The STRONGEST Weapon! UPDATED Greatsword Guide | Monster Hunter World 2023

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the strongest weapon in Monster Hunter is the great sword but why you clicked on the video to maybe learn about the great sword or know how to use it with a small but Simple Guide that I'll be providing or maybe you just wanted to learn what a couple of the most popular builds in Monster Hunter world are and also happen to be some of my favorite builds if you want to skip ahead to the guide I'll be giving or a couple builds I'll have time stamps in the description down below but what makes the great sword so great the great sword is an OG weapon of Monster Hunter dating back all the way to well the first game many will claim that it's due to the sheer attack power of the swings behind this Mighty weapon but I like to think it's something a little different this thing just exudes main character energy when you're using the great sword you're the protagonist of the monster hunter Squad that you're with and while the sword and shield does have a special place in my heart the great sword is the flagship weapon of Monster Hunter it's seen in all the cover arts for all the games giant weapons are of course only things you could use in fantasy s games and stories and scenarios the appeal to these weapons is you'd never be able to use use them in real life right so why the heck would you want to use small weapons like the sword and shield and dual blades and while I do love the smaller weapons in Monster Hunter I do prefer the great sword most of the time the great sword in Monster Hunter just feels right it's all the big weapons in Monster Hunter it feels like you're actually going toe-to-toe with the size of the monster not clipping their toenails with a sword and shield and with big weapons comes some of the strongest attacks in the game The Great Sword has the potential for the highest damage when it comes to single attacks or swings from your weapon at least but makes the great sword so great is that it's actually really easy to use but also has a very high skill ceiling now what do I mean by easy to use but also High skill cealing well you can kind of just get into the weapon and use it normally it has a really long reach and hits pretty hard even if you're just using it at a casual level and doing the normal weapon swings behind it but if you do want to take your game a little further with the great sword then there's a plethora of unique abilities and builds for this weapon not only that but the great sword itself has a lot of util U ility their great sword can be used to block it can be defensive you have a lot of fun builds with the great sword which don't actually apply to a lot of the other weapons in the game you have a lot of skills that are best utilized by the great sword which tie into the builds as well a few examples being Focus quick sheath crit draw frostcraft knockout and a few others as well and besides all this it just has the best invincibility frame move in the game being the tackle but what really truly makes this weapon just so great is you don't have to be like some kind of charge expert with the great sword like I said earlier it has a high skill ceiling but it's actually a very beginner friendly weapon it just does solid damage on its own and it feels super great to use it's super weighty and really chunks the monster's Health but if you do charge up your swings you only allow yourself access to some of the highest damage numbers in the game giving you that sweet sweet dopamine release especially on sleeping monsters they will not know what hit them literally cuz you you know cuz they're they're sleeping now that we've hyped up the great sword a little bit let's go over why it's so good with a small but detailed guide in the training area all right getting into a guide portion of the video if you'll notice first I have um nothing equipped except for this weapon here and I chose this just for well I mean it just looks super sick I mean right but either way so the great sword is actually pretty simple especially when it comes to your draw attacks uh a lot of builds utilize something like crit draw or even punishing draw and stuff like that um because it has the ability to do a normal attack of course but you can also charge the draw Attack on this weapon for the moment though let's focus on the main three hit combo of the great swword this has been in Monster Hunter since the beginning of the series standard is an overhead slash of course but after the overhead slash you can do something known as the wide slash it's a long arcing attack it's usually good for hitting lots of small monsters so starting with the basics you have three main attacks with the great swword you have an overhead slash you have a wide slash and if you press triangle and circle together or Y andb if you're using Xbox you have a rising slash this is great for cutting tails and all that what's nice about these attacks is they can all be I mean they're all like interchangeable in a way so you can do this into a wide slash and you can go back into the overhead slash but if you wanted you could do this into the rising slash and back in or you can meld them all together for a combination that's like this this is kind of the only access of moves we had in the beginning of Monster Hunter this dates back all the way to the first game it's pretty effective look at how high the sword strings especially from the rising slash and of course we talked about the wide slash that's great for hitting small monsters like jagas or back in that game velocci pre if you do want to press the triangle or the Y button over and over again you kind of get like an infinite combo like the sword and shield but it's very simplistic in design it brings you immediately into a charge slash as long as you keep pressing the same button you can see keep doing all of this really one thing to note about that Slap Attack that you see this does knockout damage so what's nice is if you have a punishing draw set where you're going to be dealing some knockout damage on draw or something like that you can just do the triangle attack over and over again like this roll put it away and do it again for all knockout damage effectively making gr swword a knockout weapon if you really want to build it that way now let's talk about the charge slashes with the great sword this is what it's mainly known for right it has three different levels of charge slash so start off with the first one we have the normal charge slash after the first normal charge slash