THE TENT. Winter Trip 2021. With Sara. Snowmobile lake crossing. Ice Fishing. Warm Weather.

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hello everyone and welcome back got the truck warming up right now in about 15 minutes sarah and i are heading to the tent there's actually some people see him out there on the ice over to the left i don't know if i want to fish on like superior when it's yeah well sarah and i got our grocery shopping done that snowmobile better work or we're not going to be bringing near that amount of food to the tent all sarah and i are done with civilization for a few days so foreign how bad can it be right hopefully there's no slush look at that glad i had the cover on it [Applause] [Music] it revs up hey it'll rev up a long way before it kicks in well i tell you that snowmobile made it across here to the tent but i had to drop off sarah because it started to bog down and i don't know if it's i mean the thing ran so good when it was cold but right now it's you know 33 35 degrees i don't know and it doesn't matter when i just unhook the sled here uh that doesn't matter either so i don't know that was scary but sarah has a nice walking trail on there she said she would just walk i said i'd come back and get her but she'll be here shortly but there she is no trees fell on it it's warmer right now than when i left that last weekend of deer hunting here comes sarah what a nice easy walk on on the snowmobile trail if we do have to walk out of here and leave the snowmobile at the tent at least it'll be an easy walk what a good daughter stopped with the sled bringing up the beer first it doesn't look like any critters have been in here at all i do see that the cork popped out of the one wine bottle so it was definitely super cold up here [Music] hmm so my truck [Applause] so how george was up to his place a couple weeks ago and he said there's probably 12 inches of snow on the ground and i'd have to say he's about dead right on a lot less snow than there was last year [Applause] so all right well fire is going beer made it to the tent path shoveled to the outhouse i'm good look at that crap there it's the first time i used the shovel multiple cracks in it already oh i'll never find one like the old one this one here isn't bad but uh it's not gonna break but it just doesn't feel as good as the other ones but it does shovel snow man that's putting out the heat though that feels good see how long it takes to thaw out all the cooking oil so i got my vitamins aerator for the fish sarah it's 4 30. it's time to wake up let's see can the butter that melissa did and then we got more movies melissa bought me every one of the gunsmoke movies that came after the series some of these people sent up here oh was there there's a book here this is for you to read that got sent up here all the official chuck norris factbook yeah yes did you hear that he takes corona straight of course he does corona's afraid of catching him should have something to drink within a couple hours i just got this one the thing i've never seen a thing yeah we watched it the other night it's the only c because that's james arness the guy that plays matt dillon and you see him for like a minute that's what i've seen a lot of old movies that do that somebody sucked up jeremiah johnson movie never heard about so we can watch that up here and these are other ones sea biscuit wild west box contagion we'll have to watch that i haven't seen that in a long time yeah hang them high the alamo ooh have you seen any of the star trek discovery season two is the best i've got that here and the whole season one of picard oh i haven't done that either no that was totally different than what you think but it's pretty good but star trek discovery season two is amazing people complain about it because it's not following whatever timeline it's like who cares it's a tv show right but eventually you gotta get bored and make something i've got like one more shelf down there yeah it's nice now that you have that shelter yeah it is [Applause] so [Applause] we got some fancy honey this stuff oh yeah i think well let's pick that up somewhere well we got star trek voyager in there might as well watch the world yep i know melissa made burgers last night so we brought some of them up for lunch who did [Music] she's in a holographic body because her other one is diseased [Music] [Music] it's a dnr plane one of them can always tell by that sound [Music] sarah's walking back to the truck there was uh we left our milk that's in the back and i don't know if there was something else but she had fun walking it's so nice when there's a snowmobile trail it's just a nice walk and it's a nice day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] well sarah's walking back she said before she goes that wasn't that far of a walk at all but when she were coming across the lake we made it almost halfway across that big part of the lake before she got off the snowmobile so a little bit farther going all the way there and all the way back i can hear the military planes flying today a little bit longer of a walk this time wasn't it well before you said it wasn't that bad but we were part way across the lake when you got off the thing i just went slow and steady [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] well it didn't really bog down like it did but i still held it wide open and only got 35 miles an hour out of it i was getting up for a little over 40 when i was out ice fishing and i wasn't uh i had more to go so i don't know what uh what the deal is and for a fan cooled motor right now it's 41 degrees or 40 degrees whatever it is shouldn't be that big of a deal i will take it out though when it drops back down to about 30 and see if it goes any faster once you get on the trail it's much [Music] easier talk to me when you get back in an hour and tell me cross-country skiing