Live Stream From The Tent

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we're live how many 355,000 nobody started eating yet Wow on the grill is getting it ready yes I did this is great oh my goodness 600 people there ask you got any deer yet where you have got no deer any yeah we see anything taters please tell us is it gonna be pork steaks give me chops yes yeah he said the only to find one package not very much snow yet kipper stinks I can war early kipper snacks is George hey guys mr. dad ever stop and enjoy nature all I see him doing is working we have pork steaks 2017 whiteboard [Laughter] [Music] dan says that he's using hunters blend [Music] backs channels at Jensen she has a nice butt which one is which one is Emily Sara come to some point I make you my wife where is Jo's girlfriend says Erin she is in Louisiana she's still at home how many days wait how many days is Emily out that deer can do sir just tonight in tomorrow how cold is it oh thank you Sara I have a question you like games yes I do like games did Jack bring the pop-up Oh they asked if there was any fresh tracks there was fresh tracks over my tracks and over my tracks again but there was no I didn't see any deal I saw one dear when I was coming out today I come around the corner and it was in the road that's the only deer that I saw Gotti he used to when me and your mom first moved out he would he restored for me my first crew I had he was one of the guys [Music] [Music] you guys want baked potatoes with your fork sticks it's four inch they're phony I like to edit 51 [Music] not coffee Melissa does I make it for her every day when I'm down there but I do not drink it Steve Johnson hi shout out to you from Arizona because my dad because we had quite a few that went down today we did hello Marley mill it's he is working on the what is it pork chops yeah he's working on those so he's kind of going all around hello from Finland [Music] what is Jackie's ex channels name where did it down do you have numbers it's a J 88 or if you just looked up Zach Jensen any other questions that you guys see BMK says do all the girls hunt no no just me Sarah's the only hunter is Joe single says Belinda I'm sorry Belinda that's okay how much ice is up there he's got the best shot actually everybody's pretty good I don't think anybody's really a boy someone asks why wasn't Sarah around for duck season this year I had other stuff going on [Music] [Music] up with this rhetoric for months and months please get over let's see do y'all have snapchat CB kennels I got rid of my snapchat because I didn't do it and grandson worked really hard I love her why cuz we make pork steaks Calvin says look at all the beautiful women at the 10th this weekend is Emily single [Music] there that was a while back maybe I should catch up to you guys why isn't that cooking says Ellen mark Carson Zack what's your favorite cut of beer Yousef has a question for Joe how come you never connect the well to the 10 I haven't dug one yet when I do a cabin I'm probably gonna put a well in with a sewer but right now it's just a hand pump so you yeah it would be a waste of my time right now Mack is not single he's mine I gotta know what's on the post-it notes then where my journal I'd write down the journal notes all day long and then from there put them into the journal and then I throw this away somebody said there's something on the lens of this camera how can I conquest your heart apparently I have all these I'm not really sure yet it just will take time I guess time and money and sometimes I think I have enough of one and not enough of the other and it switches back and forth so eventually [Music] what is that my phone it goes away you know why we don't go live [Laughter] [Music] so he'll be up here next year is the 10th how many bottles a Blair food would you go through during I don't know probably five six if I come up in the winter time to start a fire I don't care if I use a whole entire bottle of it $2.50 to start a fire that's well worth it for me I've got another five or six up in the ask me when dishes well I really gonna have many dishes because I hate dishes Melissa is on here Bruce Lee Haida Melissa she's probably saying what a dork [Music] [Music] this year it's hunters choice up here so you can shoot a buck or a doe Robert asked Emily where's Xander Xander is at home with his daddy so he's hanging out at home this weekend I'm are you yeah I'm afraid to say yes I just cut it up into slices and pieces did you get the one where it said Sarah how can i why do you guys think that you are still so close you thought about one of those 360 cameras for your videos Silverado says what's the biggest fish you guys cut on that Emily probably a 10-pound northern is about the biggest one I think we've got a few of those pretty close to somebody who wants us to make a funny face okay ready one two three yeah someone says you're gonna need to