The Super Mario Bros Movie - Nostalgia Critic

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this episode brought to you by Factor America's number one ready to eat meal kit why are Hollywood movies not making money is it possible people just don't like going to the theaters anymore is there any hope for Cinema will anybody go to theaters when you can just stream at home big budget movies are failing because there's no good films anymore the problem is Hollywood doesn't want to make good movies so why would people want to leave their homes to see them of course those two movies bombed they're cartoons Mamma Mia [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic guy remember it so you don't have to with the curse of video game movies being played for so long one does have to ask the question was this really so hard the Super Mario Brothers movie more than replaced its predecessor that came out 30 years earlier and is the latest hit that's asking the question you know if you make it like what people enjoyed originally does the sequel or adaptation have to suck though many were concerned with the bizarre casting choices and often juvenile Studio making it the fact is Super Mario Brothers is a movie that really only illumination could make most of the other Studios would try too hard to make it a self-sufficient multi-layered important movie and what most people wanted we wanted Mario Brothers bright silly simple it's not a movie that tried too hard it's a movie that tried hard enough nobody really wants a complex pla when it comes to these characters in this world but they want something that still represents what we like about these characters in this world and you can feel the love for all of that in this flick it famously didn't get much praise from critics but it's hard to say it really got trashed it still technically has the majority of critics liking it but it's just not the overwhelming majority it's not that surprising I mean if you're an adult who didn't grow up with Mario Brothers I don't know how entertaining this very clear Nintendo commercial is gonna be but there's been other clear commercials out there we've gotten into and found a lot of charming with that said is it perfect that's a Take On Me song reference of no it still has problems like most illumination films do but I think fans agree when they think of what a Super Mario Brothers movie would be like this is about as close as it gets so what are the strengths weaknesses and your worms we're still trying to decide if we're sick of or not well let's take a closer look this is never going back the Super Mario Brothers movie yeah this movie's already trying to show up Disney saying hey we can dick up our castles as much as you can one of the most enjoyable elements for any fan is how will the music incorporates the Nintendo themes Brian Tyler is a crazily underappreciated composer and he did a damn good job working in Koji kondo's music while still keeping it cinematic [Music] does this thing work yes [Music] also a big thank you for not having Jack Black sing Bowser's theme yeah open the gates on that note as I know a lot of people have said Jack Black is probably the best casting choice in the movie do you yield I do not he steals a star from this Kingdom of penguins and has both the threatening base yet comedic bounciness a Villain Like This needs I finally found it and now no one can stop me nobody accept a call back to an 80s Show with bad King that technically should have keyed Luigi out too Kevin missed opportunity oh we're the Mario brothers and plumbings again we're not like the others who get all the fame well it's no dick Ray look into the expensive apartment companies I gotta cleverly show why the Charles Martin a Mario voice one of worked for the entire movie while also giving a loving nod what about the accent is it too much too much it's a perfect Mario this time is voiced by Chris Pratt which like I said had a lot of controversy behind it he's fine before Mario 64 I always saw Mario as having more of a deep raspy Brooklyn voice kinda like what Bob Hoskins or the cartoon had the only thing miraculous I know is that we're still eating now we're gonna clog you over the Mushroom Kingdom but Pratt isn't distracting as the voice he's just serviceable it's not the voice I think of when I see the character but I'm also not thinking of him in the recording studio saying these lines either it's a no-k in between I am so glad we spent our life savings on this commercial that is not a commercial that is Cinema not true critics also review that commercial and disliked it just as much my mom called and she said oh boys that's the best commercial I've ever seen Charlie Day plays his brother Luigi fine I actually thought he would be the best thing in this movie as I'm a big fan of his stuff but like Pratt he doesn't really add much but he doesn't take away much either which is good as your eyes gonna constantly be darting for all the Nintendo Easter eggs in this yeah they are everywhere and you know it seems like every franchise movie is doing this but let's just say it there's a right way and a wrong way to do it there's references that feel distracting and desperate like it's a cheap way to show they understand the property when really all they're doing is acknowledging they know it exists but something like the DuckTales reboot the spider-verse films and yes this shows there's a cleverness excitement and even love for building this world it's cool knowing mayor Pauline is in this universe apparently Little Mac opened a restaurant Jumpman is this world's version of Mario which was another name for him they're both in-jokes and World building tools that make me want to know more about this environment rather