Busting 100 Geometry Dash Myths!

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this guy says Geometry Dash is dying but looking at the popularity of the game this is not true at all it's more popular than ever meaning this myth just got busted like this first myth I about to bust 100 more some of which will shock you for actually being true myth number two you can go under the jumes grounds okay so I'm playing a level right now which supposedly should put you under the grounds and oh damn it's true this guy says there's an unused scratch face in the game AKA this facee of scratch well by going to jum meltdown you can see this phase is actually being used busted there are four types of moderators true you have the normal moderators who send levels to rupt up Elder moderators who can ban users and comments leaderboard moderators who delete cheated records and what most people do not know dark moderators this was only given out to someone named messel for 5 minutes meaning he was able to unband people with his powers all level names in the game are under 20 characters all right if we check the online levels this seems to be confirmed but we haven't checked every single level yet the main level Theory of Everything to has not 20 but 22 characters busted finger Dash had 53 updates in total confirmed before being released it had a huge amount of updates starting with just a simple layout the following user says there are only three coins in the game the collectible the secret coin and the user coin H he's right except for him missing a crucial coin the blue coin a coin that you can't come across while playing but hidden in the game fouls myth eight deadlocked has the most amount of stars you are able to get from a level maybe true because back in 2014 a hacking incident found place that made you able to potentially get 127 Stars whether you would actually get these Stars was still a mystery all main levels get more difficult from left to right wrong for example deadlock to the 20th level is much harder than finger Dash the 21st level user masika says jump thrash bucks exist H definitely just look at this screenshot where ginormous number appeared on the color which normally never happens the jum thres main level screens always have been the same okay at first glance it looks like you're right but a long time ago there were arrows on the main levels meaning this myth is busted levels get Auto deleted if you only put one object inside them okay done time to wait a day and I'll come back to the results later first let's continue with some more interesting myths it takes exactly 37 seconds to fall all the way from the top of the editor to the bottom of the editor it apparently took a year for GD to release on PC after its initial release this user set let's try to Google this oh Dam he's right it came out December 2014 one year and 3 months later myth busted myth 15 the verifier of the extremely hard demon bloodbath said quack at a certain point in the level let's carefully listen H if we slow the footage down even more you can clearly hear he says swack instead of quack busted 31.7% of all players have beaten a demon okay first I'm going to randomly type 100 usernames in the search bar and Mark every user that has one or more demons in their profile the end results only seven people myth most likely busted there were times where geeter streamers played NSFW levels on stream what the hell there's no way this is true oh clay FY says there used to be a spike on the final structure of Theory of Everything too let's play the level real quick get to the end and nope no Spike even though there seems to be something small on the S side geometr Dash makes you gain more weight well based on the comments I see on this post it's probably the opposite levels can sometimes randomly get completely empty true when you change your speed with hacks there's a chance the level randomly bucks out and becomes empty but a myth you probably didn't know what's wrong is the earliest level in the game chippy right everyone keeps talking about this being the earliest online level but that's completely untrue chippy has an ID of 91 but this forgotten level has an ID of 18 meaning it was uploaded way earlier user Boba 3 says the fastest unrated level happened in Just 2 minutes which is true it actually got unrated so quickly because of it being unplayable for most people due to the big amount of objects in the level a message pops up when not doing anything in Stereo Madness let's open the level and see if this is right nothing so far oh yeah you're right myth confirmed rtop is a millionaire definitely geometr Dash has more than 5 million downloads on justy Play store and just by that he already earns around $10 million he's a rich guy okay next Smith which is about rtop again geometr Dash isn't the only game rtop made hm when checking his Play Store account we can only see jump thrash games but let's look a little further oh on his YouTube channel it says he made this game called boom Lings but it has been deleted since some time ago if you beat a level before it get star rated you will still obtain these Stars this one actually got found out about by ketto and to my surprise is true do demon chest have the same rewards on your PC and your phone let's check this first by opening the first chest on my phone okay I see some orbs now let's open the one on my PC no it's different myth busted this dude says a four Spike jump is possible on normal speed Let's test it out all right first attempt is a fail let's continue yeah no this is not going to work verifying a level in practice mode in one attempt can make you still upload the level I made this beautiful layout for this myth so time to test it out out all right we're going okay let's see damn it doesn't work copying a level three times make the copy button disappear okay first copy second copy third copy now let's upload it and the button is still here use a song with more than one sound effect in it in order for the song to be 0.0 megabytes first I quickly am going to make a short level with two of these triggers then