THE DEFINITIVE Weapon Tierlist for Monster Hunter World! 2024 EDITION

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I am not a speedrunner I am not an Uber expert I am however a veteran of monster hunter that usually prioritizes fun over Min maxing however this doesn't mean that I don't recognize what weapons can put out mad damage I like fun builds but I also like meta builds I believe it's the choice of the player whether or not they want to play for fun or style or whether they want to push the limits of optimizing the big damage today we're looking at the most definitive tier list out there for the weapons of Monster Hunter world so whether you're a new looking to learn what makes the weapon so good or a veteran who just wants to hear my take on a tier list this video will serve as your guide as to why they're so awesome in the first place but not only do we have my tier list to go over but we also have a community voted tier list you all voted and told me what makes these weapons so good and today I'll also be reading through your comments and going over the results so without further Ado this is the ultimate definitive Monster Hunter world weapon tier list for 2024 before Monster Hunter Wilds comes out and we all eventually switch over to that game starting off with the sword and shield this weapon is extremely fast it can change direction at a moment's notice you can also block with it in case of emergencies this weapon can even use items while unshed which it's the only weapon in the game that can actually do that you can also apply stun damage through Shield bashes with blunt damage you know just like Hammers and your hunting horns and stuff or Knockouts but it's also a great candidate for Elemental damage or status ailment DPS and stuff like that because it is fast hitting like we went over before can also access Mount damage without the use of terrain it has access to a jump although it is a part of a combo for the most part it also has an iframe evade move which is what leads into that jumping combo and it also technically has infinite combos it's a good candidate for a support weapon too because of all of these reasons and it still deals mad damage with the perfect Rush combo it also has a really high skill ceiling doing the perfect Rush isn't one of the easier combos you have to do the rhythm game musices uh timings of the buttons along with the charges of the swings and stuff like that but once you get the perfect Rush down and you get the controls down and learn how to continue the perfect rush into what is like the infinite perfect Rush the sword and shield really really shines as a weapon and I feel like a lot a lot of people pick this weapon up and it's a little upsetting to see it was one of my favorite weapons and I wanted to do it justice in this tier lless video as in the last tier lless video I ranked it in C tier for some reason I don't know what the hell I was thinking this weapon is absolutely broken and if you're not using this weapon or if you haven't given it a try I suggest it the only cons of this weapon though however it's very very short reach oh man is it short and it also needs clutch claw boost decoration or skill if you want to tenderize on one go although you don't have to do that because it does have the claw uppercut which leads into a guaranteed t tenderized every time so it's not exactly necessary but the sword and shield for the most part doesn't really have a lot of cons it's great for beginners it's great for experts it can stun it can deal Elemental damage status DPS like I said before you can use items while it's un sheath it can block if I didn't say that again it's just one of the best weapons in the game man and it's extremely underrated the sword and shield s tier moving on to the great sword uh it has the highest on hit damage in the game through the use of the charge slashes and the true charge slash it can also block and the block is deceptively strong actually I know a lot of people are going to say why would you block with it terrisa well I mean well it's because you have access to the tackle which is a hyper armor animation where your Hunter can tackle through any move kind of like invincibility frames but uh but it is hyper armor to be specific you'll still take damage and stuff like that but uh blocking still does have its uses with the great sword sometimes you need to block in a pinch it's also the safe option but the tackle when you're a pro with it it can get you through monster Roars or it is a panic button if you're already charging a weapon swing you're not able to block so you can tackle really good um the great sword is also really long weapon has extremely great reach it's great for severing tails the great sword is also one of the best candidates for the frostcraft play style which is kind of an end game iceborn play style and without getting into spoilers you're not able to access this until uh the end game of iceborn can also be built to stun monsters through the skill punishing draw which adds knockout to your draw attacks and since you can charge the great sword uh with a draw Attack it makes it an absolute monster in the draw Attack play style and So speaking of that it does have the strongest draw attacks in the game besides the sword and shield being able to go into the perfect Rush uh this weapon also has a really really high skill ceiling and the reason being is that if you know the monster patterns really well the great sword really shines with players who are knowledgeable about the weapon that they're using but also the monsters patterns if you know the monsters patterns very well you can line up your charge slashes and your true charge slashes and not miss most of the time due to a monster moving out of the way suddenly cuz you might have prepared for it already and thanks to the single on hit damage this weapon is also really good at capitalizing on wealth time knockdowns of the monsters or when they fall into traps and such like that and another Pro is that it can also launch players but speaking of the cons it can launch players it's also slow a they're talking super heavy like I said in my old tier list video this weapon is like really heavy like 75% equip load Dark Souls heavy if you catch my drift besides that though the great sword with drawbacks it doesn't really have a whole lot of utility you can't really build it for Elemental damage or status effect but with the sheer damage that this weapon can output along with the tackle and being able to block and the extreme reach of it it really doesn't have a whole lot of drawbacks great sword s tier heading into the long sword this is what everybody likes to call the wee weapon you know actually I don't really know why we call it a weeb weapon it's just a really long large big Katana it's not like you see this kind of stuff in anime you see like smaller katanas so where are we getting this from you guys maybe we should quell the weeb long sword talk or something I mean like I'm a wee but I've never looked at it that way all right but getting back on track here long sword is capable of pretty good damage it's not the highest in the game but extremely good damage for how easy the combos are and speaking of which the combos are very easy you