than distract from it even beside scrolling schtick I thought was a little lame the first time I saw it but I can't I kind of like the comparison that running through a battlefield is pretty similar to just getting through New York the more I let it sit the more it kind of grew on me hello Super Mario Brothers it's Uncle Frank he says he can play your part if you ever get canceled for some dumb reason yeah just because Pratt is passable doesn't mean I can't fantasize about better choices they're called in to fix a leak at a fancy resident but the secret life of Cujo causes trouble because they destroyed his toy [Music] so this is another example of the movie working just well enough if this was only them fixing this leak and water going everywhere it wouldn't be funny but the addition of this incredibly expressive dog obsessing over their demise at the right amount to make it pretty humorous it's not hilarious but it is funny it works found the problem the job obviously doesn't go well and we see them go home to their family ashamed thinking with that commercial they gave enough an Oscar for worst actors hey what'd I do and let me get this straight Mario is seen as an Italian stereotype but nobody had a problem with animated Moonstruck here oops he already did I don't spare them the original script literally it was just an entire page of everybody going [Applause] hey Charles Martin they also voices Mario's father which is again not only a nice in joke but a lot of people who think he only does Mario's voice to see he can play different roles you don't leave a steady job for some crazy dream and the worst part you're bringing your brother down with you yeah he's just upset because he never became the golf star he always wanted to be seriously you have to stand far back to even notice that one hey don't you think it's a little weird you're playing you know yeah you want real confusing Sonic is playing Turbo graphic 16 next door wait what but it looks like there's some bad news on the news underground today flooding downtown Brooklyn [Music] okay so this is a crazy nitpick but Mario's human hands without his gloves kinda looks like ugly Sonic's human teeth I didn't know I'd be horrified by that until I saw it Mario tells Luigi they should fix the Epic league so they head into the sewers we gotta get to that pressure valve I don't know Mario this feels very teleporting to me I'm getting the Warriors of virtue or something worse five down here she continues to feed his green fetish getting sucked into a mysterious green pipe and taking Mario with it separating them along the way I'm taking you to see the princess she can help you keeking Michael Key plays toad he's not this here we go the Mushroom Kingdom mushrooms really now that is a cruel twist of fate not since Popeye hating spinach have I wanted a bigger reaction but didn't care I don't know if liking Green Eggs and Ham can be an ark why not mushrooms I need to see the princess I never heard of any princes oh wait I did I obsessed though is in another Castle yeah not all the callbacks are good toad turns this into a Zelda game for a moment and we're introduced to Princess Peach played by Anya Taylor Joy she's fine she's about as just interesting enough as the rest of the cast I'm going to convince the Great Kong Army to help us I will admit I was a touch concern the plot was about saving Luigi instead of her as yes it is a pain she always has to be rescued but then again that is the Trope save the princess it's like one of the oldest tropes there is but first off there are several versions of Mario that play with that trope my favorite being in the old Nintendo Power comics where she's kidnapped breaks herself out while Mario breaks himself in he gets kidnapped she has to save him and then they both get kidnapped and they have to figure out a way to save each other that's a fun spin on the idea and I like how if you really think about it she's basically training him how to rescue her later okay that's nothing brilliant but is creative enough second Mario Luigi grew up with each other they already have a connection there's already an incentive for Mario to save him it's clear they want a romantic relationship between Mario and Peach and you can't build that if they don't spend time together plus with Luigi's newer personality being a scaredy cat I think this works okay their Mad King doesn't make alliances the Kongs will never agree anyone who doesn't laugh at how seriously that line is delivered does not get why this film is supposed to be funny Mario tells Peach about his missing brother and because she hasn't seen a human in years she takes pity on him and invites him to help out how am I supposed to do that with the power-ups they give us special abilities yeah I love they don't even try to explain the logic of power-ups or the lore or the backstory or a stick Mario in a car for an hour everyone knows it's a video game movie just be a video game movie well that's it 2023 stop trying to ruin I need a hero for me [Music] nobody's gonna top Shrek too they own it stop trying to top track two he does well enough and they decide to Journey to the Kongs to see if they'll join their battle against Bowser you know why do the rule is in this world put their faces on everything you know this is a Mario movie right I'm Nintendo's Mickey Mouse I'm the cash cow I will at you a toad brave enough to join me wow how has this world not gotten taken over yet for that matter I just realized his name is Toad and yet they're all called toads just don't hurt my totes is that like when you meet a guy named guy you know it's stupid to think about but it's all you can think about summer is here and it's crisis look at this boy here he's doing the 22 schedule