I'm going to upload it and the song is 0.0 megabytes okay myth confirmed the next myth works if you type minus one in a move trigger which apparently makes it infinite and it works ID 100 million has been reached okay this one is easy to check let's go to the recent app and yeah the most recent ID is more than 100 million the 100 millionth ID was reached at the 29th of January and got star rated we are on 1/3 with myth 33 there are no rated levels without likes at first I thought he was right cuz if you check out a level named San Spurs you can see zero likes on it but technically it just got the same amount of likes and dislikes so myth confirmed let's switch it up a bit let's see how fast we can bust 10 jump mths ready let's go you can like your own comments by spamming the like button no you can make a five Spike jump in platformer mode yes if you keep clicking icons on the home screen the screen will turn upside down absolutely Nots you can copy any level in GD 2.2 actually true now that I'm trying in every single level apparently is copyable I just farted no it wasn't short you can put one comment in a level is chat every 15 seconds true I'm trying to spam comments and need to wait 15 seconds longer Hexagon Force has a bug at 40% no you just suck you need to tap very lightly otherwise the bottom Cube will jump too and die in the memory part of the level geometrical Dominator you can actually see where to Jump by glow particles oh yeah that's true just focus on these colored glow circles right rtop decides the difficulty of a demon no the player does it by voting the difficulty of the level for all the five level ratings you get one Creator Point more each time nope the legendary rating still only gives three Creator points and final one if you activate the default mini icon option and use the mini Swing Copter it will appear as a mini Cube wow this is cursed confirmed okay time to take a rest and slow down for a bit rtop is the first ever account in Jon fresh well well if this was true his account would pop up by typing one since you can find accounts by just putting the account number in the search bar and no robtop has his 16th account there probably were 15 other test accounts before him but still myth busted apparently if you keep a daily level open for longer than a year the level becomes empty gracely enough this is true this was found out about by Norm Den chick a player who left his daily level unchanged for more than a year with the results being an empty level stereo Madness 100 times in a row is Extreme demon this is actually pretty easy to calculate let's say you can po stereo Madness 95% of the time with some quick math you can see that you have a 0.59% chance to beat it 100 times in a row so it would take roughly 200 attempts on average to BT level 200 attempts on such a long level is an extreme amount so what do you think myth busted or confirmed the emo blade level is retray easy to check let's check the emo blade level list as you can see right now it's out of space by Nikki okay this user says that if you play Jet Dash your chances of getting a gr friend go down by 50% I can't confirm nor deny this since the chances are already zero I'm sorry okay enough with the jokes user wool launcher says that more than 1 million messages containing high were set in the official GD server I'm taking a look at it right now and yes that is true di at 85% on dash and glowing eyes will appear until you restart start this one sounds interesting so let's open Dash and take a look at 85% the Moment of Truth nothing happens at some point F guys and jetr had the exact same amount of players this is true in 2021 both have multiple points where they exactly had the same amount of players now it looks a lot different guys I'm really confused wait player 200 says you can get a coin by saying destroy to the demon Guardian but you cannot even enter messages here what the total play time of every jump player combined is longer than the time span of the Earth this Source says earth existed for 4.5 billion years so let's say there are around 100 million players based on the most popular level outer space who on average played for around 50 hours this would be 5 billion total hours of Play Time AKA 570,000 years but this is significantly less than 4.5 billion myth busted if you type A1 X100 in the GD search bar the game will crash nope this is not true okay finally an interesting one again there are 1213 icons in GD let's calculate it 496 cubes 169 ships 18 BS 149 uos 96 waves 68 robots 69 spider 43 Swing Copters and five of these things let's check the answer and yes myth confirmed after verifying a level the information button next to the verified text doesn't do anything that is true the object text that sometimes pops up when playing level has a misplay pixel true the L has a misplay pixel right here in platform mode you can make the wave go vertical what I have to try this out okay we should be set and oh my goodness it actually is possible you can BT level the spike is over there while holding so this level is known to only have one jump so let's see if it's true what he said and no I already died the mirror mode setting doesn't work in the editor okay we are in editor right now with mirror mode enabled and and it does not work when update 2.1 came out you could view the comment history on all accounts that had it disabled that is right you could view the comment history on all accounts leaking comments from very famous in-game people demons can be a Five Star level I don't know what he means but no it only once sort of happened with a demon that was rated two stars not five also level show up when filtering on the easy difficulty all right we have the easy difficulty selected and yeah it shows auto level for some weird reason if you hold the main menu tab when not in full screen mode something weird will happen to your icons I let someone else do this for me since it's hard to do but yeah it seems like this user is right the waiver is all weird and stuff in the icon menu there is a misaligned line so far it all looks normal oh wait zoom