stick to beat all the guys away do you hunt on private land or public how old is Xander Xander is 22 months you turn in January 7th it's coming up very soon and it should be Jo survives the kids [Laughter] I like Rob turned a lot I like a lot of horror movies lot of suspense movies I really want to see it because I feel like that's gonna be a really good one too so something scary are you going to shoot the first deer you see or wait for a bigger one says hunter McDaniel last few years have been really sparse so I just want some gear to you where is Melissa Sarah do you want to answer that yeah and she's on this live stream Hugo wants you to teach him how to hunt Sarah oh is the deer population down or down there or what yes the population of deer I think is pretty low yeah cuz we have like a bad winter and stuff so I don't know if it's really recovered all the way it's like the first day so yes you have a youtube channel mmm I guess technically but I don't post anything dude can you hunt Sundays in your state yep yeah is there some places you can put how many tears do expect to bake this year what's your typical number says Peter what do you think oh yeah you going to expect to beg this year's back right now none last time somebody even got a deer up here it seems like when someone gets it here more than one person do you know when the last time someone's gotten a deer up here three or four years ago I guess I'd have to look on the videos to see really maybe three years ago who did get the last one did I grandpa oh he did the first year he was out in the clearing so yeah maybe that was the last row before that we were getting up every single year let's see town fishing just got on did you see anything on the evening hunt no no what is your your all's favorite time of the year to go to the tent Ken colder than the rest of the state yeah [Music] easier I don't know nobody liked [Music] can you imagine what do you all like the most about spending time at your tent spending time Sara it's peaceful I eat a lot of food yeah dad brings a lot of food we do get spoiled there's never there's always something to munch on here so I do like that a lot how about you Sam what is everyone's favorite memory every tent oh you sure it's not Wow I have not been up here very much I know this was going down before the divorce and then I didn't really spend time up here until well probably last year and then this year so I don't know probably just seen dad really really happy up here and being able to spend time with them and yeah probably spending time with dad yeah we don't get a lot of time with dad no not really he's always doing something so this is probably the only time he's actually semi standing still kind of just busy in one area did y'all make the table you are all sitting at [Music] Joe are you going to get a deer this year watch four years and no deer yep I mean never take a little yeah Jason says I'll take Sarah everybody wants Sarah nobody likes me you guys we're Jessie says who on earth is giving this dream that mom dad is now alone thank you it is quiet but I've already taken so sorry Jim you want to get the comments Joel filming himself cooking yes yeah he's filming himself cooking yep Zack and I are getting married May 18th is Sarah the hot one in front of Zack no no stairs right here everybody come closer to the camera Joe have you ever finished fishing with a swimbait at the lake uh-oh tried fishing I'm sorry I don't think I have usually I just do innervates Daredevils come sometimes I knew floating baits but I just like the Daredevils in town my favorite I am 10 minutes behind you guys in comments I don't even bother I know is what I'm doing - where'd you go - okay listen to this you guys yes where do you guys go to fart the bedroom yes we do yeah we're live soon yeah like to bring up myself Andy no dear this afternoon no dear let's see Dustin says Darren you're adorable been watching your videos for years and always thought you were the community and I'm in Minnesota to Joe self-taught I'm cooking yeah I would say so seven people thumbs down because you want to know because we can't we do need the livestream unless we're on our device there was one guy Jimmy Missy then there's some guy who commented like oh my gosh you're on your devices oh yeah comments how's the ice-fishing says Luke we have a nice fish yet it we've just got snow so it's not even thinking of crystal walk down there at all I don't think it's all the way frozen over yet yeah Andre wants to know what's the hunting plan for tomorrow that's you guys I don't know what are you doing tomorrow and I'm going hunting what time [Music] are you in or under family with toilet paper okay the pop-up is warmed up just fine yeah cool Blake says get off your asses and help yeah how do you get Wi-Fi at the tent with my verizon hotspot this thing are any of you drinking why do you think what because I haven't found