literally have to press one button over and over and over and maybe have to press a different button but also over and over and over if you want to do a different type of combo which is the which is the spirit slash combo and all that uh but this weapon also has extremely great reach it also has an extremely high skill ceiling I believe it to be one of the higher skill ceilings in the game also has a special sheath stance which adds to the fun of the weapon it has two attacks with eye frames it also has great Mobility through attack animations with the stepping forward and stuff like that and and slashing through the monster with the round slash it's just an extremely flashy weapon it also rewards a patient place style the patience comes from lining up your invincibility frames through your attacks which actually leads into more damage with the long sword and buffing it even further if you can time it properly it also rewards a very aggressive play style though at the same time as the more you attack with this weapon the better damage that you get through self weapon Buffs so combining this if you can play patiently but also aggressively at the same time we're talking like the levels of like a speedrunner who is just a master of this weapon that's why I think this weapon is is uh well it has one of the higher skill ceilings in the game I really do believe that but coming to some of the drawbacks um some of the attack animations are a bit slow actually in fact it's hardest hitting move the helm splitter is extremely slow and very interruptible it also needs clutch claw boost to tenderize easier there is no way to guarantee a tenderize on a single claw shot to attack this weapon also trips players frequently I'm a big advocate for slotting in your brace decoration for the Flinch free skill um it makes it so that other players can't knock you down or hit you while you're doing things and I think that we should actually be talking about that more the truth is is that this weapon does trip players frequently but there's a whole other side of the argument where you can literally alleviate any problems from any other players if you just equip one decoration and I'm a biger ad for Kat for that but the fact remains this weapon does trip people a lot long sword a tier heading into the dual blades uh the pros of this weapon oh man there's a lot so the DU blades are somewhat beginner friendly um they have extremely fast attacks very easy combos flashy combos infinite combos has access to demon and Arch demon stance for your fun and style like I said before uh can combo into a guaranteed tenderized claw attack as well it has fantastic mobility and you can ba blade along the monster's back it also rewards Dark Souls play style of stamina Management in my opinion anyways the dual blades also have access to the evade shot which is an amazing move as long as you have Slinger ammo equipped you can perform the evade shot after most attack animations and go in the direction you want and it's a pretty far leap and it also deals a little bit of damage at the same time it also looks really cool but speaking of the best pro of the dual blades it's actually the DPS the dual blades host some of the highest damage per second in the game and it's mostly through Elemental and status effects as this weapon does attack very fast you're better able to utilize Elemental damage and even status effects through that um more hits means that you're proing more and the weapons are kind of just meant for Elemental damage build and stuff like that some of the cons going into this weapon uh you have a constant stamina drain when ever you are in Demon mode and so that kind of makes it that you need to build around stamina skills or at least it's very highly recommended from me to at least have a few to alleviate the stamina drain but the dual blades also have very very short reach just like the sword and shield it's kind of hard to hit tails and stuff like that sometimes but otherwise the dual blades sword and shield they're the best too Clippers that you can find um enough said the dual blades D for dual just kidding we're going all the way up to a tier coming into the hammer ah the pros of this one this one's considered a heavy weapon although you can run around like a white weapon can and because it is a heavy weapon this is a guaranteed tenderize every single time you do do a claw attack this weapon is also solely focused on the face is the place play style you get lots of Knockouts due to this as this weapon is extremely blunt and Deals a ton of knockout damage it also boasts extremely good raw damage though and it's pretty good for mobility in terms of the attack movements this weapon can also charge attacks while you're moving unlike the great sword and most people think this weapon is very OAB boonga but in reality you need to have a big brain on monster attacks and timings and be evasive as [ __ ] to always be landing blows on the head I truly believe this weapon does reward big brains or at least veterans or people who are very familiar with monsters timings and their movements and stuff like that and I kind of respect Hammer players for going head-to-head with the monster quite literally you also have the spin to win and let's be real this is one of the sickest attacks in the games and it can also launch players but going into the cons though it can also launch players can unfortunately also be outshined sometimes by some other knockout stun potential weapons um kind of silly if you ask me but it is true it can be outshined your stamina also gets drained while you're char charging attacks um it's not like the biggest Con in the world but it is a drawback of the weapon to balance it out it also has pretty short reach weapon might be girthy in its size at the tip of it oh what the hell am I saying but no it's true this weapon is a very thick weapon with two C's but it's not very long which means that it's kind of hard to be hitting all the time or sometimes your reach just isn't there it isn't the worst reach in the game but it is something to note the ham bam Hammer uh B for Bonker a tier next we have the Giga Chad weap I mean the hunting horn the hunting horn has stunt potential just like the hammer it's a great weapon for exhausting monsters although it's not very relevant in Monster Hunter World due to the wall banging and such with the clutch claw and the Slinger burst monsters are enraged all the time and when they do get enraged they gain all their energy back so exhausting monsters not the most typical thing I guess but it is to be noted that it is a pro of the hunting horn the hunting orn is also just a weapon that can play Tunes to buff or even heal yourself and your allies it's considered a light weapon in terms of Mobility too making it very good for traversing the map it has better damage than most players think and speaking to the crowd of the hunting horn I've got it straight this time this weapon is not a support weapon but it has great support supportive capabilities this weapon is best utilized in the play style of people who want to help others but also want to jam it out a little bit or want to have good reach but also be able to buff without having to use any items or anything like that this is a very