sucks [Laughter] i'm glad she's going to go out and try it it'll be easier once she gets out to the groomed trails but she's actually trying to get out to where zachary's stand was we have a trail camera there and uh she's gonna see if she can get out there and pull the sd card but that's a long haul i think i might put on the snowshoes in a little bit here and walk over to the folks's place and make sure there's no trees down or windows broken or anything over there so when the snow is wet and heavy like this it's a lot harder to snowshoe in your feet are a lot heavier [Applause] [Music] so hell everything looks good around the outside here tomorrow uh we'll probably come over tomorrow or the next day and we'll go inside and check everything out but that means no windows are broke doors are closed so everything should be good i took about 10 pictures i'll send to my dad he was excited to see his cabin he said so so tonight for supper we're going to cook a chuck roast on the grill i did bring up pork steaks because uh everybody wants to see pork steaks and i'd like to cook those over at open fire and i haven't had a pork steak in quite a while and i think that would be good and i like to cook on the fire up here at least one time during the winter trip we also brought up some chicken thighs some eggs and some bacon just i know that's going to probably be extra but tonight i'm going to do the roast and then i'll do probably four potatoes so we can have the roast and potato for lunch tomorrow also don't mind the camera it's been outside for so long i wiped the lens but it's still gonna fog up some i grabbed a paper towel and it was damp and i thought oh no i've got a a leak up in the ceiling somewhere but no it's just the vinegar is sweating because it was so cold and it just dripped down onto the paper towels so so so so so i thought i heard you come in here how was it i fell down a lot but i got it you did huh i found it yeah that's good you see anybody else skiing no did you go on the one side of skiing one side is fat bike did you go on the huh that explains a lot but i went down the uh non-skiing part first and then i was like man that other guy who skied on the other side man he's really straight over there compared to mine that's because it's grown i know i came back i was on that side and i was like i'm supposed to be on this side this one is one of these two yeah one of those two okay let's see because i think the i wanted like the day before i left from deer hunting that last weekend is when i switched it i doubt that there was a whole bunch on there i mean look at the one that we did at the front of the dock yeah it was just two pictures pretty much yeah there was like one set of deer tracks but they didn't go that way oh it's me that's you there's nothing that happened there wow this picture right here that's probably when i set it up yeah that was pretty good you were out there skiing and you looked up a youtube video then i commented that i'm like who out here is on a ski trail and trying to figure out how to do this i really want someone to see that something that showed you how to go wish with your feet yeah instead of pushing yeah because i was doing that first and then i actually was doing what you're supposed to do yeah and that was easier and then i was like i'm gonna look this up i don't know [Laughter] there's that big curve up ahead and i'm like it's not that far so i actually did ski all the way up to that and it was like where that other group pumps and stuff and i was like okay this isn't it i'm like that happens you went all the way down to where they yeah used to be a tire there yeah yep oh okay yeah i know you're too far yep i went there and i'm like okay i'm like this isn't as sharp as of a curve either so i know that the other one must have been it so then i had the knife turned around and went back that sucks up hill yeah it is you know it's not much of a helmet when you're on skis when i was at the top of the hill i was like you know like this and i started sliding i'm like i'm not ready that's what i made and it was okay i can do that yeah that's funny you should have went down to go into zachary's old stand yeah and go down that hill but you might as well take your skis off at the bottom and just walk back up there yeah because that one's really steep yeah so so i know i like my gel melissa doesn't like vegeta a lot of people don't but i really enjoy it from all sides okay everyone well it's just about 10 30. i'm ready for bed sarah's watching uh star trek discovery but i'm sure she'll probably go to bed pretty quick too i'm gonna load up the wood stove shut her down and i'll see you guys in the morning you should consider staying around i'll come on lease we'd like you to work on your recruitment [Music] good morning everybody it's a pretty warm morning here at the tent a little bit of a breeze sarah's still sleeping in there but it's really nice that sun is finally getting some heat to it so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well it's 10 degrees colder right now than when i ran it yesterday and right now i did get about 43 miles an hour out of it so it's doing better than yesterday but now i worry like when the motor warms up if it'll i don't know i just don't trust it [Music] that was a very nice ride you can get across that lake in less than a minute i decided to start the diesel and let it run for about 10 minutes got some wolf tracks here [Music] [Music] they ran good the whole way back okay zachary has another uh trail camera way out on the other end where in the summertime where we drive in sarah might put the skis on and go out there you can only you can't ski all the way there and then uh try to go in and find it but i we don't know exactly what tree he put it on so could be um could be fun could be out there for a while doesn't it feel totally weird to have a bird