"The Summer of 1980" | Joey Diaz Robbery Tale

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it was the summer Oh baby it was the summer in 1980 it's [ __ ] hotter than hell we indeedy hanging out and you know what by the summer of 80 the realization that my mother was dead it was now a realization it was like 9 or 10 months and every night the sadness would come over me a little bit more every night you know I'm like just in a weird way and one of the stories I told on uhnari which turned out to be a funny story and some people got pissed off at me but it was a very true story was that you know like me and Dee Dee were this team that we hustled so much and in those days we weren't really like house burglars at all we never would even dream of robbing somebody's house but if there was a drug guy we would rob the house or trying to pull something janky but like I said me and Dee Dee always had our eyes open and when they were walking down the [ __ ] Street Dogg walking down the [ __ ] Street and right they're like you can't like like what are we gonna do for cash I don't [ __ ] know what do you think I don't know an awesome like what is that great right there and we just walked up to it like it could've been anybody's crate we just walked up to it and there was like a bottom on in there whatever people call that Autobahn I don't bother your chair no no no like that thing that you put dishes in and [ __ ] oh okay I'm Morris I'm a [ __ ] whatever the [ __ ] it is and there was no bottom piece for it and me and he looked at it when I walked off [ __ ] this is nice don't were like who the [ __ ] would buy this what are we gonna do with it where we're gonna take this do we take this back to the Bender's do we take this to your house I mean either way we'll [ __ ] him - it's a three block walk either [ __ ] way and I look up the [ __ ] corner and that dude Gunther Brown Thursday and this was right down the block we found this in the alleyway of jail are and Sun pretty much but that was a truck area and it just fell all the way back in the truck like no no that was also a place where they did elevators like that elevator tool and die company was there or some [ __ ] we were growing up we never robbed them and another robbed we didn't know what the [ __ ] - Lord I was so we found this thing and I go what the [ __ ] we got to do with this there was the block where the Denny's lived and the [ __ ] McNeil's and the [ __ ] Garcias and the Jansen's and all these families lived on this block I'm like what the [ __ ] am I gonna do with this thing I go dee dee I got it let's take it begun this house is gun - collected Beatle stuff alright so he [ __ ] picked this thing up we walk it like 50 yards it's [ __ ] humid it's hot like that so that's what made me remember this because it's anyway I was sweating I'll never forget I went to gaunt this house he opens a door with his [ __ ] robe on you know higher than [ __ ] and he's like what's up guys I want I don't we know you're beetle friend we hate to bother we know that you look for stuff all the time we like to sell you this I said where the [ __ ] did you guys get this with you by that time we just took it out of the crate I just started walking with him down the street like we were moving men and no one was like hey where do these numbers not one person oh we walked into Gunther's we went up and he goes I'll take it for sure well he guys look him again more like a hundred he's like 80 I don't know like done could even been 60 were like done we don't give a [ __ ] this just gets us a half a gram of coke that's all we're looking again a half a gram of coke we put the beer together we'll get the rig weed together we get through a half a gram of coke for 50 [ __ ] bucks the only problem was it was the afternoon Gunther's like I got something going on here can you come back at about 7 o'clock and I'm like yeah we'll come back there's nothing on that wheel just one of you it was you come back no offense didi I go no no offense never and that was it being didi I got the rest of the day I meant that I went to dump this Browns house I went over there he won veidt's me in he still has the robe on he's drinking first off this is chicken she's [ __ ] gotta be 60 she's all beat up on heroin and he's telling me if you go to the bathroom and take his [ __ ] she loves to blow guys when she's when you're on the toilet and I'll paint nothing on oh wow thank you I go gee man I'm cool just let me get the cash and let me go to Dee Dee's and those days Lee it was 1980 when somebody offered you a line of cocaine right you took it there was no hands it's buts about it everybody was such a deadbeat for cocaine in those days and anybody who didn't give you a line you took it it could be 2:00 in the afternoon it could be 8:00 in the morning it could be 11 o'clock at night in 1980 when somebody offered you a bunk you took it because if you went to somebody and said you know I can't believe what happened Steve Simone offered me a bump the other everybody there was only no you [ __ ] [ __ ] you had a chance to do coke it was 1980 nobody really knew what it was so everybody wanted to do it but nobody had 100 hours to pay for it okay you follow me so you're gonna say yes all you rules go out the window in 1980 so I go [ __ ] yeah at that time I did coke I do a line of coke he offers me a drink I got nah I gotta go how old is not the wrong at this time Gunther's probably 33 oh yeah he's got a robot he was the guitar player from Black Sabbath he's got the same mustache the same