If We Hold forward and press triangle again we actually get the next charge slash which is known as the strong charge slash now if we put both of the charge slashes together and go for a third one it'll lead us to the true charge slash and also known as TCS or you might see that written online now the fun of these charge slashes actually comes from letting go of the button so letting go of the button determines how much damage you do you can let go of your charges early and still get better damage but not quite as good damage if you let go at the right time so right here on the normal charge slash you can see that there's actually three levels of charge one 2 3 and the same goes for all the charge slashes except for the TCS can get a little different depending on how you get into that move cuz there's actually two different ways but we'll go with that in a little bit if we do a little comparison real quick on the total damage that you're going to see on screen if we just draw Attack it doesn't do that much damage still good still chunks if we do a level one charge it actually doesn't get us anything it kind of counts as just like still a Draw slash but you can change the timing up I guess if it's really that important to you in the situation going for a level two does get us a little extra damage actually it's not a little extra that's nearly 100 more damage it's actually really good and of course going for level three is the most amount of damage and gaining an extra 100 100 on top of that wow okay the same applies to all these attacks as long as you let go at the right time you can get the maximum amount of damage the trick with this weapon is well Landing these hits especially cuz the monsters are so fickle and will move out of the way at the last moment next let's talk about one of the most important moves with the great sword it has some pretty decent damage but that's not actually what it does best this move has eye frames it is the tackle that you see great sword players using so much in the middle of charges you can press the circle or B button to stop what you're doing at any time it takes a good amount of stamina as you see in the top left but while you're charging you actually regain stamina surprisingly but this move is completely invincible and can get you through a lot of attacks as long as you're good with your timing it's probably the great sword's best asset The Tackle can be accessed like you saw with through charges and what's nice about the tackle is it actually upgrades your great swords charge swing so as you saw there we didn't actually come through with any of the charge slashes the first one or two we just didn't let them rip at all so we go from level one right here and Tackle bypasses level one to level two and then tackle again bypasses to get us to True charge slash what's nice about this is that you don't have to commit to any of these attacks at all to get to the true charge slash you don't even need to fully charge the first couple you can literally just kind of let them rip like this and then go TCS but go all the way there's also another move with the great sword we haven't covered really which is the jumping wide slash you won't see a lot of players use it I myself am actually a very very big fan as I find that it's one of the great sword's best uh Mobility moves I guess aside for the normal rooll I guess which is you can't really beat that but it's nice if you want to deal a little damage in the meantime as well you can access it from The Tackle if you press the circle button again your character kind of does a cartwheel and uses the great sword's weight to swing them forward it's a pretty cool looking move honestly but I think it's kind of underrated honestly it's nice because you can commit to something like the tackle but if you want to move it to a different direction you can kind of turn as you do it and I don't know I just find that it's a cool move honestly people don't use it enough maybe he could use a buff in the next game who knows but as you can see here it's got some pretty great Mobility now combining the tackle and the jumping wi slashes The Tackle can actually be accessed via rolls if you have your weapon out and you press triangle right away right after a roll you'll get a tackle every time you know what's funny is I just thought of a challenge run where you just only do tackles to monsters could you imagine this but because of this you have access to a plethora of ways to get into your true charge slash whether it's the normal way of going with the charge slashes not letting them Rip but Let Them Fight one rip or rolling into a tackle and continue with your tackles to get the TCS again getting into the one of the last few things you can do you can pick up any pod and go into a Slinger burst which also allows you access to the true charge slash they just gave great sword everything in this game honestly going like this or doing any single attack with the great sword and pressing the left trigger no matter what controller you're using will allow you the Slinger burst which you can point in any direction I can be facing this way but turn toward the camera for super cool effect what's nice about this is as long as you have Slinger ammo equipped or something like that you can kind of direct the great sword any way you need for the true charge slash let's say you're going this way for some reason but the monster goes that way I can just aim that way and it goes straight straight into the true charge slash pretty sick honestly honestly it's kind of broken too you can kind of go like any way you want even if you go this way and turn completely around you can still kind of change your direction any way you want with the true charge slash pretty nuts heading into the final things with the great sword we have some of the more Mobility moves if we use vines or mushrooms like here you get a jumping attack of course but as you see in the top right it says it's a midair charge slash meaning you can charge this one too what's nice about this is somehow your Hunter defies gravity and propels himself up a little bit when they start charging it's kind of just video game logic but it's kind of cool I I just can't help but chuckle every time I see it and of course you can change the direction just like uh a lot of attacks in this game if you do the midair charge slash and press triangle or Y afterward you'll follow up with the strong wide slash not the strongest attack in the game but it definitely looks the coolest following up the strong wide slash can go into well more charge slashes