standing it's like kind of therapeutic feel their little feet so [Applause] [Music] so so [Music] i tell you this there's only about half as much ice here as there was when zach and i went ice fishing and that's probably because when zach and i went they had plowed all that out so the cold air can get down to it this has been insulated with the snow for with the first uh snow storm was about christmas so i was really surprised i was thinking will the auger be able to make it through i've been up here before where it wouldn't and that's normally why i don't fish up here it's too hard to carry the fishing stuff across the lake you can see how on this lake with the weight of the snow every time you drill a hole water comes up and out like this uh when zach and i were fishing uh last week usually the water's down a couple inches from the top but here it's always coming up over which makes it kind of messy and uh not fun if you put a fish house down with no floor in it so so [Applause] i'm watching the video that zachary just uploaded on fixing my dad's four-wheeler i always watch it first and go through it and then we'll make it public so i'll probably make this public today or tomorrow this radiator it's just a piece of kind of rubbery plastic on the top but the reason why it's pushed in so far here is on the bottom there's a tab here that's pretty good we've been here more than a day and we have uh now we'll just be emptying the first wood bin wow well it has been warm yeah it's been really nice warmer than deer hunting yep well the last part of deer hunting because i did four yesterday all right and then whatever else and then tonight hopefully we can it's not windy we'll get the fire going and cook up fork six from our universe a little weird i think i'll run over and check my minnows and then i will be right back [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all the metals are still swimming but uh obviously no bites yet you got your phone uh yeah okay all right well good luck i think you got what two three miles well sarah she just took off to go try to find that other camera of zachary's so i will be manning the two tip ups myself and there is zero happening with him right now i've just been sitting here the last half hour editing on the farmhouse video that i did just before i came up here i think i'll run out and check those minnows i keep constantly looking over there with my binoculars but i do not see any flags coming up yet i did send a camera with sarah so hopefully she'll get a little bit of video footage of where she is way down on the other side of the lake [Music] minnow still swimming you can see all this water comes up and it's just all slushy around here now uh then so was it sunny there today or cloudy is it it was sunny off and on here it was quite a bit of sun actually did you make it i made it did you find it yep how long did that take i mean you were gone a long time that's cause i went down some other trails did you did you have fun yeah did you yeah i went like um to like you're coming back to the left or whatever and go off on those trails and look around with the easy ones that we were talking about oh you did yep i went around in there and saw some things and videos and stuff did you cool yeah once i started videoing there's like all kinds of things oh yeah i think i'm gonna take and put your video stuff in uh the video right here yeah i'm not even out of the driveway yet i don't know if you can see but there's all these tiny little specks and they're bugs let's even get him to like move here yeah see what kind of bug is that they're everywhere okay so what i'm doing is zach has a trail cam down that direction and i am skiing down there um to uh basically get the sd card and see if anything has shown up since you put it up the groom ski trail seems to end right here or it goes to the left there so i'm going to go straight and see how it is and go under that fence thing okay so i was looking down and i saw this feather and there's a few more behind me too and i'm like what the heck like was there like a grouse around or something well then i look up there i don't know what happened but uh yeah i don't think that this poor bird is with us any longer wow i wonder what ate it okay so i went just a little farther down and i seen this print it's like i don't know how well you can see it it's i don't know it's not like a dog and it's smaller than a wolf i wonder if it's like uh it could be a fox or something maybe it's like a bobcat but it's coming like straight from where that all that bird stuff was so i don't know maybe that had something to do with it look at that it's right next to like where a person was walking but it doesn't mean they came at the same time but it's like if you look it's like there's an impression all around the paw print maybe it is just a dog i don't know it's kind of roundy is the thing so there's some more up here see i don't know what that is okay so we made it to the road and there's a big pile of snow so you can't drive in here which makes sense so i think that i can just turn here i think that's where the trail cam is we're gonna investigate all right so it took me a second but i can't even see it yeah there it is right there look at that if you can see it and the time it took me to go in there and grab that sd card my footprints have filled with the tiny bugs i wonder if i could grab some here look at them oh yep then he jumped away it's just weird i decided to take a side trip on another trail it's really pretty apparently this will just loop back around so let's go check it out so i've been going along the ski trail and it looks like somebody left us a message it says hi smiley face bob so i don't know if bob's the one who wrote the message but if so uh hi bob did you go all the way up by that shelter i didn't go that far didn't you no and that's zachary's right