very very unique weapon and I practically respect all hunting horn players who play this they're the ones who give us Buffs and stuff like that and sometimes they can give us nice unique Buffs that only the hunting horn can provide this is a very very slept on weapon very good uh it's very good for solo play although you might not think it I highly suggest that you give it a try the hunting horn crowd is one of the smallest crowds in Monster Hunter world and I think it deserves to get bumped up a lot in terms of how many players are using it and uh yeah this weapon I just mad respect to it very awesome weapon uh a lot of people have the wrong idea about it um but otherwise the last Pro of the hunting horn is every horn has different notes that can be played meaning you get different Buffs going into the cons however every horn has different notes that can be played meaning different Buffs so that's kind of like a pro and a con depends on how you look at the hunting horn but some hunting horns are better for certain monsters or some have only certain notes which means different Melodies which means different Buffs depends on the hunting horn completely so that is a bit of a learning curve and you need to have multiple builds set up if you want to take on different monsters but there are some hunting horns in the game that can give you very good notes that are generally good for every fight in the game um but otherwise the hunting horn I think in my opinion is really hard to use um it's really hard to understand what Buffs you want or what Buffs are even good for you and your teammates if you're playing solo if you're playing multiplayer um knowing the optimal damage Combos and also needing to memorize Melody for the Buffs or even have a cheat sheet which monster hun world does have a cheat sheet on screen but it's kind of a hassle to be looking at it to remember what it is all the time but not too many cons to the hunting hord except it being uh a bit hard to use with having a very very unique weapon mechanic which ultimately I think is for the better of the weapon hunting horn this is actually tough for me I wanted to go a tier um but considering how good this weapon can be in the right hands and its General versatility and utility we're giv it s tier now going into the Lance this is a weapon that also not a lot of people use the Lance has the best defensive capabilities in the game yes I said it it also has extremely long reach and because of this it can somewhat pinpoint Target wings and tails with upward thrusts has a running charge attack which you can jump into the air which is just I don't know looks sick man it also has a claw Counterattack through the perfect guard um meaning you'll get an instant claw Mount and you can go straight into your claw attack of course it has extremely high damage up time when played optimally because this weapon can really stick to monsters Like Glue with its defensive play style it's actually a very very aggressive weapon because of this people think it's a defensive weapon and I've been guilty of that in the past too as they say the best offense is a great defense if the monster can't interrupt you and what you're doing you can just poke at the monster all day long and while those single pokes don't do massive damage like the great sword swings or something like that if it's consistent and steady over time you'll actually outdo a lot of other players when playing optimally it also kind of has unique combo potential too in my opinion don't at me at that I I think it does it also has really good Mobility uh people don't realize that the mobility of this weapon is actually pretty good it comes through the charging running attack with this weapon you can kind kind of do it whenever you need to to get back up to the monster but what's nice about this is that you can stop to block midun at any point that's why this weapon is so good you don't really need to sheath it when you need to get back over to the monster you can just charge back in you also look like a gigachad when you're using this weapon so you know that's one thing this is also one of the best weapons for utilizing the offensive guard skill it's also gives you tons of extra damage when you block an attack with really good timing some of the cons though is that that it arguably arguably I'm saying has the lowest DPS in the game when gam playay is optimized with every weapon at least this weapon can also have some bad matchups in the end game it can also be very clunky and awkward to use at first um but otherwise I think this weapon is also very beginner friendly if you want to have a slower Pace experience with the game and not even that slow honestly don't even listen to that this weapon is right up your alley and I think that you should give it a try at the the very least it's a very defensive play style but like I said if you can play very defensively that means you can get your guaranteed damage and this weapon can outshine other weapons in the right hands the Lance I want to put this in a tier so bad I so bad want to but we're going to go to a high be next going into the gun Lance the gun Lance has many different play Styles depending on what shelling type you actually use um there are a few different shelling types there's the long type the white type and the normal type this is a weapon that also has very great reach it has extremely great defense not as good as the Lance but still very good it offers a very unique weapon play style unlike any other weapon in the game what other weapon has the tip explode all over the monster what the hell am I saying actually what this weapon is also very mobile with proper weapon knowledge um just like the Lance a lot of people might think that it's slow clunky in the movement department but but in the right hands if gun Lance players know what they're doing with this weapon it actually has good Mobility a pro to this weapon having shelling and explosive damage is that explosive damage is fixed and that can be great in the right situations for example sometimes blades don't do a lot of damage in certain parts of the monster but with shelling the damage is the same no matter where you hit as long as it is hitting the monster this weapon can also still cut Tails as is still a bladed weapon weapon this weapon also has infinite combos with the use of the quick reload animation to reload your shelling um it has the worm steak which can give extra damage for you and teammates has the super mega the Slinger capacity worm steak I can't remember the name but the upgraded version of the worm steak which can give extra damage for you and your teammates whenever somebody hits it with an explosion kind of like the light bow gun we'll go over later in a bit but that weapon can drop mines or wyvern mines on the ground and because of the worm steak it also benefits highly from the Slinger capacity skill uh very very good skill for this weapon and this weapon is just a super badass weapon compared to most weapons in the game plus it also has wyvern fire which is also super awesome attack some of the cons however though is that that same wyvern fire can blast your teammates um it also requires an advanced play style um like I said you need to have proper weapon