you'll start off on level two because you did a charge slash in the air it counts out as level one I think is the idea anyways and of course into the TCS oh okay I screwed up the timing on that what's crazy about the charge slash is it has the potential to be the strongest attack in the game but usually by scamming the monster if you have a monster right here next to a ledge or something anytime you roll off you're immediately Airborne meaning you can do a midair charge slash at any time so as soon as I roll off I can just press and hold triangle what I meant by scam earlier is that this move becomes one of the strongest in the game because you can change your direction in the air with this weapon what this means is that you can roll off kind of like an infinite number of times and get really good damage combine this with something like focus and you get your charges out quicker it's no wonder I think this is a scam move last but not least with this weapon I believe is just a sliding attack which is a rising slap that follows up into a big downward stab or downward thrust I guess of course though in Great Sword fashion you can charge the jump Rising slash I don't know the great sword just has like some of the coolest attacks in the game but you can also get some really Nifty combos out of this as well [Music] oh before I forget to the great sword can block holding the right trigger allows a big block but at the cost of some sharpness on your sharpness gauge what's nice about this is you can hold the right trigger to block but you can also hold the left trigger and start moving around with it and of course the strongest move with the great sword the kick what's nice about it is it does go straight into the tackle though but I still don't know why you'd want to do that the great sword is also capable of instant blocking instead of drawing your weapon you can just hold the right trigger and you'll go straight into a block maybe it could be useful there I might have to try it out myself maybe you know that the monster is going to be attacking and if you time yourself beforeand like properly maybe the monster's charging at you you can go like this and then tackle right through or something I don't know I'm just trying to think of reasons for this kick besides it being kind of funny that's about all there is to know with the great sword the great sword's kind of a simple weapon it's got a lot of normal attacks being the three interchangeable hit combo kind of thing but you can also stop at any time to do a charge slash which makes this weapon just really fun doing this you can also utilize ey frames with the tackle but the tackle is also what leads into some of your big damage making the tackle one of the most important attacks of the Great Sword and the final thing to remember is the true charge slash is your best friend with the great sword at least in terms of damage but it's always not the ideal attack in most situations especially CU you'll miss a lot of the time I mean even if you go for like the quickest way to a true charge slash you're still stuck here for quite some time hoping that the monster doesn't move and of course you can bypass all that if you have some Slinger ammo it's still kind of hard it still takes a little bit to get into it especially with all the charge timing that wraps up this simple great sword guide for you guys hope you enjoyed this but now let's get on to a couple of builds that I like to use for great sword going into builds for the great sword we have one of my favorite builds just a standard allaround build I just call it great sword for the Greaves we have the bedum GRE beta plus with two levels of weakness exploit have the golden Lon coil beta plus with divine blessing level three we have C terce rage beta plus with crit boost and two level four slots have golden loon mail for more divine blessing and it gets you all of your divine blessing secret and these two pieces by themselves right here next we have the bidum helm beta plus with one weakness exploit two level four slots and a level one slot for my great sort of choice in this all all around build I like using the light Break Blade any blast weapon is good and while this one doesn't come in with the highest attack in the game compared to other great swords it's got a decent amount of sharpness and uh some affinity and some defense up to boot for our mantles we have the glider mantle and The Rock Steady mantle for ultimate utility looking at our decorations with this build we have a lot of mixed decorations in here but uh this is a lot to look at of course so let's just go over the skills first off we have golden wrath thean Essence level two for the divine blessing secret to get us five points of it Max next we have bidos will 2 raises the maximum level as agitator skill of course critical eye level s agitator level s we have divine blessing level five coming from Golden rathon of course while active reduces damage taken by 60% skill becomes easier to activate as well it's like one of the best defensive skills in the game man I swear and of course Health boost level three crit boost wax the weakness exploit and one of the most most important skills we have Focus increases the fill rate for weapons with gauges and the charge rate for weapons with charge attacks and the name of the game with the great sword is charge it says it reduces charge Times by 15% which doesn't seem like a lot but it actually goes a long way the reason being that Focus helps you gland your attacks before their monster moves out of the way even if it's just 15% quicker which is the max that's enough to get your attacks in that you wouldn't normally be able to get in due to literal monster AI attack patterns and all that next up we have tool specialist level three one of the best utility skills in the game we have some part breaker and we also have Airborne on here uh Airborne is useful in that situation I showed you before where you jump off a ledge and scam monsters with charge attacks over and over and over combine this with Focus level three and you're just dealing massive amounts of damage coming in with our second build we're using a uh what I like to call Frost out this is featured in another build video of mine starting off with the legs we have the frost Fang Greaves Alpha Plus uses one point of attack boost and three points of Slugger all your Slugger and one armor piece Jesus it only comes with two level one slots though for the waste we have the rhyme guard coil beta plus comes in with one point of flinch free a level four and level one slot the