The MOST FUN weapon! UPDATED Sword and Shield Guide | Monster Hunter World 2023

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oh Gideon no how are you gonna paralyze the soldier engines as hey guys gals how's it going if you're new to the channel or not subscribed hey what's up I'm Tara ryza and if you're returning to the channel and are subscribed yeah what's up friend how's it been there's your personal exit greeting for being subbed welcome to the channel where we talk all things Monster Hunter with a current focus on Monster Hunter world today we're talking about the greatest weapon in all of Monster Hunter history this is 100 facts and cannot be argued with but what is the greatest weapon in Monster Hunter history well it's only one of the least used weapons in the game behold this is the best weapon in Monster Hunter world the sword and shield unparalleled in everything this is undoubtedly my favorite weapon in all of monster honor and a monster honor world this weapon has just seen so much growth over the years and starting with monster hunter 1 I played this weapon now while it wasn't that great back in the day and throughout a lot of the series and it's very it's it's very under-picked weapon but I believe this is the most underrated weapon this is the main character weapon if you're not talking about great sword on the cover Arts of the games and all that this sword has been around since Monster Hunter 1 and it really deserves a lot more respect on its name this weapon is capable of doing so much of what all the other weapons can it has some of the easiest combos in the game has stun potential you can launch yourself into the air without terrain you can get lots of Mount damage because it's a quick hitting weapon you can build up Elemental damage and Status ailments very quickly on Monsters you can even use items while running around making it kind of a support weapon with the right the right setup and skills and mantles and not to mention this this weapon is honestly just one of the funnest weapons in the game not only with being able to change your combo on the fly whenever you want not being barred from the direction you're facing or anything like that they made this weapon just like the Jack of all trades master of none you know and if you really do want to take your damage to another level the back step into the true Rush combo is is just phenomenal not only all of that but even with the true Rush combo you have something that can be very fun with timing the the slashes with the charges and all that but it also takes your damage up to another level if you really do want to min max it and go full swept mode on this weapon or in this game this weapon may seem like um not many people's pick I guess everybody would rather use another weapon than yes like the great sword or a long sword even the switch ax and the charge blade they may all seem a lot more interesting than this weapon this weapon is the closest thing to real life wielding an actual sword that you probably could wield in real life okay let's face it this thing actually still looks really heavy no but a sword and shield is the most standard thing you can get to real life come to think of it otherwise you know the hunters in this game were wielding giant lances gun lances even the switch acts like I said and then right here we got the sword and shield the most standard basic weapon of all is actually the funnest and greatest weapon in Monster Hunter world you can fight me on that I love this weapon and I will never stop using this weapon get your long swords out of here okay I like long sword too actually I like a lot of the weapons in Monster Hunter world it's actually why I'm still playing World I just love the feel of this game that's enough of why the sword and shield is so great but now let's go to the training ground and show how it does all the things that I claim we'll go over mostly everything 95 percent of it and then we'll take it into an actual battle against a monster to show it all off together follow me all right so starting off we have the bread and butter combo the sword and shield well maybe not bread and butter but it's the easiest combo to Paula by far triangle triangle triangle triangle or if you're on Xbox I'm thinking it's YY or if you're using the Xbox controller um this combo has been around since I believe Monster Hunter one uh more or less might have changed a little bit here and there through the years but um this is still a great normal combo to be doing next up I want to talk about the circle combo it says powerful combo on the left uh note I I actually don't need any of this notation um sword and shield is actually my main weapon or it's my best weapon um but for the sake of this video we're gonna leave it on the screen so um this combo right here it goes lateral slash return stroke round slash this is actually one of your best damage options when you're not going for some of the trickier stuff with sword and shield it's a basic combo would be finishing off your triangle with this if you had all the time [Music] so what is nice about the sword and shield is that the shield actually acts as a weapon too you have a shield bash combo if you uh hold forward on the stick and press Circle in any direction oh this has the added benefit of a stun damage or a knockout buildup doesn't have the best stun capability but if you have a hammer or hunting horn user on your team I try to use this as much as possible the little stuff does add up in the end so with the basics in mind I want to talk about what is so great about the sword and shield in Monster Hunter World specifically compared to the other game well Center has always been known for stiff tight Direction and control and movement and recognizing monsters patterns and using your own weapons movements to evade and whatnot but what's great about this game is the sword and shield can change its direction on the Fly even if your face this way you can literally turn around and Slash the other way what's great about this is actually it can be chained indefinitely now the reason why this is so useful is that well many people will argue that it doesn't deal good damage but who cares this is the best edition of the sword and shield by far hands down I love the sword and shield Monster Hunter World specifically for this because I know that no matter what direction I'm facing I can always face the direction I need to if the monster switches up its position not only is this crucial to sword and shields play but actually I in my opinion this weapon boasts the best directional Excellency in the game now another thing about the sword and shield is that you can chain basically anything together this weapon allows for Limitless combos in the end of the day so we really can't combo anything together we can go triangle triangle triangle circle circle circle but what's uh great is