of course these dance crazes have nothing on the hottest Dance of the Year Factor because you might be looking for holes some convenient meals to support Sunny active days and Factor America's number one ready to eat meal kit can help you fuel up fast with flavorful and nutritious Ready-to-Eat meals delivered straight to your door it's a kind of dance a dance with nutrition and a with your wallet as you'll save time eat well and stay on track reaching your goals look at this 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ask their princess to marry me in a fairy tale ladder [Music] [Applause] I don't know why any of us never put together he was gonna be a SIM for peach in this I mean it's in like every version but something about seeing it as the focus of a movie just makes it so much funnier of course she hates me but that makes me love her all the more maybe because there's a threatening voice to go with it maybe because he's surrounded by threatening imagery maybe because we don't really know his motivation until the start of the second act but it's surprisingly pretty funny her heart-shaped bangs the way she floats in the breeze her immovable Tiara and yeah where are we with the song now [Music] well according to the overplayed song list we're past legit goodness of blame Canada having quite hit the apocalyptic annoyance of Macarena Just a Little on little on flip-flopping Between Love and Hate of Let It Go Just just annoyed but I think I think I like it ironically it's Friday ah and we finally reached the just good enough to make us forget about that weird cameo in Mandalorian not bad for a song that's not even a minute long yeah one of the biggest complaints from a lot of people which I guess is a good problem to have is the film could have been a little longer every scene I feel I could have benefited from just one more minute of screen time like we go into peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches okay you're rising up on the list man backstory and it's not even a minute and a half long she says she just appeared out of a warp pipe and the Toads made her their ruler when I was ready they made me their princess makes it even stranger and she's called Princess there's nobody above her I don't think people know what the term means anymore it just sounds pretty regardless look at this place listen to that backstory we want to enjoy this a little more we waited a long time to see this world on the big screen have enough confidence in your film to slow down and let us enjoy it now that Luigi needs any help waiting as he's imprisoned with henchmen yeah what they do they walk back and forth in the wrong direction or glitch accidentally giving infinite one-ups and I know a franchise film is working when I want to know more where a character is from I never saw this thing before but man do I want to play Super Mario Galaxy because of him the only hope is this really belief of death what's he say in the game [Music] okay I'll just imagine on Majora's Mask backstory or something Our Heroes make it to the Kongs and need a reminder this is an illumination movie [Music] you know for the random cast we've had in this movie I'm surprised the halfway point is when we got our first pointless pop song I Need a Hero at least has some connection this is just a guy wearing a sports coat hey look Mario's wearing red like that red guy from eyes wide shut so I don't know it'll make it'll make us a bazillion dollars anyway into their leader Cranky Kong played by Fred Armisen he's the worst thing in the movie you're worthy of fighting alongside the greatest army in the world yeah who would have thought out of all these weird choices Fred Armisen would be the worst one I have no idea what they're trying to do with this voice I heard you want my Army guess you're not getting my Army you're welcome Mario why couldn't they get someone like Larry David he would have worked was there just not enough crypto offered or something are you two done Whispering it's a little rude no that's not it he's gonna arrive at the Mushroom Kingdom by Sundown all right tough guy you want my Army so badly yeah I know since I want things he's awful and yeah I know a guy who screeches for a living is giving this dude a hard time about his voice but as I get older I can't do this creepy voice anymore Fred armisen's a lot older than me so what's his excuse lucky for you guys I got a shortcut but what are you waiting for pick your car in the great rig of God it's like Jar Jar Binks getting choked down by singing Russell Crowe effort went into this suffering goddamn effort they agree that if one of them can defeat his son Prince Donkey Kong again the Royal hierarchy is not really anything in this movie he'll hand over his army he's voiced by Seth Rogen he's not Fred Armisen hi Dad no dad wave back do you care how he is all they have to do is play the Donkey Kong rap and you know you're theirs [Music] I guess he got the wrong mushroom thank you yes any excuse to give him more lines please do Kong makes the Arthur Fizz and starts beating the crap out of Mario but Mario gets a power up turning him into me Ario I don't know I'm not proud of that one now to piss on and to mock my territory oh my god get this suit off oh it was getting to the best part I'm aroused the cons joined their army and they take their cards to Rainbow Road to try to Ambush Bowser who is clearly distracted will you marry me okay I love how the Koopa wizard is angry too like he was really getting into that like don't you know I'm bringing somebody's fan fiction to life oh they think they can surprise me huh two can play at that game Bowser sends his forces to Rainbow Road and this is hands down the coolest part of the movie again how many people