13 Advanced Tips For MONSTER HUNTER WORLD You Need To Know

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hey guys I'm Steve also known as Terra Mantis and with the influx of new players to the Monster Hunter series and with the PC version of World right around the corner I thought it'd be a good idea to cover some aspects of the game that are extremely important to being a good hunter that the game itself doesn't really explain very well or at all and if I was new to the series these are things that I would definitely want to know when first setting out with that said though there are some tips and strategies that are for more advanced players or for those who are at or along the way to the endgame so let's start with some really easy general tips and then we'll get into more advanced stuff as we go to start is something that I see even advanced players not utilizing to their advantage more than anything else which is environmental traps these are aspects of the natural environment that can be used to damage or restrain monsters and in some cases both these various environmental hazards from paralytic toads and flash flies to the real star vine traps and collapsible pillars not only do many of these hazards damage the monsters themselves but they also allow your team to do uninterrupted damage for a short time providing easy access to strike breakable monster parts with your weapons strongest attacks so to say these traps are important is an understatement but nowhere are they more important than with Elder Dragons there are a few elder dragons that enter rooms with various collapsible pillars and this is a great way to do thousands of damage and knock down some of the toughest monsters with relative ease now this next tip won't work on elder dragons because they're immune to hunter mate traps but it is a tip for dealing extra damage to any normal monster and all it really boils down to is not being afraid to use your hunter made traps early in a hunt just as a means for your team to dish out some serious damage I personally advise using shock traps as they deploy much faster than pitfalls but pit traps can work as well either way you look at it hunter mate traps are definitely something that I've noticed that's underutilized for damage purposes one thing to note though and that's very important is that traps do have diminishing returns in other words the more times you use a specific trap on a monster the faster we'll be able to break free of shock or pitfall traps so don't be afraid to use traps fracture damage but also don't go crazy with them either the next tip is pretty simple put crafting recipes on your action wheel like flash pods or mega bombs or shock traps this will allow you to craft items on the fly as long as you have the components in your inventory in other words if you have three flash pods and ten flash bugs in your inventory if you run out of flash pod you can quickly craft together three more pods and equip them put in your total karya balázs pods at 13 without having to restock now the next topic goes hand-in-hand with this idea and that is never drink normal potions to restore health instead bring ten mega potions and then accompany those with ten normal potions and ten honey the normal potions and honey are the components needed to craft mega potions this way when you run out of mega potions or are getting low you can easily craft more mega potions on the fly while out in the field putting you at a total of twenty mega potions without needing to restock all right the next one has to do with weapons more specifically a stat or really a hidden stat that can be an attribute on some weapons for some weapons you might be looking at the damage and think damn that has a lot of raw damage and the elemental damage is high too well that might be the case but in some situations that elemental damage is actually hidden or lying dormant so the deal is if you're looking at a weapons elemental or ailment damage numbers and they're grayed out that means that the weapons Andheri properties are actually hidden and your attacks are not benefiting from those properties to unlock these dormant powers hidden in many weapons you'll need a skill that skill is called free element and this skill can be obtained in several different ways through gear with the free element skill or there's also a pretty rare decoration as well with three points into the free element skill you unlock the full 100% potential of your weapons true hidden power now speaking of hidden powers the next one has to do with several very important items that are an absolute necessity to make you passively a better more powerful hunter but they can easily be overlooked those items are the power charms of power talent armor charm and the armor talent both the armor charm and armor talent stack to increase your defense and the power charm and power talents stacked to increase your attack and it's important to note that these are not consumable items to gain these buffs all you have to do is have these items sit in your inventory so for the price of 4 inventory slots you gain 15 attack and 30 defense now to obtain the armor charm and power charm all you have to do is buy them from the provision stockpile merchants in astera the armor charm is 24,000 zeni and the power charm is 36,000 Zeni for a total of 60,000 xeni so that covers both charms now to get the armor talent and power talent you'll have to craft them and to do that they'll eventually be unlocked in your crafting list after killing basil piece so after killing basil geese to craft