knowledge or at least skill or experience with this weapon to be pretty good with it in my opinion especially comes to uh being mobile with the weapon and knowing optimal damage and when do use shelling and what kind of shelling you are using um and some of the weapon attacks can have some really long animation times but again that just ties back into being uh very knowledgeable with the weapon like I said before so uh this weapon it's not for beginners I used to think that um but this weapon it really shines in the right hands and uh if you pick up this weapon because you think it looks cool or you just want to be doing big damage or you just want to be exploding and have a a very unique play style I highly suggest you stick with it for a while because it only shines as you get better with it gun Lance G tier I guess we don't have that um B tier heading into the light bow gun the pros of this weapon EX extremely mobile weapon this weapon has the best mobility of the game there is no denying it you can literally run around while you're shooting you have access to different Elemental damage through the ammo um you also have access to status ailments because of that has access to Knockouts through sticky ammo which can outperform the hammer sometimes like I was saying before with the hammer there are some weapons that of shine it sometimes but typically this is through a build that prior IES only sticky ammo so the damage isn't really the best but it also has access to the evade reload which is specific to the light bow gun unlike its counterpart it also rewards a very keep away play style so if you want to play more um third person shooter esque play style the light bow gun and even the heavy bow gun which we'll get into are extremely awesome weapons for that and uh I think that they're very accessible especially the lightbow gun for newer players into the series I think more people people should give the light bow gun a try it's very fun and it's kind of more of a casual play style in my opinion that's not a bad thing though I love the light bow gun personally I'm a veteran a monster hunter I consider myself a pretty good player with a lot of weapons the light bow gun though is like the weapon I can always fall back on if I just want to have an easy time if I'm not trying to complete Quest as fast as I can uh it's the safest weapon in my opinion due to all these reasons um that also has access to wyvern blast which can be utilized by other party members it's a great candidate for a support play style due to being a light weapon and being able to sheath it very quickly you can actually still deal massive damage in the right hands uh you don't need to load your Special ammo with this unlike its counterpart and you can also cut tail still with slice ammo uh some of the cons though the overall DPS is low due to it favoring a mobile play style like I said um Good Luck mounting a monster with this weapon as well you also going to need clutch claw boost decoration to tenderize with this on the first tenderize if all you're doing is claw shotting and attacking like I said before and it only actually has one Special ammo type unlike its counterpart the heavy bow gun but otherwise this weapon is really really really good you're not going for Big Max damage with this weapon or the fastest hunts ever stuff like that but this weapon offers a unique play style that a lot of other weapons just really you don't man the light bow gun we're going to go into a tier going into the counterpart of the light bow gun is the heavy bow gun the heavy bow gun has arguably the best damage in the game arguably it has access to pretty much everything the light bow gun can use it can be modded through the bow gun customizations with shields which is broken on spread ammo play style it's kind of like a shotgun play style but you also have a shield on your gun so if a monster Hits you you're just chilling you attack backward the blast of the face has has access to stun through sticky ammo just like the light bow gun you can still afflict status ailments um it's the only weapon capable of cluster bomb ammo or or the cluster bomb play style in general uh it's seen better days in the base game of Monster Hunter world but cluster bomb play style is pretty unique and cool and unlike the lightbow gun this weapon also has access to two different Special ammo types you have wyvern har and wyvern fire wyvern Hart is more like a Rambo machine gun play style which is my favorite honestly I think of the two but wyvern snipe is also really cool you get into a prone position and shoot one really strong shot into a monster which pierces and then explodes in the end also very cool looking actually you know I don't know which one is my favorite they're both super cool man this weapon also rewards a very keep away play style if you are good at spacing with this weapon properly it also typically has larger ammo clips than the light bow gun uh it can trivialize a lot of endgame monsters with the proper Shield build like I was talking about before it also has access to the special scope which makes your View kind of sucky but also adds a ton of damage so if you're okay with that it's only a pro for the weapon it can also still cut Tails just like the light bow gun through slicing ammo uh some of the cons however though is the heavy bow gun is extremely extremely heavy which means you can get whooped if you don't have Shield mods equipped or if you don't have skills like like a vade window or a vade extender give you some extra invulnerability frames or just to have your rolls go further to have proper spacing like we talked about before some of the cono is the special scope attachment like I said before it makes your view I don't know I used to be a fan of this view before but I'm not so much a fan of it anymore uh it's not my favorite by far also cluster bomb play style and the wyvern fire ammo that this gun can produce can also blast party members so you got watch out for that the heavy bow gun a welld deserved s tier this thing is a monster with the bow this is one of the fan favorites of Monster Hunter actually I think that it is lacking a little bit in Monster Hunter world let's get into the pros first the bow also arguably has the best damage in the game with the proper build that is it's one of the best candidates for Elemental damage as well just like the dual blades it also has an extremely great keep away play style has infinite ammo unlike your boow bow guns uh bow gun's normal ammo for each gun actually is also infinite but the bow only does one type of ammo which is your arrows basically and but you have access to Coatings kind of like bow gun ammo Coatings are a little different though as they apply Coatings are a little different though also kind of similar they apply the same kind of effects but only through status elements as bows inherently actually have an elemental damage that they can do all the time unlike bow guns where you actually need to be firing specific Elemental uh ammo to get that Elemental damage the weapon dashes are extremely fast with this weapon as well like we said before this is a very very mobile weapon um the bow is one of the more mobile weapons in the game uh and it also rewards a very keep way play