have played Mario Kart and imagined an action sequence like this on the big screen it has a ton of energy Color Imagination it's like Mad Max Sugar Rush aha I activated the anti-gravity compared to how you don't care just hear me say wahoo logo during pride month is one of the drivers goes koopakazi and blue shells himself into Mario and Donkey Kong quick use the game genie Princess Peach Bowser confesses his love to her while also threatening toad if she doesn't marry him [Music] don't hurt my toes and that's the bravest toe they got why were there even guards in this Kingdom I mean the weapon of choice is frying pants half the time shouldn't that be their enemy [Music] to marry him and oh yeah there's a brother in this Mario Brothers movie oh goodbye we have to deal with Mario and Donkey Kong not getting along but bonding over their disapproving fathers at least you're not gonna die with your dad thinking you're a joke and well my dad thinks I'm a joke too yeah this is the one time I don't really mind the movie being that short really do you want to hear these guys talking about their dads or do you want them to give you a Smash Brothers opening [Music] that's in the game it's a movie but it's a movie that knows its audience and the audience wants it to be like the game nobody's expecting father issues it's the fun of the games in the form of a movie we need a platform just to get us from point A to point B moments like this are those moving platforms just to get you to what you really want to focus on the colorful action and when it gets to that it does it well I'll save you a princess oh Luigi that's right I forgot you were in this destroy the Mushroom Kingdom they have a big battle that probably has one too many slow-mo shots late 2006 Knight are called he asked if this guy can be trusted and everyone gets warped back to New York admittedly this is a little bit of a weird spot to have a climax and honestly I kind of forgot how similar some of these beats were to the 93 version but again it is a movie and they want to give these two a way of proving themselves to their family so it only makes sense to have an environment where their family can watch I don't need a mansion to be brave why you want a mansion no I look yeah actually can I get that then get the star and use their Newfound power to defeat Bowser funny I thought taking the shrooms would cause me to see a glow like that they take out the henchmen and Bowser is shrunk down after being fed the blue mushroom let's hear the Super Mario Brothers he said the thing again do they really need to keep justifying this title so after they finally win the respect of their Brooklyn family and all of the city of New York they of course moved to the Mushroom Kingdom yeah sure but wait there's more that was kind of ruined earlier because we already saw the oh she's but whatever [Music] yeah still less scary than a sequel to this being promised and that was the Super Mario Brothers movie fun in all the ways we wanted Mario movie to be fun and serviceable in all the ways we don't mind it being serviceable it's rare we get a video game movie that really allows us to embrace the world we enjoy playing for so many years and it's even more rare that it's told in such a likable manner it's clear this isn't a particularly deep story with deep characters but it brings to life that world we all use to go to as kids the world you created when you played with your toys or Drew colorful drawings or yes played a video game the Simplicity feeds into the imagination without being insulting to it now I will admit when they do a sequel it is when it's not if that's when the story and characters probably need to be optiment this was a ton of fun for now but we do want it to grow and evolve a ton but still a little bit they'll no doubt be missteps along the way just like there were with this movie but as long as they represent the same excitement and joy the makers clearly had in making this film and translating that to audiences who have the same excitement enjoy watching it if any of us will be down for finding the princess in another Castle I'm a Nostalgia Critic I remember it so you don't have to I guess he got the wrong mushroom this month for cameos for charity we're doing the center for victims of torture I've done this charity a couple times and there's a reason I literally cannot think of anything worse we've used the word torture as a way to emphasize things we don't like to go through but these are people that have literally gone through the worst things you can imagine this Center heals victims of torture through Personal Care worldwide strengthens Partners who heal torture survivors and advocate for the protection and care of torture survivors heavy stuff I know but you can help out if you want a cameo of me saying happy birthday or good luck or whatever click on the link below and be giving to a good cause if you're like nah you suck consider checking out this charity anyway they're wonderful people doing wonderful work and you can play a big part in helping with the healing foreign
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 233,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, the super mario bros movie, nostalgia critic the super mario brothers movie, super mario movie, super mario bros movie, the super mario bros movie review, super mario bros reaction, super mario bros movie review, doug walker, nintendo, mario, luigi, bowser, bowser peaches song, nostalgic, nostalgia, review, reaction, movie reaction, video game movies, illumination, donkey kong, mario movie, jack black, chris pratt, super mario movie review
Id: j-fOm0WAoVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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