the talons you have to combined your armor and power charms with basil geese talons so then after you craft the talons you will need to purchase the armor and power charms once more putting the total cost of these trinkets at 120,000 zeni and in the early game that's pretty costly but it's very much worth the money alright so on that note let's talk briefly about one of the best methods that I found to make money really alts broke down 2 is farming the great javis very quickly the catches that you need to be hitting the Jag responsible while also wearing the bandit mantle with the bandit mantle on the more you hit a monster the more they drop trade-in items which are worth is any so you want a weapon that hits often and hits fast dual blades and demon mode is a good option this or I personally use the heavy bow gun that has wyvern heart and this is what a run looks like I grabbed an investigation for great jag res go to the first camp run to where Jagger ass is passing because it's always the same route every time lay a trap in that path pop my bandit mantle my crit sprinkler and then unload the heavy bogans wyvern heart in its face then if it lives through the wyvern heart with all close-range modifiers in the bow gun start firing spread shot after this there's a lot of Chinese to pick up from the bandit mantle praça and these drops is where the real money is at so after looting all the trade-in items just either kill or capture the jaggis and you're all done at the final hunt screen I grab the armored spheres and usually just sell the rest for around fifteen to twenty thousand xeni per run and like I said before that's not including the trade-in items depending on the number of drops it's safe to say that you'll earn anywhere from thirty five thousand to fifty five thousand xeni with this method every five minutes or less now to speed up that farming process is a good idea to save various loadouts you can do this for both equipment loadouts as well as inventory item loadouts this is great for instantly swapping gear decorations charms and consumable items to suit a specific hunt you're about to embark upon for instance like I mentioned earlier elder dragons are immune to shock and pitfall traps so there's really no reason to bring traps on elder dragon runs it's nice to simply click a button on a save the loadout to change your gear items so easily and quickly definitely set these up the next tip is simple but critical and that is to come to a hunt prepared by now you should have your loadout it's all set up you should have crafting components on your radial menu to be able to craft on the fly and you should have your armor and power charm along with your armor and power talent all to make you a better more effective hunter but that's not enough it's important to buff your character at the start of a hunt make sure to drink demon drug and armor skin these will give you an armor and attack buff that persists until you faint or a hunt is finished additionally another thing you should do at the start of a hunt that's extremely important is to always eat before a hunt so let's jump into that a bit because the meal system is probably the most convoluted poorly explained and confusing part of Monster Hunter to newcomers that's actually very important so let's talk about the canteen ingredients food buffs and food skills so to start let's discuss the ingredient types and ignore everything else for a moment ok so there's four different kinds of ingredients meat fish veggies and alcohol now including the alcohol each ingredient provides a specific type of buff when consumed in pairs meat gives an attack buff fish gives a defense buff and veggies give an elemental resistance buff each buff of attack defense and elemental resistance has three different tiers of potency small medium and large for every two ingredients of the same type consumed that potency will go up one tier for example if you eat two fish you will gain a small defense buff if you eat four fish you'll gain a medium defense buff and if you eat six fish you will gain the large defense buff the ingredient types can also be mixed up for different combinations like for veggies to gain a medium elemental resistance and to meet for a small attack buff and so on so that's food buffs now let's talk about food skills and fresh ingredients now fresh ingredients are meat fish veggies and alcohol that are indicated by a sparkle and fresh ingredients have two purposes one with each piece of fresh food you consume your health and stamina will be increased for a hunt and two each fresh ingredient added to your meal will increase your chances of obtaining that food skill passive ability and those chances of obtaining the food skill passive ability is indicated by red stars in the corner of the meal interface in short the more freshness you add the higher it goes up and the more likely you are to get the food skills applied now food skills are additional passive abilities you can gain through eating ingredients with matching properties the corresponding property is indicated by the color in the corner of the ingredient there are currently seven different properties or colors and for every two matching colors you have a chance at receiving that specific food skill for example if you have two Reds of any meat fish or veggies you will have a chance at receiving the Tier one courage buff of feline polisher which often speeds up the sharpening of your weapon if you have four Reds you'd have a chance at the tier 2 courage food skill and if you had 6 Reds you'd have a chance at