there yeah okay was there any deer tracks by his camera at all there actually was like where i walked in there was a set oh there was yeah they weren't like fresh fresh but i'll take a look and see let's see well the good news is there is actually some pictures on here so that's from zach was setting it there's a deer going through there on well 2018 so he doesn't have the date set on that camera there is there must be a trail right there yeah is this look is that like that where you walked in yeah it was like i walked in right here and then it went that way it did yeah right where the deer walking i mean compared to his other i mean they're only running at night but it's 29 below zero when this is this was taken wow really snowing there yeah it is look this is a rabbit oh i saw these tracks watch this backwards negative 40. oh wow and that rabbits oh yeah i did this and all of a sudden it's like where'd it go oh there we go i was like what's that and then what's that [Music] that's like a snow tornado oh weird 40 below oh maybe it's not that might just be fog that gets on the camera oh i mean yeah wait now is it always 40 below on this camera no no it's -36 it's warming up oh there's me oh yeah i made it i'm three miles from the town it's a long walk back very cool that's awesome i bet you everyone exactly will want to put a stand here because i mean it's right by the road yeah there's a lot of you that went by yeah there really is why not so i can't really remember a winter trip where you can sit out by the fire with no gloves on not cold at all feel like i really wouldn't even need the jacket but i didn't want to put the yellow pullover on this is just nice the wind died down just a beautiful afternoon okay so just make sure this is up because you can accidentally push that down and that it won't start okay and then this is the choke because for right now we're just gonna go halfway out okay because we've ran it we'll start it once you get out there once it starts we'll put it down um you won't have to do anything with that you can just shut it off when you get out there when you want to start it just hit the key and it'll fire up okay so now you should just be able to turn the camera do it again now because it might [Applause] she's just gonna run out there and check the minnows and just make sure everything is okay [Applause] minnows were good yep they were fine okay no not yet [Music] so this sarah you're right i was uh i've been texting with george here his kid was up here steven was up here last week and when it was so cold and they skied and everything but you know those snow fleas he said everybody calls them snow fleas because they come out when the snow warms up but they were actually springtails just like you looked up yeah and she said that's because that's how they move they spring with their tails i was noticing because well i noticed they jump anyway because you touch them they go woof yeah george said that uh his group if you watch the videos on his channel they do a winter trip where they snowmobile in and to different different areas and now this year they're going to go on a lake that's actually um well it would be north of here but anyway he bought a new snowmobile this year and he bought a pretty much brand new one it's really nice looking and that'll make that trip a little bit easier for sure as long as there isn't a whole lot of slush i have to go back out and grab the potatoes they're done too now everybody's going gross beets i like beets it smells like dirt it does taste like dirt too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna heat the water up over here because we really don't have to have a hot enough fire to keep the tent warm to heat up the shower water very fast [Applause] [Music] so [Music] well i'm up to date right now on the journal until it's time for bed sarah's in the shower all the ice fishing stuff is brought back in up here i'll probably run it back out tomorrow as soon as sarah is done i'll heat up my water and take a shower also we decided to put in jeremiah johnson on dvd [Music] so how was the floor oh good why it wasn't super super cold on your feet no sometimes you go in there and wait for a trip and take a shower and it's like ice you know yeah it wasn't like that oh that's good oh [Music] so [Music] case on this look at us when life has been coming okay everyone well it's definitely my bedtime i'm not sure when sarah's going to bed but uh i will see you guys tomorrow morning while sarah's still sleeping in there i don't want to start the snowmobile and wake her up it's 24 i think 24.4 degrees right now i'm gonna walk over to where the we were fishing yesterday and see how much ice formed on those holes a little exercise is good for you anyway [Applause] well i got both of them put back in not much ice they both have dead minnows on them now because i just pulled them out and set them on the snow and just put it back in but i'll come out later and put some live minnows on there i don't think i have any of the bigger ones though and live my nose didn't do anything for us yesterday so we'll see if the dead ones will work for the next hour or so so so well i'm gonna snowshoe over to the folks cabin and go inside i mean we checked around the outside but i told my dad i would go inside and make sure everything was okay i'm just gonna take the lake over instead of going through the woods so the warm weather yesterday got all that snow to slide off the roof it wasn't like that when i was here two days ago so something's not right it's really warm in here i mean it's really warm in here is the oven on oh the oven's been on for two months wow and and i and i mean i just they wouldn't go that fast and then when i ran out i took it across the lake later in the day and just went over to you know straight up from the tent and back and then it i could only get 30 miles an