style because of this it can also make great use of Slinger ammo for strong Slinger burst Dragon piercer attacks depends on what kind of ammo that you have loaded into your Slinger but it enhances the piercer attacks like I said very very strong attacks you also don't really need to charge them as long as the typical normal Dragon piercer but some of the Cons with this weapon this weapon is extremely skill dependent there's a huge difference in damage due to not having proper builds and it can be extremely weak early game unfortunately due to this um this weapon also eats up your stamina a ton these all kind of tie into each other if you don't have the proper damage skills or setups you don't have the proper stamina usage skills and stuff like that um this weapon can be kind of hard to get into it's very lacking I think I think it has the potential to be one of the worst weapons in the game if you are not endgame or you do not have really good builds set up in the first place but when you do have those builds online and you're near the end game or you just got a really good build early game this weapon can shred like no other the bow straight into to B tier I'm sorry bow users I'm sorry I had to do it to the bow B for bow right now talking about the switch axe the switch axe is a weapon that was introduced in Monster Hunter try and remains one of my favorites as well as a fan favorite it rewards an extremely aggressive play style as this weapon doesn't really actually have a whole lot of defensive capabilities actually it doesn't have any it has extremely fantastic reach no matter the weapon form um it does have two weapon forms though uh through two weapon stances the axe mode and the sword mode and these modes can suit the fight as you need it can also knock out monsters through the vials of the weapon and because this weapon does have two different play Styles it means a lot more versatility and and fun in my eyes this is a weapon there you need to build up your sword modes gauge to be able to go into sword mode to do proper really good damage with it at least and the sword mode does come with a natural Mind's Eye skill effect which means that your weapon will never bounce off of a monster due to hard hide or something like that um it also is capable of infinite combos so like some of the other weapons in this game and this is the also the only weapon capable of one of the easiest ways to solo Fatalis and other end game monsters like that if your sword mode is powered up whenever you clutch claw into a monster you can do the Zero Sum discharge attack which basically just a stab into the monster leading up into an eventual explosion and damage ticking all the way in between it's a really awesome attack it also doesn't require a lot of setup and commitment to deal damage unlike its counterpart which we will go over soon some of the cons though with this weapon is that the switch axe like I said it's lacking in defensive capabilities it's a very very aggressive weapon um the sidestep Hops have poor eye frames um they have gotten a little better over time if I remember correctly somebody please let me know in the comments down below and also surprisingly it's not very mobile even in an axe form the running is pretty good but the rolls aren't very good and like I said before the side step hops very poor iframes and it just has very little defensive options overall but it does have some good utility through the type of switch axe that you're using and uh it can be very very strong in the right and capable hands and is also an awesome candidate for a single player run the switch ax well I want to put it almost in B tier I feel like that's too harsh this thing still puts out mat damage so a tier coming into the insect Glade this is one of my new favorite weapons in the game I think um this weapon has unrivaled Mobility we were talking about the light bow gun before or the dual blades I think the insect glaive beats it out but doesn't necessarily outshine the other ones actually because insect glaive is the only weapon capable of uh launching itself into the air at any point unlike the sword and shield which has access to a jump attack the insect GLA literally can Propel itself into the air you can even do a dash in the air and attack in the air if you can keep a combo going then you won't exit the air for a pretty long time with this weapon because you're Airborne so much as well um it's the king of mounts you get a lot of mounts with this weapon it really shines against aerial monsters because of its aerial capabilities it also shines against very large monsters due to its aerial capabilities um just like you know Safi jaiva Zeno Jaa sharish shalda also does pretty respectable damage per second when on the ground through the poer Buffs that you need to acquire with this weapon it could be used as some sort of support weapon through healing clouds of this weapon depending on how your insect glaive is set up although that's not like the best but it also gain the aerial downward thrust attack which marks monsters automatically it also deals mad damage with the followup once you do reach the ground it also has extremely great attack range um some of the cons though is the the aerial mode kind of leaves you defenseless kind of you can still obviously Dash around in the air to evade attacks but um you have to commit to the attacks that you are doing when you do this weapon there's no cancelling out of them for the most part you also have to get your Kinect Buffs to properly access a lot of the move set of this weapon you need to Target different body parts of the monsters to get all three Buffs the most important by far is the red damage buff which comes from hitting the head most mostly with your Kinect and returning that to you and because of that um you don't have access to all of the move set until you do get that red buff but once you do you're online baby surprisingly also this weapon has one of the longer sheath animations very odd um I've always thought of this weapon as maybe being a good candidate for a support weapon maybe um due to it being super agile but yeah much longer sheath animation than you might expect otherwise a really really really solid weapon that is pretty overlooked I think and honestly like I said I've been trying this out a lot recently and I've got to say uh this weapon is very very unique and offers a really cool play style that I think solo players and multiplayer players um would really have a really good time with the insect glaive a tier coming into the charge blade though this the last weapon on our list it's also a extremely big fan favorite of the series it also is uh talked to be one of the best weapons in the game let's go over the pros and cons though and we'll see where I fall at this though the charge blade starting off has a fantastic defensive options through shielding guard points and counters even it also rewards a very patient big brain weapon management play style um it has multiple distinct play Styles which you can switch between on the fly if you want it's also a decently mobile weapon can be built very differently depending on the files that the weapon comes with it's a strong candidate it for great Elemental builds it can also knock out monsters