Conquering the Empire with only INVINCIBLE GHOSTS!

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what's spookier than an Army of Ghosts an invincible Army of Ghosts which is what we're gonna make today to conquer the Empire land and to do this there is only one man that can lead because unfortunately there are no ghost Lords in the game as I said there are no ghost Lords in the game it is of course this guy state your name for the record sir Heinrich kemlar man would you like to bring a friend along today oh yes where is Krell all right we got kemla we got Krell let's go although actually before we do did anyone notice in that shot that kemmler is actually wearing slippers the man goes to battle in slippers seven years I've never noticed what a g so starting off a very hard very hard campaign with kemla we will use but only ghosts now kemmler is a nice one for this because he actually starts with a couple of ghosty units we do get a hero but he's not a ghost so we will just use him as an agent but apparently he only speaks one language felia nevertheless we must push on to our first battle which looks a little daunting three units versus seven but then you remember that well we are ghosts and they are French so it only really ends one way our ghosty boys have that fear and Terror which is great for getting rid of these low leadership units very quickly only the knights are a little bit of a problem and of course we technically do have Krill as our fourth unit who could probably solo this Army by himself so of course there was Victory to be had from here I had to wait around a bit to get to tier three so that I could construct my ghosty buildings and if you're one of those that wonders why I'm always insulting elves in my videos well this is why declaring war on me on turn nine when I'm nowhere near them and on the next turn absolute dick Well Done big man you've come all the way over to besiege an old man in his house brilliant as this did happen to be a Siege defense I decided to take on Stig of the dump and show him what a foolish mistake he'd made he was met with bone and steel as his smelly elves came up the ladders and we held them in at the two main gates they attacked we wore them down gradually with zombies and skeletons and then had the ghosty boys go in and try to do as much damage as possible we had Towers helping out as well they did have some other units that snuck in through other doorways but they were easily dispatched and if you wonder why I don't have a map in any of these battles it's because I accidentally changed the difficulty to Legendary which puts on Battle realism but doesn't turn it off when you change back to very hard a few turns on from this battle and I've now got to tier three I can recruit banshees and current wraiths once I've got those buildings and I'm also going to be following this live in a chronomica tech line so that I can get these Buffs to all my ghosties which ultimately results in doubling their healing cap and giving them a goddamn barrier nasty a little further on and I can now get a banshee which I'm going to embed into the army and once I get to tier 4 I can also upgrade this building to then get hex wraiths as well shortly after this charactiflin declared war on me and you know when two guys kind of square up to each other and they kind of make it look like they want to fight each other but they don't really want to so they just stand there hurling insults at each other that's pretty much what's going on here I'm gonna get you you can't beat me I know Wing Chun for me I was just biting my time until I got Karen wreaths and eventually it came along and I started to recruit them like nobody's business but eventually zivlin had a full stack and there were some wood elves around but on the next turn they made the biggest mistake of their lives moving down to Montfort and the wood elves buggered off so that left me free to take Carrick zifflin itself finally able to take another settlement in my Province at turned 20 goddamn six for more ghost debuffs I started putting Heinrich skill points into evil Souls a little spell resistance to start with ziplin determined to self-destruct apparently ran their big full Army seemingly around to get my other settlement but left their last remaining settlement undefended and thus an easy take to race to the ground what was funny then though is that they came back to maybe seemingly retake that settlement my Army too beaten up to take out their army I just went back to replenish but over the next turn that joker Carl friends came along and took the settlement before they could move back in and thus those dwarves were homeless and on a serious note if you'd like to donate to help these dwarves please contact this number 1-800 help the short anyone donation will help thank you these poor homeless Dwarves made the mistake of stumbling into my land though which meant I had to deal with them in the kindest way a ghost would know possible which is murder and death so I swiftly went after them developed a mass envelopment plan to make sure none of them could Escape I tied them up with the crappy Garrison skeletons and stuff and then sent all the ghosties around the sides and with the armor-piercing of the Karen wraiths these poor little dwarves didn't really stand much of a chance I had my one unit of hex wraiths being disruptive as possible trying to keep them alive though keeping invocation on them keeping them healed because they're the only one I've got for now so we smashed them into the ground they retreated we went and finished them off that was the end of karak zivlin shortly after this Stig of the dump realized that he was outmatched and decided to beg for peace which I so graciously