DAMAGE CONTROL - Meghan Has Really Got To Stop Writing His Speeches

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hi guys welcome back thanks for joining me for another Royal news video so you've got a weekend video from me which is always a bit of a rarity but there's so much stuff going on I've got to keep these videos coming out thick and fast to stay on top of it I told you I'm all refreshed and relax from having a couple of holidays so to start with some good news from the royals and then we're going to have them in the middle and then we're going to finish with some more good and amazing Royal news so we're going to start today to with the lovely princess Royal Princess Anne who is back to doing her duties after suffering a very severe concussion I think she was kicked in the head by a horse which left her hospitalized for 5 days it must have been quite the nasty knockout as it were but as I said horses are very very strong animals and she is 73 but she's a trooper Princess Anne attended the riding for the disabled Association the shorter version is called the RDA national championships in gler Shere the association was celebrating its 55th anniversary of which the Princess Royal has been patron of since 1971 and president of since 1986 the RDA benefits the lives of over 20,000 disabled children and adults it provides skills therapy Fitness development it enables children and adults to make lots of new friends and most importantly it is about having fun with some of the most beautiful creatures that we've been lucky enough to have on this Earth with us so in more great news we have just been told today that the Princess of Wales princess Katherine is actually going to be handing over the trophies at the men's Wimbledon final the championship the final is tomorrow and she will be in attendance so we're all very excited to see her back I think the happiness we've seen coming from Prince William recent I think she's really turned a corner and of course she will no doubt break the internet now in something that it's kind of been trending but all for the wrong reasons and this is of course the SS now I know some of you must be sick of it by now hearing all about it but I'm going to give a Different Twist on it the thing is that Harry and Megan love to do is to control this Perfect Image this perfect narrative I think that their teams staff their PR staff would probably be able to get themselves a decent job in North Korea because they put out so much positive propaganda and it's all the same media outlets and anybody would think that the veterans were crying on stage for Harry as he collected his award there was standing ovations for Harry everybody was happy that he was there and the downfall at every event like this for Harry and Megan is people are allowed mobile phones and people take photographs and footage and upload it to social media and it tells a very very different story now obviously we knew that Harry was not going to turn down this award because if he was going to do the right thing he would have done it some time ago so it was clearly obvious that he was going to be there and it was also very clearly obvious that Megan was going to be done up to the nines and be happily posing along the red carpet much like it would be her event voila we have this but look at the body language look at Megan with Serena all happy and lovely look at Harry with Serena they look like that they're very good friends throw Megan into the mix and the claw into the mix look at the body language of Harry and Serena it's quite the difference I honestly do not feel that salt and pepper are moving together as happily as they once were so let's talk about Megan's outfit just briefly as you know I'm always very f with Megan and I thought that she did look beautiful with some lovely photographs of her the dress is very similar to a lot of dresses we've seen her wear including one that she wore as her second wedding dress by Stella McCartney on her wedding day she did look lovely I don't like the hairstyle I think she looks much prettier when she wears her hair down this I find too harsh on her face and her features but again look in this Photograph Megan with her normal cheshier cat cat that caught the canary grin noticed something different with Harry his body is slightly Twisted away from her he's not holding her hand so she's got her hand clamped to her trophy sorry her husband's knee it's making it very clear it's almost like Megan is getting very territorial like we saw earlier with Serena she has to hang on to him like a limit now as for Harry and Megan sitting there in their seats they snuck in which honestly I'm not shocked out or surprised at because obviously we knew there was going to be a lot of backlash there was very good chance that they would be booed outside and of course Megan cannot have that for her brand now Sera kicked this off by obviously being the host but she made a point which triggered some people myself included she made a point about saying how royalty are here I've got lots of clips that I'm going to play to you you can hear it yourself actually only pretty often that I get to be in a room with actual royalty and tonight is no exception