the right man [Music] so we watching y'all look at your teeth I'm guessing that means things yeah we have to look at these because I cannot see any comments unless I'm looking at my face right here reading the mouth what she won't be able to go is my favorite animal yes we are very lucky that dad does all the cooking actually you guys did lunch when you build the 10th 2007 do you hunt bears well you go there's so many permits for this area you have to send in for a drawing and then Sarah got drawn one year I'm gonna be out there a lot longer with all month a real summertime you know starts in September we have duck honey girl surname deer hunting coming out let's see G says do you three all have the same mom Zach's Aaron myself the same Joanne Zack survival merchandise I don't know we never really explored that I just know do you guys want us to do some rich nice is that something you're interested dad you'd be quiet over there Emily survival would you like that oh I'm trying to get some questions from poor snake shirts that's a good idea Joe how many miles do you put on your truck and you're driving back and forth to the tent Louisiana - I put a lot of miles I put between 40 or 50,000 miles a year on my truck so a lot what do you all do for a living I am in construction I'm a preschool teacher so I'm housekeeper and I'm a YouTube creator man erm Zach from blocking the camera everybody yeah what's the biggest deer Joe he's not here darn it let's see what radio station do you all listen to up there I mean the Polka station yeah oh the polka yeah first times Ellen asked so who is the lucky middle child that's me who's caught the largest fish oh I'm sure that's probably dad I have so far yep it was 10 just about town we don't haven't got what was it like ten point one or nine point nine or something ten is about the limit for this lake so far [Music] well yeah that might have been the one there and then let's see I think that was well no I caught one over on them where are we on that side of the lake long time no we first did the tent and that one was I think that was nine eight and I can't member what that one was when you and I I don't even know if a in a scale maybe we didn't someone else was asking what was the biggest fear you ever got the biggest deer I ever gotten yeah that was down in an elk then I got one that was old it was over well over 200 pounds but it had a huge rack but it was so old that his teeth much because he threw missing in the tines were like gone he was past his prime that would've been the biggest deer Wow and then my next biggest that 8.0 that I got up here was probably my next biggest one so yeah I've got some nice deer from back down in an office too so do you ever ice fish up the tent I feel like this Lake isn't very good for that no we tried digging a hole in one year but it was all slushy Oh what caliber firearm do you bring to the tent if any asks Jeremy there's a while back I mean normally I guess you try to have shotguns up here but we like to bring the pistols up and shoot them what's your favorite thing to hunt I love saying yeah when I did hunt I like that honey - never got anything I had a lot of rounds I'm gonna try to trim these tips level in which I went I went jumping and it took me I think ten shots to get that again Matt yeah and I got it in the head too so they had to do a lot of work on them I don't know is more exciting but it's a lot more messy and deer hunting is really exciting when you get one do you have you ever had any issues with break-ins as Jim nope no yes do you have any bears wolves nearby yeah if you go on to John's ex revival there should be some photo videos with different pictures of beers and a wolf one beer and one wall for sure a timber wolf and they're also on the Facebook wages do you keep one feather on the wall for all the gross he gets at the tent yeah one day I used to try and was something that would be super fun BMPs what kind of heart oh yeah I do a lot of like sci-fi and then after that it be like logos occasionally in like book stuff just came on and hate to ask but did anyone get a deer ask Steve no nobody got a deer yet yeah a lot of people are asking if we see any Bigfoot sightings I know Joe tell Joe that Eric's Outdoor Channel is on how did you go how did it go this morning and evening no dear the phone in the ice fishing pole no [Music] [Music] what does the tent smell like today smells like a fire actually don't get an extra hours sleep because we have to wake up is Joe going to do his tradition tradition and cook your chicken on the stove or in the stalls I'm doing pork steaks on the barbecue tonight I did we got another just another couple inches but some of it dropped Joseph is your father [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Dish Network probably the first few years but then once I got the Wi-Fi thing there's really no reason for it you're weak I mean we had it at