it has big payoff into one of the strongest attacks in the game which is the super amped Elemental discharge and in my opinion this weapon has the highest skill ceiling in the game that is my opinion but I think that it's pretty accurate for the most part this is a very very hard weapon to use though you have a lot of weapon management like I said before you have to charge your vials with this weapon you have to store them into your Shield you have to charge them again to be able to access your super amped Elemental discharge through normal means anyways you could also charge the sword with your vials if you want you can also go into what is known as Savage axe mode which is a whole another thing um this weapon has a lot of weapon management like I said before and for some players including myself I don't like all of the stuff that you have to do to get this weapon set up but that doesn't mean that this weapon is bad at all this weapon is one of the better weapons in Monster Hunter it just depends on the play style that you're looking for for instance if you miss that strongest attack the SED you just wasted so much time and it requires a lot of literal charging to get the weapon set up for proper damage like I said um so getting access to your stronger moves can be a bit of a hassle especially if you're not able to capitalize on it and finally the charge blade it gets a well-deserved s tier although I'm not a big fan of this weapon myself um but I cannot deny its power well there you have it guys this is my definitive tier list I think I thought about a lot of avenues that these weapons can take and I believe that there is really no bad weapon in Monster Hunter even though these weapons that I have in B tier uh b stands for badass as far as you're concerned um there's not really anything wrong with these weapons um it's just that some can do more than others but sometimes you want something specific and focus so the bow doesn't really lose out to something like the hunting horde if it does something completely different am I right but with all that said um we'll get into some comparisons later for now let's see what you guys had to say in the community voted tier list okay so starting off with the sword and shield it looks like what you guys had to say is the sword and shield is a tier but let's figure out why DB Hemlock says the sword and shield in Monster Hunter World iceborn deserves s tier not only is it unbelievably versatile and fast but perfect Rush dishes out damn near Great Sword levels of damage it's absolutely amazing I have to agree with DB Hemlock but let's go down and see some other things s tier all day fast able to change attack Direction on a whim that just like I said quick access to items can mount better than insect glaive has been proven mathematically so maybe I'm wrong about the insect glaive can block somehow people forget this slashing and knockout damage good at Elemental and status effects due to fast attack speed sword and shield is great for new Hunters to get the hang of and for veterans to Master look looks like we have a lot of good comments here um but it's still got an A tier so let's put it in the a tier next we have the great sword with a 66% votage rate uh for the S tier let's see why though s tier for sure badass looks simple moves but very hard to master requires perfect knowledge of the monsters s tier for the best I'm not parenthesis so we got someone who's trying to be real here spawn 229 b or a tier for learning Hunters we've all been here yeah I think this is a very good weapon I think it is here for sure Chewbacca chunks here says the great sword is such a unique weapon it can be a rough experience at first you are learning how to use it properly at first it feels really bad to feel like you are doing basically no damage having a hard time getting your big attacks to actually land but once you actually start getting good with the weapon and learning all the punished Windows of specific monsters and you start actually reliably Landing your big damage the feeling is unrival true charge slash is one of the most satisfying attacks in the game great sword is an excellent weapon that requires a lot of game knowledge to to make work and rewards your growing game knowledge in an incredibly satisfying way but because it is so reliant on very game specific knowledge of the monsters move sets you either feel like you doing next to nothing to a monster if you aren't very good or you know all the ins and outs and can absolutely obliterate monsters there isn't too much in between and I have to agree with this code the toad also says after playing great sword for a long time you can freely transition to using any other weapon comfortably because you literally have to learn timing placement monster positioning and movement can knock out with tackle and slap and also you can very easily make glaive users have existential crisis by stealing all their Mount plus is The Big Dig damage we all love you get the wakeups that explode the monster face or chop tails in one go and it's the most empowering weapon in the series iconic to say the least it's Platinum G rank Ultra Instinct s+ tier I have to agree code the toad great sword into the S tier for the dual blades looks like we have an a tier I think s the amount of damage for the hits you do is really good plus crazy mo ability in combos enough said from pickle juice here I wonder 1893 says s tier in my opinion one of the highest DPS in the game alongside with being the best elemental weapons you're extremely quick agile and you have your demon mode which you're going to use all the time for maximum damage output only downside with dual blades is its range but up close it's easily an S tier weapon plus you have plus you can ey frame so easily with the dashes in your demon and Arch demon mode that's out however it looks like we did get an A tier for the Dual blades it might be due to it not having utility from all the votes so we're going to a tier with this one you guys voted the long sword s tier as well with 10,000 votes on this one hypers steel 9821 a chat of the channel and longtime supporter says as much as people hate being flinched by Longs sword users it has insane damage a parry and uh well anime moves it so yeah I think it's s tier th Malone says I feel it's s tier solo when you have 100% of the monster's attention I personally think it's more of an a tier and multi due to less eii counters SL ease of countering and predicting and I have to agree with this a lot actually looks like Rocky here also says special sheath foresight slash plus you look [ __ ] awesome so you know there's that so you guys voted the long sword s tier oo wow I'm surprised by this one hammer got an S tier damn 42 likes on this William here with the Jigglypuff picture says as a hammer Enthusiast I must say hammer is the most Superior weapon and easily gets s here my hammer Brothers will gladly agree with me and apparently all the hammer Brothers here here and supporting cuz we got 42 likes on this comment jez Lucas Robo guy also says I don't use the hammer but I chose s cuz these guys are always awesome to have when in Hunts and I have to agree they're just like the hunting horn players Hammer players are awesome and I love