that we can cancel in the middle [Music] and due to the directional mobility of the sword and shield we really can just keep an infinite combo going if you're underneath the monster's legs and whatnot [Music] I don't know I think this is just like the funnest part of the sword and shield in this game like hands down okay so next we're going to talk about getting into some of these combos actually when you unsheath your weapon triangle so this is not as the advancing slash is probably your best movement out of uh non-combat so if you're heading right into combat just unsheath pressing triangle in circle while you have the weapon uncheap will also activate this but this is one of your best ways to get in very quickly I also goes straight into a short Shield bash which you can combo into the normal Shield Bash [Music] giving you a four hit Shield bash combo which is awesome for stun what's also useful about this attack is that if you do it into Cliffs or climbable things you will launch yourself into the air which you can then do another attack out of for a jumping slash really great for mounting damage especially because it counts as two attacks you can also roll off for one slash this also holds true on the hill right here or a slope so your advancing slash actually turns into a two-hit combo the chop the monster's legs and stuff what's nice about this is you can kind of just Mash triangle or Circle to go into your jumping slash combo and then well actually let me just test it with circle two [Music] yeah single R Circle will lend you to that especially for finding a big monster cycling down this hill you can get a lot of mounting damage just by kind of climbing up the hill and retreating a little bit getting in some more advanced things um but I'm back down the hill one of the best things a sword and shield can also do is called the back step maneuver this move has iframes um your character will do a little back step and will automatically advancing slash toward the monster if you don't press anything so right here I'm just gonna do a two hit combo and the back step you can actually see on the combo at the top it says backstep and then advancing slash is just forward um that's not a button press or anything I'm not even pressing forward with my left stick this also function as a kind of like a charge move for the sword and shield which is also introduced in Monster Hunter world I believe if you hold Circle that is and it'll launch your character up into the air so not only so far does the sword and shield possess great combos great combo versatility great evasion great movement shielding capabilities mounting damage but you can also launch your Hunter into the air at any moment without the use of terrain the quickest way to do this and this is probably my most favorite because I feel like I can Target the monster's head or whatever I want to Target very well as I'll do an advancing slash straight into the back step so like this [Music] now the Enders for this are actually kind of interesting what's the time you're going to be wanting to do your strong attack which will lead into a shield Bash this actually used to be the best damage for the sword and shield pre-iceborn I believe we got the perfect Russian uh iceborn anyways but we're not talking about that yet but what's interesting about this is The Shield bash like I said is the most damage and also has stun capability you mostly want to be using this attack over the other option which is triangle but this this option right here is also just one of the coolest looking attacks you can really feel your Hunter come down your camera even moves to make it more cinematic kind of like the long swords Helm breaker very cool attack this is honestly my favorite attack in the game if it isn't your favorite then I don't know what's wrong with you this weapon is sick all right all right right okay so I'm talking about the triangle slash the falling slash um I believe this is only useful for one thing and one thing only is it you get Mount damage off of this I'm pretty sure that's it if anybody knows please let me know in the comments um otherwise you know you want to do the shield bash most of the time especially if you're hitting the monster's head paired with something like the glider mantle and it's very effective for getting mounts when I'm playing sword and shield I usually get three or four mounts on a large monster for my teammates sword and shield is great at everything and so you really can pair it with all kinds of mantles like I said you can do the back step out of anything [Music] so that's my favorite quick one but you can even roll and backstep [Music] all right let's get into what iceborn added to this weapon okay so the final option out of the back step is called the uh perfect brush so if we get a back step right here when you're charging the the with the sword and shield right here right there if you just let it do its thing you'll go automatically into that charge slash but if you actually press triangle while it's charging you'll actually go into What's called the perfect brush [Music] foreign character flashes with power right there so what's nice about this is you can Mash triangle [Music] and get a whole flurry of attacks very cool but what makes us move the arguably one of the funnest moves in the game is that um if you play it like a rhythm game and time your charges uh you'll actually get way more damage your character will Flash and you have to press triangle at the right moment like this there right here okay I messed up all right one more time one more time huh huh it's actually kind of lenient on the timing I feel like you fail it most the time if you do it too quickly is what it is actually that's not too bad and once you get the hang of it it's probably one of the funnest combos to do in the game okay I messed it up right there too all right let's talk about something else it can do actually like how we were talking about versatility with the combos that this thing can do with Limitless combos virtually it even applies to the perfect rush so like this we don't have to do the final slash in it or the stab you can actually do par one part two and then roll out and do it again [Music] roll out back step perfect Rush so we're not even through the whole video but you can see just how much this weapon is capable of it can do like virtually ninety percent of what all the other weapons can do in the game well I mean uh safer ranged weapons probably and explosive stuff like the um gun Lance and stuff but this thing has stun capability [Music] you can launch yourself into the air for mounting damage anytime without Terrain um this actually has iframes on it you can change your direction at any time oh another thing too you can use items while you have the weapon now if you hold shield and you press square okay well I'm not thirsty right now I guess [Music] yeah sure mango bearable why not holding right you can now obviously this doesn't seem very useful um especially when you look at the sheath of this weapon very quick huh I'm not even kidding uh I don't actually do I not yeah I believe I don't have any quick sheath skill at all yeah no I don't have anything like that this weapon is just that fast with the chief and uncheath animation but it's very useful if you're running around and you're using more of a support build with like wide range for your teammates and speed eating you can just drink potions on the Fly especially uh with the chance of blocking so you can wait and wait for a monster to make an attack and maybe it doesn't come for you or maybe it misses you slightly and then bam even while I'm running I can quickly press shield and press square right away to drink a potion and it'll count as a running potion see very cool stuff in my opinion all right let's get into what was one of the best damaging moves in the game actually hold on a Peak Performance wore off actually that's okay so one of the best damage moves in the game um well pre-ice born anyways still very good so if you do an advancing slash into anything that is uh runnable I guess or like any wall that you can run up you'll actually get a move called the helm breaker [Music] very cool attack um this move looks like it should do one single big stab but in reality actually does a lot of mini little stabs that um do a ton of Mount damage okay I might not be able to show you on this post is there really no good place to do this at on this post do I need to change the uh scenario let me go check right right now all right let's see if this reaches ah there's no way dude oh man okay um well I you know what's funny is I wanted to do a uh I wanted to wrap this all up in a monster fight later anyway so I'll show you that so the addition of the Slinger and Monster Hunter world has proven I I believe widely successful lots of people like the Slinger the sword and shield can hold the left trigger at any moment to fire from the Slinger while it's out while maintaining the normal movement speed of a a faster weapon now what is cool about this is actually you can go into a different Mode called Slinger burst aim at the top right you see if I click in the right stick we'll open the Slinger up a little more you can kind of see it underneath the button prompts what is nice about the Slinger burst aiming is that it'll always stay active even when you go out of it so right now we're not in it we'll activate it we can run around but you see it's still actually in that mode so if we aim right now we're still gonna be in that which is very very nice your character kind of does a strafing movement while you do this I'm not sure um the idea there very cool though actually I don't do this enough so if we Slinger burst we can actually leaping slash for a perfect Rush right out of that I don't know if it's too it's too cool I have a move that can just get you right into it kind of like the true charge slash on the graysword with the Slinger burst very fun well I think that's about everything for as far as the combos go with this weapon I guess the only thing to do is to take it for a test run and show you guys the true potential of this weapon I guess uh let's go give it a shot [Music] God Gideon how do you always get here first I don't understand all right ladies and gentlemen we got a full granzanath up on Deck today uh master rank I didn't really want to fight a full Grant in half of this weapon to test it out but I'm going to show you guys the power of the sword and shield and so I fought a difficult fight might be uh more interesting well it's not the most difficult fight I guess but it's been a very long time since I fought this boy okay so I have impact mantle and glider mantle so this should actually be great also who am I kidding I have like divine blessing level five so I'll be fine against this dude don't look over here guys what did not see me oh perfect okay so we got these Twigs right here and just like that amounts I don't Dodge on this I just keep attacking until the monster staggers oh also that gets you some stun damage right there which is pretty nice also the mobility of this thing is just nice and just like that another amount ladies and gentlemen no no no no oh yeah no how are you gonna paralyze the Folger engine good kitty hey he's beating his ass dude I had to have cut this guy's eyes out by now right what how is he still up what is going on this is the longest mountain I've ever had this is nuts what all right two years done let's see right there the shield isn't the best in most situation but right there it can be very good it's kind of like a last uh oh [ __ ] kind of like a last resort kind of thing it's nice as you can pull it out right away with your right trigger actually I'm getting a lot of gray Shield uses out of this thing come here buddy oh sorry all right min max time and we're back by the handle now no really ah come on [Music] and there's The Knockout ladies and gentlemen and just like that I didn't actually have to shave my weapon because that's my radial dial it's technically an item and right now we're gonna do glider mantle because we want to try to get good mounting damage damn man another stun on this guy this is nuts getting [Music] is Gideon tanking for me that move is so cool all right so we should probably do the Hound break if we want to get the good happened and there we have it a third Now ladies and gentlemen come here oh you guys know what time it is okay that wasn't uh the most cinematic but there you have it guys and gals a sword and shield in all its Glory against uh well somewhat tough monster I guess engine app isn't the strongest obviously but um I feel like that was still very fun showcase well guys and gals that's gonna do it for today sword and shield is one of my favorite weapons and I want to give it their respect it deserves hope you enjoyed the video if you did consider leaving a like or a sub really goes a long way I'm not really one of the big monster hunter content creators but I'd like to be someday either way I appreciate all your support what's your favorite weapon in Monster Hunter world would you like to see a video done on that weapon please let me know in the comments down below I read each and every one of them and I take them all into consideration for my future content that being said this has been Terrorizer and I'll catch you guys and gals next time peace [Music]
Channel: TeraRyza
Views: 117,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster hunter world, capcom, monster hunter iceborne, monster hunter rise, monster hunter rise sunbreak, monster hunter 6, monster hunter, monster hunter world gameplay, monster hunter world iceborne
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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