arms we're using the rhy guard van braces beta plus this is a pattern as you see using quick sheath and Flinch free and by the way we are using the beta Plus for the rhyme guard and the velca armor and stuff there is the gamma but these builds are meant for people who are trying to get into great sword I suppose so we're trying to go lower and easier on how to acquire this stuff next we have the rhy guard male beta plus two points of quick she the level four and a level one slot the rhy guard Helm beta plus with two points of divine blessing a level four and a level two slot for our weapon we're using elreon Revolution there is a reason for this which I will get into in a second here when we're taking a look at the actual skills of the build we have a focus charm level three uh it's just a very solid simple charm to get all your focus in one little bout and for The Mantel you can really use anything here but I do suggest the impact mantle cuz this is a build that actually focuses on knocking out the monster which you'll see here in a second again of course looking at the decorations there's a lot to look at here so please feel free to just pause the video and take a look otherwise we're just going to go into the skills of course and what we're drawing for them so we have all of our velcon Divinity here but we also have the frost Fang app lute art with the first armor set bonus at the top though we have critical element increases Elemental damage when Landing Critical Hits and that is why we're using the electron Revolution which comes in at a whopping 810 Dragon jeez next we have level four develon Divinity giving you frostcraft this is one of the coolest play Styles in the game and it's kind of like one of the only ones I guess compared to like nami's like crit acceleration and stuff like that the one point of the frost Fang Absolut loot art is just kind of broken honestly you can wear any piece of frost Fang barath armor and get this effect which is punishing draw adds a stun effect to draw attacks and slightly increases attack power oh hold on one sec let's get our skills on the screen here we have the health boost level three of course and critical boost level three we have Focus level three just like from the last build so we can charge up our attacks a lot faster with the great sword we have critical uh draw level three though the reason for this being is that we don't need any critical eye or anything like that we don't need agitator because we're just focusing on draw attacks with this build and so if we have crit draw level three we have draw Attack Affinity Plus 100% so we will never ever not crit unless we're not doing draw attacks of course next we have Slugger level three giving us 40% stun power we could go for the Slugger secret here but it's not quite necessary it's only 20% less and we're using a great sword we're not using a knockout weapon anyways quick shei level three is your best friend in this build greatly increases sheathing speed this is also great for heavy bow gun and such like I said before divine blessing level three we've been over and we have some straggling pieces of uh skills in here like recovery up and Flinch free from the armor but tool specialist level 2 is also really good even if we're not hitting level three and all that all in all the great swword is just one of the greatest weapons in Monster hunner but in gaming in general as well whether it's monster hunter or the Dark Soul series or even like cloud from Final Fantasy seven with the Buster sword going all the way to anime with berserk and guts and his great sword great swords are just something you wouldn't be able to use in real life and I think that's why they appeal to us so much at least in terms of a fantasy aspect I personally feel like in Monster Hunter at least the great sword is just like truly the main character weapon it really gives off protagonist Vibes and I just I don't know you can't really deny the popularity of that everybody loves to feel like they're the main character when it comes to their friends playing games together or just in general to give you that self motivation boost I just love the great sword man and this is why I wanted to make a video on it but I want to combine everything together and uh well if you made it to the end of the video I appreciate you sticking around but that's all I got for today you guys and gals I hope you enjoyed the video cuz I know that I enjoyed making it a whole ton I just love the great sword man and speaking of the great sword what do you think about it are you a new player learning how to use it because it looks cool or do you just want to have the highest damage in the game or are you a pro and already know your great swword stuff and just clicked on the video to see what I had to say and if you don't like the great sword at all or not for you tell me what your favorite weapon is and please tell me if you'd like to see a video on that weapon but before I go I do have a small announcement to make I now have Channel memberships on the well channel it's named terasocial like like parasocial get it all the support that you guys give me watching my videos is tremendous and I can't state it enough but this is just a little extra way for people who want to take it a step further and kick me a dollar here and there have some Nifty little Greatsword badges that evolve over time they're a bit of placeholder badges right now but I spent a lot of time on them honestly either way though I really can't tell you how much it means to me that you guys have got me so far in this journey of mine you guys have been helping me grow so fast and I really can't be more thankful like I said I really do appreciate your support whether it is commenting on the videos liking them or even just watching them or clicking on them for a few seconds it really does go a long way and well I I appreciate you guys a lot and I'd really love to be doing this full-time one day either way guys thank you for watching the video hope you had a good one I'm signing off for today this has been Tera and I'll catch you guys and GS in the next one [Music] peace
Channel: TeraRyza
Views: 233,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster hunter world, capcom, monster hunter iceborne, monster hunter rise, monster hunter rise sunbreak, monster hunter 6, monster hunter, monster hunter world gameplay, monster hunter world iceborne, alatreon, alatreon theme, alatreon monster hunter world, mhw
Id: d6a_qrfpYds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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