type of devilish hair and then he put music like I got all of them what the first song was he put on but then the new of all this aimless love I don't know what he put on like he was like a Beatle fan and then the middle of all this he goes [ __ ] it and he goes have you ever done heroin and right there like my heart stopped like I didn't want to do heroin but I wanted to do it like at that point in my life I don't know I was sad deep down inside I had a job I had money I was having a fun time but I missed my mother this should've living with people and stuff as nice as the Bender's were it was just rough on me so I said you know what dr. Braam give me a lot of that [ __ ] even then you wouldn't do the needle no no at that point in the anneal in the room I wouldn't even stick around at least now I stick around I just looked the other way it's like ranch on the table for you yeah I just turn around in those days a needle I couldn't even do it [ __ ] okay I need a like an even deal so yeah he offered you it wasn't he was lured into ok he was not into so that was it I did a little he goes do one see what you think and then do another one no no I forget he looked at me doesn't if you get sick run to the bathroom I go sick I was like Lisa I gotta go why would I get sick yeah that's uh like when you were saying you gave you sold it just for a gram of coke and made me think about like it was essentially a pawn shop like a pawn shop deal and it's sad that like people are so willing to give up like 60% of what it's worth just to get like just could they know that'll get them some drugs no no no see an East Coast in certain neighborhoods everybody knows but there's a guy in the neighborhood and it wasn't me I'm just saying okay got ya everybody knows that there's a guy in the neighborhood that can help you out with stuff if your TV you need a washer/dryer every neighborhood knees coach has them from Boston all the way down to [ __ ] Philadelphia okay there's a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy and what that means is that you know what maybe you get some fifty percent off in a box you just can't send in a warranty I'm talking about like if you were gonna go sell that washer/dryer and they're like we'll give you 50 bucks for it and it's worth 400 or whatever in it no no no but what you do is you already know it's that it's 200 going in like I don't know what that thing was worth we just walked down the street and bumped into it you know I'm saying I just bumped into sixty a hundred bucks if you think I'm gonna walk that thing home and then take the numbers off it and call around and hit the retail price in those days there wasn't into that way so it wasn't that easy to look prices up and the [ __ ] and see what see just got what you could there was plenty of times I went pawn shops and things like that now you know when I was scamming jewelry was 800 announced in 1980 check it and see for gold for gold it was 800 an ounce 850 an ounce what the weight for gold was in nineteen eighty eighty yearly high was eight hundred and fifty dollars and then low is 474 who the [ __ ] you think you're dealing with nineteen eighty when it was a fifty oh my god and look at this 77 168 was the high and seventy nine I was 524 jumped in the 1982 board that's here in 1982 and went down a little bit to 488 and then 84 84 went down to 485 that went down to 340 but then I started going up oh my god in the last level last one on this charts 2015 and it's up to 1,300 now 1,300 yeah now you show up with a little [ __ ] ring they give you 500 my dad was buying uh wasn't gold he would buy quarters like for the silver like we hit barrels of quarters in our back in our basement for a little bit because if they're made before certain time they have like a hot they're made with mostly silver so it like it is that we how much of your money was week-old me yeah in those days I worked at rental um man there was a guy named bogie it was a half a gangster and there's a day job was to buy gold he got if he got their owner Richie were diamond it was a crooked guy to give him a stand-in that and he would buy gold like talk to him and he would tell me listen if you're gonna sell something this is the time so I had friends who had friends who had friends and you know whenever some may need to be sold there was no paperwork on it I slipped it to mr. Balaji but the most interesting thing was one time I found the [ __ ] penny in a drawer and I put it in my pocket like you know when you put change in the drawer and then you go back and take the change out you look through the change and it was like a weird penny then one telling Rendell um when I give the penny of mr. Boyd you'll notice the moji whatever pays he goes hold on I was saying and he gave magnet it's worth 480 because you want it yeah he gave me $40 Jesus crying like [ __ ] like that was happening in 82 was totally better that [Music] you
Channel: Joey Diaz Clips
Views: 512,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, Brendan Schaub, doug stanhope, Mixed Martial Arts, joe rogan experience, the church of what's happening now, Dana White, Nate Diaz, Eddie Bravo, Bobby Lee, bert kreischer, Ultimate Fighting Championship, Funny, Ari Shaffir, Bill Burr, Theo Von, NFL, stand up, Interview, Jim Norton, Boxing, Joe Rogan, MMA, Comedy, Joey Diaz, Jon Jones, Joey Diaz Stand Up, UFC, Conor Mcgregor, Lee Syatt, Felipe Esparza, Ron White, Tom Segura
Id: PESajBBvZz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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