home so I would just bring a box up here good but now I just have the Internet I don't know you I don't forget I can make someone a moderator and then they can go through and do all this work for me somebody called it oh you got a comment on here so I can see it [Laughter] dad can you log on to the channel says that's very nice of you let's see why do we have to watch across the lake sometimes Wow because in the wintertime all the roles are gated off for cross-country ski trails so there's no way to get in here hi sign uh yeah you just can't get in here you gotta cross the lake I can't plow the road anything you can hear that snow falling out the trees on top of the tent now how many people you got Joe what kind of cabin would you like to build at the tent you'll just have to wait and see it's too hard to explain really it's just gonna be an old okay let's see did I miss the pork steaks no let's go look at our food zach is my brother and sander is my son let's go look at the pork steaks huh Oh can you see anything let's see you can look at me oh there I am there they are oh I don't want to see me okay I want you to see me oh there's some juicy pork steaks down there that's good enough you'll see a middle in a while alright let's go back thank you might have to mess with this I don't want to drop it because you know we do we do it whenever you do it again nice the temperature in the pop-up is actually pretty good last night when we went to the bed we just had the electric heater going and it kept it I'm thinking that probably like 50 or 60 which is pretty good sleeping with her and then with the buddy heater on low and that electric heater which is 1500 watts on high it's like normal temperature in there it's really nice actually see mine once no dude Joe and your mom still get along and talk to each other oh they get along fine they don't really talk to each other unless they cross paths though have you guys ever thought about doing a meet and greet I don't blame them I see those be great said other youtubers do and it gets wild follow charge like five bucks to get in yeah all the weirdos will stay away fifty dollars and then get a free t-shirt yeah see guys there any mouse and what are they yeah a lot of mounts I didn't have one but I don't know yeah my first duck and I got a big bass mounted I don't know how many comes about seven no not that big it was a nice man I couldn't believe it there's snow oh is that what that was I am NOT Joe's kid I'm his girlfriend or his ex-girlfriend fiancee chocolate I'm just a chocolate yeah rocky road anything with caramel in it Oh second let's see Brian asks do you guys pull print practical jokes on each other but do you when he was a young he really liked to joke around he's a little Jesus he's a silly guy I tell you but I think somebody got you once with the within you know I am the next question oh sorry never mind don't worry about pineapple on pizza no I'm up for pineapple pineapple was on a desert island but I'm not so I'd rather just not have losing the best what happened to the Argo I still have all my have to do with some maintenance on it so it just sits there I just haven't I don't know how many at the time I kind of think a four-wheeler is more there's a better thing to have the Argo works good in some situations but four wheeler is what I still have it oh my gosh somebody commented on the it girls really yes I gotta go back I just clicked going very calm no I gotta go back yeah we had a little thing going someone said are you gonna replace the windshield on your new truck yes yeah they really don't like that do they no but that it isn't too bad in front of you a while but yeah I will yeah someone said sit down for two seconds will ya someone asked else asked if the diesel would Street No bailius who is the most spoiled child thanks sir yes Sarah what Sarah's the most spoiled chat why because you get a lot of wonderful things okay do you really think that she's the most spoiled one yeah yeah I think you get a lot of wonderful thing like let's see well do they spoiled me giving things or just likes your personality warrants being spoiled kind you know what I mean I get what you're saying do you like to be the center of attention born yeah yeah but as far as like things what did Bailey asked there's a baby not all this but thank you I guess okay somebody asked if my glasses are colored no you can't even get back there seriously you cannot get back there I'll try to do a video after I'll be up here this till Tuesday up next weekend up the following and I'll show it so you can unlock their hits amazing I hope to get back to get the camera but who is this Sarah you were with me yeah yeah you can't is literally I'm never standing like this why is Joe's mustache so dope just curls that way great it's just 40 year old mustache would your dad like to go Gator hunting next year is you know Louisiana the way you were s this problem