintenance free as possible and finally even without the tax credit this thing is finally affordable this thing came out to the market affordable it went very high in prices but it's finally backed down to being an affordable SUV now it's still fifty thousand dollars so it's not like it's the cheapest car out there but when you factor in you don't have to do the maintenance this thing's actually a lot more affordable than you probably realize obviously the tax credit qualification makes this an extremely desirable vehicle and of the cars that qualify this one would be at the top of the list this car is fast it is Big the range is good using your phone as the key is so convenient but better than all of these things is the software updates I have significantly more features in this car today than when I took delivery of it two years ago I actually listed everything out and I'm going to show you what that looks like there have been 58 features added to this car since I took delivery and 48 of those 58 are actually true new features added to this things like seeing the camera when you turn the turn signal on now it doesn't matter at all because you're used to it but back then it didn't have that that's new things like that so check this out it has Disney plus it has Car Wash mode automatic mirror dimming full self-driving beta the button being able to activate full self-driving beta immersive sound Sentry Mode live cam waypoints light show dark Mode app customization subwoofer tuning edit waypoints blind spot cameras ticked talk Boombox auto seat heaters regen on autopilot car colorization Bottom bar customization single door child lock control autopilot up to 85 miles an hour regular brakes when regen is limited blind spot camera position traffic along the Route green light chime seat belt tensioner when impact is imminent supercharger amenities car left open alert Sentry and dog mode at the same time regular brakes during normal regen Apple music dog mode in the camera view MyQ fart mode from the app Zoom calls with internal camera Auto turn signals Sentry wheel flashlights Auto steering wheel heat text size scroll wheel customization regen control Tesla Vision park assist Tire Service miles charge on solar Bluetooth game controllers auto headlights when wipers are on see multiple cameras on the Tesla app and destination closing soon notification I mean it's just on and on and on name another car that you take delivery that two years later you have that much more capability in your car than when you took delivery of it finally other manufacturers are getting on board with this idea rather than making you wait till the next model year comes out and having to upgrade this car has way more features than when I took delivery which is a pretty cool thing now it's not just perfect and no issues whatsoever there's actually some drawbacks to this car and even though it's finally affordable it's still an expensive car so even though the cost of ownership of this thing is something closer to a Toyota Camry it's hard to do that when you can't Finance or afford The Upfront cost so it'll take five years basically to afford this in the same way you would a Toyota Camry and not everybody has that kind of cash up front to afford this car so it's still an expensive car and this is why Tesla is still working on the Next Generation Tesla which will be the 25 000 Tesla the average transaction price as of June of 23 here in the United States is over 48 000 for a new car which is crazy that that is the average and this car is a couple thousand dollars more than that so again it's right there in the average which is great but it's still not an affordable car from that perspective the price volatility cannot be understated this car alone has had 11 changes in prices just this year that doesn't include the price changes of 2021 or of 2022. the price volatility has really upset a lot of owners understandably so when you pay 10 15 000 more for a car than what it sells for today that really hurts how your car sits from a value perspective it takes a ton of money out of your pocket when that happens and until things settle down and until this becomes more of the norm on the street you're still at the early stages of this technology meaning you're going to pay a premium for being an early adopter the suspension on this car is kind of rough it's not that it's a bad suspension it's just a more sport-tuned suspension and Tesla has made an update to that as of 2023 so so there's now the Comfort suspension but in my case and everybody else who has a 20 22 or older the suspension is pretty stiff and I got around that by investing in new Wheels with a much larger sidewall on the tires that has added a bunch of comfort to this vehicle makes it more comfortable on the road even though this thing has a third row and it does officially accommodate up to seven people that third row is Tiny even for children it's still tiny the leg room is super tight so our seven-year-old sits back there sometimes but he still gets kind of claustrophobic back there and because there's no air vent you really need to leave the middle seat down to help with airflow if you're in a hot climate otherwise airflow doesn't really get back there very well and that makes this really a six seater now service is hit and miss so if you need service on this car which hopefully won't happen but if you do it's really hit and miss whether it's good service whether it's bad service whether you wait a month whether you wait a few days so there's still a lot of work to be done there and Tesla is working on that even in my area they're building a brand new service center so this is going to be solved long term but in the short term it's still a pain point at Tesla so depreciation in this car 40 versus 20 for a RAV4 that's not even in the same ballpark so the point is this thing is losing value so much faster than the average car now that wasn't the case in 2021 when it was gaining value but times have changed and it's come back to normal and unfortunately with all these price changes it's made a lot of the used Market very afraid of taking these off the street bringing values down like I said being early adopter the technology is changing so fast 4680s have been in cars now for some time they just made another step forward in developing those there's still several iterations of the 4680 battery cell to come as these bigger things happen these cars are going to become less and less relevant for today's market so they will be obsoleted over time and that is just the nature of how technology moves in summary this is the best electric car on the market today and the reason why is because it hits so many things and it hits so many things so well this car executes in ways that most cars are not able to it gives you a great price gives you a lot of space it gives you great range and it gives you the Tesla charging Network this car does have some drawbacks but on the whole this is the best all-round electric car in the road I have a model 3 a model X and this model Y and this continues to be my favorite car that we have the model Y is the best electric car today on the whole it combines the size with the price with the range with the Tesla supercharging network no other car can execute on all of those things as well as this car does bringing that all together on top is these cars have turned out to be absolutely bold bulletproof yes there are some Gremlins out there yes there are some bad cars out there that just will always have issues but this car on the whole has been the most reliable car I've ever owned and our model 3 is much the same the model 3 and the model y have absolutely become the standard in the industry and they really have become that quote unquote Toyota Camry of the Electric World these cars just require so little maintenance and this car has been trouble free for us like it likely has been for many of you so I do appreciate you joining today I hope that this was informative and I look forward to catching you on the next one thank you
Channel: Bearded Tesla Guy
Views: 218,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, Tesla news, Tesla updates, Tesla leaks, elon musk, Tesla model s, Tesla model 3, Tesla model x, new model y, cybertruck news, Tesla cost, Tesla 2024, new tesla, cybertruck updates, Model Y vs Model X, 2023 Model Y, Refresh Model Y, Model Y, Tesla Model Y, 2024 Model Y, Model Y Juniper, Model Y Tax Credit, Model Y EV Tax Credit, Model Y Discount, Model Y Cheaper, Cheapest Model Y, Affordable Model Y, Model Y Review, Tesla Model Y Long Range Review
Id: lJ_c3bE_htY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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