The Story of wrathion and the TRUE Battle for Azeroth - Patch 8.2.5 [Lore]

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This video is brought to you in colaboration with Tuhtuhtuh tuh tuhtuhtuthuthuh] Hello everyone! WoWhead has been hard at work datamining the next patch and a sexy new model showed up. Wrathion will finally have his part to play in the future so I thought it would be good idea to sit down and cover a bit of what we’ve seen on the ptr so far as well as give osme background information and talk about the future. Do keep in mind that spoilers will come, I’ll give you a heads up once we enter spoiler territory...for now lets go way back in time and talk about that sweet dragon lore. Azeroth did not always have dragons, but they did have proto-dragons that evolved from elements left behind when the keepers send the elemental lords to their elemental planes. The proto-dragons were a great help to keeper Tyr in his battle against Galakrond, so much so that they decided to empower them and turn them into the dragon aspects. Alexstraza, Y’sera, Neltharion, Nozdormu and Malygos. They were the very first, leaders of their individual flights, all of them having their own domains to guard. To keep their race going, more eggs and proto-dragons were evolved into dragons. Red, Green,Black,Bronze and Blue these flights would have safeguard the land against threats without and from within. Threats like the old gods who were burried in their own prisons deep beneath the world. They longed for their freedom. To return to the days where they ruled the planet. The days of the black empire. With Neltharion being the earth-warder, given charge over the mountains and deep caverns of the earth. He embodied the strength of the world but this connection to it, also made him incredibly volnerable to the corruption of the old gods. They whispered to him for millenia. Ever so subtle, they pitched him against his fellow dragons until his madness was revealed over 10.000 years ago. During the war of the ancients he convinced his fellow aspects to place a portion of their power into a device of his making called the dragon soul. It was planned to be used against the invading legion forces, but instead Neltharion, or deathwing as he would now be known, turned against them He used the device not only against the demons, but also the resistance fighting the invasion as well as his fellow dragons. Although he would eventually be defeated, this was a mighty blow against all dragon kind and they would take years to recover. Years that allowed the old gods to lay seeds for future plans. Seeds like the corruption of the emerald dream, Y’sera’s domain, a corruption known as the Emerald Nightmare. The madness of deathwing went further then just the aspect himself. His entire flight was under the sway of the old gods and would cause a lot of problems for the world of Azeroth. This was not exactly what the keepers had in mind when they granted him these powers. This was not what an earth-warder was meant to be. Fast forward millenia into the future to the time period of the cataclysm. Deathwing, in order of the old gods, was going around trying to bring about the hour of twilight. The moment in which the old gods would break out of their prisons and rule the world once more. He would find his demise at the end, by the hands of Go’el and the other aspects, turning that dragon soul against the corrupted aspect. “The champions who fought at our side assured the survival of our world, but now...we must see it with mortal eyes. We dragon aspects have fullfilled our great purpose and our ancient power is expended.” It sounds like this is the end of all dragons, like they fullfilled the titans wishes and now pass on the torch to the mortals of the world. It’s their duty to safeguard azeroth. There’s a reason why this ending is my least favorite one for multiple reasons. I’m a big fan of dragon lore and taking care of deathwing was never the ultimate purpose given to the dragons. They were meant to safeguard the world and threats like the old gods, N’zoth for example, they’re still out there. Then again, I understand they wanted to give it a bit of closrue so they took away a huge chunck of the aspects powers which is fine. We mortals have proven that we can be defenders as well. That’s not the major problem, but next to that they also made them mortal AND on top of that, they can also no longer reproduce. This was first mentioned on twitter and later confirmed in a questline. The race of dragons, these mythical creatures that have been around for millenia would eventually die out. Jesse cox, another big lore nerd had the oppertunity to interview Ion Hazzikostas and 2 years ago, they talked about the future of dragons. What this choice at the end of the cataclysm meant for their future. “Are we gonna have more dragon story in the future?” “That seems very likely. At 112 you learn in the chromie scenario, dragons are going to be very important. But part of the storytelling and the world building