The Sword of KHAINE - Warhammer Lore - Greatest Weapons - Total War: Warhammer 3

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it is said that the legendary sword of Cain is more of a metaphysical concept than it is an actual sword it represents the lusts for battle and blood it has no fixed shape it morphs into a different weapon depending on who sees it it constantly lusts for blood corrupts everything around it and it Whispers Promises of unimaginable power to the ones that get too close to it and may feel it's called [Music] the high elf ended lives with every swing of that terrible weapon he held the blade was made of a fire that was not from this world and it constantly dripped Bloods from the tip the Widowmaker killed the swiftly we fought with Fury trying to draw the attention of our God but it wasn't enough steel-plated chaos Warriors died easily their armor was no protection against the other worldly blade slashed through Shields armored plate flesh and Bone hundreds of our warriors were victims to that mighty sword it seemed on their day that the one who wielded the sword of Cain was capable of even slaying the Gods if you want to get your legendary title without having to feel the wrath of Cain you will be more than happy to hear about today's video sponsor established titles is a fun way to preserve the natural Woodlands of Scotland helping Global reforestation efforts and also makes for a unique gift their title packs lets you buy at least one square foot of dedicated land with a unique plot number on a private estate in edelston Scotland and an official certificate with a Crest all the available title packs are based on the historic Scottish land ownership custom where you can declare yourself as a lord or lady which are the Scottish terms for a landowner you could officially change your name to Lord or lady and get it on your credit card plane tickets or elsewhere you can even get it on your dating profiles not only that but by purchasing your own plot of land established titles plants a tree with every order through Partnerships with one tree planted and trees for the future Charities established titles has told us that the first 200 people purchasing a title pack using our link will effectively be next to our plots to depending on how many of you want to become a lord or a lady we can build our own book of Joy or Kingdom established titles is actually running a massive Black Friday sale right now plus you can use our code shoyer to get an additional 10 off go to forward slasher to get your gifts now and to help support the channel such through every Armory every Tome every inventory you will not find a weapon more powerful than it not gal moravs Mighty Hammer a Sigmar heldenhammer not the twin axes of the ancestor God grimnier Widowmaker the world Ender blade the sword of Cain it is a Slayer that can kill all and neither us nor the gods are safe from it known as the Widowmaker the god Slayer the Doom of worlds Spear of vengeance death Shard ice Fang and Heaven blight among many other names the sword of Cain is perpetually dripping blood and it is blacker than the night sky glowing eternally with red Crimson wounds mythology says that it was forged by vol the Elven God of smithing to be used by the Elven God of War Cain and during its forging it was heated by the fiery breath of drogener the father of dragons binding the fate of all dragons that came after to the fate of the elves the sword of Cain is not to be wielded by mortal hands for it was made by gods and so powerful it is that it has the capabilities of killing such Divine beings [Music] the magical sword of Cain has no permanent form it has appeared as a lance to calidor the Conqueror a scepter to malikith and a long sword to anarian the defender and later to his descendants Tyrion it is known that the weapon draws powerful Elven Warriors to it begging to be wielded and promising great Powers potential Beyond imagination it's corrupting Whispers also extends to the people near the one wielding it to use Widowmaker is to invite Cain himself into one's heart replacing kindness with apathy love with hatred and mercy cold blooded ruthlessness in the altar of Cain it sits melded into the shrine to the god of murder the altar itself is in the center of the blighted Isle in Northern oath one the island is currently under high elf control they have patrols and watchtowers to defend against the dark elf raids that seek to steal the powerful blade and reclaim the lands for themselves the dark elves have gone to Great Lengths in their efforts to acquire the god Slayer but their cousins deny them their prize for they know that this weapon is not to be wielded lightly and they also know that to wield the swords means to Doom oneself to its corrupting power the well-protected altar sits on a vast plane over which many battles have been fought the bodies of the Dead lie unburied so the plane is covered in the bones and skulls of elves and beasts during the terrible event that is now known as the first coming of Chaos the blade was first used by anarian the defender who pulled the sword from the Shrine in deep grief with a loss of his wife astoriel to the greater demon of slanesh nakari by taking the sword and claiming the power of Cain his line was forever cursed by the sword a heavy price to pay for an action that would have consequences for generations to come some would argue however the due to the dire circumstances at the time the Phoenix King's actions were Justified the ground Shook and rock crumbled as in aryan's fist closed upon the hilt he pulled the sword free from its Stone prison and held it Aloft blood seeped from the wounds etched into the blade and poured in thick rivulets across his hand and down his arm trailing Crimson across his armor guard Slayer Widowmaker Doom of Worlds Spear of Vengeance get Shard ice thing and heavened Light by many names it was called by mortal demons and gods but one name alone it truly held sword of Cain the Lord of murder now it was the sword of an Aryan an Aryan was already chosen by a Syrian to be the Phoenix King and by himself he was a truly remarkable Warrior but with the sword he was a vengeful God in Mortal form and with it he slew creatures from the warp by the thousands wherever a narian went Victory followed and the terrible blade was drenched in the blood of the enemies of old one at the greatest points in that terrible conflict a Marion killed four greater demons from all of the four chaos gods but alas he was also mortally wounded in the process this is a feat of legendary importance and it was achieved because a narian had the help of his mighty dragon and he wielded the Widowmaker with his last Mighty breath he thrust the sword back into the altar of Cain where it still sits murmuring to all who come near Warrior or not seeking to be wielded once more so it can unleash violence and spill blood in truth the modern day line of an Aryan the defender is very well represented by the brothers Tyrion and teclas both are called to the sword regularly especially Tyrion when a later Phoenix King kalador the Conqueror was called to it the blade failed to seduce the mighty elf who bravely resisted its temptation there is also speculation that the Phoenix King tethless may have attempted to draw the swords and maybe even managed to touch it but he was slain by his own bodyguard others say he met his end with a point of a dark Elven assassin's blade so it is unclear what tethless saw as the sword of Cain and what promises it whispered to him he's also still unknown that Godly weapon is so powerful that it is said that if it is ever wielded again it would change the world forever wow Mine you are as greater than Marion great you you will succeed where he failed [Music] the world is dark for the elves is it growing darker no and finally approach we can save together we can reforge their broken Empire and reclaim they're lost nothing can stand against us not man not demons marched to Dwarfs not your dark maganoth will fall the Empire will fall the kingdom of the dwarves will fall help world will be ours it is be the last of the greatest elves of alph one to me the scum approach they think to cage Us in but is the lion trapped when cornered by the rat do Warriors squirm when confronted by weaklings no is the answer guard your souls let them come on this channel we are putting together narrative Total War cinematic battles and Warhammer lore videos a special thank you goes to our patreon supporters who help us in the making of more content you can also join patreon and earn extra perks while supporting the videos to come find the link in the description below make sure to subscribe and thank you for watching see you on the next one
Channel: The Book of Choyer
Views: 63,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Total War, Total War Warhammer, Cinematic Battle, Total War Cinematic Battle, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer Lore, Total War Cinematic Battles, Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer Fantasy Lore, Total War Warhammer Lore, total war warhammer 3, sword of khaine, sword of khaine tyrion, high elves warhammer 3, high elves lore
Id: bqPcInJhl84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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