having them around gray Zeal also says in Monster Hunter World playing solo Hammer with Slugger secret allows for an absurd amount of knockdowns especially if you use crystal burst or scatter nuts to stun the monster further but overall double the knockdowns of almost all other weapons and it's pretty dang mobile yeah I have to agree I don't know if it quite gets an S tier but you guys voted at s so it goes into the S the hunting horn also got an S tier with a well-deserved 52% of the votes more than half of the votes is really good buy says where does great swword belong points at a tier where does heavy bow gun belong points at s tier where does hunting horn belong points at my heart 42 likes on this one bony good job call me Ben bet says I must tell you that hunting horn Mains are children of God they come to bless us with Buffs and heals and even kill monsters for us so thanks all hunting horn Ms and wish you guys keep the passion in creating Arts Vash the unrivaled says I don't use it and I don't see myself using it but props to them hunting horn users are one of the coolest guys in Monster Hunter Roger says one of those weapons where it's super useful in multiplayer hunts but you literally never see anyone using it that's true it's uh I think it's about a 1% usage rate actually so for the hunting horn s tier all right the Lance got a B tier that is where I ended up putting it as well let's find out why though Mason here says Lance is the epitome of you won't always notice me but I'm always here if you're the Lance user that makes it your goal to block the fatalist cone breath to save that one Rando out of position you sir deserve a medal can every weapon do that actually I might have to test that for a video my leg here says I've made Lance and hunting horn forever and with Lance I've learned that it's not about dodging it's about countering it's a whole different play style that is honestly way more fun than a lot of people realize and me playing Lance recently I have to definitely agree with my leg the Lance is actually a super fun and awesome weapon with tang it says Lance main here Lance is a manly weapon oozing with confidence a gentleman's tool designed for the strong to stand in front of the monster and shoulder that dive bomber meteor truly the monster shall not pass hell yeah dude so the Lance obviously gets I guess a b tier the gun Lance also got a B tier rightful says gun Lance is easily s in my eyes when you know how to play it position and have the decoration skills to build it up properly it doesn't go as shallow as just take all the attack Jewels exploits or whatever offense Jewels you can and call it a day I definitely don't consider it a pickup and play barebones kind of weapon which is why I assume people would rate it lower when just wanting to try it out but man is it funny to block almost any attack you want ideally you should be bunny hopping out of the way and hitting anywhere you want on a monster and still clearing hunts fast AF the damage is insane for how consistently you can blast a monster without penalty like don't even get me started on the worm steak blast which lets you get even more explosive damage in when you set off explosions near where you injected it into the monster straight up up free DPS and all it costs you is some Slinger ammo Sylveon Surfer a longtime supporter of the poles in general as well gun Lance my beloved s tier obviously I don't care about speeduns or damage charts I care about one thing and one thing only full bursting everything in the game to death I believe you can't be a bad person if you main gun LS well I don't main gun LS but I hope that means I'm not a bad person too for putting it into B tier unfortunately and for the light go gun have a solid and well-deserved a tier I believe a tier because of its ability to sustain damage through the whole fight and can be used to support a whole team with status elements and quick sheathing for wide range not s tier because bow and heavy bow gun are cracked says cross Polaris vze says hands down the best support weapon for crowd control and wide range love helping out other Hunters with it and just keeping the monster crowd controlled for half of the fight easy s TI for me cake of poke says l b gun belongs in Miss cake tier cuz that's the only weapon I know by the way guys if you don't know cake of poke is also a monster hunter content creator and it turns out that she has new merch here so please go check out her merch go check out her Channel go give her a sub and maybe consider buying something looks like her products come from red bubble and I've been considering it myself but shout out to you k a poke but it looks like light B gun is going into the a tier and now for the counterpart of the light bow gun the heavy bow gun a 56% votage rate oh my gosh into s tier poow Ken says the best weapon in the game for tanking DPS versatility and it's also one of the easiest to use anyone who doesn't rank it s is just coping the Arnold fication says Giga s tier very op law the only Dr drawback I can think of is bow guns aren't that good early game because the ammo isn't as accessible and you can die pretty easily in Solo hunts if you're not careful and I have to agree with that Captain goo says has very good damage Shield and it's easy to learn all the qualities I think as an S tier weapon should have the slower movement and Dodge are the only weakness but the shield covers it s tier and I have to solely agree with this comment right here I think it summed it up all pretty well so the heavy boat gten where we s tier the bow gotten s tier with a 54% votage right very good Captain shake and bake says I'm a bow main so biased but absolute s tier for me yes a few monsters in world are not suited for it but overall bow is a mobile Elemental killing machine and nothing beats the satisfaction of toppling a monster but a fully charged bow dance shot wolf hunted says bow is one of the most satisfying weapons to master because it's often hard to tell the difference between a good and a bad bow user unless you use it yourself the feeling of just barely dancing outside of the monster attacks while it's raining arrows on it with one of the many Elemental bow sets You' made it may not be the flashiest but it has a certain Elegance to it especially considering you're probably going to get one shot if you're hit at all against some of the hardest monsters clar ml says it's not overwhelmingly the best anymore since ice board endgame hunts were pretty unkind to its play style Fatalis alatreon Arc tempered velca but it's still s tier I only have heavy bow gun sword and shield and great sword over it and also the glitching gun Lance so the bow goes into s tier coming into the final few here we have the insect glaive and a solid a tier with a 45% voting that's not too bad zikro says I love how it's so hard not to give these collections of unique and diverse attacks that we call weapons anything lower than S they're all just so carefully crafted that being said I think insect glaive itself deserves a or b because even at endgame Gathering Essence is a chore and Rise has opened my eyes about how cool Kinex attacks could be blue Raptor says it is the clutch claw weapon it actually feels built around clutch claw