it’s always this trick of balancing the story telling now without closing possibilities for the future. They are litterary devices right? Yes, you killed Illidan in the black temple. He was seemingly defeated but as we’re planning out this framework for the legion expansion...wouldn’t it be awesome to have illidan around. Wouldn’t there be so many oppertunites. What if we tweek a couple of things, little bit of retconning going on, open up this door to let us tell an awesome new story. It was never our intent back in cataclysm to close the door forever on dragons. Dragons are gone, wthere’s never gonna be any in the future. Can’t ever do anything with them again. No dragon raids with them in the future. We know there’s rebuilding to do there if we ever want to focus the storyline around them in the same ways.” We know there’s rebuilding to do if we ever want to focus the storyline around the dragons in the same way so in essence if they feel like bringing back dragons into the story, they got some things to explain but there are ways to make it so. Keep that in mind for when we reach the end of this video. So during the cataclysm we battled with Deathwing, while some members of the red dragon flight thought that it would be really nice if we actually had a proper earth-warden. A black dragon that wasn’t corrupted. They had no knowledge of Ebonhorn hiding out in Highmountain. He too is an uncorrupted black dragon, only he was cleansed all the way back during the war of the ancients and has been hiding out with the tauren ever since. They had no idea that he existed so instead they performed their own experiments, trying to figure out some way of creating the first uncorrupted black dragon in millenia. By gathering wild black dragon eggs, wild black dragon corpses and Nyxondra’s eggs we combine those with an ancient titan device. Let it scan and excise anomalies, remove the corruption and voila! We had ourselves an egg. Despite deathwing trying to obtain it, the egg remains safe long enough for Wrathion to hatch. He’s not exactly happy with what the red dragons have done, but he’s more concerned about his own corrupted flight. Rogue heroes are recruited to help him exterminate each and everyone of them, including his own father. To his knowledge, all of them are dead, but that’s not exactly true. Disregarding Ebonhorn who was added to the story later, even back then we knew about Sabellian, a black dragon stationed on outland. Regardless, Wrathion believed his mission to be completed and then traveled to a whole new land previously hidden by mists, the lands of pandaria. Despite stepping away from the red dragons and refusing to follow their orders, our mission was still a success. We did indeed create an uncorrupted guardian of the world and that’s exactly what Wrathion is about. A vision has shown him that the Legion is coming for another invasion and he believes that a divided azeroth will never stand a chance against them. That’s why, with the promise of beautiful legendary items, he recruited heroes from both factions to follow him around and help him achieve his ultimate goal, one faction to whipe out the other. Sadly though, that never played out. His carefully layed plans were foiled by Varian who decided, after Garrosh was kicked out of the mantle of warchief and placed on trial, to notdismantle the Horde, but instead step away. Wrathion never understood that the alliance and horde were stronger because of one another. They had stood shoulder to shoulder against massive threats like the old gods and the legion before. By working together they’re a force that even the old gods are warry about. Sure enough, time and time again they fight with one another , but together they’re an incredible powerful force. Lessons our young black dragon friend seems to stubborn too learn. Now while on pandaria, a close friendship with prince Anduin Wrynn developed. During garrosh’ trial, Wrathion and Anduin confirmed that they see eachother as friends, but not even that bond would stand in the way of Wrathion and his goals. The legion was still coming. He did not believe Azeroth was strong enough, but perhaps if they had another horde, another army to stand with them...they would have a chance. The plan was created. With the aid of the bronze dragon Kairozdormu, garrosh escaped and was transported to a whole new reality. One where he would form the horde, to have it stand with our Azeroth, but garrosh wasn’t down with being used like that. He murdered Kairoz, yet formed this Iron Horde all the same. Not for the defense of Azeroth, but to conquer it. The dark portal turned red and heroes ventured forth to take care of this threat. Even Wrathion made his way to this alternate draenor as we learn from the log found at Admirol Taylor’s garrison. If you were quick enough you could even find a glimpse of the whelp flying away from khadgar’s tower... You have to wonder what they exactly had planned with Wrathion during the expansion, but like so much else, it seems to have been cut