Prince Harry and Megan are here I did notice there was no use of the Duchess of Sussex which is very unusual but Harry's face doesn't look too happy considering he and Serena are obviously very chummy with each other and they work on better up together as well in fact Harry's face is sour pretty much throughout this entire evening that he was briefly there and I think that's because he got food when he came in there there were so many of them people were bound to quickly sneak in a boo now as for Harry going up on stage to collect his Awards this is where Megan you knew that she was desperate to have some Limelight herself because they announced there were several veterans on stage and they announced that this is Prince Harry you know come up and collect your award now you see the brief clip here then you see the stills of what actually happened Megan was initially clapping look and then she grabs hold of Harry she double hang grabs hold of him and she's hanging on to him I think personally in this moment she either wanted him to grab her and take her up on stage with him or she was trying to pull him back so he would lean back and give her a kiss because a nice Hollywood kiss between them all for the cameras it would have been perfect again for their brand Harry did not lean back and kiss his wife in fact he didn't even look back at his wife as she desperately clung to him again like a limpet in in fact he didn't even mention Megan once in his speech but then they've had to change it remember it wasn't an award for Prince Harry it was an award for inv victus now as Harry was getting up ignore the fact that we have a very different view of Harry's head to what the Magazine's like to print but look around look at people's faces here you can see that nobody looks impressed not only that I'm going to slowmo so much of this for you notice the crowd Megan gets up a few people get up and it starts like a Mexican wave but there is one person who clearly does not get up in fact she had been staring at Megan several times throughout the evening and she is now trending on social media and that is of course Serena Williams sister Venus who I have to say looked absolutely stunning that green silk dress was beautiful perhaps Venus was just merely staring at Megan's dress because as someone pointed out on Twitter Venus had been wearing a very very similar dress at an event I think two weeks previously she does not look impressed in the slightest which matches with the majority of people's faces throughout so Harry lets out this big puff of air not looking quite like the big confident man there to collect his trophy and he hugs the veterans that were already on stage Elizabeth isra and Kirsty who have also competed in the Invictus games will they then walk off after they've handed him the award and Harry tells them to come back but listen to the way he asked them to come back it's more of a command who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa come back come back you guys got to stay here for me whoa whoa whoa you guys have got to stay here for me it's not stay here with me you know accept the award all together it was very much a command he then follows it up again when he says stay here you need to be with me you need to be with me that to me is a Freudian slip that's him saying no you've got to you have to be here for me and I'll tell you why I don't need to tell you why you know why he's got them there as a buffer as a shield because he knows he's got a lot of angry and upset faces staring at him whilst he's about to get this award which as we know huge huge backlash I think on ly all three of them were asked to stay on that stage so Harry had that kind of support behind him because remember they then shifted it from being the award for Prince Harry to actually to go towards veterans Harry actually needed veterans on the stage for that to look even a teeny tiny bit believable so let's start with his speech um thank you Elizabeth Israel and Kirsty um stay here you need to be with me um I'd like to Begin by expressing my deepest gratitude to everyone at the pat Tilman Foundation led by Marie Tilman shenton who I'm so honored is here tonight so a nod to Marie Tilman who is the founder of the tman foundation she doesn't look too happy does she well why would she it's pretty obvious that Harry has attracted so much negative attention by being a recipient of this award that I'd imagine a foundation that gets most of its money from donations has had somewhat of a strong financial hit due to people's outpouring of disgust of the pat Tilman award being given to Harry I'd also like to acknowledge the Tillman family especially Mrs Mary tman Pat's mother her advocacy for Pat's Legacy is deeply personal and one that I respect I respect Mary Tilman so much that she didn't want me to get this award but thanks Mary I respect you clearly Harry you don't the bond between a mother and son is eternal and transcends even the greatest losses come on that had nothing to do as a message for Mary for her son that was all about Harry going don't anybody forget that you know I'm Diana's son and I lost my mom that's exactly what that was of course he was going to pull the Diana