I don't know you didn't say would you like to go get everything I do is pretty much on schedule once I get down they have to work on the horse again and spend time with Melissa which I'm looking forward to so it all depends have you guys ever thought about getting a box for idea and all the plans cuz people like that I trust you know she has been commenting for a while oh I don't know she wants to come up down there in 16 days whatever Thanksgiving is I'm gonna go down there for five sixteens and I'll be down in this winter she wants to Walker but there's nobody to take care of the animals and the dogs my Emily well Joe do you like having the tent full of people or do prefer when you're in either there by yourself I like where everybody is up here I really like my time alone too so it works both ways you know you wouldn't want one or the other all the time right yeah it's easier when I'm just here by myself but I don't mind this at all because you guys are all family so Sarah's errands 4:30 [Laughter] hey tool box we've been engaged for a year I love the shoot'em mule deer those things are huge yeah who's feeding Chester yeah oh man I don't know we're definitely not going back to answer all the questions too many questions the Allen Jackson concert was awesome my lawyer if you have it if you have a question that we didn't answer and you want to ask it now then I'll try to mediate it as best I can and go through them yes you guys see a question can you please ask it how did Joe and Melissa meet oh I don't know I don't know how they met Melissa from YouTube one of the creek fishing videos she said it's called crawfish not crayfish oh and we just started chatting back and forth and just down with the divorce and we kept talking and I guess neither of us I don't know we talked really good and then a couple years later I don't know a year later two or whatever it was we um she flew up here [Music] oh yeah by all means he can definitely do that that would be fun I think that that's a really good bonding time for a grandpa in him let's see when is the wedding we did that yeah but it's kind of like construction you got into it then pretty soon you're making so much money or enough money that you can't get out of it or just start something else you have to start on the bottom yeah I've to this day I don't know if I like construction I'm very good at it but you got in I got into it cuz I said my dad did it so I worked for him and it sucked and then pretty soon you're making money and then it's like oh you know it still kind of sucks and then you do it then you own your own business and you're making money but it still kind of your mom and what's that so never see your mom and any other mom yeah I put her pictures in a couple times but yeah she doesn't come up to the folks his cabin all that much and kind of like Melissa she doesn't really I don't think blue when I was a kid coloring the calling book the sky was purple on there was never a color crayon for blue and I always had a color gram but I was purple okay so those are the weird colors for me lot of guys have that when Vander could have it - and you didn't he could Christos yeah skip and go to him orange I can see it don't like some people back when they used to wear red I can't see red green yard or a brown yard unless there's a green grass next to brown grass it always looks greener Brown to me it does I mean Apple is still red apple is an apple I know what that is it's just you guys Chad wants to know is it legal to bait deer there dude it's illegal to ever think of someone he's commenting about 25 degrees tomorrow is 34 that's gonna be 19 for a low 17 for low 18 for low yeah it's not going to get above freezing after that you know 80% chance of snow today but only 30% chance tonight so tomorrow morning will be a nice morning maybe foggy though far out spot he scouted in the earlier video I can't get out there you'll see it in the video I'll show it to you it's at you you won't believe it it's like a war went on there if you just it's ridiculous Eldorado yes you can hunt on Sundays here my Remington 870 that is the best gun ever is it yeah yeah I've got that browning gold hunter I've had for years cost a lot of money I know I wish I had my old Remington 1100 I don't like pump like cuz I never got used to it but that 1100 was a good gun might set my gold hunter Jam sometimes it's just you could throw under mud and pick it up and it was sore I'm sure your 870 is the same way you've never had a problem how many people are watching now to drop way down 1500 people are trapping the Wolves if you're illegal to do anything with wolves they're federally protected ten thousand dollar fine really yep so I'd like to I'd like to shoot a lot of legal to kill dole this year yes it is in fact tomorrow since let's say you're going home so I think any if there's a dull we you know I think what I'm gonna take it yeah just to fill a tag