out. Then Legion alpha rolled around and again the black dragon prince was there, in highmountain. Right there, explaining what he was trying to accomplish by setting Garrosh free. By the time of release, our prince was replaced by Ebonhorn. Another uncorrupted black dragon except uncorrupted in a completely different way. Where as Wrathion was a bit of an experiment with an ancient titan device, Ebonhorns cleaning came with the use of one of the pillars of creation, the hammer of khaz’garoth. Again, we were forced to wait and wonder what had happened to wrathion. Where was he now, what was he up too.... A cameo in the chromie scenario of some alternate timeline was just not enough... So...knowing all that, what exactly does that have to do with battle for azeroth? Keep in mind that this point in time where we’re going to go into current lore as well spoilers for the next patch. If you don’t want any spoilers, then thank you very much for watching so far. It should be obvious now, but Wrathion is a character like by many and so his return has been desired for quite some time now. One of the first hints about his actions in battle for azeroth comes from an island expedition quest, you know those quests people don’t really pay attention too but drop little lore bombs. Like helya is apperantly back in hellheim? Yeah...those of them stars with an Unscarred Black Scale. <An utterly pristine black dragon scale taken from the dragons you recently encountered. The black dragonflight was completely decimated following Deathwing's demise and Wrathion's rise to power. Yet the size indicates a younger dragon. There is one person, one dragon, that you know will want to hear of this, but where IS Wrathion? You surmise he may be some place familiar, fortified, and abandoned.> Outside the entrance to blackwing descent we find one of his agents who accepts the scale as they were told to expect us. As compensation we get a bit of Azerite as well as information: Have you heard of the Dragon Isles? Few have, and fewer have been there. We have not found others of the master's kin... forthcoming in information. Should you uncover anything further in your travels, we will be awaiting a visit, with payment in kind. Wrathion is apperantly on the hunt for the dragon isles and it wouldn’t be surpising if you’ve never heard of them before. A lot of what we know about them comes from a book called World of Warcraft Diary written by Johnathan Staats. The book gives a really cool inside look at the development behind the game, some of the concepts that never really made it in, like the dragon isles. Said to be intended as a lvl 65 to 70 raid located north of lordaeron and west of quel’thalas before being cut. They were intended to be temples to the olds god with Alexstraza planned to be located there. That’s pretty much all we know about the dragon isles. An old concept now being revived. It’s not certain if that old idea, having temples to the old gods there, is actually a thing but considering what we find out in the next’s not crazy to think so. We’ll talk about that in just a moment. So we have a hint of Wrathion on a quest, yet our adventures continued all the same, filling up our Heart of Azeroth in an attempt to heal the world. MOTHER did some calculating and despite our best efforts, Azeroth isn’t doing too well. “World unit Azeroth cascading toward terminal failure. Evaluation: Possible to reserve condition by Amplifying Heart of Azeroth.” “Amplify it, you say? How?” “Infuse heart with magical essences capible of nurturing world unit azeroth. Example: Energies once granted by titan watchers to primitive draconic lifeforms.” “The dragon aspects? But they gave up their powers to save the world from Deathwing!” “Readings indicate other compatible essences coalescing in numerous forms and locations. Collection of these essences necessary to fortify Heart of Azeroth – and its wielder.” So we go out to gather essences of the different dragonflights to empower the heart and gain access to an ability called The Crucible of Flame. I won’t be going into too many details surrounding this questline, that will happen once I’ve actually reached the final quest and it’s no longer such a spoiler. The main point and connection to wrathion comes from the first essence we collect which takes us to Highmountain and Neltharion’s lair. Ebonhorn, the uncorrupted black dragon, join us on this quest and even decides to stay with us the chamber of heart. We’ve seen him struggle against the whispers of the old gods before. By leaving highmountain during the Highmountain recruitment scenario, quite a lot of darkness came after him. Our heroic actions of reactivating the wards and slaying Uul’gyneth prevented him from falling to darkness yet now, with N’zoth released from his prison, not even the Chamber of Heart is safe... ‘Champion, we’ve got a problem. Ebonhorn he...” “Old god contanimation detected. Initiating sanitzation protocol.” ‘No, don’t sanitize! Champion, you’ve got to get back to the chamber right now!” “The