hour out of it so then i did i didn't take the plugs out and then wishing i had things in all day long with live minnows big ones and never one bite so no not one so this morning i kicked the ice out of the hole because only about a quarter inch and shoved the dead minerals back down in there that were on there from yesterday and i'll just leave it there with the tip ups so right just click off that 40 every time you leave it for the winter time yeah yeah you should have come up here you have to have the stove going you need to open the windows to cool it down in here it's 80. oh you did yeah okay well i talked to my dad for about 20 minutes and uh yeah that the whatever you call it the little control thing here is really kind of if you see it was just over it said it was on off but it then i i did it and it clicked and this come off and then i went into the panel box and i just shut the whole thing off which is what he's gonna do he's had some trouble with this one before like the oven wouldn't work for a while and then it had to be i had to put a new part in there or something but anyway that's uh he hasn't been up here since well he didn't make it up third weekend of deer hunting because his truck was in the shop and so that means when sarah and i came up here it was three months to the day since i left so it's been well at least 13 or 14 weeks that the oven has been on wow like i said i come in here it was it still is you can see it 80 degrees fahrenheit so yeah i don't know what that electric bill is going to be like for him but uh everything looks nice i told him he should have come up here he wouldn't even had to start the wood stove at least the stove was only like on low or whatever because it was it's like 175 what if it would have been put on like 400 or 500. well i'm sure sarah's up by now wondering where the heck i am i think i'll run over and take a peek inside of the workshop make sure everything's okay in there i suppose we better take a peek inside the outhouse i think i always do last year i could hardly get the door open because there was so much snow in front of it so so so i would have made that trip a lot faster could have drove right up to the front door [Music] you're gonna feed it yeah i was sitting across the leg and it landed on my shoes oh i better get some food for it when i went in there sarah was awake scrolling her phone in the bed no here comes the little one she don't care yeah actually we have some in the freezer we just need to pull those out and thaw them out that male is such a chicken i don't know how they can do that though they like little crumbs fall on the floor and they're falling on i mean it's i mean on the ground and it's there's white snow and needles and everything and they can pick out which one is the little bread piece just fly right to it and eat it so i went over to grandpa and grandma's cabin you know i just took the lake around on snowshoes yeah and i open up the door yeah and it is hot in there what yes it i looked um he had not shut the oven off it's been going for three months in one week oh i wonder what that was gonna look like i don't know but it was it's really finicky like there's a little it was almost off but it wasn't and the stove was at like 175 it was 80 degrees in the cabin wow man can you hear me wow he is lucky no kidding my wife would have been on like 400 and then of course then refrigerator is going i can hear that running so that's been running for months oh that sucks so bad he was just thankful that it went over there now because it would have been another three months before he comes up for the yeah for uh yeah i mean every single year i go check it you walk in it's always colder inside than outside and as i open the door it's like whoa what's going on [Music] okay i do and a matter of speaking i crash them and they tell me pain sarah's going to go off on another skiing adventure i think i'm going to take the snowmobile and go out on the far side of the lake let's see what there is to see see how the snowmobile is running today 29.7 degrees so it's a little warmer than they thought it was gonna get all right i'll see you later i've always wanted to go up on this uh i don't know if it's a little island in the middle of the swampy area but i've never got to it so i'm going to walk in there right now i should have brought the snowshoes i'm almost knee-deep here not much up here it's just a a little mound with the lake on one side and kind of a swampy area that goes all the way around it looks like a set of wolf tracks probably here old ones makes me wonder who the last person was to walk on this i mean nobody comes back here so [Music] so nothing but squirrel sign up here this point of land goes way out and goes back and attaches to the uh tent property i see this looking out the uh door of the tent or out on the dock all the time but a person doesn't really walk up here that sun is getting warmer melting the snow on the banks now it's fun taking the snowmobile around and you can get places that would take you a long time to get to otherwise but it's so quiet up here and it's so peaceful i don't know if this makes any sense but you almost feel guilty making the noise i feel much better when it's just shut off i'm going to run back over to the folks cabin just to poke my head in the door make sure it's cooling down make sure i got the right breaker off and everything because that was just kind of scary so i'm going to run over there for a second still warm in here let's see but it's dropping i can lock it up now until opening fishing well this afternoon i haven't been filming a whole lot i mean we went over to the folks cabin and stuff that i've been doing all of the trail cameras and because you guys get to see three of them and i've got a bunch that you don't see after 30 or 50 below they need a new batteries and stuff so this is one that we do see