gave him so that I could focus on my bigger plans of taking out the French watch this Superior position has been conquered I can then use that to move on to the Empire because you see Heinrich has a pretty horrible start position surrounded by good guys and he's the only bad guy in the middle of it so I want to take this kind of edge of the land Province so I'm not so surrounded coming into this battle I actually tried to fight it and win that way I try not to just cheese it and go for the victory objectives which is what I normally do because I don't really enjoy sieges but I thought it through I did make a blunder and lose a bunch of can wraiths but luckily for me the French had very kindly already constructed the building I needed to recruit more can wraiths so recruitment was no problem and if you're wondering why the plutonians hadn't defended their land it's because they were attacking castle Artois they're at war with Grom they were trying to take that off him they seemingly failed to do that and the Romney's kind of spread out one of them maybe looks like it might be heading towards my other land so I'm a little bit worried about that but we got a fair Garrison there and it's only the French on the next turn though they seem to commit efforts to trying to reclaim coron though and as there are two stacks in the area I try to take one out so not to be outnumbered Honestly though this is a pretty rough fight for the britonians their low leadership plus my fear and Terror like I mentioned earlier they just break so quickly plus we got the big physical resistance so they can't damage us quick enough and they pretty much instantly break if you hit them on both sides with a bit of flanking so brutonians don't last long this situation right here pretty much sums it up Running Scared from the ghosties although I've got them beaten up I'm not quite able to finish that Army off so I fall back and try to set up an ambush in case they tried to come and take coron but things go from bad to worse for the Frenchies as the shadow Legion appear on their Shores who they are at war with now because their mainfall stack is inside the settlement I besiege it with a single lone Lord which of course traps the Army and its Garrison inside the settlement meaning they can't reinforce any armies outside the settlement which is the one I just beat up just now so I'm gonna come along and finish that Army off it's in fourth March as well so it's just in all kind of bad situations and with that we got the protonians on the ropes I'm not able to finish off that settlement right there though with a full stack in it so I have to fall back and replenish but about now is where I'm finally able to get the Perpetual regeneration trait which is absolutely disgusting for my ghosty Army as it gives them all regeneration as long as they're rank 7 or above and as you can see I'm pretty close with a few units here but around this time as well I completed that Tech that I was trying to unlock which now gives a barrier and extra healing cap so couple that with the rich generation and you've got a hooking disgusting ghost Army as you saw I just took Lang will with the protonian Army seemingly giving it up running off into lioness lands to try and save themselves I tried to chase them down but they were elusive I think Grom was after them as well but they did raise an army over in grunt zint their last remaining settlement but I patiently waited in ambushed for them and I got him and with a swift Auto resolve that put an end to the protonian's hope of ever reclaiming their Homeland but Leones came and did me dirty as they attacked Le Ang will honestly I didn't even know I was at war with them I don't think they declared it at any point I guess they just joined it from britonia I don't know but I was finally able to come and take grunt zint at least which was significant because it's actually part of my starting province which I've only now just been able to take so it's got to be one of the worst starting provinces in the game eventually I came back around took out leoness for stealing my [ __ ] beat them on the face and then came along to take their main capital settlement obli and S as well and claimed it as my own although I had no intention of keeping it I wanted to use it to bargain with big boy Grom so I offered to traded to him and he was [ __ ] chuffed with it look how happy he is he's offering me literally everything I only took the non-aggression and the military access for now I didn't want to get too friendly with him and get dragged into all his Wars but now at least I didn't have to worry about my west or south and just in time for my invasion of the Empire I'm now able to recruit hex rates which I'm most likely gonna need because the Empire has got a pretty big Empire at this point so we're gonna have our work cut out for us so we're going to go ahead and declare war and start off by taking Marion Berg as it's a right next to us and B a nice money-making settlement to have I then push on into the right Glenn to take Isle heart so that I can start spreading my lovely vampire corruption around as I Look to move towards Uber strike there is an army there so I'm a little bit thwarted for now and I'm trying to take any technology I can that'll help out my ghosty boys I'm getting these to help out mortise engines which I'll be able to get soon I tried to set up an ambush to catch one of these armies with an 80 success chance but of course it fails because it's actually probably like a 30 success chance and they're just lying to me bastards so I have to fight this battle in a small portion of the army starts here right in front of my reinforced thing Army so they're dead my ghosts then head into