voices...I can’t” “Hold it together, Ebonhorn! Don’t give into them!” “Champion, I know...someone...who might be able to help.” And that someone is Wrathion! To prevent the dark forces that corrupted the black dragonflight once before, we’re going to need his help. He’s apperantly been studying the old gods in order to better combat their insidious powers. Not an easy guy to track down though. First stop is checking in with his associates in Pandaria at the tarven of the mists. “Hurry champion find Wrathion. He may be ebonhorn’s only hope.” At the tavern we seethat N’zoth likes to keep an eye on things. Lurking observers roam the area that needs to be removed before it’s safe to talk with the blacktalon bodyguards. They were told to stay here and wait for us. Said his brother would need his help eventually. Quite interesting that Wrathion now see’s Ebonhorn as his brother while in previous expansion the others of the dragonflight were nothing to him but targets to take out. Is he aware that Ebonhorn is not corrupted and there for on the same level as he is? Perhaps, the message left by Wrathion comes in the form of a torn journal page. Number seven to be precise. Wrathion has gone to dire maul to delve into the knowledge of the Shen’dralar. References to the old gods are vague and oblique, existing only as archeological footnotes from a time before the sundering. The shen’dralar adept in the arcane arts as they were, could not completely unravel the intricacies of the black empire’s dark magic. Yet a few of them did dabble in the void, and the lessons they learned grant me hope that N’zoth’s own power can be wielded against him... We do have an empty blade left behind by Xala’tath, brought over by horde members to the banshee queen who then had Nathanos use it to guide us to Nazjatar. Will the ultimate play be setting N’zoth free to then completely remove him? Who knows. Even in it’s abandoned state, the library’s meticulous organization truly impressed me. If only more of it had remained intact. Such an extensive loss of wisdom is lamentable. The shen’dralar tolled ceaselesly to collect the librams that lined their bookshelves, only for the lion’s share of it to be consumed by the flames of war. But such is the nature of warfare, is it not? Seldom does it accomplish the intentions of its architects, and never without leaving immeasurable devastation in its wake...especially when the Horde and the Alliance are the forces in conflict. Can one ultimately say that victory is worth the price that must be paid to achieve it? Perhaps it is, in some cases. But the verdict is not as easily reached as I once thought. Our little prince is growing up it seems, shaping and forming his thoughts about the world. Obviously, the black prince isn’t here. Not even his bodyguards know where to find him, but they point us to blackrock mountain all the same. Theres’a terace carved into its slopes... where Nefarian once made his lair. Wrathion has been monitoring that place for a long time and even if he himself isn’t there, we might find someone who knows where to look. At the spot where we turned in our island expedition quest, we now find the blacktalon watcher being drained of all knowledge by n’zoth’s minions. Forcing their way into his mind to find out what he knows. The minions go down easy enough. Another journal page was left with this guard as well as instructions to go to Karazhan next. Torn journal page #16; makes mention of his time in pandaria, hanging out with the lorewalkers and the shado-pan, learn more of their interactions with the sha. This dark force originates from the essence of the old god y- shaarj, the underlying principles of their tecniques could prove effective in resisting the whispers of the old gods. I must admit, I felt a certain kinship with the shado pan that i did not anticipate. The pandaren do not maintain a standing army, and so the shado pan serve as their sole defense against both the mantid and the sha. Though they have trained themselves to seal away their emotions, there is an air of solitude about them that I recognize all too well. It is no easy task to stand alone against the darkness so that others may bask in the light. But someone must always make that stand. And they can never allow themsleves to falter. That’s how wrathion see’s himself I guess, the man working from the shadows trying to protect the world. As instructed we fly out to karazhan but N’zoth’s minions have learned much from this interogated blacktalon watcher and are on the same trail as we are. A slain blacktalon lookout took out several of the sleepless operatives at the cost of his own life. On his body we find page #25: Few mysteries intrigue me more than the lost knowledge and technology left behind by the titans. I know for certain that the Forge of Origination is the key to dealing the old gods their ultimate defeat, though i have not yet been able to discern the exact manner in which it is meant to be used. This forge of origination was placed in the area now known as