though and i'm not even sure if i looked at it at the end of deer hunting or not i'm not sure because the batteries it's showing the batteries is just about pretty much nothing so but i don't know i'll see what i've got for pictures and see how far back it goes this one tends to take a lot of pictures for absolutely no reason and it takes some backwards like these are all winter ones and here's pictures where melissa's truck is leaving so so this is just two days before i left for after deer hunting last time i was up here this would have been me coming back from the evening hunt from the deer stand timberwolf right there coming up the driveway another one or i don't know yeah that would have been another one so this is two this is the day that we came up here well here's sarah there goes her ski trail there i am on my snowshoes how did it go oh i went all over the place did you yeah did you find the shelter yep had anybody been in there i guess i couldn't tell there was like some sticks around the front like someone had tried to make a fire but they weren't burnt or anything so really i don't really know but yeah i went there then there's like this trail that was like up and around back down it's like two miles long and i was like yeah it gets pretty hilly back in there yeah it does when i went to the um what do you call it to the shelter like it was like moderate trails or whatever there and like yeah there's some pretty big hills and there's this one i had to go up and i had to take off my excuse to do it because it was too steep if i saw like all the people that come down they all like bifted at the bottom i was like man i'm glad i didn't go that way i would have totally just like [Laughter] my died said one time they were back by that shelter and they were just leaving and there must be a hill after it yeah or somewhere around there my dad said that him and ernie were skiing yeah and two moose walked down so they flipped a coin to see who goes first in case somebody's gonna get attacked because once you go down that hill you weren't stopping no that must be the one i was thinking about because that was a serious hill it was like right by it too so yeah you just told me that story this morning so today i decided to go skiing again i don't have anything to get this time but there's a shelter nearby so i thought i'd go check it out i've only been doing easy trails so far because i just started two days ago but um this one has some like medium difficulty so we'll see how difficult they actually are okay this looks like medium difficulty if i was coming down this hill from the other side i would biff it so bad at the bottom i think i just got the waddle up this one made it well it's not too bad getting here there's a few hills like you saw but uh yeah i'm gonna hang out here for a little bit need a snack so [Music] [Applause] i guess by the time she's at the second narrows there you can't even hear the snowmobile hardly [Applause] [Applause] it's fun when you can go off the trail and make your own like that where did you go when you went over there where did you go when you went that way [Music] uh like i took a left in front of grandpa's old cabin back in there i think oh yeah at first it doesn't go back there because it gets all weedy yeah yeah there's a lot of lake yeah i figure i might as well cook those other two beef steaks up so they're cooked yeah they just take them with i don't think you ate your pork steak did you today so we still have that in there too but we can make the beef ones up oh now it's getting close to supper kind of so right so anytime you want to eat i'm just going to cook them up for whenever so they're done sarah's going to haul a load over to the truck tonight i mean she wants to ride the snowmobile so i might hide a small ladder like i could just take out like i don't even need to do that i don't need any more clothes that's why yes like i can take out like a pair of pj pants or something and that's all i need in your bag there no i got that um in a separate no i almost didn't bring this stuff too because i was like i think he has covers up there but i was like i can't remember we got enough sleeping bags or whatever don't lose it make sure that the door is shut tight so you don't leave the light on inside overnight okay i think you just put this stuff in there and yeah just lift the auger and put that in the back of the truck and this can just throw it in the back yeah okay and then leave this snowmobile belt in there [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you've never spoken about your departure from starfleet didn't you in fact [Music] so [Music] accessing it smells so good in here inside my head okay everyone well it's time for me to crawl into bed it's been an awesome winter trip tomorrow we'll have some packing to do and some cleaning up probably get out of here by around nine o'clock um sarah it's eight o'clock it's time to get up you're live barely do you want anything out of the fridge oh i don't think so so [Music] so so so okay everyone well thanks a lot for watching i think this was definitely one of the more enjoyable winter trips weather was nice my daughter sarah was up here there was plenty of stuff to do next time up well usually it's opening fishing but it could be a little bit earlier if the winter stays mild as far as snowfall goes as soon as the snow is gone a person can drive in [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] i will see you guys on the next video you
Channel: JoeandZachSurvival
Views: 296,624
Rating: 4.9141107 out of 5
Keywords: joe and zach survival, channel, minnesota, winter, workshop, canvas, wall, tent, fishing, project, secluded, remote, living, The Tent, trip, 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 8sec (6908 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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