town to help the reinforcing Army which they do need as a lot of this Empire Army is now pushing in quite aggressively into the town but I am slowly but surely kind of setting up a bit of an envelopment ambush here I come in from the East with the main ghostly Army but also sends some units around the flank to get behind and just absolutely crush them in the middle and then it's the beginning of the end for this Main Army but the reinforcing Army is on the way it started miles away so it's taken a while to get here and apparently Cal friends has been to the North Pole because he's recruited these Will Ferrell elves from somewhere but alas the reinforcing Army arrives but zerky has a plan of course sending Krell to decapitate men was the first part of that plan and then I had some units some can rates flank around all the way around the side of the settlement to come up behind this unsuspecting reinforcing Army and well you can imagine they all got pretty [ __ ] spooked especially as this second reinforcing Army was pretty much just a cheap crappy Spearman and cheap crappy archers so they didn't last long from there I pushed on to take Uber's Reich as the other crappy Army was still around but I deal with that right I was also getting into the higher end of camera's red skill line which was giving me some nice Buffs to my ghosty boys and as I happened to be nearby I decided to take the helm Guard Fort just to get that taken away from the Empire but in doing so I left Isle heart undefended which meant the Empire came back for it with that crappy little army plus an extra one but luckily they only decided to sack it and not occupy it and about now I decided it's time to get a second Army I'm gonna be dealing with a lot of armies I need more ghosts I was now able to get mortise engines so they were no doubt gonna help as well and that crappy little army of Spearman and archers came to terrorize me it came and sacked Uber strike it came and sacked Helm guard but eventually I was able to chase him down get a hold of him and turned them into ghosts from there I thought I'd be able to push on and carry on taking the Rutland but oh no more Empire armies how many do they have I thought this battle it was a bit of a messy one though just overrunning them and enveloping them with ghosts as usual and what I'd been doing at the end of pretty much all these battles is healing my boys up sometimes specifically picking out the more beaten up unit but I came to find that I was very often ending battle Wilson pretty good goddamn condition making us just start to feel a little bit Invincible apart from this unit that died my second Army much like your genitals was small but powerful and ready to strike and started to advance to take the rest of the Marion Berg Province my main Army large and Powerful much like my beard came to advance on grunsburg a battle which I fought to get the best result and this is where my Invincible Army really started to grow you can see all the gold Chevrons starting to appear so those units are regenerating in battle I've got the mortise engine in this Army now I'm using invocation at the end of the battles to resurrect the units as well so this Army is pretty much invisible and we've now captured grunsburg so it's just Altdorf left my small second Army up north is about to capture the final settlement in this province so we'll complete that one and we'll clear out the empire in the north as well and then it came time for the big boy let's take down Altdorf there's a small army there there's a big Garrison there it's a pirick Victory Auto resolve but I'll do the Empire the courtesy of fighting this battle the respectable Way by hiding all my ghosts in the trees and then bringing them out later the only unit they could see was the mortise engine so they built around that but I had ghosts all over the place I planned to come in from every direction possible and take as many capture points as I could I sure hope I don't get copyrighted for using this scene from Lord of the Rings over the main side where I sent the mortise engine I summoned up Krell and just let him go to town to distract most of their Garrison whilst bringing in the other Cavalry units and Kern wreaths all over the place just to attack what we could started taking those victory points no problem getting rid of towers mortise engines in there healing up doing the direct damage as well Krell was apparently having a lot of fun judging by all the bodies around and eventually slowly but surely We overran Them took out a lot of their units actually did win by beating the Army and not by taking the victory objective although he did take most off the settlement and I did it all only losing seven ghosts apparently although you know I probably did lose more but I brought him back to life because that's what we do here hence full health army with that Altdorf was ours the reichland was ours and it was the beginning of the end for the Empire from here I pushed on to take caraburg just to take that off them I pushed on to try and take Nolan there was maybe a little bit too much there for now so I came back to that one they did come out to get me with three stacks but luckily I was able to retreat from that for now to look for a better situation and eventually I found one as I came back to attack null with a lesser Army inside which was in force March as well I could have taken the pirick victory but there was another big stack not far away so I didn't want to risk having a beaten up Army I thought this one just in a straight up good old Siege form I came at them from both sides with two very obvious armies no tricks luckily my ghosts had their ladders with them Jesus Christ otherwise I don't know how they would