play the aial clutch claw attack and the Slinger drops for ksec boot boost as well as the clutch claw attack being quick and doing decent damage makes it feel amazing and I also forgot to mention consistent mounting the weapon itself might be the most unique weapon in the game and nothing else that does anything like it extremely fun weapon good damage and an amazing role in a multiplayer setting s tier and I don't even play it that often LOL so we're going into a tier unfortunately not s but a switch a also got a tier FY says I love switch ax it's such a cool weapon and it's been my main sense try that is game it was introduced if you don't know it just gets better and better in each new version of the game that said it is in no way s or a tier in iceborn zsd spam and amp slash damage aside it is a melee weapon that does respectable damage it isn't like great sword where it always does big damage it has an upkeep cost which is amped State and sword gauge then it has no defensive options which that alone pretty much keeps it out of s tier in my opinion a solid B tier and there's nothing wrong with that now if it still had that sexy Valor style Elemental discharge it would still be B tier but it would be S tier and sexiness Zoro a longtime supporter of the channel as well says s steer easily that's coming from a hammer man late game/ strong builds that make it that much more powerful Rock Steady plus health regen augmentation equals that one attack that drills into the monster spam and it's op wasn't that like the number one fatalist chees Strat when he was out and yes it was you can easily solo Fatalis with the proper zsd the zero some G charge a build with a rock steady mantle and a temporal mantle and your full tool specialist and it's it's broken looks like the combination of these though landed in a tier finally we have the charge blade at a 67% stier voting rate I think that was the highest today correct me if I'm wrong everybody as a charge blade main with more than 1,200 hunts I'm happy to see an Nest here says Hunter Monster Hunter bong water Bojack says once mastered it's an easy s so much damage such a a wide range of applications looks so damn good it's basically s and s+ what makes me drop it to a however is the difficulty plenty of weapons will match its combat Effectiveness without needing to commit as much time to learning them I have to agree with Bojack here Beamer says maybe the most fulfilling weapon in the game to master the skill ceiling is so high and it has so many Tools in its kit forces you into close range forces used to learn monsters attack timings pays off big openings has multiple play Styles and can even do element Al a complex but beautiful weapon I have to agree the charge blade is very very good I think it's one of the uh most unique weapons they've designed and I think it's a really cool weapon s tier so looks like some of the major differences is that in your guys's tier list uh the B tier is missing the bow and I think that's rightfully slow for most players my tier list just has the bow and B because I feel like it's just really hard to get it online um it's also lacking in Moet in my opinion so these are the final results of the tier lists um it looks like you guys have a lot more weapons placed into the S tier or actually just a couple more than mine and the only two weapons you do have in the B tier are both of the lances as you guys all voted the bow into the S tier as well looks like the hammer even made it into s tier which is actually pretty phenomenal the only things I don't agree with as much is the long sword being an S tier and I guess just the bow but otherwise they're pretty similar tier list I think we all have it knocked out pretty well but overall I think they're actually pretty similar we all have the charge blade and the stier the heavy bow gun the hunting horn the great sword uh you guys place a sword and shield and a which is just a step below s and we both have the Lancers in the B tier I think that we did a pretty good job all things considered at the end of the day I don't really believe that there are any bad weapons in Monster Hunter there are of course some weapons that or perform others but that's only when you're Min maxing for like top damage and stuff like that in reality all these weapons have their place with the right players and I believe it's up to us the players to determine what weapon we like because it either feels good whether we like the damage or maybe we just like to look cool when we use it like I said I'm a fan of the big big damage but I'm also a fan of very flashy attacks when it comes to my placements of the weapons on my tier list and even the community's tier list they are indeed definitive and you must listen to what I say and use the weapons that I put only into s tier now jok's aside take everything with a grain of salt everybody has their tier list everybody has their own personal body bias and while I try not to be too biased it is always hard to let it slip in there is no tier list out there without any bias whatsoever so that you want to be a super uber chargeblade Main and have the big brain with the big damage go for it if you like the Lance because you just like to stab all day and like the stick to the monster light glue and that's what you should do that's going to do it for today guys and girls hope you enjoyed the Monster Hunter World 2024 definitive tier list until Monster Hunter Wilds comes out the only other thing I'm wondering is how do you guys feel about these lists after you've seen it in this video do you guys like my tier list more or do you like the community voted tier list more do you agree with the placements and the S ranking and the B rankings of the tier lists and do you hate me or what for putting the bow in B tier let me know what you think in the comments down below I try to get the most of them and I always take them into consideration for my future content and if you haven't already please consider subscribing to the channel the community for this channel is growing so rapidly and I can express how thankful I am for that we have a Discord server on my main Channel page if you're interested in that but otherwise I'm going to be covering Monster Hunter World content all the way up until the release of Monster Hunter wild before we all eventually hop on there so if you want to stay updated on any info for Monster Hunter wild or you just want some more videos on Monster Hunter world or you want to play with me even in my live streams or in the Discord then hit that sub button but that being said I'm signing off this has been terisa and I'll catch you all in the next one peace [Music] e
Channel: TeraRyza
Views: 217,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster hunter world, capcom, monster hunter iceborne, monster hunter rise, monster hunter rise sunbreak, monster hunter 6, monster hunter, monster hunter world gameplay, monster hunter world iceborne, alatreon, alatreon theme, alatreon monster hunter world, mhw, monster hunter wilds, safi'jiiva, kulve taroth, return to world
Id: rEmHLEA5-yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 12sec (3372 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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