so because I don't know you know otherwise I always never do I'll see you and I don't shoot them but that's because they're hard to pull you know and plenteous a girl I really don't like to but we'll see I think someone says if you haven't already click that thumbs up button to dis legs and does this go back on so people can watch it afterwards there are 18 oh yeah today is pork steaks pork steaks and chops and somebody asked along our hair is Sam you're here in my hair I longer she straightened her hair - yeah she's got really weird is there hair no way how sure are you gonna go it does get in the way that is true it's hard to comb through it sometimes yeah Joe is always wear a okay I can't read that one I'm sorry yeah what is Zack going to do with the box trailer he built I mean I put it for sale online but no one seemed interested so are you gonna make me do regular trailer again or something I thought about it but then I put that actually if you had two cots in there what's been a bad one for up here no it's time because it would have really held the heat in less space yeah if it was just you it would've been perfect you know well I yeah I'm doesn't have any amenities I don't really know my personally you wake up before your dad for hunting okay so here's the remember ever have I except this morning I did but then I just rolled over [Music] [Laughter] I know you didn't want to do it like we did the one with what you want to do the firestarter long no he had this play mister and he started it so I went out there and then shut the camera off put some lighter fluid on there um you searched your name on your video I was gonna do maybe tomorrow when I do a little couple minutes we'll have you ever thought of using a tiny house as a cabin I do Melissa likes the tiny house they are pretty cool that is very happy [Music] [Laughter] my sister Teresa she has that isn't doing that yeah yeah he's been around for a long time [Music] [Music] Joan are you getting another dog I don't know Louisiana all the time and I don't know I'd like to have one but I'm not gonna have a dog that's just a dog it has to be trained it's got to be able to duck on two and I don't know max will be hard to replace so I vote in your guys's videos how do you guys feel about getting that many viewers now or having that many subscribers Melissa's house is right where it was if you guys watch the northern seclusion Channel it's in the same place that was when I left now I'm gonna be going down there in two weeks and just a visit and then I'll be down there this winter and hopefully we'll get it finished up so she's not living in it but it's air-conditioned is heated and it's a lot better than it was we still have a long ways to go but it's just time so all the people that don't eat it on that that was that was appreciated the thing was it's like when it first started you're donating for I don't really know it's just like you needed to have the money there and then it ended up like to fix the house but then it ended up being there is nowhere to live yeah there is nowhere to the shalini a lot of it you end up going just for her to place to live because if you're waiting for FEMA to come and help you you're gonna be there for a long time yeah so that was just weird in in a horrible time in her life and that helped out a lot it really did so I mean with all that you know it's just like what am I gonna do live with my truck in a Walmart parking lot so it was that was a tough time that changed changed her it changed us and yet everything was like so awesome and then I got nailed by one when I was out there tips from us Colby ducks let him hatch them and you're done they are the easiest ferns to grow he's real super fast lotta meat on it tastes delicious in fact we have tentacled are gonna be ordered in the freezer before winter here they're almost ready did you get your play button no haven't even seen it sometimes yeah he gets recognized more than I do because I don't know if it's the area or what but I've been recognized at Walmart the other week I got recognized at a Chinese food buffet I got recognized at the State Fair I know dad gets recognized quite a bit so it's it's kind of cool cuz it's just always happened so randomly but yeah 23 26 23 29 nobody's worried about the pork steaks if dad's on the case okay Ryan I will tell my dad hello for you why doesn't Joe eat breakfast I don't know I don't know maybe it's just too busy things are what gave me the idea to start the YouTube channel maybe I'm Way behind here I can't remember what the idea was I think I just seen other people doing it oh that stinks well it was nice chatting with everybody yeah
Channel: JoeandZachSurvival
Views: 137,342
Rating: 4.8081303 out of 5
Id: pmD5eIr7sIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 42sec (5202 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2017
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