the highest tier 3 courage foods now just like with the meat fish and veggie bus before you can mix these ingredients for example you could have four of the light yellow food properties to have a chance at the tier two artillery food skill and two blues to have a chance at the Tier one resilience food skill the catch is you need to have fresh ingredients to have a good chance at getting to food skills you want and the food skills that you want might not always necessarily be the food that's fresh that is of course unless you use a meal voucher to order your food when using a meal voucher you're guaranteed to receive all the corresponding food skills last but not least an in the sake of thoroughness and to explain all the food symbols if you're in a hunting lobby with someone who has unlocked any ingredients that you have not unlocked personally the other players ingredients will be listed for you to order with your meals and other players ingredients are indicated by this orange ribbon in other words if you're playing with someone who has unlocked all the food then you'll have access to all the ingredients as well alright that was a long one don't worry the next one is short and sweet let's discuss monster mounting 101 and first and foremost the cardinal rule of monster mounting is don't attack monsters when another hunter mounts it it's as easy as that while another teammate is mounted hacking away used this time to sharpen your weapon buff yourself or teammates eat a ration whatever just don't attack a monster one another hunters mounted instead prepare yourself follow it around and then get ready to do damage after it topples over all right the next one is a quick tip for people still going through the story mode are trying to complete a special investigation of monster hunter World and Special Investigations are basically quest to track down a random unknown monster while to help speed up this task make sure you have the skill scholar scholar is an important skill because it has the ability to speed up progress on research levels and Special Investigations meaning you'll get these quests done much faster and one of the easiest ways to get this skill is by crafting the hunter's head gear alpha piece all right moving on regardless of your personal progress the end game of Monster Hunter is really all about farming decorations and augmentations to craft your idea of the perfect build well to farm decorations and augmentations you need to hunt tempered monsters and tempered Elder Dragons so this topic is going to cover the best methods I found to farm tempered monster investigations and to do that you're gonna need to smell a lot of tempered spit snot and footprints but before we can talk about farming investigations let's briefly cover tempered monsters in general first off tempered monsters are simply stronger versions of their normal counterparts additionally they come in three different threat categories threat level 1 tempered monsters will be easy to find you'll gain the ability to fight them long before you finish the main story of the campaign threat level 2 tempered on the other hand while they're not unlocked until hunter rank 29 when the game tasks you with killing two tempered Basile geese after defeating the pair of beelzebub bombers you'll have access to all the tempered monsters besides elder dragon now to unlock tempered Elder Dragons will have to reach hunter rank 49 and defeat a tempered Kirin ok now that all the tempered monsters are unlocked let's talk about farming tempered investigations to get those sweet sweet decorations really the long and short of this farming method is very simple essentially all you have to do is get a tempered monster investigation that's 50 minutes long that's the most important aspect then enter the investigation wait a long time about 25-30 minutes after that time goes by put on your ghillie mantle and go pick up a lot of prints that's the gist of it now to maximize this meth personally I found that for threat level two monsters that Diablos is the best investigation this is because Diablo stays very localized to his cave leaving many prints in a very small area and as for threat level three elder dragons nerd ghonte is the best for the same reasons naga ghonte stays on a very tight-knit path piling prints in a very small area so just do this a few times and I promise you'll have some great tempered hunts to go on all right guys that's about it I really do hope this video helped you out in some way I wanted to create a good one-stop shop for all the best practices that I've been sharing with my friends that are new to the series so in that regard if you did find the video helpful please hit the like button it really goes a long way with the success and search ability of videos it helped me out a lot and I'd really appreciate it alright guys thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: TerraMantis
Views: 2,107,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monster Hunter World, Mosnter hunter, Guide, Tutorial, Canteen, Meals, Vouchers, Food, Food Skills, Food Buffs, How to use canteen, Traps, Beginner's Guide, Monster hunter for Beginners, How to get into Monster Hunter, How to be better at, MHW, How to craft Items, Charms, How To get, Power Talon, Defense Talon, How to Make Zenny, Zenny Farming, Money Farming, How to Farm Tempered Dragons, Tempered Monsters, Elder Dragons, Tempered, Decorations, Gems, Arekkz Gaming, Gaigin Hunter
Id: f8rC-f1BJhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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