have gotten up the walls it's not like they're [ __ ] ghosts or something is that scene from Lord of the Rings again this time Gandalf's in there Gandolf the black this must be the Chinese bootleg version my ghosties poured in though all over null there was little the Empire could do to stop and we came at him from all angles it didn't take long to spook them all off of course didn't even need to get anywhere near the victory objectives and with that Nolan fell and then pretty much everything started falling for the Empire they had that one big army left which was Carl Franz himself sat in which I just decided to Auto resolve because I didn't have any other threats around so I could take the time to replenish one small army could apparently get a victory at caraburg even though it had only four units of missile so I fought that one to get rid of them but at this point I had dwindled the Empire's Empire significantly I was hoping that the bonkar Steins would maybe do a bit more and they'd rise up and take a few settlements and help me or that maybe I'd be able to Confederate them at some point but no sign of that yet as I started to move East I was attacked by another big Empire Army but once again it was just an absolute Massacre that I came out of with full health I then pushed onto Kemper bad where I besieged with a single Lord and then took out the army with my main Army and then of course proceeded to take camper bad after that my second Army up north was now taking the black pit of the Empire so they were pretty much done up North now and then it was just a case of absolutely mowing down all the southern kingdoms that they still had taking pretty much all these settlements with very little resistance they hadn't spawned up any more armies over here I guess they were starting to run out of money they were running out of recruitment buildings they did Confederate nordland which then opened up more space in the north for me to get rid of and guess who it was that actually came back to cause problems for me [ __ ] toddy he came and took caraberg off me he came and sacked Isle heart and it turns out the empire was still alive they had a couple more armies up north which came and attacked my second Army I had to fight these which were a little bit tough for these battles because my second Army wasn't as strong as my main Army because it didn't have the Regeneration and stuff but despite defeating them it did kind of halt my advance I wasn't able to push on into Dita sharpen here as they still had those two armies around but about now any human man faction was completely eradicated in the southern territory of the Empire lands and it was now that son of a [ __ ] toddy who was the biggest problem as he came back to ironheart with a big army and actually took it off me this time but I was able to counter that and put him in check by taking karaberg off him as I happened to be stationed at Altdorf and of course we eventually met on the battlefield to settle this and this was my third Army that I'd made so they weren't as strong as the main army or even the second Army and they did struggle a bit with this fight toddy put up a good fight we'll give him that but ultimately he did get spooked like everybody else and then of course I chased him down finished him off and reclaimed eilhart to free the people from potentially being saved and now there was pretty much no men left in most of the Empire land driker had pushed out a bit Von karstine had pushed out a bit and now the norskins had arrived and they were very kindly going to take out the last empire settlements to save me the job how very very kind of them but goddamn Carl Franz wasn't going down easy as he came and attacked black pit which maybe I could have fought to defend but my armies were nearby I was gonna close in and finish him off in one nice final battle but the norskins beat me to it so with that the empire was completely eradicated from the Empire land absolutely glorious but I still needed a final battle and there were still elves in this area so there was only one logical conclusion kill all the elves I heard it those little bastards all around their precious little tree killing everything inside whilst taking pretty much no damage by the end of it we had two full stacks of ghosties rolling in on these elves and even though they did have a fair few units with magical attacks in this Army which are a detriment to our poor ghosty boys it wasn't enough to save them Krell was having a great time lopping off heads and arms wherever he felt like it he was living the dream the poor little elves tried to hide up on their little barricades to keep themselves safe but no one's safe from the ghosty boys we overran them with overwhelming numbers flanked surrounded wherever possible just scared everything away this was a personal highlight these elves up on their barricade my boys chopping it down and then my hex wraiths just laying and wait for that barricade to go and when it does all the elves tumble to the ground and then get mowed down and absolutely destroyed so there we have it the ghost armies are pretty damn strong in the hands of Heinrich Himmler and we'd have no problem finishing this campaign I'm sure there we go I hope you've enjoyed this thanks for watching thanks to all the patrons who support this channel if you want more of this kind of stuff I got a whole playlist of it right here I'll stick you with the future
Channel: Zerkovich
Views: 373,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 3, total war, guide, tutorial, how to, tips and tricks, pro, wraith, ghost, campaign, lets play
Id: DnqdXooKJkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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