in a little this part has a small part where everything is separated myth confirmed again do you still remember Boatman talking about if a level contains one object it will get deleted after a while yes myth conf confirmed it's deleted the most commented on level is the nightmare all right if we check out how many comments the nightmare has it says 437,000 comments but if we scroll down a little further we can see that bloodb the sixth most famous level has 500,000 comments taking the top spots the mini wave can go below regular spikes first I'm going to play some spikes put the mini wave game mode on and yeah it works myth confirmed jum thrash is world's hardest game since I do not have the slightest since I don't play games I asked my community become a member on my channel by the way the results were pretty convincing in platform remote you able to die by putting two slopes against each other so this guy said it only worked in a specific Way by placing them like this and time to see if he's right oh wow myth confirmed if you move the slider from the skill button in the editor really fast eventually it can disappear I've been trying for 2 minutes now maybe I just need to go really fast myth bastard the Tower levels in geeter dash can be beaten in less than 7 Minutes yes by taking some really Advanced Parts it is barely possible to just beat it in 6 minutes and here I am still stuck on the second level if you turned every letter of the Comet info help into a number You' get 442 all right that is true cool the daily level crown comes from RT Up's deleted game boom Lings the daily Crown looks like this and if we compare to the boomlings icon yeah they are the same almost at the end boys for the final ones I'll make some extra unknown ones through the list you ready there is an unused audio file that was never used in the game I'm scrolling through all the files right now and here it is this is what it sounds like in the year 2023 there was a point where all comons were red what normally all comons are white let me do some research during April Fool's everyone had weird names and the color of the comment got changed into red M confirmed there is a solid object in the game that consists out of two objects okay let's scroll through all the objects there is no way this is true yeah I scroll through everything and it seems to be fake when hitting your head repeatedly against blocks you can move faster than when you don't okay I decided to test this out on the top we have a cube do nothing on a row of blocks and on the bottom we have the same row of blocks but this time I'm holding start it all seems the same so far still the same yeah this myth is busted every jump moderator has Creer points here's a list of all moderators so let's check them out one by one okay just check them all they all have Creator points except for King Tony firework once has rainbow colors okay firework is this gray extremely hard level and very famous but I've never heard about it being rainbow colored but lately I saw message of structures in the level looking like this meaning this myth is confirmed the next three myths are all true number one the level with the most amount of triple spikes is tripa migan with 87 triple spikes number two the attempts on the weekly demon and the same level on the level tab are not the same the shortest extreme demon is 39 seconds long being called no jokes okay apparently if you stay in the demon gunet for too long eventually you'll get jump scared there was a level with 2.2 features before 2.2 released hm let's find out okay so apparently mobile challenge by the onx guy had features from 2.2 before and could only be played on G Ro it looks like this myth confirmed you can rebeat the same level if it appears on the daily or the weekly level tap I just beat the daily level let's turn back and give the normal level shot and yeah I got the same amount of stars again levels shorter than 30 seconds can only be rated two stars I am not sure why but I just checked all rated short levels and none of them are harder than the two star difficulty myth possibly confirmed there is one unused icon in GD this also is true if you scroll down all the way to the bottom of all icons on a GD icon generator you can see that there's one icon that's not used in the game if you put two orbs on top of each other they'll switch layers time to test it out first the yellow orp now a blue orp let's play the level and nothing busted there is one less extreme demon in the award section than in the recent extreme demon section oh yeah that's actually true myth confirmed if you make it so an object moves exactly the same speed as the player on platform remote you can achieve ultra speed okay I don't know how so I ask someone to do this for me so let's watch what happens oh oh my oh my goodness what just happened myth confirmed this guy told me you will see a smiley face if you keep holding in blood bath the answer seems nope main level screens once had a chance to almost be completely empty the answer is yes I got a few DMS of people who experienced this and it looks really Curt you can jump over three and a half blocks in GD first we're going to do three blocks which is simple time to try 3.5 and yeah this is not working there are 100 people on your friend list if you have more than 100 friends my friend list is almost full so let's check it out nope 101 people including me the dash spider part is skippable I've never heard of this one before and apparently you have to click the blue orbs really late okay there we go onto the next myth jump pets make you go higher than orbs true just a tiny bit higher as soon as you enter a mirror portal and restart the level will be backwards we're in a level with a mirror portal now attempt one failed attempt two oh wow it works you can get a max amount of friend requests no that's just wrong the final myth there is a secret hidden in this video the first person to find it gets $100 payal good luck
Channel: Waboo
Views: 527,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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