card the truth is I stand here not as Prince Harry Pat Tillman award recipient but rather a voice on behalf of the Invictus games foundation so Harry has made a point of saying the truth is I'm not here as Prince Harry the recipient of the Pat Tillman award well quite clearly Harry you are and if that award was genuinely for Invictus and all of the veterans then why did you feel the need to say the truths it's very obvious that they have done a little bit of damage control trying to make it out that this is for the Invictus foundation and not Harry specifically this award belongs to them not to me now at that point that would have been the perfect time to end it wouldn't it I think he's done a long enough speech he's got people on stage he's got his trophy that would have been the time to say thank you everybody this is for Invictus and toddle off but he doesn't now this is where Harry starts changing his tone like I've said before this is the boring depressing it's not an inspiring speech for those who may not know inv Victors comes from Latin meaning undefeated or unconquerable Nelson Mandela credited the poem of the same name written by the poet William Ernest Henley for giving him the strength to endure nearly 30 years of imprisonment quoting Latin he's talking about Nelson Mandela we know who wrote this speech you can hear her voice because it's very similar to actually the speech that he read out on Nelson Mandela's day if you remember the sixcess of that like that poem The Spirit of the Invictus games transcends race time and borders it is born from unity and exudes purpose this year we're celebrating 10 years of witnessing life-changing impact and healing through sport okay so here's the perfect opportunity to end it now even the lady in the red dress she is now at a point where she's walking across to her friends and Harry continues he had the perfect time to end it but no he's going to keep going and while so much progress has been made since those first games the world outside seems to be in an even more precarious State we live in an age marked by polarization and division conflicts rage around the globe anger and resentment towards those who are different seem to pervade societies everywhere our community proves that Unity is not just possible but formidable the beauty of in games lies and how it brings people together sorry I felt like that you guys had heard enough yes he did get a round of applause but again it's people's faces now not only is it the audience's faces here Harry's face gives something away as he's walking off the stage the veterans are just walking in front of him look at Harry look at his trophy with that big Goofy grin on his face then he spots the cameraman and then he looks almost for a second like oh I meant to look a little bit humble here wouldn't it have looked so much better if considering Harry said the award is not for him he actually gave it to the veterans on stage and did his speech going it's not for me it's for people like these guys it's for all of you that are here but he didn't he hung on to his prize and as I said that moment where he's grinning down at it like an idiot and then goes oh yeah uh yeah I meant to look up a little bit little bit grateful aren't I unbelievable he's got as many masks slips now as Megan does now this is where I think they did the jerkiest thing they were a pair of jerks they got up and decided to leave like they snuck in they decided to leave early so the event is still happening now Harry and Megan had front row seats of course they did but Harry and Megan also took in a ridiculous Entourage they had security they had staff you remember this lady you might recognize her face she was one of my favorite members of their staff she's the one that got given the job of trying to shove Megan along the carpet when Megan was hogging the carpet at the Variety power women event last November but obviously she's learned her lesson not to shove Megan again but look at the hassle that they're causing people are sitting in their seats the host is still talking the event is still ongoing they're hugging people they're shaking people's hands bearing in mind people are still trying to watch the show now this bit this is one of my favorite bits of the clip Megan and Harry are now leaving finally with their huge Entourage after spending five minutes being probably a complete nuisance and disturbance to everybody else nobody is clapping them people aren't even looking at them Megan hasn't got fans screaming we love you Megan thank you for your service Megan as they fall to their knees and cry nobody is looking at them no one is clapping at them if anything they are just completely blanking and bar one person at the end that shakes Megan's hand but it's the way Megan sachet is up the carpet look at that she looks like she's popped her hip out the socket it reminds me of how she walked up the garden steps of Charles's Buckingham Palace garden party if you remember it's that old hip sachche and I'm sorry I just think those two just look like a pair of Muppets they snuck in they snuck out to avoid the booze and as I said that big entourage that just did nothing apart from cause chaos who do they