The T-34 - WW2 Soviet Tank

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what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers if you're thinking of cool russian stuff from world war ii you might think of stuff like our little ppsh-41 here it's a very neat little submachine gun it's a cool piece of history but what if you wanted something a little bit bigger something a little harder to obtain something kind of like a t-34 let's talk about that so we are here in the most magical place on earth not disneyland we're here at the drive tanks tank barn and we are taking a look at something i'm privileged to be able to touch i just touched it and it feels really good this right here is a t-34 more specifically this is a t-34 85 now the difference is that uh the t-40 t-34 was the original tank and then later on when they realized hey we probably need to up our armor because we would really like to be able to kill panzers they upgraded to an 85 millimeter gun so for those of you who don't know the t-34 is a legendary russian battle tank legendary for what kind of depends on who you ask but this was mass-produced and this is what you saw in the eastern front in the tank battles against nazi germany during world war ii [ __ ] this is cool they did a really good job with this i don't know who did the paint job here i don't think it's original but that would be really damn cool if it was uh my russian and even worse my cyrillic not that good i i to what i thought it was i thought it was uh four stalin or something i could i could make out stall in there at the bottom but somebody on instagram quickly corrected me and they said it was fist of stalin which is way cooler way cooler to imagine a bunch of panzers getting fisted by stalin let's move to the front of the gun but really quick before we do that let's take a minute and thank our sponsor hi future brandon here tanks are cool you know what else is cool these 50s russian tanker goggles that i got from sportsman's guide now this is pod racing sportsman's guide is not only a huge supporter of the channel but they are also a great place that you can go to if you want to larp like a soviet they've got a lot of cool stuff all from military surplus to modern camping gear you can find their link in the pin comment and in the description so you can have cool stuff like this old russian helmet so anyways big thank you to sportsman's guide now back to pass me to tell you that we're moving to the front of the gun so moving over to the front of the gun like i mentioned a little bit earlier this is a t-3485 which means this has the upgraded main gun if you saw fury you know why they did that panzers had very thick armor a lot of the tanks that this tank was going up against the smaller main guns probably not a really good idea so they said they wanted something with a little bit more penetrating power and by god that looks like it has all the penetrating power one would ever need or want so the original caliber on the t-34 is actually kind of a funny story shows the russian dedication to 762 because instead of 7.62 millimeter it was 76.2 millimeter which just shows they are obsessed with that number either that or that's just how metric to imperial conversion works i like to think it's the former now one thing that t-34 is well known for or i should say one thing it's not well known for is ergonomics um the drive tanks people they uh they don't pick favorites of course all of these are equally beloved tanks but they hate this [ __ ] all right so we're now in the main space of the t-34 which is blowing my mind because originally i think it had a tank crew of three so you have two seats down here and i guess you have one guy back here uh the t-3485 had four i'm not sure what the fourth guy was for but uh this is not a lot of space for four people and honestly i'm already hot as [ __ ] uh which is good because this was used in the uh russian winter where i don't think that was a problem i think that was probably quite comfy so this is the inside of a t-34 i don't know what i did to deserve this but this is a lot of fun probably wouldn't have been a lot of fun if you had to spend several months here um this is where you'd have a lot of i'd only imagine very tight-knit comrades who spent several months basically in hell of uh very very bitter cold battles of world war ii in a less than technologically superior tank just trying to survive that's just kind of neat it's kind of cool i don't know if this tank itself saw service but tanks just like this hundreds thousands of tanks saw service just like this one it's very cool it's really neat to be inside it's a weird feeling i'm just kind of rambling on camera now but this is this is pretty this is surreal all right so i'm sitting here right now in the gunner's seat of a t-34 which god what a sentence and we are looking right here i believe this is a dt which is a uh degterev dictario of i'm sorry russian words are very hard for people in america to pronounce because we are uncultured swine whatever makes you europeans feel better but uh whether it i really feel bad for mispronouncing his name doug turret dictarioff uh he was one of the prominent weapon developers of the time and klashnikov mentions him quite a bit he's a very very big influence and he's just he's responsible for a lot of very cool weapon systems like the dpms the dp28s and uh that right there that is what we'd be looking at that is so [ __ ] cool so this is a little swivel mount for the machine gun that is backing up the turret backing up the turret it's a gun it's a machine gun on a [ __ ] tank all right so i'm now sitting in what i can only assume is the driver's seat um i have my driver's license i do not have my tanking license so i won't be driving this today so oh it's hot as balls this thing was definitely meant for uh stalingrad leningrad and not san antonio texas so this is very cool and i wanted to take this moment to talk to you guys about why the t-34 is kind of special to me and why i think it should be special for you guys too if you're a big fan of the ak platform this was the tank that mikhail kalashnikov served on and maybe not this it wasn't this tank specifically but he served in a t-34 he talked about uh in his book that if you watch my twitch streams you know that we're reading together now he talks about his book how much safer they felt in the t-34 than they did outside which i mean i really can't blame him this thing is just a giant cast iron shrapnel blocker so it's in his book he talks about uh being in the battle of bryansk which i know i'm probably not pronouncing that right sorry but it talks about being wounded getting to the field hospital and that's where uh he was able to take some time away from the the front lines defending the motherland and uh being able to work on his designs where he designed a submachine gun so he was able to meet and work with a lot of other russian weapon designers and really kind of perfect a few prototypes he was working about the the military trials and things trying to create a weapon that could better defend his homeland and uh that is where ultimately he designed the ak-47 the automatic kalashnikov that was approved for military use in 1947. so in a roundabout way if it wasn't for the tanks that i'm sitting in right now we probably would not have had the ak-47 and so that's why the t-34 holds a special place in my heart very cool i wanted to share this with you guys because i think this is something that's really neat i was really excited for the opportunity to hang out around this and i want to share that with you guys so yeah i'm just nerding out this is all cool i've been told all these switches and [ __ ] work that's why i'm not touching any of them because i will definitely [ __ ] all of this up so with that being said let's get the [ __ ] out of here before i die of heatstroke so the really rad stuff like the t3485 and the dt machine guns and everything are only made possible by our friends over at drive tanks so i just wanted to thank them one more time for allowing us to do this cool stuff if you want to see more stuff from drive tanks i have more content coming for you so don't worry i would also very much like to come back because this is the neverland ranch of freedom and i don't want to [ __ ] leave but unfortunately my friends that is the end of the video so i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video god i've got a kill boner [Music] so this is pretty stuffy this is actually pretty crazy um god this is a big that's a big [ __ ] do a trick my trick is manslaughter there's the [ __ ] here's the loop where you [ __ ] sucker it was probably made for someone who had very little chin if they were malnourished or they just seem ohio there we go see ohio all right ready all right i forgot we were going that whole time all right
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 438,040
Rating: 4.9641299 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, the AK guy, Russian, tank, t34, t-34, Soviet, drive tanks,, demolition ranch, RV, world of tanks, gaming, t-72, Sherman, panzer, sabaton, panzer battalion, gun drummer, Dt, ww2, world war 2, ox ranch
Id: Z5fsd0tSROA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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