uldum by the titan keepers in the days of bringing order to azeroth. Not only would it help the titan spirit grow, it also worked as a fail safe protocol. In case the world would be too corrupted, this device could be activated to eradicate all life in the world, pretty much a reset button incase the old gods’ hold over the world became too strong. But that’s not the only way this device can be used. In the days of Lei- shen the thunderking, we saw that Lei-shen had his own vision on how to fullfill the keepers plans, how to lead the world as keeper Ra had fallen to dispair. Lei-shen set his eyes on claiming the forge of origination, but the Tol’vir, left behind by Keeper Ra to keep an eye on the place were outraged when they heard what Lei-Shen had done to their keeper. They would never join his side, so the Thunder King made ready to take it by force. Although the Tol’vir did not have the numbers to even remotely stand a chance, they did have the forge. They configured it to scour only the nearby land and everything in it, their enemies as well as their allies outside in the lands of Uldum, all of them felt the might of the energies of unmaking. What once was a lush jungle, a paradise as they described it, had now turned into the desert as we know it today. That’s how Lei- shen died for the first time so the forge can pretty much purge the surface of the world and be configured to do a much more local attack. Algalon during wrath of the lich king was planning to use it, but we slapped some sense into him and got a different reply code, one that deactivated the purge. Deathwing then tried to claim the forge for his plans during the cataclysm, plans that we prevented. And now his son Wrathion is wondering if we could use this device to deal the old gods their ultimate defeat. It is strange to think on how these events predate my own hatching. While i plumb the depths of forgotten lore from eons past, others have lived through crises I will only ever know from historical accounts. There must be someone on azeroth who possesses the understanding I require, and perhaps my next course of action should be to seek them out. A pity the former aspects are so reluctant to trust me. Even after all my research, their familiarity with the titans handiwork surely eclipses my own. But given the troubled history of my dragonflight...of Deathwing. Onyxia, Nefarian...and myself... I cannot say I blame them, either. Perhaps these actions will help him reconnected with the other flights, pool their knowledge together and figure out a sollution. Inside the catacombs of karazhan wrathion continued his research and now agents of N’zoth are crawling over the place looking for the prince. With any luck, we can find him before they do. Investigating clues left behind until we stumble upon Torn journal page #58: It speaks of his time inside the tower, the insighthe gained from the library allowed him to reach a significant milestone: I have concocted a tonic that, when imbibed, will cleanse a minor amount of the old gods’ corruption and silence their whispers. Such is merely the first step on the path to defeating them once and for all, but it warrants celebration nonetheless. Though I knew there were vluable lessons to learn in karazhan, I did not anticipate that some of them would emerge from my conversations with Medivh’s lingering spirit. He recounted his struggles under sargeras’s influence as the dark titan twisted his soul from within, and i was left to wonder if similar thoughts plagued Neltharion as he descended into madnesss himself. But, Medivh also spoke of his spirit’s return to the mortal realm, and how it guided azeroth’s champions in the fight against the very forces that once corrupted him. He said something on which I ruminate even now; I can never change the actions of my past. he told me. But I can forge a new legacy to leave behind. A new legacy. In the end, perhaps that is what I am truly after. A way to make amends for my father’s well as my own. A legacy worthy of the black dragonflight’s original sacred charge; the defense of azeroth. The end of the old gods. i do hope these pages have proven to be of use to you, Nobbel. I would hate to think my agents wasted their time delivering them to you as instructed. Rest assured that when the time is right, you will have my aid in the fight against N’zoth. In the true battle for azeroth. Oh...and one last request; Burn this journal. It is time my actions speak for me. I really love these little lore tidbits and bombs they drop. Medivh’s history in short is a child born from Aegwynn who was corrupted by the spirit of Sargeras after defeating its avatar in ages past. The powers of the guardian as well as Sargeras’ spirit were passed on to Medivh which would lead to a corrupted guardian. One that opened the dark portal and brought in the orcish horde for their very first invasion. Too weaken it and make it ready for another invasion from the legion. Medivh’s corruption was eventually discovered and he was killed too then be brougth