think they are I think honestly the president and the first lady could have gone there and been more discreet out of respect for the other people in the audience and the hosts and for the event in general Harry should never have accepted the award he should have politely turned it down but his speech for me I'm sorry I've listened to it more times than I care to mention and it was a tick boox of Crisis management it was little more than every major complaint that's gone out against Harry he made sure he ticked including Mary Tilman who is Pat tilman's mother but I think the way he mentioned her and then quickly flipped it round to a comment about his mother which everybody knows everybody translated it he was referring to the fact don't forget Diana's my mother and she died when I was 12 years old it's that old pull at the heartstrings something that is favored by Megan that's why remember she wrote the Dear Daddy while she always called him daddy she knew the way she wrote that letter it would pull at the heartstrings of the public because she always wanted it to go public Megan has got her fingerprints all over Harry's speech they were both cowards the fact that they snuck in there and I think they were both incredibly rude the fact that they still went ahead and collected this award to then leave half hour early and disturb everyone like that as she sashayed out like the Queen of Sheba now that's enough of them let's go on to the other side of the Atlantic to everybody's favorite brother who has just won a trophy but unlike Harry it's not for himself it's actually for a great cause a team effort and it's raising Millions for multiple Charities yes old Big Willie is back riding his polo pony and what a sight it was with the incredible backdrop of great Windsor Park Prince William is a talented horse rider his horses never ever look distressed he certainly never made them bleed by wearing spurs on his boots he is a very very fit Sportsman in multiple ways and I will say I'm sure that the temperature in Windsor went up a few degrees higher than the rest of the nation and not only that can we just say whose idea was it to stick the monogram there you could be like no officer I was I was clearly clearly just trying to see what the Coronet sits above honestly ly now the Prince of Wales was competing in the Outsourcing Inc Royal charity Polo cup 2024 at the guards Polo Club in Windsor This is the 13th year that he has played for it and every single year it raises over a million pounds which is evenly distributed to Charities that he and Catherine support this particular match was held in honor of rugby Legend Rob burrow who sadly lost his fight with motor neuron disease in June last month Rob was a legend not just only on the pitch but also off especially due to his fundraising and campaigning to raise awareness of the disease and he had received an MBE alongside his friend and rugby star Kevin sinfield back in January the M andd Association which Princess Anne is a patron of and of course will be one of the Charities that benefits from this latest million pound Polo fund rer now while we're on the themes of trophies as I said I'm super excited about the fact that we're going to see the Princess of Wales tomorrow handing out the trophy at the men's championship finals it's going to be lovely to see her very very exciting but I think another thing regard the trophy is going to be on everybody's lips in England and Spain to be fair tomorrow this is huge this is so big because England has only ever made it to the European Championship Finals twice this is the second time this is big and nobody jinx it nobody say it's coming no we don't want to hear that it is bad juju at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow England and Spain will be screaming at our TVs across pubs across homes across Sports Fields both countries will be holding our breath and hoping that we are the ones that take home the trophy but I will finish the video with a message from keing Charles for at least a little bit of it which was to GIS Southgate and of course the England team and he said if I may encourage you to secure Victory before any last minute Wonder goals or penalties drama for the nation's blood pressures and our heart rates and as much as I get what he was trying to say where's the fun in that so for everybody watching the England Spain game tomorrow May the best team win so guys I will see you on the other side of this and I may or may not have a voice come Monday Tuesday take care for now see you soon bye
Channel: According 2taz
Views: 46,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meghan markle, prince harry, duke of sussex, duchess of sussex, archewell, harry and meghan, royal wedding, prince william, kate middleton, the queen, royal family, prince charles, prince philip, sussex royal, catherine and william, princess diana, oprah, netflix, river, the body language guy, spotify, king charles III, prince & princess wales, countess, princess catherine, royal news, royal gossip, neil sean, royal rogue, lady c, hg tudor, blackbelt barrister
Id: 0i1YQ1-9c_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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