back by his mother and recruit the world to stand against the legion. For a long time people wondered what happened to Medivh at the end of Warcraft 3. His mothers magics had brought him back to the physical world for this specific task and his powers were waning, he felt that his time on the physical plane was coming to an end. The task of safeguarding azeroth now fell to its inhabitants, just as he had intended. Yet his spirit is still tied to the tower of Karazhan. We saw it briefly during Legion and now once more it’s been confirmed that his spirit wanders the tower. One has to wonder if Khadgar is having conversation with Medivh as well but either way, Wrathion is looking for a better legacy to leave behind for his flight. An end to the old gods, he will stand with us in our battle against N’zoth. In our quest of saving the world not just from the wounds inflicted by sargeras, but also its corruption. “Champion! We need you back in the chamber at once. Ebonhorn’s almost gone! MOTHER”s opened a waygate to get you back here. Hurry!” So no wrathion to be found here, yet we still need aid for Ebonhorn. Luckily the prince has thought of this. After slaying X’korr the Compelling we find a potion of mental clarity and a hastily scrawled note. It’s meant for Ebonhorn to cleanse his mind of N’zoth’s influence. “The whispers...are silent... Wrathion crafted this potion? So you were able to find him?” “No, he eluded both N’zoth’s minions and our friend. But it seems he found a way to resist the influence of the Old Gods. Wrathion’s studies will not go to waste as MOTHER absorbs the knowledge into her database and they’ll use what they can to reinforce the chamber’s defenses. That’s where the PTR quest leaves us for the moment, but man did we learn a lot of interesting lore tidbits not just surrounding wrathion but just the world in general. We can be pretty certain that Wrathion is going to show up in the expansion this time. No more teasing or cutting out stories as he’s got a full blown new model which made the people of the internet fall for him all over again. Wrathion is growing up and so are his ideas when it comes to the future of the world. His motivation has always been trying to safeguard the planet. When we experimented, we wanted to make a true black dragon, a true guardian of the world, one uncorrupted by the old gods and that’s we got. He does not get corrupted or influenced on his mission which also means that his allegiances are not with the factions of the world. If you ask if we can trust him to be there for us? Then the answer would be no. Even Anduin wrynn, someone he’s very close too and he considers to be a friend, was pushed to the side when he stood in the way of Wrathion’s plans. Azeroth has his allegiance and he will do everything he can, everything that needs to happen to safeguard her future. That doesn’t mean he’s perfect. The plans he made up in the past, having one of the factions take over the other. Use Garrosh to form the iron horde, yeah they kinda backfired but his draconic heart was in the right place. I’d love too party with Wrathion again and perhaps visit the dragon isles. Learn knowledge that will aid us in the battle against N’zoth. He does mention old gods several times, plural, which makes me wonder if C’thun and Yogg-saron are still a massive threat to the world. Is that what N’zoth is after? Freeing his brothers or will he be satisfied with corrupting the world on his own. Is Wrathion perhaps searching for a way to restore the dragonflights? Ion Hasikostas did mention that they had to do some rebuilding to bridge that gap again and now we’re infusing the heart of azeroth with powers from the different flights. We’ve also seen the void infused dragons already pop up, trying to convert more of their kind. Xalatath is still walking around somewhere, can you imagine Xalatath and Wrathion in the same room? The boy king serves at the masters table, 3 lies he will offer you... Does wrathion perhaps know more about Anduin then we do? Will he be the clarification and perhaps ultimate salvation that we’re looking for? I can’t wait to see this unfold but by all means let me know what you think is going to happen! The future is still unwritten which has me very excited, but for now thank you very much for watching everyone! If you’re looking for more details on all the things we talked about today, then check out the related wowhead article in the description down below. Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaaand until next time guys...see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 222,912
Rating: 4.8998947 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Wrathion, Path 8.2.5, Old Gods, N'zoth, Ebonhorn, Corruption, Heart of Azerot, Azeroth, Azerite, Magni bronzebeard, Kalecgos, dragons, Deathwing, Neltharion, Deepholm, Karazhan, lair, Mists of Pandaria, Cataclysm, Rogue, Alexstraza, Aspects
Id: GEZdAuomWqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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